CRAN Package Check Results for Package ioanalysis

Last updated on 2020-02-19 10:48:57 CET.

Flavor Version Tinstall Tcheck Ttotal Status Flags
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang 0.2.1 7.98 55.02 63.00 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc 0.2.1 5.59 41.42 47.01 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang 0.2.1 74.75 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc 0.2.1 71.69 ERROR
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.2.1 13.00 67.00 80.00 OK
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64-gcc8 0.2.1 22.00 96.00 118.00 OK
r-patched-linux-x86_64 0.2.1 7.04 48.08 55.12 OK
r-patched-solaris-x86 0.2.1 91.10 OK
r-release-linux-x86_64 0.2.1 6.32 48.06 54.38 OK
r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.2.1 12.00 65.00 77.00 OK
r-release-osx-x86_64 0.2.1 OK
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.2.1 11.00 59.00 70.00 OK
r-oldrel-osx-x86_64 0.2.1 OK

Check Details

Version: 0.2.1
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in 'ioanalysis-Ex.R' failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: as.inputoutput
    > ### Title: Creating an Input-Output Object
    > ### Aliases: as.inputoutput
    > ### ** Examples
    > # In toy,FullIOTable it is a full matrix of characters: a pseudo worst case scenario
    > data(toy.FullIOTable)
    > Z <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[3:12, 3:12]), ncol = 10)
    > f <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[3:12, c(13:15, 17:19)]), nrow = dim(Z)[1])
    > E <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[3:12, c(16, 20)]), nrow = 10)
    > X <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[3:12, 21]), ncol = 1)
    > V <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[13:15, 3:12]), ncol = 10)
    > M <- as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[16, 3:12])
    > fV <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[15:16, c(13:15,17:19)]), nrow = 2)
    > # Note toy.FullIOTable is a matrix of characters: non-numeric
    > toy.IO <- as.inputoutput(Z = Z, RS_label = toy.FullIOTable[3:12, 1:2],
    + f = f, f_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(13:15, 17:19)],
    + E = E, E_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(16, 20)],
    + X = X,
    + V = V, V_label = toy.FullIOTable[13:15, 2],
    + M = M, M_label = toy.FullIOTable[16,2],
    + fV = fV, fV_label = toy.FullIOTable[15:16, 2])
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    as.inputoutput(Z = Z, RS_label = toy.FullIOTable[3:12, 1:2],
     f = f, f_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(13:15, 17:19)], E = E,
     E_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(16, 20)], X = X, V = V,
     V_label = toy.FullIOTable[13:15, 2], M = M, M_label = toy.FullIOTable[16,
     2], fV = fV, fV_label = toy.FullIOTable[15:16, 2])
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(X) != "matrix") {
     X = as.matrix(X)
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: as.inputoutput(Z = Z, RS_label = toy.FullIOTable[3:12, 1:2],
     f = f, f_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(13:15, 17:19)], E = E,
     E_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(16, 20)], X = X, V = V,
     V_label = toy.FullIOTable[13:15, 2], M = M, M_label = toy.FullIOTable[16,
     2], fV = fV, fV_label = toy.FullIOTable[15:16, 2])
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] FALSE TRUE
     --- function from context ---
    function (Z, RS_label, f, f_label, E, E_label, X, V, V_label,
     M, M_label, fV, fV_label, P, P_label, A, B, L, G)
     io <- NULL
     n <- dim(Z)[1]
     if (dim(Z)[1] != dim(Z)[2])
     stop("The intermediate transaction (Z) matrix needs to be a square matrix")
     if (dim(Z)[1] != length(X))
     stop("Check dimensions/length; Z should be a nxn matrix and X should be a nx1 vector")
     io$Z <- as.matrix(Z)
     if (dim(RS_label)[1] != dim(io$Z)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of Z and RS_label must match")
     if (dim(RS_label)[2] != 2)
     stop("RS_label must have the first column of regions and second regions sectors")
     io$RS_label <- as.character(RS_label[, 1])
     io$RS_label <- cbind(io$RS_label, as.character(RS_label[,
     if (class(X) != "matrix") {
     X = as.matrix(X)
     io$X <- matrix(X, ncol = 1)
     if (!missing(f)) {
     if (class(f) != "matrix") {
     f = as.matrix(f)
     if (is.null(dim(f))) {
     if (length(f) != dim(io$Z))
     stop("Column dimension of f and Z must match")
     io$f <- matrix(f, ncol = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(f)[1] != length(X))
     stop("Column dimension of f and Z must match")
     io$f <- as.matrix(f)
     if (missing("f_label")) {
     stop("If the final demand matrix (f) is supplied, a label must match")
     if (is.null(dim(f_label))) {
     if (length(f_label) != dim(io$f)[2])
     stop("Column dimension of f and f_label must match")
     io$E_label <- matrix(f_label, ncol = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(f_label)[2] != dim(io$f)[2])
     stop("Column dimension of f and f_label must match")
     io$f_label <- f_label
     else if (missing(f)) {
     cat("\n Final Demand matrix (f) was not provided. Calculating aggregate Final Demand... \n\n")
     one <- matrix(rep(1, n))
     io$f <- io$X - io$Z %*% one
     io$f_label <- matrix(c("aggregate", "aggregate"))
     if (!missing(E)) {
     if (class(E) != "matrix") {
     E = as.matrix(E)
     if (is.null(dim(E))) {
     if (length(E) != length(X))
     stop("Column dimension of E and Z must match")
     io$E <- matrix(E)
     else {
     if (dim(E)[1] != length(X))
     stop("Check dimensions/length; E should be a nxm matrix")
     io$E <- as.matrix(E)
     if (missing("E_label")) {
     stop("If the export matrix (E) is supplied, a label must match")
     if (is.null(dim(E_label))) {
     if (length(E_label) != dim(io$E)[2])
     stop("Column dimension of E and E_label must match")
     io$E_label <- matrix(E_label, ncol = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(E_label)[2] != dim(io$E)[2])
     stop("Column dimension of E and E_label must match")
     io$E_label <- E_label
     if (!missing(V)) {
     if (class(V) != "matrix") {
     X = as.matrix(V)
     if (is.null(dim(V))) {
     if (length(V) != length(X))
     stop("Row dimension of V and Z must match")
     io$V <- matrix(V, nrow = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(V)[2] != length(X))
     stop("Column dimension of V and Z must match")
     io$V <- as.matrix(V)
     if (missing(V_label)) {
     stop("If the value added matrix (V) is supplied, a label must match")
     if (is.null(dim(V_label))) {
     if (length(V_label) != dim(io$V)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of V and V_label must match")
     io$V_label <- matrix(V_label, ncol = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(V_label)[1] != dim(io$V)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of V and V_label must match")
     io$V_label <- V_label
     if (!missing(M)) {
     if (missing(M_label)) {
     stop("If the import matrix (M) is supplied, a label must match")
     if (is.null(dim(M))) {
     if (length(M) != length(X))
     stop("Column dimension of M and Z must match")
     io$M <- matrix(M, nrow = 1)
     check <- 1
     else {
     if (dim(M)[2] != length(X))
     stop("Column dimension of M and Z must match")
     io$M <- as.matrix(M)
     check <- 1
     if (check == 1) {
     if (!missing("M_label")) {
     if (is.null(dim(M_label))) {
     if (length(M_label) != dim(io$M)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of M and M_label must match")
     io$M_label <- matrix(M_label, nrow = 1)
     else {
     if (!missing("M_label")) {
     if (is.null(dim(M_label))) {
     if (length(M_label) != dim(io$M)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of M and M_label must match")
     io$M_label <- matrix(M_label, nrow = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(M_label)[1] != dim(io$M)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of M and M_label must match")
     io$M_label <- M_label
     if (!missing(fV)) {
     if (dim(fV)[2] != dim(f)[2])
     stop("The number of columns of fV must match f. It's fine to have NAs in fV")
     io$fV <- as.matrix(fV)
     if (missing(fV_label))
     stop("If the fV matrix is provided, there must be an fV_label")
     if (dim(fV)[1] != length(fV_label))
     stop("The number of rows of fV and fV_label must match")
     io$fV_label <- matrix(fV_label)
     if (!missing(P) & missing(P_label))
     stop("If the physical matrix (P) is supplied, a label must match")
     if (!missing(P) & !missing(P_label)) {
     if (is.null(dim(P_label)))
     stop("P_label must be an nx2 matrix")
     if (dim(P)[1] != dim(P_label)[1])
     stop("The row dimension of P must match P_label")
     if (all(dim(P) != dim(A)))
     stop("The dimensions of P and Z must match")
     io$P = as.matrix(P)
     io$P_label = P_label
     i <- which(X == 0)
     X[i] <- 1
     if (missing(A)) {
     xhat <- diag(c(1/X))
     io$A <- Z %*% xhat
     else {
     if (class(A) != "matrix") {
     A = as.matrix(A)
     io$A <- A
     io$A <- as.matrix(io$A)
     if (missing(B)) {
     xhat <- diag(c(1/X))
     io$B <- xhat %*% Z
     else {
     if (class(B) != "matrix") {
     B = as.matrix(B)
     io$B <- B
     io$B <- as.matrix(io$B)
     if (missing(L)) {
     io$L <- leontief.inv(A = io$A)
     else {
     if (class(L) != "matrix") {
     L = as.matrix(L)
     io$L = L
     if (missing(G)) {
     io$G <- ghosh.inv(B = io$B)
     else {
     if (class(G) != "matrix") {
     G = as.matrix(G)
     io$G = G
     class(io) <- "InputOutput"
    <bytecode: 0x4fdaec0>
    <environment: namespace:ioanalysis>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function as.inputoutput in namespace ioanalysis has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(X) != "matrix") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: as.inputoutput
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang

Version: 0.2.1
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘ioanalysis-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: as.inputoutput
    > ### Title: Creating an Input-Output Object
    > ### Aliases: as.inputoutput
    > ### ** Examples
    > # In toy,FullIOTable it is a full matrix of characters: a pseudo worst case scenario
    > data(toy.FullIOTable)
    > Z <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[3:12, 3:12]), ncol = 10)
    > f <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[3:12, c(13:15, 17:19)]), nrow = dim(Z)[1])
    > E <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[3:12, c(16, 20)]), nrow = 10)
    > X <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[3:12, 21]), ncol = 1)
    > V <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[13:15, 3:12]), ncol = 10)
    > M <- as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[16, 3:12])
    > fV <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[15:16, c(13:15,17:19)]), nrow = 2)
    > # Note toy.FullIOTable is a matrix of characters: non-numeric
    > toy.IO <- as.inputoutput(Z = Z, RS_label = toy.FullIOTable[3:12, 1:2],
    + f = f, f_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(13:15, 17:19)],
    + E = E, E_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(16, 20)],
    + X = X,
    + V = V, V_label = toy.FullIOTable[13:15, 2],
    + M = M, M_label = toy.FullIOTable[16,2],
    + fV = fV, fV_label = toy.FullIOTable[15:16, 2])
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    as.inputoutput(Z = Z, RS_label = toy.FullIOTable[3:12, 1:2],
     f = f, f_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(13:15, 17:19)], E = E,
     E_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(16, 20)], X = X, V = V,
     V_label = toy.FullIOTable[13:15, 2], M = M, M_label = toy.FullIOTable[16,
     2], fV = fV, fV_label = toy.FullIOTable[15:16, 2])
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(X) != "matrix") {
     X = as.matrix(X)
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: as.inputoutput(Z = Z, RS_label = toy.FullIOTable[3:12, 1:2],
     f = f, f_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(13:15, 17:19)], E = E,
     E_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(16, 20)], X = X, V = V,
     V_label = toy.FullIOTable[13:15, 2], M = M, M_label = toy.FullIOTable[16,
     2], fV = fV, fV_label = toy.FullIOTable[15:16, 2])
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] FALSE TRUE
     --- function from context ---
    function (Z, RS_label, f, f_label, E, E_label, X, V, V_label,
     M, M_label, fV, fV_label, P, P_label, A, B, L, G)
     io <- NULL
     n <- dim(Z)[1]
     if (dim(Z)[1] != dim(Z)[2])
     stop("The intermediate transaction (Z) matrix needs to be a square matrix")
     if (dim(Z)[1] != length(X))
     stop("Check dimensions/length; Z should be a nxn matrix and X should be a nx1 vector")
     io$Z <- as.matrix(Z)
     if (dim(RS_label)[1] != dim(io$Z)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of Z and RS_label must match")
     if (dim(RS_label)[2] != 2)
     stop("RS_label must have the first column of regions and second regions sectors")
     io$RS_label <- as.character(RS_label[, 1])
     io$RS_label <- cbind(io$RS_label, as.character(RS_label[,
     if (class(X) != "matrix") {
     X = as.matrix(X)
     io$X <- matrix(X, ncol = 1)
     if (!missing(f)) {
     if (class(f) != "matrix") {
     f = as.matrix(f)
     if (is.null(dim(f))) {
     if (length(f) != dim(io$Z))
     stop("Column dimension of f and Z must match")
     io$f <- matrix(f, ncol = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(f)[1] != length(X))
     stop("Column dimension of f and Z must match")
     io$f <- as.matrix(f)
     if (missing("f_label")) {
     stop("If the final demand matrix (f) is supplied, a label must match")
     if (is.null(dim(f_label))) {
     if (length(f_label) != dim(io$f)[2])
     stop("Column dimension of f and f_label must match")
     io$E_label <- matrix(f_label, ncol = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(f_label)[2] != dim(io$f)[2])
     stop("Column dimension of f and f_label must match")
     io$f_label <- f_label
     else if (missing(f)) {
     cat("\n Final Demand matrix (f) was not provided. Calculating aggregate Final Demand... \n\n")
     one <- matrix(rep(1, n))
     io$f <- io$X - io$Z %*% one
     io$f_label <- matrix(c("aggregate", "aggregate"))
     if (!missing(E)) {
     if (class(E) != "matrix") {
     E = as.matrix(E)
     if (is.null(dim(E))) {
     if (length(E) != length(X))
     stop("Column dimension of E and Z must match")
     io$E <- matrix(E)
     else {
     if (dim(E)[1] != length(X))
     stop("Check dimensions/length; E should be a nxm matrix")
     io$E <- as.matrix(E)
     if (missing("E_label")) {
     stop("If the export matrix (E) is supplied, a label must match")
     if (is.null(dim(E_label))) {
     if (length(E_label) != dim(io$E)[2])
     stop("Column dimension of E and E_label must match")
     io$E_label <- matrix(E_label, ncol = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(E_label)[2] != dim(io$E)[2])
     stop("Column dimension of E and E_label must match")
     io$E_label <- E_label
     if (!missing(V)) {
     if (class(V) != "matrix") {
     X = as.matrix(V)
     if (is.null(dim(V))) {
     if (length(V) != length(X))
     stop("Row dimension of V and Z must match")
     io$V <- matrix(V, nrow = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(V)[2] != length(X))
     stop("Column dimension of V and Z must match")
     io$V <- as.matrix(V)
     if (missing(V_label)) {
     stop("If the value added matrix (V) is supplied, a label must match")
     if (is.null(dim(V_label))) {
     if (length(V_label) != dim(io$V)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of V and V_label must match")
     io$V_label <- matrix(V_label, ncol = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(V_label)[1] != dim(io$V)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of V and V_label must match")
     io$V_label <- V_label
     if (!missing(M)) {
     if (missing(M_label)) {
     stop("If the import matrix (M) is supplied, a label must match")
     if (is.null(dim(M))) {
     if (length(M) != length(X))
     stop("Column dimension of M and Z must match")
     io$M <- matrix(M, nrow = 1)
     check <- 1
     else {
     if (dim(M)[2] != length(X))
     stop("Column dimension of M and Z must match")
     io$M <- as.matrix(M)
     check <- 1
     if (check == 1) {
     if (!missing("M_label")) {
     if (is.null(dim(M_label))) {
     if (length(M_label) != dim(io$M)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of M and M_label must match")
     io$M_label <- matrix(M_label, nrow = 1)
     else {
     if (!missing("M_label")) {
     if (is.null(dim(M_label))) {
     if (length(M_label) != dim(io$M)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of M and M_label must match")
     io$M_label <- matrix(M_label, nrow = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(M_label)[1] != dim(io$M)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of M and M_label must match")
     io$M_label <- M_label
     if (!missing(fV)) {
     if (dim(fV)[2] != dim(f)[2])
     stop("The number of columns of fV must match f. It's fine to have NAs in fV")
     io$fV <- as.matrix(fV)
     if (missing(fV_label))
     stop("If the fV matrix is provided, there must be an fV_label")
     if (dim(fV)[1] != length(fV_label))
     stop("The number of rows of fV and fV_label must match")
     io$fV_label <- matrix(fV_label)
     if (!missing(P) & missing(P_label))
     stop("If the physical matrix (P) is supplied, a label must match")
     if (!missing(P) & !missing(P_label)) {
     if (is.null(dim(P_label)))
     stop("P_label must be an nx2 matrix")
     if (dim(P)[1] != dim(P_label)[1])
     stop("The row dimension of P must match P_label")
     if (all(dim(P) != dim(A)))
     stop("The dimensions of P and Z must match")
     io$P = as.matrix(P)
     io$P_label = P_label
     i <- which(X == 0)
     X[i] <- 1
     if (missing(A)) {
     xhat <- diag(c(1/X))
     io$A <- Z %*% xhat
     else {
     if (class(A) != "matrix") {
     A = as.matrix(A)
     io$A <- A
     io$A <- as.matrix(io$A)
     if (missing(B)) {
     xhat <- diag(c(1/X))
     io$B <- xhat %*% Z
     else {
     if (class(B) != "matrix") {
     B = as.matrix(B)
     io$B <- B
     io$B <- as.matrix(io$B)
     if (missing(L)) {
     io$L <- leontief.inv(A = io$A)
     else {
     if (class(L) != "matrix") {
     L = as.matrix(L)
     io$L = L
     if (missing(G)) {
     io$G <- ghosh.inv(B = io$B)
     else {
     if (class(G) != "matrix") {
     G = as.matrix(G)
     io$G = G
     class(io) <- "InputOutput"
    <bytecode: 0x55622a5e4e40>
    <environment: namespace:ioanalysis>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function as.inputoutput in namespace ioanalysis has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(X) != "matrix") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: as.inputoutput
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc

Version: 0.2.1
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘ioanalysis-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: as.inputoutput
    > ### Title: Creating an Input-Output Object
    > ### Aliases: as.inputoutput
    > ### ** Examples
    > # In toy,FullIOTable it is a full matrix of characters: a pseudo worst case scenario
    > data(toy.FullIOTable)
    > Z <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[3:12, 3:12]), ncol = 10)
    > f <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[3:12, c(13:15, 17:19)]), nrow = dim(Z)[1])
    > E <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[3:12, c(16, 20)]), nrow = 10)
    > X <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[3:12, 21]), ncol = 1)
    > V <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[13:15, 3:12]), ncol = 10)
    > M <- as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[16, 3:12])
    > fV <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[15:16, c(13:15,17:19)]), nrow = 2)
    > # Note toy.FullIOTable is a matrix of characters: non-numeric
    > toy.IO <- as.inputoutput(Z = Z, RS_label = toy.FullIOTable[3:12, 1:2],
    + f = f, f_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(13:15, 17:19)],
    + E = E, E_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(16, 20)],
    + X = X,
    + V = V, V_label = toy.FullIOTable[13:15, 2],
    + M = M, M_label = toy.FullIOTable[16,2],
    + fV = fV, fV_label = toy.FullIOTable[15:16, 2])
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    as.inputoutput(Z = Z, RS_label = toy.FullIOTable[3:12, 1:2],
     f = f, f_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(13:15, 17:19)], E = E,
     E_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(16, 20)], X = X, V = V,
     V_label = toy.FullIOTable[13:15, 2], M = M, M_label = toy.FullIOTable[16,
     2], fV = fV, fV_label = toy.FullIOTable[15:16, 2])
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(X) != "matrix") {
     X = as.matrix(X)
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: as.inputoutput(Z = Z, RS_label = toy.FullIOTable[3:12, 1:2],
     f = f, f_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(13:15, 17:19)], E = E,
     E_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(16, 20)], X = X, V = V,
     V_label = toy.FullIOTable[13:15, 2], M = M, M_label = toy.FullIOTable[16,
     2], fV = fV, fV_label = toy.FullIOTable[15:16, 2])
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] FALSE TRUE
     --- function from context ---
    function (Z, RS_label, f, f_label, E, E_label, X, V, V_label,
     M, M_label, fV, fV_label, P, P_label, A, B, L, G)
     io <- NULL
     n <- dim(Z)[1]
     if (dim(Z)[1] != dim(Z)[2])
     stop("The intermediate transaction (Z) matrix needs to be a square matrix")
     if (dim(Z)[1] != length(X))
     stop("Check dimensions/length; Z should be a nxn matrix and X should be a nx1 vector")
     io$Z <- as.matrix(Z)
     if (dim(RS_label)[1] != dim(io$Z)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of Z and RS_label must match")
     if (dim(RS_label)[2] != 2)
     stop("RS_label must have the first column of regions and second regions sectors")
     io$RS_label <- as.character(RS_label[, 1])
     io$RS_label <- cbind(io$RS_label, as.character(RS_label[,
     if (class(X) != "matrix") {
     X = as.matrix(X)
     io$X <- matrix(X, ncol = 1)
     if (!missing(f)) {
     if (class(f) != "matrix") {
     f = as.matrix(f)
     if (is.null(dim(f))) {
     if (length(f) != dim(io$Z))
     stop("Column dimension of f and Z must match")
     io$f <- matrix(f, ncol = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(f)[1] != length(X))
     stop("Column dimension of f and Z must match")
     io$f <- as.matrix(f)
     if (missing("f_label")) {
     stop("If the final demand matrix (f) is supplied, a label must match")
     if (is.null(dim(f_label))) {
     if (length(f_label) != dim(io$f)[2])
     stop("Column dimension of f and f_label must match")
     io$E_label <- matrix(f_label, ncol = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(f_label)[2] != dim(io$f)[2])
     stop("Column dimension of f and f_label must match")
     io$f_label <- f_label
     else if (missing(f)) {
     cat("\n Final Demand matrix (f) was not provided. Calculating aggregate Final Demand... \n\n")
     one <- matrix(rep(1, n))
     io$f <- io$X - io$Z %*% one
     io$f_label <- matrix(c("aggregate", "aggregate"))
     if (!missing(E)) {
     if (class(E) != "matrix") {
     E = as.matrix(E)
     if (is.null(dim(E))) {
     if (length(E) != length(X))
     stop("Column dimension of E and Z must match")
     io$E <- matrix(E)
     else {
     if (dim(E)[1] != length(X))
     stop("Check dimensions/length; E should be a nxm matrix")
     io$E <- as.matrix(E)
     if (missing("E_label")) {
     stop("If the export matrix (E) is supplied, a label must match")
     if (is.null(dim(E_label))) {
     if (length(E_label) != dim(io$E)[2])
     stop("Column dimension of E and E_label must match")
     io$E_label <- matrix(E_label, ncol = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(E_label)[2] != dim(io$E)[2])
     stop("Column dimension of E and E_label must match")
     io$E_label <- E_label
     if (!missing(V)) {
     if (class(V) != "matrix") {
     X = as.matrix(V)
     if (is.null(dim(V))) {
     if (length(V) != length(X))
     stop("Row dimension of V and Z must match")
     io$V <- matrix(V, nrow = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(V)[2] != length(X))
     stop("Column dimension of V and Z must match")
     io$V <- as.matrix(V)
     if (missing(V_label)) {
     stop("If the value added matrix (V) is supplied, a label must match")
     if (is.null(dim(V_label))) {
     if (length(V_label) != dim(io$V)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of V and V_label must match")
     io$V_label <- matrix(V_label, ncol = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(V_label)[1] != dim(io$V)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of V and V_label must match")
     io$V_label <- V_label
     if (!missing(M)) {
     if (missing(M_label)) {
     stop("If the import matrix (M) is supplied, a label must match")
     if (is.null(dim(M))) {
     if (length(M) != length(X))
     stop("Column dimension of M and Z must match")
     io$M <- matrix(M, nrow = 1)
     check <- 1
     else {
     if (dim(M)[2] != length(X))
     stop("Column dimension of M and Z must match")
     io$M <- as.matrix(M)
     check <- 1
     if (check == 1) {
     if (!missing("M_label")) {
     if (is.null(dim(M_label))) {
     if (length(M_label) != dim(io$M)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of M and M_label must match")
     io$M_label <- matrix(M_label, nrow = 1)
     else {
     if (!missing("M_label")) {
     if (is.null(dim(M_label))) {
     if (length(M_label) != dim(io$M)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of M and M_label must match")
     io$M_label <- matrix(M_label, nrow = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(M_label)[1] != dim(io$M)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of M and M_label must match")
     io$M_label <- M_label
     if (!missing(fV)) {
     if (dim(fV)[2] != dim(f)[2])
     stop("The number of columns of fV must match f. It's fine to have NAs in fV")
     io$fV <- as.matrix(fV)
     if (missing(fV_label))
     stop("If the fV matrix is provided, there must be an fV_label")
     if (dim(fV)[1] != length(fV_label))
     stop("The number of rows of fV and fV_label must match")
     io$fV_label <- matrix(fV_label)
     if (!missing(P) & missing(P_label))
     stop("If the physical matrix (P) is supplied, a label must match")
     if (!missing(P) & !missing(P_label)) {
     if (is.null(dim(P_label)))
     stop("P_label must be an nx2 matrix")
     if (dim(P)[1] != dim(P_label)[1])
     stop("The row dimension of P must match P_label")
     if (all(dim(P) != dim(A)))
     stop("The dimensions of P and Z must match")
     io$P = as.matrix(P)
     io$P_label = P_label
     i <- which(X == 0)
     X[i] <- 1
     if (missing(A)) {
     xhat <- diag(c(1/X))
     io$A <- Z %*% xhat
     else {
     if (class(A) != "matrix") {
     A = as.matrix(A)
     io$A <- A
     io$A <- as.matrix(io$A)
     if (missing(B)) {
     xhat <- diag(c(1/X))
     io$B <- xhat %*% Z
     else {
     if (class(B) != "matrix") {
     B = as.matrix(B)
     io$B <- B
     io$B <- as.matrix(io$B)
     if (missing(L)) {
     io$L <- leontief.inv(A = io$A)
     else {
     if (class(L) != "matrix") {
     L = as.matrix(L)
     io$L = L
     if (missing(G)) {
     io$G <- ghosh.inv(B = io$B)
     else {
     if (class(G) != "matrix") {
     G = as.matrix(G)
     io$G = G
     class(io) <- "InputOutput"
    <bytecode: 0x4f76528>
    <environment: namespace:ioanalysis>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function as.inputoutput in namespace ioanalysis has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(X) != "matrix") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: as.inputoutput
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Version: 0.2.1
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘ioanalysis-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: as.inputoutput
    > ### Title: Creating an Input-Output Object
    > ### Aliases: as.inputoutput
    > ### ** Examples
    > # In toy,FullIOTable it is a full matrix of characters: a pseudo worst case scenario
    > data(toy.FullIOTable)
    > Z <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[3:12, 3:12]), ncol = 10)
    > f <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[3:12, c(13:15, 17:19)]), nrow = dim(Z)[1])
    > E <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[3:12, c(16, 20)]), nrow = 10)
    > X <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[3:12, 21]), ncol = 1)
    > V <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[13:15, 3:12]), ncol = 10)
    > M <- as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[16, 3:12])
    > fV <- matrix(as.numeric(toy.FullIOTable[15:16, c(13:15,17:19)]), nrow = 2)
    > # Note toy.FullIOTable is a matrix of characters: non-numeric
    > toy.IO <- as.inputoutput(Z = Z, RS_label = toy.FullIOTable[3:12, 1:2],
    + f = f, f_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(13:15, 17:19)],
    + E = E, E_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(16, 20)],
    + X = X,
    + V = V, V_label = toy.FullIOTable[13:15, 2],
    + M = M, M_label = toy.FullIOTable[16,2],
    + fV = fV, fV_label = toy.FullIOTable[15:16, 2])
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    as.inputoutput(Z = Z, RS_label = toy.FullIOTable[3:12, 1:2],
     f = f, f_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(13:15, 17:19)], E = E,
     E_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(16, 20)], X = X, V = V,
     V_label = toy.FullIOTable[13:15, 2], M = M, M_label = toy.FullIOTable[16,
     2], fV = fV, fV_label = toy.FullIOTable[15:16, 2])
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(X) != "matrix") {
     X = as.matrix(X)
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: as.inputoutput(Z = Z, RS_label = toy.FullIOTable[3:12, 1:2],
     f = f, f_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(13:15, 17:19)], E = E,
     E_label = toy.FullIOTable[1:2, c(16, 20)], X = X, V = V,
     V_label = toy.FullIOTable[13:15, 2], M = M, M_label = toy.FullIOTable[16,
     2], fV = fV, fV_label = toy.FullIOTable[15:16, 2])
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] FALSE TRUE
     --- function from context ---
    function (Z, RS_label, f, f_label, E, E_label, X, V, V_label,
     M, M_label, fV, fV_label, P, P_label, A, B, L, G)
     io <- NULL
     n <- dim(Z)[1]
     if (dim(Z)[1] != dim(Z)[2])
     stop("The intermediate transaction (Z) matrix needs to be a square matrix")
     if (dim(Z)[1] != length(X))
     stop("Check dimensions/length; Z should be a nxn matrix and X should be a nx1 vector")
     io$Z <- as.matrix(Z)
     if (dim(RS_label)[1] != dim(io$Z)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of Z and RS_label must match")
     if (dim(RS_label)[2] != 2)
     stop("RS_label must have the first column of regions and second regions sectors")
     io$RS_label <- as.character(RS_label[, 1])
     io$RS_label <- cbind(io$RS_label, as.character(RS_label[,
     if (class(X) != "matrix") {
     X = as.matrix(X)
     io$X <- matrix(X, ncol = 1)
     if (!missing(f)) {
     if (class(f) != "matrix") {
     f = as.matrix(f)
     if (is.null(dim(f))) {
     if (length(f) != dim(io$Z))
     stop("Column dimension of f and Z must match")
     io$f <- matrix(f, ncol = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(f)[1] != length(X))
     stop("Column dimension of f and Z must match")
     io$f <- as.matrix(f)
     if (missing("f_label")) {
     stop("If the final demand matrix (f) is supplied, a label must match")
     if (is.null(dim(f_label))) {
     if (length(f_label) != dim(io$f)[2])
     stop("Column dimension of f and f_label must match")
     io$E_label <- matrix(f_label, ncol = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(f_label)[2] != dim(io$f)[2])
     stop("Column dimension of f and f_label must match")
     io$f_label <- f_label
     else if (missing(f)) {
     cat("\n Final Demand matrix (f) was not provided. Calculating aggregate Final Demand... \n\n")
     one <- matrix(rep(1, n))
     io$f <- io$X - io$Z %*% one
     io$f_label <- matrix(c("aggregate", "aggregate"))
     if (!missing(E)) {
     if (class(E) != "matrix") {
     E = as.matrix(E)
     if (is.null(dim(E))) {
     if (length(E) != length(X))
     stop("Column dimension of E and Z must match")
     io$E <- matrix(E)
     else {
     if (dim(E)[1] != length(X))
     stop("Check dimensions/length; E should be a nxm matrix")
     io$E <- as.matrix(E)
     if (missing("E_label")) {
     stop("If the export matrix (E) is supplied, a label must match")
     if (is.null(dim(E_label))) {
     if (length(E_label) != dim(io$E)[2])
     stop("Column dimension of E and E_label must match")
     io$E_label <- matrix(E_label, ncol = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(E_label)[2] != dim(io$E)[2])
     stop("Column dimension of E and E_label must match")
     io$E_label <- E_label
     if (!missing(V)) {
     if (class(V) != "matrix") {
     X = as.matrix(V)
     if (is.null(dim(V))) {
     if (length(V) != length(X))
     stop("Row dimension of V and Z must match")
     io$V <- matrix(V, nrow = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(V)[2] != length(X))
     stop("Column dimension of V and Z must match")
     io$V <- as.matrix(V)
     if (missing(V_label)) {
     stop("If the value added matrix (V) is supplied, a label must match")
     if (is.null(dim(V_label))) {
     if (length(V_label) != dim(io$V)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of V and V_label must match")
     io$V_label <- matrix(V_label, ncol = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(V_label)[1] != dim(io$V)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of V and V_label must match")
     io$V_label <- V_label
     if (!missing(M)) {
     if (missing(M_label)) {
     stop("If the import matrix (M) is supplied, a label must match")
     if (is.null(dim(M))) {
     if (length(M) != length(X))
     stop("Column dimension of M and Z must match")
     io$M <- matrix(M, nrow = 1)
     check <- 1
     else {
     if (dim(M)[2] != length(X))
     stop("Column dimension of M and Z must match")
     io$M <- as.matrix(M)
     check <- 1
     if (check == 1) {
     if (!missing("M_label")) {
     if (is.null(dim(M_label))) {
     if (length(M_label) != dim(io$M)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of M and M_label must match")
     io$M_label <- matrix(M_label, nrow = 1)
     else {
     if (!missing("M_label")) {
     if (is.null(dim(M_label))) {
     if (length(M_label) != dim(io$M)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of M and M_label must match")
     io$M_label <- matrix(M_label, nrow = 1)
     else {
     if (dim(M_label)[1] != dim(io$M)[1])
     stop("Row dimension of M and M_label must match")
     io$M_label <- M_label
     if (!missing(fV)) {
     if (dim(fV)[2] != dim(f)[2])
     stop("The number of columns of fV must match f. It's fine to have NAs in fV")
     io$fV <- as.matrix(fV)
     if (missing(fV_label))
     stop("If the fV matrix is provided, there must be an fV_label")
     if (dim(fV)[1] != length(fV_label))
     stop("The number of rows of fV and fV_label must match")
     io$fV_label <- matrix(fV_label)
     if (!missing(P) & missing(P_label))
     stop("If the physical matrix (P) is supplied, a label must match")
     if (!missing(P) & !missing(P_label)) {
     if (is.null(dim(P_label)))
     stop("P_label must be an nx2 matrix")
     if (dim(P)[1] != dim(P_label)[1])
     stop("The row dimension of P must match P_label")
     if (all(dim(P) != dim(A)))
     stop("The dimensions of P and Z must match")
     io$P = as.matrix(P)
     io$P_label = P_label
     i <- which(X == 0)
     X[i] <- 1
     if (missing(A)) {
     xhat <- diag(c(1/X))
     io$A <- Z %*% xhat
     else {
     if (class(A) != "matrix") {
     A = as.matrix(A)
     io$A <- A
     io$A <- as.matrix(io$A)
     if (missing(B)) {
     xhat <- diag(c(1/X))
     io$B <- xhat %*% Z
     else {
     if (class(B) != "matrix") {
     B = as.matrix(B)
     io$B <- B
     io$B <- as.matrix(io$B)
     if (missing(L)) {
     io$L <- leontief.inv(A = io$A)
     else {
     if (class(L) != "matrix") {
     L = as.matrix(L)
     io$L = L
     if (missing(G)) {
     io$G <- ghosh.inv(B = io$B)
     else {
     if (class(G) != "matrix") {
     G = as.matrix(G)
     io$G = G
     class(io) <- "InputOutput"
    <bytecode: 0x5a3b910>
    <environment: namespace:ioanalysis>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function as.inputoutput in namespace ioanalysis has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(X) != "matrix") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: as.inputoutput
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc