CRAN Package Check Results for Package inarmix

Last updated on 2020-02-19 10:48:56 CET.

Flavor Version Tinstall Tcheck Ttotal Status Flags
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang 0.4 36.76 73.74 110.50 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc 0.4 27.30 57.56 84.86 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang 0.4 141.89 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc 0.4 137.34 ERROR
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.4 68.00 121.00 189.00 NOTE
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64-gcc8 0.4 101.00 156.00 257.00 ERROR
r-patched-linux-x86_64 0.4 30.91 67.21 98.12 NOTE
r-patched-solaris-x86 0.4 170.60 NOTE
r-release-linux-x86_64 0.4 28.60 66.59 95.19 NOTE
r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.4 73.00 116.00 189.00 NOTE
r-release-osx-x86_64 0.4 NOTE
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.4 54.00 120.00 174.00 NOTE
r-oldrel-osx-x86_64 0.4 NOTE

Check Details

Version: 0.4
Check: DESCRIPTION meta-information
Result: NOTE
    Malformed Title field: should not end in a period.
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc, r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64, r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64-gcc8, r-patched-linux-x86_64, r-patched-solaris-x86, r-release-linux-x86_64, r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64, r-release-osx-x86_64, r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64, r-oldrel-osx-x86_64

Version: 0.4
Check: R code for possible problems
Result: NOTE
    GenerateMixData: no visible global function definition for 'rnbinom'
    GenerateMixData: no visible global function definition for 'rbeta'
    GenerateMixData: no visible global function definition for 'rbinom'
    GenerateMixData: no visible global function definition for 'rpois'
    InitializePars: no visible global function definition for 'aggregate'
    InitializePars: no visible global function definition for 'rnorm'
    MultiStart: no visible global function definition for 'rnorm'
    MultiStart: no visible global function definition for 'runif'
    inarmix: no visible global function definition for 'terms'
    inarmix: no visible global function definition for 'model.frame'
    inarmix: no visible global function definition for 'model.response'
    inarmix: no visible global function definition for 'model.matrix'
    print.diagnose.inarmix: no visible global function definition for
    print.diagnose.inarmix: no visible global function definition for
    print.summary.inarmix: no visible global function definition for
    summary.inarmix: no visible global function definition for 'pnorm'
    Undefined global functions or variables:
     aggregate lines model.frame model.matrix model.response plot pnorm
     printCoefmat rbeta rbinom rnbinom rnorm rpois runif terms
    Consider adding
     importFrom("graphics", "lines", "plot")
     importFrom("stats", "aggregate", "model.frame", "model.matrix",
     "model.response", "pnorm", "printCoefmat", "rbeta",
     "rbinom", "rnbinom", "rnorm", "rpois", "runif", "terms")
    to your NAMESPACE file.
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc, r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64, r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64-gcc8, r-patched-linux-x86_64, r-patched-solaris-x86, r-release-linux-x86_64, r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64, r-release-osx-x86_64, r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64, r-oldrel-osx-x86_64

Version: 0.4
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in 'inarmix-Ex.R' failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: inarmix
    > ### Title: Finite mixture model for longitudinal count data.
    > ### Aliases: inarmix
    > ### Keywords: models regression
    > ### ** Examples
    > set.seed(4297)
    > ############################################################
    > #### Simulate data from a two class model
    > XX <- cbind(rep(1,9),c(0:8)/4)
    > colnames(XX) <- c("const","time")
    > beta <- rbind(c(-.2,0),c(1.2,.3))
    > ### this means that for group 1: (beta_{0},beta_{1}) = (-.2,0)
    > ### and for group 2: (beta_{0},beta_{1}) = (1.2,.3)
    > autocorr <- c(.2,.2)
    > scale <- c(2,2)
    > mix.prop <- c(.8,.2) ## proportion in group 1 is .8
    > testdat <- GenerateMixData(500,beta,autocorr,scale,mix.prop,XX)
    > testdat[1:5,]
     y subject const time
    1 1 1 1 0.00
    2 0 1 1 0.25
    3 2 1 1 0.50
    4 4 1 1 0.75
    5 0 1 1 1.00
    > ########################################################################
    > #### Fit a linear curve with two classes (with a maximum of 4 iterations)
    > twoclassfit <- inarmix(y~time,nclasses=2,id=subject,data=testdat,maxiter=4)
    Iteration: 1
    Iteration: 2
    Iteration: 3
    Iteration: 4
    > summary(twoclassfit)
     inarmix(formula = y ~ time, nclasses = 2, id = subject, data = testdat,
     maxiter = 4)
     Class Probabilities
     Estimate Std.Err
    Group1 0.7977567 0.01844
    Group2 0.2022433 NA
    Group 1 coefficients:
     Estimate Std.Err Z value Pr(>z)
    (Intercept) -0.18180172 0.05623476 -3.23291 0.0012254 **
    time -0.02653325 0.04532190 -0.58544 0.5582519
    autocorr. 0.20233773 0.02368218 8.54388 < 2.22e-16 ***
    scale 2.00629134 0.08277197 12.15739 < 2.22e-16 ***
    Group 2 coefficients:
     Estimate Std.Err Z value Pr(>z)
    (Intercept) 1.21738430 0.05829181 20.88431 < 2.22e-16 ***
    time 0.28683640 0.04407928 6.50728 7.6522e-11 ***
    autocorr. 0.19696018 0.03623996 5.43489 5.4830e-08 ***
    scale 2.12021748 0.11447226 9.78593 < 2.22e-16 ***
    log-likelihood: -6823.222
     BIC: 13722.151
     AIC: 13664.444
     Number of EM iterations: 4
    > diagnose(twoclassfit)
     Did not converge!!!!
    Convergence of GEE equations for
     each iteration: 1 - converged, 0 - did not converge
     iteration GEE 1 GEE 2 l[i] l[i+1]-l[i] ||Psi||^2
    [1,] 0 1 1 -6866.134 0.000000 0.646708992
    [2,] 1 1 1 -6833.577 -32.556835 0.108210548
    [3,] 2 1 1 -6824.850 -8.726774 0.015731280
    [4,] 3 1 1 -6823.222 -1.627973 0.002018329
    > #############################################################
    > ##### Fit the same model with specified starting values.
    > inpars <- list()
    > inpars$coef <- rbind(c(-.5,.1),c(.5,0))
    > inpars$autocorr <- rep(.3,2)
    > inpars$scale <- rep(2,2)
    > inpars$mix.prop <- c(.6,.4)
    > twoclassfit2 <- inarmix(y~time,nclasses=2,id=subject,data=testdat,initvals=inpars,
    + maxiter=4)
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    inarmix(y ~ time, nclasses = 2, id = subject, data = testdat,
     initvals = inpars, maxiter = 4)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (!check.inits) {
     stop("Initial values are not in the correct format")
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: inarmix(y ~ time, nclasses = 2, id = subject, data = testdat,
     initvals = inpars, maxiter = 4)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] FALSE TRUE
     --- function from context ---
    function (formula, nclasses = 1, id, data, initvals = NULL, maxiter = 200,
     stoptol = 1e-05, num.restarts = 1, time = NULL, dropthresh = 0.01)
     mod <- = FALSE)
     modterms <- terms(formula)
     subj.col <- which(colnames(data) == mod$id)
     if (!is.null(mod$time)) {
     time.col <- which(colnames(data) == mod$time)
     if (length(time.col) == 0) {
     stop("time variable not found")
     if (length(subj.col) == 0) {
     stop("id variable not found")
     if (any( {
     stop("There are missing data points")
     if (is.null(mod$time)) {
     data <- data[order(data[, subj.col]), ]
     else {
     data <- data[order(data[, subj.col], data[, time.col]),
     modframe <- model.frame(formula, data)
     yy <- model.response(modframe)
     XX <- model.matrix(formula, modframe)
     QR <- qr(XX)
     if (QR$rank < ncol(XX)) {
     stop("The design matrix is rank-deficient")
     if (any(is.infinite(yy)) | any(is.infinite(XX))) {
     } <- data[, subj.col]
     m <- length(unique(
     nvec <- as.vector(table(
     loglik.record <- numeric(num.restarts)
     initvals.record <- final.record <- list()
     ylist <- Xlist <- list()
     subject.names <- rep(" ", m)
     ncum <- 1 + c(0, cumsum(nvec))
     for (i in 1:m) {
     ind1 <- ncum[i]
     ind2 <- ncum[i + 1] - 1
     ylist[[i]] <- yy[ind1:ind2]
     Xlist[[i]] <- as.matrix(XX[ind1:ind2, ])
     tmp <- unique(data[ind1, subj.col])
     subject.names[i] <- as.character(tmp)
     if (nclasses == 1) {
     oneclass.ests <- OneclassEsts(yy, XX, nvec, m)
     covs <- OuterProd(beta = oneclass.ests$beta, alpha = oneclass.ests$alpha,
     gamma = oneclass.ests$gamma, nvec = nvec, ylist = ylist,
     Xlist = Xlist)
     cov.mat <- tcrossprod(solve(covs$D, covs$V), solve(covs$D))
     std.errs <- sqrt(diag(cov.mat))
     names(std.errs) <- c(colnames(XX), "autocorr.", "scale")
     betalist <- list()
     betalist[[1]] <- oneclass.ests$beta
     tmp.pp <- PostProbs(betalist, oneclass.ests$alpha, oneclass.ests$gamma,
     1, ylist, Xlist, m, 1)
     post.probs <- tmp.pp[[1]]
     loglikhood <- tmp.pp[[2]]
     results <- list()
     class(results) <- "inarmix"
     results$call <- mod
     results$coefficients <- oneclass.ests$beta
     results$alpha <- oneclass.ests$alpha
     results$gamma <- oneclass.ests$gamma
     results$mix.prop <- NULL
     results$coefnames <- colnames(XX)
     results$nclasses <- 1
     results$post.probs <- NULL
     results$niter <- NULL
     results$GEE.conv <- NULL
     results$loglikhood <- loglikhood
     results$em.converged <- NULL
     results$pss <- NULL
     results$initvals <- NULL
     results$cov.mat <- cov.mat
     results$std.errs <- std.errs <- length(beta) + 2
     results$bic <- (-2) * loglikhood + * log(sum(nvec))
     results$aic <- (-2) * loglikhood + 2 *
     else {
     N <- sum(nvec) <- Diagonal(N, x = rep(1, N)) <- Diagonal(N, x = rep(1, N))
     tmp <- BuildBasis(nvec) <- tmp$E1 <- tmp$E2 <- tmp$E3 <- tmp$E4
     R.alpha <- + + +
     for (rr in 1:num.restarts) {
     if (is.null(initvals) & rr == 1) {
     initvals <- InitializePars(formula, data, subj.col,
     nclasses, nvec, yy, XX, ylist, Xlist)
     beta <- initvals$beta
     alpha <- initvals$alpha
     gamma <- initvals$gamma
     mix.prop <- initvals$mix.prop
     initvals.record[[1]] = initvals
     else if (rr == 1 & !is.null(initvals)) {
     beta <- initvals$coef
     alpha <- initvals$autocorr
     gamma <- initvals$scale - 1
     mix.prop <- initvals$mix.prop
     check.inits <- (class(beta) == "matrix") & (class(alpha) ==
     "numeric") & (class(gamma) == "numeric") &
     (class(mix.prop) == "numeric")
     if (!check.inits) {
     stop("Initial values are not in the correct format")
     check.dims <- (nrow(beta) == nclasses) & (length(alpha) ==
     nclasses) & (length(gamma) == nclasses) & (length(mix.prop) ==
     if (!check.dims) {
     stop("Initial values do not match the number of classes")
     initvals.record[[1]] <- initvals
     else if (rr > 1) {
     invals <- MultiStart(parlist, nclasses, ylist,
     beta <- invals$beta
     alpha <- invals$alpha
     gamma <- invals$gamma
     mix.prop <- invals$mix.prop
     initvals.record[[rr]] <- invals
     newbeta <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(beta), ncol = ncol(beta))
     newalpha <- rep(0, length(alpha))
     newgamma <- rep(0, length(gamma))
     count <- 0
     em.converged <- 0
     current.max <- 1
     GEE.conv <- matrix(0, nrow = maxiter + 1, ncol = nclasses)
     loglikhood <- pss <- rep(0, maxiter + 1)
     done <- FALSE
     betalist <- lapply(1:nrow(beta), function(i) beta[i,
     tmp.pp <- PostProbs(betalist, alpha, gamma, mix.prop,
     ylist, Xlist, m, nclasses)
     post.probs <- tmp.pp$postprobs
     loglikhood[1] <- tmp.pp$loglik
     for (i in 1:maxiter) {
     if (maxiter == 0) {
     count <- 1
     for (j in 1:nclasses) {
     initpars <- list(beta = beta[j, ], alpha = alpha[j],
     gamma = gamma[j])
     tmp <- GEEests(post.probs[j, ], initpars, XX,
     yy, nvec, R.alpha,,,,,,
     GEE.conv[i, j] <- tmp$conv
     newparams <- EnforceConstraints(tmp, Xlist,
     newbeta[j, ] <- newparams$beta
     newalpha[j] <- newparams$alpha
     newgamma[j] <- newparams$gamma
     newmix.prop <- rowSums(post.probs)/m
     betalist <- lapply(1:nrow(newbeta), function(i) newbeta[i,
     tmp.pp <- PostProbs(betalist, newalpha, newgamma,
     newmix.prop, ylist, Xlist, m, nclasses)
     post.probs <- tmp.pp$postprobs
     loglikhood[i + 1] <- tmp.pp$loglik
     par.stack <- c(c(newbeta), newalpha, newgamma,
     pss.vec <- PsiFn(par.stack, len.beta = ncol(newbeta),
     nclasses, yy, XX, ylist, Xlist, nvec,,,,
     pss[i] <- sum(pss.vec^2)
     if (i > 1) {
     done <- all(abs(pss.vec) < stoptol)
     if ( {
     print("Warning: some post. probs are NA")
     done <- FALSE
     if (done) {
     em.converged <- 1
     count <- count + 1
     beta <- newbeta
     gamma <- newgamma
     alpha <- newalpha
     mix.prop <- newmix.prop
     beta <- newbeta
     gamma <- newgamma
     alpha <- newalpha
     mix.prop <- newmix.prop
     if (any(mix.prop < dropthresh)) {
     if (nclasses == 2) {
     print("Try a one class model")
     else {
     print("Very small category, reducing the number of classes")
     remove <- which(mix.prop == min(mix.prop))
     mix.prop <- mix.prop[-remove]/sum(mix.prop[-remove])
     nclasses <- nclasses - 1
     beta <- as.matrix(beta[-remove, ])
     alpha <- alpha[-remove]
     gamma <- gamma[-remove]
     newbeta <- matrix(0, nrow = nclasses, ncol = ncol(beta))
     newalpha <- rep(0, nclasses)
     newgamma <- rep(0, nclasses)
     cat("Iteration: ", count + 1, "\n")
     count <- count + 1
     if (rr == 1) {
     numiters <- count
     EMconv <- em.converged
     Loglik <- loglikhood[1:count]
     GEEmat <- GEE.conv[1:count, ]
     parlist <- list()
     parlist$coef <- beta
     parlist$auto.corr <- alpha
     parlist$scale <- gamma + 1
     parlist$mix.prop <- mix.prop
     loglik.record[rr] <- loglikhood[count]
     final.record[[rr]] <- parlist
     if (rr > 1) {
     if (loglik.record[rr] > loglik.record[rr - 1]) {
     current.max <- rr
     numiters <- count
     EMconv <- em.converged
     Loglik <- loglikhood[1:count]
     GEEmat <- GEE.conv[1:count, ]
     if (rr == num.restarts) {
     beta <- final.record[[current.max]]$coef
     alpha <- final.record[[current.max]]$auto.corr
     gamma <- final.record[[current.max]]$scale -
     mix.prop <- final.record[[current.max]]$mix.prop
     reord <- order(-mix.prop)
     beta <- as.matrix(beta[reord, ])
     alpha <- alpha[reord]
     gamma <- gamma[reord]
     mix.prop <- mix.prop[reord]
     betalist <- lapply(1:nrow(beta), function(i) beta[i,
     tmp.pp <- PostProbs(betalist, alpha, gamma, mix.prop,
     ylist, Xlist, m, nclasses)
     post.probs <- tmp.pp$postprobs
     q <- ncol(beta) + 2
     par.stack <- numeric(nclasses * (q + 1) - 1)
     for (i in 0:(nclasses - 1)) {
     par.stack[(i * q + 1):((i + 1) * q)] <- c(beta[i +
     1, ], alpha[i + 1], gamma[i + 1])
     par.stack[(q * nclasses + 1):(nclasses * (q +
     1) - 1)] <- mix.prop[-nclasses]
     len.beta <- ncol(beta)
     hh <- ComputeHess(par.stack, post.probs, len.beta,
     ylist, Xlist, nvec)
     if (rcond(hh$dermat) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
     hh$dermat <- hh$dermat + diag(rep(2e-08, nrow(hh$dermat)))
     cov.mat <- tcrossprod(solve(hh$dermat, hh$sqmat),
     std.errs <- sqrt(diag(cov.mat))
     tmp <- matrix("", ncol(XX) + 2, nclasses)
     mix.names <- rep(c(""), nclasses)
     for (k in 1:nclasses) {
     for (j in 1:ncol(XX)) {
     tmp[j, k] <- paste(colnames(XX)[j], k, sep = "")
     tmp[ncol(XX) + 1, k] <- paste("autocorr.",
     k, sep = "")
     tmp[ncol(XX) + 2, k] <- paste("scale", k, sep = "")
     mix.names[k] <- paste("mix", k)
     names(std.errs) <- c(c(tmp), mix.names[-nclasses])
     post.probs <- t(post.probs)
     rownames(post.probs) <- subject.names
     colnames(post.probs) <- rownames(beta) <- rep(" ",
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(XX)
     for (k in 1:nclasses) {
     colnames(post.probs)[k] <- paste("group ",
     k, sep = "")
     rownames(beta)[k] <- paste("group ", k, sep = "")
     results <- list()
     class(results) <- "inarmix"
     results$call <- mod
     results$coefficients <- beta
     results$alpha <- alpha
     results$gamma <- gamma
     results$mix.prop <- mix.prop
     results$coefnames <- colnames(XX)
     results$post.probs <- post.probs
     results$fitted.values <- exp(tcrossprod(XX, beta))
     res_se <- sqrt(t(t(results$fitted.values) * (gamma +
     results$residuals <- (yy - results$fitted.values)/res_se
     results$niter <- numiters
     results$GEE.conv <- GEEmat
     results$loglikhood <- Loglik
     results$em.converged <- EMconv
     results$pss <- pss[1:count]
     results$initvals <- initvals.record[[current.max]]
     results$nclasses <- nclasses
     results$cov.mat <- cov.mat
     results$std.errs <- std.errs <- nclasses * (ncol(beta) + 3) - 1
     results$bic <- (-2) * Loglik[numiters] + *
     results$aic <- (-2) * Loglik[numiters] + 2 *
     if (num.restarts == 1) {
     results$startingvals <- NULL
     results$reploglik <- NULL
     results$finalvals <- NULL
     else {
     results$startingvals <- initvals.record
     results$reploglik <- loglik.record
     results$finalvals <- final.record
     else {
     cat("\n Replication:", rr + 1, "\n")
    <bytecode: 0x63151c8>
    <environment: namespace:inarmix>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function inarmix in namespace inarmix has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (!check.inits) { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: inarmix
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang

Version: 0.4
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘inarmix-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: inarmix
    > ### Title: Finite mixture model for longitudinal count data.
    > ### Aliases: inarmix
    > ### Keywords: models regression
    > ### ** Examples
    > set.seed(4297)
    > ############################################################
    > #### Simulate data from a two class model
    > XX <- cbind(rep(1,9),c(0:8)/4)
    > colnames(XX) <- c("const","time")
    > beta <- rbind(c(-.2,0),c(1.2,.3))
    > ### this means that for group 1: (beta_{0},beta_{1}) = (-.2,0)
    > ### and for group 2: (beta_{0},beta_{1}) = (1.2,.3)
    > autocorr <- c(.2,.2)
    > scale <- c(2,2)
    > mix.prop <- c(.8,.2) ## proportion in group 1 is .8
    > testdat <- GenerateMixData(500,beta,autocorr,scale,mix.prop,XX)
    > testdat[1:5,]
     y subject const time
    1 1 1 1 0.00
    2 0 1 1 0.25
    3 2 1 1 0.50
    4 4 1 1 0.75
    5 0 1 1 1.00
    > ########################################################################
    > #### Fit a linear curve with two classes (with a maximum of 4 iterations)
    > twoclassfit <- inarmix(y~time,nclasses=2,id=subject,data=testdat,maxiter=4)
    Iteration: 1
    Iteration: 2
    Iteration: 3
    Iteration: 4
    > summary(twoclassfit)
     inarmix(formula = y ~ time, nclasses = 2, id = subject, data = testdat,
     maxiter = 4)
     Class Probabilities
     Estimate Std.Err
    Group1 0.7977567 0.01845
    Group2 0.2022433 NA
    Group 1 coefficients:
     Estimate Std.Err Z value Pr(>z)
    (Intercept) -0.18180172 0.05627233 -3.23075 0.0012347 **
    time -0.02653325 0.04525100 -0.58636 0.5576354
    autocorr. 0.20233773 0.02375121 8.51905 < 2.22e-16 ***
    scale 2.00629134 0.08157575 12.33567 < 2.22e-16 ***
    Group 2 coefficients:
     Estimate Std.Err Z value Pr(>z)
    (Intercept) 1.21738430 0.05813599 20.94029 < 2.22e-16 ***
    time 0.28683640 0.04408047 6.50711 7.6611e-11 ***
    autocorr. 0.19696018 0.03570303 5.51662 3.4557e-08 ***
    scale 2.12021748 0.11034094 10.15233 < 2.22e-16 ***
    log-likelihood: -6823.222
     BIC: 13722.151
     AIC: 13664.444
     Number of EM iterations: 4
    > diagnose(twoclassfit)
     Did not converge!!!!
    Convergence of GEE equations for
     each iteration: 1 - converged, 0 - did not converge
     iteration GEE 1 GEE 2 l[i] l[i+1]-l[i] ||Psi||^2
    [1,] 0 1 1 -6866.134 0.000000 0.646708992
    [2,] 1 1 1 -6833.577 -32.556835 0.108210548
    [3,] 2 1 1 -6824.850 -8.726774 0.015731280
    [4,] 3 1 1 -6823.222 -1.627973 0.002018329
    > #############################################################
    > ##### Fit the same model with specified starting values.
    > inpars <- list()
    > inpars$coef <- rbind(c(-.5,.1),c(.5,0))
    > inpars$autocorr <- rep(.3,2)
    > inpars$scale <- rep(2,2)
    > inpars$mix.prop <- c(.6,.4)
    > twoclassfit2 <- inarmix(y~time,nclasses=2,id=subject,data=testdat,initvals=inpars,
    + maxiter=4)
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    inarmix(y ~ time, nclasses = 2, id = subject, data = testdat,
     initvals = inpars, maxiter = 4)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (!check.inits) {
     stop("Initial values are not in the correct format")
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: inarmix(y ~ time, nclasses = 2, id = subject, data = testdat,
     initvals = inpars, maxiter = 4)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] FALSE TRUE
     --- function from context ---
    function (formula, nclasses = 1, id, data, initvals = NULL, maxiter = 200,
     stoptol = 1e-05, num.restarts = 1, time = NULL, dropthresh = 0.01)
     mod <- = FALSE)
     modterms <- terms(formula)
     subj.col <- which(colnames(data) == mod$id)
     if (!is.null(mod$time)) {
     time.col <- which(colnames(data) == mod$time)
     if (length(time.col) == 0) {
     stop("time variable not found")
     if (length(subj.col) == 0) {
     stop("id variable not found")
     if (any( {
     stop("There are missing data points")
     if (is.null(mod$time)) {
     data <- data[order(data[, subj.col]), ]
     else {
     data <- data[order(data[, subj.col], data[, time.col]),
     modframe <- model.frame(formula, data)
     yy <- model.response(modframe)
     XX <- model.matrix(formula, modframe)
     QR <- qr(XX)
     if (QR$rank < ncol(XX)) {
     stop("The design matrix is rank-deficient")
     if (any(is.infinite(yy)) | any(is.infinite(XX))) {
     } <- data[, subj.col]
     m <- length(unique(
     nvec <- as.vector(table(
     loglik.record <- numeric(num.restarts)
     initvals.record <- final.record <- list()
     ylist <- Xlist <- list()
     subject.names <- rep(" ", m)
     ncum <- 1 + c(0, cumsum(nvec))
     for (i in 1:m) {
     ind1 <- ncum[i]
     ind2 <- ncum[i + 1] - 1
     ylist[[i]] <- yy[ind1:ind2]
     Xlist[[i]] <- as.matrix(XX[ind1:ind2, ])
     tmp <- unique(data[ind1, subj.col])
     subject.names[i] <- as.character(tmp)
     if (nclasses == 1) {
     oneclass.ests <- OneclassEsts(yy, XX, nvec, m)
     covs <- OuterProd(beta = oneclass.ests$beta, alpha = oneclass.ests$alpha,
     gamma = oneclass.ests$gamma, nvec = nvec, ylist = ylist,
     Xlist = Xlist)
     cov.mat <- tcrossprod(solve(covs$D, covs$V), solve(covs$D))
     std.errs <- sqrt(diag(cov.mat))
     names(std.errs) <- c(colnames(XX), "autocorr.", "scale")
     betalist <- list()
     betalist[[1]] <- oneclass.ests$beta
     tmp.pp <- PostProbs(betalist, oneclass.ests$alpha, oneclass.ests$gamma,
     1, ylist, Xlist, m, 1)
     post.probs <- tmp.pp[[1]]
     loglikhood <- tmp.pp[[2]]
     results <- list()
     class(results) <- "inarmix"
     results$call <- mod
     results$coefficients <- oneclass.ests$beta
     results$alpha <- oneclass.ests$alpha
     results$gamma <- oneclass.ests$gamma
     results$mix.prop <- NULL
     results$coefnames <- colnames(XX)
     results$nclasses <- 1
     results$post.probs <- NULL
     results$niter <- NULL
     results$GEE.conv <- NULL
     results$loglikhood <- loglikhood
     results$em.converged <- NULL
     results$pss <- NULL
     results$initvals <- NULL
     results$cov.mat <- cov.mat
     results$std.errs <- std.errs <- length(beta) + 2
     results$bic <- (-2) * loglikhood + * log(sum(nvec))
     results$aic <- (-2) * loglikhood + 2 *
     else {
     N <- sum(nvec) <- Diagonal(N, x = rep(1, N)) <- Diagonal(N, x = rep(1, N))
     tmp <- BuildBasis(nvec) <- tmp$E1 <- tmp$E2 <- tmp$E3 <- tmp$E4
     R.alpha <- + + +
     for (rr in 1:num.restarts) {
     if (is.null(initvals) & rr == 1) {
     initvals <- InitializePars(formula, data, subj.col,
     nclasses, nvec, yy, XX, ylist, Xlist)
     beta <- initvals$beta
     alpha <- initvals$alpha
     gamma <- initvals$gamma
     mix.prop <- initvals$mix.prop
     initvals.record[[1]] = initvals
     else if (rr == 1 & !is.null(initvals)) {
     beta <- initvals$coef
     alpha <- initvals$autocorr
     gamma <- initvals$scale - 1
     mix.prop <- initvals$mix.prop
     check.inits <- (class(beta) == "matrix") & (class(alpha) ==
     "numeric") & (class(gamma) == "numeric") &
     (class(mix.prop) == "numeric")
     if (!check.inits) {
     stop("Initial values are not in the correct format")
     check.dims <- (nrow(beta) == nclasses) & (length(alpha) ==
     nclasses) & (length(gamma) == nclasses) & (length(mix.prop) ==
     if (!check.dims) {
     stop("Initial values do not match the number of classes")
     initvals.record[[1]] <- initvals
     else if (rr > 1) {
     invals <- MultiStart(parlist, nclasses, ylist,
     beta <- invals$beta
     alpha <- invals$alpha
     gamma <- invals$gamma
     mix.prop <- invals$mix.prop
     initvals.record[[rr]] <- invals
     newbeta <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(beta), ncol = ncol(beta))
     newalpha <- rep(0, length(alpha))
     newgamma <- rep(0, length(gamma))
     count <- 0
     em.converged <- 0
     current.max <- 1
     GEE.conv <- matrix(0, nrow = maxiter + 1, ncol = nclasses)
     loglikhood <- pss <- rep(0, maxiter + 1)
     done <- FALSE
     betalist <- lapply(1:nrow(beta), function(i) beta[i,
     tmp.pp <- PostProbs(betalist, alpha, gamma, mix.prop,
     ylist, Xlist, m, nclasses)
     post.probs <- tmp.pp$postprobs
     loglikhood[1] <- tmp.pp$loglik
     for (i in 1:maxiter) {
     if (maxiter == 0) {
     count <- 1
     for (j in 1:nclasses) {
     initpars <- list(beta = beta[j, ], alpha = alpha[j],
     gamma = gamma[j])
     tmp <- GEEests(post.probs[j, ], initpars, XX,
     yy, nvec, R.alpha,,,,,,
     GEE.conv[i, j] <- tmp$conv
     newparams <- EnforceConstraints(tmp, Xlist,
     newbeta[j, ] <- newparams$beta
     newalpha[j] <- newparams$alpha
     newgamma[j] <- newparams$gamma
     newmix.prop <- rowSums(post.probs)/m
     betalist <- lapply(1:nrow(newbeta), function(i) newbeta[i,
     tmp.pp <- PostProbs(betalist, newalpha, newgamma,
     newmix.prop, ylist, Xlist, m, nclasses)
     post.probs <- tmp.pp$postprobs
     loglikhood[i + 1] <- tmp.pp$loglik
     par.stack <- c(c(newbeta), newalpha, newgamma,
     pss.vec <- PsiFn(par.stack, len.beta = ncol(newbeta),
     nclasses, yy, XX, ylist, Xlist, nvec,,,,
     pss[i] <- sum(pss.vec^2)
     if (i > 1) {
     done <- all(abs(pss.vec) < stoptol)
     if ( {
     print("Warning: some post. probs are NA")
     done <- FALSE
     if (done) {
     em.converged <- 1
     count <- count + 1
     beta <- newbeta
     gamma <- newgamma
     alpha <- newalpha
     mix.prop <- newmix.prop
     beta <- newbeta
     gamma <- newgamma
     alpha <- newalpha
     mix.prop <- newmix.prop
     if (any(mix.prop < dropthresh)) {
     if (nclasses == 2) {
     print("Try a one class model")
     else {
     print("Very small category, reducing the number of classes")
     remove <- which(mix.prop == min(mix.prop))
     mix.prop <- mix.prop[-remove]/sum(mix.prop[-remove])
     nclasses <- nclasses - 1
     beta <- as.matrix(beta[-remove, ])
     alpha <- alpha[-remove]
     gamma <- gamma[-remove]
     newbeta <- matrix(0, nrow = nclasses, ncol = ncol(beta))
     newalpha <- rep(0, nclasses)
     newgamma <- rep(0, nclasses)
     cat("Iteration: ", count + 1, "\n")
     count <- count + 1
     if (rr == 1) {
     numiters <- count
     EMconv <- em.converged
     Loglik <- loglikhood[1:count]
     GEEmat <- GEE.conv[1:count, ]
     parlist <- list()
     parlist$coef <- beta
     parlist$auto.corr <- alpha
     parlist$scale <- gamma + 1
     parlist$mix.prop <- mix.prop
     loglik.record[rr] <- loglikhood[count]
     final.record[[rr]] <- parlist
     if (rr > 1) {
     if (loglik.record[rr] > loglik.record[rr - 1]) {
     current.max <- rr
     numiters <- count
     EMconv <- em.converged
     Loglik <- loglikhood[1:count]
     GEEmat <- GEE.conv[1:count, ]
     if (rr == num.restarts) {
     beta <- final.record[[current.max]]$coef
     alpha <- final.record[[current.max]]$auto.corr
     gamma <- final.record[[current.max]]$scale -
     mix.prop <- final.record[[current.max]]$mix.prop
     reord <- order(-mix.prop)
     beta <- as.matrix(beta[reord, ])
     alpha <- alpha[reord]
     gamma <- gamma[reord]
     mix.prop <- mix.prop[reord]
     betalist <- lapply(1:nrow(beta), function(i) beta[i,
     tmp.pp <- PostProbs(betalist, alpha, gamma, mix.prop,
     ylist, Xlist, m, nclasses)
     post.probs <- tmp.pp$postprobs
     q <- ncol(beta) + 2
     par.stack <- numeric(nclasses * (q + 1) - 1)
     for (i in 0:(nclasses - 1)) {
     par.stack[(i * q + 1):((i + 1) * q)] <- c(beta[i +
     1, ], alpha[i + 1], gamma[i + 1])
     par.stack[(q * nclasses + 1):(nclasses * (q +
     1) - 1)] <- mix.prop[-nclasses]
     len.beta <- ncol(beta)
     hh <- ComputeHess(par.stack, post.probs, len.beta,
     ylist, Xlist, nvec)
     if (rcond(hh$dermat) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
     hh$dermat <- hh$dermat + diag(rep(2e-08, nrow(hh$dermat)))
     cov.mat <- tcrossprod(solve(hh$dermat, hh$sqmat),
     std.errs <- sqrt(diag(cov.mat))
     tmp <- matrix("", ncol(XX) + 2, nclasses)
     mix.names <- rep(c(""), nclasses)
     for (k in 1:nclasses) {
     for (j in 1:ncol(XX)) {
     tmp[j, k] <- paste(colnames(XX)[j], k, sep = "")
     tmp[ncol(XX) + 1, k] <- paste("autocorr.",
     k, sep = "")
     tmp[ncol(XX) + 2, k] <- paste("scale", k, sep = "")
     mix.names[k] <- paste("mix", k)
     names(std.errs) <- c(c(tmp), mix.names[-nclasses])
     post.probs <- t(post.probs)
     rownames(post.probs) <- subject.names
     colnames(post.probs) <- rownames(beta) <- rep(" ",
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(XX)
     for (k in 1:nclasses) {
     colnames(post.probs)[k] <- paste("group ",
     k, sep = "")
     rownames(beta)[k] <- paste("group ", k, sep = "")
     results <- list()
     class(results) <- "inarmix"
     results$call <- mod
     results$coefficients <- beta
     results$alpha <- alpha
     results$gamma <- gamma
     results$mix.prop <- mix.prop
     results$coefnames <- colnames(XX)
     results$post.probs <- post.probs
     results$fitted.values <- exp(tcrossprod(XX, beta))
     res_se <- sqrt(t(t(results$fitted.values) * (gamma +
     results$residuals <- (yy - results$fitted.values)/res_se
     results$niter <- numiters
     results$GEE.conv <- GEEmat
     results$loglikhood <- Loglik
     results$em.converged <- EMconv
     results$pss <- pss[1:count]
     results$initvals <- initvals.record[[current.max]]
     results$nclasses <- nclasses
     results$cov.mat <- cov.mat
     results$std.errs <- std.errs <- nclasses * (ncol(beta) + 3) - 1
     results$bic <- (-2) * Loglik[numiters] + *
     results$aic <- (-2) * Loglik[numiters] + 2 *
     if (num.restarts == 1) {
     results$startingvals <- NULL
     results$reploglik <- NULL
     results$finalvals <- NULL
     else {
     results$startingvals <- initvals.record
     results$reploglik <- loglik.record
     results$finalvals <- final.record
     else {
     cat("\n Replication:", rr + 1, "\n")
    <bytecode: 0x5584ad4c1fd8>
    <environment: namespace:inarmix>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function inarmix in namespace inarmix has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (!check.inits) { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: inarmix
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc

Version: 0.4
Check: compiled code
Result: NOTE
    File ‘inarmix/libs/’:
     Found no calls to: ‘R_registerRoutines’, ‘R_useDynamicSymbols’
    It is good practice to register native routines and to disable symbol
    See ‘Writing portable packages’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual.
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc

Version: 0.4
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘inarmix-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: inarmix
    > ### Title: Finite mixture model for longitudinal count data.
    > ### Aliases: inarmix
    > ### Keywords: models regression
    > ### ** Examples
    > set.seed(4297)
    > ############################################################
    > #### Simulate data from a two class model
    > XX <- cbind(rep(1,9),c(0:8)/4)
    > colnames(XX) <- c("const","time")
    > beta <- rbind(c(-.2,0),c(1.2,.3))
    > ### this means that for group 1: (beta_{0},beta_{1}) = (-.2,0)
    > ### and for group 2: (beta_{0},beta_{1}) = (1.2,.3)
    > autocorr <- c(.2,.2)
    > scale <- c(2,2)
    > mix.prop <- c(.8,.2) ## proportion in group 1 is .8
    > testdat <- GenerateMixData(500,beta,autocorr,scale,mix.prop,XX)
    > testdat[1:5,]
     y subject const time
    1 1 1 1 0.00
    2 0 1 1 0.25
    3 2 1 1 0.50
    4 4 1 1 0.75
    5 0 1 1 1.00
    > ########################################################################
    > #### Fit a linear curve with two classes (with a maximum of 4 iterations)
    > twoclassfit <- inarmix(y~time,nclasses=2,id=subject,data=testdat,maxiter=4)
    Iteration: 1
    Iteration: 2
    Iteration: 3
    Iteration: 4
    > summary(twoclassfit)
     inarmix(formula = y ~ time, nclasses = 2, id = subject, data = testdat,
     maxiter = 4)
     Class Probabilities
     Estimate Std.Err
    Group1 0.7977567 0.01844
    Group2 0.2022433 NA
    Group 1 coefficients:
     Estimate Std.Err Z value Pr(>z)
    (Intercept) -0.18180172 0.05623476 -3.23291 0.0012254 **
    time -0.02653325 0.04532190 -0.58544 0.5582519
    autocorr. 0.20233773 0.02368218 8.54388 < 2.22e-16 ***
    scale 2.00629134 0.08277197 12.15739 < 2.22e-16 ***
    Group 2 coefficients:
     Estimate Std.Err Z value Pr(>z)
    (Intercept) 1.21738430 0.05829181 20.88431 < 2.22e-16 ***
    time 0.28683640 0.04407928 6.50728 7.6522e-11 ***
    autocorr. 0.19696018 0.03623996 5.43489 5.4830e-08 ***
    scale 2.12021748 0.11447226 9.78593 < 2.22e-16 ***
    log-likelihood: -6823.222
     BIC: 13722.151
     AIC: 13664.444
     Number of EM iterations: 4
    > diagnose(twoclassfit)
     Did not converge!!!!
    Convergence of GEE equations for
     each iteration: 1 - converged, 0 - did not converge
     iteration GEE 1 GEE 2 l[i] l[i+1]-l[i] ||Psi||^2
    [1,] 0 1 1 -6866.134 0.000000 0.646708992
    [2,] 1 1 1 -6833.577 -32.556835 0.108210548
    [3,] 2 1 1 -6824.850 -8.726774 0.015731280
    [4,] 3 1 1 -6823.222 -1.627973 0.002018329
    > #############################################################
    > ##### Fit the same model with specified starting values.
    > inpars <- list()
    > inpars$coef <- rbind(c(-.5,.1),c(.5,0))
    > inpars$autocorr <- rep(.3,2)
    > inpars$scale <- rep(2,2)
    > inpars$mix.prop <- c(.6,.4)
    > twoclassfit2 <- inarmix(y~time,nclasses=2,id=subject,data=testdat,initvals=inpars,
    + maxiter=4)
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    inarmix(y ~ time, nclasses = 2, id = subject, data = testdat,
     initvals = inpars, maxiter = 4)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (!check.inits) {
     stop("Initial values are not in the correct format")
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: inarmix(y ~ time, nclasses = 2, id = subject, data = testdat,
     initvals = inpars, maxiter = 4)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] FALSE TRUE
     --- function from context ---
    function (formula, nclasses = 1, id, data, initvals = NULL, maxiter = 200,
     stoptol = 1e-05, num.restarts = 1, time = NULL, dropthresh = 0.01)
     mod <- = FALSE)
     modterms <- terms(formula)
     subj.col <- which(colnames(data) == mod$id)
     if (!is.null(mod$time)) {
     time.col <- which(colnames(data) == mod$time)
     if (length(time.col) == 0) {
     stop("time variable not found")
     if (length(subj.col) == 0) {
     stop("id variable not found")
     if (any( {
     stop("There are missing data points")
     if (is.null(mod$time)) {
     data <- data[order(data[, subj.col]), ]
     else {
     data <- data[order(data[, subj.col], data[, time.col]),
     modframe <- model.frame(formula, data)
     yy <- model.response(modframe)
     XX <- model.matrix(formula, modframe)
     QR <- qr(XX)
     if (QR$rank < ncol(XX)) {
     stop("The design matrix is rank-deficient")
     if (any(is.infinite(yy)) | any(is.infinite(XX))) {
     } <- data[, subj.col]
     m <- length(unique(
     nvec <- as.vector(table(
     loglik.record <- numeric(num.restarts)
     initvals.record <- final.record <- list()
     ylist <- Xlist <- list()
     subject.names <- rep(" ", m)
     ncum <- 1 + c(0, cumsum(nvec))
     for (i in 1:m) {
     ind1 <- ncum[i]
     ind2 <- ncum[i + 1] - 1
     ylist[[i]] <- yy[ind1:ind2]
     Xlist[[i]] <- as.matrix(XX[ind1:ind2, ])
     tmp <- unique(data[ind1, subj.col])
     subject.names[i] <- as.character(tmp)
     if (nclasses == 1) {
     oneclass.ests <- OneclassEsts(yy, XX, nvec, m)
     covs <- OuterProd(beta = oneclass.ests$beta, alpha = oneclass.ests$alpha,
     gamma = oneclass.ests$gamma, nvec = nvec, ylist = ylist,
     Xlist = Xlist)
     cov.mat <- tcrossprod(solve(covs$D, covs$V), solve(covs$D))
     std.errs <- sqrt(diag(cov.mat))
     names(std.errs) <- c(colnames(XX), "autocorr.", "scale")
     betalist <- list()
     betalist[[1]] <- oneclass.ests$beta
     tmp.pp <- PostProbs(betalist, oneclass.ests$alpha, oneclass.ests$gamma,
     1, ylist, Xlist, m, 1)
     post.probs <- tmp.pp[[1]]
     loglikhood <- tmp.pp[[2]]
     results <- list()
     class(results) <- "inarmix"
     results$call <- mod
     results$coefficients <- oneclass.ests$beta
     results$alpha <- oneclass.ests$alpha
     results$gamma <- oneclass.ests$gamma
     results$mix.prop <- NULL
     results$coefnames <- colnames(XX)
     results$nclasses <- 1
     results$post.probs <- NULL
     results$niter <- NULL
     results$GEE.conv <- NULL
     results$loglikhood <- loglikhood
     results$em.converged <- NULL
     results$pss <- NULL
     results$initvals <- NULL
     results$cov.mat <- cov.mat
     results$std.errs <- std.errs <- length(beta) + 2
     results$bic <- (-2) * loglikhood + * log(sum(nvec))
     results$aic <- (-2) * loglikhood + 2 *
     else {
     N <- sum(nvec) <- Diagonal(N, x = rep(1, N)) <- Diagonal(N, x = rep(1, N))
     tmp <- BuildBasis(nvec) <- tmp$E1 <- tmp$E2 <- tmp$E3 <- tmp$E4
     R.alpha <- + + +
     for (rr in 1:num.restarts) {
     if (is.null(initvals) & rr == 1) {
     initvals <- InitializePars(formula, data, subj.col,
     nclasses, nvec, yy, XX, ylist, Xlist)
     beta <- initvals$beta
     alpha <- initvals$alpha
     gamma <- initvals$gamma
     mix.prop <- initvals$mix.prop
     initvals.record[[1]] = initvals
     else if (rr == 1 & !is.null(initvals)) {
     beta <- initvals$coef
     alpha <- initvals$autocorr
     gamma <- initvals$scale - 1
     mix.prop <- initvals$mix.prop
     check.inits <- (class(beta) == "matrix") & (class(alpha) ==
     "numeric") & (class(gamma) == "numeric") &
     (class(mix.prop) == "numeric")
     if (!check.inits) {
     stop("Initial values are not in the correct format")
     check.dims <- (nrow(beta) == nclasses) & (length(alpha) ==
     nclasses) & (length(gamma) == nclasses) & (length(mix.prop) ==
     if (!check.dims) {
     stop("Initial values do not match the number of classes")
     initvals.record[[1]] <- initvals
     else if (rr > 1) {
     invals <- MultiStart(parlist, nclasses, ylist,
     beta <- invals$beta
     alpha <- invals$alpha
     gamma <- invals$gamma
     mix.prop <- invals$mix.prop
     initvals.record[[rr]] <- invals
     newbeta <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(beta), ncol = ncol(beta))
     newalpha <- rep(0, length(alpha))
     newgamma <- rep(0, length(gamma))
     count <- 0
     em.converged <- 0
     current.max <- 1
     GEE.conv <- matrix(0, nrow = maxiter + 1, ncol = nclasses)
     loglikhood <- pss <- rep(0, maxiter + 1)
     done <- FALSE
     betalist <- lapply(1:nrow(beta), function(i) beta[i,
     tmp.pp <- PostProbs(betalist, alpha, gamma, mix.prop,
     ylist, Xlist, m, nclasses)
     post.probs <- tmp.pp$postprobs
     loglikhood[1] <- tmp.pp$loglik
     for (i in 1:maxiter) {
     if (maxiter == 0) {
     count <- 1
     for (j in 1:nclasses) {
     initpars <- list(beta = beta[j, ], alpha = alpha[j],
     gamma = gamma[j])
     tmp <- GEEests(post.probs[j, ], initpars, XX,
     yy, nvec, R.alpha,,,,,,
     GEE.conv[i, j] <- tmp$conv
     newparams <- EnforceConstraints(tmp, Xlist,
     newbeta[j, ] <- newparams$beta
     newalpha[j] <- newparams$alpha
     newgamma[j] <- newparams$gamma
     newmix.prop <- rowSums(post.probs)/m
     betalist <- lapply(1:nrow(newbeta), function(i) newbeta[i,
     tmp.pp <- PostProbs(betalist, newalpha, newgamma,
     newmix.prop, ylist, Xlist, m, nclasses)
     post.probs <- tmp.pp$postprobs
     loglikhood[i + 1] <- tmp.pp$loglik
     par.stack <- c(c(newbeta), newalpha, newgamma,
     pss.vec <- PsiFn(par.stack, len.beta = ncol(newbeta),
     nclasses, yy, XX, ylist, Xlist, nvec,,,,
     pss[i] <- sum(pss.vec^2)
     if (i > 1) {
     done <- all(abs(pss.vec) < stoptol)
     if ( {
     print("Warning: some post. probs are NA")
     done <- FALSE
     if (done) {
     em.converged <- 1
     count <- count + 1
     beta <- newbeta
     gamma <- newgamma
     alpha <- newalpha
     mix.prop <- newmix.prop
     beta <- newbeta
     gamma <- newgamma
     alpha <- newalpha
     mix.prop <- newmix.prop
     if (any(mix.prop < dropthresh)) {
     if (nclasses == 2) {
     print("Try a one class model")
     else {
     print("Very small category, reducing the number of classes")
     remove <- which(mix.prop == min(mix.prop))
     mix.prop <- mix.prop[-remove]/sum(mix.prop[-remove])
     nclasses <- nclasses - 1
     beta <- as.matrix(beta[-remove, ])
     alpha <- alpha[-remove]
     gamma <- gamma[-remove]
     newbeta <- matrix(0, nrow = nclasses, ncol = ncol(beta))
     newalpha <- rep(0, nclasses)
     newgamma <- rep(0, nclasses)
     cat("Iteration: ", count + 1, "\n")
     count <- count + 1
     if (rr == 1) {
     numiters <- count
     EMconv <- em.converged
     Loglik <- loglikhood[1:count]
     GEEmat <- GEE.conv[1:count, ]
     parlist <- list()
     parlist$coef <- beta
     parlist$auto.corr <- alpha
     parlist$scale <- gamma + 1
     parlist$mix.prop <- mix.prop
     loglik.record[rr] <- loglikhood[count]
     final.record[[rr]] <- parlist
     if (rr > 1) {
     if (loglik.record[rr] > loglik.record[rr - 1]) {
     current.max <- rr
     numiters <- count
     EMconv <- em.converged
     Loglik <- loglikhood[1:count]
     GEEmat <- GEE.conv[1:count, ]
     if (rr == num.restarts) {
     beta <- final.record[[current.max]]$coef
     alpha <- final.record[[current.max]]$auto.corr
     gamma <- final.record[[current.max]]$scale -
     mix.prop <- final.record[[current.max]]$mix.prop
     reord <- order(-mix.prop)
     beta <- as.matrix(beta[reord, ])
     alpha <- alpha[reord]
     gamma <- gamma[reord]
     mix.prop <- mix.prop[reord]
     betalist <- lapply(1:nrow(beta), function(i) beta[i,
     tmp.pp <- PostProbs(betalist, alpha, gamma, mix.prop,
     ylist, Xlist, m, nclasses)
     post.probs <- tmp.pp$postprobs
     q <- ncol(beta) + 2
     par.stack <- numeric(nclasses * (q + 1) - 1)
     for (i in 0:(nclasses - 1)) {
     par.stack[(i * q + 1):((i + 1) * q)] <- c(beta[i +
     1, ], alpha[i + 1], gamma[i + 1])
     par.stack[(q * nclasses + 1):(nclasses * (q +
     1) - 1)] <- mix.prop[-nclasses]
     len.beta <- ncol(beta)
     hh <- ComputeHess(par.stack, post.probs, len.beta,
     ylist, Xlist, nvec)
     if (rcond(hh$dermat) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
     hh$dermat <- hh$dermat + diag(rep(2e-08, nrow(hh$dermat)))
     cov.mat <- tcrossprod(solve(hh$dermat, hh$sqmat),
     std.errs <- sqrt(diag(cov.mat))
     tmp <- matrix("", ncol(XX) + 2, nclasses)
     mix.names <- rep(c(""), nclasses)
     for (k in 1:nclasses) {
     for (j in 1:ncol(XX)) {
     tmp[j, k] <- paste(colnames(XX)[j], k, sep = "")
     tmp[ncol(XX) + 1, k] <- paste("autocorr.",
     k, sep = "")
     tmp[ncol(XX) + 2, k] <- paste("scale", k, sep = "")
     mix.names[k] <- paste("mix", k)
     names(std.errs) <- c(c(tmp), mix.names[-nclasses])
     post.probs <- t(post.probs)
     rownames(post.probs) <- subject.names
     colnames(post.probs) <- rownames(beta) <- rep(" ",
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(XX)
     for (k in 1:nclasses) {
     colnames(post.probs)[k] <- paste("group ",
     k, sep = "")
     rownames(beta)[k] <- paste("group ", k, sep = "")
     results <- list()
     class(results) <- "inarmix"
     results$call <- mod
     results$coefficients <- beta
     results$alpha <- alpha
     results$gamma <- gamma
     results$mix.prop <- mix.prop
     results$coefnames <- colnames(XX)
     results$post.probs <- post.probs
     results$fitted.values <- exp(tcrossprod(XX, beta))
     res_se <- sqrt(t(t(results$fitted.values) * (gamma +
     results$residuals <- (yy - results$fitted.values)/res_se
     results$niter <- numiters
     results$GEE.conv <- GEEmat
     results$loglikhood <- Loglik
     results$em.converged <- EMconv
     results$pss <- pss[1:count]
     results$initvals <- initvals.record[[current.max]]
     results$nclasses <- nclasses
     results$cov.mat <- cov.mat
     results$std.errs <- std.errs <- nclasses * (ncol(beta) + 3) - 1
     results$bic <- (-2) * Loglik[numiters] + *
     results$aic <- (-2) * Loglik[numiters] + 2 *
     if (num.restarts == 1) {
     results$startingvals <- NULL
     results$reploglik <- NULL
     results$finalvals <- NULL
     else {
     results$startingvals <- initvals.record
     results$reploglik <- loglik.record
     results$finalvals <- final.record
     else {
     cat("\n Replication:", rr + 1, "\n")
    <bytecode: 0x5c089b8>
    <environment: namespace:inarmix>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function inarmix in namespace inarmix has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (!check.inits) { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: inarmix
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Version: 0.4
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘inarmix-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: inarmix
    > ### Title: Finite mixture model for longitudinal count data.
    > ### Aliases: inarmix
    > ### Keywords: models regression
    > ### ** Examples
    > set.seed(4297)
    > ############################################################
    > #### Simulate data from a two class model
    > XX <- cbind(rep(1,9),c(0:8)/4)
    > colnames(XX) <- c("const","time")
    > beta <- rbind(c(-.2,0),c(1.2,.3))
    > ### this means that for group 1: (beta_{0},beta_{1}) = (-.2,0)
    > ### and for group 2: (beta_{0},beta_{1}) = (1.2,.3)
    > autocorr <- c(.2,.2)
    > scale <- c(2,2)
    > mix.prop <- c(.8,.2) ## proportion in group 1 is .8
    > testdat <- GenerateMixData(500,beta,autocorr,scale,mix.prop,XX)
    > testdat[1:5,]
     y subject const time
    1 1 1 1 0.00
    2 0 1 1 0.25
    3 2 1 1 0.50
    4 4 1 1 0.75
    5 0 1 1 1.00
    > ########################################################################
    > #### Fit a linear curve with two classes (with a maximum of 4 iterations)
    > twoclassfit <- inarmix(y~time,nclasses=2,id=subject,data=testdat,maxiter=4)
    Iteration: 1
    Iteration: 2
    Iteration: 3
    Iteration: 4
    > summary(twoclassfit)
     inarmix(formula = y ~ time, nclasses = 2, id = subject, data = testdat,
     maxiter = 4)
     Class Probabilities
     Estimate Std.Err
    Group1 0.7977567 0.01845
    Group2 0.2022433 NA
    Group 1 coefficients:
     Estimate Std.Err Z value Pr(>z)
    (Intercept) -0.18180172 0.05627233 -3.23075 0.0012347 **
    time -0.02653325 0.04525100 -0.58636 0.5576354
    autocorr. 0.20233773 0.02375121 8.51905 < 2.22e-16 ***
    scale 2.00629134 0.08157575 12.33567 < 2.22e-16 ***
    Group 2 coefficients:
     Estimate Std.Err Z value Pr(>z)
    (Intercept) 1.21738430 0.05813599 20.94029 < 2.22e-16 ***
    time 0.28683640 0.04408047 6.50711 7.6611e-11 ***
    autocorr. 0.19696018 0.03570303 5.51662 3.4557e-08 ***
    scale 2.12021748 0.11034094 10.15233 < 2.22e-16 ***
    log-likelihood: -6823.222
     BIC: 13722.151
     AIC: 13664.444
     Number of EM iterations: 4
    > diagnose(twoclassfit)
     Did not converge!!!!
    Convergence of GEE equations for
     each iteration: 1 - converged, 0 - did not converge
     iteration GEE 1 GEE 2 l[i] l[i+1]-l[i] ||Psi||^2
    [1,] 0 1 1 -6866.134 0.000000 0.646708992
    [2,] 1 1 1 -6833.577 -32.556835 0.108210548
    [3,] 2 1 1 -6824.850 -8.726774 0.015731280
    [4,] 3 1 1 -6823.222 -1.627973 0.002018329
    > #############################################################
    > ##### Fit the same model with specified starting values.
    > inpars <- list()
    > inpars$coef <- rbind(c(-.5,.1),c(.5,0))
    > inpars$autocorr <- rep(.3,2)
    > inpars$scale <- rep(2,2)
    > inpars$mix.prop <- c(.6,.4)
    > twoclassfit2 <- inarmix(y~time,nclasses=2,id=subject,data=testdat,initvals=inpars,
    + maxiter=4)
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    inarmix(y ~ time, nclasses = 2, id = subject, data = testdat,
     initvals = inpars, maxiter = 4)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (!check.inits) {
     stop("Initial values are not in the correct format")
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: inarmix(y ~ time, nclasses = 2, id = subject, data = testdat,
     initvals = inpars, maxiter = 4)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] FALSE TRUE
     --- function from context ---
    function (formula, nclasses = 1, id, data, initvals = NULL, maxiter = 200,
     stoptol = 1e-05, num.restarts = 1, time = NULL, dropthresh = 0.01)
     mod <- = FALSE)
     modterms <- terms(formula)
     subj.col <- which(colnames(data) == mod$id)
     if (!is.null(mod$time)) {
     time.col <- which(colnames(data) == mod$time)
     if (length(time.col) == 0) {
     stop("time variable not found")
     if (length(subj.col) == 0) {
     stop("id variable not found")
     if (any( {
     stop("There are missing data points")
     if (is.null(mod$time)) {
     data <- data[order(data[, subj.col]), ]
     else {
     data <- data[order(data[, subj.col], data[, time.col]),
     modframe <- model.frame(formula, data)
     yy <- model.response(modframe)
     XX <- model.matrix(formula, modframe)
     QR <- qr(XX)
     if (QR$rank < ncol(XX)) {
     stop("The design matrix is rank-deficient")
     if (any(is.infinite(yy)) | any(is.infinite(XX))) {
     } <- data[, subj.col]
     m <- length(unique(
     nvec <- as.vector(table(
     loglik.record <- numeric(num.restarts)
     initvals.record <- final.record <- list()
     ylist <- Xlist <- list()
     subject.names <- rep(" ", m)
     ncum <- 1 + c(0, cumsum(nvec))
     for (i in 1:m) {
     ind1 <- ncum[i]
     ind2 <- ncum[i + 1] - 1
     ylist[[i]] <- yy[ind1:ind2]
     Xlist[[i]] <- as.matrix(XX[ind1:ind2, ])
     tmp <- unique(data[ind1, subj.col])
     subject.names[i] <- as.character(tmp)
     if (nclasses == 1) {
     oneclass.ests <- OneclassEsts(yy, XX, nvec, m)
     covs <- OuterProd(beta = oneclass.ests$beta, alpha = oneclass.ests$alpha,
     gamma = oneclass.ests$gamma, nvec = nvec, ylist = ylist,
     Xlist = Xlist)
     cov.mat <- tcrossprod(solve(covs$D, covs$V), solve(covs$D))
     std.errs <- sqrt(diag(cov.mat))
     names(std.errs) <- c(colnames(XX), "autocorr.", "scale")
     betalist <- list()
     betalist[[1]] <- oneclass.ests$beta
     tmp.pp <- PostProbs(betalist, oneclass.ests$alpha, oneclass.ests$gamma,
     1, ylist, Xlist, m, 1)
     post.probs <- tmp.pp[[1]]
     loglikhood <- tmp.pp[[2]]
     results <- list()
     class(results) <- "inarmix"
     results$call <- mod
     results$coefficients <- oneclass.ests$beta
     results$alpha <- oneclass.ests$alpha
     results$gamma <- oneclass.ests$gamma
     results$mix.prop <- NULL
     results$coefnames <- colnames(XX)
     results$nclasses <- 1
     results$post.probs <- NULL
     results$niter <- NULL
     results$GEE.conv <- NULL
     results$loglikhood <- loglikhood
     results$em.converged <- NULL
     results$pss <- NULL
     results$initvals <- NULL
     results$cov.mat <- cov.mat
     results$std.errs <- std.errs <- length(beta) + 2
     results$bic <- (-2) * loglikhood + * log(sum(nvec))
     results$aic <- (-2) * loglikhood + 2 *
     else {
     N <- sum(nvec) <- Diagonal(N, x = rep(1, N)) <- Diagonal(N, x = rep(1, N))
     tmp <- BuildBasis(nvec) <- tmp$E1 <- tmp$E2 <- tmp$E3 <- tmp$E4
     R.alpha <- + + +
     for (rr in 1:num.restarts) {
     if (is.null(initvals) & rr == 1) {
     initvals <- InitializePars(formula, data, subj.col,
     nclasses, nvec, yy, XX, ylist, Xlist)
     beta <- initvals$beta
     alpha <- initvals$alpha
     gamma <- initvals$gamma
     mix.prop <- initvals$mix.prop
     initvals.record[[1]] = initvals
     else if (rr == 1 & !is.null(initvals)) {
     beta <- initvals$coef
     alpha <- initvals$autocorr
     gamma <- initvals$scale - 1
     mix.prop <- initvals$mix.prop
     check.inits <- (class(beta) == "matrix") & (class(alpha) ==
     "numeric") & (class(gamma) == "numeric") &
     (class(mix.prop) == "numeric")
     if (!check.inits) {
     stop("Initial values are not in the correct format")
     check.dims <- (nrow(beta) == nclasses) & (length(alpha) ==
     nclasses) & (length(gamma) == nclasses) & (length(mix.prop) ==
     if (!check.dims) {
     stop("Initial values do not match the number of classes")
     initvals.record[[1]] <- initvals
     else if (rr > 1) {
     invals <- MultiStart(parlist, nclasses, ylist,
     beta <- invals$beta
     alpha <- invals$alpha
     gamma <- invals$gamma
     mix.prop <- invals$mix.prop
     initvals.record[[rr]] <- invals
     newbeta <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(beta), ncol = ncol(beta))
     newalpha <- rep(0, length(alpha))
     newgamma <- rep(0, length(gamma))
     count <- 0
     em.converged <- 0
     current.max <- 1
     GEE.conv <- matrix(0, nrow = maxiter + 1, ncol = nclasses)
     loglikhood <- pss <- rep(0, maxiter + 1)
     done <- FALSE
     betalist <- lapply(1:nrow(beta), function(i) beta[i,
     tmp.pp <- PostProbs(betalist, alpha, gamma, mix.prop,
     ylist, Xlist, m, nclasses)
     post.probs <- tmp.pp$postprobs
     loglikhood[1] <- tmp.pp$loglik
     for (i in 1:maxiter) {
     if (maxiter == 0) {
     count <- 1
     for (j in 1:nclasses) {
     initpars <- list(beta = beta[j, ], alpha = alpha[j],
     gamma = gamma[j])
     tmp <- GEEests(post.probs[j, ], initpars, XX,
     yy, nvec, R.alpha,,,,,,
     GEE.conv[i, j] <- tmp$conv
     newparams <- EnforceConstraints(tmp, Xlist,
     newbeta[j, ] <- newparams$beta
     newalpha[j] <- newparams$alpha
     newgamma[j] <- newparams$gamma
     newmix.prop <- rowSums(post.probs)/m
     betalist <- lapply(1:nrow(newbeta), function(i) newbeta[i,
     tmp.pp <- PostProbs(betalist, newalpha, newgamma,
     newmix.prop, ylist, Xlist, m, nclasses)
     post.probs <- tmp.pp$postprobs
     loglikhood[i + 1] <- tmp.pp$loglik
     par.stack <- c(c(newbeta), newalpha, newgamma,
     pss.vec <- PsiFn(par.stack, len.beta = ncol(newbeta),
     nclasses, yy, XX, ylist, Xlist, nvec,,,,
     pss[i] <- sum(pss.vec^2)
     if (i > 1) {
     done <- all(abs(pss.vec) < stoptol)
     if ( {
     print("Warning: some post. probs are NA")
     done <- FALSE
     if (done) {
     em.converged <- 1
     count <- count + 1
     beta <- newbeta
     gamma <- newgamma
     alpha <- newalpha
     mix.prop <- newmix.prop
     beta <- newbeta
     gamma <- newgamma
     alpha <- newalpha
     mix.prop <- newmix.prop
     if (any(mix.prop < dropthresh)) {
     if (nclasses == 2) {
     print("Try a one class model")
     else {
     print("Very small category, reducing the number of classes")
     remove <- which(mix.prop == min(mix.prop))
     mix.prop <- mix.prop[-remove]/sum(mix.prop[-remove])
     nclasses <- nclasses - 1
     beta <- as.matrix(beta[-remove, ])
     alpha <- alpha[-remove]
     gamma <- gamma[-remove]
     newbeta <- matrix(0, nrow = nclasses, ncol = ncol(beta))
     newalpha <- rep(0, nclasses)
     newgamma <- rep(0, nclasses)
     cat("Iteration: ", count + 1, "\n")
     count <- count + 1
     if (rr == 1) {
     numiters <- count
     EMconv <- em.converged
     Loglik <- loglikhood[1:count]
     GEEmat <- GEE.conv[1:count, ]
     parlist <- list()
     parlist$coef <- beta
     parlist$auto.corr <- alpha
     parlist$scale <- gamma + 1
     parlist$mix.prop <- mix.prop
     loglik.record[rr] <- loglikhood[count]
     final.record[[rr]] <- parlist
     if (rr > 1) {
     if (loglik.record[rr] > loglik.record[rr - 1]) {
     current.max <- rr
     numiters <- count
     EMconv <- em.converged
     Loglik <- loglikhood[1:count]
     GEEmat <- GEE.conv[1:count, ]
     if (rr == num.restarts) {
     beta <- final.record[[current.max]]$coef
     alpha <- final.record[[current.max]]$auto.corr
     gamma <- final.record[[current.max]]$scale -
     mix.prop <- final.record[[current.max]]$mix.prop
     reord <- order(-mix.prop)
     beta <- as.matrix(beta[reord, ])
     alpha <- alpha[reord]
     gamma <- gamma[reord]
     mix.prop <- mix.prop[reord]
     betalist <- lapply(1:nrow(beta), function(i) beta[i,
     tmp.pp <- PostProbs(betalist, alpha, gamma, mix.prop,
     ylist, Xlist, m, nclasses)
     post.probs <- tmp.pp$postprobs
     q <- ncol(beta) + 2
     par.stack <- numeric(nclasses * (q + 1) - 1)
     for (i in 0:(nclasses - 1)) {
     par.stack[(i * q + 1):((i + 1) * q)] <- c(beta[i +
     1, ], alpha[i + 1], gamma[i + 1])
     par.stack[(q * nclasses + 1):(nclasses * (q +
     1) - 1)] <- mix.prop[-nclasses]
     len.beta <- ncol(beta)
     hh <- ComputeHess(par.stack, post.probs, len.beta,
     ylist, Xlist, nvec)
     if (rcond(hh$dermat) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
     hh$dermat <- hh$dermat + diag(rep(2e-08, nrow(hh$dermat)))
     cov.mat <- tcrossprod(solve(hh$dermat, hh$sqmat),
     std.errs <- sqrt(diag(cov.mat))
     tmp <- matrix("", ncol(XX) + 2, nclasses)
     mix.names <- rep(c(""), nclasses)
     for (k in 1:nclasses) {
     for (j in 1:ncol(XX)) {
     tmp[j, k] <- paste(colnames(XX)[j], k, sep = "")
     tmp[ncol(XX) + 1, k] <- paste("autocorr.",
     k, sep = "")
     tmp[ncol(XX) + 2, k] <- paste("scale", k, sep = "")
     mix.names[k] <- paste("mix", k)
     names(std.errs) <- c(c(tmp), mix.names[-nclasses])
     post.probs <- t(post.probs)
     rownames(post.probs) <- subject.names
     colnames(post.probs) <- rownames(beta) <- rep(" ",
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(XX)
     for (k in 1:nclasses) {
     colnames(post.probs)[k] <- paste("group ",
     k, sep = "")
     rownames(beta)[k] <- paste("group ", k, sep = "")
     results <- list()
     class(results) <- "inarmix"
     results$call <- mod
     results$coefficients <- beta
     results$alpha <- alpha
     results$gamma <- gamma
     results$mix.prop <- mix.prop
     results$coefnames <- colnames(XX)
     results$post.probs <- post.probs
     results$fitted.values <- exp(tcrossprod(XX, beta))
     res_se <- sqrt(t(t(results$fitted.values) * (gamma +
     results$residuals <- (yy - results$fitted.values)/res_se
     results$niter <- numiters
     results$GEE.conv <- GEEmat
     results$loglikhood <- Loglik
     results$em.converged <- EMconv
     results$pss <- pss[1:count]
     results$initvals <- initvals.record[[current.max]]
     results$nclasses <- nclasses
     results$cov.mat <- cov.mat
     results$std.errs <- std.errs <- nclasses * (ncol(beta) + 3) - 1
     results$bic <- (-2) * Loglik[numiters] + *
     results$aic <- (-2) * Loglik[numiters] + 2 *
     if (num.restarts == 1) {
     results$startingvals <- NULL
     results$reploglik <- NULL
     results$finalvals <- NULL
     else {
     results$startingvals <- initvals.record
     results$reploglik <- loglik.record
     results$finalvals <- final.record
     else {
     cat("\n Replication:", rr + 1, "\n")
    <bytecode: 0x7709658>
    <environment: namespace:inarmix>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function inarmix in namespace inarmix has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (!check.inits) { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: inarmix
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc

Version: 0.4
Check: running examples for arch ‘i386’
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in 'inarmix-Ex.R' failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: diagnose
    > ### Title: Diagnostics for the model fit.
    > ### Aliases: diagnose
    > ### Keywords: print
    > ### ** Examples
    > XX <- cbind(rep(1,9),c(0:8)/4)
    > colnames(XX) <- c("const","time")
    > coefs <- rbind(c(-.2,0),c(1.2,.3))
    > alpha <- c(.2,.2)
    > scale <- c(2,2)
    > mix.prop <- c(.8,.2)
    > testdat <- GenerateMixData(200,coefs,alpha,scale,mix.prop,XX)
    > testfit <- inarmix(y~time,nclasses=2,id=subject,data=testdat,maxiter=3)
    Iteration: 1
    Iteration: 2
    Iteration: 3
    [1] 8.899245e-157
    [1] 8.899245e-157
    Error in solve.default(hh$dermat, hh$sqmat) :
     system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 8.89925e-157
    Calls: inarmix -> tcrossprod -> solve -> solve -> solve.default
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64-gcc8