CRAN Package Check Results for Package regress

Last updated on 2020-02-02 06:48:44 CET.

Flavor Version Tinstall Tcheck Ttotal Status Flags
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang 1.3-15 3.46 27.26 30.72 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc 1.3-15 2.18 21.65 23.83 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang 1.3-15 37.32 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc 1.3-15 36.51 ERROR
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.3-15 6.00 45.00 51.00 OK
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64-gcc8 1.3-15 8.00 36.00 44.00 OK
r-patched-linux-x86_64 1.3-15 2.59 22.69 25.28 OK
r-patched-solaris-x86 1.3-15 49.60 OK
r-release-linux-x86_64 1.3-15 2.12 22.88 25.00 OK
r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.3-15 28.00 47.00 75.00 OK
r-release-osx-x86_64 1.3-15 OK
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.3-15 3.00 36.00 39.00 OK
r-oldrel-osx-x86_64 1.3-15 OK

Check Details

Version: 1.3-15
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in 'regress-Ex.R' failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: regress
    > ### Title: Fit a Gaussian Linear Model with Linear Covariance Structure
    > ### Aliases: regress print.regress summary.regress BLUP
    > ### Keywords: regression models multivariate
    > ### ** Examples
    > ######################
    > ## Comparison with lme
    > ######################
    > ## Example of Random Effects model from Venables and Ripley, page 205
    > library(nlme)
    > library(regress)
    > citation("regress")
    To cite package 'regress' in publications use:
     David Clifford, Peter McCullagh (2014). The regress package R package
     version 1.3-15.
     David Clifford, Peter McCullagh (2006), The regress function, R News
     6:2, 6-10
    To see these entries in BibTeX format, use 'print(<citation>,
    bibtex=TRUE)', 'toBibtex(.)', or set
    > names(Oats) <- c("B","V","N","Y")
    > Oats$N <- as.factor(Oats$N)
    > ## Using regress
    > oats.reg <- regress(Y~N+V,~B+I(B:V),identity=TRUE,verbose=1,data=Oats)
    Warning: Using formula(x) is deprecated when x is a character vector of length > 1.
     Consider formula(paste(x, collapse = " ")) instead.
    1 sigma = 732.1964 732.1964 732.1964 resid llik = -215.1927
    1 adjusted sigma = 157.9849 157.9849 157.9849
    2 sigma = 186.231 133.8389 160.2718 resid llik = -215.0362
    2 adjusted sigma = 185.6373 133.4123 159.761 delta.llik = 0.1565299
    3 sigma = 205.8252 116.8087 161.7195 resid llik = -214.981
    3 adjusted sigma = 205.6644 116.7175 161.5931 delta.llik = 0.05518008
    4 sigma = 213.5958 110.3954 162.4623 resid llik = -214.975
    4 adjusted sigma = 213.5887 110.3917 162.4569 delta.llik = 0.005981576
    5 sigma = 214.3882 109.7628 162.5486 resid llik = -214.9749
    5 adjusted sigma = 214.3882 109.7628 162.5486 delta.llik = 6.213704e-05
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    regress(Y ~ N + V, ~B + I(B:V), identity = TRUE, verbose = 1,
     data = Oats)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: regress(Y ~ N + V, ~B + I(B:V), identity = TRUE, verbose = 1,
     data = Oats)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     --- function from context ---
    function (formula, Vformula, identity = TRUE, kernel = NULL,
     start = NULL, taper = NULL, pos, verbose = 0, gamVals = NULL,
     maxcyc = 50, tol = 1e-04, data)
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Extracting objects from call\n")
     if (missing(data))
     data <- environment(formula)
     mf <- model.frame(formula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
     y <- model.response(mf)
     model <- list()
     model <- c(model, mf)
     if (missing(Vformula))
     Vformula <- NULL
     isNA <- apply(, 1, any)
     if (!is.null(Vformula)) {
     V <- model.frame(Vformula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     V <- eval(V, parent.frame())
     mfr <-
     if (ncol(mfr) == 1) {
     isNA <- isNA | mfr
     else {
     isNA <- isNA | apply(mfr[, !apply(mfr, 2, all)],
     1, any)
     Vcoef.names <- names(V)
     V <- as.list(V)
     k <- length(V)
     else {
     V <- NULL
     k <- 0
     Vcoef.names = NULL
     if (ncol(mf) == 1)
     mf <- cbind(mf, 1)
     X <- model.matrix(formula, mf[!isNA, ])
     y <- y[!isNA]
     n <- length(y)
     Xcolnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
     if (is.null(Xcolnames)) {
     Xcolnames <- paste("X.column", c(1:dim(as.matrix(X))[2]),
     sep = "")
     X <- matrix(X, n, length(X)/n)
     qr <- qr(X)
     rankQ <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank) {
     X <- matrix(X[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Xcolnames <- Xcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     else {
     cat("\nERROR: X has rank 0\n\n")
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Setting up kernel\n")
     if (missing(kernel)) {
     K <- X
     colnames(K) <- Xcolnames
     reml <- TRUE
     kernel <- NULL
     else {
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel > 0) {
     K <- matrix(rep(1, n), n, 1)
     colnames(K) <- c("1")
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel <= 0) {
     K <- Kcolnames <- NULL
     KX <- X
     rankQK <- n
     if (length(kernel) > 1) {
     if (is.matrix(kernel)) {
     K <- kernel[!isNA, ]
     else {
     K <- model.frame(kernel, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     K <- eval(K, parent.frame())
     if (ncol(K) == 1) {
     dimNamesK <- dimnames(K)
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     dimNamesK[[1]] <- dimNamesK[[1]][!isNA]
     K <- data.frame(V1 = K)
     dimnames(K) <- dimNamesK
     else {
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     K <- model.matrix(kernel, K)
     reml <- FALSE
     if (!is.null(K)) {
     Kcolnames <- colnames(K)
     qr <- qr(K)
     rankQK <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank == 0)
     K <- NULL
     else {
     K <- matrix(K[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Kcolnames <- Kcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     KX <- cbind(K, X)
     qr <- qr(KX)
     KX <- matrix(KX[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     if (missing(maxcyc))
     maxcyc <- 50
     if (missing(tol))
     tol <- 1e-04
     delta <- 1
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Removing parts of random effects corresponding to missing values\n")
     for (i in 1:k) {
     if (is.matrix(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA, !isNA]
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA]
     In <- diag(rep(1, n), n, n)
     if (identity) {
     V[[k + 1]] <- as.factor(1:n)
     names(V)[k + 1] <- "In"
     k <- k + 1
     Vcoef.names <- c(Vcoef.names, "In")
     Vformula <- as.character(Vformula)
     Vformula[1] <- "~"
     Vformula[2] <- paste(Vformula[2], "+In")
     Vformula <- as.formula(Vformula)
     model <- c(model, V)
     model$formula <- formula
     model$Vformula <- Vformula
     if (!missing(pos))
     pos <- as.logical(pos)
     if (missing(pos))
     pos <- rep(FALSE, k)
     if (length(pos) < k)
     cat("Warning: argument pos is only partially specified; additional terms (n=",
     k - length(pos), ") set to FALSE internally.\n",
     sep = "")
     pos <- c(pos, rep(FALSE, k))
     pos <- pos[1:k]
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Checking if we can apply the Sherman Morrison Woodbury identites for matrix inversion\n")
     if (all(sapply(V, is.factor)) & k > 2) {
     else SWsolveINDICATOR <- FALSE
     Z <- list()
     for (i in 1:length(V)) {
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     Vi <- model.matrix(~V[[i]] - 1)
     colnames(Vi) <- levels(V[[i]])
     Z[[i]] <- Vi
     V[[i]] <- tcrossprod(Vi)
     else {
     Z[[i]] <- V[[i]]
     names(Z) <- names(V)
     A <- matrix(rep(0, k^2), k, k)
     entries <- expand.grid(1:k, 1:k)
     x <- rep(0, k)
     sigma <- c(1, rep(0, k - 1))
     stats <- rep(0, 0)
     if (missing(taper)) {
     taper <- rep(0.9, maxcyc)
     if (missing(start) && k > 1)
     taper[1:2] <- c(0.5, 0.7)
     else {
     taper <- pmin(abs(taper), 1)
     if ((l <- length(taper)) < maxcyc)
     taper <- c(taper, rep(taper[l], maxcyc - l))
     if (!is.null(start)) {
     start <- c(start, rep(1, k))
     start <- start[1:k]
     if (k > 2 && is.null(start))
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     if (k == 1 && is.null(start))
     start <- var(y, na.rm = TRUE)
     if (is.null(start) && k == 2) {
     if (missing(gamVals)) {
     gamVals <- seq(0.01, 0.02, length = 3)^2
     gamVals <- sort(c(gamVals, seq(0.1, 0.9, length = 3),
     1 - gamVals))
     gamVals <- 0.5
     if (length(gamVals) > 1) {
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat("Evaluating the llik at gamma = \n")
     if (verbose >= 1)
     if (verbose >= 1)
     reg.obj <- reml(gamVals, y, X, V[[1]], V[[2]], verbose = verbose)
     llik <- reg.obj$llik
     llik <- as.double(llik)
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat(llik, "\n")
     gam <- gamVals[llik == max(llik)]
     gam <- gam[1]
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat("MLE is near", gam, "and llik =", max(llik),
     if (length(gamVals) == 1) {
     gam <- gamVals[1]
     reg.obj <- list(rms = var(y))
     start <- c(1 - gam, gam) * reg.obj$rms
     if (gam == 0.9999) {
     taper[1] <- taper[1]/100
     maxcyc <- maxcyc * 10
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat(c("start algorithm at", round(start, 4), "\n"))
     if (is.null(start) & k > 2) {
     LLvals <- NULL
     V2 <- V[[2]]
     for (ii in 3:k) V2 <- V2 + V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.5, y, X, V[[1]], V2)$llik)
     V2 <- V[[1]] + V2
     for (ii in 1:k) {
     V2 <- V2 - V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.75, y, X, V2, V[[ii]])$llik)
     best <- which.max(LLvals)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Checking starting points\n")
     cat("llik values of", LLvals, "\n")
     if (best == 1) {
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     else {
     start <- rep(0.25, k)
     start[best] <- 0.75
     sigma <- coef <- start
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     T <- vector("list", length = k)
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- matrix(NA, n, n)
     for (cycle in 1:maxcyc) {
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind)) {
     coef[ind] <- pmin(coef[ind], 20)
     coef[ind] <- pmax(coef[ind], -20)
     sigma[ind] <- exp(coef[ind])
     if (verbose) {
     cat(cycle, "sigma =", sigma)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (is.null(K))
     WQK <- W
     else {
     WK <- W %*% K
     WQK <- W - WK %*% solve(t(K) %*% WK, t(WK))
     if (reml)
     WQX <- WQK
     else {
     WX <- W %*% KX
     WQX <- W - WX %*% solve(t(KX) %*% WX, t(WX))
     rss <- as.numeric(t(y) %*% WQX %*% y)
     sigma <- sigma * rss/rankQK
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     WQK <- WQK * rankQK/rss
     WQX <- WQX * rankQK/rss
     rss <- rankQK
     eig <- sort(eigen(WQK, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values,
     decreasing = TRUE)[1:rankQK]
     if (any(eig < 0)) {
     cat("error: Sigma is not positive definite on contrasts: range(eig)=",
     range(eig), "\n")
     WQK <- WQK + (tol - min(eig)) * diag(nobs)
     eig <- eig + tol - min(eig)
     ldet <- sum(log(eig))
     llik <- ldet/2 - rss/2
     if (cycle == 1)
     llik0 <- llik
     delta.llik <- llik - llik0
     llik0 <- llik
     if (verbose) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" resid llik =", llik, "\n")
     else cat(" llik =", llik, "\n")
     cat(cycle, "adjusted sigma =", sigma)
     if (cycle > 1) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat("\n")
     x <- NULL
     var.components <- rep(1, k)
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind))
     var.components[ind] <- sigma[ind]
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     x <- sapply(T, function(x) as.numeric(t(y) %*% x %*%
     WQX %*% y - sum(diag(x))))
     x <- x * var.components
     ff <- function(x) sum(T[[x[1]]] * t(T[[x[2]]])) * var.components[x[1]] *
     aa <- apply(entries, 1, ff)
     A[as.matrix(entries)] <- aa
     stats <- c(stats, llik, sigma[1:k], x[1:k])
     if (verbose >= 9) {
     A.svd <- ginv(A)
     x <- A.svd %*% x
     if (qr(A)$rank < k) {
     if (cycle == 1) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Warning: Non identifiable dispersion model\n")
     coef <- coef + taper[cycle] * x
     sigma[!pos] <- coef[!pos]
     sigma[pos] <- exp(coef[pos])
     if (cycle > 1 & abs(delta.llik) < tol * 10)
     if (max(abs(x)) < tol)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (cycle == maxcyc) {
     if (verbose)
     cat("WARNING: maximum number of cycles reached before convergence\n")
     stats <- as.numeric(stats)
     stats <- matrix(stats, cycle, 2 * k + 1, byrow = TRUE)
     colnames(stats) <- c("llik", paste("s^2_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""),
     paste("der_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""))
     WX <- W %*% X
     XtWX <- crossprod(X, WX)
     cov <- XtWX
     cov <- solve(cov, cbind(t(WX), diag(1, dim(XtWX)[1])))
     beta.cov <- matrix(cov[, (dim(t(WX))[2] + 1):dim(cov)[2]],
     dim(X)[2], dim(X)[2])
     cov <- matrix(cov[, 1:dim(t(WX))[2]], dim(X)[2], dim(X)[1])
     beta <- cov %*% y
     beta <- matrix(beta, length(beta), 1)
     row.names(beta) <- Xcolnames <- sqrt(abs(diag(beta.cov)))
     pos.cov <- (diag(beta.cov) < 0)[pos.cov] <- NA <- matrix(, length(, 1)
     row.names( <- Xcolnames
     rms <- rss/rankQ
     fitted.values <- X %*% beta
     Q <- In - X %*% cov
     predicted <- NULL
     predictedVariance <- NULL
     predictedVariance2 <- NULL
     if (identity) {
     gam <- sigma[k]
     if (SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) {
     Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     predicted <- fitted.values + (Sigma - gam * In) %*% W %*%
     (y - fitted.values)
     predictedVariance <- 2 * gam - gam^2 * diag(W)
     predictedVariance2 <- diag(gam^2 * WX %*% beta.cov %*%
     sigma.cov <- (A.svd[1:k, 1:k] * 2)
     FI <- A/2
     FI.c <- matrix(0, dim(FI)[1], dim(FI)[2])
     FI.c <- FI/tcrossprod((sigma - 1) * pos + 1)
     names(sigma) <- Vcoef.names
     sigma.cov <- try(ginv(FI.c), silent = TRUE)
     error1 <- (class(sigma.cov) == "try-error")
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     rownames(sigma.cov) <- colnames(sigma.cov) <- Vcoef.names
     if (!error1) {
     if (any(sigma[pos]^2 < 1e-04))
     cat("Warning: solution lies close to zero for some positive variance components, their standard errors may not be valid\n")
     result <- list(trace = stats, llik = llik, cycle = cycle,
     rdf = rankQ, beta = beta, beta.cov = beta.cov, =,
     sigma = sigma[1:k], sigma.cov = sigma.cov[1:k, 1:k],
     W = W, Q = Q, fitted = fitted.values, predicted = predicted,
     predictedVariance = predictedVariance, predictedVariance2 = predictedVariance2,
     pos = pos, Vnames = Vcoef.names, formula = formula, Vformula = Vformula,
     Kcolnames = Kcolnames, model = model, Z = Z, X = X, Sigma = Sigma)
     class(result) <- "regress"
    <bytecode: 0x113dd20>
    <environment: namespace:regress>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function regress in namespace regress has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (error1) { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: regress
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang

Version: 1.3-15
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running 'BLUP.tests.R' [1s/1s]
     Running 'regress.tests.R' [2s/2s]
     Running 'regressPaper.R' [1s/2s]
    Running the tests in 'tests/BLUP.tests.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > set.seed(1001)
     > library(regress)
     > n <- 101
     > x1 <- runif(n)
     > x2 <- seq(0,1,l=n)
     > z1 <- gl(4,10,n)
     > z2 <- gl(6,1,n)
     > X <- model.matrix(~1 + x1 + x2)
     > Z1 <- model.matrix(~z1-1)
     > Z2 <- model.matrix(~z2-1)
     > ## Create the individual random and fixed effects
     > beta <- c(1,2,3)
     > eta1 <- rnorm(ncol(Z1),0,10)
     > eta2 <- rnorm(ncol(Z2),0,10)
     > eps <- rnorm(n,0,3)
     > ## Combine them into a response
     > y <- X %*% beta + Z1 %*% eta1 + Z2 %*% eta2 + eps
     > ## Fit the same model again
     > model <- regress(y~1 + x1 + x2,~z1 + z2, identity=TRUE,verbose=2)
     1 sigma = 111.2472 111.2472 111.2472 resid llik = -193.5592
     1 adjusted sigma = 14.95327 14.95327 14.95327
     2 sigma = 48.05741 34.5205 12.87801 resid llik = -185.4081
     2 adjusted sigma = 43.27607 31.08598 11.59674 delta.llik = 8.151054
     3 sigma = 70.09679 47.21641 11.03377 resid llik = -184.5278
     3 adjusted sigma = 69.55275 46.84995 10.94813 delta.llik = 0.8802895
     4 sigma = 80.45497 53.4053 10.80752 resid llik = -184.4768
     4 adjusted sigma = 80.4402 53.3955 10.80554 delta.llik = 0.05097438
     5 sigma = 81.55823 54.06055 10.79318 resid llik = -184.4764
     5 adjusted sigma = 81.5581 54.06046 10.79316 delta.llik = 0.0004381634
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     regress(y ~ 1 + x1 + x2, ~z1 + z2, identity = TRUE, verbose = 2)
     --- call from argument ---
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: regress(y ~ 1 + x1 + x2, ~z1 + z2, identity = TRUE, verbose = 2)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (formula, Vformula, identity = TRUE, kernel = NULL,
     start = NULL, taper = NULL, pos, verbose = 0, gamVals = NULL,
     maxcyc = 50, tol = 1e-04, data)
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Extracting objects from call\n")
     if (missing(data))
     data <- environment(formula)
     mf <- model.frame(formula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
     y <- model.response(mf)
     model <- list()
     model <- c(model, mf)
     if (missing(Vformula))
     Vformula <- NULL
     isNA <- apply(, 1, any)
     if (!is.null(Vformula)) {
     V <- model.frame(Vformula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     V <- eval(V, parent.frame())
     mfr <-
     if (ncol(mfr) == 1) {
     isNA <- isNA | mfr
     else {
     isNA <- isNA | apply(mfr[, !apply(mfr, 2, all)],
     1, any)
     Vcoef.names <- names(V)
     V <- as.list(V)
     k <- length(V)
     else {
     V <- NULL
     k <- 0
     Vcoef.names = NULL
     if (ncol(mf) == 1)
     mf <- cbind(mf, 1)
     X <- model.matrix(formula, mf[!isNA, ])
     y <- y[!isNA]
     n <- length(y)
     Xcolnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
     if (is.null(Xcolnames)) {
     Xcolnames <- paste("X.column", c(1:dim(as.matrix(X))[2]),
     sep = "")
     X <- matrix(X, n, length(X)/n)
     qr <- qr(X)
     rankQ <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank) {
     X <- matrix(X[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Xcolnames <- Xcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     else {
     cat("\nERROR: X has rank 0\n\n")
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Setting up kernel\n")
     if (missing(kernel)) {
     K <- X
     colnames(K) <- Xcolnames
     reml <- TRUE
     kernel <- NULL
     else {
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel > 0) {
     K <- matrix(rep(1, n), n, 1)
     colnames(K) <- c("1")
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel <= 0) {
     K <- Kcolnames <- NULL
     KX <- X
     rankQK <- n
     if (length(kernel) > 1) {
     if (is.matrix(kernel)) {
     K <- kernel[!isNA, ]
     else {
     K <- model.frame(kernel, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     K <- eval(K, parent.frame())
     if (ncol(K) == 1) {
     dimNamesK <- dimnames(K)
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     dimNamesK[[1]] <- dimNamesK[[1]][!isNA]
     K <- data.frame(V1 = K)
     dimnames(K) <- dimNamesK
     else {
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     K <- model.matrix(kernel, K)
     reml <- FALSE
     if (!is.null(K)) {
     Kcolnames <- colnames(K)
     qr <- qr(K)
     rankQK <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank == 0)
     K <- NULL
     else {
     K <- matrix(K[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Kcolnames <- Kcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     KX <- cbind(K, X)
     qr <- qr(KX)
     KX <- matrix(KX[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     if (missing(maxcyc))
     maxcyc <- 50
     if (missing(tol))
     tol <- 1e-04
     delta <- 1
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Removing parts of random effects corresponding to missing values\n")
     for (i in 1:k) {
     if (is.matrix(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA, !isNA]
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA]
     In <- diag(rep(1, n), n, n)
     if (identity) {
     V[[k + 1]] <- as.factor(1:n)
     names(V)[k + 1] <- "In"
     k <- k + 1
     Vcoef.names <- c(Vcoef.names, "In")
     Vformula <- as.character(Vformula)
     Vformula[1] <- "~"
     Vformula[2] <- paste(Vformula[2], "+In")
     Vformula <- as.formula(Vformula)
     model <- c(model, V)
     model$formula <- formula
     model$Vformula <- Vformula
     if (!missing(pos))
     pos <- as.logical(pos)
     if (missing(pos))
     pos <- rep(FALSE, k)
     if (length(pos) < k)
     cat("Warning: argument pos is only partially specified; additional terms (n=",
     k - length(pos), ") set to FALSE internally.\n",
     sep = "")
     pos <- c(pos, rep(FALSE, k))
     pos <- pos[1:k]
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Checking if we can apply the Sherman Morrison Woodbury identites for matrix inversion\n")
     if (all(sapply(V, is.factor)) & k > 2) {
     else SWsolveINDICATOR <- FALSE
     Z <- list()
     for (i in 1:length(V)) {
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     Vi <- model.matrix(~V[[i]] - 1)
     colnames(Vi) <- levels(V[[i]])
     Z[[i]] <- Vi
     V[[i]] <- tcrossprod(Vi)
     else {
     Z[[i]] <- V[[i]]
     names(Z) <- names(V)
     A <- matrix(rep(0, k^2), k, k)
     entries <- expand.grid(1:k, 1:k)
     x <- rep(0, k)
     sigma <- c(1, rep(0, k - 1))
     stats <- rep(0, 0)
     if (missing(taper)) {
     taper <- rep(0.9, maxcyc)
     if (missing(start) && k > 1)
     taper[1:2] <- c(0.5, 0.7)
     else {
     taper <- pmin(abs(taper), 1)
     if ((l <- length(taper)) < maxcyc)
     taper <- c(taper, rep(taper[l], maxcyc - l))
     if (!is.null(start)) {
     start <- c(start, rep(1, k))
     start <- start[1:k]
     if (k > 2 && is.null(start))
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     if (k == 1 && is.null(start))
     start <- var(y, na.rm = TRUE)
     if (is.null(start) && k == 2) {
     if (missing(gamVals)) {
     gamVals <- seq(0.01, 0.02, length = 3)^2
     gamVals <- sort(c(gamVals, seq(0.1, 0.9, length = 3),
     1 - gamVals))
     gamVals <- 0.5
     if (length(gamVals) > 1) {
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat("Evaluating the llik at gamma = \n")
     if (verbose >= 1)
     if (verbose >= 1)
     reg.obj <- reml(gamVals, y, X, V[[1]], V[[2]], verbose = verbose)
     llik <- reg.obj$llik
     llik <- as.double(llik)
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat(llik, "\n")
     gam <- gamVals[llik == max(llik)]
     gam <- gam[1]
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat("MLE is near", gam, "and llik =", max(llik),
     if (length(gamVals) == 1) {
     gam <- gamVals[1]
     reg.obj <- list(rms = var(y))
     start <- c(1 - gam, gam) * reg.obj$rms
     if (gam == 0.9999) {
     taper[1] <- taper[1]/100
     maxcyc <- maxcyc * 10
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat(c("start algorithm at", round(start, 4), "\n"))
     if (is.null(start) & k > 2) {
     LLvals <- NULL
     V2 <- V[[2]]
     for (ii in 3:k) V2 <- V2 + V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.5, y, X, V[[1]], V2)$llik)
     V2 <- V[[1]] + V2
     for (ii in 1:k) {
     V2 <- V2 - V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.75, y, X, V2, V[[ii]])$llik)
     best <- which.max(LLvals)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Checking starting points\n")
     cat("llik values of", LLvals, "\n")
     if (best == 1) {
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     else {
     start <- rep(0.25, k)
     start[best] <- 0.75
     sigma <- coef <- start
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     T <- vector("list", length = k)
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- matrix(NA, n, n)
     for (cycle in 1:maxcyc) {
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind)) {
     coef[ind] <- pmin(coef[ind], 20)
     coef[ind] <- pmax(coef[ind], -20)
     sigma[ind] <- exp(coef[ind])
     if (verbose) {
     cat(cycle, "sigma =", sigma)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (is.null(K))
     WQK <- W
     else {
     WK <- W %*% K
     WQK <- W - WK %*% solve(t(K) %*% WK, t(WK))
     if (reml)
     WQX <- WQK
     else {
     WX <- W %*% KX
     WQX <- W - WX %*% solve(t(KX) %*% WX, t(WX))
     rss <- as.numeric(t(y) %*% WQX %*% y)
     sigma <- sigma * rss/rankQK
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     WQK <- WQK * rankQK/rss
     WQX <- WQX * rankQK/rss
     rss <- rankQK
     eig <- sort(eigen(WQK, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values,
     decreasing = TRUE)[1:rankQK]
     if (any(eig < 0)) {
     cat("error: Sigma is not positive definite on contrasts: range(eig)=",
     range(eig), "\n")
     WQK <- WQK + (tol - min(eig)) * diag(nobs)
     eig <- eig + tol - min(eig)
     ldet <- sum(log(eig))
     llik <- ldet/2 - rss/2
     if (cycle == 1)
     llik0 <- llik
     delta.llik <- llik - llik0
     llik0 <- llik
     if (verbose) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" resid llik =", llik, "\n")
     else cat(" llik =", llik, "\n")
     cat(cycle, "adjusted sigma =", sigma)
     if (cycle > 1) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat("\n")
     x <- NULL
     var.components <- rep(1, k)
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind))
     var.components[ind] <- sigma[ind]
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     x <- sapply(T, function(x) as.numeric(t(y) %*% x %*%
     WQX %*% y - sum(diag(x))))
     x <- x * var.components
     ff <- function(x) sum(T[[x[1]]] * t(T[[x[2]]])) * var.components[x[1]] *
     aa <- apply(entries, 1, ff)
     A[as.matrix(entries)] <- aa
     stats <- c(stats, llik, sigma[1:k], x[1:k])
     if (verbose >= 9) {
     A.svd <- ginv(A)
     x <- A.svd %*% x
     if (qr(A)$rank < k) {
     if (cycle == 1) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Warning: Non identifiable dispersion model\n")
     coef <- coef + taper[cycle] * x
     sigma[!pos] <- coef[!pos]
     sigma[pos] <- exp(coef[pos])
     if (cycle > 1 & abs(delta.llik) < tol * 10)
     if (max(abs(x)) < tol)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (cycle == maxcyc) {
     if (verbose)
     cat("WARNING: maximum number of cycles reached before convergence\n")
     stats <- as.numeric(stats)
     stats <- matrix(stats, cycle, 2 * k + 1, byrow = TRUE)
     colnames(stats) <- c("llik", paste("s^2_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""),
     paste("der_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""))
     WX <- W %*% X
     XtWX <- crossprod(X, WX)
     cov <- XtWX
     cov <- solve(cov, cbind(t(WX), diag(1, dim(XtWX)[1])))
     beta.cov <- matrix(cov[, (dim(t(WX))[2] + 1):dim(cov)[2]],
     dim(X)[2], dim(X)[2])
     cov <- matrix(cov[, 1:dim(t(WX))[2]], dim(X)[2], dim(X)[1])
     beta <- cov %*% y
     beta <- matrix(beta, length(beta), 1)
     row.names(beta) <- Xcolnames <- sqrt(abs(diag(beta.cov)))
     pos.cov <- (diag(beta.cov) < 0)[pos.cov] <- NA <- matrix(, length(, 1)
     row.names( <- Xcolnames
     rms <- rss/rankQ
     fitted.values <- X %*% beta
     Q <- In - X %*% cov
     predicted <- NULL
     predictedVariance <- NULL
     predictedVariance2 <- NULL
     if (identity) {
     gam <- sigma[k]
     if (SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) {
     Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     predicted <- fitted.values + (Sigma - gam * In) %*% W %*%
     (y - fitted.values)
     predictedVariance <- 2 * gam - gam^2 * diag(W)
     predictedVariance2 <- diag(gam^2 * WX %*% beta.cov %*%
     sigma.cov <- (A.svd[1:k, 1:k] * 2)
     FI <- A/2
     FI.c <- matrix(0, dim(FI)[1], dim(FI)[2])
     FI.c <- FI/tcrossprod((sigma - 1) * pos + 1)
     names(sigma) <- Vcoef.names
     sigma.cov <- try(ginv(FI.c), silent = TRUE)
     error1 <- (class(sigma.cov) == "try-error")
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     rownames(sigma.cov) <- colnames(sigma.cov) <- Vcoef.names
     if (!error1) {
     if (any(sigma[pos]^2 < 1e-04))
     cat("Warning: solution lies close to zero for some positive variance components, their standard errors may not be valid\n")
     result <- list(trace = stats, llik = llik, cycle = cycle,
     rdf = rankQ, beta = beta, beta.cov = beta.cov, =,
     sigma = sigma[1:k], sigma.cov = sigma.cov[1:k, 1:k],
     W = W, Q = Q, fitted = fitted.values, predicted = predicted,
     predictedVariance = predictedVariance, predictedVariance2 = predictedVariance2,
     pos = pos, Vnames = Vcoef.names, formula = formula, Vformula = Vformula,
     Kcolnames = Kcolnames, model = model, Z = Z, X = X, Sigma = Sigma)
     class(result) <- "regress"
     <bytecode: 0x2b5d820>
     <environment: namespace:regress>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function regress in namespace regress has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (error1) { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: regress
     In addition: Warning message:
     Using formula(x) is deprecated when x is a character vector of length > 1.
     Consider formula(paste(x, collapse = " ")) instead.
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in 'tests/regress.tests.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > ## Test 1, Random Effects Model
     > library(nlme)
     > library(regress)
     > data(Oats)
     > names(Oats) <- c("B","V","N","Y")
     > Oats$N <- as.factor(Oats$N)
     > ## Using regress
     > oats.reg <- regress(Y~N+V,~B+I(B:V),identity=TRUE,verbose=1,data=Oats)
     1 sigma = 732.1964 732.1964 732.1964 resid llik = -215.1927
     1 adjusted sigma = 157.9849 157.9849 157.9849
     2 sigma = 186.231 133.8389 160.2718 resid llik = -215.0362
     2 adjusted sigma = 185.6373 133.4123 159.761 delta.llik = 0.1565299
     3 sigma = 205.8252 116.8087 161.7195 resid llik = -214.981
     3 adjusted sigma = 205.6644 116.7175 161.5931 delta.llik = 0.05518008
     4 sigma = 213.5958 110.3954 162.4623 resid llik = -214.975
     4 adjusted sigma = 213.5887 110.3917 162.4569 delta.llik = 0.005981576
     5 sigma = 214.3882 109.7628 162.5486 resid llik = -214.9749
     5 adjusted sigma = 214.3882 109.7628 162.5486 delta.llik = 6.213704e-05
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     regress(Y ~ N + V, ~B + I(B:V), identity = TRUE, verbose = 1,
     data = Oats)
     --- call from argument ---
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: regress(Y ~ N + V, ~B + I(B:V), identity = TRUE, verbose = 1,
     data = Oats)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (formula, Vformula, identity = TRUE, kernel = NULL,
     start = NULL, taper = NULL, pos, verbose = 0, gamVals = NULL,
     maxcyc = 50, tol = 1e-04, data)
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Extracting objects from call\n")
     if (missing(data))
     data <- environment(formula)
     mf <- model.frame(formula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
     y <- model.response(mf)
     model <- list()
     model <- c(model, mf)
     if (missing(Vformula))
     Vformula <- NULL
     isNA <- apply(, 1, any)
     if (!is.null(Vformula)) {
     V <- model.frame(Vformula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     V <- eval(V, parent.frame())
     mfr <-
     if (ncol(mfr) == 1) {
     isNA <- isNA | mfr
     else {
     isNA <- isNA | apply(mfr[, !apply(mfr, 2, all)],
     1, any)
     Vcoef.names <- names(V)
     V <- as.list(V)
     k <- length(V)
     else {
     V <- NULL
     k <- 0
     Vcoef.names = NULL
     if (ncol(mf) == 1)
     mf <- cbind(mf, 1)
     X <- model.matrix(formula, mf[!isNA, ])
     y <- y[!isNA]
     n <- length(y)
     Xcolnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
     if (is.null(Xcolnames)) {
     Xcolnames <- paste("X.column", c(1:dim(as.matrix(X))[2]),
     sep = "")
     X <- matrix(X, n, length(X)/n)
     qr <- qr(X)
     rankQ <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank) {
     X <- matrix(X[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Xcolnames <- Xcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     else {
     cat("\nERROR: X has rank 0\n\n")
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Setting up kernel\n")
     if (missing(kernel)) {
     K <- X
     colnames(K) <- Xcolnames
     reml <- TRUE
     kernel <- NULL
     else {
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel > 0) {
     K <- matrix(rep(1, n), n, 1)
     colnames(K) <- c("1")
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel <= 0) {
     K <- Kcolnames <- NULL
     KX <- X
     rankQK <- n
     if (length(kernel) > 1) {
     if (is.matrix(kernel)) {
     K <- kernel[!isNA, ]
     else {
     K <- model.frame(kernel, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     K <- eval(K, parent.frame())
     if (ncol(K) == 1) {
     dimNamesK <- dimnames(K)
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     dimNamesK[[1]] <- dimNamesK[[1]][!isNA]
     K <- data.frame(V1 = K)
     dimnames(K) <- dimNamesK
     else {
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     K <- model.matrix(kernel, K)
     reml <- FALSE
     if (!is.null(K)) {
     Kcolnames <- colnames(K)
     qr <- qr(K)
     rankQK <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank == 0)
     K <- NULL
     else {
     K <- matrix(K[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Kcolnames <- Kcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     KX <- cbind(K, X)
     qr <- qr(KX)
     KX <- matrix(KX[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     if (missing(maxcyc))
     maxcyc <- 50
     if (missing(tol))
     tol <- 1e-04
     delta <- 1
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Removing parts of random effects corresponding to missing values\n")
     for (i in 1:k) {
     if (is.matrix(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA, !isNA]
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA]
     In <- diag(rep(1, n), n, n)
     if (identity) {
     V[[k + 1]] <- as.factor(1:n)
     names(V)[k + 1] <- "In"
     k <- k + 1
     Vcoef.names <- c(Vcoef.names, "In")
     Vformula <- as.character(Vformula)
     Vformula[1] <- "~"
     Vformula[2] <- paste(Vformula[2], "+In")
     Vformula <- as.formula(Vformula)
     model <- c(model, V)
     model$formula <- formula
     model$Vformula <- Vformula
     if (!missing(pos))
     pos <- as.logical(pos)
     if (missing(pos))
     pos <- rep(FALSE, k)
     if (length(pos) < k)
     cat("Warning: argument pos is only partially specified; additional terms (n=",
     k - length(pos), ") set to FALSE internally.\n",
     sep = "")
     pos <- c(pos, rep(FALSE, k))
     pos <- pos[1:k]
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Checking if we can apply the Sherman Morrison Woodbury identites for matrix inversion\n")
     if (all(sapply(V, is.factor)) & k > 2) {
     else SWsolveINDICATOR <- FALSE
     Z <- list()
     for (i in 1:length(V)) {
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     Vi <- model.matrix(~V[[i]] - 1)
     colnames(Vi) <- levels(V[[i]])
     Z[[i]] <- Vi
     V[[i]] <- tcrossprod(Vi)
     else {
     Z[[i]] <- V[[i]]
     names(Z) <- names(V)
     A <- matrix(rep(0, k^2), k, k)
     entries <- expand.grid(1:k, 1:k)
     x <- rep(0, k)
     sigma <- c(1, rep(0, k - 1))
     stats <- rep(0, 0)
     if (missing(taper)) {
     taper <- rep(0.9, maxcyc)
     if (missing(start) && k > 1)
     taper[1:2] <- c(0.5, 0.7)
     else {
     taper <- pmin(abs(taper), 1)
     if ((l <- length(taper)) < maxcyc)
     taper <- c(taper, rep(taper[l], maxcyc - l))
     if (!is.null(start)) {
     start <- c(start, rep(1, k))
     start <- start[1:k]
     if (k > 2 && is.null(start))
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     if (k == 1 && is.null(start))
     start <- var(y, na.rm = TRUE)
     if (is.null(start) && k == 2) {
     if (missing(gamVals)) {
     gamVals <- seq(0.01, 0.02, length = 3)^2
     gamVals <- sort(c(gamVals, seq(0.1, 0.9, length = 3),
     1 - gamVals))
     gamVals <- 0.5
     if (length(gamVals) > 1) {
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat("Evaluating the llik at gamma = \n")
     if (verbose >= 1)
     if (verbose >= 1)
     reg.obj <- reml(gamVals, y, X, V[[1]], V[[2]], verbose = verbose)
     llik <- reg.obj$llik
     llik <- as.double(llik)
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat(llik, "\n")
     gam <- gamVals[llik == max(llik)]
     gam <- gam[1]
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat("MLE is near", gam, "and llik =", max(llik),
     if (length(gamVals) == 1) {
     gam <- gamVals[1]
     reg.obj <- list(rms = var(y))
     start <- c(1 - gam, gam) * reg.obj$rms
     if (gam == 0.9999) {
     taper[1] <- taper[1]/100
     maxcyc <- maxcyc * 10
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat(c("start algorithm at", round(start, 4), "\n"))
     if (is.null(start) & k > 2) {
     LLvals <- NULL
     V2 <- V[[2]]
     for (ii in 3:k) V2 <- V2 + V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.5, y, X, V[[1]], V2)$llik)
     V2 <- V[[1]] + V2
     for (ii in 1:k) {
     V2 <- V2 - V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.75, y, X, V2, V[[ii]])$llik)
     best <- which.max(LLvals)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Checking starting points\n")
     cat("llik values of", LLvals, "\n")
     if (best == 1) {
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     else {
     start <- rep(0.25, k)
     start[best] <- 0.75
     sigma <- coef <- start
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     T <- vector("list", length = k)
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- matrix(NA, n, n)
     for (cycle in 1:maxcyc) {
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind)) {
     coef[ind] <- pmin(coef[ind], 20)
     coef[ind] <- pmax(coef[ind], -20)
     sigma[ind] <- exp(coef[ind])
     if (verbose) {
     cat(cycle, "sigma =", sigma)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (is.null(K))
     WQK <- W
     else {
     WK <- W %*% K
     WQK <- W - WK %*% solve(t(K) %*% WK, t(WK))
     if (reml)
     WQX <- WQK
     else {
     WX <- W %*% KX
     WQX <- W - WX %*% solve(t(KX) %*% WX, t(WX))
     rss <- as.numeric(t(y) %*% WQX %*% y)
     sigma <- sigma * rss/rankQK
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     WQK <- WQK * rankQK/rss
     WQX <- WQX * rankQK/rss
     rss <- rankQK
     eig <- sort(eigen(WQK, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values,
     decreasing = TRUE)[1:rankQK]
     if (any(eig < 0)) {
     cat("error: Sigma is not positive definite on contrasts: range(eig)=",
     range(eig), "\n")
     WQK <- WQK + (tol - min(eig)) * diag(nobs)
     eig <- eig + tol - min(eig)
     ldet <- sum(log(eig))
     llik <- ldet/2 - rss/2
     if (cycle == 1)
     llik0 <- llik
     delta.llik <- llik - llik0
     llik0 <- llik
     if (verbose) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" resid llik =", llik, "\n")
     else cat(" llik =", llik, "\n")
     cat(cycle, "adjusted sigma =", sigma)
     if (cycle > 1) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat("\n")
     x <- NULL
     var.components <- rep(1, k)
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind))
     var.components[ind] <- sigma[ind]
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     x <- sapply(T, function(x) as.numeric(t(y) %*% x %*%
     WQX %*% y - sum(diag(x))))
     x <- x * var.components
     ff <- function(x) sum(T[[x[1]]] * t(T[[x[2]]])) * var.components[x[1]] *
     aa <- apply(entries, 1, ff)
     A[as.matrix(entries)] <- aa
     stats <- c(stats, llik, sigma[1:k], x[1:k])
     if (verbose >= 9) {
     A.svd <- ginv(A)
     x <- A.svd %*% x
     if (qr(A)$rank < k) {
     if (cycle == 1) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Warning: Non identifiable dispersion model\n")
     coef <- coef + taper[cycle] * x
     sigma[!pos] <- coef[!pos]
     sigma[pos] <- exp(coef[pos])
     if (cycle > 1 & abs(delta.llik) < tol * 10)
     if (max(abs(x)) < tol)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (cycle == maxcyc) {
     if (verbose)
     cat("WARNING: maximum number of cycles reached before convergence\n")
     stats <- as.numeric(stats)
     stats <- matrix(stats, cycle, 2 * k + 1, byrow = TRUE)
     colnames(stats) <- c("llik", paste("s^2_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""),
     paste("der_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""))
     WX <- W %*% X
     XtWX <- crossprod(X, WX)
     cov <- XtWX
     cov <- solve(cov, cbind(t(WX), diag(1, dim(XtWX)[1])))
     beta.cov <- matrix(cov[, (dim(t(WX))[2] + 1):dim(cov)[2]],
     dim(X)[2], dim(X)[2])
     cov <- matrix(cov[, 1:dim(t(WX))[2]], dim(X)[2], dim(X)[1])
     beta <- cov %*% y
     beta <- matrix(beta, length(beta), 1)
     row.names(beta) <- Xcolnames <- sqrt(abs(diag(beta.cov)))
     pos.cov <- (diag(beta.cov) < 0)[pos.cov] <- NA <- matrix(, length(, 1)
     row.names( <- Xcolnames
     rms <- rss/rankQ
     fitted.values <- X %*% beta
     Q <- In - X %*% cov
     predicted <- NULL
     predictedVariance <- NULL
     predictedVariance2 <- NULL
     if (identity) {
     gam <- sigma[k]
     if (SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) {
     Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     predicted <- fitted.values + (Sigma - gam * In) %*% W %*%
     (y - fitted.values)
     predictedVariance <- 2 * gam - gam^2 * diag(W)
     predictedVariance2 <- diag(gam^2 * WX %*% beta.cov %*%
     sigma.cov <- (A.svd[1:k, 1:k] * 2)
     FI <- A/2
     FI.c <- matrix(0, dim(FI)[1], dim(FI)[2])
     FI.c <- FI/tcrossprod((sigma - 1) * pos + 1)
     names(sigma) <- Vcoef.names
     sigma.cov <- try(ginv(FI.c), silent = TRUE)
     error1 <- (class(sigma.cov) == "try-error")
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     rownames(sigma.cov) <- colnames(sigma.cov) <- Vcoef.names
     if (!error1) {
     if (any(sigma[pos]^2 < 1e-04))
     cat("Warning: solution lies close to zero for some positive variance components, their standard errors may not be valid\n")
     result <- list(trace = stats, llik = llik, cycle = cycle,
     rdf = rankQ, beta = beta, beta.cov = beta.cov, =,
     sigma = sigma[1:k], sigma.cov = sigma.cov[1:k, 1:k],
     W = W, Q = Q, fitted = fitted.values, predicted = predicted,
     predictedVariance = predictedVariance, predictedVariance2 = predictedVariance2,
     pos = pos, Vnames = Vcoef.names, formula = formula, Vformula = Vformula,
     Kcolnames = Kcolnames, model = model, Z = Z, X = X, Sigma = Sigma)
     class(result) <- "regress"
     <bytecode: 0x35a8088>
     <environment: namespace:regress>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function regress in namespace regress has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (error1) { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: regress
     In addition: Warning message:
     Using formula(x) is deprecated when x is a character vector of length > 1.
     Consider formula(paste(x, collapse = " ")) instead.
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in 'tests/regressPaper.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > rm(list=ls())
     > if(FALSE) {
     + files <- list.files("../R/",full.names=TRUE)
     + files <- files[-grep("\\~",files)]
     + for(ff in files) source(ff)
     + } else {
     + library(regress)
     + }
     > library(MASS) ## needed for mvrnorm
     > n <- 100
     > mu <- c(1,2)
     > Sigma <- matrix(c(10,5,5,10),2,2)
     > Y <- mvrnorm(n,mu,Sigma)
     > ## this simulates multivariate normal rvs
     > y <- as.vector(t(Y))
     > X <- kronecker(rep(1,n),diag(1,2))
     > V1 <- matrix(c(1,0,0,0),2,2)
     > V2 <- matrix(c(0,0,0,1),2,2)
     > V3 <- matrix(c(0,1,1,0),2,2)
     > sig1 <- kronecker(diag(1,n),V1)
     > sig2 <- kronecker(diag(1,n),V2)
     > gam <- kronecker(diag(1,n),V3)
     > reg.obj <- regress(y~X-1,~sig1+sig2+gam,identity=FALSE,start=c(1,1,0.5),verbose=2)
     1 sigma = 1 1 0.5 resid llik = -299.6136
     1 adjusted sigma = 8.760393 8.760393 4.380197
     2 sigma = 8.593791 8.795592 4.248793 resid llik = -299.5893
     2 adjusted sigma = 8.593407 8.795199 4.248603 delta.llik = 0.02431915
     3 sigma = 8.577093 8.799072 4.235633 resid llik = -299.589
     3 adjusted sigma = 8.577089 8.799068 4.235631 delta.llik = 0.0002433506
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     regress(y ~ X - 1, ~sig1 + sig2 + gam, identity = FALSE, start = c(1,
     1, 0.5), verbose = 2)
     --- call from argument ---
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: regress(y ~ X - 1, ~sig1 + sig2 + gam, identity = FALSE, start = c(1,
     1, 0.5), verbose = 2)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (formula, Vformula, identity = TRUE, kernel = NULL,
     start = NULL, taper = NULL, pos, verbose = 0, gamVals = NULL,
     maxcyc = 50, tol = 1e-04, data)
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Extracting objects from call\n")
     if (missing(data))
     data <- environment(formula)
     mf <- model.frame(formula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
     y <- model.response(mf)
     model <- list()
     model <- c(model, mf)
     if (missing(Vformula))
     Vformula <- NULL
     isNA <- apply(, 1, any)
     if (!is.null(Vformula)) {
     V <- model.frame(Vformula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     V <- eval(V, parent.frame())
     mfr <-
     if (ncol(mfr) == 1) {
     isNA <- isNA | mfr
     else {
     isNA <- isNA | apply(mfr[, !apply(mfr, 2, all)],
     1, any)
     Vcoef.names <- names(V)
     V <- as.list(V)
     k <- length(V)
     else {
     V <- NULL
     k <- 0
     Vcoef.names = NULL
     if (ncol(mf) == 1)
     mf <- cbind(mf, 1)
     X <- model.matrix(formula, mf[!isNA, ])
     y <- y[!isNA]
     n <- length(y)
     Xcolnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
     if (is.null(Xcolnames)) {
     Xcolnames <- paste("X.column", c(1:dim(as.matrix(X))[2]),
     sep = "")
     X <- matrix(X, n, length(X)/n)
     qr <- qr(X)
     rankQ <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank) {
     X <- matrix(X[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Xcolnames <- Xcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     else {
     cat("\nERROR: X has rank 0\n\n")
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Setting up kernel\n")
     if (missing(kernel)) {
     K <- X
     colnames(K) <- Xcolnames
     reml <- TRUE
     kernel <- NULL
     else {
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel > 0) {
     K <- matrix(rep(1, n), n, 1)
     colnames(K) <- c("1")
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel <= 0) {
     K <- Kcolnames <- NULL
     KX <- X
     rankQK <- n
     if (length(kernel) > 1) {
     if (is.matrix(kernel)) {
     K <- kernel[!isNA, ]
     else {
     K <- model.frame(kernel, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     K <- eval(K, parent.frame())
     if (ncol(K) == 1) {
     dimNamesK <- dimnames(K)
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     dimNamesK[[1]] <- dimNamesK[[1]][!isNA]
     K <- data.frame(V1 = K)
     dimnames(K) <- dimNamesK
     else {
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     K <- model.matrix(kernel, K)
     reml <- FALSE
     if (!is.null(K)) {
     Kcolnames <- colnames(K)
     qr <- qr(K)
     rankQK <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank == 0)
     K <- NULL
     else {
     K <- matrix(K[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Kcolnames <- Kcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     KX <- cbind(K, X)
     qr <- qr(KX)
     KX <- matrix(KX[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     if (missing(maxcyc))
     maxcyc <- 50
     if (missing(tol))
     tol <- 1e-04
     delta <- 1
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Removing parts of random effects corresponding to missing values\n")
     for (i in 1:k) {
     if (is.matrix(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA, !isNA]
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA]
     In <- diag(rep(1, n), n, n)
     if (identity) {
     V[[k + 1]] <- as.factor(1:n)
     names(V)[k + 1] <- "In"
     k <- k + 1
     Vcoef.names <- c(Vcoef.names, "In")
     Vformula <- as.character(Vformula)
     Vformula[1] <- "~"
     Vformula[2] <- paste(Vformula[2], "+In")
     Vformula <- as.formula(Vformula)
     model <- c(model, V)
     model$formula <- formula
     model$Vformula <- Vformula
     if (!missing(pos))
     pos <- as.logical(pos)
     if (missing(pos))
     pos <- rep(FALSE, k)
     if (length(pos) < k)
     cat("Warning: argument pos is only partially specified; additional terms (n=",
     k - length(pos), ") set to FALSE internally.\n",
     sep = "")
     pos <- c(pos, rep(FALSE, k))
     pos <- pos[1:k]
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Checking if we can apply the Sherman Morrison Woodbury identites for matrix inversion\n")
     if (all(sapply(V, is.factor)) & k > 2) {
     else SWsolveINDICATOR <- FALSE
     Z <- list()
     for (i in 1:length(V)) {
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     Vi <- model.matrix(~V[[i]] - 1)
     colnames(Vi) <- levels(V[[i]])
     Z[[i]] <- Vi
     V[[i]] <- tcrossprod(Vi)
     else {
     Z[[i]] <- V[[i]]
     names(Z) <- names(V)
     A <- matrix(rep(0, k^2), k, k)
     entries <- expand.grid(1:k, 1:k)
     x <- rep(0, k)
     sigma <- c(1, rep(0, k - 1))
     stats <- rep(0, 0)
     if (missing(taper)) {
     taper <- rep(0.9, maxcyc)
     if (missing(start) && k > 1)
     taper[1:2] <- c(0.5, 0.7)
     else {
     taper <- pmin(abs(taper), 1)
     if ((l <- length(taper)) < maxcyc)
     taper <- c(taper, rep(taper[l], maxcyc - l))
     if (!is.null(start)) {
     start <- c(start, rep(1, k))
     start <- start[1:k]
     if (k > 2 && is.null(start))
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     if (k == 1 && is.null(start))
     start <- var(y, na.rm = TRUE)
     if (is.null(start) && k == 2) {
     if (missing(gamVals)) {
     gamVals <- seq(0.01, 0.02, length = 3)^2
     gamVals <- sort(c(gamVals, seq(0.1, 0.9, length = 3),
     1 - gamVals))
     gamVals <- 0.5
     if (length(gamVals) > 1) {
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat("Evaluating the llik at gamma = \n")
     if (verbose >= 1)
     if (verbose >= 1)
     reg.obj <- reml(gamVals, y, X, V[[1]], V[[2]], verbose = verbose)
     llik <- reg.obj$llik
     llik <- as.double(llik)
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat(llik, "\n")
     gam <- gamVals[llik == max(llik)]
     gam <- gam[1]
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat("MLE is near", gam, "and llik =", max(llik),
     if (length(gamVals) == 1) {
     gam <- gamVals[1]
     reg.obj <- list(rms = var(y))
     start <- c(1 - gam, gam) * reg.obj$rms
     if (gam == 0.9999) {
     taper[1] <- taper[1]/100
     maxcyc <- maxcyc * 10
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat(c("start algorithm at", round(start, 4), "\n"))
     if (is.null(start) & k > 2) {
     LLvals <- NULL
     V2 <- V[[2]]
     for (ii in 3:k) V2 <- V2 + V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.5, y, X, V[[1]], V2)$llik)
     V2 <- V[[1]] + V2
     for (ii in 1:k) {
     V2 <- V2 - V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.75, y, X, V2, V[[ii]])$llik)
     best <- which.max(LLvals)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Checking starting points\n")
     cat("llik values of", LLvals, "\n")
     if (best == 1) {
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     else {
     start <- rep(0.25, k)
     start[best] <- 0.75
     sigma <- coef <- start
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     T <- vector("list", length = k)
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- matrix(NA, n, n)
     for (cycle in 1:maxcyc) {
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind)) {
     coef[ind] <- pmin(coef[ind], 20)
     coef[ind] <- pmax(coef[ind], -20)
     sigma[ind] <- exp(coef[ind])
     if (verbose) {
     cat(cycle, "sigma =", sigma)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (is.null(K))
     WQK <- W
     else {
     WK <- W %*% K
     WQK <- W - WK %*% solve(t(K) %*% WK, t(WK))
     if (reml)
     WQX <- WQK
     else {
     WX <- W %*% KX
     WQX <- W - WX %*% solve(t(KX) %*% WX, t(WX))
     rss <- as.numeric(t(y) %*% WQX %*% y)
     sigma <- sigma * rss/rankQK
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     WQK <- WQK * rankQK/rss
     WQX <- WQX * rankQK/rss
     rss <- rankQK
     eig <- sort(eigen(WQK, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values,
     decreasing = TRUE)[1:rankQK]
     if (any(eig < 0)) {
     cat("error: Sigma is not positive definite on contrasts: range(eig)=",
     range(eig), "\n")
     WQK <- WQK + (tol - min(eig)) * diag(nobs)
     eig <- eig + tol - min(eig)
     ldet <- sum(log(eig))
     llik <- ldet/2 - rss/2
     if (cycle == 1)
     llik0 <- llik
     delta.llik <- llik - llik0
     llik0 <- llik
     if (verbose) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" resid llik =", llik, "\n")
     else cat(" llik =", llik, "\n")
     cat(cycle, "adjusted sigma =", sigma)
     if (cycle > 1) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat("\n")
     x <- NULL
     var.components <- rep(1, k)
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind))
     var.components[ind] <- sigma[ind]
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     x <- sapply(T, function(x) as.numeric(t(y) %*% x %*%
     WQX %*% y - sum(diag(x))))
     x <- x * var.components
     ff <- function(x) sum(T[[x[1]]] * t(T[[x[2]]])) * var.components[x[1]] *
     aa <- apply(entries, 1, ff)
     A[as.matrix(entries)] <- aa
     stats <- c(stats, llik, sigma[1:k], x[1:k])
     if (verbose >= 9) {
     A.svd <- ginv(A)
     x <- A.svd %*% x
     if (qr(A)$rank < k) {
     if (cycle == 1) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Warning: Non identifiable dispersion model\n")
     coef <- coef + taper[cycle] * x
     sigma[!pos] <- coef[!pos]
     sigma[pos] <- exp(coef[pos])
     if (cycle > 1 & abs(delta.llik) < tol * 10)
     if (max(abs(x)) < tol)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (cycle == maxcyc) {
     if (verbose)
     cat("WARNING: maximum number of cycles reached before convergence\n")
     stats <- as.numeric(stats)
     stats <- matrix(stats, cycle, 2 * k + 1, byrow = TRUE)
     colnames(stats) <- c("llik", paste("s^2_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""),
     paste("der_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""))
     WX <- W %*% X
     XtWX <- crossprod(X, WX)
     cov <- XtWX
     cov <- solve(cov, cbind(t(WX), diag(1, dim(XtWX)[1])))
     beta.cov <- matrix(cov[, (dim(t(WX))[2] + 1):dim(cov)[2]],
     dim(X)[2], dim(X)[2])
     cov <- matrix(cov[, 1:dim(t(WX))[2]], dim(X)[2], dim(X)[1])
     beta <- cov %*% y
     beta <- matrix(beta, length(beta), 1)
     row.names(beta) <- Xcolnames <- sqrt(abs(diag(beta.cov)))
     pos.cov <- (diag(beta.cov) < 0)[pos.cov] <- NA <- matrix(, length(, 1)
     row.names( <- Xcolnames
     rms <- rss/rankQ
     fitted.values <- X %*% beta
     Q <- In - X %*% cov
     predicted <- NULL
     predictedVariance <- NULL
     predictedVariance2 <- NULL
     if (identity) {
     gam <- sigma[k]
     if (SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) {
     Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     predicted <- fitted.values + (Sigma - gam * In) %*% W %*%
     (y - fitted.values)
     predictedVariance <- 2 * gam - gam^2 * diag(W)
     predictedVariance2 <- diag(gam^2 * WX %*% beta.cov %*%
     sigma.cov <- (A.svd[1:k, 1:k] * 2)
     FI <- A/2
     FI.c <- matrix(0, dim(FI)[1], dim(FI)[2])
     FI.c <- FI/tcrossprod((sigma - 1) * pos + 1)
     names(sigma) <- Vcoef.names
     sigma.cov <- try(ginv(FI.c), silent = TRUE)
     error1 <- (class(sigma.cov) == "try-error")
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     rownames(sigma.cov) <- colnames(sigma.cov) <- Vcoef.names
     if (!error1) {
     if (any(sigma[pos]^2 < 1e-04))
     cat("Warning: solution lies close to zero for some positive variance components, their standard errors may not be valid\n")
     result <- list(trace = stats, llik = llik, cycle = cycle,
     rdf = rankQ, beta = beta, beta.cov = beta.cov, =,
     sigma = sigma[1:k], sigma.cov = sigma.cov[1:k, 1:k],
     W = W, Q = Q, fitted = fitted.values, predicted = predicted,
     predictedVariance = predictedVariance, predictedVariance2 = predictedVariance2,
     pos = pos, Vnames = Vcoef.names, formula = formula, Vformula = Vformula,
     Kcolnames = Kcolnames, model = model, Z = Z, X = X, Sigma = Sigma)
     class(result) <- "regress"
     <bytecode: 0x3ea1448>
     <environment: namespace:regress>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function regress in namespace regress has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (error1) { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: regress
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang

Version: 1.3-15
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘regress-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: regress
    > ### Title: Fit a Gaussian Linear Model with Linear Covariance Structure
    > ### Aliases: regress print.regress summary.regress BLUP
    > ### Keywords: regression models multivariate
    > ### ** Examples
    > ######################
    > ## Comparison with lme
    > ######################
    > ## Example of Random Effects model from Venables and Ripley, page 205
    > library(nlme)
    > library(regress)
    > citation("regress")
    To cite package 'regress' in publications use:
     David Clifford, Peter McCullagh (2014). The regress package R package
     version 1.3-15.
     David Clifford, Peter McCullagh (2006), The regress function, R News
     6:2, 6-10
    To see these entries in BibTeX format, use 'print(<citation>,
    bibtex=TRUE)', 'toBibtex(.)', or set
    > names(Oats) <- c("B","V","N","Y")
    > Oats$N <- as.factor(Oats$N)
    > ## Using regress
    > oats.reg <- regress(Y~N+V,~B+I(B:V),identity=TRUE,verbose=1,data=Oats)
    Warning: Using formula(x) is deprecated when x is a character vector of length > 1.
     Consider formula(paste(x, collapse = " ")) instead.
    1 sigma = 732.1964 732.1964 732.1964 resid llik = -215.1927
    1 adjusted sigma = 157.9849 157.9849 157.9849
    2 sigma = 186.231 133.8389 160.2718 resid llik = -215.0362
    2 adjusted sigma = 185.6373 133.4123 159.761 delta.llik = 0.1565299
    3 sigma = 205.8252 116.8087 161.7195 resid llik = -214.981
    3 adjusted sigma = 205.6644 116.7175 161.5931 delta.llik = 0.05518008
    4 sigma = 213.5958 110.3954 162.4623 resid llik = -214.975
    4 adjusted sigma = 213.5887 110.3917 162.4569 delta.llik = 0.005981576
    5 sigma = 214.3882 109.7628 162.5486 resid llik = -214.9749
    5 adjusted sigma = 214.3882 109.7628 162.5486 delta.llik = 6.213704e-05
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    regress(Y ~ N + V, ~B + I(B:V), identity = TRUE, verbose = 1,
     data = Oats)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: regress(Y ~ N + V, ~B + I(B:V), identity = TRUE, verbose = 1,
     data = Oats)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     --- function from context ---
    function (formula, Vformula, identity = TRUE, kernel = NULL,
     start = NULL, taper = NULL, pos, verbose = 0, gamVals = NULL,
     maxcyc = 50, tol = 1e-04, data)
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Extracting objects from call\n")
     if (missing(data))
     data <- environment(formula)
     mf <- model.frame(formula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
     y <- model.response(mf)
     model <- list()
     model <- c(model, mf)
     if (missing(Vformula))
     Vformula <- NULL
     isNA <- apply(, 1, any)
     if (!is.null(Vformula)) {
     V <- model.frame(Vformula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     V <- eval(V, parent.frame())
     mfr <-
     if (ncol(mfr) == 1) {
     isNA <- isNA | mfr
     else {
     isNA <- isNA | apply(mfr[, !apply(mfr, 2, all)],
     1, any)
     Vcoef.names <- names(V)
     V <- as.list(V)
     k <- length(V)
     else {
     V <- NULL
     k <- 0
     Vcoef.names = NULL
     if (ncol(mf) == 1)
     mf <- cbind(mf, 1)
     X <- model.matrix(formula, mf[!isNA, ])
     y <- y[!isNA]
     n <- length(y)
     Xcolnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
     if (is.null(Xcolnames)) {
     Xcolnames <- paste("X.column", c(1:dim(as.matrix(X))[2]),
     sep = "")
     X <- matrix(X, n, length(X)/n)
     qr <- qr(X)
     rankQ <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank) {
     X <- matrix(X[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Xcolnames <- Xcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     else {
     cat("\nERROR: X has rank 0\n\n")
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Setting up kernel\n")
     if (missing(kernel)) {
     K <- X
     colnames(K) <- Xcolnames
     reml <- TRUE
     kernel <- NULL
     else {
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel > 0) {
     K <- matrix(rep(1, n), n, 1)
     colnames(K) <- c("1")
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel <= 0) {
     K <- Kcolnames <- NULL
     KX <- X
     rankQK <- n
     if (length(kernel) > 1) {
     if (is.matrix(kernel)) {
     K <- kernel[!isNA, ]
     else {
     K <- model.frame(kernel, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     K <- eval(K, parent.frame())
     if (ncol(K) == 1) {
     dimNamesK <- dimnames(K)
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     dimNamesK[[1]] <- dimNamesK[[1]][!isNA]
     K <- data.frame(V1 = K)
     dimnames(K) <- dimNamesK
     else {
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     K <- model.matrix(kernel, K)
     reml <- FALSE
     if (!is.null(K)) {
     Kcolnames <- colnames(K)
     qr <- qr(K)
     rankQK <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank == 0)
     K <- NULL
     else {
     K <- matrix(K[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Kcolnames <- Kcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     KX <- cbind(K, X)
     qr <- qr(KX)
     KX <- matrix(KX[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     if (missing(maxcyc))
     maxcyc <- 50
     if (missing(tol))
     tol <- 1e-04
     delta <- 1
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Removing parts of random effects corresponding to missing values\n")
     for (i in 1:k) {
     if (is.matrix(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA, !isNA]
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA]
     In <- diag(rep(1, n), n, n)
     if (identity) {
     V[[k + 1]] <- as.factor(1:n)
     names(V)[k + 1] <- "In"
     k <- k + 1
     Vcoef.names <- c(Vcoef.names, "In")
     Vformula <- as.character(Vformula)
     Vformula[1] <- "~"
     Vformula[2] <- paste(Vformula[2], "+In")
     Vformula <- as.formula(Vformula)
     model <- c(model, V)
     model$formula <- formula
     model$Vformula <- Vformula
     if (!missing(pos))
     pos <- as.logical(pos)
     if (missing(pos))
     pos <- rep(FALSE, k)
     if (length(pos) < k)
     cat("Warning: argument pos is only partially specified; additional terms (n=",
     k - length(pos), ") set to FALSE internally.\n",
     sep = "")
     pos <- c(pos, rep(FALSE, k))
     pos <- pos[1:k]
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Checking if we can apply the Sherman Morrison Woodbury identites for matrix inversion\n")
     if (all(sapply(V, is.factor)) & k > 2) {
     else SWsolveINDICATOR <- FALSE
     Z <- list()
     for (i in 1:length(V)) {
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     Vi <- model.matrix(~V[[i]] - 1)
     colnames(Vi) <- levels(V[[i]])
     Z[[i]] <- Vi
     V[[i]] <- tcrossprod(Vi)
     else {
     Z[[i]] <- V[[i]]
     names(Z) <- names(V)
     A <- matrix(rep(0, k^2), k, k)
     entries <- expand.grid(1:k, 1:k)
     x <- rep(0, k)
     sigma <- c(1, rep(0, k - 1))
     stats <- rep(0, 0)
     if (missing(taper)) {
     taper <- rep(0.9, maxcyc)
     if (missing(start) && k > 1)
     taper[1:2] <- c(0.5, 0.7)
     else {
     taper <- pmin(abs(taper), 1)
     if ((l <- length(taper)) < maxcyc)
     taper <- c(taper, rep(taper[l], maxcyc - l))
     if (!is.null(start)) {
     start <- c(start, rep(1, k))
     start <- start[1:k]
     if (k > 2 && is.null(start))
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     if (k == 1 && is.null(start))
     start <- var(y, na.rm = TRUE)
     if (is.null(start) && k == 2) {
     if (missing(gamVals)) {
     gamVals <- seq(0.01, 0.02, length = 3)^2
     gamVals <- sort(c(gamVals, seq(0.1, 0.9, length = 3),
     1 - gamVals))
     gamVals <- 0.5
     if (length(gamVals) > 1) {
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat("Evaluating the llik at gamma = \n")
     if (verbose >= 1)
     if (verbose >= 1)
     reg.obj <- reml(gamVals, y, X, V[[1]], V[[2]], verbose = verbose)
     llik <- reg.obj$llik
     llik <- as.double(llik)
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat(llik, "\n")
     gam <- gamVals[llik == max(llik)]
     gam <- gam[1]
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat("MLE is near", gam, "and llik =", max(llik),
     if (length(gamVals) == 1) {
     gam <- gamVals[1]
     reg.obj <- list(rms = var(y))
     start <- c(1 - gam, gam) * reg.obj$rms
     if (gam == 0.9999) {
     taper[1] <- taper[1]/100
     maxcyc <- maxcyc * 10
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat(c("start algorithm at", round(start, 4), "\n"))
     if (is.null(start) & k > 2) {
     LLvals <- NULL
     V2 <- V[[2]]
     for (ii in 3:k) V2 <- V2 + V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.5, y, X, V[[1]], V2)$llik)
     V2 <- V[[1]] + V2
     for (ii in 1:k) {
     V2 <- V2 - V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.75, y, X, V2, V[[ii]])$llik)
     best <- which.max(LLvals)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Checking starting points\n")
     cat("llik values of", LLvals, "\n")
     if (best == 1) {
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     else {
     start <- rep(0.25, k)
     start[best] <- 0.75
     sigma <- coef <- start
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     T <- vector("list", length = k)
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- matrix(NA, n, n)
     for (cycle in 1:maxcyc) {
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind)) {
     coef[ind] <- pmin(coef[ind], 20)
     coef[ind] <- pmax(coef[ind], -20)
     sigma[ind] <- exp(coef[ind])
     if (verbose) {
     cat(cycle, "sigma =", sigma)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (is.null(K))
     WQK <- W
     else {
     WK <- W %*% K
     WQK <- W - WK %*% solve(t(K) %*% WK, t(WK))
     if (reml)
     WQX <- WQK
     else {
     WX <- W %*% KX
     WQX <- W - WX %*% solve(t(KX) %*% WX, t(WX))
     rss <- as.numeric(t(y) %*% WQX %*% y)
     sigma <- sigma * rss/rankQK
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     WQK <- WQK * rankQK/rss
     WQX <- WQX * rankQK/rss
     rss <- rankQK
     eig <- sort(eigen(WQK, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values,
     decreasing = TRUE)[1:rankQK]
     if (any(eig < 0)) {
     cat("error: Sigma is not positive definite on contrasts: range(eig)=",
     range(eig), "\n")
     WQK <- WQK + (tol - min(eig)) * diag(nobs)
     eig <- eig + tol - min(eig)
     ldet <- sum(log(eig))
     llik <- ldet/2 - rss/2
     if (cycle == 1)
     llik0 <- llik
     delta.llik <- llik - llik0
     llik0 <- llik
     if (verbose) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" resid llik =", llik, "\n")
     else cat(" llik =", llik, "\n")
     cat(cycle, "adjusted sigma =", sigma)
     if (cycle > 1) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat("\n")
     x <- NULL
     var.components <- rep(1, k)
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind))
     var.components[ind] <- sigma[ind]
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     x <- sapply(T, function(x) as.numeric(t(y) %*% x %*%
     WQX %*% y - sum(diag(x))))
     x <- x * var.components
     ff <- function(x) sum(T[[x[1]]] * t(T[[x[2]]])) * var.components[x[1]] *
     aa <- apply(entries, 1, ff)
     A[as.matrix(entries)] <- aa
     stats <- c(stats, llik, sigma[1:k], x[1:k])
     if (verbose >= 9) {
     A.svd <- ginv(A)
     x <- A.svd %*% x
     if (qr(A)$rank < k) {
     if (cycle == 1) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Warning: Non identifiable dispersion model\n")
     coef <- coef + taper[cycle] * x
     sigma[!pos] <- coef[!pos]
     sigma[pos] <- exp(coef[pos])
     if (cycle > 1 & abs(delta.llik) < tol * 10)
     if (max(abs(x)) < tol)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (cycle == maxcyc) {
     if (verbose)
     cat("WARNING: maximum number of cycles reached before convergence\n")
     stats <- as.numeric(stats)
     stats <- matrix(stats, cycle, 2 * k + 1, byrow = TRUE)
     colnames(stats) <- c("llik", paste("s^2_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""),
     paste("der_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""))
     WX <- W %*% X
     XtWX <- crossprod(X, WX)
     cov <- XtWX
     cov <- solve(cov, cbind(t(WX), diag(1, dim(XtWX)[1])))
     beta.cov <- matrix(cov[, (dim(t(WX))[2] + 1):dim(cov)[2]],
     dim(X)[2], dim(X)[2])
     cov <- matrix(cov[, 1:dim(t(WX))[2]], dim(X)[2], dim(X)[1])
     beta <- cov %*% y
     beta <- matrix(beta, length(beta), 1)
     row.names(beta) <- Xcolnames <- sqrt(abs(diag(beta.cov)))
     pos.cov <- (diag(beta.cov) < 0)[pos.cov] <- NA <- matrix(, length(, 1)
     row.names( <- Xcolnames
     rms <- rss/rankQ
     fitted.values <- X %*% beta
     Q <- In - X %*% cov
     predicted <- NULL
     predictedVariance <- NULL
     predictedVariance2 <- NULL
     if (identity) {
     gam <- sigma[k]
     if (SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) {
     Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     predicted <- fitted.values + (Sigma - gam * In) %*% W %*%
     (y - fitted.values)
     predictedVariance <- 2 * gam - gam^2 * diag(W)
     predictedVariance2 <- diag(gam^2 * WX %*% beta.cov %*%
     sigma.cov <- (A.svd[1:k, 1:k] * 2)
     FI <- A/2
     FI.c <- matrix(0, dim(FI)[1], dim(FI)[2])
     FI.c <- FI/tcrossprod((sigma - 1) * pos + 1)
     names(sigma) <- Vcoef.names
     sigma.cov <- try(ginv(FI.c), silent = TRUE)
     error1 <- (class(sigma.cov) == "try-error")
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     rownames(sigma.cov) <- colnames(sigma.cov) <- Vcoef.names
     if (!error1) {
     if (any(sigma[pos]^2 < 1e-04))
     cat("Warning: solution lies close to zero for some positive variance components, their standard errors may not be valid\n")
     result <- list(trace = stats, llik = llik, cycle = cycle,
     rdf = rankQ, beta = beta, beta.cov = beta.cov, =,
     sigma = sigma[1:k], sigma.cov = sigma.cov[1:k, 1:k],
     W = W, Q = Q, fitted = fitted.values, predicted = predicted,
     predictedVariance = predictedVariance, predictedVariance2 = predictedVariance2,
     pos = pos, Vnames = Vcoef.names, formula = formula, Vformula = Vformula,
     Kcolnames = Kcolnames, model = model, Z = Z, X = X, Sigma = Sigma)
     class(result) <- "regress"
    <bytecode: 0x55c9ee9d1eb8>
    <environment: namespace:regress>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function regress in namespace regress has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (error1) { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: regress
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc

Version: 1.3-15
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘BLUP.tests.R’ [1s/2s]
     Running ‘regress.tests.R’ [1s/2s]
     Running ‘regressPaper.R’ [1s/2s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/BLUP.tests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > set.seed(1001)
     > library(regress)
     > n <- 101
     > x1 <- runif(n)
     > x2 <- seq(0,1,l=n)
     > z1 <- gl(4,10,n)
     > z2 <- gl(6,1,n)
     > X <- model.matrix(~1 + x1 + x2)
     > Z1 <- model.matrix(~z1-1)
     > Z2 <- model.matrix(~z2-1)
     > ## Create the individual random and fixed effects
     > beta <- c(1,2,3)
     > eta1 <- rnorm(ncol(Z1),0,10)
     > eta2 <- rnorm(ncol(Z2),0,10)
     > eps <- rnorm(n,0,3)
     > ## Combine them into a response
     > y <- X %*% beta + Z1 %*% eta1 + Z2 %*% eta2 + eps
     > ## Fit the same model again
     > model <- regress(y~1 + x1 + x2,~z1 + z2, identity=TRUE,verbose=2)
     1 sigma = 111.2472 111.2472 111.2472 resid llik = -193.5592
     1 adjusted sigma = 14.95327 14.95327 14.95327
     2 sigma = 48.05741 34.5205 12.87801 resid llik = -185.4081
     2 adjusted sigma = 43.27607 31.08598 11.59674 delta.llik = 8.151054
     3 sigma = 70.09679 47.21641 11.03377 resid llik = -184.5278
     3 adjusted sigma = 69.55275 46.84995 10.94813 delta.llik = 0.8802895
     4 sigma = 80.45497 53.4053 10.80752 resid llik = -184.4768
     4 adjusted sigma = 80.4402 53.3955 10.80554 delta.llik = 0.05097438
     5 sigma = 81.55823 54.06055 10.79318 resid llik = -184.4764
     5 adjusted sigma = 81.5581 54.06046 10.79316 delta.llik = 0.0004381634
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     regress(y ~ 1 + x1 + x2, ~z1 + z2, identity = TRUE, verbose = 2)
     --- call from argument ---
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: regress(y ~ 1 + x1 + x2, ~z1 + z2, identity = TRUE, verbose = 2)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (formula, Vformula, identity = TRUE, kernel = NULL,
     start = NULL, taper = NULL, pos, verbose = 0, gamVals = NULL,
     maxcyc = 50, tol = 1e-04, data)
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Extracting objects from call\n")
     if (missing(data))
     data <- environment(formula)
     mf <- model.frame(formula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
     y <- model.response(mf)
     model <- list()
     model <- c(model, mf)
     if (missing(Vformula))
     Vformula <- NULL
     isNA <- apply(, 1, any)
     if (!is.null(Vformula)) {
     V <- model.frame(Vformula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     V <- eval(V, parent.frame())
     mfr <-
     if (ncol(mfr) == 1) {
     isNA <- isNA | mfr
     else {
     isNA <- isNA | apply(mfr[, !apply(mfr, 2, all)],
     1, any)
     Vcoef.names <- names(V)
     V <- as.list(V)
     k <- length(V)
     else {
     V <- NULL
     k <- 0
     Vcoef.names = NULL
     if (ncol(mf) == 1)
     mf <- cbind(mf, 1)
     X <- model.matrix(formula, mf[!isNA, ])
     y <- y[!isNA]
     n <- length(y)
     Xcolnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
     if (is.null(Xcolnames)) {
     Xcolnames <- paste("X.column", c(1:dim(as.matrix(X))[2]),
     sep = "")
     X <- matrix(X, n, length(X)/n)
     qr <- qr(X)
     rankQ <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank) {
     X <- matrix(X[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Xcolnames <- Xcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     else {
     cat("\nERROR: X has rank 0\n\n")
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Setting up kernel\n")
     if (missing(kernel)) {
     K <- X
     colnames(K) <- Xcolnames
     reml <- TRUE
     kernel <- NULL
     else {
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel > 0) {
     K <- matrix(rep(1, n), n, 1)
     colnames(K) <- c("1")
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel <= 0) {
     K <- Kcolnames <- NULL
     KX <- X
     rankQK <- n
     if (length(kernel) > 1) {
     if (is.matrix(kernel)) {
     K <- kernel[!isNA, ]
     else {
     K <- model.frame(kernel, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     K <- eval(K, parent.frame())
     if (ncol(K) == 1) {
     dimNamesK <- dimnames(K)
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     dimNamesK[[1]] <- dimNamesK[[1]][!isNA]
     K <- data.frame(V1 = K)
     dimnames(K) <- dimNamesK
     else {
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     K <- model.matrix(kernel, K)
     reml <- FALSE
     if (!is.null(K)) {
     Kcolnames <- colnames(K)
     qr <- qr(K)
     rankQK <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank == 0)
     K <- NULL
     else {
     K <- matrix(K[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Kcolnames <- Kcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     KX <- cbind(K, X)
     qr <- qr(KX)
     KX <- matrix(KX[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     if (missing(maxcyc))
     maxcyc <- 50
     if (missing(tol))
     tol <- 1e-04
     delta <- 1
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Removing parts of random effects corresponding to missing values\n")
     for (i in 1:k) {
     if (is.matrix(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA, !isNA]
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA]
     In <- diag(rep(1, n), n, n)
     if (identity) {
     V[[k + 1]] <- as.factor(1:n)
     names(V)[k + 1] <- "In"
     k <- k + 1
     Vcoef.names <- c(Vcoef.names, "In")
     Vformula <- as.character(Vformula)
     Vformula[1] <- "~"
     Vformula[2] <- paste(Vformula[2], "+In")
     Vformula <- as.formula(Vformula)
     model <- c(model, V)
     model$formula <- formula
     model$Vformula <- Vformula
     if (!missing(pos))
     pos <- as.logical(pos)
     if (missing(pos))
     pos <- rep(FALSE, k)
     if (length(pos) < k)
     cat("Warning: argument pos is only partially specified; additional terms (n=",
     k - length(pos), ") set to FALSE internally.\n",
     sep = "")
     pos <- c(pos, rep(FALSE, k))
     pos <- pos[1:k]
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Checking if we can apply the Sherman Morrison Woodbury identites for matrix inversion\n")
     if (all(sapply(V, is.factor)) & k > 2) {
     else SWsolveINDICATOR <- FALSE
     Z <- list()
     for (i in 1:length(V)) {
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     Vi <- model.matrix(~V[[i]] - 1)
     colnames(Vi) <- levels(V[[i]])
     Z[[i]] <- Vi
     V[[i]] <- tcrossprod(Vi)
     else {
     Z[[i]] <- V[[i]]
     names(Z) <- names(V)
     A <- matrix(rep(0, k^2), k, k)
     entries <- expand.grid(1:k, 1:k)
     x <- rep(0, k)
     sigma <- c(1, rep(0, k - 1))
     stats <- rep(0, 0)
     if (missing(taper)) {
     taper <- rep(0.9, maxcyc)
     if (missing(start) && k > 1)
     taper[1:2] <- c(0.5, 0.7)
     else {
     taper <- pmin(abs(taper), 1)
     if ((l <- length(taper)) < maxcyc)
     taper <- c(taper, rep(taper[l], maxcyc - l))
     if (!is.null(start)) {
     start <- c(start, rep(1, k))
     start <- start[1:k]
     if (k > 2 && is.null(start))
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     if (k == 1 && is.null(start))
     start <- var(y, na.rm = TRUE)
     if (is.null(start) && k == 2) {
     if (missing(gamVals)) {
     gamVals <- seq(0.01, 0.02, length = 3)^2
     gamVals <- sort(c(gamVals, seq(0.1, 0.9, length = 3),
     1 - gamVals))
     gamVals <- 0.5
     if (length(gamVals) > 1) {
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat("Evaluating the llik at gamma = \n")
     if (verbose >= 1)
     if (verbose >= 1)
     reg.obj <- reml(gamVals, y, X, V[[1]], V[[2]], verbose = verbose)
     llik <- reg.obj$llik
     llik <- as.double(llik)
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat(llik, "\n")
     gam <- gamVals[llik == max(llik)]
     gam <- gam[1]
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat("MLE is near", gam, "and llik =", max(llik),
     if (length(gamVals) == 1) {
     gam <- gamVals[1]
     reg.obj <- list(rms = var(y))
     start <- c(1 - gam, gam) * reg.obj$rms
     if (gam == 0.9999) {
     taper[1] <- taper[1]/100
     maxcyc <- maxcyc * 10
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat(c("start algorithm at", round(start, 4), "\n"))
     if (is.null(start) & k > 2) {
     LLvals <- NULL
     V2 <- V[[2]]
     for (ii in 3:k) V2 <- V2 + V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.5, y, X, V[[1]], V2)$llik)
     V2 <- V[[1]] + V2
     for (ii in 1:k) {
     V2 <- V2 - V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.75, y, X, V2, V[[ii]])$llik)
     best <- which.max(LLvals)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Checking starting points\n")
     cat("llik values of", LLvals, "\n")
     if (best == 1) {
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     else {
     start <- rep(0.25, k)
     start[best] <- 0.75
     sigma <- coef <- start
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     T <- vector("list", length = k)
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- matrix(NA, n, n)
     for (cycle in 1:maxcyc) {
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind)) {
     coef[ind] <- pmin(coef[ind], 20)
     coef[ind] <- pmax(coef[ind], -20)
     sigma[ind] <- exp(coef[ind])
     if (verbose) {
     cat(cycle, "sigma =", sigma)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (is.null(K))
     WQK <- W
     else {
     WK <- W %*% K
     WQK <- W - WK %*% solve(t(K) %*% WK, t(WK))
     if (reml)
     WQX <- WQK
     else {
     WX <- W %*% KX
     WQX <- W - WX %*% solve(t(KX) %*% WX, t(WX))
     rss <- as.numeric(t(y) %*% WQX %*% y)
     sigma <- sigma * rss/rankQK
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     WQK <- WQK * rankQK/rss
     WQX <- WQX * rankQK/rss
     rss <- rankQK
     eig <- sort(eigen(WQK, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values,
     decreasing = TRUE)[1:rankQK]
     if (any(eig < 0)) {
     cat("error: Sigma is not positive definite on contrasts: range(eig)=",
     range(eig), "\n")
     WQK <- WQK + (tol - min(eig)) * diag(nobs)
     eig <- eig + tol - min(eig)
     ldet <- sum(log(eig))
     llik <- ldet/2 - rss/2
     if (cycle == 1)
     llik0 <- llik
     delta.llik <- llik - llik0
     llik0 <- llik
     if (verbose) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" resid llik =", llik, "\n")
     else cat(" llik =", llik, "\n")
     cat(cycle, "adjusted sigma =", sigma)
     if (cycle > 1) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat("\n")
     x <- NULL
     var.components <- rep(1, k)
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind))
     var.components[ind] <- sigma[ind]
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     x <- sapply(T, function(x) as.numeric(t(y) %*% x %*%
     WQX %*% y - sum(diag(x))))
     x <- x * var.components
     ff <- function(x) sum(T[[x[1]]] * t(T[[x[2]]])) * var.components[x[1]] *
     aa <- apply(entries, 1, ff)
     A[as.matrix(entries)] <- aa
     stats <- c(stats, llik, sigma[1:k], x[1:k])
     if (verbose >= 9) {
     A.svd <- ginv(A)
     x <- A.svd %*% x
     if (qr(A)$rank < k) {
     if (cycle == 1) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Warning: Non identifiable dispersion model\n")
     coef <- coef + taper[cycle] * x
     sigma[!pos] <- coef[!pos]
     sigma[pos] <- exp(coef[pos])
     if (cycle > 1 & abs(delta.llik) < tol * 10)
     if (max(abs(x)) < tol)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (cycle == maxcyc) {
     if (verbose)
     cat("WARNING: maximum number of cycles reached before convergence\n")
     stats <- as.numeric(stats)
     stats <- matrix(stats, cycle, 2 * k + 1, byrow = TRUE)
     colnames(stats) <- c("llik", paste("s^2_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""),
     paste("der_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""))
     WX <- W %*% X
     XtWX <- crossprod(X, WX)
     cov <- XtWX
     cov <- solve(cov, cbind(t(WX), diag(1, dim(XtWX)[1])))
     beta.cov <- matrix(cov[, (dim(t(WX))[2] + 1):dim(cov)[2]],
     dim(X)[2], dim(X)[2])
     cov <- matrix(cov[, 1:dim(t(WX))[2]], dim(X)[2], dim(X)[1])
     beta <- cov %*% y
     beta <- matrix(beta, length(beta), 1)
     row.names(beta) <- Xcolnames <- sqrt(abs(diag(beta.cov)))
     pos.cov <- (diag(beta.cov) < 0)[pos.cov] <- NA <- matrix(, length(, 1)
     row.names( <- Xcolnames
     rms <- rss/rankQ
     fitted.values <- X %*% beta
     Q <- In - X %*% cov
     predicted <- NULL
     predictedVariance <- NULL
     predictedVariance2 <- NULL
     if (identity) {
     gam <- sigma[k]
     if (SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) {
     Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     predicted <- fitted.values + (Sigma - gam * In) %*% W %*%
     (y - fitted.values)
     predictedVariance <- 2 * gam - gam^2 * diag(W)
     predictedVariance2 <- diag(gam^2 * WX %*% beta.cov %*%
     sigma.cov <- (A.svd[1:k, 1:k] * 2)
     FI <- A/2
     FI.c <- matrix(0, dim(FI)[1], dim(FI)[2])
     FI.c <- FI/tcrossprod((sigma - 1) * pos + 1)
     names(sigma) <- Vcoef.names
     sigma.cov <- try(ginv(FI.c), silent = TRUE)
     error1 <- (class(sigma.cov) == "try-error")
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     rownames(sigma.cov) <- colnames(sigma.cov) <- Vcoef.names
     if (!error1) {
     if (any(sigma[pos]^2 < 1e-04))
     cat("Warning: solution lies close to zero for some positive variance components, their standard errors may not be valid\n")
     result <- list(trace = stats, llik = llik, cycle = cycle,
     rdf = rankQ, beta = beta, beta.cov = beta.cov, =,
     sigma = sigma[1:k], sigma.cov = sigma.cov[1:k, 1:k],
     W = W, Q = Q, fitted = fitted.values, predicted = predicted,
     predictedVariance = predictedVariance, predictedVariance2 = predictedVariance2,
     pos = pos, Vnames = Vcoef.names, formula = formula, Vformula = Vformula,
     Kcolnames = Kcolnames, model = model, Z = Z, X = X, Sigma = Sigma)
     class(result) <- "regress"
     <bytecode: 0x55ebde3bb4a8>
     <environment: namespace:regress>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function regress in namespace regress has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (error1) { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: regress
     In addition: Warning message:
     Using formula(x) is deprecated when x is a character vector of length > 1.
     Consider formula(paste(x, collapse = " ")) instead.
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in ‘tests/regress.tests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > ## Test 1, Random Effects Model
     > library(nlme)
     > library(regress)
     > data(Oats)
     > names(Oats) <- c("B","V","N","Y")
     > Oats$N <- as.factor(Oats$N)
     > ## Using regress
     > oats.reg <- regress(Y~N+V,~B+I(B:V),identity=TRUE,verbose=1,data=Oats)
     1 sigma = 732.1964 732.1964 732.1964 resid llik = -215.1927
     1 adjusted sigma = 157.9849 157.9849 157.9849
     2 sigma = 186.231 133.8389 160.2718 resid llik = -215.0362
     2 adjusted sigma = 185.6373 133.4123 159.761 delta.llik = 0.1565299
     3 sigma = 205.8252 116.8087 161.7195 resid llik = -214.981
     3 adjusted sigma = 205.6644 116.7175 161.5931 delta.llik = 0.05518008
     4 sigma = 213.5958 110.3954 162.4623 resid llik = -214.975
     4 adjusted sigma = 213.5887 110.3917 162.4569 delta.llik = 0.005981576
     5 sigma = 214.3882 109.7628 162.5486 resid llik = -214.9749
     5 adjusted sigma = 214.3882 109.7628 162.5486 delta.llik = 6.213704e-05
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     regress(Y ~ N + V, ~B + I(B:V), identity = TRUE, verbose = 1,
     data = Oats)
     --- call from argument ---
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: regress(Y ~ N + V, ~B + I(B:V), identity = TRUE, verbose = 1,
     data = Oats)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (formula, Vformula, identity = TRUE, kernel = NULL,
     start = NULL, taper = NULL, pos, verbose = 0, gamVals = NULL,
     maxcyc = 50, tol = 1e-04, data)
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Extracting objects from call\n")
     if (missing(data))
     data <- environment(formula)
     mf <- model.frame(formula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
     y <- model.response(mf)
     model <- list()
     model <- c(model, mf)
     if (missing(Vformula))
     Vformula <- NULL
     isNA <- apply(, 1, any)
     if (!is.null(Vformula)) {
     V <- model.frame(Vformula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     V <- eval(V, parent.frame())
     mfr <-
     if (ncol(mfr) == 1) {
     isNA <- isNA | mfr
     else {
     isNA <- isNA | apply(mfr[, !apply(mfr, 2, all)],
     1, any)
     Vcoef.names <- names(V)
     V <- as.list(V)
     k <- length(V)
     else {
     V <- NULL
     k <- 0
     Vcoef.names = NULL
     if (ncol(mf) == 1)
     mf <- cbind(mf, 1)
     X <- model.matrix(formula, mf[!isNA, ])
     y <- y[!isNA]
     n <- length(y)
     Xcolnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
     if (is.null(Xcolnames)) {
     Xcolnames <- paste("X.column", c(1:dim(as.matrix(X))[2]),
     sep = "")
     X <- matrix(X, n, length(X)/n)
     qr <- qr(X)
     rankQ <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank) {
     X <- matrix(X[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Xcolnames <- Xcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     else {
     cat("\nERROR: X has rank 0\n\n")
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Setting up kernel\n")
     if (missing(kernel)) {
     K <- X
     colnames(K) <- Xcolnames
     reml <- TRUE
     kernel <- NULL
     else {
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel > 0) {
     K <- matrix(rep(1, n), n, 1)
     colnames(K) <- c("1")
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel <= 0) {
     K <- Kcolnames <- NULL
     KX <- X
     rankQK <- n
     if (length(kernel) > 1) {
     if (is.matrix(kernel)) {
     K <- kernel[!isNA, ]
     else {
     K <- model.frame(kernel, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     K <- eval(K, parent.frame())
     if (ncol(K) == 1) {
     dimNamesK <- dimnames(K)
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     dimNamesK[[1]] <- dimNamesK[[1]][!isNA]
     K <- data.frame(V1 = K)
     dimnames(K) <- dimNamesK
     else {
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     K <- model.matrix(kernel, K)
     reml <- FALSE
     if (!is.null(K)) {
     Kcolnames <- colnames(K)
     qr <- qr(K)
     rankQK <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank == 0)
     K <- NULL
     else {
     K <- matrix(K[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Kcolnames <- Kcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     KX <- cbind(K, X)
     qr <- qr(KX)
     KX <- matrix(KX[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     if (missing(maxcyc))
     maxcyc <- 50
     if (missing(tol))
     tol <- 1e-04
     delta <- 1
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Removing parts of random effects corresponding to missing values\n")
     for (i in 1:k) {
     if (is.matrix(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA, !isNA]
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA]
     In <- diag(rep(1, n), n, n)
     if (identity) {
     V[[k + 1]] <- as.factor(1:n)
     names(V)[k + 1] <- "In"
     k <- k + 1
     Vcoef.names <- c(Vcoef.names, "In")
     Vformula <- as.character(Vformula)
     Vformula[1] <- "~"
     Vformula[2] <- paste(Vformula[2], "+In")
     Vformula <- as.formula(Vformula)
     model <- c(model, V)
     model$formula <- formula
     model$Vformula <- Vformula
     if (!missing(pos))
     pos <- as.logical(pos)
     if (missing(pos))
     pos <- rep(FALSE, k)
     if (length(pos) < k)
     cat("Warning: argument pos is only partially specified; additional terms (n=",
     k - length(pos), ") set to FALSE internally.\n",
     sep = "")
     pos <- c(pos, rep(FALSE, k))
     pos <- pos[1:k]
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Checking if we can apply the Sherman Morrison Woodbury identites for matrix inversion\n")
     if (all(sapply(V, is.factor)) & k > 2) {
     else SWsolveINDICATOR <- FALSE
     Z <- list()
     for (i in 1:length(V)) {
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     Vi <- model.matrix(~V[[i]] - 1)
     colnames(Vi) <- levels(V[[i]])
     Z[[i]] <- Vi
     V[[i]] <- tcrossprod(Vi)
     else {
     Z[[i]] <- V[[i]]
     names(Z) <- names(V)
     A <- matrix(rep(0, k^2), k, k)
     entries <- expand.grid(1:k, 1:k)
     x <- rep(0, k)
     sigma <- c(1, rep(0, k - 1))
     stats <- rep(0, 0)
     if (missing(taper)) {
     taper <- rep(0.9, maxcyc)
     if (missing(start) && k > 1)
     taper[1:2] <- c(0.5, 0.7)
     else {
     taper <- pmin(abs(taper), 1)
     if ((l <- length(taper)) < maxcyc)
     taper <- c(taper, rep(taper[l], maxcyc - l))
     if (!is.null(start)) {
     start <- c(start, rep(1, k))
     start <- start[1:k]
     if (k > 2 && is.null(start))
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     if (k == 1 && is.null(start))
     start <- var(y, na.rm = TRUE)
     if (is.null(start) && k == 2) {
     if (missing(gamVals)) {
     gamVals <- seq(0.01, 0.02, length = 3)^2
     gamVals <- sort(c(gamVals, seq(0.1, 0.9, length = 3),
     1 - gamVals))
     gamVals <- 0.5
     if (length(gamVals) > 1) {
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat("Evaluating the llik at gamma = \n")
     if (verbose >= 1)
     if (verbose >= 1)
     reg.obj <- reml(gamVals, y, X, V[[1]], V[[2]], verbose = verbose)
     llik <- reg.obj$llik
     llik <- as.double(llik)
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat(llik, "\n")
     gam <- gamVals[llik == max(llik)]
     gam <- gam[1]
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat("MLE is near", gam, "and llik =", max(llik),
     if (length(gamVals) == 1) {
     gam <- gamVals[1]
     reg.obj <- list(rms = var(y))
     start <- c(1 - gam, gam) * reg.obj$rms
     if (gam == 0.9999) {
     taper[1] <- taper[1]/100
     maxcyc <- maxcyc * 10
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat(c("start algorithm at", round(start, 4), "\n"))
     if (is.null(start) & k > 2) {
     LLvals <- NULL
     V2 <- V[[2]]
     for (ii in 3:k) V2 <- V2 + V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.5, y, X, V[[1]], V2)$llik)
     V2 <- V[[1]] + V2
     for (ii in 1:k) {
     V2 <- V2 - V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.75, y, X, V2, V[[ii]])$llik)
     best <- which.max(LLvals)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Checking starting points\n")
     cat("llik values of", LLvals, "\n")
     if (best == 1) {
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     else {
     start <- rep(0.25, k)
     start[best] <- 0.75
     sigma <- coef <- start
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     T <- vector("list", length = k)
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- matrix(NA, n, n)
     for (cycle in 1:maxcyc) {
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind)) {
     coef[ind] <- pmin(coef[ind], 20)
     coef[ind] <- pmax(coef[ind], -20)
     sigma[ind] <- exp(coef[ind])
     if (verbose) {
     cat(cycle, "sigma =", sigma)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (is.null(K))
     WQK <- W
     else {
     WK <- W %*% K
     WQK <- W - WK %*% solve(t(K) %*% WK, t(WK))
     if (reml)
     WQX <- WQK
     else {
     WX <- W %*% KX
     WQX <- W - WX %*% solve(t(KX) %*% WX, t(WX))
     rss <- as.numeric(t(y) %*% WQX %*% y)
     sigma <- sigma * rss/rankQK
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     WQK <- WQK * rankQK/rss
     WQX <- WQX * rankQK/rss
     rss <- rankQK
     eig <- sort(eigen(WQK, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values,
     decreasing = TRUE)[1:rankQK]
     if (any(eig < 0)) {
     cat("error: Sigma is not positive definite on contrasts: range(eig)=",
     range(eig), "\n")
     WQK <- WQK + (tol - min(eig)) * diag(nobs)
     eig <- eig + tol - min(eig)
     ldet <- sum(log(eig))
     llik <- ldet/2 - rss/2
     if (cycle == 1)
     llik0 <- llik
     delta.llik <- llik - llik0
     llik0 <- llik
     if (verbose) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" resid llik =", llik, "\n")
     else cat(" llik =", llik, "\n")
     cat(cycle, "adjusted sigma =", sigma)
     if (cycle > 1) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat("\n")
     x <- NULL
     var.components <- rep(1, k)
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind))
     var.components[ind] <- sigma[ind]
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     x <- sapply(T, function(x) as.numeric(t(y) %*% x %*%
     WQX %*% y - sum(diag(x))))
     x <- x * var.components
     ff <- function(x) sum(T[[x[1]]] * t(T[[x[2]]])) * var.components[x[1]] *
     aa <- apply(entries, 1, ff)
     A[as.matrix(entries)] <- aa
     stats <- c(stats, llik, sigma[1:k], x[1:k])
     if (verbose >= 9) {
     A.svd <- ginv(A)
     x <- A.svd %*% x
     if (qr(A)$rank < k) {
     if (cycle == 1) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Warning: Non identifiable dispersion model\n")
     coef <- coef + taper[cycle] * x
     sigma[!pos] <- coef[!pos]
     sigma[pos] <- exp(coef[pos])
     if (cycle > 1 & abs(delta.llik) < tol * 10)
     if (max(abs(x)) < tol)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (cycle == maxcyc) {
     if (verbose)
     cat("WARNING: maximum number of cycles reached before convergence\n")
     stats <- as.numeric(stats)
     stats <- matrix(stats, cycle, 2 * k + 1, byrow = TRUE)
     colnames(stats) <- c("llik", paste("s^2_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""),
     paste("der_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""))
     WX <- W %*% X
     XtWX <- crossprod(X, WX)
     cov <- XtWX
     cov <- solve(cov, cbind(t(WX), diag(1, dim(XtWX)[1])))
     beta.cov <- matrix(cov[, (dim(t(WX))[2] + 1):dim(cov)[2]],
     dim(X)[2], dim(X)[2])
     cov <- matrix(cov[, 1:dim(t(WX))[2]], dim(X)[2], dim(X)[1])
     beta <- cov %*% y
     beta <- matrix(beta, length(beta), 1)
     row.names(beta) <- Xcolnames <- sqrt(abs(diag(beta.cov)))
     pos.cov <- (diag(beta.cov) < 0)[pos.cov] <- NA <- matrix(, length(, 1)
     row.names( <- Xcolnames
     rms <- rss/rankQ
     fitted.values <- X %*% beta
     Q <- In - X %*% cov
     predicted <- NULL
     predictedVariance <- NULL
     predictedVariance2 <- NULL
     if (identity) {
     gam <- sigma[k]
     if (SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) {
     Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     predicted <- fitted.values + (Sigma - gam * In) %*% W %*%
     (y - fitted.values)
     predictedVariance <- 2 * gam - gam^2 * diag(W)
     predictedVariance2 <- diag(gam^2 * WX %*% beta.cov %*%
     sigma.cov <- (A.svd[1:k, 1:k] * 2)
     FI <- A/2
     FI.c <- matrix(0, dim(FI)[1], dim(FI)[2])
     FI.c <- FI/tcrossprod((sigma - 1) * pos + 1)
     names(sigma) <- Vcoef.names
     sigma.cov <- try(ginv(FI.c), silent = TRUE)
     error1 <- (class(sigma.cov) == "try-error")
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     rownames(sigma.cov) <- colnames(sigma.cov) <- Vcoef.names
     if (!error1) {
     if (any(sigma[pos]^2 < 1e-04))
     cat("Warning: solution lies close to zero for some positive variance components, their standard errors may not be valid\n")
     result <- list(trace = stats, llik = llik, cycle = cycle,
     rdf = rankQ, beta = beta, beta.cov = beta.cov, =,
     sigma = sigma[1:k], sigma.cov = sigma.cov[1:k, 1:k],
     W = W, Q = Q, fitted = fitted.values, predicted = predicted,
     predictedVariance = predictedVariance, predictedVariance2 = predictedVariance2,
     pos = pos, Vnames = Vcoef.names, formula = formula, Vformula = Vformula,
     Kcolnames = Kcolnames, model = model, Z = Z, X = X, Sigma = Sigma)
     class(result) <- "regress"
     <bytecode: 0x55992ab57110>
     <environment: namespace:regress>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function regress in namespace regress has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (error1) { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: regress
     In addition: Warning message:
     Using formula(x) is deprecated when x is a character vector of length > 1.
     Consider formula(paste(x, collapse = " ")) instead.
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in ‘tests/regressPaper.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > rm(list=ls())
     > if(FALSE) {
     + files <- list.files("../R/",full.names=TRUE)
     + files <- files[-grep("\\~",files)]
     + for(ff in files) source(ff)
     + } else {
     + library(regress)
     + }
     > library(MASS) ## needed for mvrnorm
     > n <- 100
     > mu <- c(1,2)
     > Sigma <- matrix(c(10,5,5,10),2,2)
     > Y <- mvrnorm(n,mu,Sigma)
     > ## this simulates multivariate normal rvs
     > y <- as.vector(t(Y))
     > X <- kronecker(rep(1,n),diag(1,2))
     > V1 <- matrix(c(1,0,0,0),2,2)
     > V2 <- matrix(c(0,0,0,1),2,2)
     > V3 <- matrix(c(0,1,1,0),2,2)
     > sig1 <- kronecker(diag(1,n),V1)
     > sig2 <- kronecker(diag(1,n),V2)
     > gam <- kronecker(diag(1,n),V3)
     > reg.obj <- regress(y~X-1,~sig1+sig2+gam,identity=FALSE,start=c(1,1,0.5),verbose=2)
     1 sigma = 1 1 0.5 resid llik = -296.3617
     1 adjusted sigma = 8.477311 8.477311 4.238655
     2 sigma = 7.626729 9.159903 4.070667 resid llik = -295.6736
     2 adjusted sigma = 7.617048 9.148276 4.065499 delta.llik = 0.6880696
     3 sigma = 7.540703 9.227 4.053351 resid llik = -295.6666
     3 adjusted sigma = 7.540606 9.226881 4.053299 delta.llik = 0.007009196
     4 sigma = 7.533059 9.23486 4.052131 resid llik = -295.6665
     4 adjusted sigma = 7.533058 9.234859 4.05213 delta.llik = 7.010518e-05
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     regress(y ~ X - 1, ~sig1 + sig2 + gam, identity = FALSE, start = c(1,
     1, 0.5), verbose = 2)
     --- call from argument ---
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: regress(y ~ X - 1, ~sig1 + sig2 + gam, identity = FALSE, start = c(1,
     1, 0.5), verbose = 2)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (formula, Vformula, identity = TRUE, kernel = NULL,
     start = NULL, taper = NULL, pos, verbose = 0, gamVals = NULL,
     maxcyc = 50, tol = 1e-04, data)
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Extracting objects from call\n")
     if (missing(data))
     data <- environment(formula)
     mf <- model.frame(formula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
     y <- model.response(mf)
     model <- list()
     model <- c(model, mf)
     if (missing(Vformula))
     Vformula <- NULL
     isNA <- apply(, 1, any)
     if (!is.null(Vformula)) {
     V <- model.frame(Vformula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     V <- eval(V, parent.frame())
     mfr <-
     if (ncol(mfr) == 1) {
     isNA <- isNA | mfr
     else {
     isNA <- isNA | apply(mfr[, !apply(mfr, 2, all)],
     1, any)
     Vcoef.names <- names(V)
     V <- as.list(V)
     k <- length(V)
     else {
     V <- NULL
     k <- 0
     Vcoef.names = NULL
     if (ncol(mf) == 1)
     mf <- cbind(mf, 1)
     X <- model.matrix(formula, mf[!isNA, ])
     y <- y[!isNA]
     n <- length(y)
     Xcolnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
     if (is.null(Xcolnames)) {
     Xcolnames <- paste("X.column", c(1:dim(as.matrix(X))[2]),
     sep = "")
     X <- matrix(X, n, length(X)/n)
     qr <- qr(X)
     rankQ <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank) {
     X <- matrix(X[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Xcolnames <- Xcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     else {
     cat("\nERROR: X has rank 0\n\n")
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Setting up kernel\n")
     if (missing(kernel)) {
     K <- X
     colnames(K) <- Xcolnames
     reml <- TRUE
     kernel <- NULL
     else {
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel > 0) {
     K <- matrix(rep(1, n), n, 1)
     colnames(K) <- c("1")
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel <= 0) {
     K <- Kcolnames <- NULL
     KX <- X
     rankQK <- n
     if (length(kernel) > 1) {
     if (is.matrix(kernel)) {
     K <- kernel[!isNA, ]
     else {
     K <- model.frame(kernel, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     K <- eval(K, parent.frame())
     if (ncol(K) == 1) {
     dimNamesK <- dimnames(K)
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     dimNamesK[[1]] <- dimNamesK[[1]][!isNA]
     K <- data.frame(V1 = K)
     dimnames(K) <- dimNamesK
     else {
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     K <- model.matrix(kernel, K)
     reml <- FALSE
     if (!is.null(K)) {
     Kcolnames <- colnames(K)
     qr <- qr(K)
     rankQK <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank == 0)
     K <- NULL
     else {
     K <- matrix(K[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Kcolnames <- Kcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     KX <- cbind(K, X)
     qr <- qr(KX)
     KX <- matrix(KX[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     if (missing(maxcyc))
     maxcyc <- 50
     if (missing(tol))
     tol <- 1e-04
     delta <- 1
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Removing parts of random effects corresponding to missing values\n")
     for (i in 1:k) {
     if (is.matrix(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA, !isNA]
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA]
     In <- diag(rep(1, n), n, n)
     if (identity) {
     V[[k + 1]] <- as.factor(1:n)
     names(V)[k + 1] <- "In"
     k <- k + 1
     Vcoef.names <- c(Vcoef.names, "In")
     Vformula <- as.character(Vformula)
     Vformula[1] <- "~"
     Vformula[2] <- paste(Vformula[2], "+In")
     Vformula <- as.formula(Vformula)
     model <- c(model, V)
     model$formula <- formula
     model$Vformula <- Vformula
     if (!missing(pos))
     pos <- as.logical(pos)
     if (missing(pos))
     pos <- rep(FALSE, k)
     if (length(pos) < k)
     cat("Warning: argument pos is only partially specified; additional terms (n=",
     k - length(pos), ") set to FALSE internally.\n",
     sep = "")
     pos <- c(pos, rep(FALSE, k))
     pos <- pos[1:k]
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Checking if we can apply the Sherman Morrison Woodbury identites for matrix inversion\n")
     if (all(sapply(V, is.factor)) & k > 2) {
     else SWsolveINDICATOR <- FALSE
     Z <- list()
     for (i in 1:length(V)) {
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     Vi <- model.matrix(~V[[i]] - 1)
     colnames(Vi) <- levels(V[[i]])
     Z[[i]] <- Vi
     V[[i]] <- tcrossprod(Vi)
     else {
     Z[[i]] <- V[[i]]
     names(Z) <- names(V)
     A <- matrix(rep(0, k^2), k, k)
     entries <- expand.grid(1:k, 1:k)
     x <- rep(0, k)
     sigma <- c(1, rep(0, k - 1))
     stats <- rep(0, 0)
     if (missing(taper)) {
     taper <- rep(0.9, maxcyc)
     if (missing(start) && k > 1)
     taper[1:2] <- c(0.5, 0.7)
     else {
     taper <- pmin(abs(taper), 1)
     if ((l <- length(taper)) < maxcyc)
     taper <- c(taper, rep(taper[l], maxcyc - l))
     if (!is.null(start)) {
     start <- c(start, rep(1, k))
     start <- start[1:k]
     if (k > 2 && is.null(start))
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     if (k == 1 && is.null(start))
     start <- var(y, na.rm = TRUE)
     if (is.null(start) && k == 2) {
     if (missing(gamVals)) {
     gamVals <- seq(0.01, 0.02, length = 3)^2
     gamVals <- sort(c(gamVals, seq(0.1, 0.9, length = 3),
     1 - gamVals))
     gamVals <- 0.5
     if (length(gamVals) > 1) {
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat("Evaluating the llik at gamma = \n")
     if (verbose >= 1)
     if (verbose >= 1)
     reg.obj <- reml(gamVals, y, X, V[[1]], V[[2]], verbose = verbose)
     llik <- reg.obj$llik
     llik <- as.double(llik)
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat(llik, "\n")
     gam <- gamVals[llik == max(llik)]
     gam <- gam[1]
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat("MLE is near", gam, "and llik =", max(llik),
     if (length(gamVals) == 1) {
     gam <- gamVals[1]
     reg.obj <- list(rms = var(y))
     start <- c(1 - gam, gam) * reg.obj$rms
     if (gam == 0.9999) {
     taper[1] <- taper[1]/100
     maxcyc <- maxcyc * 10
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat(c("start algorithm at", round(start, 4), "\n"))
     if (is.null(start) & k > 2) {
     LLvals <- NULL
     V2 <- V[[2]]
     for (ii in 3:k) V2 <- V2 + V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.5, y, X, V[[1]], V2)$llik)
     V2 <- V[[1]] + V2
     for (ii in 1:k) {
     V2 <- V2 - V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.75, y, X, V2, V[[ii]])$llik)
     best <- which.max(LLvals)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Checking starting points\n")
     cat("llik values of", LLvals, "\n")
     if (best == 1) {
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     else {
     start <- rep(0.25, k)
     start[best] <- 0.75
     sigma <- coef <- start
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     T <- vector("list", length = k)
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- matrix(NA, n, n)
     for (cycle in 1:maxcyc) {
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind)) {
     coef[ind] <- pmin(coef[ind], 20)
     coef[ind] <- pmax(coef[ind], -20)
     sigma[ind] <- exp(coef[ind])
     if (verbose) {
     cat(cycle, "sigma =", sigma)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (is.null(K))
     WQK <- W
     else {
     WK <- W %*% K
     WQK <- W - WK %*% solve(t(K) %*% WK, t(WK))
     if (reml)
     WQX <- WQK
     else {
     WX <- W %*% KX
     WQX <- W - WX %*% solve(t(KX) %*% WX, t(WX))
     rss <- as.numeric(t(y) %*% WQX %*% y)
     sigma <- sigma * rss/rankQK
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     WQK <- WQK * rankQK/rss
     WQX <- WQX * rankQK/rss
     rss <- rankQK
     eig <- sort(eigen(WQK, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values,
     decreasing = TRUE)[1:rankQK]
     if (any(eig < 0)) {
     cat("error: Sigma is not positive definite on contrasts: range(eig)=",
     range(eig), "\n")
     WQK <- WQK + (tol - min(eig)) * diag(nobs)
     eig <- eig + tol - min(eig)
     ldet <- sum(log(eig))
     llik <- ldet/2 - rss/2
     if (cycle == 1)
     llik0 <- llik
     delta.llik <- llik - llik0
     llik0 <- llik
     if (verbose) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" resid llik =", llik, "\n")
     else cat(" llik =", llik, "\n")
     cat(cycle, "adjusted sigma =", sigma)
     if (cycle > 1) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat("\n")
     x <- NULL
     var.components <- rep(1, k)
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind))
     var.components[ind] <- sigma[ind]
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     x <- sapply(T, function(x) as.numeric(t(y) %*% x %*%
     WQX %*% y - sum(diag(x))))
     x <- x * var.components
     ff <- function(x) sum(T[[x[1]]] * t(T[[x[2]]])) * var.components[x[1]] *
     aa <- apply(entries, 1, ff)
     A[as.matrix(entries)] <- aa
     stats <- c(stats, llik, sigma[1:k], x[1:k])
     if (verbose >= 9) {
     A.svd <- ginv(A)
     x <- A.svd %*% x
     if (qr(A)$rank < k) {
     if (cycle == 1) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Warning: Non identifiable dispersion model\n")
     coef <- coef + taper[cycle] * x
     sigma[!pos] <- coef[!pos]
     sigma[pos] <- exp(coef[pos])
     if (cycle > 1 & abs(delta.llik) < tol * 10)
     if (max(abs(x)) < tol)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (cycle == maxcyc) {
     if (verbose)
     cat("WARNING: maximum number of cycles reached before convergence\n")
     stats <- as.numeric(stats)
     stats <- matrix(stats, cycle, 2 * k + 1, byrow = TRUE)
     colnames(stats) <- c("llik", paste("s^2_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""),
     paste("der_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""))
     WX <- W %*% X
     XtWX <- crossprod(X, WX)
     cov <- XtWX
     cov <- solve(cov, cbind(t(WX), diag(1, dim(XtWX)[1])))
     beta.cov <- matrix(cov[, (dim(t(WX))[2] + 1):dim(cov)[2]],
     dim(X)[2], dim(X)[2])
     cov <- matrix(cov[, 1:dim(t(WX))[2]], dim(X)[2], dim(X)[1])
     beta <- cov %*% y
     beta <- matrix(beta, length(beta), 1)
     row.names(beta) <- Xcolnames <- sqrt(abs(diag(beta.cov)))
     pos.cov <- (diag(beta.cov) < 0)[pos.cov] <- NA <- matrix(, length(, 1)
     row.names( <- Xcolnames
     rms <- rss/rankQ
     fitted.values <- X %*% beta
     Q <- In - X %*% cov
     predicted <- NULL
     predictedVariance <- NULL
     predictedVariance2 <- NULL
     if (identity) {
     gam <- sigma[k]
     if (SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) {
     Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     predicted <- fitted.values + (Sigma - gam * In) %*% W %*%
     (y - fitted.values)
     predictedVariance <- 2 * gam - gam^2 * diag(W)
     predictedVariance2 <- diag(gam^2 * WX %*% beta.cov %*%
     sigma.cov <- (A.svd[1:k, 1:k] * 2)
     FI <- A/2
     FI.c <- matrix(0, dim(FI)[1], dim(FI)[2])
     FI.c <- FI/tcrossprod((sigma - 1) * pos + 1)
     names(sigma) <- Vcoef.names
     sigma.cov <- try(ginv(FI.c), silent = TRUE)
     error1 <- (class(sigma.cov) == "try-error")
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     rownames(sigma.cov) <- colnames(sigma.cov) <- Vcoef.names
     if (!error1) {
     if (any(sigma[pos]^2 < 1e-04))
     cat("Warning: solution lies close to zero for some positive variance components, their standard errors may not be valid\n")
     result <- list(trace = stats, llik = llik, cycle = cycle,
     rdf = rankQ, beta = beta, beta.cov = beta.cov, =,
     sigma = sigma[1:k], sigma.cov = sigma.cov[1:k, 1:k],
     W = W, Q = Q, fitted = fitted.values, predicted = predicted,
     predictedVariance = predictedVariance, predictedVariance2 = predictedVariance2,
     pos = pos, Vnames = Vcoef.names, formula = formula, Vformula = Vformula,
     Kcolnames = Kcolnames, model = model, Z = Z, X = X, Sigma = Sigma)
     class(result) <- "regress"
     <bytecode: 0x55f75516b310>
     <environment: namespace:regress>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function regress in namespace regress has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (error1) { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: regress
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc

Version: 1.3-15
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘regress-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: regress
    > ### Title: Fit a Gaussian Linear Model with Linear Covariance Structure
    > ### Aliases: regress print.regress summary.regress BLUP
    > ### Keywords: regression models multivariate
    > ### ** Examples
    > ######################
    > ## Comparison with lme
    > ######################
    > ## Example of Random Effects model from Venables and Ripley, page 205
    > library(nlme)
    > library(regress)
    > citation("regress")
    To cite package 'regress' in publications use:
     David Clifford, Peter McCullagh (2014). The regress package R package
     version 1.3-15.
     David Clifford, Peter McCullagh (2006), The regress function, R News
     6:2, 6-10
    To see these entries in BibTeX format, use 'print(<citation>,
    bibtex=TRUE)', 'toBibtex(.)', or set
    > names(Oats) <- c("B","V","N","Y")
    > Oats$N <- as.factor(Oats$N)
    > ## Using regress
    > oats.reg <- regress(Y~N+V,~B+I(B:V),identity=TRUE,verbose=1,data=Oats)
    Warning: Using formula(x) is deprecated when x is a character vector of length > 1.
     Consider formula(paste(x, collapse = " ")) instead.
    1 sigma = 732.1964 732.1964 732.1964 resid llik = -215.1927
    1 adjusted sigma = 157.9849 157.9849 157.9849
    2 sigma = 186.231 133.8389 160.2718 resid llik = -215.0362
    2 adjusted sigma = 185.6373 133.4123 159.761 delta.llik = 0.1565299
    3 sigma = 205.8252 116.8087 161.7195 resid llik = -214.981
    3 adjusted sigma = 205.6644 116.7175 161.5931 delta.llik = 0.05518008
    4 sigma = 213.5958 110.3954 162.4623 resid llik = -214.975
    4 adjusted sigma = 213.5887 110.3917 162.4569 delta.llik = 0.005981576
    5 sigma = 214.3882 109.7628 162.5486 resid llik = -214.9749
    5 adjusted sigma = 214.3882 109.7628 162.5486 delta.llik = 6.213704e-05
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    regress(Y ~ N + V, ~B + I(B:V), identity = TRUE, verbose = 1,
     data = Oats)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: regress(Y ~ N + V, ~B + I(B:V), identity = TRUE, verbose = 1,
     data = Oats)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     --- function from context ---
    function (formula, Vformula, identity = TRUE, kernel = NULL,
     start = NULL, taper = NULL, pos, verbose = 0, gamVals = NULL,
     maxcyc = 50, tol = 1e-04, data)
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Extracting objects from call\n")
     if (missing(data))
     data <- environment(formula)
     mf <- model.frame(formula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
     y <- model.response(mf)
     model <- list()
     model <- c(model, mf)
     if (missing(Vformula))
     Vformula <- NULL
     isNA <- apply(, 1, any)
     if (!is.null(Vformula)) {
     V <- model.frame(Vformula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     V <- eval(V, parent.frame())
     mfr <-
     if (ncol(mfr) == 1) {
     isNA <- isNA | mfr
     else {
     isNA <- isNA | apply(mfr[, !apply(mfr, 2, all)],
     1, any)
     Vcoef.names <- names(V)
     V <- as.list(V)
     k <- length(V)
     else {
     V <- NULL
     k <- 0
     Vcoef.names = NULL
     if (ncol(mf) == 1)
     mf <- cbind(mf, 1)
     X <- model.matrix(formula, mf[!isNA, ])
     y <- y[!isNA]
     n <- length(y)
     Xcolnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
     if (is.null(Xcolnames)) {
     Xcolnames <- paste("X.column", c(1:dim(as.matrix(X))[2]),
     sep = "")
     X <- matrix(X, n, length(X)/n)
     qr <- qr(X)
     rankQ <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank) {
     X <- matrix(X[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Xcolnames <- Xcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     else {
     cat("\nERROR: X has rank 0\n\n")
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Setting up kernel\n")
     if (missing(kernel)) {
     K <- X
     colnames(K) <- Xcolnames
     reml <- TRUE
     kernel <- NULL
     else {
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel > 0) {
     K <- matrix(rep(1, n), n, 1)
     colnames(K) <- c("1")
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel <= 0) {
     K <- Kcolnames <- NULL
     KX <- X
     rankQK <- n
     if (length(kernel) > 1) {
     if (is.matrix(kernel)) {
     K <- kernel[!isNA, ]
     else {
     K <- model.frame(kernel, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     K <- eval(K, parent.frame())
     if (ncol(K) == 1) {
     dimNamesK <- dimnames(K)
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     dimNamesK[[1]] <- dimNamesK[[1]][!isNA]
     K <- data.frame(V1 = K)
     dimnames(K) <- dimNamesK
     else {
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     K <- model.matrix(kernel, K)
     reml <- FALSE
     if (!is.null(K)) {
     Kcolnames <- colnames(K)
     qr <- qr(K)
     rankQK <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank == 0)
     K <- NULL
     else {
     K <- matrix(K[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Kcolnames <- Kcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     KX <- cbind(K, X)
     qr <- qr(KX)
     KX <- matrix(KX[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     if (missing(maxcyc))
     maxcyc <- 50
     if (missing(tol))
     tol <- 1e-04
     delta <- 1
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Removing parts of random effects corresponding to missing values\n")
     for (i in 1:k) {
     if (is.matrix(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA, !isNA]
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA]
     In <- diag(rep(1, n), n, n)
     if (identity) {
     V[[k + 1]] <- as.factor(1:n)
     names(V)[k + 1] <- "In"
     k <- k + 1
     Vcoef.names <- c(Vcoef.names, "In")
     Vformula <- as.character(Vformula)
     Vformula[1] <- "~"
     Vformula[2] <- paste(Vformula[2], "+In")
     Vformula <- as.formula(Vformula)
     model <- c(model, V)
     model$formula <- formula
     model$Vformula <- Vformula
     if (!missing(pos))
     pos <- as.logical(pos)
     if (missing(pos))
     pos <- rep(FALSE, k)
     if (length(pos) < k)
     cat("Warning: argument pos is only partially specified; additional terms (n=",
     k - length(pos), ") set to FALSE internally.\n",
     sep = "")
     pos <- c(pos, rep(FALSE, k))
     pos <- pos[1:k]
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Checking if we can apply the Sherman Morrison Woodbury identites for matrix inversion\n")
     if (all(sapply(V, is.factor)) & k > 2) {
     else SWsolveINDICATOR <- FALSE
     Z <- list()
     for (i in 1:length(V)) {
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     Vi <- model.matrix(~V[[i]] - 1)
     colnames(Vi) <- levels(V[[i]])
     Z[[i]] <- Vi
     V[[i]] <- tcrossprod(Vi)
     else {
     Z[[i]] <- V[[i]]
     names(Z) <- names(V)
     A <- matrix(rep(0, k^2), k, k)
     entries <- expand.grid(1:k, 1:k)
     x <- rep(0, k)
     sigma <- c(1, rep(0, k - 1))
     stats <- rep(0, 0)
     if (missing(taper)) {
     taper <- rep(0.9, maxcyc)
     if (missing(start) && k > 1)
     taper[1:2] <- c(0.5, 0.7)
     else {
     taper <- pmin(abs(taper), 1)
     if ((l <- length(taper)) < maxcyc)
     taper <- c(taper, rep(taper[l], maxcyc - l))
     if (!is.null(start)) {
     start <- c(start, rep(1, k))
     start <- start[1:k]
     if (k > 2 && is.null(start))
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     if (k == 1 && is.null(start))
     start <- var(y, na.rm = TRUE)
     if (is.null(start) && k == 2) {
     if (missing(gamVals)) {
     gamVals <- seq(0.01, 0.02, length = 3)^2
     gamVals <- sort(c(gamVals, seq(0.1, 0.9, length = 3),
     1 - gamVals))
     gamVals <- 0.5
     if (length(gamVals) > 1) {
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat("Evaluating the llik at gamma = \n")
     if (verbose >= 1)
     if (verbose >= 1)
     reg.obj <- reml(gamVals, y, X, V[[1]], V[[2]], verbose = verbose)
     llik <- reg.obj$llik
     llik <- as.double(llik)
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat(llik, "\n")
     gam <- gamVals[llik == max(llik)]
     gam <- gam[1]
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat("MLE is near", gam, "and llik =", max(llik),
     if (length(gamVals) == 1) {
     gam <- gamVals[1]
     reg.obj <- list(rms = var(y))
     start <- c(1 - gam, gam) * reg.obj$rms
     if (gam == 0.9999) {
     taper[1] <- taper[1]/100
     maxcyc <- maxcyc * 10
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat(c("start algorithm at", round(start, 4), "\n"))
     if (is.null(start) & k > 2) {
     LLvals <- NULL
     V2 <- V[[2]]
     for (ii in 3:k) V2 <- V2 + V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.5, y, X, V[[1]], V2)$llik)
     V2 <- V[[1]] + V2
     for (ii in 1:k) {
     V2 <- V2 - V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.75, y, X, V2, V[[ii]])$llik)
     best <- which.max(LLvals)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Checking starting points\n")
     cat("llik values of", LLvals, "\n")
     if (best == 1) {
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     else {
     start <- rep(0.25, k)
     start[best] <- 0.75
     sigma <- coef <- start
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     T <- vector("list", length = k)
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- matrix(NA, n, n)
     for (cycle in 1:maxcyc) {
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind)) {
     coef[ind] <- pmin(coef[ind], 20)
     coef[ind] <- pmax(coef[ind], -20)
     sigma[ind] <- exp(coef[ind])
     if (verbose) {
     cat(cycle, "sigma =", sigma)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (is.null(K))
     WQK <- W
     else {
     WK <- W %*% K
     WQK <- W - WK %*% solve(t(K) %*% WK, t(WK))
     if (reml)
     WQX <- WQK
     else {
     WX <- W %*% KX
     WQX <- W - WX %*% solve(t(KX) %*% WX, t(WX))
     rss <- as.numeric(t(y) %*% WQX %*% y)
     sigma <- sigma * rss/rankQK
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     WQK <- WQK * rankQK/rss
     WQX <- WQX * rankQK/rss
     rss <- rankQK
     eig <- sort(eigen(WQK, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values,
     decreasing = TRUE)[1:rankQK]
     if (any(eig < 0)) {
     cat("error: Sigma is not positive definite on contrasts: range(eig)=",
     range(eig), "\n")
     WQK <- WQK + (tol - min(eig)) * diag(nobs)
     eig <- eig + tol - min(eig)
     ldet <- sum(log(eig))
     llik <- ldet/2 - rss/2
     if (cycle == 1)
     llik0 <- llik
     delta.llik <- llik - llik0
     llik0 <- llik
     if (verbose) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" resid llik =", llik, "\n")
     else cat(" llik =", llik, "\n")
     cat(cycle, "adjusted sigma =", sigma)
     if (cycle > 1) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat("\n")
     x <- NULL
     var.components <- rep(1, k)
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind))
     var.components[ind] <- sigma[ind]
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     x <- sapply(T, function(x) as.numeric(t(y) %*% x %*%
     WQX %*% y - sum(diag(x))))
     x <- x * var.components
     ff <- function(x) sum(T[[x[1]]] * t(T[[x[2]]])) * var.components[x[1]] *
     aa <- apply(entries, 1, ff)
     A[as.matrix(entries)] <- aa
     stats <- c(stats, llik, sigma[1:k], x[1:k])
     if (verbose >= 9) {
     A.svd <- ginv(A)
     x <- A.svd %*% x
     if (qr(A)$rank < k) {
     if (cycle == 1) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Warning: Non identifiable dispersion model\n")
     coef <- coef + taper[cycle] * x
     sigma[!pos] <- coef[!pos]
     sigma[pos] <- exp(coef[pos])
     if (cycle > 1 & abs(delta.llik) < tol * 10)
     if (max(abs(x)) < tol)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (cycle == maxcyc) {
     if (verbose)
     cat("WARNING: maximum number of cycles reached before convergence\n")
     stats <- as.numeric(stats)
     stats <- matrix(stats, cycle, 2 * k + 1, byrow = TRUE)
     colnames(stats) <- c("llik", paste("s^2_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""),
     paste("der_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""))
     WX <- W %*% X
     XtWX <- crossprod(X, WX)
     cov <- XtWX
     cov <- solve(cov, cbind(t(WX), diag(1, dim(XtWX)[1])))
     beta.cov <- matrix(cov[, (dim(t(WX))[2] + 1):dim(cov)[2]],
     dim(X)[2], dim(X)[2])
     cov <- matrix(cov[, 1:dim(t(WX))[2]], dim(X)[2], dim(X)[1])
     beta <- cov %*% y
     beta <- matrix(beta, length(beta), 1)
     row.names(beta) <- Xcolnames <- sqrt(abs(diag(beta.cov)))
     pos.cov <- (diag(beta.cov) < 0)[pos.cov] <- NA <- matrix(, length(, 1)
     row.names( <- Xcolnames
     rms <- rss/rankQ
     fitted.values <- X %*% beta
     Q <- In - X %*% cov
     predicted <- NULL
     predictedVariance <- NULL
     predictedVariance2 <- NULL
     if (identity) {
     gam <- sigma[k]
     if (SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) {
     Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     predicted <- fitted.values + (Sigma - gam * In) %*% W %*%
     (y - fitted.values)
     predictedVariance <- 2 * gam - gam^2 * diag(W)
     predictedVariance2 <- diag(gam^2 * WX %*% beta.cov %*%
     sigma.cov <- (A.svd[1:k, 1:k] * 2)
     FI <- A/2
     FI.c <- matrix(0, dim(FI)[1], dim(FI)[2])
     FI.c <- FI/tcrossprod((sigma - 1) * pos + 1)
     names(sigma) <- Vcoef.names
     sigma.cov <- try(ginv(FI.c), silent = TRUE)
     error1 <- (class(sigma.cov) == "try-error")
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     rownames(sigma.cov) <- colnames(sigma.cov) <- Vcoef.names
     if (!error1) {
     if (any(sigma[pos]^2 < 1e-04))
     cat("Warning: solution lies close to zero for some positive variance components, their standard errors may not be valid\n")
     result <- list(trace = stats, llik = llik, cycle = cycle,
     rdf = rankQ, beta = beta, beta.cov = beta.cov, =,
     sigma = sigma[1:k], sigma.cov = sigma.cov[1:k, 1:k],
     W = W, Q = Q, fitted = fitted.values, predicted = predicted,
     predictedVariance = predictedVariance, predictedVariance2 = predictedVariance2,
     pos = pos, Vnames = Vcoef.names, formula = formula, Vformula = Vformula,
     Kcolnames = Kcolnames, model = model, Z = Z, X = X, Sigma = Sigma)
     class(result) <- "regress"
    <bytecode: 0x2f7fdc8>
    <environment: namespace:regress>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function regress in namespace regress has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (error1) { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: regress
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Version: 1.3-15
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘BLUP.tests.R’
     Running ‘regress.tests.R’
     Running ‘regressPaper.R’
    Running the tests in ‘tests/BLUP.tests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > set.seed(1001)
     > library(regress)
     > n <- 101
     > x1 <- runif(n)
     > x2 <- seq(0,1,l=n)
     > z1 <- gl(4,10,n)
     > z2 <- gl(6,1,n)
     > X <- model.matrix(~1 + x1 + x2)
     > Z1 <- model.matrix(~z1-1)
     > Z2 <- model.matrix(~z2-1)
     > ## Create the individual random and fixed effects
     > beta <- c(1,2,3)
     > eta1 <- rnorm(ncol(Z1),0,10)
     > eta2 <- rnorm(ncol(Z2),0,10)
     > eps <- rnorm(n,0,3)
     > ## Combine them into a response
     > y <- X %*% beta + Z1 %*% eta1 + Z2 %*% eta2 + eps
     > ## Fit the same model again
     > model <- regress(y~1 + x1 + x2,~z1 + z2, identity=TRUE,verbose=2)
     1 sigma = 111.2472 111.2472 111.2472 resid llik = -193.5592
     1 adjusted sigma = 14.95327 14.95327 14.95327
     2 sigma = 48.05741 34.5205 12.87801 resid llik = -185.4081
     2 adjusted sigma = 43.27607 31.08598 11.59674 delta.llik = 8.151054
     3 sigma = 70.09679 47.21641 11.03377 resid llik = -184.5278
     3 adjusted sigma = 69.55275 46.84995 10.94813 delta.llik = 0.8802895
     4 sigma = 80.45497 53.4053 10.80752 resid llik = -184.4768
     4 adjusted sigma = 80.4402 53.3955 10.80554 delta.llik = 0.05097438
     5 sigma = 81.55823 54.06055 10.79318 resid llik = -184.4764
     5 adjusted sigma = 81.5581 54.06046 10.79316 delta.llik = 0.0004381634
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     regress(y ~ 1 + x1 + x2, ~z1 + z2, identity = TRUE, verbose = 2)
     --- call from argument ---
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: regress(y ~ 1 + x1 + x2, ~z1 + z2, identity = TRUE, verbose = 2)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (formula, Vformula, identity = TRUE, kernel = NULL,
     start = NULL, taper = NULL, pos, verbose = 0, gamVals = NULL,
     maxcyc = 50, tol = 1e-04, data)
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Extracting objects from call\n")
     if (missing(data))
     data <- environment(formula)
     mf <- model.frame(formula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
     y <- model.response(mf)
     model <- list()
     model <- c(model, mf)
     if (missing(Vformula))
     Vformula <- NULL
     isNA <- apply(, 1, any)
     if (!is.null(Vformula)) {
     V <- model.frame(Vformula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     V <- eval(V, parent.frame())
     mfr <-
     if (ncol(mfr) == 1) {
     isNA <- isNA | mfr
     else {
     isNA <- isNA | apply(mfr[, !apply(mfr, 2, all)],
     1, any)
     Vcoef.names <- names(V)
     V <- as.list(V)
     k <- length(V)
     else {
     V <- NULL
     k <- 0
     Vcoef.names = NULL
     if (ncol(mf) == 1)
     mf <- cbind(mf, 1)
     X <- model.matrix(formula, mf[!isNA, ])
     y <- y[!isNA]
     n <- length(y)
     Xcolnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
     if (is.null(Xcolnames)) {
     Xcolnames <- paste("X.column", c(1:dim(as.matrix(X))[2]),
     sep = "")
     X <- matrix(X, n, length(X)/n)
     qr <- qr(X)
     rankQ <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank) {
     X <- matrix(X[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Xcolnames <- Xcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     else {
     cat("\nERROR: X has rank 0\n\n")
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Setting up kernel\n")
     if (missing(kernel)) {
     K <- X
     colnames(K) <- Xcolnames
     reml <- TRUE
     kernel <- NULL
     else {
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel > 0) {
     K <- matrix(rep(1, n), n, 1)
     colnames(K) <- c("1")
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel <= 0) {
     K <- Kcolnames <- NULL
     KX <- X
     rankQK <- n
     if (length(kernel) > 1) {
     if (is.matrix(kernel)) {
     K <- kernel[!isNA, ]
     else {
     K <- model.frame(kernel, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     K <- eval(K, parent.frame())
     if (ncol(K) == 1) {
     dimNamesK <- dimnames(K)
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     dimNamesK[[1]] <- dimNamesK[[1]][!isNA]
     K <- data.frame(V1 = K)
     dimnames(K) <- dimNamesK
     else {
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     K <- model.matrix(kernel, K)
     reml <- FALSE
     if (!is.null(K)) {
     Kcolnames <- colnames(K)
     qr <- qr(K)
     rankQK <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank == 0)
     K <- NULL
     else {
     K <- matrix(K[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Kcolnames <- Kcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     KX <- cbind(K, X)
     qr <- qr(KX)
     KX <- matrix(KX[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     if (missing(maxcyc))
     maxcyc <- 50
     if (missing(tol))
     tol <- 1e-04
     delta <- 1
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Removing parts of random effects corresponding to missing values\n")
     for (i in 1:k) {
     if (is.matrix(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA, !isNA]
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA]
     In <- diag(rep(1, n), n, n)
     if (identity) {
     V[[k + 1]] <- as.factor(1:n)
     names(V)[k + 1] <- "In"
     k <- k + 1
     Vcoef.names <- c(Vcoef.names, "In")
     Vformula <- as.character(Vformula)
     Vformula[1] <- "~"
     Vformula[2] <- paste(Vformula[2], "+In")
     Vformula <- as.formula(Vformula)
     model <- c(model, V)
     model$formula <- formula
     model$Vformula <- Vformula
     if (!missing(pos))
     pos <- as.logical(pos)
     if (missing(pos))
     pos <- rep(FALSE, k)
     if (length(pos) < k)
     cat("Warning: argument pos is only partially specified; additional terms (n=",
     k - length(pos), ") set to FALSE internally.\n",
     sep = "")
     pos <- c(pos, rep(FALSE, k))
     pos <- pos[1:k]
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Checking if we can apply the Sherman Morrison Woodbury identites for matrix inversion\n")
     if (all(sapply(V, is.factor)) & k > 2) {
     else SWsolveINDICATOR <- FALSE
     Z <- list()
     for (i in 1:length(V)) {
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     Vi <- model.matrix(~V[[i]] - 1)
     colnames(Vi) <- levels(V[[i]])
     Z[[i]] <- Vi
     V[[i]] <- tcrossprod(Vi)
     else {
     Z[[i]] <- V[[i]]
     names(Z) <- names(V)
     A <- matrix(rep(0, k^2), k, k)
     entries <- expand.grid(1:k, 1:k)
     x <- rep(0, k)
     sigma <- c(1, rep(0, k - 1))
     stats <- rep(0, 0)
     if (missing(taper)) {
     taper <- rep(0.9, maxcyc)
     if (missing(start) && k > 1)
     taper[1:2] <- c(0.5, 0.7)
     else {
     taper <- pmin(abs(taper), 1)
     if ((l <- length(taper)) < maxcyc)
     taper <- c(taper, rep(taper[l], maxcyc - l))
     if (!is.null(start)) {
     start <- c(start, rep(1, k))
     start <- start[1:k]
     if (k > 2 && is.null(start))
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     if (k == 1 && is.null(start))
     start <- var(y, na.rm = TRUE)
     if (is.null(start) && k == 2) {
     if (missing(gamVals)) {
     gamVals <- seq(0.01, 0.02, length = 3)^2
     gamVals <- sort(c(gamVals, seq(0.1, 0.9, length = 3),
     1 - gamVals))
     gamVals <- 0.5
     if (length(gamVals) > 1) {
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat("Evaluating the llik at gamma = \n")
     if (verbose >= 1)
     if (verbose >= 1)
     reg.obj <- reml(gamVals, y, X, V[[1]], V[[2]], verbose = verbose)
     llik <- reg.obj$llik
     llik <- as.double(llik)
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat(llik, "\n")
     gam <- gamVals[llik == max(llik)]
     gam <- gam[1]
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat("MLE is near", gam, "and llik =", max(llik),
     if (length(gamVals) == 1) {
     gam <- gamVals[1]
     reg.obj <- list(rms = var(y))
     start <- c(1 - gam, gam) * reg.obj$rms
     if (gam == 0.9999) {
     taper[1] <- taper[1]/100
     maxcyc <- maxcyc * 10
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat(c("start algorithm at", round(start, 4), "\n"))
     if (is.null(start) & k > 2) {
     LLvals <- NULL
     V2 <- V[[2]]
     for (ii in 3:k) V2 <- V2 + V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.5, y, X, V[[1]], V2)$llik)
     V2 <- V[[1]] + V2
     for (ii in 1:k) {
     V2 <- V2 - V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.75, y, X, V2, V[[ii]])$llik)
     best <- which.max(LLvals)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Checking starting points\n")
     cat("llik values of", LLvals, "\n")
     if (best == 1) {
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     else {
     start <- rep(0.25, k)
     start[best] <- 0.75
     sigma <- coef <- start
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     T <- vector("list", length = k)
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- matrix(NA, n, n)
     for (cycle in 1:maxcyc) {
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind)) {
     coef[ind] <- pmin(coef[ind], 20)
     coef[ind] <- pmax(coef[ind], -20)
     sigma[ind] <- exp(coef[ind])
     if (verbose) {
     cat(cycle, "sigma =", sigma)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (is.null(K))
     WQK <- W
     else {
     WK <- W %*% K
     WQK <- W - WK %*% solve(t(K) %*% WK, t(WK))
     if (reml)
     WQX <- WQK
     else {
     WX <- W %*% KX
     WQX <- W - WX %*% solve(t(KX) %*% WX, t(WX))
     rss <- as.numeric(t(y) %*% WQX %*% y)
     sigma <- sigma * rss/rankQK
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     WQK <- WQK * rankQK/rss
     WQX <- WQX * rankQK/rss
     rss <- rankQK
     eig <- sort(eigen(WQK, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values,
     decreasing = TRUE)[1:rankQK]
     if (any(eig < 0)) {
     cat("error: Sigma is not positive definite on contrasts: range(eig)=",
     range(eig), "\n")
     WQK <- WQK + (tol - min(eig)) * diag(nobs)
     eig <- eig + tol - min(eig)
     ldet <- sum(log(eig))
     llik <- ldet/2 - rss/2
     if (cycle == 1)
     llik0 <- llik
     delta.llik <- llik - llik0
     llik0 <- llik
     if (verbose) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" resid llik =", llik, "\n")
     else cat(" llik =", llik, "\n")
     cat(cycle, "adjusted sigma =", sigma)
     if (cycle > 1) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat("\n")
     x <- NULL
     var.components <- rep(1, k)
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind))
     var.components[ind] <- sigma[ind]
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     x <- sapply(T, function(x) as.numeric(t(y) %*% x %*%
     WQX %*% y - sum(diag(x))))
     x <- x * var.components
     ff <- function(x) sum(T[[x[1]]] * t(T[[x[2]]])) * var.components[x[1]] *
     aa <- apply(entries, 1, ff)
     A[as.matrix(entries)] <- aa
     stats <- c(stats, llik, sigma[1:k], x[1:k])
     if (verbose >= 9) {
     A.svd <- ginv(A)
     x <- A.svd %*% x
     if (qr(A)$rank < k) {
     if (cycle == 1) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Warning: Non identifiable dispersion model\n")
     coef <- coef + taper[cycle] * x
     sigma[!pos] <- coef[!pos]
     sigma[pos] <- exp(coef[pos])
     if (cycle > 1 & abs(delta.llik) < tol * 10)
     if (max(abs(x)) < tol)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (cycle == maxcyc) {
     if (verbose)
     cat("WARNING: maximum number of cycles reached before convergence\n")
     stats <- as.numeric(stats)
     stats <- matrix(stats, cycle, 2 * k + 1, byrow = TRUE)
     colnames(stats) <- c("llik", paste("s^2_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""),
     paste("der_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""))
     WX <- W %*% X
     XtWX <- crossprod(X, WX)
     cov <- XtWX
     cov <- solve(cov, cbind(t(WX), diag(1, dim(XtWX)[1])))
     beta.cov <- matrix(cov[, (dim(t(WX))[2] + 1):dim(cov)[2]],
     dim(X)[2], dim(X)[2])
     cov <- matrix(cov[, 1:dim(t(WX))[2]], dim(X)[2], dim(X)[1])
     beta <- cov %*% y
     beta <- matrix(beta, length(beta), 1)
     row.names(beta) <- Xcolnames <- sqrt(abs(diag(beta.cov)))
     pos.cov <- (diag(beta.cov) < 0)[pos.cov] <- NA <- matrix(, length(, 1)
     row.names( <- Xcolnames
     rms <- rss/rankQ
     fitted.values <- X %*% beta
     Q <- In - X %*% cov
     predicted <- NULL
     predictedVariance <- NULL
     predictedVariance2 <- NULL
     if (identity) {
     gam <- sigma[k]
     if (SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) {
     Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     predicted <- fitted.values + (Sigma - gam * In) %*% W %*%
     (y - fitted.values)
     predictedVariance <- 2 * gam - gam^2 * diag(W)
     predictedVariance2 <- diag(gam^2 * WX %*% beta.cov %*%
     sigma.cov <- (A.svd[1:k, 1:k] * 2)
     FI <- A/2
     FI.c <- matrix(0, dim(FI)[1], dim(FI)[2])
     FI.c <- FI/tcrossprod((sigma - 1) * pos + 1)
     names(sigma) <- Vcoef.names
     sigma.cov <- try(ginv(FI.c), silent = TRUE)
     error1 <- (class(sigma.cov) == "try-error")
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     rownames(sigma.cov) <- colnames(sigma.cov) <- Vcoef.names
     if (!error1) {
     if (any(sigma[pos]^2 < 1e-04))
     cat("Warning: solution lies close to zero for some positive variance components, their standard errors may not be valid\n")
     result <- list(trace = stats, llik = llik, cycle = cycle,
     rdf = rankQ, beta = beta, beta.cov = beta.cov, =,
     sigma = sigma[1:k], sigma.cov = sigma.cov[1:k, 1:k],
     W = W, Q = Q, fitted = fitted.values, predicted = predicted,
     predictedVariance = predictedVariance, predictedVariance2 = predictedVariance2,
     pos = pos, Vnames = Vcoef.names, formula = formula, Vformula = Vformula,
     Kcolnames = Kcolnames, model = model, Z = Z, X = X, Sigma = Sigma)
     class(result) <- "regress"
     <bytecode: 0x3514de0>
     <environment: namespace:regress>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function regress in namespace regress has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (error1) { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: regress
     In addition: Warning message:
     Using formula(x) is deprecated when x is a character vector of length > 1.
     Consider formula(paste(x, collapse = " ")) instead.
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in ‘tests/regress.tests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > ## Test 1, Random Effects Model
     > library(nlme)
     > library(regress)
     > data(Oats)
     > names(Oats) <- c("B","V","N","Y")
     > Oats$N <- as.factor(Oats$N)
     > ## Using regress
     > oats.reg <- regress(Y~N+V,~B+I(B:V),identity=TRUE,verbose=1,data=Oats)
     1 sigma = 732.1964 732.1964 732.1964 resid llik = -215.1927
     1 adjusted sigma = 157.9849 157.9849 157.9849
     2 sigma = 186.231 133.8389 160.2718 resid llik = -215.0362
     2 adjusted sigma = 185.6373 133.4123 159.761 delta.llik = 0.1565299
     3 sigma = 205.8252 116.8087 161.7195 resid llik = -214.981
     3 adjusted sigma = 205.6644 116.7175 161.5931 delta.llik = 0.05518008
     4 sigma = 213.5958 110.3954 162.4623 resid llik = -214.975
     4 adjusted sigma = 213.5887 110.3917 162.4569 delta.llik = 0.005981576
     5 sigma = 214.3882 109.7628 162.5486 resid llik = -214.9749
     5 adjusted sigma = 214.3882 109.7628 162.5486 delta.llik = 6.213704e-05
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     regress(Y ~ N + V, ~B + I(B:V), identity = TRUE, verbose = 1,
     data = Oats)
     --- call from argument ---
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: regress(Y ~ N + V, ~B + I(B:V), identity = TRUE, verbose = 1,
     data = Oats)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (formula, Vformula, identity = TRUE, kernel = NULL,
     start = NULL, taper = NULL, pos, verbose = 0, gamVals = NULL,
     maxcyc = 50, tol = 1e-04, data)
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Extracting objects from call\n")
     if (missing(data))
     data <- environment(formula)
     mf <- model.frame(formula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
     y <- model.response(mf)
     model <- list()
     model <- c(model, mf)
     if (missing(Vformula))
     Vformula <- NULL
     isNA <- apply(, 1, any)
     if (!is.null(Vformula)) {
     V <- model.frame(Vformula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     V <- eval(V, parent.frame())
     mfr <-
     if (ncol(mfr) == 1) {
     isNA <- isNA | mfr
     else {
     isNA <- isNA | apply(mfr[, !apply(mfr, 2, all)],
     1, any)
     Vcoef.names <- names(V)
     V <- as.list(V)
     k <- length(V)
     else {
     V <- NULL
     k <- 0
     Vcoef.names = NULL
     if (ncol(mf) == 1)
     mf <- cbind(mf, 1)
     X <- model.matrix(formula, mf[!isNA, ])
     y <- y[!isNA]
     n <- length(y)
     Xcolnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
     if (is.null(Xcolnames)) {
     Xcolnames <- paste("X.column", c(1:dim(as.matrix(X))[2]),
     sep = "")
     X <- matrix(X, n, length(X)/n)
     qr <- qr(X)
     rankQ <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank) {
     X <- matrix(X[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Xcolnames <- Xcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     else {
     cat("\nERROR: X has rank 0\n\n")
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Setting up kernel\n")
     if (missing(kernel)) {
     K <- X
     colnames(K) <- Xcolnames
     reml <- TRUE
     kernel <- NULL
     else {
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel > 0) {
     K <- matrix(rep(1, n), n, 1)
     colnames(K) <- c("1")
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel <= 0) {
     K <- Kcolnames <- NULL
     KX <- X
     rankQK <- n
     if (length(kernel) > 1) {
     if (is.matrix(kernel)) {
     K <- kernel[!isNA, ]
     else {
     K <- model.frame(kernel, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     K <- eval(K, parent.frame())
     if (ncol(K) == 1) {
     dimNamesK <- dimnames(K)
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     dimNamesK[[1]] <- dimNamesK[[1]][!isNA]
     K <- data.frame(V1 = K)
     dimnames(K) <- dimNamesK
     else {
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     K <- model.matrix(kernel, K)
     reml <- FALSE
     if (!is.null(K)) {
     Kcolnames <- colnames(K)
     qr <- qr(K)
     rankQK <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank == 0)
     K <- NULL
     else {
     K <- matrix(K[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Kcolnames <- Kcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     KX <- cbind(K, X)
     qr <- qr(KX)
     KX <- matrix(KX[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     if (missing(maxcyc))
     maxcyc <- 50
     if (missing(tol))
     tol <- 1e-04
     delta <- 1
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Removing parts of random effects corresponding to missing values\n")
     for (i in 1:k) {
     if (is.matrix(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA, !isNA]
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA]
     In <- diag(rep(1, n), n, n)
     if (identity) {
     V[[k + 1]] <- as.factor(1:n)
     names(V)[k + 1] <- "In"
     k <- k + 1
     Vcoef.names <- c(Vcoef.names, "In")
     Vformula <- as.character(Vformula)
     Vformula[1] <- "~"
     Vformula[2] <- paste(Vformula[2], "+In")
     Vformula <- as.formula(Vformula)
     model <- c(model, V)
     model$formula <- formula
     model$Vformula <- Vformula
     if (!missing(pos))
     pos <- as.logical(pos)
     if (missing(pos))
     pos <- rep(FALSE, k)
     if (length(pos) < k)
     cat("Warning: argument pos is only partially specified; additional terms (n=",
     k - length(pos), ") set to FALSE internally.\n",
     sep = "")
     pos <- c(pos, rep(FALSE, k))
     pos <- pos[1:k]
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Checking if we can apply the Sherman Morrison Woodbury identites for matrix inversion\n")
     if (all(sapply(V, is.factor)) & k > 2) {
     else SWsolveINDICATOR <- FALSE
     Z <- list()
     for (i in 1:length(V)) {
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     Vi <- model.matrix(~V[[i]] - 1)
     colnames(Vi) <- levels(V[[i]])
     Z[[i]] <- Vi
     V[[i]] <- tcrossprod(Vi)
     else {
     Z[[i]] <- V[[i]]
     names(Z) <- names(V)
     A <- matrix(rep(0, k^2), k, k)
     entries <- expand.grid(1:k, 1:k)
     x <- rep(0, k)
     sigma <- c(1, rep(0, k - 1))
     stats <- rep(0, 0)
     if (missing(taper)) {
     taper <- rep(0.9, maxcyc)
     if (missing(start) && k > 1)
     taper[1:2] <- c(0.5, 0.7)
     else {
     taper <- pmin(abs(taper), 1)
     if ((l <- length(taper)) < maxcyc)
     taper <- c(taper, rep(taper[l], maxcyc - l))
     if (!is.null(start)) {
     start <- c(start, rep(1, k))
     start <- start[1:k]
     if (k > 2 && is.null(start))
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     if (k == 1 && is.null(start))
     start <- var(y, na.rm = TRUE)
     if (is.null(start) && k == 2) {
     if (missing(gamVals)) {
     gamVals <- seq(0.01, 0.02, length = 3)^2
     gamVals <- sort(c(gamVals, seq(0.1, 0.9, length = 3),
     1 - gamVals))
     gamVals <- 0.5
     if (length(gamVals) > 1) {
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat("Evaluating the llik at gamma = \n")
     if (verbose >= 1)
     if (verbose >= 1)
     reg.obj <- reml(gamVals, y, X, V[[1]], V[[2]], verbose = verbose)
     llik <- reg.obj$llik
     llik <- as.double(llik)
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat(llik, "\n")
     gam <- gamVals[llik == max(llik)]
     gam <- gam[1]
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat("MLE is near", gam, "and llik =", max(llik),
     if (length(gamVals) == 1) {
     gam <- gamVals[1]
     reg.obj <- list(rms = var(y))
     start <- c(1 - gam, gam) * reg.obj$rms
     if (gam == 0.9999) {
     taper[1] <- taper[1]/100
     maxcyc <- maxcyc * 10
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat(c("start algorithm at", round(start, 4), "\n"))
     if (is.null(start) & k > 2) {
     LLvals <- NULL
     V2 <- V[[2]]
     for (ii in 3:k) V2 <- V2 + V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.5, y, X, V[[1]], V2)$llik)
     V2 <- V[[1]] + V2
     for (ii in 1:k) {
     V2 <- V2 - V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.75, y, X, V2, V[[ii]])$llik)
     best <- which.max(LLvals)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Checking starting points\n")
     cat("llik values of", LLvals, "\n")
     if (best == 1) {
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     else {
     start <- rep(0.25, k)
     start[best] <- 0.75
     sigma <- coef <- start
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     T <- vector("list", length = k)
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- matrix(NA, n, n)
     for (cycle in 1:maxcyc) {
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind)) {
     coef[ind] <- pmin(coef[ind], 20)
     coef[ind] <- pmax(coef[ind], -20)
     sigma[ind] <- exp(coef[ind])
     if (verbose) {
     cat(cycle, "sigma =", sigma)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (is.null(K))
     WQK <- W
     else {
     WK <- W %*% K
     WQK <- W - WK %*% solve(t(K) %*% WK, t(WK))
     if (reml)
     WQX <- WQK
     else {
     WX <- W %*% KX
     WQX <- W - WX %*% solve(t(KX) %*% WX, t(WX))
     rss <- as.numeric(t(y) %*% WQX %*% y)
     sigma <- sigma * rss/rankQK
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     WQK <- WQK * rankQK/rss
     WQX <- WQX * rankQK/rss
     rss <- rankQK
     eig <- sort(eigen(WQK, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values,
     decreasing = TRUE)[1:rankQK]
     if (any(eig < 0)) {
     cat("error: Sigma is not positive definite on contrasts: range(eig)=",
     range(eig), "\n")
     WQK <- WQK + (tol - min(eig)) * diag(nobs)
     eig <- eig + tol - min(eig)
     ldet <- sum(log(eig))
     llik <- ldet/2 - rss/2
     if (cycle == 1)
     llik0 <- llik
     delta.llik <- llik - llik0
     llik0 <- llik
     if (verbose) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" resid llik =", llik, "\n")
     else cat(" llik =", llik, "\n")
     cat(cycle, "adjusted sigma =", sigma)
     if (cycle > 1) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat("\n")
     x <- NULL
     var.components <- rep(1, k)
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind))
     var.components[ind] <- sigma[ind]
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     x <- sapply(T, function(x) as.numeric(t(y) %*% x %*%
     WQX %*% y - sum(diag(x))))
     x <- x * var.components
     ff <- function(x) sum(T[[x[1]]] * t(T[[x[2]]])) * var.components[x[1]] *
     aa <- apply(entries, 1, ff)
     A[as.matrix(entries)] <- aa
     stats <- c(stats, llik, sigma[1:k], x[1:k])
     if (verbose >= 9) {
     A.svd <- ginv(A)
     x <- A.svd %*% x
     if (qr(A)$rank < k) {
     if (cycle == 1) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Warning: Non identifiable dispersion model\n")
     coef <- coef + taper[cycle] * x
     sigma[!pos] <- coef[!pos]
     sigma[pos] <- exp(coef[pos])
     if (cycle > 1 & abs(delta.llik) < tol * 10)
     if (max(abs(x)) < tol)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (cycle == maxcyc) {
     if (verbose)
     cat("WARNING: maximum number of cycles reached before convergence\n")
     stats <- as.numeric(stats)
     stats <- matrix(stats, cycle, 2 * k + 1, byrow = TRUE)
     colnames(stats) <- c("llik", paste("s^2_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""),
     paste("der_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""))
     WX <- W %*% X
     XtWX <- crossprod(X, WX)
     cov <- XtWX
     cov <- solve(cov, cbind(t(WX), diag(1, dim(XtWX)[1])))
     beta.cov <- matrix(cov[, (dim(t(WX))[2] + 1):dim(cov)[2]],
     dim(X)[2], dim(X)[2])
     cov <- matrix(cov[, 1:dim(t(WX))[2]], dim(X)[2], dim(X)[1])
     beta <- cov %*% y
     beta <- matrix(beta, length(beta), 1)
     row.names(beta) <- Xcolnames <- sqrt(abs(diag(beta.cov)))
     pos.cov <- (diag(beta.cov) < 0)[pos.cov] <- NA <- matrix(, length(, 1)
     row.names( <- Xcolnames
     rms <- rss/rankQ
     fitted.values <- X %*% beta
     Q <- In - X %*% cov
     predicted <- NULL
     predictedVariance <- NULL
     predictedVariance2 <- NULL
     if (identity) {
     gam <- sigma[k]
     if (SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) {
     Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     predicted <- fitted.values + (Sigma - gam * In) %*% W %*%
     (y - fitted.values)
     predictedVariance <- 2 * gam - gam^2 * diag(W)
     predictedVariance2 <- diag(gam^2 * WX %*% beta.cov %*%
     sigma.cov <- (A.svd[1:k, 1:k] * 2)
     FI <- A/2
     FI.c <- matrix(0, dim(FI)[1], dim(FI)[2])
     FI.c <- FI/tcrossprod((sigma - 1) * pos + 1)
     names(sigma) <- Vcoef.names
     sigma.cov <- try(ginv(FI.c), silent = TRUE)
     error1 <- (class(sigma.cov) == "try-error")
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     rownames(sigma.cov) <- colnames(sigma.cov) <- Vcoef.names
     if (!error1) {
     if (any(sigma[pos]^2 < 1e-04))
     cat("Warning: solution lies close to zero for some positive variance components, their standard errors may not be valid\n")
     result <- list(trace = stats, llik = llik, cycle = cycle,
     rdf = rankQ, beta = beta, beta.cov = beta.cov, =,
     sigma = sigma[1:k], sigma.cov = sigma.cov[1:k, 1:k],
     W = W, Q = Q, fitted = fitted.values, predicted = predicted,
     predictedVariance = predictedVariance, predictedVariance2 = predictedVariance2,
     pos = pos, Vnames = Vcoef.names, formula = formula, Vformula = Vformula,
     Kcolnames = Kcolnames, model = model, Z = Z, X = X, Sigma = Sigma)
     class(result) <- "regress"
     <bytecode: 0x31682b0>
     <environment: namespace:regress>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function regress in namespace regress has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (error1) { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: regress
     In addition: Warning message:
     Using formula(x) is deprecated when x is a character vector of length > 1.
     Consider formula(paste(x, collapse = " ")) instead.
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in ‘tests/regressPaper.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > rm(list=ls())
     > if(FALSE) {
     + files <- list.files("../R/",full.names=TRUE)
     + files <- files[-grep("\\~",files)]
     + for(ff in files) source(ff)
     + } else {
     + library(regress)
     + }
     > library(MASS) ## needed for mvrnorm
     > n <- 100
     > mu <- c(1,2)
     > Sigma <- matrix(c(10,5,5,10),2,2)
     > Y <- mvrnorm(n,mu,Sigma)
     > ## this simulates multivariate normal rvs
     > y <- as.vector(t(Y))
     > X <- kronecker(rep(1,n),diag(1,2))
     > V1 <- matrix(c(1,0,0,0),2,2)
     > V2 <- matrix(c(0,0,0,1),2,2)
     > V3 <- matrix(c(0,1,1,0),2,2)
     > sig1 <- kronecker(diag(1,n),V1)
     > sig2 <- kronecker(diag(1,n),V2)
     > gam <- kronecker(diag(1,n),V3)
     > reg.obj <- regress(y~X-1,~sig1+sig2+gam,identity=FALSE,start=c(1,1,0.5),verbose=2)
     1 sigma = 1 1 0.5 resid llik = -298.2065
     1 adjusted sigma = 8.636767 8.636767 4.318384
     2 sigma = 8.322108 7.688073 3.055029 resid llik = -296.7834
     2 adjusted sigma = 8.300152 7.66779 3.04697 delta.llik = 1.423112
     3 sigma = 8.288446 7.591175 2.927888 resid llik = -296.7686
     3 adjusted sigma = 8.288221 7.590969 2.927808 delta.llik = 0.01478618
     4 sigma = 8.287253 7.583493 2.915972 resid llik = -296.7685
     4 adjusted sigma = 8.287251 7.583491 2.915971 delta.llik = 0.0001479207
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     regress(y ~ X - 1, ~sig1 + sig2 + gam, identity = FALSE, start = c(1,
     1, 0.5), verbose = 2)
     --- call from argument ---
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: regress(y ~ X - 1, ~sig1 + sig2 + gam, identity = FALSE, start = c(1,
     1, 0.5), verbose = 2)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (formula, Vformula, identity = TRUE, kernel = NULL,
     start = NULL, taper = NULL, pos, verbose = 0, gamVals = NULL,
     maxcyc = 50, tol = 1e-04, data)
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Extracting objects from call\n")
     if (missing(data))
     data <- environment(formula)
     mf <- model.frame(formula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
     y <- model.response(mf)
     model <- list()
     model <- c(model, mf)
     if (missing(Vformula))
     Vformula <- NULL
     isNA <- apply(, 1, any)
     if (!is.null(Vformula)) {
     V <- model.frame(Vformula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     V <- eval(V, parent.frame())
     mfr <-
     if (ncol(mfr) == 1) {
     isNA <- isNA | mfr
     else {
     isNA <- isNA | apply(mfr[, !apply(mfr, 2, all)],
     1, any)
     Vcoef.names <- names(V)
     V <- as.list(V)
     k <- length(V)
     else {
     V <- NULL
     k <- 0
     Vcoef.names = NULL
     if (ncol(mf) == 1)
     mf <- cbind(mf, 1)
     X <- model.matrix(formula, mf[!isNA, ])
     y <- y[!isNA]
     n <- length(y)
     Xcolnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
     if (is.null(Xcolnames)) {
     Xcolnames <- paste("X.column", c(1:dim(as.matrix(X))[2]),
     sep = "")
     X <- matrix(X, n, length(X)/n)
     qr <- qr(X)
     rankQ <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank) {
     X <- matrix(X[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Xcolnames <- Xcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     else {
     cat("\nERROR: X has rank 0\n\n")
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Setting up kernel\n")
     if (missing(kernel)) {
     K <- X
     colnames(K) <- Xcolnames
     reml <- TRUE
     kernel <- NULL
     else {
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel > 0) {
     K <- matrix(rep(1, n), n, 1)
     colnames(K) <- c("1")
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel <= 0) {
     K <- Kcolnames <- NULL
     KX <- X
     rankQK <- n
     if (length(kernel) > 1) {
     if (is.matrix(kernel)) {
     K <- kernel[!isNA, ]
     else {
     K <- model.frame(kernel, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     K <- eval(K, parent.frame())
     if (ncol(K) == 1) {
     dimNamesK <- dimnames(K)
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     dimNamesK[[1]] <- dimNamesK[[1]][!isNA]
     K <- data.frame(V1 = K)
     dimnames(K) <- dimNamesK
     else {
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     K <- model.matrix(kernel, K)
     reml <- FALSE
     if (!is.null(K)) {
     Kcolnames <- colnames(K)
     qr <- qr(K)
     rankQK <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank == 0)
     K <- NULL
     else {
     K <- matrix(K[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Kcolnames <- Kcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     KX <- cbind(K, X)
     qr <- qr(KX)
     KX <- matrix(KX[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     if (missing(maxcyc))
     maxcyc <- 50
     if (missing(tol))
     tol <- 1e-04
     delta <- 1
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Removing parts of random effects corresponding to missing values\n")
     for (i in 1:k) {
     if (is.matrix(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA, !isNA]
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA]
     In <- diag(rep(1, n), n, n)
     if (identity) {
     V[[k + 1]] <- as.factor(1:n)
     names(V)[k + 1] <- "In"
     k <- k + 1
     Vcoef.names <- c(Vcoef.names, "In")
     Vformula <- as.character(Vformula)
     Vformula[1] <- "~"
     Vformula[2] <- paste(Vformula[2], "+In")
     Vformula <- as.formula(Vformula)
     model <- c(model, V)
     model$formula <- formula
     model$Vformula <- Vformula
     if (!missing(pos))
     pos <- as.logical(pos)
     if (missing(pos))
     pos <- rep(FALSE, k)
     if (length(pos) < k)
     cat("Warning: argument pos is only partially specified; additional terms (n=",
     k - length(pos), ") set to FALSE internally.\n",
     sep = "")
     pos <- c(pos, rep(FALSE, k))
     pos <- pos[1:k]
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Checking if we can apply the Sherman Morrison Woodbury identites for matrix inversion\n")
     if (all(sapply(V, is.factor)) & k > 2) {
     else SWsolveINDICATOR <- FALSE
     Z <- list()
     for (i in 1:length(V)) {
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     Vi <- model.matrix(~V[[i]] - 1)
     colnames(Vi) <- levels(V[[i]])
     Z[[i]] <- Vi
     V[[i]] <- tcrossprod(Vi)
     else {
     Z[[i]] <- V[[i]]
     names(Z) <- names(V)
     A <- matrix(rep(0, k^2), k, k)
     entries <- expand.grid(1:k, 1:k)
     x <- rep(0, k)
     sigma <- c(1, rep(0, k - 1))
     stats <- rep(0, 0)
     if (missing(taper)) {
     taper <- rep(0.9, maxcyc)
     if (missing(start) && k > 1)
     taper[1:2] <- c(0.5, 0.7)
     else {
     taper <- pmin(abs(taper), 1)
     if ((l <- length(taper)) < maxcyc)
     taper <- c(taper, rep(taper[l], maxcyc - l))
     if (!is.null(start)) {
     start <- c(start, rep(1, k))
     start <- start[1:k]
     if (k > 2 && is.null(start))
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     if (k == 1 && is.null(start))
     start <- var(y, na.rm = TRUE)
     if (is.null(start) && k == 2) {
     if (missing(gamVals)) {
     gamVals <- seq(0.01, 0.02, length = 3)^2
     gamVals <- sort(c(gamVals, seq(0.1, 0.9, length = 3),
     1 - gamVals))
     gamVals <- 0.5
     if (length(gamVals) > 1) {
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat("Evaluating the llik at gamma = \n")
     if (verbose >= 1)
     if (verbose >= 1)
     reg.obj <- reml(gamVals, y, X, V[[1]], V[[2]], verbose = verbose)
     llik <- reg.obj$llik
     llik <- as.double(llik)
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat(llik, "\n")
     gam <- gamVals[llik == max(llik)]
     gam <- gam[1]
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat("MLE is near", gam, "and llik =", max(llik),
     if (length(gamVals) == 1) {
     gam <- gamVals[1]
     reg.obj <- list(rms = var(y))
     start <- c(1 - gam, gam) * reg.obj$rms
     if (gam == 0.9999) {
     taper[1] <- taper[1]/100
     maxcyc <- maxcyc * 10
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat(c("start algorithm at", round(start, 4), "\n"))
     if (is.null(start) & k > 2) {
     LLvals <- NULL
     V2 <- V[[2]]
     for (ii in 3:k) V2 <- V2 + V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.5, y, X, V[[1]], V2)$llik)
     V2 <- V[[1]] + V2
     for (ii in 1:k) {
     V2 <- V2 - V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.75, y, X, V2, V[[ii]])$llik)
     best <- which.max(LLvals)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Checking starting points\n")
     cat("llik values of", LLvals, "\n")
     if (best == 1) {
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     else {
     start <- rep(0.25, k)
     start[best] <- 0.75
     sigma <- coef <- start
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     T <- vector("list", length = k)
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- matrix(NA, n, n)
     for (cycle in 1:maxcyc) {
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind)) {
     coef[ind] <- pmin(coef[ind], 20)
     coef[ind] <- pmax(coef[ind], -20)
     sigma[ind] <- exp(coef[ind])
     if (verbose) {
     cat(cycle, "sigma =", sigma)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (is.null(K))
     WQK <- W
     else {
     WK <- W %*% K
     WQK <- W - WK %*% solve(t(K) %*% WK, t(WK))
     if (reml)
     WQX <- WQK
     else {
     WX <- W %*% KX
     WQX <- W - WX %*% solve(t(KX) %*% WX, t(WX))
     rss <- as.numeric(t(y) %*% WQX %*% y)
     sigma <- sigma * rss/rankQK
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     WQK <- WQK * rankQK/rss
     WQX <- WQX * rankQK/rss
     rss <- rankQK
     eig <- sort(eigen(WQK, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values,
     decreasing = TRUE)[1:rankQK]
     if (any(eig < 0)) {
     cat("error: Sigma is not positive definite on contrasts: range(eig)=",
     range(eig), "\n")
     WQK <- WQK + (tol - min(eig)) * diag(nobs)
     eig <- eig + tol - min(eig)
     ldet <- sum(log(eig))
     llik <- ldet/2 - rss/2
     if (cycle == 1)
     llik0 <- llik
     delta.llik <- llik - llik0
     llik0 <- llik
     if (verbose) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" resid llik =", llik, "\n")
     else cat(" llik =", llik, "\n")
     cat(cycle, "adjusted sigma =", sigma)
     if (cycle > 1) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat("\n")
     x <- NULL
     var.components <- rep(1, k)
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind))
     var.components[ind] <- sigma[ind]
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     x <- sapply(T, function(x) as.numeric(t(y) %*% x %*%
     WQX %*% y - sum(diag(x))))
     x <- x * var.components
     ff <- function(x) sum(T[[x[1]]] * t(T[[x[2]]])) * var.components[x[1]] *
     aa <- apply(entries, 1, ff)
     A[as.matrix(entries)] <- aa
     stats <- c(stats, llik, sigma[1:k], x[1:k])
     if (verbose >= 9) {
     A.svd <- ginv(A)
     x <- A.svd %*% x
     if (qr(A)$rank < k) {
     if (cycle == 1) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Warning: Non identifiable dispersion model\n")
     coef <- coef + taper[cycle] * x
     sigma[!pos] <- coef[!pos]
     sigma[pos] <- exp(coef[pos])
     if (cycle > 1 & abs(delta.llik) < tol * 10)
     if (max(abs(x)) < tol)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (cycle == maxcyc) {
     if (verbose)
     cat("WARNING: maximum number of cycles reached before convergence\n")
     stats <- as.numeric(stats)
     stats <- matrix(stats, cycle, 2 * k + 1, byrow = TRUE)
     colnames(stats) <- c("llik", paste("s^2_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""),
     paste("der_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""))
     WX <- W %*% X
     XtWX <- crossprod(X, WX)
     cov <- XtWX
     cov <- solve(cov, cbind(t(WX), diag(1, dim(XtWX)[1])))
     beta.cov <- matrix(cov[, (dim(t(WX))[2] + 1):dim(cov)[2]],
     dim(X)[2], dim(X)[2])
     cov <- matrix(cov[, 1:dim(t(WX))[2]], dim(X)[2], dim(X)[1])
     beta <- cov %*% y
     beta <- matrix(beta, length(beta), 1)
     row.names(beta) <- Xcolnames <- sqrt(abs(diag(beta.cov)))
     pos.cov <- (diag(beta.cov) < 0)[pos.cov] <- NA <- matrix(, length(, 1)
     row.names( <- Xcolnames
     rms <- rss/rankQ
     fitted.values <- X %*% beta
     Q <- In - X %*% cov
     predicted <- NULL
     predictedVariance <- NULL
     predictedVariance2 <- NULL
     if (identity) {
     gam <- sigma[k]
     if (SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) {
     Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     predicted <- fitted.values + (Sigma - gam * In) %*% W %*%
     (y - fitted.values)
     predictedVariance <- 2 * gam - gam^2 * diag(W)
     predictedVariance2 <- diag(gam^2 * WX %*% beta.cov %*%
     sigma.cov <- (A.svd[1:k, 1:k] * 2)
     FI <- A/2
     FI.c <- matrix(0, dim(FI)[1], dim(FI)[2])
     FI.c <- FI/tcrossprod((sigma - 1) * pos + 1)
     names(sigma) <- Vcoef.names
     sigma.cov <- try(ginv(FI.c), silent = TRUE)
     error1 <- (class(sigma.cov) == "try-error")
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     rownames(sigma.cov) <- colnames(sigma.cov) <- Vcoef.names
     if (!error1) {
     if (any(sigma[pos]^2 < 1e-04))
     cat("Warning: solution lies close to zero for some positive variance components, their standard errors may not be valid\n")
     result <- list(trace = stats, llik = llik, cycle = cycle,
     rdf = rankQ, beta = beta, beta.cov = beta.cov, =,
     sigma = sigma[1:k], sigma.cov = sigma.cov[1:k, 1:k],
     W = W, Q = Q, fitted = fitted.values, predicted = predicted,
     predictedVariance = predictedVariance, predictedVariance2 = predictedVariance2,
     pos = pos, Vnames = Vcoef.names, formula = formula, Vformula = Vformula,
     Kcolnames = Kcolnames, model = model, Z = Z, X = X, Sigma = Sigma)
     class(result) <- "regress"
     <bytecode: 0x3fb5e68>
     <environment: namespace:regress>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function regress in namespace regress has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (error1) { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: regress
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Version: 1.3-15
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘regress-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: regress
    > ### Title: Fit a Gaussian Linear Model with Linear Covariance Structure
    > ### Aliases: regress print.regress summary.regress BLUP
    > ### Keywords: regression models multivariate
    > ### ** Examples
    > ######################
    > ## Comparison with lme
    > ######################
    > ## Example of Random Effects model from Venables and Ripley, page 205
    > library(nlme)
    > library(regress)
    > citation("regress")
    To cite package 'regress' in publications use:
     David Clifford, Peter McCullagh (2014). The regress package R package
     version 1.3-15.
     David Clifford, Peter McCullagh (2006), The regress function, R News
     6:2, 6-10
    To see these entries in BibTeX format, use 'print(<citation>,
    bibtex=TRUE)', 'toBibtex(.)', or set
    > names(Oats) <- c("B","V","N","Y")
    > Oats$N <- as.factor(Oats$N)
    > ## Using regress
    > oats.reg <- regress(Y~N+V,~B+I(B:V),identity=TRUE,verbose=1,data=Oats)
    Warning: Using formula(x) is deprecated when x is a character vector of length > 1.
     Consider formula(paste(x, collapse = " ")) instead.
    1 sigma = 732.1964 732.1964 732.1964 resid llik = -215.1927
    1 adjusted sigma = 157.9849 157.9849 157.9849
    2 sigma = 186.231 133.8389 160.2718 resid llik = -215.0362
    2 adjusted sigma = 185.6373 133.4123 159.761 delta.llik = 0.1565299
    3 sigma = 205.8252 116.8087 161.7195 resid llik = -214.981
    3 adjusted sigma = 205.6644 116.7175 161.5931 delta.llik = 0.05518008
    4 sigma = 213.5958 110.3954 162.4623 resid llik = -214.975
    4 adjusted sigma = 213.5887 110.3917 162.4569 delta.llik = 0.005981576
    5 sigma = 214.3882 109.7628 162.5486 resid llik = -214.9749
    5 adjusted sigma = 214.3882 109.7628 162.5486 delta.llik = 6.213704e-05
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    regress(Y ~ N + V, ~B + I(B:V), identity = TRUE, verbose = 1,
     data = Oats)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: regress(Y ~ N + V, ~B + I(B:V), identity = TRUE, verbose = 1,
     data = Oats)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     --- function from context ---
    function (formula, Vformula, identity = TRUE, kernel = NULL,
     start = NULL, taper = NULL, pos, verbose = 0, gamVals = NULL,
     maxcyc = 50, tol = 1e-04, data)
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Extracting objects from call\n")
     if (missing(data))
     data <- environment(formula)
     mf <- model.frame(formula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
     y <- model.response(mf)
     model <- list()
     model <- c(model, mf)
     if (missing(Vformula))
     Vformula <- NULL
     isNA <- apply(, 1, any)
     if (!is.null(Vformula)) {
     V <- model.frame(Vformula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     V <- eval(V, parent.frame())
     mfr <-
     if (ncol(mfr) == 1) {
     isNA <- isNA | mfr
     else {
     isNA <- isNA | apply(mfr[, !apply(mfr, 2, all)],
     1, any)
     Vcoef.names <- names(V)
     V <- as.list(V)
     k <- length(V)
     else {
     V <- NULL
     k <- 0
     Vcoef.names = NULL
     if (ncol(mf) == 1)
     mf <- cbind(mf, 1)
     X <- model.matrix(formula, mf[!isNA, ])
     y <- y[!isNA]
     n <- length(y)
     Xcolnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
     if (is.null(Xcolnames)) {
     Xcolnames <- paste("X.column", c(1:dim(as.matrix(X))[2]),
     sep = "")
     X <- matrix(X, n, length(X)/n)
     qr <- qr(X)
     rankQ <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank) {
     X <- matrix(X[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Xcolnames <- Xcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     else {
     cat("\nERROR: X has rank 0\n\n")
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Setting up kernel\n")
     if (missing(kernel)) {
     K <- X
     colnames(K) <- Xcolnames
     reml <- TRUE
     kernel <- NULL
     else {
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel > 0) {
     K <- matrix(rep(1, n), n, 1)
     colnames(K) <- c("1")
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel <= 0) {
     K <- Kcolnames <- NULL
     KX <- X
     rankQK <- n
     if (length(kernel) > 1) {
     if (is.matrix(kernel)) {
     K <- kernel[!isNA, ]
     else {
     K <- model.frame(kernel, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     K <- eval(K, parent.frame())
     if (ncol(K) == 1) {
     dimNamesK <- dimnames(K)
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     dimNamesK[[1]] <- dimNamesK[[1]][!isNA]
     K <- data.frame(V1 = K)
     dimnames(K) <- dimNamesK
     else {
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     K <- model.matrix(kernel, K)
     reml <- FALSE
     if (!is.null(K)) {
     Kcolnames <- colnames(K)
     qr <- qr(K)
     rankQK <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank == 0)
     K <- NULL
     else {
     K <- matrix(K[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Kcolnames <- Kcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     KX <- cbind(K, X)
     qr <- qr(KX)
     KX <- matrix(KX[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     if (missing(maxcyc))
     maxcyc <- 50
     if (missing(tol))
     tol <- 1e-04
     delta <- 1
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Removing parts of random effects corresponding to missing values\n")
     for (i in 1:k) {
     if (is.matrix(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA, !isNA]
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA]
     In <- diag(rep(1, n), n, n)
     if (identity) {
     V[[k + 1]] <- as.factor(1:n)
     names(V)[k + 1] <- "In"
     k <- k + 1
     Vcoef.names <- c(Vcoef.names, "In")
     Vformula <- as.character(Vformula)
     Vformula[1] <- "~"
     Vformula[2] <- paste(Vformula[2], "+In")
     Vformula <- as.formula(Vformula)
     model <- c(model, V)
     model$formula <- formula
     model$Vformula <- Vformula
     if (!missing(pos))
     pos <- as.logical(pos)
     if (missing(pos))
     pos <- rep(FALSE, k)
     if (length(pos) < k)
     cat("Warning: argument pos is only partially specified; additional terms (n=",
     k - length(pos), ") set to FALSE internally.\n",
     sep = "")
     pos <- c(pos, rep(FALSE, k))
     pos <- pos[1:k]
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Checking if we can apply the Sherman Morrison Woodbury identites for matrix inversion\n")
     if (all(sapply(V, is.factor)) & k > 2) {
     else SWsolveINDICATOR <- FALSE
     Z <- list()
     for (i in 1:length(V)) {
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     Vi <- model.matrix(~V[[i]] - 1)
     colnames(Vi) <- levels(V[[i]])
     Z[[i]] <- Vi
     V[[i]] <- tcrossprod(Vi)
     else {
     Z[[i]] <- V[[i]]
     names(Z) <- names(V)
     A <- matrix(rep(0, k^2), k, k)
     entries <- expand.grid(1:k, 1:k)
     x <- rep(0, k)
     sigma <- c(1, rep(0, k - 1))
     stats <- rep(0, 0)
     if (missing(taper)) {
     taper <- rep(0.9, maxcyc)
     if (missing(start) && k > 1)
     taper[1:2] <- c(0.5, 0.7)
     else {
     taper <- pmin(abs(taper), 1)
     if ((l <- length(taper)) < maxcyc)
     taper <- c(taper, rep(taper[l], maxcyc - l))
     if (!is.null(start)) {
     start <- c(start, rep(1, k))
     start <- start[1:k]
     if (k > 2 && is.null(start))
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     if (k == 1 && is.null(start))
     start <- var(y, na.rm = TRUE)
     if (is.null(start) && k == 2) {
     if (missing(gamVals)) {
     gamVals <- seq(0.01, 0.02, length = 3)^2
     gamVals <- sort(c(gamVals, seq(0.1, 0.9, length = 3),
     1 - gamVals))
     gamVals <- 0.5
     if (length(gamVals) > 1) {
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat("Evaluating the llik at gamma = \n")
     if (verbose >= 1)
     if (verbose >= 1)
     reg.obj <- reml(gamVals, y, X, V[[1]], V[[2]], verbose = verbose)
     llik <- reg.obj$llik
     llik <- as.double(llik)
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat(llik, "\n")
     gam <- gamVals[llik == max(llik)]
     gam <- gam[1]
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat("MLE is near", gam, "and llik =", max(llik),
     if (length(gamVals) == 1) {
     gam <- gamVals[1]
     reg.obj <- list(rms = var(y))
     start <- c(1 - gam, gam) * reg.obj$rms
     if (gam == 0.9999) {
     taper[1] <- taper[1]/100
     maxcyc <- maxcyc * 10
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat(c("start algorithm at", round(start, 4), "\n"))
     if (is.null(start) & k > 2) {
     LLvals <- NULL
     V2 <- V[[2]]
     for (ii in 3:k) V2 <- V2 + V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.5, y, X, V[[1]], V2)$llik)
     V2 <- V[[1]] + V2
     for (ii in 1:k) {
     V2 <- V2 - V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.75, y, X, V2, V[[ii]])$llik)
     best <- which.max(LLvals)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Checking starting points\n")
     cat("llik values of", LLvals, "\n")
     if (best == 1) {
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     else {
     start <- rep(0.25, k)
     start[best] <- 0.75
     sigma <- coef <- start
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     T <- vector("list", length = k)
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- matrix(NA, n, n)
     for (cycle in 1:maxcyc) {
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind)) {
     coef[ind] <- pmin(coef[ind], 20)
     coef[ind] <- pmax(coef[ind], -20)
     sigma[ind] <- exp(coef[ind])
     if (verbose) {
     cat(cycle, "sigma =", sigma)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (is.null(K))
     WQK <- W
     else {
     WK <- W %*% K
     WQK <- W - WK %*% solve(t(K) %*% WK, t(WK))
     if (reml)
     WQX <- WQK
     else {
     WX <- W %*% KX
     WQX <- W - WX %*% solve(t(KX) %*% WX, t(WX))
     rss <- as.numeric(t(y) %*% WQX %*% y)
     sigma <- sigma * rss/rankQK
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     WQK <- WQK * rankQK/rss
     WQX <- WQX * rankQK/rss
     rss <- rankQK
     eig <- sort(eigen(WQK, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values,
     decreasing = TRUE)[1:rankQK]
     if (any(eig < 0)) {
     cat("error: Sigma is not positive definite on contrasts: range(eig)=",
     range(eig), "\n")
     WQK <- WQK + (tol - min(eig)) * diag(nobs)
     eig <- eig + tol - min(eig)
     ldet <- sum(log(eig))
     llik <- ldet/2 - rss/2
     if (cycle == 1)
     llik0 <- llik
     delta.llik <- llik - llik0
     llik0 <- llik
     if (verbose) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" resid llik =", llik, "\n")
     else cat(" llik =", llik, "\n")
     cat(cycle, "adjusted sigma =", sigma)
     if (cycle > 1) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat("\n")
     x <- NULL
     var.components <- rep(1, k)
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind))
     var.components[ind] <- sigma[ind]
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     x <- sapply(T, function(x) as.numeric(t(y) %*% x %*%
     WQX %*% y - sum(diag(x))))
     x <- x * var.components
     ff <- function(x) sum(T[[x[1]]] * t(T[[x[2]]])) * var.components[x[1]] *
     aa <- apply(entries, 1, ff)
     A[as.matrix(entries)] <- aa
     stats <- c(stats, llik, sigma[1:k], x[1:k])
     if (verbose >= 9) {
     A.svd <- ginv(A)
     x <- A.svd %*% x
     if (qr(A)$rank < k) {
     if (cycle == 1) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Warning: Non identifiable dispersion model\n")
     coef <- coef + taper[cycle] * x
     sigma[!pos] <- coef[!pos]
     sigma[pos] <- exp(coef[pos])
     if (cycle > 1 & abs(delta.llik) < tol * 10)
     if (max(abs(x)) < tol)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (cycle == maxcyc) {
     if (verbose)
     cat("WARNING: maximum number of cycles reached before convergence\n")
     stats <- as.numeric(stats)
     stats <- matrix(stats, cycle, 2 * k + 1, byrow = TRUE)
     colnames(stats) <- c("llik", paste("s^2_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""),
     paste("der_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""))
     WX <- W %*% X
     XtWX <- crossprod(X, WX)
     cov <- XtWX
     cov <- solve(cov, cbind(t(WX), diag(1, dim(XtWX)[1])))
     beta.cov <- matrix(cov[, (dim(t(WX))[2] + 1):dim(cov)[2]],
     dim(X)[2], dim(X)[2])
     cov <- matrix(cov[, 1:dim(t(WX))[2]], dim(X)[2], dim(X)[1])
     beta <- cov %*% y
     beta <- matrix(beta, length(beta), 1)
     row.names(beta) <- Xcolnames <- sqrt(abs(diag(beta.cov)))
     pos.cov <- (diag(beta.cov) < 0)[pos.cov] <- NA <- matrix(, length(, 1)
     row.names( <- Xcolnames
     rms <- rss/rankQ
     fitted.values <- X %*% beta
     Q <- In - X %*% cov
     predicted <- NULL
     predictedVariance <- NULL
     predictedVariance2 <- NULL
     if (identity) {
     gam <- sigma[k]
     if (SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) {
     Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     predicted <- fitted.values + (Sigma - gam * In) %*% W %*%
     (y - fitted.values)
     predictedVariance <- 2 * gam - gam^2 * diag(W)
     predictedVariance2 <- diag(gam^2 * WX %*% beta.cov %*%
     sigma.cov <- (A.svd[1:k, 1:k] * 2)
     FI <- A/2
     FI.c <- matrix(0, dim(FI)[1], dim(FI)[2])
     FI.c <- FI/tcrossprod((sigma - 1) * pos + 1)
     names(sigma) <- Vcoef.names
     sigma.cov <- try(ginv(FI.c), silent = TRUE)
     error1 <- (class(sigma.cov) == "try-error")
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     rownames(sigma.cov) <- colnames(sigma.cov) <- Vcoef.names
     if (!error1) {
     if (any(sigma[pos]^2 < 1e-04))
     cat("Warning: solution lies close to zero for some positive variance components, their standard errors may not be valid\n")
     result <- list(trace = stats, llik = llik, cycle = cycle,
     rdf = rankQ, beta = beta, beta.cov = beta.cov, =,
     sigma = sigma[1:k], sigma.cov = sigma.cov[1:k, 1:k],
     W = W, Q = Q, fitted = fitted.values, predicted = predicted,
     predictedVariance = predictedVariance, predictedVariance2 = predictedVariance2,
     pos = pos, Vnames = Vcoef.names, formula = formula, Vformula = Vformula,
     Kcolnames = Kcolnames, model = model, Z = Z, X = X, Sigma = Sigma)
     class(result) <- "regress"
    <bytecode: 0x34ddcf8>
    <environment: namespace:regress>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function regress in namespace regress has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (error1) { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: regress
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc

Version: 1.3-15
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘BLUP.tests.R’
     Running ‘regress.tests.R’
     Running ‘regressPaper.R’
    Running the tests in ‘tests/BLUP.tests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > set.seed(1001)
     > library(regress)
     > n <- 101
     > x1 <- runif(n)
     > x2 <- seq(0,1,l=n)
     > z1 <- gl(4,10,n)
     > z2 <- gl(6,1,n)
     > X <- model.matrix(~1 + x1 + x2)
     > Z1 <- model.matrix(~z1-1)
     > Z2 <- model.matrix(~z2-1)
     > ## Create the individual random and fixed effects
     > beta <- c(1,2,3)
     > eta1 <- rnorm(ncol(Z1),0,10)
     > eta2 <- rnorm(ncol(Z2),0,10)
     > eps <- rnorm(n,0,3)
     > ## Combine them into a response
     > y <- X %*% beta + Z1 %*% eta1 + Z2 %*% eta2 + eps
     > ## Fit the same model again
     > model <- regress(y~1 + x1 + x2,~z1 + z2, identity=TRUE,verbose=2)
     1 sigma = 111.2472 111.2472 111.2472 resid llik = -193.5592
     1 adjusted sigma = 14.95327 14.95327 14.95327
     2 sigma = 48.05741 34.5205 12.87801 resid llik = -185.4081
     2 adjusted sigma = 43.27607 31.08598 11.59674 delta.llik = 8.151054
     3 sigma = 70.09679 47.21641 11.03377 resid llik = -184.5278
     3 adjusted sigma = 69.55275 46.84995 10.94813 delta.llik = 0.8802895
     4 sigma = 80.45497 53.4053 10.80752 resid llik = -184.4768
     4 adjusted sigma = 80.4402 53.3955 10.80554 delta.llik = 0.05097438
     5 sigma = 81.55823 54.06055 10.79318 resid llik = -184.4764
     5 adjusted sigma = 81.5581 54.06046 10.79316 delta.llik = 0.0004381634
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     regress(y ~ 1 + x1 + x2, ~z1 + z2, identity = TRUE, verbose = 2)
     --- call from argument ---
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: regress(y ~ 1 + x1 + x2, ~z1 + z2, identity = TRUE, verbose = 2)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (formula, Vformula, identity = TRUE, kernel = NULL,
     start = NULL, taper = NULL, pos, verbose = 0, gamVals = NULL,
     maxcyc = 50, tol = 1e-04, data)
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Extracting objects from call\n")
     if (missing(data))
     data <- environment(formula)
     mf <- model.frame(formula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
     y <- model.response(mf)
     model <- list()
     model <- c(model, mf)
     if (missing(Vformula))
     Vformula <- NULL
     isNA <- apply(, 1, any)
     if (!is.null(Vformula)) {
     V <- model.frame(Vformula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     V <- eval(V, parent.frame())
     mfr <-
     if (ncol(mfr) == 1) {
     isNA <- isNA | mfr
     else {
     isNA <- isNA | apply(mfr[, !apply(mfr, 2, all)],
     1, any)
     Vcoef.names <- names(V)
     V <- as.list(V)
     k <- length(V)
     else {
     V <- NULL
     k <- 0
     Vcoef.names = NULL
     if (ncol(mf) == 1)
     mf <- cbind(mf, 1)
     X <- model.matrix(formula, mf[!isNA, ])
     y <- y[!isNA]
     n <- length(y)
     Xcolnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
     if (is.null(Xcolnames)) {
     Xcolnames <- paste("X.column", c(1:dim(as.matrix(X))[2]),
     sep = "")
     X <- matrix(X, n, length(X)/n)
     qr <- qr(X)
     rankQ <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank) {
     X <- matrix(X[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Xcolnames <- Xcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     else {
     cat("\nERROR: X has rank 0\n\n")
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Setting up kernel\n")
     if (missing(kernel)) {
     K <- X
     colnames(K) <- Xcolnames
     reml <- TRUE
     kernel <- NULL
     else {
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel > 0) {
     K <- matrix(rep(1, n), n, 1)
     colnames(K) <- c("1")
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel <= 0) {
     K <- Kcolnames <- NULL
     KX <- X
     rankQK <- n
     if (length(kernel) > 1) {
     if (is.matrix(kernel)) {
     K <- kernel[!isNA, ]
     else {
     K <- model.frame(kernel, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     K <- eval(K, parent.frame())
     if (ncol(K) == 1) {
     dimNamesK <- dimnames(K)
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     dimNamesK[[1]] <- dimNamesK[[1]][!isNA]
     K <- data.frame(V1 = K)
     dimnames(K) <- dimNamesK
     else {
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     K <- model.matrix(kernel, K)
     reml <- FALSE
     if (!is.null(K)) {
     Kcolnames <- colnames(K)
     qr <- qr(K)
     rankQK <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank == 0)
     K <- NULL
     else {
     K <- matrix(K[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Kcolnames <- Kcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     KX <- cbind(K, X)
     qr <- qr(KX)
     KX <- matrix(KX[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     if (missing(maxcyc))
     maxcyc <- 50
     if (missing(tol))
     tol <- 1e-04
     delta <- 1
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Removing parts of random effects corresponding to missing values\n")
     for (i in 1:k) {
     if (is.matrix(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA, !isNA]
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA]
     In <- diag(rep(1, n), n, n)
     if (identity) {
     V[[k + 1]] <- as.factor(1:n)
     names(V)[k + 1] <- "In"
     k <- k + 1
     Vcoef.names <- c(Vcoef.names, "In")
     Vformula <- as.character(Vformula)
     Vformula[1] <- "~"
     Vformula[2] <- paste(Vformula[2], "+In")
     Vformula <- as.formula(Vformula)
     model <- c(model, V)
     model$formula <- formula
     model$Vformula <- Vformula
     if (!missing(pos))
     pos <- as.logical(pos)
     if (missing(pos))
     pos <- rep(FALSE, k)
     if (length(pos) < k)
     cat("Warning: argument pos is only partially specified; additional terms (n=",
     k - length(pos), ") set to FALSE internally.\n",
     sep = "")
     pos <- c(pos, rep(FALSE, k))
     pos <- pos[1:k]
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Checking if we can apply the Sherman Morrison Woodbury identites for matrix inversion\n")
     if (all(sapply(V, is.factor)) & k > 2) {
     else SWsolveINDICATOR <- FALSE
     Z <- list()
     for (i in 1:length(V)) {
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     Vi <- model.matrix(~V[[i]] - 1)
     colnames(Vi) <- levels(V[[i]])
     Z[[i]] <- Vi
     V[[i]] <- tcrossprod(Vi)
     else {
     Z[[i]] <- V[[i]]
     names(Z) <- names(V)
     A <- matrix(rep(0, k^2), k, k)
     entries <- expand.grid(1:k, 1:k)
     x <- rep(0, k)
     sigma <- c(1, rep(0, k - 1))
     stats <- rep(0, 0)
     if (missing(taper)) {
     taper <- rep(0.9, maxcyc)
     if (missing(start) && k > 1)
     taper[1:2] <- c(0.5, 0.7)
     else {
     taper <- pmin(abs(taper), 1)
     if ((l <- length(taper)) < maxcyc)
     taper <- c(taper, rep(taper[l], maxcyc - l))
     if (!is.null(start)) {
     start <- c(start, rep(1, k))
     start <- start[1:k]
     if (k > 2 && is.null(start))
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     if (k == 1 && is.null(start))
     start <- var(y, na.rm = TRUE)
     if (is.null(start) && k == 2) {
     if (missing(gamVals)) {
     gamVals <- seq(0.01, 0.02, length = 3)^2
     gamVals <- sort(c(gamVals, seq(0.1, 0.9, length = 3),
     1 - gamVals))
     gamVals <- 0.5
     if (length(gamVals) > 1) {
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat("Evaluating the llik at gamma = \n")
     if (verbose >= 1)
     if (verbose >= 1)
     reg.obj <- reml(gamVals, y, X, V[[1]], V[[2]], verbose = verbose)
     llik <- reg.obj$llik
     llik <- as.double(llik)
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat(llik, "\n")
     gam <- gamVals[llik == max(llik)]
     gam <- gam[1]
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat("MLE is near", gam, "and llik =", max(llik),
     if (length(gamVals) == 1) {
     gam <- gamVals[1]
     reg.obj <- list(rms = var(y))
     start <- c(1 - gam, gam) * reg.obj$rms
     if (gam == 0.9999) {
     taper[1] <- taper[1]/100
     maxcyc <- maxcyc * 10
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat(c("start algorithm at", round(start, 4), "\n"))
     if (is.null(start) & k > 2) {
     LLvals <- NULL
     V2 <- V[[2]]
     for (ii in 3:k) V2 <- V2 + V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.5, y, X, V[[1]], V2)$llik)
     V2 <- V[[1]] + V2
     for (ii in 1:k) {
     V2 <- V2 - V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.75, y, X, V2, V[[ii]])$llik)
     best <- which.max(LLvals)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Checking starting points\n")
     cat("llik values of", LLvals, "\n")
     if (best == 1) {
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     else {
     start <- rep(0.25, k)
     start[best] <- 0.75
     sigma <- coef <- start
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     T <- vector("list", length = k)
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- matrix(NA, n, n)
     for (cycle in 1:maxcyc) {
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind)) {
     coef[ind] <- pmin(coef[ind], 20)
     coef[ind] <- pmax(coef[ind], -20)
     sigma[ind] <- exp(coef[ind])
     if (verbose) {
     cat(cycle, "sigma =", sigma)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (is.null(K))
     WQK <- W
     else {
     WK <- W %*% K
     WQK <- W - WK %*% solve(t(K) %*% WK, t(WK))
     if (reml)
     WQX <- WQK
     else {
     WX <- W %*% KX
     WQX <- W - WX %*% solve(t(KX) %*% WX, t(WX))
     rss <- as.numeric(t(y) %*% WQX %*% y)
     sigma <- sigma * rss/rankQK
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     WQK <- WQK * rankQK/rss
     WQX <- WQX * rankQK/rss
     rss <- rankQK
     eig <- sort(eigen(WQK, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values,
     decreasing = TRUE)[1:rankQK]
     if (any(eig < 0)) {
     cat("error: Sigma is not positive definite on contrasts: range(eig)=",
     range(eig), "\n")
     WQK <- WQK + (tol - min(eig)) * diag(nobs)
     eig <- eig + tol - min(eig)
     ldet <- sum(log(eig))
     llik <- ldet/2 - rss/2
     if (cycle == 1)
     llik0 <- llik
     delta.llik <- llik - llik0
     llik0 <- llik
     if (verbose) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" resid llik =", llik, "\n")
     else cat(" llik =", llik, "\n")
     cat(cycle, "adjusted sigma =", sigma)
     if (cycle > 1) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat("\n")
     x <- NULL
     var.components <- rep(1, k)
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind))
     var.components[ind] <- sigma[ind]
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     x <- sapply(T, function(x) as.numeric(t(y) %*% x %*%
     WQX %*% y - sum(diag(x))))
     x <- x * var.components
     ff <- function(x) sum(T[[x[1]]] * t(T[[x[2]]])) * var.components[x[1]] *
     aa <- apply(entries, 1, ff)
     A[as.matrix(entries)] <- aa
     stats <- c(stats, llik, sigma[1:k], x[1:k])
     if (verbose >= 9) {
     A.svd <- ginv(A)
     x <- A.svd %*% x
     if (qr(A)$rank < k) {
     if (cycle == 1) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Warning: Non identifiable dispersion model\n")
     coef <- coef + taper[cycle] * x
     sigma[!pos] <- coef[!pos]
     sigma[pos] <- exp(coef[pos])
     if (cycle > 1 & abs(delta.llik) < tol * 10)
     if (max(abs(x)) < tol)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (cycle == maxcyc) {
     if (verbose)
     cat("WARNING: maximum number of cycles reached before convergence\n")
     stats <- as.numeric(stats)
     stats <- matrix(stats, cycle, 2 * k + 1, byrow = TRUE)
     colnames(stats) <- c("llik", paste("s^2_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""),
     paste("der_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""))
     WX <- W %*% X
     XtWX <- crossprod(X, WX)
     cov <- XtWX
     cov <- solve(cov, cbind(t(WX), diag(1, dim(XtWX)[1])))
     beta.cov <- matrix(cov[, (dim(t(WX))[2] + 1):dim(cov)[2]],
     dim(X)[2], dim(X)[2])
     cov <- matrix(cov[, 1:dim(t(WX))[2]], dim(X)[2], dim(X)[1])
     beta <- cov %*% y
     beta <- matrix(beta, length(beta), 1)
     row.names(beta) <- Xcolnames <- sqrt(abs(diag(beta.cov)))
     pos.cov <- (diag(beta.cov) < 0)[pos.cov] <- NA <- matrix(, length(, 1)
     row.names( <- Xcolnames
     rms <- rss/rankQ
     fitted.values <- X %*% beta
     Q <- In - X %*% cov
     predicted <- NULL
     predictedVariance <- NULL
     predictedVariance2 <- NULL
     if (identity) {
     gam <- sigma[k]
     if (SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) {
     Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     predicted <- fitted.values + (Sigma - gam * In) %*% W %*%
     (y - fitted.values)
     predictedVariance <- 2 * gam - gam^2 * diag(W)
     predictedVariance2 <- diag(gam^2 * WX %*% beta.cov %*%
     sigma.cov <- (A.svd[1:k, 1:k] * 2)
     FI <- A/2
     FI.c <- matrix(0, dim(FI)[1], dim(FI)[2])
     FI.c <- FI/tcrossprod((sigma - 1) * pos + 1)
     names(sigma) <- Vcoef.names
     sigma.cov <- try(ginv(FI.c), silent = TRUE)
     error1 <- (class(sigma.cov) == "try-error")
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     rownames(sigma.cov) <- colnames(sigma.cov) <- Vcoef.names
     if (!error1) {
     if (any(sigma[pos]^2 < 1e-04))
     cat("Warning: solution lies close to zero for some positive variance components, their standard errors may not be valid\n")
     result <- list(trace = stats, llik = llik, cycle = cycle,
     rdf = rankQ, beta = beta, beta.cov = beta.cov, =,
     sigma = sigma[1:k], sigma.cov = sigma.cov[1:k, 1:k],
     W = W, Q = Q, fitted = fitted.values, predicted = predicted,
     predictedVariance = predictedVariance, predictedVariance2 = predictedVariance2,
     pos = pos, Vnames = Vcoef.names, formula = formula, Vformula = Vformula,
     Kcolnames = Kcolnames, model = model, Z = Z, X = X, Sigma = Sigma)
     class(result) <- "regress"
     <bytecode: 0x295d9f0>
     <environment: namespace:regress>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function regress in namespace regress has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (error1) { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: regress
     In addition: Warning message:
     Using formula(x) is deprecated when x is a character vector of length > 1.
     Consider formula(paste(x, collapse = " ")) instead.
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in ‘tests/regress.tests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > ## Test 1, Random Effects Model
     > library(nlme)
     > library(regress)
     > data(Oats)
     > names(Oats) <- c("B","V","N","Y")
     > Oats$N <- as.factor(Oats$N)
     > ## Using regress
     > oats.reg <- regress(Y~N+V,~B+I(B:V),identity=TRUE,verbose=1,data=Oats)
     1 sigma = 732.1964 732.1964 732.1964 resid llik = -215.1927
     1 adjusted sigma = 157.9849 157.9849 157.9849
     2 sigma = 186.231 133.8389 160.2718 resid llik = -215.0362
     2 adjusted sigma = 185.6373 133.4123 159.761 delta.llik = 0.1565299
     3 sigma = 205.8252 116.8087 161.7195 resid llik = -214.981
     3 adjusted sigma = 205.6644 116.7175 161.5931 delta.llik = 0.05518008
     4 sigma = 213.5958 110.3954 162.4623 resid llik = -214.975
     4 adjusted sigma = 213.5887 110.3917 162.4569 delta.llik = 0.005981576
     5 sigma = 214.3882 109.7628 162.5486 resid llik = -214.9749
     5 adjusted sigma = 214.3882 109.7628 162.5486 delta.llik = 6.213704e-05
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     regress(Y ~ N + V, ~B + I(B:V), identity = TRUE, verbose = 1,
     data = Oats)
     --- call from argument ---
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: regress(Y ~ N + V, ~B + I(B:V), identity = TRUE, verbose = 1,
     data = Oats)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (formula, Vformula, identity = TRUE, kernel = NULL,
     start = NULL, taper = NULL, pos, verbose = 0, gamVals = NULL,
     maxcyc = 50, tol = 1e-04, data)
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Extracting objects from call\n")
     if (missing(data))
     data <- environment(formula)
     mf <- model.frame(formula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
     y <- model.response(mf)
     model <- list()
     model <- c(model, mf)
     if (missing(Vformula))
     Vformula <- NULL
     isNA <- apply(, 1, any)
     if (!is.null(Vformula)) {
     V <- model.frame(Vformula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     V <- eval(V, parent.frame())
     mfr <-
     if (ncol(mfr) == 1) {
     isNA <- isNA | mfr
     else {
     isNA <- isNA | apply(mfr[, !apply(mfr, 2, all)],
     1, any)
     Vcoef.names <- names(V)
     V <- as.list(V)
     k <- length(V)
     else {
     V <- NULL
     k <- 0
     Vcoef.names = NULL
     if (ncol(mf) == 1)
     mf <- cbind(mf, 1)
     X <- model.matrix(formula, mf[!isNA, ])
     y <- y[!isNA]
     n <- length(y)
     Xcolnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
     if (is.null(Xcolnames)) {
     Xcolnames <- paste("X.column", c(1:dim(as.matrix(X))[2]),
     sep = "")
     X <- matrix(X, n, length(X)/n)
     qr <- qr(X)
     rankQ <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank) {
     X <- matrix(X[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Xcolnames <- Xcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     else {
     cat("\nERROR: X has rank 0\n\n")
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Setting up kernel\n")
     if (missing(kernel)) {
     K <- X
     colnames(K) <- Xcolnames
     reml <- TRUE
     kernel <- NULL
     else {
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel > 0) {
     K <- matrix(rep(1, n), n, 1)
     colnames(K) <- c("1")
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel <= 0) {
     K <- Kcolnames <- NULL
     KX <- X
     rankQK <- n
     if (length(kernel) > 1) {
     if (is.matrix(kernel)) {
     K <- kernel[!isNA, ]
     else {
     K <- model.frame(kernel, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     K <- eval(K, parent.frame())
     if (ncol(K) == 1) {
     dimNamesK <- dimnames(K)
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     dimNamesK[[1]] <- dimNamesK[[1]][!isNA]
     K <- data.frame(V1 = K)
     dimnames(K) <- dimNamesK
     else {
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     K <- model.matrix(kernel, K)
     reml <- FALSE
     if (!is.null(K)) {
     Kcolnames <- colnames(K)
     qr <- qr(K)
     rankQK <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank == 0)
     K <- NULL
     else {
     K <- matrix(K[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Kcolnames <- Kcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     KX <- cbind(K, X)
     qr <- qr(KX)
     KX <- matrix(KX[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     if (missing(maxcyc))
     maxcyc <- 50
     if (missing(tol))
     tol <- 1e-04
     delta <- 1
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Removing parts of random effects corresponding to missing values\n")
     for (i in 1:k) {
     if (is.matrix(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA, !isNA]
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA]
     In <- diag(rep(1, n), n, n)
     if (identity) {
     V[[k + 1]] <- as.factor(1:n)
     names(V)[k + 1] <- "In"
     k <- k + 1
     Vcoef.names <- c(Vcoef.names, "In")
     Vformula <- as.character(Vformula)
     Vformula[1] <- "~"
     Vformula[2] <- paste(Vformula[2], "+In")
     Vformula <- as.formula(Vformula)
     model <- c(model, V)
     model$formula <- formula
     model$Vformula <- Vformula
     if (!missing(pos))
     pos <- as.logical(pos)
     if (missing(pos))
     pos <- rep(FALSE, k)
     if (length(pos) < k)
     cat("Warning: argument pos is only partially specified; additional terms (n=",
     k - length(pos), ") set to FALSE internally.\n",
     sep = "")
     pos <- c(pos, rep(FALSE, k))
     pos <- pos[1:k]
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Checking if we can apply the Sherman Morrison Woodbury identites for matrix inversion\n")
     if (all(sapply(V, is.factor)) & k > 2) {
     else SWsolveINDICATOR <- FALSE
     Z <- list()
     for (i in 1:length(V)) {
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     Vi <- model.matrix(~V[[i]] - 1)
     colnames(Vi) <- levels(V[[i]])
     Z[[i]] <- Vi
     V[[i]] <- tcrossprod(Vi)
     else {
     Z[[i]] <- V[[i]]
     names(Z) <- names(V)
     A <- matrix(rep(0, k^2), k, k)
     entries <- expand.grid(1:k, 1:k)
     x <- rep(0, k)
     sigma <- c(1, rep(0, k - 1))
     stats <- rep(0, 0)
     if (missing(taper)) {
     taper <- rep(0.9, maxcyc)
     if (missing(start) && k > 1)
     taper[1:2] <- c(0.5, 0.7)
     else {
     taper <- pmin(abs(taper), 1)
     if ((l <- length(taper)) < maxcyc)
     taper <- c(taper, rep(taper[l], maxcyc - l))
     if (!is.null(start)) {
     start <- c(start, rep(1, k))
     start <- start[1:k]
     if (k > 2 && is.null(start))
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     if (k == 1 && is.null(start))
     start <- var(y, na.rm = TRUE)
     if (is.null(start) && k == 2) {
     if (missing(gamVals)) {
     gamVals <- seq(0.01, 0.02, length = 3)^2
     gamVals <- sort(c(gamVals, seq(0.1, 0.9, length = 3),
     1 - gamVals))
     gamVals <- 0.5
     if (length(gamVals) > 1) {
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat("Evaluating the llik at gamma = \n")
     if (verbose >= 1)
     if (verbose >= 1)
     reg.obj <- reml(gamVals, y, X, V[[1]], V[[2]], verbose = verbose)
     llik <- reg.obj$llik
     llik <- as.double(llik)
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat(llik, "\n")
     gam <- gamVals[llik == max(llik)]
     gam <- gam[1]
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat("MLE is near", gam, "and llik =", max(llik),
     if (length(gamVals) == 1) {
     gam <- gamVals[1]
     reg.obj <- list(rms = var(y))
     start <- c(1 - gam, gam) * reg.obj$rms
     if (gam == 0.9999) {
     taper[1] <- taper[1]/100
     maxcyc <- maxcyc * 10
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat(c("start algorithm at", round(start, 4), "\n"))
     if (is.null(start) & k > 2) {
     LLvals <- NULL
     V2 <- V[[2]]
     for (ii in 3:k) V2 <- V2 + V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.5, y, X, V[[1]], V2)$llik)
     V2 <- V[[1]] + V2
     for (ii in 1:k) {
     V2 <- V2 - V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.75, y, X, V2, V[[ii]])$llik)
     best <- which.max(LLvals)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Checking starting points\n")
     cat("llik values of", LLvals, "\n")
     if (best == 1) {
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     else {
     start <- rep(0.25, k)
     start[best] <- 0.75
     sigma <- coef <- start
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     T <- vector("list", length = k)
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- matrix(NA, n, n)
     for (cycle in 1:maxcyc) {
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind)) {
     coef[ind] <- pmin(coef[ind], 20)
     coef[ind] <- pmax(coef[ind], -20)
     sigma[ind] <- exp(coef[ind])
     if (verbose) {
     cat(cycle, "sigma =", sigma)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (is.null(K))
     WQK <- W
     else {
     WK <- W %*% K
     WQK <- W - WK %*% solve(t(K) %*% WK, t(WK))
     if (reml)
     WQX <- WQK
     else {
     WX <- W %*% KX
     WQX <- W - WX %*% solve(t(KX) %*% WX, t(WX))
     rss <- as.numeric(t(y) %*% WQX %*% y)
     sigma <- sigma * rss/rankQK
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     WQK <- WQK * rankQK/rss
     WQX <- WQX * rankQK/rss
     rss <- rankQK
     eig <- sort(eigen(WQK, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values,
     decreasing = TRUE)[1:rankQK]
     if (any(eig < 0)) {
     cat("error: Sigma is not positive definite on contrasts: range(eig)=",
     range(eig), "\n")
     WQK <- WQK + (tol - min(eig)) * diag(nobs)
     eig <- eig + tol - min(eig)
     ldet <- sum(log(eig))
     llik <- ldet/2 - rss/2
     if (cycle == 1)
     llik0 <- llik
     delta.llik <- llik - llik0
     llik0 <- llik
     if (verbose) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" resid llik =", llik, "\n")
     else cat(" llik =", llik, "\n")
     cat(cycle, "adjusted sigma =", sigma)
     if (cycle > 1) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat("\n")
     x <- NULL
     var.components <- rep(1, k)
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind))
     var.components[ind] <- sigma[ind]
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     x <- sapply(T, function(x) as.numeric(t(y) %*% x %*%
     WQX %*% y - sum(diag(x))))
     x <- x * var.components
     ff <- function(x) sum(T[[x[1]]] * t(T[[x[2]]])) * var.components[x[1]] *
     aa <- apply(entries, 1, ff)
     A[as.matrix(entries)] <- aa
     stats <- c(stats, llik, sigma[1:k], x[1:k])
     if (verbose >= 9) {
     A.svd <- ginv(A)
     x <- A.svd %*% x
     if (qr(A)$rank < k) {
     if (cycle == 1) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Warning: Non identifiable dispersion model\n")
     coef <- coef + taper[cycle] * x
     sigma[!pos] <- coef[!pos]
     sigma[pos] <- exp(coef[pos])
     if (cycle > 1 & abs(delta.llik) < tol * 10)
     if (max(abs(x)) < tol)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (cycle == maxcyc) {
     if (verbose)
     cat("WARNING: maximum number of cycles reached before convergence\n")
     stats <- as.numeric(stats)
     stats <- matrix(stats, cycle, 2 * k + 1, byrow = TRUE)
     colnames(stats) <- c("llik", paste("s^2_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""),
     paste("der_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""))
     WX <- W %*% X
     XtWX <- crossprod(X, WX)
     cov <- XtWX
     cov <- solve(cov, cbind(t(WX), diag(1, dim(XtWX)[1])))
     beta.cov <- matrix(cov[, (dim(t(WX))[2] + 1):dim(cov)[2]],
     dim(X)[2], dim(X)[2])
     cov <- matrix(cov[, 1:dim(t(WX))[2]], dim(X)[2], dim(X)[1])
     beta <- cov %*% y
     beta <- matrix(beta, length(beta), 1)
     row.names(beta) <- Xcolnames <- sqrt(abs(diag(beta.cov)))
     pos.cov <- (diag(beta.cov) < 0)[pos.cov] <- NA <- matrix(, length(, 1)
     row.names( <- Xcolnames
     rms <- rss/rankQ
     fitted.values <- X %*% beta
     Q <- In - X %*% cov
     predicted <- NULL
     predictedVariance <- NULL
     predictedVariance2 <- NULL
     if (identity) {
     gam <- sigma[k]
     if (SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) {
     Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     predicted <- fitted.values + (Sigma - gam * In) %*% W %*%
     (y - fitted.values)
     predictedVariance <- 2 * gam - gam^2 * diag(W)
     predictedVariance2 <- diag(gam^2 * WX %*% beta.cov %*%
     sigma.cov <- (A.svd[1:k, 1:k] * 2)
     FI <- A/2
     FI.c <- matrix(0, dim(FI)[1], dim(FI)[2])
     FI.c <- FI/tcrossprod((sigma - 1) * pos + 1)
     names(sigma) <- Vcoef.names
     sigma.cov <- try(ginv(FI.c), silent = TRUE)
     error1 <- (class(sigma.cov) == "try-error")
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     rownames(sigma.cov) <- colnames(sigma.cov) <- Vcoef.names
     if (!error1) {
     if (any(sigma[pos]^2 < 1e-04))
     cat("Warning: solution lies close to zero for some positive variance components, their standard errors may not be valid\n")
     result <- list(trace = stats, llik = llik, cycle = cycle,
     rdf = rankQ, beta = beta, beta.cov = beta.cov, =,
     sigma = sigma[1:k], sigma.cov = sigma.cov[1:k, 1:k],
     W = W, Q = Q, fitted = fitted.values, predicted = predicted,
     predictedVariance = predictedVariance, predictedVariance2 = predictedVariance2,
     pos = pos, Vnames = Vcoef.names, formula = formula, Vformula = Vformula,
     Kcolnames = Kcolnames, model = model, Z = Z, X = X, Sigma = Sigma)
     class(result) <- "regress"
     <bytecode: 0x2c9a6a0>
     <environment: namespace:regress>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function regress in namespace regress has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (error1) { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: regress
     In addition: Warning message:
     Using formula(x) is deprecated when x is a character vector of length > 1.
     Consider formula(paste(x, collapse = " ")) instead.
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in ‘tests/regressPaper.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > rm(list=ls())
     > if(FALSE) {
     + files <- list.files("../R/",full.names=TRUE)
     + files <- files[-grep("\\~",files)]
     + for(ff in files) source(ff)
     + } else {
     + library(regress)
     + }
     > library(MASS) ## needed for mvrnorm
     > n <- 100
     > mu <- c(1,2)
     > Sigma <- matrix(c(10,5,5,10),2,2)
     > Y <- mvrnorm(n,mu,Sigma)
     > ## this simulates multivariate normal rvs
     > y <- as.vector(t(Y))
     > X <- kronecker(rep(1,n),diag(1,2))
     > V1 <- matrix(c(1,0,0,0),2,2)
     > V2 <- matrix(c(0,0,0,1),2,2)
     > V3 <- matrix(c(0,1,1,0),2,2)
     > sig1 <- kronecker(diag(1,n),V1)
     > sig2 <- kronecker(diag(1,n),V2)
     > gam <- kronecker(diag(1,n),V3)
     > reg.obj <- regress(y~X-1,~sig1+sig2+gam,identity=FALSE,start=c(1,1,0.5),verbose=2)
     1 sigma = 1 1 0.5 resid llik = -324.1175
     1 adjusted sigma = 11.22064 11.22064 5.61032
     2 sigma = 12.59025 11.26683 7.026127 resid llik = -322.8581
     2 adjusted sigma = 12.56089 11.24056 7.009741 delta.llik = 1.259387
     3 sigma = 12.72428 11.26883 7.166069 resid llik = -322.8451
     3 adjusted sigma = 12.72397 11.26856 7.165898 delta.llik = 0.01302762
     4 sigma = 12.74059 11.27163 7.181685 resid llik = -322.8449
     4 adjusted sigma = 12.74058 11.27162 7.181683 delta.llik = 0.0001303219
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     regress(y ~ X - 1, ~sig1 + sig2 + gam, identity = FALSE, start = c(1,
     1, 0.5), verbose = 2)
     --- call from argument ---
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: regress(y ~ X - 1, ~sig1 + sig2 + gam, identity = FALSE, start = c(1,
     1, 0.5), verbose = 2)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (formula, Vformula, identity = TRUE, kernel = NULL,
     start = NULL, taper = NULL, pos, verbose = 0, gamVals = NULL,
     maxcyc = 50, tol = 1e-04, data)
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Extracting objects from call\n")
     if (missing(data))
     data <- environment(formula)
     mf <- model.frame(formula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
     y <- model.response(mf)
     model <- list()
     model <- c(model, mf)
     if (missing(Vformula))
     Vformula <- NULL
     isNA <- apply(, 1, any)
     if (!is.null(Vformula)) {
     V <- model.frame(Vformula, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     V <- eval(V, parent.frame())
     mfr <-
     if (ncol(mfr) == 1) {
     isNA <- isNA | mfr
     else {
     isNA <- isNA | apply(mfr[, !apply(mfr, 2, all)],
     1, any)
     Vcoef.names <- names(V)
     V <- as.list(V)
     k <- length(V)
     else {
     V <- NULL
     k <- 0
     Vcoef.names = NULL
     if (ncol(mf) == 1)
     mf <- cbind(mf, 1)
     X <- model.matrix(formula, mf[!isNA, ])
     y <- y[!isNA]
     n <- length(y)
     Xcolnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
     if (is.null(Xcolnames)) {
     Xcolnames <- paste("X.column", c(1:dim(as.matrix(X))[2]),
     sep = "")
     X <- matrix(X, n, length(X)/n)
     qr <- qr(X)
     rankQ <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank) {
     X <- matrix(X[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Xcolnames <- Xcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     else {
     cat("\nERROR: X has rank 0\n\n")
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Setting up kernel\n")
     if (missing(kernel)) {
     K <- X
     colnames(K) <- Xcolnames
     reml <- TRUE
     kernel <- NULL
     else {
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel > 0) {
     K <- matrix(rep(1, n), n, 1)
     colnames(K) <- c("1")
     if (length(kernel) == 1 && kernel <= 0) {
     K <- Kcolnames <- NULL
     KX <- X
     rankQK <- n
     if (length(kernel) > 1) {
     if (is.matrix(kernel)) {
     K <- kernel[!isNA, ]
     else {
     K <- model.frame(kernel, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
     K <- eval(K, parent.frame())
     if (ncol(K) == 1) {
     dimNamesK <- dimnames(K)
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     dimNamesK[[1]] <- dimNamesK[[1]][!isNA]
     K <- data.frame(V1 = K)
     dimnames(K) <- dimNamesK
     else {
     K <- K[!isNA, ]
     K <- model.matrix(kernel, K)
     reml <- FALSE
     if (!is.null(K)) {
     Kcolnames <- colnames(K)
     qr <- qr(K)
     rankQK <- n - qr$rank
     if (qr$rank == 0)
     K <- NULL
     else {
     K <- matrix(K[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     Kcolnames <- Kcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
     KX <- cbind(K, X)
     qr <- qr(KX)
     KX <- matrix(KX[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]], n, qr$rank)
     if (missing(maxcyc))
     maxcyc <- 50
     if (missing(tol))
     tol <- 1e-04
     delta <- 1
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Removing parts of random effects corresponding to missing values\n")
     for (i in 1:k) {
     if (is.matrix(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA, !isNA]
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA]
     In <- diag(rep(1, n), n, n)
     if (identity) {
     V[[k + 1]] <- as.factor(1:n)
     names(V)[k + 1] <- "In"
     k <- k + 1
     Vcoef.names <- c(Vcoef.names, "In")
     Vformula <- as.character(Vformula)
     Vformula[1] <- "~"
     Vformula[2] <- paste(Vformula[2], "+In")
     Vformula <- as.formula(Vformula)
     model <- c(model, V)
     model$formula <- formula
     model$Vformula <- Vformula
     if (!missing(pos))
     pos <- as.logical(pos)
     if (missing(pos))
     pos <- rep(FALSE, k)
     if (length(pos) < k)
     cat("Warning: argument pos is only partially specified; additional terms (n=",
     k - length(pos), ") set to FALSE internally.\n",
     sep = "")
     pos <- c(pos, rep(FALSE, k))
     pos <- pos[1:k]
     if (verbose > 9)
     cat("Checking if we can apply the Sherman Morrison Woodbury identites for matrix inversion\n")
     if (all(sapply(V, is.factor)) & k > 2) {
     else SWsolveINDICATOR <- FALSE
     Z <- list()
     for (i in 1:length(V)) {
     if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
     Vi <- model.matrix(~V[[i]] - 1)
     colnames(Vi) <- levels(V[[i]])
     Z[[i]] <- Vi
     V[[i]] <- tcrossprod(Vi)
     else {
     Z[[i]] <- V[[i]]
     names(Z) <- names(V)
     A <- matrix(rep(0, k^2), k, k)
     entries <- expand.grid(1:k, 1:k)
     x <- rep(0, k)
     sigma <- c(1, rep(0, k - 1))
     stats <- rep(0, 0)
     if (missing(taper)) {
     taper <- rep(0.9, maxcyc)
     if (missing(start) && k > 1)
     taper[1:2] <- c(0.5, 0.7)
     else {
     taper <- pmin(abs(taper), 1)
     if ((l <- length(taper)) < maxcyc)
     taper <- c(taper, rep(taper[l], maxcyc - l))
     if (!is.null(start)) {
     start <- c(start, rep(1, k))
     start <- start[1:k]
     if (k > 2 && is.null(start))
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     if (k == 1 && is.null(start))
     start <- var(y, na.rm = TRUE)
     if (is.null(start) && k == 2) {
     if (missing(gamVals)) {
     gamVals <- seq(0.01, 0.02, length = 3)^2
     gamVals <- sort(c(gamVals, seq(0.1, 0.9, length = 3),
     1 - gamVals))
     gamVals <- 0.5
     if (length(gamVals) > 1) {
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat("Evaluating the llik at gamma = \n")
     if (verbose >= 1)
     if (verbose >= 1)
     reg.obj <- reml(gamVals, y, X, V[[1]], V[[2]], verbose = verbose)
     llik <- reg.obj$llik
     llik <- as.double(llik)
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat(llik, "\n")
     gam <- gamVals[llik == max(llik)]
     gam <- gam[1]
     if (verbose >= 2)
     cat("MLE is near", gam, "and llik =", max(llik),
     if (length(gamVals) == 1) {
     gam <- gamVals[1]
     reg.obj <- list(rms = var(y))
     start <- c(1 - gam, gam) * reg.obj$rms
     if (gam == 0.9999) {
     taper[1] <- taper[1]/100
     maxcyc <- maxcyc * 10
     if (verbose >= 1)
     cat(c("start algorithm at", round(start, 4), "\n"))
     if (is.null(start) & k > 2) {
     LLvals <- NULL
     V2 <- V[[2]]
     for (ii in 3:k) V2 <- V2 + V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.5, y, X, V[[1]], V2)$llik)
     V2 <- V[[1]] + V2
     for (ii in 1:k) {
     V2 <- V2 - V[[ii]]
     LLvals <- c(LLvals, reml(0.75, y, X, V2, V[[ii]])$llik)
     best <- which.max(LLvals)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Checking starting points\n")
     cat("llik values of", LLvals, "\n")
     if (best == 1) {
     start <- rep(var(y, na.rm = TRUE), k)
     else {
     start <- rep(0.25, k)
     start[best] <- 0.75
     sigma <- coef <- start
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     T <- vector("list", length = k)
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- matrix(NA, n, n)
     for (cycle in 1:maxcyc) {
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind)) {
     coef[ind] <- pmin(coef[ind], 20)
     coef[ind] <- pmax(coef[ind], -20)
     sigma[ind] <- exp(coef[ind])
     if (verbose) {
     cat(cycle, "sigma =", sigma)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (is.null(K))
     WQK <- W
     else {
     WK <- W %*% K
     WQK <- W - WK %*% solve(t(K) %*% WK, t(WK))
     if (reml)
     WQX <- WQK
     else {
     WX <- W %*% KX
     WQX <- W - WX %*% solve(t(KX) %*% WX, t(WX))
     rss <- as.numeric(t(y) %*% WQX %*% y)
     sigma <- sigma * rss/rankQK
     coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
     coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
     WQK <- WQK * rankQK/rss
     WQX <- WQX * rankQK/rss
     rss <- rankQK
     eig <- sort(eigen(WQK, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values,
     decreasing = TRUE)[1:rankQK]
     if (any(eig < 0)) {
     cat("error: Sigma is not positive definite on contrasts: range(eig)=",
     range(eig), "\n")
     WQK <- WQK + (tol - min(eig)) * diag(nobs)
     eig <- eig + tol - min(eig)
     ldet <- sum(log(eig))
     llik <- ldet/2 - rss/2
     if (cycle == 1)
     llik0 <- llik
     delta.llik <- llik - llik0
     llik0 <- llik
     if (verbose) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" resid llik =", llik, "\n")
     else cat(" llik =", llik, "\n")
     cat(cycle, "adjusted sigma =", sigma)
     if (cycle > 1) {
     if (reml)
     cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
     else cat("\n")
     x <- NULL
     var.components <- rep(1, k)
     ind <- which(pos)
     if (length(ind))
     var.components[ind] <- sigma[ind]
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
     else {
     if (identity) {
     T[[k]] <- WQK
     if (k > 1) {
     for (ii in (k - 1):1) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     else {
     for (ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*%
     Z[[ii]], Z[[ii]])
     x <- sapply(T, function(x) as.numeric(t(y) %*% x %*%
     WQX %*% y - sum(diag(x))))
     x <- x * var.components
     ff <- function(x) sum(T[[x[1]]] * t(T[[x[2]]])) * var.components[x[1]] *
     aa <- apply(entries, 1, ff)
     A[as.matrix(entries)] <- aa
     stats <- c(stats, llik, sigma[1:k], x[1:k])
     if (verbose >= 9) {
     A.svd <- ginv(A)
     x <- A.svd %*% x
     if (qr(A)$rank < k) {
     if (cycle == 1) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Warning: Non identifiable dispersion model\n")
     coef <- coef + taper[cycle] * x
     sigma[!pos] <- coef[!pos]
     sigma[pos] <- exp(coef[pos])
     if (cycle > 1 & abs(delta.llik) < tol * 10)
     if (max(abs(x)) < tol)
     if (!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     W <- solve(Sigma, In)
     else {
     W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k - 1)], sigma)
     if (cycle == maxcyc) {
     if (verbose)
     cat("WARNING: maximum number of cycles reached before convergence\n")
     stats <- as.numeric(stats)
     stats <- matrix(stats, cycle, 2 * k + 1, byrow = TRUE)
     colnames(stats) <- c("llik", paste("s^2_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""),
     paste("der_", Vcoef.names, sep = ""))
     WX <- W %*% X
     XtWX <- crossprod(X, WX)
     cov <- XtWX
     cov <- solve(cov, cbind(t(WX), diag(1, dim(XtWX)[1])))
     beta.cov <- matrix(cov[, (dim(t(WX))[2] + 1):dim(cov)[2]],
     dim(X)[2], dim(X)[2])
     cov <- matrix(cov[, 1:dim(t(WX))[2]], dim(X)[2], dim(X)[1])
     beta <- cov %*% y
     beta <- matrix(beta, length(beta), 1)
     row.names(beta) <- Xcolnames <- sqrt(abs(diag(beta.cov)))
     pos.cov <- (diag(beta.cov) < 0)[pos.cov] <- NA <- matrix(, length(, 1)
     row.names( <- Xcolnames
     rms <- rss/rankQ
     fitted.values <- X %*% beta
     Q <- In - X %*% cov
     predicted <- NULL
     predictedVariance <- NULL
     predictedVariance2 <- NULL
     if (identity) {
     gam <- sigma[k]
     if (SWsolveINDICATOR) {
     Sigma <- 0
     for (i in 1:k) {
     Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
     predicted <- fitted.values + (Sigma - gam * In) %*% W %*%
     (y - fitted.values)
     predictedVariance <- 2 * gam - gam^2 * diag(W)
     predictedVariance2 <- diag(gam^2 * WX %*% beta.cov %*%
     sigma.cov <- (A.svd[1:k, 1:k] * 2)
     FI <- A/2
     FI.c <- matrix(0, dim(FI)[1], dim(FI)[2])
     FI.c <- FI/tcrossprod((sigma - 1) * pos + 1)
     names(sigma) <- Vcoef.names
     sigma.cov <- try(ginv(FI.c), silent = TRUE)
     error1 <- (class(sigma.cov) == "try-error")
     if (error1) {
     cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
     sigma.cov <- matrix(NA, k, k)
     rownames(sigma.cov) <- colnames(sigma.cov) <- Vcoef.names
     if (!error1) {
     if (any(sigma[pos]^2 < 1e-04))
     cat("Warning: solution lies close to zero for some positive variance components, their standard errors may not be valid\n")
     result <- list(trace = stats, llik = llik, cycle = cycle,
     rdf = rankQ, beta = beta, beta.cov = beta.cov, =,
     sigma = sigma[1:k], sigma.cov = sigma.cov[1:k, 1:k],
     W = W, Q = Q, fitted = fitted.values, predicted = predicted,
     predictedVariance = predictedVariance, predictedVariance2 = predictedVariance2,
     pos = pos, Vnames = Vcoef.names, formula = formula, Vformula = Vformula,
     Kcolnames = Kcolnames, model = model, Z = Z, X = X, Sigma = Sigma)
     class(result) <- "regress"
     <bytecode: 0x2ec2078>
     <environment: namespace:regress>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function regress in namespace regress has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (error1) { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: regress
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc