CRAN Package Check Results for Package NACHO

Last updated on 2019-04-28 11:50:30 CEST.

Flavor Version Tinstall Tcheck Ttotal Status Flags
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang 0.5.5 68.28 ERROR
r-patched-solaris-x86 0.5.5 76.60 ERROR

Check Details

Version: 0.5.5
Check: dependencies in R code
Result: NOTE
    Namespace in Imports field not imported from: ‘purrr’
     All declared Imports should be used.
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-patched-solaris-x86

Version: 0.5.5
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘testthat.R’ [24s/49s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(testthat)
     > library(NACHO)
     > test_check("NACHO")
     trying URL ''
     Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 488690 bytes (477 KB)
     downloaded 477 KB
     trying URL ''
     Content type 'application/x-tar' length 2713600 bytes (2.6 MB)
     downloaded 2.6 MB
     trying URL ''
     Content type 'application/x-tar' length 2713600 bytes (2.6 MB)
     downloaded 2.6 MB
     trying URL ''
     Content type 'application/x-tar' length 2713600 bytes (2.6 MB)
     downloaded 2.6 MB
     trying URL ''
     Content type 'application/x-tar' length 2713600 bytes (2.6 MB)
     downloaded 2.6 MB
     trying URL ''
     Content type 'application/x-tar' length 2713600 bytes (2.6 MB)
     downloaded 2.6 MB
     trying URL ''
     Content type 'application/x-tar' length 2713600 bytes (2.6 MB)
     downloaded 2.6 MB
     ── 1. Error: using GEO GSE74821 with prediction (@test-summarise.R#144) ───────
     HTTP error 403.
     1: GEOquery::getGEO(GEO = "GSE74821") at testthat/test-summarise.R:144
     2: getAndParseGSEMatrices(GEO, destdir, AnnotGPL = AnnotGPL, getGPL = getGPL, parseCharacteristics = parseCharacteristics)
     3: getDirListing(sprintf(gdsurl, stub, GEO))
     4: xml2::read_html(url)
     5: read_html.default(url)
     6: suppressWarnings(read_xml(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options))
     7: withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"))
     8: read_xml(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options)
     9: read_xml.character(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options)
     10: read_xml.connection(con, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = as_html, base_url = x,
     options = options)
     11: open(x, "rb")
     12: open.connection(x, "rb")
     ── 2. Error: using GEO GSE70970 (@test-summarise.R#168) ───────────────────────
     HTTP error 403.
     1: GEOquery::getGEO(GEO = "GSE70970") at testthat/test-summarise.R:168
     2: getAndParseGSEMatrices(GEO, destdir, AnnotGPL = AnnotGPL, getGPL = getGPL, parseCharacteristics = parseCharacteristics)
     3: getDirListing(sprintf(gdsurl, stub, GEO))
     4: xml2::read_html(url)
     5: read_html.default(url)
     6: suppressWarnings(read_xml(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options))
     7: withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"))
     8: read_xml(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options)
     9: read_xml.character(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options)
     10: read_xml.connection(con, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = as_html, base_url = x,
     options = options)
     11: open(x, "rb")
     12: open.connection(x, "rb")
     ── 3. Error: using GEO GSE70970 with prediction (@test-summarise.R#191) ───────
     HTTP error 403.
     1: GEOquery::getGEO(GEO = "GSE70970") at testthat/test-summarise.R:191
     2: getAndParseGSEMatrices(GEO, destdir, AnnotGPL = AnnotGPL, getGPL = getGPL, parseCharacteristics = parseCharacteristics)
     3: getDirListing(sprintf(gdsurl, stub, GEO))
     4: xml2::read_html(url)
     5: read_html.default(url)
     6: suppressWarnings(read_xml(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options))
     7: withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"))
     8: read_xml(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options)
     9: read_xml.character(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options)
     10: read_xml.connection(con, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = as_html, base_url = x,
     options = options)
     11: open(x, "rb")
     12: open.connection(x, "rb")
     ══ testthat results ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     1. Error: using GEO GSE74821 with prediction (@test-summarise.R#144)
     2. Error: using GEO GSE70970 (@test-summarise.R#168)
     3. Error: using GEO GSE70970 with prediction (@test-summarise.R#191)
     Error: testthat unit tests failed
     In addition: Warning messages:
     1: In is.function(FUN) :
     closing unused connection 6 (
     2: In is.function(FUN) :
     closing unused connection 5 (
     3: In is.function(FUN) :
     closing unused connection 4 (
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Version: 0.5.5
Check: re-building of vignette outputs
Result: WARN
    Error(s) in re-building vignettes:
    --- re-building ‘NACHO.Rmd’ using rmarkdown
    Loading required package: Biobase
    Loading required package: BiocGenerics
    Loading required package: parallel
    Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'
    The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel':
     clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
     clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
     parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB
    The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
     IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs
    The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
     Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, append,, basename, cbind, colnames, dirname,,
     duplicated, eval, evalq, get, grep, grepl, intersect,
     is.unsorted, lapply, mapply, match, mget, order, paste, pmax,, pmin,, rank, rbind, rownames, sapply,
     setdiff, sort, table, tapply, union, unique, unsplit, which,
     which.max, which.min
    Welcome to Bioconductor
     Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
     'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
     'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.
    Setting options('download.file.method.GEOquery'='auto')
    Setting options('GEOquery.inmemory.gpl'=FALSE)
    Warning in 10L %in% opts :
     closing unused connection 5 (
    No supplemental files found.
    Check URL manually if in doubt
    /usr/bin/gtar: /tmp/Rtmp9zSRRc/GSE70970/GSE70970_RAW.tar: Cannot open: No such file or directory
    /usr/bin/gtar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
    Warning in untar(tarfile = paste0(tempdir(), "/GSE70970/GSE70970_RAW.tar"), :
     '/usr/bin/gtar -xf '/tmp/Rtmp9zSRRc/GSE70970/GSE70970_RAW.tar' -C '/tmp/Rtmp9zSRRc/GSE70970/Data'' returned error code 2
    Quitting from lines 170-171 (NACHO.Rmd)
    Error: processing vignette 'NACHO.Rmd' failed with diagnostics:
    object 'GSE70970_sum' not found
    --- failed re-building ‘NACHO.Rmd’
    SUMMARY: processing the following file failed:
    Error: Vignette re-building failed.
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Version: 0.5.5
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘testthat.R’ [20s/118s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(testthat)
     > library(NACHO)
     > test_check("NACHO")
     trying URL ''
     Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 488690 bytes (477 KB)
     downloaded 477 KB
     trying URL ''
     Content type 'application/x-tar' length 2713600 bytes (2.6 MB)
     downloaded 2.6 MB
     trying URL ''
     Content type 'application/x-tar' length 2713600 bytes (2.6 MB)
     downloaded 2.6 MB
     ── 1. Error: no housekeeping norm (@test-summarise.R#73) ──────────────────────
     HTTP error 403.
     1: GEOquery::getGEO(GEO = "GSE74821") at testthat/test-summarise.R:73
     2: getAndParseGSEMatrices(GEO, destdir, AnnotGPL = AnnotGPL, getGPL = getGPL, parseCharacteristics = parseCharacteristics)
     3: getDirListing(sprintf(gdsurl, stub, GEO))
     4: xml2::read_html(url)
     5: read_html.default(url)
     6: suppressWarnings(read_xml(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options))
     7: withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"))
     8: read_xml(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options)
     9: read_xml.character(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options)
     10: read_xml.connection(con, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = as_html, base_url = x,
     options = options)
     11: open(x, "rb")
     12: open.connection(x, "rb")
     ── 2. Error: no housekeeping norm and prediction (@test-summarise.R#96) ───────
     HTTP error 403.
     1: GEOquery::getGEO(GEO = "GSE74821") at testthat/test-summarise.R:96
     2: getAndParseGSEMatrices(GEO, destdir, AnnotGPL = AnnotGPL, getGPL = getGPL, parseCharacteristics = parseCharacteristics)
     3: getDirListing(sprintf(gdsurl, stub, GEO))
     4: xml2::read_html(url)
     5: read_html.default(url)
     6: suppressWarnings(read_xml(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options))
     7: withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"))
     8: read_xml(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options)
     9: read_xml.character(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options)
     10: read_xml.connection(con, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = as_html, base_url = x,
     options = options)
     11: open(x, "rb")
     12: open.connection(x, "rb")
     ── 3. Error: using GEO GSE74821 (@test-summarise.R#121) ───────────────────────
     HTTP error 403.
     1: GEOquery::getGEO(GEO = "GSE74821") at testthat/test-summarise.R:121
     2: getAndParseGSEMatrices(GEO, destdir, AnnotGPL = AnnotGPL, getGPL = getGPL, parseCharacteristics = parseCharacteristics)
     3: getDirListing(sprintf(gdsurl, stub, GEO))
     4: xml2::read_html(url)
     5: read_html.default(url)
     6: suppressWarnings(read_xml(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options))
     7: withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"))
     8: read_xml(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options)
     9: read_xml.character(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options)
     10: read_xml.connection(con, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = as_html, base_url = x,
     options = options)
     11: open(x, "rb")
     12: open.connection(x, "rb")
     ── 4. Error: using GEO GSE74821 with prediction (@test-summarise.R#144) ───────
     HTTP error 403.
     1: GEOquery::getGEO(GEO = "GSE74821") at testthat/test-summarise.R:144
     2: getAndParseGSEMatrices(GEO, destdir, AnnotGPL = AnnotGPL, getGPL = getGPL, parseCharacteristics = parseCharacteristics)
     3: getDirListing(sprintf(gdsurl, stub, GEO))
     4: xml2::read_html(url)
     5: read_html.default(url)
     6: suppressWarnings(read_xml(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options))
     7: withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"))
     8: read_xml(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options)
     9: read_xml.character(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options)
     10: read_xml.connection(con, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = as_html, base_url = x,
     options = options)
     11: open(x, "rb")
     12: open.connection(x, "rb")
     ── 5. Error: using GEO GSE70970 (@test-summarise.R#168) ───────────────────────
     HTTP error 403.
     1: GEOquery::getGEO(GEO = "GSE70970") at testthat/test-summarise.R:168
     2: getAndParseGSEMatrices(GEO, destdir, AnnotGPL = AnnotGPL, getGPL = getGPL, parseCharacteristics = parseCharacteristics)
     3: getDirListing(sprintf(gdsurl, stub, GEO))
     4: xml2::read_html(url)
     5: read_html.default(url)
     6: suppressWarnings(read_xml(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options))
     7: withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"))
     8: read_xml(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options)
     9: read_xml.character(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options)
     10: read_xml.connection(con, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = as_html, base_url = x,
     options = options)
     11: open(x, "rb")
     12: open.connection(x, "rb")
     ── 6. Error: using GEO GSE70970 with prediction (@test-summarise.R#191) ───────
     HTTP error 403.
     1: GEOquery::getGEO(GEO = "GSE70970") at testthat/test-summarise.R:191
     2: getAndParseGSEMatrices(GEO, destdir, AnnotGPL = AnnotGPL, getGPL = getGPL, parseCharacteristics = parseCharacteristics)
     3: getDirListing(sprintf(gdsurl, stub, GEO))
     4: xml2::read_html(url)
     5: read_html.default(url)
     6: suppressWarnings(read_xml(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options))
     7: withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"))
     8: read_xml(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options)
     9: read_xml.character(x, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = TRUE, options = options)
     10: read_xml.connection(con, encoding = encoding, ..., as_html = as_html, base_url = x,
     options = options)
     11: open(x, "rb")
     12: open.connection(x, "rb")
     ══ testthat results ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     1. Error: no housekeeping norm (@test-summarise.R#73)
     2. Error: no housekeeping norm and prediction (@test-summarise.R#96)
     3. Error: using GEO GSE74821 (@test-summarise.R#121)
     4. Error: using GEO GSE74821 with prediction (@test-summarise.R#144)
     5. Error: using GEO GSE70970 (@test-summarise.R#168)
     6. Error: using GEO GSE70970 with prediction (@test-summarise.R#191)
     Error: testthat unit tests failed
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-patched-solaris-x86

Version: 0.5.5
Check: re-building of vignette outputs
Result: WARN
    Error(s) in re-building vignettes:
    --- re-building ‘NACHO.Rmd’ using rmarkdown
    Warning in engine$weave(file, quiet = quiet, encoding = enc) :
     Pandoc (>= 1.12.3) and/or pandoc-citeproc not available. Falling back to R Markdown v1.
    Loading required package: Biobase
    Loading required package: BiocGenerics
    Loading required package: parallel
    Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'
    The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel':
     clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
     clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
     parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB
    The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
     IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs
    The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
     Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, append,, basename, cbind, colnames, dirname,,
     duplicated, eval, evalq, get, grep, grepl, intersect,
     is.unsorted, lapply, mapply, match, mget, order, paste, pmax,, pmin,, rank, rbind, rownames, sapply,
     setdiff, sort, table, tapply, union, unique, unsplit, which,
     which.max, which.min
    Welcome to Bioconductor
     Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
     'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
     'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.
    Setting options('download.file.method.GEOquery'='auto')
    Setting options('GEOquery.inmemory.gpl'=FALSE)
    No supplemental files found.
    Check URL manually if in doubt
    /opt/csw/bin/gtar: /tmp/Rtmp.qa4lc/GSE70970/GSE70970_RAW.tar: Cannot open: No such file or directory
    /opt/csw/bin/gtar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
    Warning in untar(tarfile = paste0(tempdir(), "/GSE70970/GSE70970_RAW.tar"), :
     '/opt/csw/bin/gtar -xf '/tmp/Rtmp.qa4lc/GSE70970/GSE70970_RAW.tar' -C '/tmp/Rtmp.qa4lc/GSE70970/Data'' returned error code 2
    Warning in name :
     closing unused connection 6 (
    Warning in name :
     closing unused connection 5 (
    Quitting from lines 170-171 (NACHO.Rmd)
    Error: processing vignette 'NACHO.Rmd' failed with diagnostics:
    object 'GSE70970_sum' not found
    --- failed re-building ‘NACHO.Rmd’
    SUMMARY: processing the following file failed:
    Error: Vignette re-building failed.
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-patched-solaris-x86