CRAN Package Check Results for Package xergm.common

Last updated on 2020-03-07 11:48:33 CET.

Flavor Version Tinstall Tcheck Ttotal Status Flags
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang 1.7.7 10.63 83.29 93.92 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc 1.7.7 9.69 63.91 73.60 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang 1.7.7 113.91 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc 1.7.7 110.39 ERROR
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.7.7 30.00 100.00 130.00 OK
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64-gcc8 1.7.7 23.00 95.00 118.00 OK
r-patched-linux-x86_64 1.7.7 9.35 70.64 79.99 OK
r-patched-solaris-x86 1.7.7 159.30 OK
r-release-linux-x86_64 1.7.7 10.31 71.19 81.50 OK
r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.7.7 15.00 92.00 107.00 OK
r-release-osx-x86_64 1.7.7 OK
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.7.7 9.00 88.00 97.00 OK
r-oldrel-osx-x86_64 1.7.7 OK

Check Details

Version: 1.7.7
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in 'xergm.common-Ex.R' failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: adjust
    > ### Title: Adjust the dimensions of a matrix to the dimensions of another
    > ### matrix
    > ### Aliases: adjust
    > ### ** Examples
    > # create sociomatrix a with 13 vertices a to m
    > vertices <- letters[1:13]
    > a <- matrix(rbinom(length(vertices)^2, 1, 0.1), nrow = length(vertices))
    > rownames(a) <- colnames(a) <- vertices
    > # create sociomatrix b with the same vertices except f and k, but additional n
    > vertices <- c(vertices[-c(6, 11)], "n")
    > b <- matrix(rbinom(length(vertices)^2, 1, 0.1), nrow = length(vertices))
    > rownames(b) <- colnames(b) <- vertices
    > # check dimensions
    > dim(a) # 13 x 13
    [1] 13 13
    > dim(b) # 12 x 12
    [1] 12 12
    > # adjust a to b: add n and fill up with NAs; remove f and k
    > adjust(a, b, add = TRUE, remove = TRUE)
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    adjust(a, b, add = TRUE, remove = TRUE)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(source) == "matrix") {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "matrix"
    } else if (class(source) == "network") {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "network"
    } else if (class(source) == "list") {
     sources <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "list"
    } else if (is.vector(source)) {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "vector"
    } else {
     stop(paste("Source data type not supported. Supported types are 'matrix',",
     "'network', and 'list' objects and vectors."))
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: adjust(a, b, add = TRUE, remove = TRUE)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] TRUE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
    function (source, target, remove = TRUE, add = TRUE, value = NA,
     returnlabels = FALSE)
     if (is.null(source)) {
     stop("The 'source' argument was not recognized.")
     else if (class(source) == "matrix") {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "matrix"
     else if (class(source) == "network") {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "network"
     else if (class(source) == "list") {
     sources <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "list"
     else if (is.vector(source)) {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "vector"
     else {
     stop(paste("Source data type not supported. Supported types are 'matrix',",
     "'network', and 'list' objects and vectors."))
     if (is.null(target)) {
     stop("The 'target' argument was not recognized.")
     else if (class(target) == "matrix") {
     targets <- list()
     targets[[1]] <- target
     targets.initialtype <- "matrix"
     else if (class(target) == "network") {
     targets <- list()
     targets[[1]] <- target
     targets.initialtype <- "network"
     else if (class(target) == "list") {
     targets <- target
     targets.initialtype <- "list"
     else if (is.vector(target)) {
     targets <- list()
     targets[[1]] <- target
     targets.initialtype <- "vector"
     else {
     stop(paste("Target data type not supported. Supported types are 'matrix',",
     "'network', and 'list' objects and vectors."))
     if (length(sources) == length(targets)) {
     else if (length(sources) == 1) {
     for (i in 2:length(targets)) {
     sources[[i]] <- sources[[1]]
     else if (length(targets) == 1) {
     for (i in 2:length(sources)) {
     targets[[i]] <- targets[[1]]
     else {
     stop("Different numbers of sources and targets were provided.")
     sources.attribnames <- list()
     sources.attributes <- list()
     sources.types <- list()
     sources.onemode <- list()
     sources.directed <- list()
     sources.matrixnames <- list()
     sources.matrices <- list()
     targets.attribnames <- list()
     targets.attributes <- list()
     targets.types <- list()
     targets.onemode <- list()
     targets.directed <- list()
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     sources.types[[i]] <- class(sources[[i]])
     if (class(sources[[i]]) == "network") {
     sources.attribnames[[i]] <- list.vertex.attributes(sources[[i]])
     attributes <- list()
     if (!is.null(sources.attribnames[[i]]) && length(sources.attribnames[[i]]) >
     0) {
     for (j in 1:length(sources.attribnames[[i]])) {
     attributes[[j]] <- get.vertex.attribute(sources[[i]],
     sources.attributes[[i]] <- attributes
     sources.onemode[[i]] <- !is.bipartite(sources[[i]])
     sources.directed[[i]] <- is.directed(sources[[i]])
     temp <-[[i]])
     temp <- temp[!temp %in% c("bipartite", "directed",
     "hyper", "loops", "mnext", "multiple", "n")]
     if (length(temp) > 0) {
     for (j in length(temp):1) {
     if (!class([[i]],
     temp[j])) %in% c("network", "matrix", "Matrix")) {
     temp <- temp[-j]
     sources.matrixnames[[i]] <- temp
     matrices <- list()
     if (!is.null(sources.matrixnames[[i]]) && length(sources.matrixnames[[i]]) >
     0) {
     for (j in 1:length(sources.matrixnames[[i]])) {
     matrices[[j]] <-[[i]],
     sources.matrices[[i]] <- matrices
     sources[[i]] <- as.matrix(sources[[i]])
     else if (class(sources[[i]]) == "matrix") {
     sources.onemode[[i]] <- is.mat.onemode(sources[[i]])
     sources.directed[[i]] <- is.mat.directed(sources[[i]])
     else {
     sources[[i]] <- as.matrix(sources[[i]], ncol = 1)
     targets.types[[i]] <- class(targets[[i]])
     if (class(targets[[i]]) == "network") {
     targets.attribnames[[i]] <- list.vertex.attributes(targets[[i]])
     attributes <- list()
     if (!is.null(targets.attribnames[[i]]) && length(targets.attribnames[[i]]) >
     0) {
     for (j in 1:length(targets.attribnames[[i]])) {
     attributes[[j]] <- get.vertex.attribute(targets[[i]],
     targets.attributes[[i]] <- attributes
     targets.onemode[[i]] <- !is.bipartite(targets[[i]])
     targets.directed[[i]] <- is.directed(targets[[i]])
     targets[[i]] <- as.matrix(targets[[i]])
     else if (class(targets[[i]]) == "matrix") {
     targets.onemode[[i]] <- is.mat.onemode(targets[[i]])
     targets.directed[[i]] <- is.mat.directed(targets[[i]])
     else {
     targets[[i]] <- as.matrix(targets[[i]], ncol = 1)
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     if (is.null(rownames(sources[[i]])) && !is.null(colnames(sources[[i]])) &&
     nrow(sources[[i]]) == ncol(sources[[i]])) {
     rownames(sources[[i]]) <- colnames(sources[[i]])
     if (is.null(colnames(sources[[i]])) && !is.null(rownames(sources[[i]])) &&
     nrow(sources[[i]]) == ncol(sources[[i]])) {
     colnames(sources[[i]]) <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     if (is.null(rownames(targets[[i]])) && !is.null(colnames(targets[[i]])) &&
     nrow(targets[[i]]) == ncol(targets[[i]])) {
     rownames(targets[[i]]) <- colnames(targets[[i]])
     if (is.null(colnames(targets[[i]])) && !is.null(rownames(targets[[i]])) &&
     nrow(targets[[i]]) == ncol(targets[[i]])) {
     colnames(targets[[i]]) <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     if (class(sources[[i]]) %in% c("matrix", "data.frame")) {
     if (!is.null(rownames(sources[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- nrow(sources[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(rownames(sources[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate source row names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate source row name."))
     if (!is.null(colnames(sources[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- ncol(sources[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(colnames(sources[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate source column names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate source column name."))
     else {
     if (!is.null(names(sources[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- length(sources[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(names(sources[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate source names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate source name."))
     for (i in 1:length(targets)) {
     if (class(targets[[i]]) %in% c("matrix", "data.frame")) {
     if (!is.null(rownames(targets[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- nrow(targets[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(rownames(targets[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate target row names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate target row name."))
     if (!is.null(colnames(targets[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- ncol(targets[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(colnames(targets[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate target column names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate target column name."))
     else {
     if (!is.null(names(targets[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- length(targets[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(names(targets[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate target names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate target name."))
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network" && !is.null(sources.matrices[[i]]) &&
     length(sources.matrices[[i]]) > 0) {
     for (j in 1:length(sources.matrices[[i]])) {
     if (nrow(as.matrix(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]])) !=
     nrow(as.matrix(sources[[i]])) || ncol(as.matrix(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]])) !=
     ncol(as.matrix(sources[[i]]))) {
     warning(paste("Network attribute", sources.matrixnames[[i]][j],
     "does not have the same dimensions as the source network at",
     "time step", i, "."))
     if (class(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]]) == "network") {
     if (sources.onemode[[i]] == TRUE) {
     sources.matrices[[i]][[j]] <- set.vertex.attribute(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]],
     "vertex.names", rownames(as.matrix(sources[[i]])))
     else {
     sources.matrices[[i]][[j]] <- set.vertex.attribute(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]],
     "vertex.names", c(rownames(as.matrix(sources[[i]])),
     else {
     rownames(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]]) <- rownames(as.matrix(sources[[i]]))
     colnames(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]]) <- colnames(as.matrix(sources[[i]]))
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     if (!is.vector(sources[[i]]) && !class(sources[[i]]) %in%
     c("matrix", "network")) {
     stop(paste("Source item", i, "is not a matrix, network, or vector."))
     if (!is.vector(targets[[i]]) && !class(targets[[i]]) %in%
     c("matrix", "network")) {
     stop(paste("Target item", i, "is not a matrix, network, or vector."))
     add.row.labels <- character()
     add.col.labels <- character()
     if (add == TRUE) {
     nr <- nrow(sources[[i]])
     source.row.labels <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     if (!sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     source.col.labels <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     else {
     source.col.labels <- colnames(sources[[i]])
     if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     if (is.null(source.row.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The source at t = ", i, " does not contain any row labels."))
     if (is.null(source.col.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The source at t = ", i, " does not contain any column labels."))
     target.row.labels <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     if (!targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     target.col.labels <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     else {
     target.col.labels <- colnames(targets[[i]])
     if (is.null(target.row.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The target at t = ", i, " does not contain any row labels."))
     if (targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     if (is.null(target.col.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The target at t = ", i, " does not contain any column labels."))
     add.row.indices <- which(!target.row.labels %in%
     add.row.labels <- target.row.labels[add.row.indices]
     add.col.indices <- which(!target.col.labels %in%
     add.col.labels <- target.col.labels[add.col.indices]
     if (length(add.row.indices) > 0) {
     for (j in 1:length(add.row.indices)) {
     insert <- rep(value, ncol(sources[[i]]))
     part1 <- sources[[i]][0:(add.row.indices[j] -
     1), ]
     if (class(part1) != "matrix") {
     if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     part1 <- matrix(part1, nrow = 1)
     else {
     part1 <- matrix(part1, ncol = 1)
     rownames(part1) <- rownames(sources[[i]])[0:(add.row.indices[j] -
     if (add.row.indices[j] <= nrow(sources[[i]])) {
     part2 <- sources[[i]][add.row.indices[j]:nrow(sources[[i]]),
     else {
     part2 <- matrix(ncol = ncol(sources[[i]]),
     nrow = 0)
     if (class(part2) != "matrix") {
     part2 <- matrix(part2, nrow = 1)
     if (nrow(part2) > 0) {
     rownames(part2) <- rownames(sources[[i]])[add.row.indices[j]:nrow(sources[[i]])]
     sources[[i]] <- rbind(part1, insert, part2)
     else {
     sources[[i]] <- rbind(part1, insert)
     rownames(sources[[i]])[add.row.indices[j]] <- add.row.labels[j]
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network" && sources.onemode[[i]] ==
     TRUE) {
     for (k in 1:length(sources.attributes[[i]])) {
     at1 <- sources.attributes[[i]][[k]][0:(add.row.indices[j] -
     at2 <- sources.attributes[[i]][[k]][add.row.indices[j]:length(sources.attributes[[i]][[k]])]
     if (sources.attribnames[[i]][k] == "vertex.names") {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[k]] <- c(at1,
     add.row.labels[j], at2)
     else if (sources.attribnames[[i]][k] ==
     "na") {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[k]] <- c(at1,
     TRUE, at2)
     else {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[k]] <- c(at1,
     value, at2)
     if (length(add.col.indices) > 0 && sources.types[[i]] %in%
     c("matrix", "network")) {
     for (j in 1:length(add.col.indices)) {
     insert <- rep(value, nrow(sources[[i]]))
     part1 <- sources[[i]][, 0:(add.col.indices[j] -
     if (class(part1) != "matrix") {
     part1 <- matrix(part1, ncol = 1)
     colnames(part1) <- colnames(sources[[i]])[0:(add.col.indices[j] -
     if (add.col.indices[j] <= ncol(sources[[i]])) {
     part2 <- sources[[i]][, add.col.indices[j]:ncol(sources[[i]])]
     else {
     part2 <- matrix(nrow = nrow(sources[[i]]),
     ncol = 0)
     if (class(part2) != "matrix") {
     part2 <- matrix(part2, ncol = 1)
     if (ncol(part2) > 0) {
     colnames(part2) <- colnames(sources[[i]])[add.col.indices[j]:ncol(sources[[i]])]
     sources[[i]] <- cbind(part1, insert, part2)
     else {
     sources[[i]] <- cbind(part1, insert)
     colnames(sources[[i]])[add.col.indices[j]] <- add.col.labels[j]
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network" && sources.onemode[[i]] ==
     FALSE) {
     add.col.indices <- sapply(add.col.indices, function(x) x +
     combined.indices <- c(add.row.indices, add.col.indices)
     for (j in 1:length(sources.attributes[[i]])) {
     if (length(combined.indices) > 0) {
     for (k in 1:length(combined.indices)) {
     at1 <- sources.attributes[[i]][[j]][0:(combined.indices[k] -
     at2 <- sources.attributes[[i]][[j]][combined.indices[k]:length(sources.attributes[[i]][[j]])]
     if (sources.attribnames[[i]][j] == "vertex.names") {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[j]] <- c(at1,
     add.col.labels[j], at2)
     else if (sources.attribnames[[i]][j] ==
     "na") {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[j]] <- c(at1,
     TRUE, at2)
     else {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[j]] <- c(at1,
     value, at2)
     removed.rows <- character()
     removed.columns <- character()
     if (remove == TRUE) {
     nr <- nrow(sources[[i]])
     source.row.labels <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     if (!sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     source.col.labels <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     else {
     source.col.labels <- colnames(sources[[i]])
     if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     if (nr == 0) {
     stop(paste0("The source at t = ", i, " has no rows."))
     if (is.null(source.row.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The source at t = ", i, " does not contain any row labels."))
     if (is.null(source.col.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The source at t = ", i, " does not contain any column labels."))
     target.row.labels <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     if (!targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     target.col.labels <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     else {
     target.col.labels <- colnames(targets[[i]])
     if (targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     if (is.null(target.row.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The target at t = ", i, " does not contain any row labels."))
     if (is.null(target.col.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The target at t = ", i, " does not contain any column labels."))
     source.row.labels <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     source.col.labels <- colnames(sources[[i]])
     target.row.labels <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     target.col.labels <- colnames(targets[[i]])
     keep.row.indices <- which(source.row.labels %in%
     if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     keep.col.indices <- which(source.col.labels %in%
     else if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     !targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     if (sources.onemode[[i]] == TRUE) {
     keep.col.indices <- keep.row.indices
     else {
     keep.col.indices <- 1:ncol(sources[[i]])
     else {
     keep.col.indices <- 1
     removed.rows <- which(!1:nrow(as.matrix(sources[[i]])) %in%
     removed.columns <- which(!1:ncol(as.matrix(sources[[i]])) %in%
     sources[[i]] <- as.matrix(sources[[i]][keep.row.indices,
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network") {
     if (sources.onemode[[i]] == TRUE) {
     for (j in 1:length(sources.attributes[[i]])) {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[j]] <- sources.attributes[[i]][[j]][keep.row.indices]
     else {
     keep.col.indices <- sapply(keep.col.indices,
     function(x) x + nr)
     combined.indices <- c(keep.row.indices, keep.col.indices)
     for (j in 1:length(sources.attributes[[i]])) {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[j]] <- sources.attributes[[i]][[j]][combined.indices]
     if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     nrow(sources[[i]]) == nrow(targets[[i]]) && ncol(sources[[i]]) ==
     ncol(targets[[i]])) {
     sources[[i]] <- sources[[i]][rownames(targets[[i]]),
     else if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     !targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     nrow(sources[[i]]) == nrow(targets[[i]])) {
     sources[[i]] <- sources[[i]][rownames(targets[[i]]),
     else if (length(sources[[i]]) == nrow(targets[[i]])) {
     sources[[i]] <- sources[[i]][rownames(targets[[i]]),
     else if (add == FALSE && (nrow(sources[[i]]) < nrow(targets[[i]]) ||
     any(rownames(sources[[i]]) != rownames(targets[[i]])))) {
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network") {
     sources[[i]] <- network(sources[[i]], directed = sources.directed[[i]],
     bipartite = !sources.onemode[[i]])
     for (j in 1:length(sources.attribnames[[i]])) {
     sources[[i]] <- set.vertex.attribute(sources[[i]],
     sources.attribnames[[i]][j], sources.attributes[[i]][[j]])
     if (!sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     class(sources[[i]]) == "matrix" && ncol(sources[[i]]) ==
     1) {
     sources[[i]] <- sources[[i]][, 1]
     if (returnlabels == TRUE) {
     sources[[i]] <- list()
     sources[[i]]$removed.row <- removed.rows
     sources[[i]]$removed.col <- removed.columns
     sources[[i]]$added.row <- add.row.labels
     sources[[i]]$added.col <- add.col.labels
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network" && !is.null(sources.matrixnames[[i]]) &&
     length(sources.matrixnames[[i]]) > 0) {
     for (j in 1:length(sources.matrixnames[[i]])) {
     mat <- adjust(source = sources.matrices[[i]][[j]],
     target = sources[[i]], add = add, remove = remove,
     value = value)[[i]], sources.matrixnames[[i]][j],
     if (sources.initialtype == "list") {
     else {
    <bytecode: 0xa711f30>
    <environment: namespace:xergm.common>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function adjust in namespace xergm.common has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(source) == "matrix") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: adjust
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang

Version: 1.7.7
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘xergm.common-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: adjust
    > ### Title: Adjust the dimensions of a matrix to the dimensions of another
    > ### matrix
    > ### Aliases: adjust
    > ### ** Examples
    > # create sociomatrix a with 13 vertices a to m
    > vertices <- letters[1:13]
    > a <- matrix(rbinom(length(vertices)^2, 1, 0.1), nrow = length(vertices))
    > rownames(a) <- colnames(a) <- vertices
    > # create sociomatrix b with the same vertices except f and k, but additional n
    > vertices <- c(vertices[-c(6, 11)], "n")
    > b <- matrix(rbinom(length(vertices)^2, 1, 0.1), nrow = length(vertices))
    > rownames(b) <- colnames(b) <- vertices
    > # check dimensions
    > dim(a) # 13 x 13
    [1] 13 13
    > dim(b) # 12 x 12
    [1] 12 12
    > # adjust a to b: add n and fill up with NAs; remove f and k
    > adjust(a, b, add = TRUE, remove = TRUE)
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    adjust(a, b, add = TRUE, remove = TRUE)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(source) == "matrix") {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "matrix"
    } else if (class(source) == "network") {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "network"
    } else if (class(source) == "list") {
     sources <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "list"
    } else if (is.vector(source)) {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "vector"
    } else {
     stop(paste("Source data type not supported. Supported types are 'matrix',",
     "'network', and 'list' objects and vectors."))
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: adjust(a, b, add = TRUE, remove = TRUE)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] TRUE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
    function (source, target, remove = TRUE, add = TRUE, value = NA,
     returnlabels = FALSE)
     if (is.null(source)) {
     stop("The 'source' argument was not recognized.")
     else if (class(source) == "matrix") {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "matrix"
     else if (class(source) == "network") {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "network"
     else if (class(source) == "list") {
     sources <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "list"
     else if (is.vector(source)) {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "vector"
     else {
     stop(paste("Source data type not supported. Supported types are 'matrix',",
     "'network', and 'list' objects and vectors."))
     if (is.null(target)) {
     stop("The 'target' argument was not recognized.")
     else if (class(target) == "matrix") {
     targets <- list()
     targets[[1]] <- target
     targets.initialtype <- "matrix"
     else if (class(target) == "network") {
     targets <- list()
     targets[[1]] <- target
     targets.initialtype <- "network"
     else if (class(target) == "list") {
     targets <- target
     targets.initialtype <- "list"
     else if (is.vector(target)) {
     targets <- list()
     targets[[1]] <- target
     targets.initialtype <- "vector"
     else {
     stop(paste("Target data type not supported. Supported types are 'matrix',",
     "'network', and 'list' objects and vectors."))
     if (length(sources) == length(targets)) {
     else if (length(sources) == 1) {
     for (i in 2:length(targets)) {
     sources[[i]] <- sources[[1]]
     else if (length(targets) == 1) {
     for (i in 2:length(sources)) {
     targets[[i]] <- targets[[1]]
     else {
     stop("Different numbers of sources and targets were provided.")
     sources.attribnames <- list()
     sources.attributes <- list()
     sources.types <- list()
     sources.onemode <- list()
     sources.directed <- list()
     sources.matrixnames <- list()
     sources.matrices <- list()
     targets.attribnames <- list()
     targets.attributes <- list()
     targets.types <- list()
     targets.onemode <- list()
     targets.directed <- list()
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     sources.types[[i]] <- class(sources[[i]])
     if (class(sources[[i]]) == "network") {
     sources.attribnames[[i]] <- list.vertex.attributes(sources[[i]])
     attributes <- list()
     if (!is.null(sources.attribnames[[i]]) && length(sources.attribnames[[i]]) >
     0) {
     for (j in 1:length(sources.attribnames[[i]])) {
     attributes[[j]] <- get.vertex.attribute(sources[[i]],
     sources.attributes[[i]] <- attributes
     sources.onemode[[i]] <- !is.bipartite(sources[[i]])
     sources.directed[[i]] <- is.directed(sources[[i]])
     temp <-[[i]])
     temp <- temp[!temp %in% c("bipartite", "directed",
     "hyper", "loops", "mnext", "multiple", "n")]
     if (length(temp) > 0) {
     for (j in length(temp):1) {
     if (!class([[i]],
     temp[j])) %in% c("network", "matrix", "Matrix")) {
     temp <- temp[-j]
     sources.matrixnames[[i]] <- temp
     matrices <- list()
     if (!is.null(sources.matrixnames[[i]]) && length(sources.matrixnames[[i]]) >
     0) {
     for (j in 1:length(sources.matrixnames[[i]])) {
     matrices[[j]] <-[[i]],
     sources.matrices[[i]] <- matrices
     sources[[i]] <- as.matrix(sources[[i]])
     else if (class(sources[[i]]) == "matrix") {
     sources.onemode[[i]] <- is.mat.onemode(sources[[i]])
     sources.directed[[i]] <- is.mat.directed(sources[[i]])
     else {
     sources[[i]] <- as.matrix(sources[[i]], ncol = 1)
     targets.types[[i]] <- class(targets[[i]])
     if (class(targets[[i]]) == "network") {
     targets.attribnames[[i]] <- list.vertex.attributes(targets[[i]])
     attributes <- list()
     if (!is.null(targets.attribnames[[i]]) && length(targets.attribnames[[i]]) >
     0) {
     for (j in 1:length(targets.attribnames[[i]])) {
     attributes[[j]] <- get.vertex.attribute(targets[[i]],
     targets.attributes[[i]] <- attributes
     targets.onemode[[i]] <- !is.bipartite(targets[[i]])
     targets.directed[[i]] <- is.directed(targets[[i]])
     targets[[i]] <- as.matrix(targets[[i]])
     else if (class(targets[[i]]) == "matrix") {
     targets.onemode[[i]] <- is.mat.onemode(targets[[i]])
     targets.directed[[i]] <- is.mat.directed(targets[[i]])
     else {
     targets[[i]] <- as.matrix(targets[[i]], ncol = 1)
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     if (is.null(rownames(sources[[i]])) && !is.null(colnames(sources[[i]])) &&
     nrow(sources[[i]]) == ncol(sources[[i]])) {
     rownames(sources[[i]]) <- colnames(sources[[i]])
     if (is.null(colnames(sources[[i]])) && !is.null(rownames(sources[[i]])) &&
     nrow(sources[[i]]) == ncol(sources[[i]])) {
     colnames(sources[[i]]) <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     if (is.null(rownames(targets[[i]])) && !is.null(colnames(targets[[i]])) &&
     nrow(targets[[i]]) == ncol(targets[[i]])) {
     rownames(targets[[i]]) <- colnames(targets[[i]])
     if (is.null(colnames(targets[[i]])) && !is.null(rownames(targets[[i]])) &&
     nrow(targets[[i]]) == ncol(targets[[i]])) {
     colnames(targets[[i]]) <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     if (class(sources[[i]]) %in% c("matrix", "data.frame")) {
     if (!is.null(rownames(sources[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- nrow(sources[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(rownames(sources[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate source row names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate source row name."))
     if (!is.null(colnames(sources[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- ncol(sources[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(colnames(sources[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate source column names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate source column name."))
     else {
     if (!is.null(names(sources[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- length(sources[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(names(sources[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate source names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate source name."))
     for (i in 1:length(targets)) {
     if (class(targets[[i]]) %in% c("matrix", "data.frame")) {
     if (!is.null(rownames(targets[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- nrow(targets[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(rownames(targets[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate target row names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate target row name."))
     if (!is.null(colnames(targets[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- ncol(targets[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(colnames(targets[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate target column names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate target column name."))
     else {
     if (!is.null(names(targets[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- length(targets[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(names(targets[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate target names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate target name."))
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network" && !is.null(sources.matrices[[i]]) &&
     length(sources.matrices[[i]]) > 0) {
     for (j in 1:length(sources.matrices[[i]])) {
     if (nrow(as.matrix(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]])) !=
     nrow(as.matrix(sources[[i]])) || ncol(as.matrix(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]])) !=
     ncol(as.matrix(sources[[i]]))) {
     warning(paste("Network attribute", sources.matrixnames[[i]][j],
     "does not have the same dimensions as the source network at",
     "time step", i, "."))
     if (class(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]]) == "network") {
     if (sources.onemode[[i]] == TRUE) {
     sources.matrices[[i]][[j]] <- set.vertex.attribute(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]],
     "vertex.names", rownames(as.matrix(sources[[i]])))
     else {
     sources.matrices[[i]][[j]] <- set.vertex.attribute(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]],
     "vertex.names", c(rownames(as.matrix(sources[[i]])),
     else {
     rownames(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]]) <- rownames(as.matrix(sources[[i]]))
     colnames(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]]) <- colnames(as.matrix(sources[[i]]))
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     if (!is.vector(sources[[i]]) && !class(sources[[i]]) %in%
     c("matrix", "network")) {
     stop(paste("Source item", i, "is not a matrix, network, or vector."))
     if (!is.vector(targets[[i]]) && !class(targets[[i]]) %in%
     c("matrix", "network")) {
     stop(paste("Target item", i, "is not a matrix, network, or vector."))
     add.row.labels <- character()
     add.col.labels <- character()
     if (add == TRUE) {
     nr <- nrow(sources[[i]])
     source.row.labels <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     if (!sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     source.col.labels <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     else {
     source.col.labels <- colnames(sources[[i]])
     if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     if (is.null(source.row.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The source at t = ", i, " does not contain any row labels."))
     if (is.null(source.col.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The source at t = ", i, " does not contain any column labels."))
     target.row.labels <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     if (!targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     target.col.labels <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     else {
     target.col.labels <- colnames(targets[[i]])
     if (is.null(target.row.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The target at t = ", i, " does not contain any row labels."))
     if (targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     if (is.null(target.col.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The target at t = ", i, " does not contain any column labels."))
     add.row.indices <- which(!target.row.labels %in%
     add.row.labels <- target.row.labels[add.row.indices]
     add.col.indices <- which(!target.col.labels %in%
     add.col.labels <- target.col.labels[add.col.indices]
     if (length(add.row.indices) > 0) {
     for (j in 1:length(add.row.indices)) {
     insert <- rep(value, ncol(sources[[i]]))
     part1 <- sources[[i]][0:(add.row.indices[j] -
     1), ]
     if (class(part1) != "matrix") {
     if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     part1 <- matrix(part1, nrow = 1)
     else {
     part1 <- matrix(part1, ncol = 1)
     rownames(part1) <- rownames(sources[[i]])[0:(add.row.indices[j] -
     if (add.row.indices[j] <= nrow(sources[[i]])) {
     part2 <- sources[[i]][add.row.indices[j]:nrow(sources[[i]]),
     else {
     part2 <- matrix(ncol = ncol(sources[[i]]),
     nrow = 0)
     if (class(part2) != "matrix") {
     part2 <- matrix(part2, nrow = 1)
     if (nrow(part2) > 0) {
     rownames(part2) <- rownames(sources[[i]])[add.row.indices[j]:nrow(sources[[i]])]
     sources[[i]] <- rbind(part1, insert, part2)
     else {
     sources[[i]] <- rbind(part1, insert)
     rownames(sources[[i]])[add.row.indices[j]] <- add.row.labels[j]
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network" && sources.onemode[[i]] ==
     TRUE) {
     for (k in 1:length(sources.attributes[[i]])) {
     at1 <- sources.attributes[[i]][[k]][0:(add.row.indices[j] -
     at2 <- sources.attributes[[i]][[k]][add.row.indices[j]:length(sources.attributes[[i]][[k]])]
     if (sources.attribnames[[i]][k] == "vertex.names") {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[k]] <- c(at1,
     add.row.labels[j], at2)
     else if (sources.attribnames[[i]][k] ==
     "na") {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[k]] <- c(at1,
     TRUE, at2)
     else {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[k]] <- c(at1,
     value, at2)
     if (length(add.col.indices) > 0 && sources.types[[i]] %in%
     c("matrix", "network")) {
     for (j in 1:length(add.col.indices)) {
     insert <- rep(value, nrow(sources[[i]]))
     part1 <- sources[[i]][, 0:(add.col.indices[j] -
     if (class(part1) != "matrix") {
     part1 <- matrix(part1, ncol = 1)
     colnames(part1) <- colnames(sources[[i]])[0:(add.col.indices[j] -
     if (add.col.indices[j] <= ncol(sources[[i]])) {
     part2 <- sources[[i]][, add.col.indices[j]:ncol(sources[[i]])]
     else {
     part2 <- matrix(nrow = nrow(sources[[i]]),
     ncol = 0)
     if (class(part2) != "matrix") {
     part2 <- matrix(part2, ncol = 1)
     if (ncol(part2) > 0) {
     colnames(part2) <- colnames(sources[[i]])[add.col.indices[j]:ncol(sources[[i]])]
     sources[[i]] <- cbind(part1, insert, part2)
     else {
     sources[[i]] <- cbind(part1, insert)
     colnames(sources[[i]])[add.col.indices[j]] <- add.col.labels[j]
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network" && sources.onemode[[i]] ==
     FALSE) {
     add.col.indices <- sapply(add.col.indices, function(x) x +
     combined.indices <- c(add.row.indices, add.col.indices)
     for (j in 1:length(sources.attributes[[i]])) {
     if (length(combined.indices) > 0) {
     for (k in 1:length(combined.indices)) {
     at1 <- sources.attributes[[i]][[j]][0:(combined.indices[k] -
     at2 <- sources.attributes[[i]][[j]][combined.indices[k]:length(sources.attributes[[i]][[j]])]
     if (sources.attribnames[[i]][j] == "vertex.names") {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[j]] <- c(at1,
     add.col.labels[j], at2)
     else if (sources.attribnames[[i]][j] ==
     "na") {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[j]] <- c(at1,
     TRUE, at2)
     else {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[j]] <- c(at1,
     value, at2)
     removed.rows <- character()
     removed.columns <- character()
     if (remove == TRUE) {
     nr <- nrow(sources[[i]])
     source.row.labels <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     if (!sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     source.col.labels <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     else {
     source.col.labels <- colnames(sources[[i]])
     if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     if (nr == 0) {
     stop(paste0("The source at t = ", i, " has no rows."))
     if (is.null(source.row.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The source at t = ", i, " does not contain any row labels."))
     if (is.null(source.col.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The source at t = ", i, " does not contain any column labels."))
     target.row.labels <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     if (!targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     target.col.labels <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     else {
     target.col.labels <- colnames(targets[[i]])
     if (targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     if (is.null(target.row.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The target at t = ", i, " does not contain any row labels."))
     if (is.null(target.col.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The target at t = ", i, " does not contain any column labels."))
     source.row.labels <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     source.col.labels <- colnames(sources[[i]])
     target.row.labels <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     target.col.labels <- colnames(targets[[i]])
     keep.row.indices <- which(source.row.labels %in%
     if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     keep.col.indices <- which(source.col.labels %in%
     else if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     !targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     if (sources.onemode[[i]] == TRUE) {
     keep.col.indices <- keep.row.indices
     else {
     keep.col.indices <- 1:ncol(sources[[i]])
     else {
     keep.col.indices <- 1
     removed.rows <- which(!1:nrow(as.matrix(sources[[i]])) %in%
     removed.columns <- which(!1:ncol(as.matrix(sources[[i]])) %in%
     sources[[i]] <- as.matrix(sources[[i]][keep.row.indices,
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network") {
     if (sources.onemode[[i]] == TRUE) {
     for (j in 1:length(sources.attributes[[i]])) {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[j]] <- sources.attributes[[i]][[j]][keep.row.indices]
     else {
     keep.col.indices <- sapply(keep.col.indices,
     function(x) x + nr)
     combined.indices <- c(keep.row.indices, keep.col.indices)
     for (j in 1:length(sources.attributes[[i]])) {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[j]] <- sources.attributes[[i]][[j]][combined.indices]
     if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     nrow(sources[[i]]) == nrow(targets[[i]]) && ncol(sources[[i]]) ==
     ncol(targets[[i]])) {
     sources[[i]] <- sources[[i]][rownames(targets[[i]]),
     else if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     !targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     nrow(sources[[i]]) == nrow(targets[[i]])) {
     sources[[i]] <- sources[[i]][rownames(targets[[i]]),
     else if (length(sources[[i]]) == nrow(targets[[i]])) {
     sources[[i]] <- sources[[i]][rownames(targets[[i]]),
     else if (add == FALSE && (nrow(sources[[i]]) < nrow(targets[[i]]) ||
     any(rownames(sources[[i]]) != rownames(targets[[i]])))) {
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network") {
     sources[[i]] <- network(sources[[i]], directed = sources.directed[[i]],
     bipartite = !sources.onemode[[i]])
     for (j in 1:length(sources.attribnames[[i]])) {
     sources[[i]] <- set.vertex.attribute(sources[[i]],
     sources.attribnames[[i]][j], sources.attributes[[i]][[j]])
     if (!sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     class(sources[[i]]) == "matrix" && ncol(sources[[i]]) ==
     1) {
     sources[[i]] <- sources[[i]][, 1]
     if (returnlabels == TRUE) {
     sources[[i]] <- list()
     sources[[i]]$removed.row <- removed.rows
     sources[[i]]$removed.col <- removed.columns
     sources[[i]]$added.row <- add.row.labels
     sources[[i]]$added.col <- add.col.labels
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network" && !is.null(sources.matrixnames[[i]]) &&
     length(sources.matrixnames[[i]]) > 0) {
     for (j in 1:length(sources.matrixnames[[i]])) {
     mat <- adjust(source = sources.matrices[[i]][[j]],
     target = sources[[i]], add = add, remove = remove,
     value = value)[[i]], sources.matrixnames[[i]][j],
     if (sources.initialtype == "list") {
     else {
    <bytecode: 0x559295c857b8>
    <environment: namespace:xergm.common>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function adjust in namespace xergm.common has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(source) == "matrix") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: adjust
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc

Version: 1.7.7
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘xergm.common-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: adjust
    > ### Title: Adjust the dimensions of a matrix to the dimensions of another
    > ### matrix
    > ### Aliases: adjust
    > ### ** Examples
    > # create sociomatrix a with 13 vertices a to m
    > vertices <- letters[1:13]
    > a <- matrix(rbinom(length(vertices)^2, 1, 0.1), nrow = length(vertices))
    > rownames(a) <- colnames(a) <- vertices
    > # create sociomatrix b with the same vertices except f and k, but additional n
    > vertices <- c(vertices[-c(6, 11)], "n")
    > b <- matrix(rbinom(length(vertices)^2, 1, 0.1), nrow = length(vertices))
    > rownames(b) <- colnames(b) <- vertices
    > # check dimensions
    > dim(a) # 13 x 13
    [1] 13 13
    > dim(b) # 12 x 12
    [1] 12 12
    > # adjust a to b: add n and fill up with NAs; remove f and k
    > adjust(a, b, add = TRUE, remove = TRUE)
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    adjust(a, b, add = TRUE, remove = TRUE)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(source) == "matrix") {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "matrix"
    } else if (class(source) == "network") {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "network"
    } else if (class(source) == "list") {
     sources <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "list"
    } else if (is.vector(source)) {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "vector"
    } else {
     stop(paste("Source data type not supported. Supported types are 'matrix',",
     "'network', and 'list' objects and vectors."))
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: adjust(a, b, add = TRUE, remove = TRUE)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] TRUE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
    function (source, target, remove = TRUE, add = TRUE, value = NA,
     returnlabels = FALSE)
     if (is.null(source)) {
     stop("The 'source' argument was not recognized.")
     else if (class(source) == "matrix") {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "matrix"
     else if (class(source) == "network") {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "network"
     else if (class(source) == "list") {
     sources <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "list"
     else if (is.vector(source)) {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "vector"
     else {
     stop(paste("Source data type not supported. Supported types are 'matrix',",
     "'network', and 'list' objects and vectors."))
     if (is.null(target)) {
     stop("The 'target' argument was not recognized.")
     else if (class(target) == "matrix") {
     targets <- list()
     targets[[1]] <- target
     targets.initialtype <- "matrix"
     else if (class(target) == "network") {
     targets <- list()
     targets[[1]] <- target
     targets.initialtype <- "network"
     else if (class(target) == "list") {
     targets <- target
     targets.initialtype <- "list"
     else if (is.vector(target)) {
     targets <- list()
     targets[[1]] <- target
     targets.initialtype <- "vector"
     else {
     stop(paste("Target data type not supported. Supported types are 'matrix',",
     "'network', and 'list' objects and vectors."))
     if (length(sources) == length(targets)) {
     else if (length(sources) == 1) {
     for (i in 2:length(targets)) {
     sources[[i]] <- sources[[1]]
     else if (length(targets) == 1) {
     for (i in 2:length(sources)) {
     targets[[i]] <- targets[[1]]
     else {
     stop("Different numbers of sources and targets were provided.")
     sources.attribnames <- list()
     sources.attributes <- list()
     sources.types <- list()
     sources.onemode <- list()
     sources.directed <- list()
     sources.matrixnames <- list()
     sources.matrices <- list()
     targets.attribnames <- list()
     targets.attributes <- list()
     targets.types <- list()
     targets.onemode <- list()
     targets.directed <- list()
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     sources.types[[i]] <- class(sources[[i]])
     if (class(sources[[i]]) == "network") {
     sources.attribnames[[i]] <- list.vertex.attributes(sources[[i]])
     attributes <- list()
     if (!is.null(sources.attribnames[[i]]) && length(sources.attribnames[[i]]) >
     0) {
     for (j in 1:length(sources.attribnames[[i]])) {
     attributes[[j]] <- get.vertex.attribute(sources[[i]],
     sources.attributes[[i]] <- attributes
     sources.onemode[[i]] <- !is.bipartite(sources[[i]])
     sources.directed[[i]] <- is.directed(sources[[i]])
     temp <-[[i]])
     temp <- temp[!temp %in% c("bipartite", "directed",
     "hyper", "loops", "mnext", "multiple", "n")]
     if (length(temp) > 0) {
     for (j in length(temp):1) {
     if (!class([[i]],
     temp[j])) %in% c("network", "matrix", "Matrix")) {
     temp <- temp[-j]
     sources.matrixnames[[i]] <- temp
     matrices <- list()
     if (!is.null(sources.matrixnames[[i]]) && length(sources.matrixnames[[i]]) >
     0) {
     for (j in 1:length(sources.matrixnames[[i]])) {
     matrices[[j]] <-[[i]],
     sources.matrices[[i]] <- matrices
     sources[[i]] <- as.matrix(sources[[i]])
     else if (class(sources[[i]]) == "matrix") {
     sources.onemode[[i]] <- is.mat.onemode(sources[[i]])
     sources.directed[[i]] <- is.mat.directed(sources[[i]])
     else {
     sources[[i]] <- as.matrix(sources[[i]], ncol = 1)
     targets.types[[i]] <- class(targets[[i]])
     if (class(targets[[i]]) == "network") {
     targets.attribnames[[i]] <- list.vertex.attributes(targets[[i]])
     attributes <- list()
     if (!is.null(targets.attribnames[[i]]) && length(targets.attribnames[[i]]) >
     0) {
     for (j in 1:length(targets.attribnames[[i]])) {
     attributes[[j]] <- get.vertex.attribute(targets[[i]],
     targets.attributes[[i]] <- attributes
     targets.onemode[[i]] <- !is.bipartite(targets[[i]])
     targets.directed[[i]] <- is.directed(targets[[i]])
     targets[[i]] <- as.matrix(targets[[i]])
     else if (class(targets[[i]]) == "matrix") {
     targets.onemode[[i]] <- is.mat.onemode(targets[[i]])
     targets.directed[[i]] <- is.mat.directed(targets[[i]])
     else {
     targets[[i]] <- as.matrix(targets[[i]], ncol = 1)
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     if (is.null(rownames(sources[[i]])) && !is.null(colnames(sources[[i]])) &&
     nrow(sources[[i]]) == ncol(sources[[i]])) {
     rownames(sources[[i]]) <- colnames(sources[[i]])
     if (is.null(colnames(sources[[i]])) && !is.null(rownames(sources[[i]])) &&
     nrow(sources[[i]]) == ncol(sources[[i]])) {
     colnames(sources[[i]]) <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     if (is.null(rownames(targets[[i]])) && !is.null(colnames(targets[[i]])) &&
     nrow(targets[[i]]) == ncol(targets[[i]])) {
     rownames(targets[[i]]) <- colnames(targets[[i]])
     if (is.null(colnames(targets[[i]])) && !is.null(rownames(targets[[i]])) &&
     nrow(targets[[i]]) == ncol(targets[[i]])) {
     colnames(targets[[i]]) <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     if (class(sources[[i]]) %in% c("matrix", "data.frame")) {
     if (!is.null(rownames(sources[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- nrow(sources[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(rownames(sources[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate source row names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate source row name."))
     if (!is.null(colnames(sources[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- ncol(sources[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(colnames(sources[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate source column names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate source column name."))
     else {
     if (!is.null(names(sources[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- length(sources[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(names(sources[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate source names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate source name."))
     for (i in 1:length(targets)) {
     if (class(targets[[i]]) %in% c("matrix", "data.frame")) {
     if (!is.null(rownames(targets[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- nrow(targets[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(rownames(targets[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate target row names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate target row name."))
     if (!is.null(colnames(targets[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- ncol(targets[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(colnames(targets[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate target column names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate target column name."))
     else {
     if (!is.null(names(targets[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- length(targets[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(names(targets[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate target names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate target name."))
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network" && !is.null(sources.matrices[[i]]) &&
     length(sources.matrices[[i]]) > 0) {
     for (j in 1:length(sources.matrices[[i]])) {
     if (nrow(as.matrix(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]])) !=
     nrow(as.matrix(sources[[i]])) || ncol(as.matrix(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]])) !=
     ncol(as.matrix(sources[[i]]))) {
     warning(paste("Network attribute", sources.matrixnames[[i]][j],
     "does not have the same dimensions as the source network at",
     "time step", i, "."))
     if (class(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]]) == "network") {
     if (sources.onemode[[i]] == TRUE) {
     sources.matrices[[i]][[j]] <- set.vertex.attribute(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]],
     "vertex.names", rownames(as.matrix(sources[[i]])))
     else {
     sources.matrices[[i]][[j]] <- set.vertex.attribute(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]],
     "vertex.names", c(rownames(as.matrix(sources[[i]])),
     else {
     rownames(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]]) <- rownames(as.matrix(sources[[i]]))
     colnames(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]]) <- colnames(as.matrix(sources[[i]]))
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     if (!is.vector(sources[[i]]) && !class(sources[[i]]) %in%
     c("matrix", "network")) {
     stop(paste("Source item", i, "is not a matrix, network, or vector."))
     if (!is.vector(targets[[i]]) && !class(targets[[i]]) %in%
     c("matrix", "network")) {
     stop(paste("Target item", i, "is not a matrix, network, or vector."))
     add.row.labels <- character()
     add.col.labels <- character()
     if (add == TRUE) {
     nr <- nrow(sources[[i]])
     source.row.labels <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     if (!sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     source.col.labels <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     else {
     source.col.labels <- colnames(sources[[i]])
     if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     if (is.null(source.row.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The source at t = ", i, " does not contain any row labels."))
     if (is.null(source.col.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The source at t = ", i, " does not contain any column labels."))
     target.row.labels <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     if (!targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     target.col.labels <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     else {
     target.col.labels <- colnames(targets[[i]])
     if (is.null(target.row.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The target at t = ", i, " does not contain any row labels."))
     if (targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     if (is.null(target.col.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The target at t = ", i, " does not contain any column labels."))
     add.row.indices <- which(!target.row.labels %in%
     add.row.labels <- target.row.labels[add.row.indices]
     add.col.indices <- which(!target.col.labels %in%
     add.col.labels <- target.col.labels[add.col.indices]
     if (length(add.row.indices) > 0) {
     for (j in 1:length(add.row.indices)) {
     insert <- rep(value, ncol(sources[[i]]))
     part1 <- sources[[i]][0:(add.row.indices[j] -
     1), ]
     if (class(part1) != "matrix") {
     if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     part1 <- matrix(part1, nrow = 1)
     else {
     part1 <- matrix(part1, ncol = 1)
     rownames(part1) <- rownames(sources[[i]])[0:(add.row.indices[j] -
     if (add.row.indices[j] <= nrow(sources[[i]])) {
     part2 <- sources[[i]][add.row.indices[j]:nrow(sources[[i]]),
     else {
     part2 <- matrix(ncol = ncol(sources[[i]]),
     nrow = 0)
     if (class(part2) != "matrix") {
     part2 <- matrix(part2, nrow = 1)
     if (nrow(part2) > 0) {
     rownames(part2) <- rownames(sources[[i]])[add.row.indices[j]:nrow(sources[[i]])]
     sources[[i]] <- rbind(part1, insert, part2)
     else {
     sources[[i]] <- rbind(part1, insert)
     rownames(sources[[i]])[add.row.indices[j]] <- add.row.labels[j]
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network" && sources.onemode[[i]] ==
     TRUE) {
     for (k in 1:length(sources.attributes[[i]])) {
     at1 <- sources.attributes[[i]][[k]][0:(add.row.indices[j] -
     at2 <- sources.attributes[[i]][[k]][add.row.indices[j]:length(sources.attributes[[i]][[k]])]
     if (sources.attribnames[[i]][k] == "vertex.names") {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[k]] <- c(at1,
     add.row.labels[j], at2)
     else if (sources.attribnames[[i]][k] ==
     "na") {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[k]] <- c(at1,
     TRUE, at2)
     else {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[k]] <- c(at1,
     value, at2)
     if (length(add.col.indices) > 0 && sources.types[[i]] %in%
     c("matrix", "network")) {
     for (j in 1:length(add.col.indices)) {
     insert <- rep(value, nrow(sources[[i]]))
     part1 <- sources[[i]][, 0:(add.col.indices[j] -
     if (class(part1) != "matrix") {
     part1 <- matrix(part1, ncol = 1)
     colnames(part1) <- colnames(sources[[i]])[0:(add.col.indices[j] -
     if (add.col.indices[j] <= ncol(sources[[i]])) {
     part2 <- sources[[i]][, add.col.indices[j]:ncol(sources[[i]])]
     else {
     part2 <- matrix(nrow = nrow(sources[[i]]),
     ncol = 0)
     if (class(part2) != "matrix") {
     part2 <- matrix(part2, ncol = 1)
     if (ncol(part2) > 0) {
     colnames(part2) <- colnames(sources[[i]])[add.col.indices[j]:ncol(sources[[i]])]
     sources[[i]] <- cbind(part1, insert, part2)
     else {
     sources[[i]] <- cbind(part1, insert)
     colnames(sources[[i]])[add.col.indices[j]] <- add.col.labels[j]
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network" && sources.onemode[[i]] ==
     FALSE) {
     add.col.indices <- sapply(add.col.indices, function(x) x +
     combined.indices <- c(add.row.indices, add.col.indices)
     for (j in 1:length(sources.attributes[[i]])) {
     if (length(combined.indices) > 0) {
     for (k in 1:length(combined.indices)) {
     at1 <- sources.attributes[[i]][[j]][0:(combined.indices[k] -
     at2 <- sources.attributes[[i]][[j]][combined.indices[k]:length(sources.attributes[[i]][[j]])]
     if (sources.attribnames[[i]][j] == "vertex.names") {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[j]] <- c(at1,
     add.col.labels[j], at2)
     else if (sources.attribnames[[i]][j] ==
     "na") {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[j]] <- c(at1,
     TRUE, at2)
     else {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[j]] <- c(at1,
     value, at2)
     removed.rows <- character()
     removed.columns <- character()
     if (remove == TRUE) {
     nr <- nrow(sources[[i]])
     source.row.labels <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     if (!sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     source.col.labels <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     else {
     source.col.labels <- colnames(sources[[i]])
     if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     if (nr == 0) {
     stop(paste0("The source at t = ", i, " has no rows."))
     if (is.null(source.row.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The source at t = ", i, " does not contain any row labels."))
     if (is.null(source.col.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The source at t = ", i, " does not contain any column labels."))
     target.row.labels <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     if (!targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     target.col.labels <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     else {
     target.col.labels <- colnames(targets[[i]])
     if (targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     if (is.null(target.row.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The target at t = ", i, " does not contain any row labels."))
     if (is.null(target.col.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The target at t = ", i, " does not contain any column labels."))
     source.row.labels <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     source.col.labels <- colnames(sources[[i]])
     target.row.labels <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     target.col.labels <- colnames(targets[[i]])
     keep.row.indices <- which(source.row.labels %in%
     if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     keep.col.indices <- which(source.col.labels %in%
     else if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     !targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     if (sources.onemode[[i]] == TRUE) {
     keep.col.indices <- keep.row.indices
     else {
     keep.col.indices <- 1:ncol(sources[[i]])
     else {
     keep.col.indices <- 1
     removed.rows <- which(!1:nrow(as.matrix(sources[[i]])) %in%
     removed.columns <- which(!1:ncol(as.matrix(sources[[i]])) %in%
     sources[[i]] <- as.matrix(sources[[i]][keep.row.indices,
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network") {
     if (sources.onemode[[i]] == TRUE) {
     for (j in 1:length(sources.attributes[[i]])) {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[j]] <- sources.attributes[[i]][[j]][keep.row.indices]
     else {
     keep.col.indices <- sapply(keep.col.indices,
     function(x) x + nr)
     combined.indices <- c(keep.row.indices, keep.col.indices)
     for (j in 1:length(sources.attributes[[i]])) {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[j]] <- sources.attributes[[i]][[j]][combined.indices]
     if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     nrow(sources[[i]]) == nrow(targets[[i]]) && ncol(sources[[i]]) ==
     ncol(targets[[i]])) {
     sources[[i]] <- sources[[i]][rownames(targets[[i]]),
     else if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     !targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     nrow(sources[[i]]) == nrow(targets[[i]])) {
     sources[[i]] <- sources[[i]][rownames(targets[[i]]),
     else if (length(sources[[i]]) == nrow(targets[[i]])) {
     sources[[i]] <- sources[[i]][rownames(targets[[i]]),
     else if (add == FALSE && (nrow(sources[[i]]) < nrow(targets[[i]]) ||
     any(rownames(sources[[i]]) != rownames(targets[[i]])))) {
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network") {
     sources[[i]] <- network(sources[[i]], directed = sources.directed[[i]],
     bipartite = !sources.onemode[[i]])
     for (j in 1:length(sources.attribnames[[i]])) {
     sources[[i]] <- set.vertex.attribute(sources[[i]],
     sources.attribnames[[i]][j], sources.attributes[[i]][[j]])
     if (!sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     class(sources[[i]]) == "matrix" && ncol(sources[[i]]) ==
     1) {
     sources[[i]] <- sources[[i]][, 1]
     if (returnlabels == TRUE) {
     sources[[i]] <- list()
     sources[[i]]$removed.row <- removed.rows
     sources[[i]]$removed.col <- removed.columns
     sources[[i]]$added.row <- add.row.labels
     sources[[i]]$added.col <- add.col.labels
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network" && !is.null(sources.matrixnames[[i]]) &&
     length(sources.matrixnames[[i]]) > 0) {
     for (j in 1:length(sources.matrixnames[[i]])) {
     mat <- adjust(source = sources.matrices[[i]][[j]],
     target = sources[[i]], add = add, remove = remove,
     value = value)[[i]], sources.matrixnames[[i]][j],
     if (sources.initialtype == "list") {
     else {
    <bytecode: 0xafb9698>
    <environment: namespace:xergm.common>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function adjust in namespace xergm.common has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(source) == "matrix") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: adjust
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Version: 1.7.7
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘xergm.common-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: adjust
    > ### Title: Adjust the dimensions of a matrix to the dimensions of another
    > ### matrix
    > ### Aliases: adjust
    > ### ** Examples
    > # create sociomatrix a with 13 vertices a to m
    > vertices <- letters[1:13]
    > a <- matrix(rbinom(length(vertices)^2, 1, 0.1), nrow = length(vertices))
    > rownames(a) <- colnames(a) <- vertices
    > # create sociomatrix b with the same vertices except f and k, but additional n
    > vertices <- c(vertices[-c(6, 11)], "n")
    > b <- matrix(rbinom(length(vertices)^2, 1, 0.1), nrow = length(vertices))
    > rownames(b) <- colnames(b) <- vertices
    > # check dimensions
    > dim(a) # 13 x 13
    [1] 13 13
    > dim(b) # 12 x 12
    [1] 12 12
    > # adjust a to b: add n and fill up with NAs; remove f and k
    > adjust(a, b, add = TRUE, remove = TRUE)
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    adjust(a, b, add = TRUE, remove = TRUE)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(source) == "matrix") {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "matrix"
    } else if (class(source) == "network") {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "network"
    } else if (class(source) == "list") {
     sources <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "list"
    } else if (is.vector(source)) {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "vector"
    } else {
     stop(paste("Source data type not supported. Supported types are 'matrix',",
     "'network', and 'list' objects and vectors."))
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: adjust(a, b, add = TRUE, remove = TRUE)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] TRUE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
    function (source, target, remove = TRUE, add = TRUE, value = NA,
     returnlabels = FALSE)
     if (is.null(source)) {
     stop("The 'source' argument was not recognized.")
     else if (class(source) == "matrix") {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "matrix"
     else if (class(source) == "network") {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "network"
     else if (class(source) == "list") {
     sources <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "list"
     else if (is.vector(source)) {
     sources <- list()
     sources[[1]] <- source
     sources.initialtype <- "vector"
     else {
     stop(paste("Source data type not supported. Supported types are 'matrix',",
     "'network', and 'list' objects and vectors."))
     if (is.null(target)) {
     stop("The 'target' argument was not recognized.")
     else if (class(target) == "matrix") {
     targets <- list()
     targets[[1]] <- target
     targets.initialtype <- "matrix"
     else if (class(target) == "network") {
     targets <- list()
     targets[[1]] <- target
     targets.initialtype <- "network"
     else if (class(target) == "list") {
     targets <- target
     targets.initialtype <- "list"
     else if (is.vector(target)) {
     targets <- list()
     targets[[1]] <- target
     targets.initialtype <- "vector"
     else {
     stop(paste("Target data type not supported. Supported types are 'matrix',",
     "'network', and 'list' objects and vectors."))
     if (length(sources) == length(targets)) {
     else if (length(sources) == 1) {
     for (i in 2:length(targets)) {
     sources[[i]] <- sources[[1]]
     else if (length(targets) == 1) {
     for (i in 2:length(sources)) {
     targets[[i]] <- targets[[1]]
     else {
     stop("Different numbers of sources and targets were provided.")
     sources.attribnames <- list()
     sources.attributes <- list()
     sources.types <- list()
     sources.onemode <- list()
     sources.directed <- list()
     sources.matrixnames <- list()
     sources.matrices <- list()
     targets.attribnames <- list()
     targets.attributes <- list()
     targets.types <- list()
     targets.onemode <- list()
     targets.directed <- list()
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     sources.types[[i]] <- class(sources[[i]])
     if (class(sources[[i]]) == "network") {
     sources.attribnames[[i]] <- list.vertex.attributes(sources[[i]])
     attributes <- list()
     if (!is.null(sources.attribnames[[i]]) && length(sources.attribnames[[i]]) >
     0) {
     for (j in 1:length(sources.attribnames[[i]])) {
     attributes[[j]] <- get.vertex.attribute(sources[[i]],
     sources.attributes[[i]] <- attributes
     sources.onemode[[i]] <- !is.bipartite(sources[[i]])
     sources.directed[[i]] <- is.directed(sources[[i]])
     temp <-[[i]])
     temp <- temp[!temp %in% c("bipartite", "directed",
     "hyper", "loops", "mnext", "multiple", "n")]
     if (length(temp) > 0) {
     for (j in length(temp):1) {
     if (!class([[i]],
     temp[j])) %in% c("network", "matrix", "Matrix")) {
     temp <- temp[-j]
     sources.matrixnames[[i]] <- temp
     matrices <- list()
     if (!is.null(sources.matrixnames[[i]]) && length(sources.matrixnames[[i]]) >
     0) {
     for (j in 1:length(sources.matrixnames[[i]])) {
     matrices[[j]] <-[[i]],
     sources.matrices[[i]] <- matrices
     sources[[i]] <- as.matrix(sources[[i]])
     else if (class(sources[[i]]) == "matrix") {
     sources.onemode[[i]] <- is.mat.onemode(sources[[i]])
     sources.directed[[i]] <- is.mat.directed(sources[[i]])
     else {
     sources[[i]] <- as.matrix(sources[[i]], ncol = 1)
     targets.types[[i]] <- class(targets[[i]])
     if (class(targets[[i]]) == "network") {
     targets.attribnames[[i]] <- list.vertex.attributes(targets[[i]])
     attributes <- list()
     if (!is.null(targets.attribnames[[i]]) && length(targets.attribnames[[i]]) >
     0) {
     for (j in 1:length(targets.attribnames[[i]])) {
     attributes[[j]] <- get.vertex.attribute(targets[[i]],
     targets.attributes[[i]] <- attributes
     targets.onemode[[i]] <- !is.bipartite(targets[[i]])
     targets.directed[[i]] <- is.directed(targets[[i]])
     targets[[i]] <- as.matrix(targets[[i]])
     else if (class(targets[[i]]) == "matrix") {
     targets.onemode[[i]] <- is.mat.onemode(targets[[i]])
     targets.directed[[i]] <- is.mat.directed(targets[[i]])
     else {
     targets[[i]] <- as.matrix(targets[[i]], ncol = 1)
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     if (is.null(rownames(sources[[i]])) && !is.null(colnames(sources[[i]])) &&
     nrow(sources[[i]]) == ncol(sources[[i]])) {
     rownames(sources[[i]]) <- colnames(sources[[i]])
     if (is.null(colnames(sources[[i]])) && !is.null(rownames(sources[[i]])) &&
     nrow(sources[[i]]) == ncol(sources[[i]])) {
     colnames(sources[[i]]) <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     if (is.null(rownames(targets[[i]])) && !is.null(colnames(targets[[i]])) &&
     nrow(targets[[i]]) == ncol(targets[[i]])) {
     rownames(targets[[i]]) <- colnames(targets[[i]])
     if (is.null(colnames(targets[[i]])) && !is.null(rownames(targets[[i]])) &&
     nrow(targets[[i]]) == ncol(targets[[i]])) {
     colnames(targets[[i]]) <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     if (class(sources[[i]]) %in% c("matrix", "data.frame")) {
     if (!is.null(rownames(sources[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- nrow(sources[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(rownames(sources[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate source row names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate source row name."))
     if (!is.null(colnames(sources[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- ncol(sources[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(colnames(sources[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate source column names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate source column name."))
     else {
     if (!is.null(names(sources[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- length(sources[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(names(sources[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate source names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate source name."))
     for (i in 1:length(targets)) {
     if (class(targets[[i]]) %in% c("matrix", "data.frame")) {
     if (!is.null(rownames(targets[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- nrow(targets[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(rownames(targets[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate target row names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate target row name."))
     if (!is.null(colnames(targets[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- ncol(targets[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(colnames(targets[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate target column names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate target column name."))
     else {
     if (!is.null(names(targets[[i]]))) {
     test.actual <- length(targets[[i]])
     test.unique <- length(unique(names(targets[[i]])))
     dif <- test.actual - test.unique
     if (dif > 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there are ", dif,
     " duplicate target names."))
     else if (dif == 1) {
     stop(paste0("At t = ", i, ", there is ", dif,
     " duplicate target name."))
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network" && !is.null(sources.matrices[[i]]) &&
     length(sources.matrices[[i]]) > 0) {
     for (j in 1:length(sources.matrices[[i]])) {
     if (nrow(as.matrix(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]])) !=
     nrow(as.matrix(sources[[i]])) || ncol(as.matrix(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]])) !=
     ncol(as.matrix(sources[[i]]))) {
     warning(paste("Network attribute", sources.matrixnames[[i]][j],
     "does not have the same dimensions as the source network at",
     "time step", i, "."))
     if (class(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]]) == "network") {
     if (sources.onemode[[i]] == TRUE) {
     sources.matrices[[i]][[j]] <- set.vertex.attribute(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]],
     "vertex.names", rownames(as.matrix(sources[[i]])))
     else {
     sources.matrices[[i]][[j]] <- set.vertex.attribute(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]],
     "vertex.names", c(rownames(as.matrix(sources[[i]])),
     else {
     rownames(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]]) <- rownames(as.matrix(sources[[i]]))
     colnames(sources.matrices[[i]][[j]]) <- colnames(as.matrix(sources[[i]]))
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     if (!is.vector(sources[[i]]) && !class(sources[[i]]) %in%
     c("matrix", "network")) {
     stop(paste("Source item", i, "is not a matrix, network, or vector."))
     if (!is.vector(targets[[i]]) && !class(targets[[i]]) %in%
     c("matrix", "network")) {
     stop(paste("Target item", i, "is not a matrix, network, or vector."))
     add.row.labels <- character()
     add.col.labels <- character()
     if (add == TRUE) {
     nr <- nrow(sources[[i]])
     source.row.labels <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     if (!sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     source.col.labels <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     else {
     source.col.labels <- colnames(sources[[i]])
     if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     if (is.null(source.row.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The source at t = ", i, " does not contain any row labels."))
     if (is.null(source.col.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The source at t = ", i, " does not contain any column labels."))
     target.row.labels <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     if (!targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     target.col.labels <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     else {
     target.col.labels <- colnames(targets[[i]])
     if (is.null(target.row.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The target at t = ", i, " does not contain any row labels."))
     if (targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     if (is.null(target.col.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The target at t = ", i, " does not contain any column labels."))
     add.row.indices <- which(!target.row.labels %in%
     add.row.labels <- target.row.labels[add.row.indices]
     add.col.indices <- which(!target.col.labels %in%
     add.col.labels <- target.col.labels[add.col.indices]
     if (length(add.row.indices) > 0) {
     for (j in 1:length(add.row.indices)) {
     insert <- rep(value, ncol(sources[[i]]))
     part1 <- sources[[i]][0:(add.row.indices[j] -
     1), ]
     if (class(part1) != "matrix") {
     if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     part1 <- matrix(part1, nrow = 1)
     else {
     part1 <- matrix(part1, ncol = 1)
     rownames(part1) <- rownames(sources[[i]])[0:(add.row.indices[j] -
     if (add.row.indices[j] <= nrow(sources[[i]])) {
     part2 <- sources[[i]][add.row.indices[j]:nrow(sources[[i]]),
     else {
     part2 <- matrix(ncol = ncol(sources[[i]]),
     nrow = 0)
     if (class(part2) != "matrix") {
     part2 <- matrix(part2, nrow = 1)
     if (nrow(part2) > 0) {
     rownames(part2) <- rownames(sources[[i]])[add.row.indices[j]:nrow(sources[[i]])]
     sources[[i]] <- rbind(part1, insert, part2)
     else {
     sources[[i]] <- rbind(part1, insert)
     rownames(sources[[i]])[add.row.indices[j]] <- add.row.labels[j]
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network" && sources.onemode[[i]] ==
     TRUE) {
     for (k in 1:length(sources.attributes[[i]])) {
     at1 <- sources.attributes[[i]][[k]][0:(add.row.indices[j] -
     at2 <- sources.attributes[[i]][[k]][add.row.indices[j]:length(sources.attributes[[i]][[k]])]
     if (sources.attribnames[[i]][k] == "vertex.names") {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[k]] <- c(at1,
     add.row.labels[j], at2)
     else if (sources.attribnames[[i]][k] ==
     "na") {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[k]] <- c(at1,
     TRUE, at2)
     else {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[k]] <- c(at1,
     value, at2)
     if (length(add.col.indices) > 0 && sources.types[[i]] %in%
     c("matrix", "network")) {
     for (j in 1:length(add.col.indices)) {
     insert <- rep(value, nrow(sources[[i]]))
     part1 <- sources[[i]][, 0:(add.col.indices[j] -
     if (class(part1) != "matrix") {
     part1 <- matrix(part1, ncol = 1)
     colnames(part1) <- colnames(sources[[i]])[0:(add.col.indices[j] -
     if (add.col.indices[j] <= ncol(sources[[i]])) {
     part2 <- sources[[i]][, add.col.indices[j]:ncol(sources[[i]])]
     else {
     part2 <- matrix(nrow = nrow(sources[[i]]),
     ncol = 0)
     if (class(part2) != "matrix") {
     part2 <- matrix(part2, ncol = 1)
     if (ncol(part2) > 0) {
     colnames(part2) <- colnames(sources[[i]])[add.col.indices[j]:ncol(sources[[i]])]
     sources[[i]] <- cbind(part1, insert, part2)
     else {
     sources[[i]] <- cbind(part1, insert)
     colnames(sources[[i]])[add.col.indices[j]] <- add.col.labels[j]
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network" && sources.onemode[[i]] ==
     FALSE) {
     add.col.indices <- sapply(add.col.indices, function(x) x +
     combined.indices <- c(add.row.indices, add.col.indices)
     for (j in 1:length(sources.attributes[[i]])) {
     if (length(combined.indices) > 0) {
     for (k in 1:length(combined.indices)) {
     at1 <- sources.attributes[[i]][[j]][0:(combined.indices[k] -
     at2 <- sources.attributes[[i]][[j]][combined.indices[k]:length(sources.attributes[[i]][[j]])]
     if (sources.attribnames[[i]][j] == "vertex.names") {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[j]] <- c(at1,
     add.col.labels[j], at2)
     else if (sources.attribnames[[i]][j] ==
     "na") {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[j]] <- c(at1,
     TRUE, at2)
     else {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[j]] <- c(at1,
     value, at2)
     removed.rows <- character()
     removed.columns <- character()
     if (remove == TRUE) {
     nr <- nrow(sources[[i]])
     source.row.labels <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     if (!sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     source.col.labels <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     else {
     source.col.labels <- colnames(sources[[i]])
     if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     if (nr == 0) {
     stop(paste0("The source at t = ", i, " has no rows."))
     if (is.null(source.row.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The source at t = ", i, " does not contain any row labels."))
     if (is.null(source.col.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The source at t = ", i, " does not contain any column labels."))
     target.row.labels <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     if (!targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     target.col.labels <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     else {
     target.col.labels <- colnames(targets[[i]])
     if (targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     if (is.null(target.row.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The target at t = ", i, " does not contain any row labels."))
     if (is.null(target.col.labels)) {
     stop(paste0("The target at t = ", i, " does not contain any column labels."))
     source.row.labels <- rownames(sources[[i]])
     source.col.labels <- colnames(sources[[i]])
     target.row.labels <- rownames(targets[[i]])
     target.col.labels <- colnames(targets[[i]])
     keep.row.indices <- which(source.row.labels %in%
     if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     keep.col.indices <- which(source.col.labels %in%
     else if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     !targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
     if (sources.onemode[[i]] == TRUE) {
     keep.col.indices <- keep.row.indices
     else {
     keep.col.indices <- 1:ncol(sources[[i]])
     else {
     keep.col.indices <- 1
     removed.rows <- which(!1:nrow(as.matrix(sources[[i]])) %in%
     removed.columns <- which(!1:ncol(as.matrix(sources[[i]])) %in%
     sources[[i]] <- as.matrix(sources[[i]][keep.row.indices,
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network") {
     if (sources.onemode[[i]] == TRUE) {
     for (j in 1:length(sources.attributes[[i]])) {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[j]] <- sources.attributes[[i]][[j]][keep.row.indices]
     else {
     keep.col.indices <- sapply(keep.col.indices,
     function(x) x + nr)
     combined.indices <- c(keep.row.indices, keep.col.indices)
     for (j in 1:length(sources.attributes[[i]])) {
     sources.attributes[[i]][[j]] <- sources.attributes[[i]][[j]][combined.indices]
     if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     nrow(sources[[i]]) == nrow(targets[[i]]) && ncol(sources[[i]]) ==
     ncol(targets[[i]])) {
     sources[[i]] <- sources[[i]][rownames(targets[[i]]),
     else if (sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     !targets.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     nrow(sources[[i]]) == nrow(targets[[i]])) {
     sources[[i]] <- sources[[i]][rownames(targets[[i]]),
     else if (length(sources[[i]]) == nrow(targets[[i]])) {
     sources[[i]] <- sources[[i]][rownames(targets[[i]]),
     else if (add == FALSE && (nrow(sources[[i]]) < nrow(targets[[i]]) ||
     any(rownames(sources[[i]]) != rownames(targets[[i]])))) {
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network") {
     sources[[i]] <- network(sources[[i]], directed = sources.directed[[i]],
     bipartite = !sources.onemode[[i]])
     for (j in 1:length(sources.attribnames[[i]])) {
     sources[[i]] <- set.vertex.attribute(sources[[i]],
     sources.attribnames[[i]][j], sources.attributes[[i]][[j]])
     if (!sources.types[[i]] %in% c("matrix", "network") &&
     class(sources[[i]]) == "matrix" && ncol(sources[[i]]) ==
     1) {
     sources[[i]] <- sources[[i]][, 1]
     if (returnlabels == TRUE) {
     sources[[i]] <- list()
     sources[[i]]$removed.row <- removed.rows
     sources[[i]]$removed.col <- removed.columns
     sources[[i]]$added.row <- add.row.labels
     sources[[i]]$added.col <- add.col.labels
     for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
     if (sources.types[[i]] == "network" && !is.null(sources.matrixnames[[i]]) &&
     length(sources.matrixnames[[i]]) > 0) {
     for (j in 1:length(sources.matrixnames[[i]])) {
     mat <- adjust(source = sources.matrices[[i]][[j]],
     target = sources[[i]], add = add, remove = remove,
     value = value)[[i]], sources.matrixnames[[i]][j],
     if (sources.initialtype == "list") {
     else {
    <bytecode: 0xb3f4278>
    <environment: namespace:xergm.common>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function adjust in namespace xergm.common has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(source) == "matrix") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: adjust
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc