CRAN Package Check Results for Package FlexParamCurve

Last updated on 2018-10-27 07:47:01 CEST.

Flavor Version Tinstall Tcheck Ttotal Status Flags
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang 1.5-3 9.27 64.58 73.85 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc 1.5-3 8.20 50.46 58.66 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang 1.5-3 86.98 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc 1.5-3 84.57 ERROR
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.5-3 9.00 101.00 110.00 OK
r-patched-linux-x86_64 1.5-3 7.28 72.96 80.24 OK
r-patched-solaris-x86 1.5-3 122.20 OK
r-release-linux-x86_64 1.5-3 7.43 72.98 80.41 OK
r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.5-3 12.00 104.00 116.00 OK
r-release-osx-x86_64 1.5-3 OK
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.5-3 6.00 84.00 90.00 OK
r-oldrel-osx-x86_64 1.5-3 OK

Check Details

Version: 1.5-3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘FlexParamCurve-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: get.mod
    > ### Title: Copy objects between R environments
    > ### Aliases: get.mod
    > ### ** Examples
    > #transfer all nlsList models from the FlexParamCurve working environmment (FPCEnv)
    > #to the Global Environment. Note: unless or
    > #pn.modselect.step have been run, in which case this is default
    > #1. subset data object (only 3 individuals) to expediate model selection
    > subdata <- subset(, as.numeric(row.names ( ) < 40)
    > #2. run model selection in FPCEnv using Only two models (#1 and #5)
    > #specified to be run here to reduce processing time. see
    > modseltable <-$age, subdata$mass,
    + subdata$id, existing = FALSE, pn.options = "myoptions", mod.subset = c(1,5)
    + , Envir = FlexParamCurve:::FPCEnv)
    [1] modpar will attempt to parameterize your data using the following sequential procedures:
    [1] (1) Extract parameter estimates for 8-parameter double-Richards curve in nls
    [1] (2) Use getInitial to retrieve parameter estimates for 8-parameter double-Richards curve
    [1] (3) Extract parameter estimates for 4-parameter Richards curve in
    [1] (4) Use getInitial to retrieve parameter estimates for 4-parameter Richards curve
    [1] if any approaches are successful, modpar will return these and terminate at that stage
    [1] (1) Status of 8-parameter double-Richards curve fit in nls:
    [1] ....8 parameter nls fit failed
    [1] (2) Status of 8-parameter double-Richards getInitial call
    [1] ....8-parameter getInitial successful
    [1] "checking fit of positive section of the curve for variable M*************************************"
    [1] "checking fit of positive section of the curve for fixed M*************************************"
    [1] "3 parameter positive richards model failed/not fitted*************************************"
    [1] "4 parameter positive richards model failed/not fitted*************************************"
    [1] "Variable M models most appropriate*************************************"
    [1] "################ ################ ################## ################# ############### #########"
    [1] "Fitting model 1 of 2: richardsR1.lis"
    [1] "********************** Model richardsR1.lis has not been successfully fit, please trouble-shoot this model separately and then repeat function using existing=TRUE *************************************************"
    [1] "################ ################ ################## ################# ############### #########"
    [1] "Fitting model 2 of 2: richardsR5.lis"
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    fn(par, ...)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (Re(as.complex(1 + M[1] * exp(-K[1] * (xy$x - Infl[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (Re(as.complex(1 + RM[1] * exp(-Rk[1] * (xy$x - Ri[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M, RAsym,
     Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFMRM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFMRM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M, RAsym,
     Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
    } else {
     if (Re(as.complex(1 + RM[1] * exp(-Rk[1] * (xy$x - Ri[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M, RAsym,
     Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFRM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFRM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M, RAsym,
     Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym,
     Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF((0:max(xy$x)), Asym,
     K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: fn(par, ...)
    where 2: (function (par)
    fn(par, ...))(c(Asym = 4334.17580073736, K = 0.0632653544876502,
    Infl = 24.8483463411178, M = 0.517002166128575, RM = 0.997841195933385
    where 3: optim(value, richardsR, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = dnbnds,
     upper = upbnds, control = list(maxit = 1000, parscale = parscaleR))
    where 4: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
    where 5: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
    where 6: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
    where 7: tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) {
     call <- conditionCall(e)
     if (!is.null(call)) {
     if (identical(call[[1L]], quote(doTryCatch)))
     call <-
     dcall <- deparse(call)[1L]
     prefix <- paste("Error in", dcall, ": ")
     LONG <- 75L
     sm <- strsplit(conditionMessage(e), "\n")[[1L]]
     w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "w") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "w")
     if (
     w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "b") + nchar(sm[1L],
     type = "b")
     if (w > LONG)
     prefix <- paste0(prefix, "\n ")
     else prefix <- "Error : "
     msg <- paste0(prefix, conditionMessage(e), "\n")
     if (!silent && isTRUE(getOption("show.error.messages"))) {
     cat(msg, file = outFile)
     invisible(structure(msg, class = "try-error", condition = e))
    where 8: try(oppar1 <- (optim(value, richardsR, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = dnbnds,
     upper = upbnds, control = list(maxit = 1000, parscale = parscaleR))),
     silent = TRUE)
    where 9: (attr(object, "initial"))(mCall = mCall, data = data, LHS = LHS)
    where 10: getInitial.selfStart(func, data, mCall = as.list(,
     call = object[[3L]])), LHS = object[[2L]], ...)
    where 11: getInitial(func, data, mCall = as.list(, call = object[[3L]])),
     LHS = object[[2L]], ...)
    where 12: getInitial.formula(formula, mf)
    where 13: getInitial(formula, mf)
    where 14: nls(model, data = data, control = controlvals)
    where 15: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
    where 16: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
    where 17: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
    where 18: tryCatch({
     data <-
     if (is.null(start)) {
     nls(model, data = data, control = controlvals)
     else {
     nls(model, data = data, control = controlvals, start = start)
    }, error = function(e) e)
    where 19: FUN(X[[i]], ...)
    where 20: lapply(split(data, groups), function(dat) tryCatch({
     data <-
     if (is.null(start)) {
     nls(model, data = data, control = controlvals)
     else {
     nls(model, data = data, control = controlvals, start = start)
    }, error = function(e) e))
    where 21: nlsList.formula(y ~ SSposnegRichards(x, Asym = Asym, K = K, Infl = Infl,
     M = M, RM = RM, modno = 5, pn.options = "myoptions"), data = userdata,
    where 22: nlsList(y ~ SSposnegRichards(x, Asym = Asym, K = K, Infl = Infl,
     M = M, RM = RM, modno = 5, pn.options = "myoptions"), data = userdata,
    where 23: eval(parse(text = sprintf("%s", paste("nlsList(y~SSposnegRichards(x,Asym=Asym",
     savK, ",Infl=Infl", savM, ",RM=RM,modno=", modelno, ", pn.options = \"",
     pnoptnm, "\"),data=userdata, ...)", sep = ""))))
    where 24: eval(parse(text = sprintf("%s", paste("nlsList(y~SSposnegRichards(x,Asym=Asym",
     savK, ",Infl=Infl", savM, ",RM=RM,modno=", modelno, ", pn.options = \"",
     pnoptnm, "\"),data=userdata, ...)", sep = ""))))
    where 25: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
    where 26: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
    where 27: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
    where 28: tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) {
     call <- conditionCall(e)
     if (!is.null(call)) {
     if (identical(call[[1L]], quote(doTryCatch)))
     call <-
     dcall <- deparse(call)[1L]
     prefix <- paste("Error in", dcall, ": ")
     LONG <- 75L
     sm <- strsplit(conditionMessage(e), "\n")[[1L]]
     w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "w") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "w")
     if (
     w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "b") + nchar(sm[1L],
     type = "b")
     if (w > LONG)
     prefix <- paste0(prefix, "\n ")
     else prefix <- "Error : "
     msg <- paste0(prefix, conditionMessage(e), "\n")
     if (!silent && isTRUE(getOption("show.error.messages"))) {
     cat(msg, file = outFile)
     invisible(structure(msg, class = "try-error", condition = e))
    where 29: try(eval(parse(text = sprintf("%s", paste("nlsList(y~SSposnegRichards(x,Asym=Asym",
     savK, ",Infl=Infl", savM, ",RM=RM,modno=", modelno, ", pn.options = \"",
     pnoptnm, "\"),data=userdata, ...)", sep = "")))), silent = TRUE)
    where 30: runmod(userdata, modno[i], modelsig, existing = existing)
    where 31:$age, subdata$mass, subdata$id, existing = FALSE,
     pn.options = "myoptions", mod.subset = c(1, 5), Envir = FlexParamCurve:::FPCEnv)
     --- value of length: 13 type: logical ---
    [13] FALSE
     --- function from context ---
    function (Rparams)
     val2 <- data.frame(Asym = modelparams$Asym, K = modelparams$K,
     Infl = modelparams$Infl, M = modelparams$M, RAsym = modelparams$RAsym,
     Rk = modelparams$Rk, Ri = modelparams$Ri, RM = modelparams$RM)
     val3 <- (data.frame(t(Rparams)))
     if (length(val3$Asym) == 1)
     val2$Asym <- val3$Asym
     if (length(val3$K) == 1)
     val2$K <- val3$K
     if (length(val3$Infl) == 1)
     val2$Infl <- val3$Infl
     if (length(val3$M) == 1)
     val2$M <- val3$M
     if (length(val3$RAsym) == 1)
     val2$RAsym <- val3$RAsym
     if (length(val3$Rk) == 1)
     val2$Rk <- val3$Rk
     if (length(val3$Ri) == 1)
     val2$Ri <- val3$Ri
     if (length(val3$RM) == 1)
     val2$RM <- val3$RM
     Asym <- val2$Asym
     K <- val2$K
     Infl <- val2$Infl
     M <- val2$M
     RAsym <- val2$RAsym
     Rk <- val2$Rk
     Ri <- val2$Ri
     RM <- val2$RM
     if ( * (min(xy$x) - Infl))) == TRUE | (exp(-K *
     (min(xy$x) - Infl))) == Inf) {
     K = modelparams$K
     Infl = modelparams$Infl
     if ( * (max(xy$x) - Infl))) == TRUE | (exp(-K *
     (min(xy$x) - Infl))) == Inf) {
     K = modelparams$K
     Infl = modelparams$Infl
     if ( * (min(xy$x) - Ri))) == TRUE | (exp(-Rk *
     (min(xy$x) - Ri))) == Inf) {
     Rk = modelparams$Rk
     Ri = modelparams$Ri
     if ( * (max(xy$x) - Ri))) == TRUE | (exp(-Rk *
     (min(xy$x) - Ri))) == Inf) {
     Rk = modelparams$Rk
     Ri = modelparams$Ri
     options(warn = -1)
     if (modno == 17.2 | modno == 17.4)
     RAsym <- Asym
     if (modno == 17.3 | modno == 17.4)
     RM <- M
     if (Re(as.complex(1 + M[1] * exp(-K[1] * (xy$x - Infl[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (Re(as.complex(1 + RM[1] * exp(-Rk[1] * (xy$x - Ri[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFMRM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl,
     M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFMRM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl,
     M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     if (Re(as.complex(1 + RM[1] * exp(-Rk[1] * (xy$x - Ri[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFRM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl,
     M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFRM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl,
     M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     options(warn = 0)
    <bytecode: 0x1598768>
    <environment: 0x4839e60>
     --- function search by body ---
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Fatal error: the condition has length > 1
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang

Version: 1.5-3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘FlexParamCurve-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: get.mod
    > ### Title: Copy objects between R environments
    > ### Aliases: get.mod
    > ### ** Examples
    > #transfer all nlsList models from the FlexParamCurve working environmment (FPCEnv)
    > #to the Global Environment. Note: unless or
    > #pn.modselect.step have been run, in which case this is default
    > #1. subset data object (only 3 individuals) to expediate model selection
    > subdata <- subset(, as.numeric(row.names ( ) < 40)
    > #2. run model selection in FPCEnv using Only two models (#1 and #5)
    > #specified to be run here to reduce processing time. see
    > modseltable <-$age, subdata$mass,
    + subdata$id, existing = FALSE, pn.options = "myoptions", mod.subset = c(1,5)
    + , Envir = FlexParamCurve:::FPCEnv)
    [1] modpar will attempt to parameterize your data using the following sequential procedures:
    [1] (1) Extract parameter estimates for 8-parameter double-Richards curve in nls
    [1] (2) Use getInitial to retrieve parameter estimates for 8-parameter double-Richards curve
    [1] (3) Extract parameter estimates for 4-parameter Richards curve in
    [1] (4) Use getInitial to retrieve parameter estimates for 4-parameter Richards curve
    [1] if any approaches are successful, modpar will return these and terminate at that stage
    [1] (1) Status of 8-parameter double-Richards curve fit in nls:
    [1] ....8 parameter nls fit failed
    [1] (2) Status of 8-parameter double-Richards getInitial call
    [1] ....8-parameter getInitial successful
    [1] "checking fit of positive section of the curve for variable M*************************************"
    [1] "checking fit of positive section of the curve for fixed M*************************************"
    [1] "3 parameter positive richards model failed/not fitted*************************************"
    [1] "4 parameter positive richards model failed/not fitted*************************************"
    [1] "Variable M models most appropriate*************************************"
    [1] "################ ################ ################## ################# ############### #########"
    [1] "Fitting model 1 of 2: richardsR1.lis"
    [1] "********************** Model richardsR1.lis has not been successfully fit, please trouble-shoot this model separately and then repeat function using existing=TRUE *************************************************"
    [1] "################ ################ ################## ################# ############### #########"
    [1] "Fitting model 2 of 2: richardsR5.lis"
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    fn(par, ...)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (Re(as.complex(1 + M[1] * exp(-K[1] * (xy$x - Infl[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (Re(as.complex(1 + RM[1] * exp(-Rk[1] * (xy$x - Ri[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M, RAsym,
     Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFMRM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFMRM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M, RAsym,
     Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
    } else {
     if (Re(as.complex(1 + RM[1] * exp(-Rk[1] * (xy$x - Ri[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M, RAsym,
     Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFRM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFRM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M, RAsym,
     Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym,
     Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF((0:max(xy$x)), Asym,
     K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: fn(par, ...)
    where 2: (function (par)
    fn(par, ...))(c(Asym = 4334.17577207436, K = 0.0632653591612399,
    Infl = 24.8483476278506, M = 0.517002347947179, RM = 0.997841195655406
    where 3: optim(value, richardsR, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = dnbnds,
     upper = upbnds, control = list(maxit = 1000, parscale = parscaleR))
    where 4: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
    where 5: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
    where 6: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
    where 7: tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) {
     call <- conditionCall(e)
     if (!is.null(call)) {
     if (identical(call[[1L]], quote(doTryCatch)))
     call <-
     dcall <- deparse(call)[1L]
     prefix <- paste("Error in", dcall, ": ")
     LONG <- 75L
     sm <- strsplit(conditionMessage(e), "\n")[[1L]]
     w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "w") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "w")
     if (
     w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "b") + nchar(sm[1L],
     type = "b")
     if (w > LONG)
     prefix <- paste0(prefix, "\n ")
     else prefix <- "Error : "
     msg <- paste0(prefix, conditionMessage(e), "\n")
     if (!silent && isTRUE(getOption("show.error.messages"))) {
     cat(msg, file = outFile)
     invisible(structure(msg, class = "try-error", condition = e))
    where 8: try(oppar1 <- (optim(value, richardsR, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = dnbnds,
     upper = upbnds, control = list(maxit = 1000, parscale = parscaleR))),
     silent = TRUE)
    where 9: (attr(object, "initial"))(mCall = mCall, data = data, LHS = LHS)
    where 10: getInitial.selfStart(func, data, mCall = as.list(,
     call = object[[3L]])), LHS = object[[2L]], ...)
    where 11: getInitial(func, data, mCall = as.list(, call = object[[3L]])),
     LHS = object[[2L]], ...)
    where 12: getInitial.formula(formula, mf)
    where 13: getInitial(formula, mf)
    where 14: nls(model, data = data, control = controlvals)
    where 15: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
    where 16: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
    where 17: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
    where 18: tryCatch({
     data <-
     if (is.null(start)) {
     nls(model, data = data, control = controlvals)
     else {
     nls(model, data = data, control = controlvals, start = start)
    }, error = function(e) e)
    where 19: FUN(X[[i]], ...)
    where 20: lapply(split(data, groups), function(dat) tryCatch({
     data <-
     if (is.null(start)) {
     nls(model, data = data, control = controlvals)
     else {
     nls(model, data = data, control = controlvals, start = start)
    }, error = function(e) e))
    where 21: nlsList.formula(y ~ SSposnegRichards(x, Asym = Asym, K = K, Infl = Infl,
     M = M, RM = RM, modno = 5, pn.options = "myoptions"), data = userdata,
    where 22: nlsList(y ~ SSposnegRichards(x, Asym = Asym, K = K, Infl = Infl,
     M = M, RM = RM, modno = 5, pn.options = "myoptions"), data = userdata,
    where 23: eval(parse(text = sprintf("%s", paste("nlsList(y~SSposnegRichards(x,Asym=Asym",
     savK, ",Infl=Infl", savM, ",RM=RM,modno=", modelno, ", pn.options = \"",
     pnoptnm, "\"),data=userdata, ...)", sep = ""))))
    where 24: eval(parse(text = sprintf("%s", paste("nlsList(y~SSposnegRichards(x,Asym=Asym",
     savK, ",Infl=Infl", savM, ",RM=RM,modno=", modelno, ", pn.options = \"",
     pnoptnm, "\"),data=userdata, ...)", sep = ""))))
    where 25: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
    where 26: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
    where 27: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
    where 28: tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) {
     call <- conditionCall(e)
     if (!is.null(call)) {
     if (identical(call[[1L]], quote(doTryCatch)))
     call <-
     dcall <- deparse(call)[1L]
     prefix <- paste("Error in", dcall, ": ")
     LONG <- 75L
     sm <- strsplit(conditionMessage(e), "\n")[[1L]]
     w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "w") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "w")
     if (
     w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "b") + nchar(sm[1L],
     type = "b")
     if (w > LONG)
     prefix <- paste0(prefix, "\n ")
     else prefix <- "Error : "
     msg <- paste0(prefix, conditionMessage(e), "\n")
     if (!silent && isTRUE(getOption("show.error.messages"))) {
     cat(msg, file = outFile)
     invisible(structure(msg, class = "try-error", condition = e))
    where 29: try(eval(parse(text = sprintf("%s", paste("nlsList(y~SSposnegRichards(x,Asym=Asym",
     savK, ",Infl=Infl", savM, ",RM=RM,modno=", modelno, ", pn.options = \"",
     pnoptnm, "\"),data=userdata, ...)", sep = "")))), silent = TRUE)
    where 30: runmod(userdata, modno[i], modelsig, existing = existing)
    where 31:$age, subdata$mass, subdata$id, existing = FALSE,
     pn.options = "myoptions", mod.subset = c(1, 5), Envir = FlexParamCurve:::FPCEnv)
     --- value of length: 13 type: logical ---
    [13] FALSE
     --- function from context ---
    function (Rparams)
     val2 <- data.frame(Asym = modelparams$Asym, K = modelparams$K,
     Infl = modelparams$Infl, M = modelparams$M, RAsym = modelparams$RAsym,
     Rk = modelparams$Rk, Ri = modelparams$Ri, RM = modelparams$RM)
     val3 <- (data.frame(t(Rparams)))
     if (length(val3$Asym) == 1)
     val2$Asym <- val3$Asym
     if (length(val3$K) == 1)
     val2$K <- val3$K
     if (length(val3$Infl) == 1)
     val2$Infl <- val3$Infl
     if (length(val3$M) == 1)
     val2$M <- val3$M
     if (length(val3$RAsym) == 1)
     val2$RAsym <- val3$RAsym
     if (length(val3$Rk) == 1)
     val2$Rk <- val3$Rk
     if (length(val3$Ri) == 1)
     val2$Ri <- val3$Ri
     if (length(val3$RM) == 1)
     val2$RM <- val3$RM
     Asym <- val2$Asym
     K <- val2$K
     Infl <- val2$Infl
     M <- val2$M
     RAsym <- val2$RAsym
     Rk <- val2$Rk
     Ri <- val2$Ri
     RM <- val2$RM
     if ( * (min(xy$x) - Infl))) == TRUE | (exp(-K *
     (min(xy$x) - Infl))) == Inf) {
     K = modelparams$K
     Infl = modelparams$Infl
     if ( * (max(xy$x) - Infl))) == TRUE | (exp(-K *
     (min(xy$x) - Infl))) == Inf) {
     K = modelparams$K
     Infl = modelparams$Infl
     if ( * (min(xy$x) - Ri))) == TRUE | (exp(-Rk *
     (min(xy$x) - Ri))) == Inf) {
     Rk = modelparams$Rk
     Ri = modelparams$Ri
     if ( * (max(xy$x) - Ri))) == TRUE | (exp(-Rk *
     (min(xy$x) - Ri))) == Inf) {
     Rk = modelparams$Rk
     Ri = modelparams$Ri
     options(warn = -1)
     if (modno == 17.2 | modno == 17.4)
     RAsym <- Asym
     if (modno == 17.3 | modno == 17.4)
     RM <- M
     if (Re(as.complex(1 + M[1] * exp(-K[1] * (xy$x - Infl[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (Re(as.complex(1 + RM[1] * exp(-Rk[1] * (xy$x - Ri[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFMRM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl,
     M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFMRM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl,
     M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     if (Re(as.complex(1 + RM[1] * exp(-Rk[1] * (xy$x - Ri[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFRM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl,
     M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFRM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl,
     M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     options(warn = 0)
    <bytecode: 0x55f362003dd0>
    <environment: 0x55f3637f9418>
     --- function search by body ---
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Fatal error: the condition has length > 1
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc

Version: 1.5-3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘FlexParamCurve-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: get.mod
    > ### Title: Copy objects between R environments
    > ### Aliases: get.mod
    > ### ** Examples
    > #transfer all nlsList models from the FlexParamCurve working environmment (FPCEnv)
    > #to the Global Environment. Note: unless or
    > #pn.modselect.step have been run, in which case this is default
    > #1. subset data object (only 3 individuals) to expediate model selection
    > subdata <- subset(, as.numeric(row.names ( ) < 40)
    > #2. run model selection in FPCEnv using Only two models (#1 and #5)
    > #specified to be run here to reduce processing time. see
    > modseltable <-$age, subdata$mass,
    + subdata$id, existing = FALSE, pn.options = "myoptions", mod.subset = c(1,5)
    + , Envir = FlexParamCurve:::FPCEnv)
    [1] modpar will attempt to parameterize your data using the following sequential procedures:
    [1] (1) Extract parameter estimates for 8-parameter double-Richards curve in nls
    [1] (2) Use getInitial to retrieve parameter estimates for 8-parameter double-Richards curve
    [1] (3) Extract parameter estimates for 4-parameter Richards curve in
    [1] (4) Use getInitial to retrieve parameter estimates for 4-parameter Richards curve
    [1] if any approaches are successful, modpar will return these and terminate at that stage
    [1] (1) Status of 8-parameter double-Richards curve fit in nls:
    [1] ....8 parameter nls fit failed
    [1] (2) Status of 8-parameter double-Richards getInitial call
    [1] ....8-parameter getInitial successful
    [1] "checking fit of positive section of the curve for variable M*************************************"
    [1] "checking fit of positive section of the curve for fixed M*************************************"
    [1] "3 parameter positive richards model failed/not fitted*************************************"
    [1] "4 parameter positive richards model failed/not fitted*************************************"
    [1] "Variable M models most appropriate*************************************"
    [1] "################ ################ ################## ################# ############### #########"
    [1] "Fitting model 1 of 2: richardsR1.lis"
    [1] "********************** Model richardsR1.lis has not been successfully fit, please trouble-shoot this model separately and then repeat function using existing=TRUE *************************************************"
    [1] "################ ################ ################## ################# ############### #########"
    [1] "Fitting model 2 of 2: richardsR5.lis"
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    fn(par, ...)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (Re(as.complex(1 + M[1] * exp(-K[1] * (xy$x - Infl[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (Re(as.complex(1 + RM[1] * exp(-Rk[1] * (xy$x - Ri[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M, RAsym,
     Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFMRM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFMRM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M, RAsym,
     Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
    } else {
     if (Re(as.complex(1 + RM[1] * exp(-Rk[1] * (xy$x - Ri[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M, RAsym,
     Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFRM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFRM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M, RAsym,
     Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym,
     Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF((0:max(xy$x)), Asym,
     K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: fn(par, ...)
    where 2: (function (par)
    fn(par, ...))(c(Asym = 4334.17580073736, K = 0.0632653544876502,
    Infl = 24.8483463411178, M = 0.517002166128575, RM = 0.997841195933385
    where 3: optim(value, richardsR, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = dnbnds,
     upper = upbnds, control = list(maxit = 1000, parscale = parscaleR))
    where 4: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
    where 5: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
    where 6: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
    where 7: tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) {
     call <- conditionCall(e)
     if (!is.null(call)) {
     if (identical(call[[1L]], quote(doTryCatch)))
     call <-
     dcall <- deparse(call)[1L]
     prefix <- paste("Error in", dcall, ": ")
     LONG <- 75L
     sm <- strsplit(conditionMessage(e), "\n")[[1L]]
     w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "w") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "w")
     if (
     w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "b") + nchar(sm[1L],
     type = "b")
     if (w > LONG)
     prefix <- paste0(prefix, "\n ")
     else prefix <- "Error : "
     msg <- paste0(prefix, conditionMessage(e), "\n")
     if (!silent && isTRUE(getOption("show.error.messages"))) {
     cat(msg, file = outFile)
     invisible(structure(msg, class = "try-error", condition = e))
    where 8: try(oppar1 <- (optim(value, richardsR, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = dnbnds,
     upper = upbnds, control = list(maxit = 1000, parscale = parscaleR))),
     silent = TRUE)
    where 9: (attr(object, "initial"))(mCall = mCall, data = data, LHS = LHS)
    where 10: getInitial.selfStart(func, data, mCall = as.list(,
     call = object[[3L]])), LHS = object[[2L]], ...)
    where 11: getInitial(func, data, mCall = as.list(, call = object[[3L]])),
     LHS = object[[2L]], ...)
    where 12: getInitial.formula(formula, mf)
    where 13: getInitial(formula, mf)
    where 14: nls(model, data = data, control = controlvals)
    where 15: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
    where 16: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
    where 17: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
    where 18: tryCatch({
     data <-
     if (is.null(start)) {
     nls(model, data = data, control = controlvals)
     else {
     nls(model, data = data, control = controlvals, start = start)
    }, error = function(e) e)
    where 19: FUN(X[[i]], ...)
    where 20: lapply(split(data, groups), function(dat) tryCatch({
     data <-
     if (is.null(start)) {
     nls(model, data = data, control = controlvals)
     else {
     nls(model, data = data, control = controlvals, start = start)
    }, error = function(e) e))
    where 21: nlsList.formula(y ~ SSposnegRichards(x, Asym = Asym, K = K, Infl = Infl,
     M = M, RM = RM, modno = 5, pn.options = "myoptions"), data = userdata,
    where 22: nlsList(y ~ SSposnegRichards(x, Asym = Asym, K = K, Infl = Infl,
     M = M, RM = RM, modno = 5, pn.options = "myoptions"), data = userdata,
    where 23: eval(parse(text = sprintf("%s", paste("nlsList(y~SSposnegRichards(x,Asym=Asym",
     savK, ",Infl=Infl", savM, ",RM=RM,modno=", modelno, ", pn.options = \"",
     pnoptnm, "\"),data=userdata, ...)", sep = ""))))
    where 24: eval(parse(text = sprintf("%s", paste("nlsList(y~SSposnegRichards(x,Asym=Asym",
     savK, ",Infl=Infl", savM, ",RM=RM,modno=", modelno, ", pn.options = \"",
     pnoptnm, "\"),data=userdata, ...)", sep = ""))))
    where 25: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
    where 26: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
    where 27: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
    where 28: tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) {
     call <- conditionCall(e)
     if (!is.null(call)) {
     if (identical(call[[1L]], quote(doTryCatch)))
     call <-
     dcall <- deparse(call)[1L]
     prefix <- paste("Error in", dcall, ": ")
     LONG <- 75L
     sm <- strsplit(conditionMessage(e), "\n")[[1L]]
     w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "w") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "w")
     if (
     w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "b") + nchar(sm[1L],
     type = "b")
     if (w > LONG)
     prefix <- paste0(prefix, "\n ")
     else prefix <- "Error : "
     msg <- paste0(prefix, conditionMessage(e), "\n")
     if (!silent && isTRUE(getOption("show.error.messages"))) {
     cat(msg, file = outFile)
     invisible(structure(msg, class = "try-error", condition = e))
    where 29: try(eval(parse(text = sprintf("%s", paste("nlsList(y~SSposnegRichards(x,Asym=Asym",
     savK, ",Infl=Infl", savM, ",RM=RM,modno=", modelno, ", pn.options = \"",
     pnoptnm, "\"),data=userdata, ...)", sep = "")))), silent = TRUE)
    where 30: runmod(userdata, modno[i], modelsig, existing = existing)
    where 31:$age, subdata$mass, subdata$id, existing = FALSE,
     pn.options = "myoptions", mod.subset = c(1, 5), Envir = FlexParamCurve:::FPCEnv)
     --- value of length: 13 type: logical ---
    [13] FALSE
     --- function from context ---
    function (Rparams)
     val2 <- data.frame(Asym = modelparams$Asym, K = modelparams$K,
     Infl = modelparams$Infl, M = modelparams$M, RAsym = modelparams$RAsym,
     Rk = modelparams$Rk, Ri = modelparams$Ri, RM = modelparams$RM)
     val3 <- (data.frame(t(Rparams)))
     if (length(val3$Asym) == 1)
     val2$Asym <- val3$Asym
     if (length(val3$K) == 1)
     val2$K <- val3$K
     if (length(val3$Infl) == 1)
     val2$Infl <- val3$Infl
     if (length(val3$M) == 1)
     val2$M <- val3$M
     if (length(val3$RAsym) == 1)
     val2$RAsym <- val3$RAsym
     if (length(val3$Rk) == 1)
     val2$Rk <- val3$Rk
     if (length(val3$Ri) == 1)
     val2$Ri <- val3$Ri
     if (length(val3$RM) == 1)
     val2$RM <- val3$RM
     Asym <- val2$Asym
     K <- val2$K
     Infl <- val2$Infl
     M <- val2$M
     RAsym <- val2$RAsym
     Rk <- val2$Rk
     Ri <- val2$Ri
     RM <- val2$RM
     if ( * (min(xy$x) - Infl))) == TRUE | (exp(-K *
     (min(xy$x) - Infl))) == Inf) {
     K = modelparams$K
     Infl = modelparams$Infl
     if ( * (max(xy$x) - Infl))) == TRUE | (exp(-K *
     (min(xy$x) - Infl))) == Inf) {
     K = modelparams$K
     Infl = modelparams$Infl
     if ( * (min(xy$x) - Ri))) == TRUE | (exp(-Rk *
     (min(xy$x) - Ri))) == Inf) {
     Rk = modelparams$Rk
     Ri = modelparams$Ri
     if ( * (max(xy$x) - Ri))) == TRUE | (exp(-Rk *
     (min(xy$x) - Ri))) == Inf) {
     Rk = modelparams$Rk
     Ri = modelparams$Ri
     options(warn = -1)
     if (modno == 17.2 | modno == 17.4)
     RAsym <- Asym
     if (modno == 17.3 | modno == 17.4)
     RM <- M
     if (Re(as.complex(1 + M[1] * exp(-K[1] * (xy$x - Infl[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (Re(as.complex(1 + RM[1] * exp(-Rk[1] * (xy$x - Ri[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFMRM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl,
     M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFMRM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl,
     M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     if (Re(as.complex(1 + RM[1] * exp(-Rk[1] * (xy$x - Ri[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFRM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl,
     M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFRM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl,
     M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     options(warn = 0)
    <bytecode: 0x34afea8>
    <environment: 0x5f03268>
     --- function search by body ---
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Fatal error: the condition has length > 1
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Version: 1.5-3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘FlexParamCurve-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: get.mod
    > ### Title: Copy objects between R environments
    > ### Aliases: get.mod
    > ### ** Examples
    > #transfer all nlsList models from the FlexParamCurve working environmment (FPCEnv)
    > #to the Global Environment. Note: unless or
    > #pn.modselect.step have been run, in which case this is default
    > #1. subset data object (only 3 individuals) to expediate model selection
    > subdata <- subset(, as.numeric(row.names ( ) < 40)
    > #2. run model selection in FPCEnv using Only two models (#1 and #5)
    > #specified to be run here to reduce processing time. see
    > modseltable <-$age, subdata$mass,
    + subdata$id, existing = FALSE, pn.options = "myoptions", mod.subset = c(1,5)
    + , Envir = FlexParamCurve:::FPCEnv)
    [1] modpar will attempt to parameterize your data using the following sequential procedures:
    [1] (1) Extract parameter estimates for 8-parameter double-Richards curve in nls
    [1] (2) Use getInitial to retrieve parameter estimates for 8-parameter double-Richards curve
    [1] (3) Extract parameter estimates for 4-parameter Richards curve in
    [1] (4) Use getInitial to retrieve parameter estimates for 4-parameter Richards curve
    [1] if any approaches are successful, modpar will return these and terminate at that stage
    [1] (1) Status of 8-parameter double-Richards curve fit in nls:
    [1] ....8 parameter nls fit failed
    [1] (2) Status of 8-parameter double-Richards getInitial call
    [1] ....8-parameter getInitial successful
    [1] "checking fit of positive section of the curve for variable M*************************************"
    [1] "checking fit of positive section of the curve for fixed M*************************************"
    [1] "3 parameter positive richards model failed/not fitted*************************************"
    [1] "4 parameter positive richards model failed/not fitted*************************************"
    [1] "Variable M models most appropriate*************************************"
    [1] "################ ################ ################## ################# ############### #########"
    [1] "Fitting model 1 of 2: richardsR1.lis"
    [1] "********************** Model richardsR1.lis has not been successfully fit, please trouble-shoot this model separately and then repeat function using existing=TRUE *************************************************"
    [1] "################ ################ ################## ################# ############### #########"
    [1] "Fitting model 2 of 2: richardsR5.lis"
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    fn(par, ...)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (Re(as.complex(1 + M[1] * exp(-K[1] * (xy$x - Infl[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (Re(as.complex(1 + RM[1] * exp(-Rk[1] * (xy$x - Ri[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M, RAsym,
     Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFMRM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFMRM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M, RAsym,
     Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
    } else {
     if (Re(as.complex(1 + RM[1] * exp(-Rk[1] * (xy$x - Ri[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M, RAsym,
     Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFRM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFRM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M, RAsym,
     Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym,
     Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF((0:max(xy$x)), Asym,
     K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: fn(par, ...)
    where 2: (function (par)
    fn(par, ...))(c(Asym = 4334.17580073736, K = 0.0632653544876502,
    Infl = 24.8483463411178, M = 0.517002166128575, RM = 0.997841195933385
    where 3: optim(value, richardsR, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = dnbnds,
     upper = upbnds, control = list(maxit = 1000, parscale = parscaleR))
    where 4: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
    where 5: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
    where 6: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
    where 7: tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) {
     call <- conditionCall(e)
     if (!is.null(call)) {
     if (identical(call[[1L]], quote(doTryCatch)))
     call <-
     dcall <- deparse(call)[1L]
     prefix <- paste("Error in", dcall, ": ")
     LONG <- 75L
     sm <- strsplit(conditionMessage(e), "\n")[[1L]]
     w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "w") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "w")
     if (
     w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "b") + nchar(sm[1L],
     type = "b")
     if (w > LONG)
     prefix <- paste0(prefix, "\n ")
     else prefix <- "Error : "
     msg <- paste0(prefix, conditionMessage(e), "\n")
     if (!silent && isTRUE(getOption("show.error.messages"))) {
     cat(msg, file = outFile)
     invisible(structure(msg, class = "try-error", condition = e))
    where 8: try(oppar1 <- (optim(value, richardsR, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = dnbnds,
     upper = upbnds, control = list(maxit = 1000, parscale = parscaleR))),
     silent = TRUE)
    where 9: (attr(object, "initial"))(mCall = mCall, data = data, LHS = LHS)
    where 10: getInitial.selfStart(func, data, mCall = as.list(,
     call = object[[3L]])), LHS = object[[2L]], ...)
    where 11: getInitial(func, data, mCall = as.list(, call = object[[3L]])),
     LHS = object[[2L]], ...)
    where 12: getInitial.formula(formula, mf)
    where 13: getInitial(formula, mf)
    where 14: nls(model, data = data, control = controlvals)
    where 15: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
    where 16: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
    where 17: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
    where 18: tryCatch({
     data <-
     if (is.null(start)) {
     nls(model, data = data, control = controlvals)
     else {
     nls(model, data = data, control = controlvals, start = start)
    }, error = function(e) e)
    where 19: FUN(X[[i]], ...)
    where 20: lapply(split(data, groups), function(dat) tryCatch({
     data <-
     if (is.null(start)) {
     nls(model, data = data, control = controlvals)
     else {
     nls(model, data = data, control = controlvals, start = start)
    }, error = function(e) e))
    where 21: nlsList.formula(y ~ SSposnegRichards(x, Asym = Asym, K = K, Infl = Infl,
     M = M, RM = RM, modno = 5, pn.options = "myoptions"), data = userdata,
    where 22: nlsList(y ~ SSposnegRichards(x, Asym = Asym, K = K, Infl = Infl,
     M = M, RM = RM, modno = 5, pn.options = "myoptions"), data = userdata,
    where 23: eval(parse(text = sprintf("%s", paste("nlsList(y~SSposnegRichards(x,Asym=Asym",
     savK, ",Infl=Infl", savM, ",RM=RM,modno=", modelno, ", pn.options = \"",
     pnoptnm, "\"),data=userdata, ...)", sep = ""))))
    where 24: eval(parse(text = sprintf("%s", paste("nlsList(y~SSposnegRichards(x,Asym=Asym",
     savK, ",Infl=Infl", savM, ",RM=RM,modno=", modelno, ", pn.options = \"",
     pnoptnm, "\"),data=userdata, ...)", sep = ""))))
    where 25: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
    where 26: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
    where 27: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
    where 28: tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) {
     call <- conditionCall(e)
     if (!is.null(call)) {
     if (identical(call[[1L]], quote(doTryCatch)))
     call <-
     dcall <- deparse(call)[1L]
     prefix <- paste("Error in", dcall, ": ")
     LONG <- 75L
     sm <- strsplit(conditionMessage(e), "\n")[[1L]]
     w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "w") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "w")
     if (
     w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "b") + nchar(sm[1L],
     type = "b")
     if (w > LONG)
     prefix <- paste0(prefix, "\n ")
     else prefix <- "Error : "
     msg <- paste0(prefix, conditionMessage(e), "\n")
     if (!silent && isTRUE(getOption("show.error.messages"))) {
     cat(msg, file = outFile)
     invisible(structure(msg, class = "try-error", condition = e))
    where 29: try(eval(parse(text = sprintf("%s", paste("nlsList(y~SSposnegRichards(x,Asym=Asym",
     savK, ",Infl=Infl", savM, ",RM=RM,modno=", modelno, ", pn.options = \"",
     pnoptnm, "\"),data=userdata, ...)", sep = "")))), silent = TRUE)
    where 30: runmod(userdata, modno[i], modelsig, existing = existing)
    where 31:$age, subdata$mass, subdata$id, existing = FALSE,
     pn.options = "myoptions", mod.subset = c(1, 5), Envir = FlexParamCurve:::FPCEnv)
     --- value of length: 13 type: logical ---
    [13] FALSE
     --- function from context ---
    function (Rparams)
     val2 <- data.frame(Asym = modelparams$Asym, K = modelparams$K,
     Infl = modelparams$Infl, M = modelparams$M, RAsym = modelparams$RAsym,
     Rk = modelparams$Rk, Ri = modelparams$Ri, RM = modelparams$RM)
     val3 <- (data.frame(t(Rparams)))
     if (length(val3$Asym) == 1)
     val2$Asym <- val3$Asym
     if (length(val3$K) == 1)
     val2$K <- val3$K
     if (length(val3$Infl) == 1)
     val2$Infl <- val3$Infl
     if (length(val3$M) == 1)
     val2$M <- val3$M
     if (length(val3$RAsym) == 1)
     val2$RAsym <- val3$RAsym
     if (length(val3$Rk) == 1)
     val2$Rk <- val3$Rk
     if (length(val3$Ri) == 1)
     val2$Ri <- val3$Ri
     if (length(val3$RM) == 1)
     val2$RM <- val3$RM
     Asym <- val2$Asym
     K <- val2$K
     Infl <- val2$Infl
     M <- val2$M
     RAsym <- val2$RAsym
     Rk <- val2$Rk
     Ri <- val2$Ri
     RM <- val2$RM
     if ( * (min(xy$x) - Infl))) == TRUE | (exp(-K *
     (min(xy$x) - Infl))) == Inf) {
     K = modelparams$K
     Infl = modelparams$Infl
     if ( * (max(xy$x) - Infl))) == TRUE | (exp(-K *
     (min(xy$x) - Infl))) == Inf) {
     K = modelparams$K
     Infl = modelparams$Infl
     if ( * (min(xy$x) - Ri))) == TRUE | (exp(-Rk *
     (min(xy$x) - Ri))) == Inf) {
     Rk = modelparams$Rk
     Ri = modelparams$Ri
     if ( * (max(xy$x) - Ri))) == TRUE | (exp(-Rk *
     (min(xy$x) - Ri))) == Inf) {
     Rk = modelparams$Rk
     Ri = modelparams$Ri
     options(warn = -1)
     if (modno == 17.2 | modno == 17.4)
     RAsym <- Asym
     if (modno == 17.3 | modno == 17.4)
     RM <- M
     if (Re(as.complex(1 + M[1] * exp(-K[1] * (xy$x - Infl[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (Re(as.complex(1 + RM[1] * exp(-Rk[1] * (xy$x - Ri[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFMRM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl,
     M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFMRM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl,
     M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     if (Re(as.complex(1 + RM[1] * exp(-Rk[1] * (xy$x - Ri[1])))) <
     0) {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsFRM(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl,
     M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsFRM((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     if (modno >= 17 & modno < 18) {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF17(xy$x, Asym, Infl, M,
     RAsym, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF17((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, Infl, M, RAsym, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     else {
     y1 <- SSposnegRichardsF(xy$x, Asym, K, Infl,
     M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)
     y1[] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     y1[y1 == Inf] <- 1e-290 * pnmodelparams$RAsym
     evl <- sum((xy$y - y1)^2)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     try(if (min(Im(SSposnegRichardsF((0:max(xy$x)),
     Asym, K, Infl, M, RAsym, Rk, Ri, RM)) < 0)) {
     evl <- 1e+200
     }, silent = TRUE)
     if (! {
     if (evl == Inf) {
     evl <- 1e+290
     else {
     evl <- 1e+290
     options(warn = 0)
    <bytecode: 0x2bd7548>
    <environment: 0x53a2768>
     --- function search by body ---
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Fatal error: the condition has length > 1
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc