CRAN Package Check Results for Package dynamichazard

Last updated on 2021-01-26 10:13:15 CET.

Flavor Version Tinstall Tcheck Ttotal Status Flags
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang 0.6.7 642.76 234.22 876.98 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc 0.6.7 441.44 173.30 614.74 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang 0.6.7 1197.47 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc 0.6.7 1137.90 ERROR
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.6.7 1460.00 412.00 1872.00 ERROR
r-patched-linux-x86_64 0.6.7 531.74 223.44 755.18 ERROR
r-patched-solaris-x86 0.6.7 969.90 ERROR
r-release-linux-x86_64 0.6.7 533.58 221.45 755.03 ERROR
r-release-macos-x86_64 0.6.7 NOTE
r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.6.7 1454.00 324.00 1778.00 ERROR
r-oldrel-macos-x86_64 0.6.7 NOTE
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.6.7 1116.00 414.00 1530.00 ERROR

Check Details

Version: 0.6.7
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running 'testthat.R' [57s/70s]
    Running the tests in 'tests/testthat.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > # Had the same issue as in this thread:
     > Sys.setenv("R_TESTS" = "")
     > options(deparse.max.lines = 5, testthat.summary.max_reports = 1000L)
     > testthat::test_check("dynamichazard", reporter = "summary")
     Loading required package: dynamichazard
     Loading required package: survival
     Tracing function "expect_known_value" in package "testthat"
     Tracing function "expect_known_output" in package "testthat"
     Loading required package: DBI
     Running tests for GMA: ..................
     Testing LAPACK wrapper functions: ..............................................
     Running test_PF: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................SS...SSSSSSSS..S..SS..SSSSSSSSSSSS
     Testing SMA: ................S..............
     Testing UKF: .........................
     Testing bigglm_wrapper: ..........
     Testing boot: ...S..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     testing cloglog link function: ....S
     Testing cpp sampling functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................S.............................................................S....
     Running test_cpp_utils.R:: .S............
     Testing ddhazard w/ generic things and w/ the the EKF: .....................S................
     Testing design_mat_and_risk_obj: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     Testing fixed_effects_in_E_step: .........
     Testing test_fixed_effects_in_M_step: ..........S..
     Testing 'get_start_values': ....................
     Running tests for hatvalues: ....
     Testing examples in man files: .......S.S....SSSS........S
     Testing loglike: ........................
     Testing options: .
     Testing parallelglm vs. glm: ................................................S
     Testing plot functions: ......................................
     Testing predict: ...............................................................................SS
     Testing print function: ...SS.....
     Testing residuals functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................SS
     Testing shiny app: ..
     Testing static_glm: ............1.......
     Testing summary function: .................
     Testing test_utils: ............S......................................
     Testing weights in fit: ................
     == Skipped =====================================================================
     1. PF_smooth gives same results (test_PF.R:71:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     2. Import and export PF cloud from Rcpp gives the same (test_PF.R:249:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     3. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set (test_PF.R:342:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     4. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set with fixed effects and the logit model (test_PF.R:409:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     5. compute_PF_summary_stats gives previous results (test_PF.R:434:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     6. 'get_cloud_means' and 'get_cloud_quantiles' gives previous results (test_PF.R:508:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     7. 'get_ancestors' yields the correct result (test_PF.R:558:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     8. <U+00B4>est_params_dens<U+00B4> gives the same as a R version (test_PF.R:580:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     9. fixed effect estimation gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:628:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     10. A few iterations with `type = "VAR"' yields the same as before (test_PF.R:709:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     11. PF_EM gives the same with restricted and unrestricted model when we estimate all the parameters (test_PF.R:781:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     12. Using `n_smooth_final` works as expected and yields previous results (test_PF.R:894:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     13. sampling with a t-distribution gives previous results (test_PF.R:962:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     14. 'PF_forward_filter' gives the same as 'PF_EM' when it should (test_PF.R:1000:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     15. 'state_fw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1129:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     16. 'state_bw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1165:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     17. 'artificial_prior' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1200:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     18. 'observational_cdist' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1234:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     19. combining forward and backwards works (test_PF.R:1279:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     20. combining prior and backwards works (test_PF.R:1326:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     21. mode approximations give expected result (test_PF.R:1364:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     22. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:1484:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     23. warns with randow walk model when covariates are in both fixed and random (test_PF.R:1622:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     24. works when there are time periods outside where we have data and with a single fixed and random effect (test_PF.R:1643:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     25. 'fix_seed = FALSE' yields different results at each call (test_PF.R:1668:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     26. Chaning the learning changes the result for the posterior approx method (test_SMA.R:120:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     27. boot yields previously computed values with pbc (test_boot_est.R:19:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     28. cloglog function gives previous result with simulated data using PF_EM and PF_forward_filter (test_cloglog.R:56:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     29. mvrnorm gives expected sample mean and variance (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:50:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     30. 'mvtrnorm' yields close to uniform sample (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:111:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     31. trunc_lp_in_exponential_dist does not truncate when not needed (test_cpp_utils.R:12:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     32. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with ddhazard (test_ddhazard_n_EKF.R:165:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     33. posterior_approx gives previous found values with fixed effects in M-step (test_fixed_effects_in_M_step.R:187:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     34. residuals.ddhazard help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:43:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     35. ddhazard_boot help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:67:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     36. PF_EM help page example runs and gives previous computed results (test_help_page_examples.R:129:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     37. Second example on PF help page gives the same result (test_help_page_examples.R:170:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     38. example in 'PF_EM' with gives previous results w/ a few iterations (test_help_page_examples.R:226:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     39. `PF_forward_filter` the results stated in the comments and does not alter the .Random.seed as stated on the help page (test_help_page_examples.R:357:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     40. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives previous results (test_help_page_examples.R:515:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     41. glm and parallelglm gives the same (test_parallelglm.R:80:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     42. Terms from predict with exponential outcome are correct (test_predict.R:413:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     43. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with predict results (test_predict.R:474:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     44. print.ddhazard_boot gives the expected output (test_print.R:39:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     45. Print function for PF objects gives previous results (test_print.R:89:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     46. Gets previous results with Rossi (test_residuals.R:209:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     47. Get prevoius residuals with whas500 (test_residuals.R:236:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     48. Testing util functions to sim series for tests (test_test_utils.R:28:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     == Failed ======================================================================
     -- 1. Error (test_static_glm.R:130:5): Gets same with different methods --------
     Error: object 'c_weights' not found
     1. dynamichazard:::get_fit("speedglm") test_static_glm.R:130:4
     2. dynamichazard::static_glm(...) test_static_glm.R:124:15
     5. dynamichazard:::.static_glm_fit(...)
     10. stats::model.frame.default(...)
     11. [ base::eval(...) ] with 1 more call
     == DONE ========================================================================
     Error: Test failures
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang

Version: 0.6.7
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘testthat.R’ [39s/63s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > # Had the same issue as in this thread:
     > Sys.setenv("R_TESTS" = "")
     > options(deparse.max.lines = 5, testthat.summary.max_reports = 1000L)
     > testthat::test_check("dynamichazard", reporter = "summary")
     Loading required package: dynamichazard
     Loading required package: survival
     Tracing function "expect_known_value" in package "testthat"
     Tracing function "expect_known_output" in package "testthat"
     Loading required package: DBI
     Running tests for GMA: ..................
     Testing LAPACK wrapper functions: ..............................................
     Running test_PF: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................SS...SSSSSSSS..S..SS..SSSSSSSSSSSS
     Testing SMA: ................S..............
     Testing UKF: .........................
     Testing bigglm_wrapper: ..........
     Testing boot: ...S..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     testing cloglog link function: ....S
     Testing cpp sampling functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................S.............................................................S....
     Running test_cpp_utils.R:: .S............
     Testing ddhazard w/ generic things and w/ the the EKF: .....................S................
     Testing design_mat_and_risk_obj: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     Testing fixed_effects_in_E_step: .........
     Testing test_fixed_effects_in_M_step: ..........S..
     Testing 'get_start_values': ....................
     Running tests for hatvalues: ....
     Testing examples in man files: .......S.S....SSSS........S
     Testing loglike: ........................
     Testing options: .
     Testing parallelglm vs. glm: ................................................S
     Testing plot functions: ......................................
     Testing predict: ...............................................................................SS
     Testing print function: ...SS.....
     Testing residuals functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................SS
     Testing shiny app: ..
     Testing static_glm: ............1.......
     Testing summary function: .................
     Testing test_utils: ............S......................................
     Testing weights in fit: ................
     ══ Skipped ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     1. PF_smooth gives same results (test_PF.R:71:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     2. Import and export PF cloud from Rcpp gives the same (test_PF.R:249:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     3. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set (test_PF.R:342:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     4. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set with fixed effects and the logit model (test_PF.R:409:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     5. compute_PF_summary_stats gives previous results (test_PF.R:434:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     6. 'get_cloud_means' and 'get_cloud_quantiles' gives previous results (test_PF.R:508:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     7. 'get_ancestors' yields the correct result (test_PF.R:558:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     8. ´est_params_dens´ gives the same as a R version (test_PF.R:580:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     9. fixed effect estimation gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:628:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     10. A few iterations with `type = "VAR"' yields the same as before (test_PF.R:709:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     11. PF_EM gives the same with restricted and unrestricted model when we estimate all the parameters (test_PF.R:781:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     12. Using `n_smooth_final` works as expected and yields previous results (test_PF.R:894:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     13. sampling with a t-distribution gives previous results (test_PF.R:962:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     14. 'PF_forward_filter' gives the same as 'PF_EM' when it should (test_PF.R:1000:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     15. 'state_fw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1129:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     16. 'state_bw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1165:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     17. 'artificial_prior' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1200:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     18. 'observational_cdist' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1234:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     19. combining forward and backwards works (test_PF.R:1279:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     20. combining prior and backwards works (test_PF.R:1326:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     21. mode approximations give expected result (test_PF.R:1364:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     22. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:1484:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     23. warns with randow walk model when covariates are in both fixed and random (test_PF.R:1622:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     24. works when there are time periods outside where we have data and with a single fixed and random effect (test_PF.R:1643:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     25. 'fix_seed = FALSE' yields different results at each call (test_PF.R:1668:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     26. Chaning the learning changes the result for the posterior approx method (test_SMA.R:120:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     27. boot yields previously computed values with pbc (test_boot_est.R:19:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     28. cloglog function gives previous result with simulated data using PF_EM and PF_forward_filter (test_cloglog.R:56:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     29. mvrnorm gives expected sample mean and variance (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:50:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     30. 'mvtrnorm' yields close to uniform sample (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:111:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     31. trunc_lp_in_exponential_dist does not truncate when not needed (test_cpp_utils.R:12:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     32. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with ddhazard (test_ddhazard_n_EKF.R:165:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     33. posterior_approx gives previous found values with fixed effects in M-step (test_fixed_effects_in_M_step.R:187:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     34. residuals.ddhazard help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:43:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     35. ddhazard_boot help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:67:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     36. PF_EM help page example runs and gives previous computed results (test_help_page_examples.R:129:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     37. Second example on PF help page gives the same result (test_help_page_examples.R:170:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     38. example in 'PF_EM' with gives previous results w/ a few iterations (test_help_page_examples.R:226:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     39. `PF_forward_filter` the results stated in the comments and does not alter the .Random.seed as stated on the help page (test_help_page_examples.R:357:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     40. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives previous results (test_help_page_examples.R:515:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     41. glm and parallelglm gives the same (test_parallelglm.R:80:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     42. Terms from predict with exponential outcome are correct (test_predict.R:413:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     43. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with predict results (test_predict.R:474:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     44. print.ddhazard_boot gives the expected output (test_print.R:39:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     45. Print function for PF objects gives previous results (test_print.R:89:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     46. Gets previous results with Rossi (test_residuals.R:209:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     47. Get prevoius residuals with whas500 (test_residuals.R:236:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     48. Testing util functions to sim series for tests (test_test_utils.R:28:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     ══ Failed ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     ── 1. Error (test_static_glm.R:130:5): Gets same with different methods ────────
     Error: object 'c_weights' not found
     1. dynamichazard:::get_fit("speedglm") test_static_glm.R:130:4
     2. dynamichazard::static_glm(...) test_static_glm.R:124:15
     5. dynamichazard:::.static_glm_fit(...)
     10. stats::model.frame.default(...)
     11. [ base::eval(...) ] with 1 more call
     ══ DONE ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     Error: Test failures
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc

Version: 0.6.7
Check: installed package size
Result: NOTE
     installed size is 37.4Mb
     sub-directories of 1Mb or more:
     data 4.2Mb
     doc 1.7Mb
     libs 31.1Mb
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64, r-patched-solaris-x86, r-release-macos-x86_64, r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64, r-oldrel-macos-x86_64, r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64

Version: 0.6.7
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘testthat.R’ [64s/84s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > # Had the same issue as in this thread:
     > Sys.setenv("R_TESTS" = "")
     > options(deparse.max.lines = 5, testthat.summary.max_reports = 1000L)
     > testthat::test_check("dynamichazard", reporter = "summary")
     Loading required package: dynamichazard
     Loading required package: survival
     Tracing function "expect_known_value" in package "testthat"
     Tracing function "expect_known_output" in package "testthat"
     Loading required package: DBI
     Running tests for GMA: ..................
     Testing LAPACK wrapper functions: ..............................................
     Running test_PF: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................SS...SSSSSSSS..S..SS..SSSSSSSSSSSS
     Testing SMA: ................S..............
     Testing UKF: .........................
     Testing bigglm_wrapper: ..........
     Testing boot: ...S..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     testing cloglog link function: ....S
     Testing cpp sampling functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................S.............................................................S....
     Running test_cpp_utils.R:: .S............
     Testing ddhazard w/ generic things and w/ the the EKF: .....................S................
     Testing design_mat_and_risk_obj: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     Testing fixed_effects_in_E_step: .........
     Testing test_fixed_effects_in_M_step: ..........S..
     Testing 'get_start_values': ....................
     Running tests for hatvalues: ....
     Testing examples in man files: .......S.S....SSSS........S
     Testing loglike: ........................
     Testing options: .
     Testing parallelglm vs. glm: ................................................S
     Testing plot functions: ......................................
     Testing predict: ...............................................................................SS
     Testing print function: ...SS.....
     Testing residuals functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................SS
     Testing shiny app: ..
     Testing static_glm: ............1.......
     Testing summary function: .................
     Testing test_utils: ............S......................................
     Testing weights in fit: ................
     ══ Skipped ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     1. PF_smooth gives same results (test_PF.R:71:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     2. Import and export PF cloud from Rcpp gives the same (test_PF.R:249:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     3. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set (test_PF.R:342:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     4. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set with fixed effects and the logit model (test_PF.R:409:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     5. compute_PF_summary_stats gives previous results (test_PF.R:434:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     6. 'get_cloud_means' and 'get_cloud_quantiles' gives previous results (test_PF.R:508:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     7. 'get_ancestors' yields the correct result (test_PF.R:558:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     8. ´est_params_dens´ gives the same as a R version (test_PF.R:580:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     9. fixed effect estimation gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:628:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     10. A few iterations with `type = "VAR"' yields the same as before (test_PF.R:709:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     11. PF_EM gives the same with restricted and unrestricted model when we estimate all the parameters (test_PF.R:781:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     12. Using `n_smooth_final` works as expected and yields previous results (test_PF.R:894:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     13. sampling with a t-distribution gives previous results (test_PF.R:962:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     14. 'PF_forward_filter' gives the same as 'PF_EM' when it should (test_PF.R:1000:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     15. 'state_fw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1129:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     16. 'state_bw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1165:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     17. 'artificial_prior' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1200:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     18. 'observational_cdist' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1234:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     19. combining forward and backwards works (test_PF.R:1279:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     20. combining prior and backwards works (test_PF.R:1326:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     21. mode approximations give expected result (test_PF.R:1364:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     22. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:1484:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     23. warns with randow walk model when covariates are in both fixed and random (test_PF.R:1622:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     24. works when there are time periods outside where we have data and with a single fixed and random effect (test_PF.R:1643:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     25. 'fix_seed = FALSE' yields different results at each call (test_PF.R:1668:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     26. Chaning the learning changes the result for the posterior approx method (test_SMA.R:120:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     27. boot yields previously computed values with pbc (test_boot_est.R:19:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     28. cloglog function gives previous result with simulated data using PF_EM and PF_forward_filter (test_cloglog.R:56:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     29. mvrnorm gives expected sample mean and variance (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:50:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     30. 'mvtrnorm' yields close to uniform sample (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:111:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     31. trunc_lp_in_exponential_dist does not truncate when not needed (test_cpp_utils.R:12:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     32. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with ddhazard (test_ddhazard_n_EKF.R:165:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     33. posterior_approx gives previous found values with fixed effects in M-step (test_fixed_effects_in_M_step.R:187:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     34. residuals.ddhazard help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:43:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     35. ddhazard_boot help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:67:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     36. PF_EM help page example runs and gives previous computed results (test_help_page_examples.R:129:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     37. Second example on PF help page gives the same result (test_help_page_examples.R:170:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     38. example in 'PF_EM' with gives previous results w/ a few iterations (test_help_page_examples.R:226:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     39. `PF_forward_filter` the results stated in the comments and does not alter the .Random.seed as stated on the help page (test_help_page_examples.R:357:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     40. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives previous results (test_help_page_examples.R:515:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     41. glm and parallelglm gives the same (test_parallelglm.R:80:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     42. Terms from predict with exponential outcome are correct (test_predict.R:413:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     43. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with predict results (test_predict.R:474:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     44. print.ddhazard_boot gives the expected output (test_print.R:39:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     45. Print function for PF objects gives previous results (test_print.R:89:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     46. Gets previous results with Rossi (test_residuals.R:209:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     47. Get prevoius residuals with whas500 (test_residuals.R:236:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     48. Testing util functions to sim series for tests (test_test_utils.R:28:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     ══ Failed ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     ── 1. Error (test_static_glm.R:130:5): Gets same with different methods ────────
     Error: object 'c_weights' not found
     1. dynamichazard:::get_fit("speedglm") test_static_glm.R:130:4
     2. dynamichazard::static_glm(...) test_static_glm.R:124:15
     5. dynamichazard:::.static_glm_fit(...)
     10. stats::model.frame.default(...)
     11. [ base::eval(...) ] with 1 more call
     ══ DONE ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     Error: Test failures
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Version: 0.6.7
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘testthat.R’ [66s/86s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > # Had the same issue as in this thread:
     > Sys.setenv("R_TESTS" = "")
     > options(deparse.max.lines = 5, testthat.summary.max_reports = 1000L)
     > testthat::test_check("dynamichazard", reporter = "summary")
     Loading required package: dynamichazard
     Loading required package: survival
     Tracing function "expect_known_value" in package "testthat"
     Tracing function "expect_known_output" in package "testthat"
     Loading required package: DBI
     Running tests for GMA: ..................
     Testing LAPACK wrapper functions: ..............................................
     Running test_PF: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................SS...SSSSSSSS..S..SS..SSSSSSSSSSSS
     Testing SMA: ................S..............
     Testing UKF: .........................
     Testing bigglm_wrapper: ..........
     Testing boot: ...S..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     testing cloglog link function: ....S
     Testing cpp sampling functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................S.............................................................S....
     Running test_cpp_utils.R:: .S............
     Testing ddhazard w/ generic things and w/ the the EKF: .....................S................
     Testing design_mat_and_risk_obj: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     Testing fixed_effects_in_E_step: .........
     Testing test_fixed_effects_in_M_step: ..........S..
     Testing 'get_start_values': ....................
     Running tests for hatvalues: ....
     Testing examples in man files: .......S.S....SSSS........S
     Testing loglike: ........................
     Testing options: .
     Testing parallelglm vs. glm: ................................................S
     Testing plot functions: ......................................
     Testing predict: ...............................................................................SS
     Testing print function: ...SS.....
     Testing residuals functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................SS
     Testing shiny app: ..
     Testing static_glm: ............1.......
     Testing summary function: .................
     Testing test_utils: ............S......................................
     Testing weights in fit: ................
     ══ Skipped ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     1. PF_smooth gives same results (test_PF.R:71:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     2. Import and export PF cloud from Rcpp gives the same (test_PF.R:249:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     3. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set (test_PF.R:342:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     4. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set with fixed effects and the logit model (test_PF.R:409:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     5. compute_PF_summary_stats gives previous results (test_PF.R:434:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     6. 'get_cloud_means' and 'get_cloud_quantiles' gives previous results (test_PF.R:508:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     7. 'get_ancestors' yields the correct result (test_PF.R:558:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     8. ´est_params_dens´ gives the same as a R version (test_PF.R:580:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     9. fixed effect estimation gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:628:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     10. A few iterations with `type = "VAR"' yields the same as before (test_PF.R:709:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     11. PF_EM gives the same with restricted and unrestricted model when we estimate all the parameters (test_PF.R:781:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     12. Using `n_smooth_final` works as expected and yields previous results (test_PF.R:894:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     13. sampling with a t-distribution gives previous results (test_PF.R:962:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     14. 'PF_forward_filter' gives the same as 'PF_EM' when it should (test_PF.R:1000:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     15. 'state_fw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1129:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     16. 'state_bw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1165:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     17. 'artificial_prior' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1200:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     18. 'observational_cdist' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1234:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     19. combining forward and backwards works (test_PF.R:1279:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     20. combining prior and backwards works (test_PF.R:1326:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     21. mode approximations give expected result (test_PF.R:1364:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     22. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:1484:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     23. warns with randow walk model when covariates are in both fixed and random (test_PF.R:1622:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     24. works when there are time periods outside where we have data and with a single fixed and random effect (test_PF.R:1643:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     25. 'fix_seed = FALSE' yields different results at each call (test_PF.R:1668:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     26. Chaning the learning changes the result for the posterior approx method (test_SMA.R:120:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     27. boot yields previously computed values with pbc (test_boot_est.R:19:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     28. cloglog function gives previous result with simulated data using PF_EM and PF_forward_filter (test_cloglog.R:56:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     29. mvrnorm gives expected sample mean and variance (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:50:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     30. 'mvtrnorm' yields close to uniform sample (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:111:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     31. trunc_lp_in_exponential_dist does not truncate when not needed (test_cpp_utils.R:12:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     32. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with ddhazard (test_ddhazard_n_EKF.R:165:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     33. posterior_approx gives previous found values with fixed effects in M-step (test_fixed_effects_in_M_step.R:187:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     34. residuals.ddhazard help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:43:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     35. ddhazard_boot help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:67:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     36. PF_EM help page example runs and gives previous computed results (test_help_page_examples.R:129:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     37. Second example on PF help page gives the same result (test_help_page_examples.R:170:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     38. example in 'PF_EM' with gives previous results w/ a few iterations (test_help_page_examples.R:226:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     39. `PF_forward_filter` the results stated in the comments and does not alter the .Random.seed as stated on the help page (test_help_page_examples.R:357:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     40. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives previous results (test_help_page_examples.R:515:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     41. glm and parallelglm gives the same (test_parallelglm.R:80:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     42. Terms from predict with exponential outcome are correct (test_predict.R:413:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     43. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with predict results (test_predict.R:474:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     44. print.ddhazard_boot gives the expected output (test_print.R:39:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     45. Print function for PF objects gives previous results (test_print.R:89:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     46. Gets previous results with Rossi (test_residuals.R:209:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     47. Get prevoius residuals with whas500 (test_residuals.R:236:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     48. Testing util functions to sim series for tests (test_test_utils.R:28:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     ══ Failed ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     ── 1. Error (test_static_glm.R:130:5): Gets same with different methods ────────
     Error: object 'c_weights' not found
     1. dynamichazard:::get_fit("speedglm") test_static_glm.R:130:4
     2. dynamichazard::static_glm(...) test_static_glm.R:124:15
     5. dynamichazard:::.static_glm_fit(...)
     10. stats::model.frame.default(...)
     11. [ base::eval(...) ] with 1 more call
     ══ DONE ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     Error: Test failures
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc

Version: 0.6.7
Check: running tests for arch ‘i386’
Result: ERROR
     Running 'testthat.R' [65s]
    Running the tests in 'tests/testthat.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > # Had the same issue as in this thread:
     > Sys.setenv("R_TESTS" = "")
     > options(deparse.max.lines = 5, testthat.summary.max_reports = 1000L)
     > testthat::test_check("dynamichazard", reporter = "summary")
     Loading required package: dynamichazard
     Loading required package: survival
     Tracing function "expect_known_value" in package "testthat"
     Tracing function "expect_known_output" in package "testthat"
     Loading required package: DBI
     Running tests for GMA: ..................
     Testing LAPACK wrapper functions: ..............................................
     Running test_PF: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................SS...SSSSSSSS..S..SS..SSSSSSSSSSSS
     Testing SMA: ................S..............
     Testing UKF: .........................
     Testing bigglm_wrapper: ..........
     Testing boot: ...S..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     testing cloglog link function: ....S
     Testing cpp sampling functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................S.............................................................S....
     Running test_cpp_utils.R:: .S............
     Testing ddhazard w/ generic things and w/ the the EKF: .....................S................
     Testing design_mat_and_risk_obj: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     Testing fixed_effects_in_E_step: .........
     Testing test_fixed_effects_in_M_step: ..........S..
     Testing 'get_start_values': ....................
     Running tests for hatvalues: ....
     Testing examples in man files: .......S.S....SSSS........S
     Testing loglike: ........................
     Testing options: .
     Testing parallelglm vs. glm: ................................................S
     Testing plot functions: ......................................
     Testing predict: ...............................................................................SS
     Testing print function: ...SS.....
     Testing residuals functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................SS
     Testing shiny app: ..
     Testing static_glm: ............1.......
     Testing summary function: .................
     Testing test_utils: ............S......................................
     Testing weights in fit: ................
     == Skipped =====================================================================
     1. PF_smooth gives same results (test_PF.R:71:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     2. Import and export PF cloud from Rcpp gives the same (test_PF.R:249:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     3. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set (test_PF.R:342:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     4. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set with fixed effects and the logit model (test_PF.R:409:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     5. compute_PF_summary_stats gives previous results (test_PF.R:434:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     6. 'get_cloud_means' and 'get_cloud_quantiles' gives previous results (test_PF.R:508:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     7. 'get_ancestors' yields the correct result (test_PF.R:558:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     8. ´est_params_dens´ gives the same as a R version (test_PF.R:580:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     9. fixed effect estimation gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:628:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     10. A few iterations with `type = "VAR"' yields the same as before (test_PF.R:709:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     11. PF_EM gives the same with restricted and unrestricted model when we estimate all the parameters (test_PF.R:781:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     12. Using `n_smooth_final` works as expected and yields previous results (test_PF.R:894:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     13. sampling with a t-distribution gives previous results (test_PF.R:962:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     14. 'PF_forward_filter' gives the same as 'PF_EM' when it should (test_PF.R:1000:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     15. 'state_fw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1129:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     16. 'state_bw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1165:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     17. 'artificial_prior' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1200:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     18. 'observational_cdist' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1234:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     19. combining forward and backwards works (test_PF.R:1279:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     20. combining prior and backwards works (test_PF.R:1326:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     21. mode approximations give expected result (test_PF.R:1364:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     22. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:1484:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     23. warns with randow walk model when covariates are in both fixed and random (test_PF.R:1622:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     24. works when there are time periods outside where we have data and with a single fixed and random effect (test_PF.R:1643:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     25. 'fix_seed = FALSE' yields different results at each call (test_PF.R:1668:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     26. Chaning the learning changes the result for the posterior approx method (test_SMA.R:120:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     27. boot yields previously computed values with pbc (test_boot_est.R:19:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     28. cloglog function gives previous result with simulated data using PF_EM and PF_forward_filter (test_cloglog.R:56:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     29. mvrnorm gives expected sample mean and variance (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:50:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     30. 'mvtrnorm' yields close to uniform sample (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:111:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     31. trunc_lp_in_exponential_dist does not truncate when not needed (test_cpp_utils.R:12:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     32. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with ddhazard (test_ddhazard_n_EKF.R:165:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     33. posterior_approx gives previous found values with fixed effects in M-step (test_fixed_effects_in_M_step.R:187:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     34. residuals.ddhazard help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:43:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     35. ddhazard_boot help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:67:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     36. PF_EM help page example runs and gives previous computed results (test_help_page_examples.R:129:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     37. Second example on PF help page gives the same result (test_help_page_examples.R:170:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     38. example in 'PF_EM' with gives previous results w/ a few iterations (test_help_page_examples.R:226:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     39. `PF_forward_filter` the results stated in the comments and does not alter the .Random.seed as stated on the help page (test_help_page_examples.R:357:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     40. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives previous results (test_help_page_examples.R:515:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     41. glm and parallelglm gives the same (test_parallelglm.R:80:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     42. Terms from predict with exponential outcome are correct (test_predict.R:413:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     43. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with predict results (test_predict.R:474:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     44. print.ddhazard_boot gives the expected output (test_print.R:39:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     45. Print function for PF objects gives previous results (test_print.R:89:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     46. Gets previous results with Rossi (test_residuals.R:209:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     47. Get prevoius residuals with whas500 (test_residuals.R:236:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     48. Testing util functions to sim series for tests (test_test_utils.R:28:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     == Failed ======================================================================
     -- 1. Error (test_static_glm.R:130:5): Gets same with different methods --------
     Error: object 'c_weights' not found
     1. dynamichazard:::get_fit("speedglm") test_static_glm.R:130:4
     2. dynamichazard::static_glm(...) test_static_glm.R:124:15
     5. dynamichazard:::.static_glm_fit(...)
     10. stats::model.frame.default(...)
     11. [ base::eval(...) ] with 1 more call
     == DONE ========================================================================
     Error: Test failures
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64

Version: 0.6.7
Check: running tests for arch ‘x64’
Result: ERROR
     Running 'testthat.R' [67s]
    Running the tests in 'tests/testthat.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > # Had the same issue as in this thread:
     > Sys.setenv("R_TESTS" = "")
     > options(deparse.max.lines = 5, testthat.summary.max_reports = 1000L)
     > testthat::test_check("dynamichazard", reporter = "summary")
     Loading required package: dynamichazard
     Loading required package: survival
     Tracing function "expect_known_value" in package "testthat"
     Tracing function "expect_known_output" in package "testthat"
     Loading required package: DBI
     Running tests for GMA: ..................
     Testing LAPACK wrapper functions: ..............................................
     Running test_PF: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................SS...SSSSSSSS..S..SS..SSSSSSSSSSSS
     Testing SMA: ................S..............
     Testing UKF: .........................
     Testing bigglm_wrapper: ..........
     Testing boot: ...S..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     testing cloglog link function: ....S
     Testing cpp sampling functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................S.............................................................S....
     Running test_cpp_utils.R:: .S............
     Testing ddhazard w/ generic things and w/ the the EKF: .....................S................
     Testing design_mat_and_risk_obj: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     Testing fixed_effects_in_E_step: .........
     Testing test_fixed_effects_in_M_step: ..........S..
     Testing 'get_start_values': ....................
     Running tests for hatvalues: ....
     Testing examples in man files: .......S.S....SSSS........S
     Testing loglike: ........................
     Testing options: .
     Testing parallelglm vs. glm: ................................................S
     Testing plot functions: ......................................
     Testing predict: ...............................................................................SS
     Testing print function: ...SS.....
     Testing residuals functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................SS
     Testing shiny app: ..
     Testing static_glm: ............1.......
     Testing summary function: .................
     Testing test_utils: ............S......................................
     Testing weights in fit: ................
     == Skipped =====================================================================
     1. PF_smooth gives same results (test_PF.R:71:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     2. Import and export PF cloud from Rcpp gives the same (test_PF.R:249:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     3. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set (test_PF.R:342:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     4. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set with fixed effects and the logit model (test_PF.R:409:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     5. compute_PF_summary_stats gives previous results (test_PF.R:434:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     6. 'get_cloud_means' and 'get_cloud_quantiles' gives previous results (test_PF.R:508:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     7. 'get_ancestors' yields the correct result (test_PF.R:558:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     8. ´est_params_dens´ gives the same as a R version (test_PF.R:580:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     9. fixed effect estimation gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:628:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     10. A few iterations with `type = "VAR"' yields the same as before (test_PF.R:709:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     11. PF_EM gives the same with restricted and unrestricted model when we estimate all the parameters (test_PF.R:781:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     12. Using `n_smooth_final` works as expected and yields previous results (test_PF.R:894:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     13. sampling with a t-distribution gives previous results (test_PF.R:962:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     14. 'PF_forward_filter' gives the same as 'PF_EM' when it should (test_PF.R:1000:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     15. 'state_fw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1129:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     16. 'state_bw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1165:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     17. 'artificial_prior' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1200:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     18. 'observational_cdist' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1234:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     19. combining forward and backwards works (test_PF.R:1279:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     20. combining prior and backwards works (test_PF.R:1326:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     21. mode approximations give expected result (test_PF.R:1364:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     22. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:1484:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     23. warns with randow walk model when covariates are in both fixed and random (test_PF.R:1622:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     24. works when there are time periods outside where we have data and with a single fixed and random effect (test_PF.R:1643:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     25. 'fix_seed = FALSE' yields different results at each call (test_PF.R:1668:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     26. Chaning the learning changes the result for the posterior approx method (test_SMA.R:120:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     27. boot yields previously computed values with pbc (test_boot_est.R:19:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     28. cloglog function gives previous result with simulated data using PF_EM and PF_forward_filter (test_cloglog.R:56:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     29. mvrnorm gives expected sample mean and variance (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:50:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     30. 'mvtrnorm' yields close to uniform sample (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:111:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     31. trunc_lp_in_exponential_dist does not truncate when not needed (test_cpp_utils.R:12:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     32. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with ddhazard (test_ddhazard_n_EKF.R:165:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     33. posterior_approx gives previous found values with fixed effects in M-step (test_fixed_effects_in_M_step.R:187:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     34. residuals.ddhazard help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:43:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     35. ddhazard_boot help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:67:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     36. PF_EM help page example runs and gives previous computed results (test_help_page_examples.R:129:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     37. Second example on PF help page gives the same result (test_help_page_examples.R:170:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     38. example in 'PF_EM' with gives previous results w/ a few iterations (test_help_page_examples.R:226:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     39. `PF_forward_filter` the results stated in the comments and does not alter the .Random.seed as stated on the help page (test_help_page_examples.R:357:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     40. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives previous results (test_help_page_examples.R:515:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     41. glm and parallelglm gives the same (test_parallelglm.R:80:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     42. Terms from predict with exponential outcome are correct (test_predict.R:413:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     43. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with predict results (test_predict.R:474:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     44. print.ddhazard_boot gives the expected output (test_print.R:39:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     45. Print function for PF objects gives previous results (test_print.R:89:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     46. Gets previous results with Rossi (test_residuals.R:209:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     47. Get prevoius residuals with whas500 (test_residuals.R:236:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     48. Testing util functions to sim series for tests (test_test_utils.R:28:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     == Failed ======================================================================
     -- 1. Error (test_static_glm.R:130:5): Gets same with different methods --------
     Error: object 'c_weights' not found
     1. dynamichazard:::get_fit("speedglm") test_static_glm.R:130:4
     2. dynamichazard::static_glm(...) test_static_glm.R:124:15
     5. dynamichazard:::.static_glm_fit(...)
     10. stats::model.frame.default(...)
     11. [ base::eval(...) ] with 1 more call
     == DONE ========================================================================
     Error: Test failures
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64

Version: 0.6.7
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘testthat.R’ [55s/65s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > # Had the same issue as in this thread:
     > Sys.setenv("R_TESTS" = "")
     > options(deparse.max.lines = 5, testthat.summary.max_reports = 1000L)
     > testthat::test_check("dynamichazard", reporter = "summary")
     Loading required package: dynamichazard
     Loading required package: survival
     Tracing function "expect_known_value" in package "testthat"
     Tracing function "expect_known_output" in package "testthat"
     Loading required package: DBI
     Running tests for GMA: ..................
     Testing LAPACK wrapper functions: ..............................................
     Running test_PF: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................SS...SSSSSSSS..S..SS..SSSSSSSSSSSS
     Testing SMA: ................S..............
     Testing UKF: .........................
     Testing bigglm_wrapper: ..........
     Testing boot: ...S..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     testing cloglog link function: ....S
     Testing cpp sampling functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................S.............................................................S....
     Running test_cpp_utils.R:: .S............
     Testing ddhazard w/ generic things and w/ the the EKF: .....................S................
     Testing design_mat_and_risk_obj: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     Testing fixed_effects_in_E_step: .........
     Testing test_fixed_effects_in_M_step: ..........S..
     Testing 'get_start_values': ....................
     Running tests for hatvalues: ....
     Testing examples in man files: .......S.S....SSSS........S
     Testing loglike: ........................
     Testing options: .
     Testing parallelglm vs. glm: ................................................S
     Testing plot functions: ......................................
     Testing predict: ...............................................................................SS
     Testing print function: ...SS.....
     Testing residuals functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................SS
     Testing shiny app: ..
     Testing static_glm: ............1.......
     Testing summary function: .................
     Testing test_utils: ............S......................................
     Testing weights in fit: ................
     ══ Skipped ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     1. PF_smooth gives same results (test_PF.R:71:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     2. Import and export PF cloud from Rcpp gives the same (test_PF.R:249:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     3. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set (test_PF.R:342:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     4. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set with fixed effects and the logit model (test_PF.R:409:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     5. compute_PF_summary_stats gives previous results (test_PF.R:434:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     6. 'get_cloud_means' and 'get_cloud_quantiles' gives previous results (test_PF.R:508:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     7. 'get_ancestors' yields the correct result (test_PF.R:558:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     8. ´est_params_dens´ gives the same as a R version (test_PF.R:580:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     9. fixed effect estimation gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:628:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     10. A few iterations with `type = "VAR"' yields the same as before (test_PF.R:709:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     11. PF_EM gives the same with restricted and unrestricted model when we estimate all the parameters (test_PF.R:781:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     12. Using `n_smooth_final` works as expected and yields previous results (test_PF.R:894:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     13. sampling with a t-distribution gives previous results (test_PF.R:962:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     14. 'PF_forward_filter' gives the same as 'PF_EM' when it should (test_PF.R:1000:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     15. 'state_fw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1129:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     16. 'state_bw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1165:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     17. 'artificial_prior' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1200:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     18. 'observational_cdist' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1234:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     19. combining forward and backwards works (test_PF.R:1279:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     20. combining prior and backwards works (test_PF.R:1326:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     21. mode approximations give expected result (test_PF.R:1364:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     22. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:1484:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     23. warns with randow walk model when covariates are in both fixed and random (test_PF.R:1622:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     24. works when there are time periods outside where we have data and with a single fixed and random effect (test_PF.R:1643:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     25. 'fix_seed = FALSE' yields different results at each call (test_PF.R:1668:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     26. Chaning the learning changes the result for the posterior approx method (test_SMA.R:120:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     27. boot yields previously computed values with pbc (test_boot_est.R:19:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     28. cloglog function gives previous result with simulated data using PF_EM and PF_forward_filter (test_cloglog.R:56:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     29. mvrnorm gives expected sample mean and variance (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:50:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     30. 'mvtrnorm' yields close to uniform sample (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:111:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     31. trunc_lp_in_exponential_dist does not truncate when not needed (test_cpp_utils.R:12:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     32. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with ddhazard (test_ddhazard_n_EKF.R:165:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     33. posterior_approx gives previous found values with fixed effects in M-step (test_fixed_effects_in_M_step.R:187:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     34. residuals.ddhazard help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:43:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     35. ddhazard_boot help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:67:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     36. PF_EM help page example runs and gives previous computed results (test_help_page_examples.R:129:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     37. Second example on PF help page gives the same result (test_help_page_examples.R:170:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     38. example in 'PF_EM' with gives previous results w/ a few iterations (test_help_page_examples.R:226:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     39. `PF_forward_filter` the results stated in the comments and does not alter the .Random.seed as stated on the help page (test_help_page_examples.R:357:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     40. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives previous results (test_help_page_examples.R:515:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     41. glm and parallelglm gives the same (test_parallelglm.R:80:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     42. Terms from predict with exponential outcome are correct (test_predict.R:413:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     43. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with predict results (test_predict.R:474:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     44. print.ddhazard_boot gives the expected output (test_print.R:39:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     45. Print function for PF objects gives previous results (test_print.R:89:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     46. Gets previous results with Rossi (test_residuals.R:209:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     47. Get prevoius residuals with whas500 (test_residuals.R:236:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     48. Testing util functions to sim series for tests (test_test_utils.R:28:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     ══ Failed ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     ── 1. Error (test_static_glm.R:130:5): Gets same with different methods ────────
     Error: object 'c_weights' not found
     1. dynamichazard:::get_fit("speedglm") test_static_glm.R:130:4
     2. dynamichazard::static_glm(...) test_static_glm.R:124:15
     5. dynamichazard:::.static_glm_fit(...)
     10. stats::model.frame.default(...)
     11. [ base::eval(...) ] with 1 more call
     ══ DONE ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     Error: Test failures
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-patched-linux-x86_64

Version: 0.6.7
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘testthat.R’ [87s/108s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > # Had the same issue as in this thread:
     > Sys.setenv("R_TESTS" = "")
     > options(deparse.max.lines = 5, testthat.summary.max_reports = 1000L)
     > testthat::test_check("dynamichazard", reporter = "summary")
     Loading required package: dynamichazard
     Loading required package: survival
     Tracing function "expect_known_value" in package "testthat"
     Tracing function "expect_known_output" in package "testthat"
     Loading required package: DBI
     Running tests for GMA: ..................
     Testing LAPACK wrapper functions: ..............................................
     Running test_PF: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................SS...SSSSSSSS..SSSS..SSSSSSSSSSSS
     Testing SMA: ................S..............
     Testing UKF: .........................
     Testing bigglm_wrapper: ..........
     Testing boot: ...S..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     testing cloglog link function: ....S
     Testing cpp sampling functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................S.............................................................S....
     Running test_cpp_utils.R:: .S............
     Testing ddhazard w/ generic things and w/ the the EKF: .....................S................
     Testing design_mat_and_risk_obj: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     Testing fixed_effects_in_E_step: .........
     Testing test_fixed_effects_in_M_step: ..........S..
     Testing 'get_start_values': ....................
     Running tests for hatvalues: ....
     Testing examples in man files: .......S.S....SSSS........S
     Testing loglike: ........................
     Testing options: .
     Testing parallelglm vs. glm: ................................................S
     Testing plot functions: ......................................
     Testing predict: ...............................................................................SS
     Testing print function: ...SS.....
     Testing residuals functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................SS
     Testing shiny app: ..
     Testing static_glm: ............1.......
     Testing summary function: .................
     Testing test_utils: ............S......................................
     Testing weights in fit: ................
     ══ Skipped ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     1. PF_smooth gives same results (test_PF.R:71:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     2. Import and export PF cloud from Rcpp gives the same (test_PF.R:249:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     3. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set (test_PF.R:342:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     4. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set with fixed effects and the logit model (test_PF.R:409:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     5. compute_PF_summary_stats gives previous results (test_PF.R:434:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     6. 'get_cloud_means' and 'get_cloud_quantiles' gives previous results (test_PF.R:508:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     7. 'get_ancestors' yields the correct result (test_PF.R:558:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     8. ´est_params_dens´ gives the same as a R version (test_PF.R:580:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     9. fixed effect estimation gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:628:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     10. A few iterations with `type = "VAR"' yields the same as before (test_PF.R:709:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     11. PF_EM gives the same with restricted and unrestricted model when we estimate all the parameters (test_PF.R:781:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     12. type = 'VAR' works with non-zero mean with a single term and gives previous results (test_PF.R:852:3) - Reason: On Solaris
     13. Using `n_smooth_final` works as expected and yields previous results (test_PF.R:894:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     14. sampling with a t-distribution gives previous results (test_PF.R:962:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     15. 'PF_forward_filter' gives the same as 'PF_EM' when it should (test_PF.R:1000:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     16. 'state_fw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1129:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     17. 'state_bw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1165:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     18. 'artificial_prior' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1200:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     19. 'observational_cdist' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1234:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     20. combining forward and backwards works (test_PF.R:1279:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     21. combining prior and backwards works (test_PF.R:1326:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     22. mode approximations give expected result (test_PF.R:1364:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     23. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:1484:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     24. warns with randow walk model when covariates are in both fixed and random (test_PF.R:1622:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     25. works when there are time periods outside where we have data and with a single fixed and random effect (test_PF.R:1643:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     26. 'fix_seed = FALSE' yields different results at each call (test_PF.R:1668:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     27. Chaning the learning changes the result for the posterior approx method (test_SMA.R:120:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     28. boot yields previously computed values with pbc (test_boot_est.R:19:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     29. cloglog function gives previous result with simulated data using PF_EM and PF_forward_filter (test_cloglog.R:56:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     30. mvrnorm gives expected sample mean and variance (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:50:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     31. 'mvtrnorm' yields close to uniform sample (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:111:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     32. trunc_lp_in_exponential_dist does not truncate when not needed (test_cpp_utils.R:12:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     33. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with ddhazard (test_ddhazard_n_EKF.R:165:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     34. posterior_approx gives previous found values with fixed effects in M-step (test_fixed_effects_in_M_step.R:187:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     35. residuals.ddhazard help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:43:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     36. ddhazard_boot help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:67:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     37. PF_EM help page example runs and gives previous computed results (test_help_page_examples.R:129:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     38. Second example on PF help page gives the same result (test_help_page_examples.R:170:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     39. example in 'PF_EM' with gives previous results w/ a few iterations (test_help_page_examples.R:226:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     40. `PF_forward_filter` the results stated in the comments and does not alter the .Random.seed as stated on the help page (test_help_page_examples.R:357:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     41. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives previous results (test_help_page_examples.R:515:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     42. glm and parallelglm gives the same (test_parallelglm.R:80:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     43. Terms from predict with exponential outcome are correct (test_predict.R:413:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     44. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with predict results (test_predict.R:474:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     45. print.ddhazard_boot gives the expected output (test_print.R:39:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     46. Print function for PF objects gives previous results (test_print.R:89:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     47. Gets previous results with Rossi (test_residuals.R:209:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     48. Get prevoius residuals with whas500 (test_residuals.R:236:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     49. Testing util functions to sim series for tests (test_test_utils.R:28:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     ══ Failed ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     ── 1. Error (test_static_glm.R:130:5): Gets same with different methods ────────
     Error: object 'c_weights' not found
     1. dynamichazard:::get_fit("speedglm") test_static_glm.R:130:4
     2. dynamichazard::static_glm(...) test_static_glm.R:124:15
     5. dynamichazard:::.static_glm_fit(...)
     10. stats::model.frame.default(...)
     11. [ base::eval(...) ] with 1 more call
     ══ DONE ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     Error: Test failures
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-patched-solaris-x86

Version: 0.6.7
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘testthat.R’ [54s/63s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > # Had the same issue as in this thread:
     > Sys.setenv("R_TESTS" = "")
     > options(deparse.max.lines = 5, testthat.summary.max_reports = 1000L)
     > testthat::test_check("dynamichazard", reporter = "summary")
     Loading required package: dynamichazard
     Loading required package: survival
     Tracing function "expect_known_value" in package "testthat"
     Tracing function "expect_known_output" in package "testthat"
     Loading required package: DBI
     Running tests for GMA: ..................
     Testing LAPACK wrapper functions: ..............................................
     Running test_PF: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................SS...SSSSSSSS..S..SS..SSSSSSSSSSSS
     Testing SMA: ................S..............
     Testing UKF: .........................
     Testing bigglm_wrapper: ..........
     Testing boot: ...S..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     testing cloglog link function: ....S
     Testing cpp sampling functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................S.............................................................S....
     Running test_cpp_utils.R:: .S............
     Testing ddhazard w/ generic things and w/ the the EKF: .....................S................
     Testing design_mat_and_risk_obj: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     Testing fixed_effects_in_E_step: .........
     Testing test_fixed_effects_in_M_step: ..........S..
     Testing 'get_start_values': ....................
     Running tests for hatvalues: ....
     Testing examples in man files: .......S.S....SSSS........S
     Testing loglike: ........................
     Testing options: .
     Testing parallelglm vs. glm: ................................................S
     Testing plot functions: ......................................
     Testing predict: ...............................................................................SS
     Testing print function: ...SS.....
     Testing residuals functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................SS
     Testing shiny app: ..
     Testing static_glm: ............1.......
     Testing summary function: .................
     Testing test_utils: ............S......................................
     Testing weights in fit: ................
     ══ Skipped ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     1. PF_smooth gives same results (test_PF.R:71:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     2. Import and export PF cloud from Rcpp gives the same (test_PF.R:249:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     3. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set (test_PF.R:342:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     4. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set with fixed effects and the logit model (test_PF.R:409:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     5. compute_PF_summary_stats gives previous results (test_PF.R:434:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     6. 'get_cloud_means' and 'get_cloud_quantiles' gives previous results (test_PF.R:508:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     7. 'get_ancestors' yields the correct result (test_PF.R:558:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     8. ´est_params_dens´ gives the same as a R version (test_PF.R:580:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     9. fixed effect estimation gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:628:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     10. A few iterations with `type = "VAR"' yields the same as before (test_PF.R:709:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     11. PF_EM gives the same with restricted and unrestricted model when we estimate all the parameters (test_PF.R:781:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     12. Using `n_smooth_final` works as expected and yields previous results (test_PF.R:894:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     13. sampling with a t-distribution gives previous results (test_PF.R:962:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     14. 'PF_forward_filter' gives the same as 'PF_EM' when it should (test_PF.R:1000:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     15. 'state_fw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1129:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     16. 'state_bw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1165:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     17. 'artificial_prior' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1200:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     18. 'observational_cdist' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1234:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     19. combining forward and backwards works (test_PF.R:1279:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     20. combining prior and backwards works (test_PF.R:1326:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     21. mode approximations give expected result (test_PF.R:1364:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     22. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:1484:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     23. warns with randow walk model when covariates are in both fixed and random (test_PF.R:1622:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     24. works when there are time periods outside where we have data and with a single fixed and random effect (test_PF.R:1643:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     25. 'fix_seed = FALSE' yields different results at each call (test_PF.R:1668:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     26. Chaning the learning changes the result for the posterior approx method (test_SMA.R:120:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     27. boot yields previously computed values with pbc (test_boot_est.R:19:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     28. cloglog function gives previous result with simulated data using PF_EM and PF_forward_filter (test_cloglog.R:56:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     29. mvrnorm gives expected sample mean and variance (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:50:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     30. 'mvtrnorm' yields close to uniform sample (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:111:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     31. trunc_lp_in_exponential_dist does not truncate when not needed (test_cpp_utils.R:12:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     32. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with ddhazard (test_ddhazard_n_EKF.R:165:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     33. posterior_approx gives previous found values with fixed effects in M-step (test_fixed_effects_in_M_step.R:187:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     34. residuals.ddhazard help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:43:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     35. ddhazard_boot help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:67:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     36. PF_EM help page example runs and gives previous computed results (test_help_page_examples.R:129:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     37. Second example on PF help page gives the same result (test_help_page_examples.R:170:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     38. example in 'PF_EM' with gives previous results w/ a few iterations (test_help_page_examples.R:226:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     39. `PF_forward_filter` the results stated in the comments and does not alter the .Random.seed as stated on the help page (test_help_page_examples.R:357:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     40. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives previous results (test_help_page_examples.R:515:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     41. glm and parallelglm gives the same (test_parallelglm.R:80:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     42. Terms from predict with exponential outcome are correct (test_predict.R:413:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     43. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with predict results (test_predict.R:474:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     44. print.ddhazard_boot gives the expected output (test_print.R:39:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     45. Print function for PF objects gives previous results (test_print.R:89:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     46. Gets previous results with Rossi (test_residuals.R:209:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     47. Get prevoius residuals with whas500 (test_residuals.R:236:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     48. Testing util functions to sim series for tests (test_test_utils.R:28:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     ══ Failed ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     ── 1. Error (test_static_glm.R:130:5): Gets same with different methods ────────
     Error: object 'c_weights' not found
     1. dynamichazard:::get_fit("speedglm") test_static_glm.R:130:4
     2. dynamichazard::static_glm(...) test_static_glm.R:124:15
     5. dynamichazard:::.static_glm_fit(...)
     10. stats::model.frame.default(...)
     11. [ base::eval(...) ] with 1 more call
     ══ DONE ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     Error: Test failures
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-release-linux-x86_64

Version: 0.6.7
Check: running tests for arch ‘i386’
Result: ERROR
     Running 'testthat.R' [53s]
    Running the tests in 'tests/testthat.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > # Had the same issue as in this thread:
     > Sys.setenv("R_TESTS" = "")
     > options(deparse.max.lines = 5, testthat.summary.max_reports = 1000L)
     > testthat::test_check("dynamichazard", reporter = "summary")
     Loading required package: dynamichazard
     Loading required package: survival
     Tracing function "expect_known_value" in package "testthat"
     Tracing function "expect_known_output" in package "testthat"
     Loading required package: DBI
     Running tests for GMA: ..................
     Testing LAPACK wrapper functions: ..............................................
     Running test_PF: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................SS...SSSSSSSS..S..SS..SSSSSSSSSSSS
     Testing SMA: ................S..............
     Testing UKF: .........................
     Testing bigglm_wrapper: ..........
     Testing boot: ...S..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     testing cloglog link function: ....S
     Testing cpp sampling functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................S.............................................................S....
     Running test_cpp_utils.R:: .S............
     Testing ddhazard w/ generic things and w/ the the EKF: .....................S................
     Testing design_mat_and_risk_obj: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     Testing fixed_effects_in_E_step: .........
     Testing test_fixed_effects_in_M_step: ..........S..
     Testing 'get_start_values': ....................
     Running tests for hatvalues: ....
     Testing examples in man files: .......S.S....SSSS........S
     Testing loglike: ........................
     Testing options: .
     Testing parallelglm vs. glm: ................................................S
     Testing plot functions: ......................................
     Testing predict: ...............................................................................SS
     Testing print function: ...SS.....
     Testing residuals functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................SS
     Testing shiny app: ..
     Testing static_glm: ............1.......
     Testing summary function: .................
     Testing test_utils: ............S......................................
     Testing weights in fit: ................
     == Skipped =====================================================================
     1. PF_smooth gives same results (test_PF.R:71:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     2. Import and export PF cloud from Rcpp gives the same (test_PF.R:249:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     3. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set (test_PF.R:342:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     4. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set with fixed effects and the logit model (test_PF.R:409:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     5. compute_PF_summary_stats gives previous results (test_PF.R:434:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     6. 'get_cloud_means' and 'get_cloud_quantiles' gives previous results (test_PF.R:508:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     7. 'get_ancestors' yields the correct result (test_PF.R:558:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     8. ´est_params_dens´ gives the same as a R version (test_PF.R:580:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     9. fixed effect estimation gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:628:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     10. A few iterations with `type = "VAR"' yields the same as before (test_PF.R:709:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     11. PF_EM gives the same with restricted and unrestricted model when we estimate all the parameters (test_PF.R:781:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     12. Using `n_smooth_final` works as expected and yields previous results (test_PF.R:894:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     13. sampling with a t-distribution gives previous results (test_PF.R:962:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     14. 'PF_forward_filter' gives the same as 'PF_EM' when it should (test_PF.R:1000:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     15. 'state_fw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1129:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     16. 'state_bw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1165:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     17. 'artificial_prior' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1200:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     18. 'observational_cdist' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1234:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     19. combining forward and backwards works (test_PF.R:1279:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     20. combining prior and backwards works (test_PF.R:1326:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     21. mode approximations give expected result (test_PF.R:1364:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     22. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:1484:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     23. warns with randow walk model when covariates are in both fixed and random (test_PF.R:1622:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     24. works when there are time periods outside where we have data and with a single fixed and random effect (test_PF.R:1643:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     25. 'fix_seed = FALSE' yields different results at each call (test_PF.R:1668:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     26. Chaning the learning changes the result for the posterior approx method (test_SMA.R:120:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     27. boot yields previously computed values with pbc (test_boot_est.R:19:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     28. cloglog function gives previous result with simulated data using PF_EM and PF_forward_filter (test_cloglog.R:56:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     29. mvrnorm gives expected sample mean and variance (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:50:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     30. 'mvtrnorm' yields close to uniform sample (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:111:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     31. trunc_lp_in_exponential_dist does not truncate when not needed (test_cpp_utils.R:12:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     32. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with ddhazard (test_ddhazard_n_EKF.R:165:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     33. posterior_approx gives previous found values with fixed effects in M-step (test_fixed_effects_in_M_step.R:187:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     34. residuals.ddhazard help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:43:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     35. ddhazard_boot help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:67:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     36. PF_EM help page example runs and gives previous computed results (test_help_page_examples.R:129:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     37. Second example on PF help page gives the same result (test_help_page_examples.R:170:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     38. example in 'PF_EM' with gives previous results w/ a few iterations (test_help_page_examples.R:226:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     39. `PF_forward_filter` the results stated in the comments and does not alter the .Random.seed as stated on the help page (test_help_page_examples.R:357:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     40. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives previous results (test_help_page_examples.R:515:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     41. glm and parallelglm gives the same (test_parallelglm.R:80:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     42. Terms from predict with exponential outcome are correct (test_predict.R:413:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     43. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with predict results (test_predict.R:474:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     44. print.ddhazard_boot gives the expected output (test_print.R:39:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     45. Print function for PF objects gives previous results (test_print.R:89:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     46. Gets previous results with Rossi (test_residuals.R:209:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     47. Get prevoius residuals with whas500 (test_residuals.R:236:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     48. Testing util functions to sim series for tests (test_test_utils.R:28:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     == Failed ======================================================================
     -- 1. Error (test_static_glm.R:130:5): Gets same with different methods --------
     Error: object 'c_weights' not found
     1. dynamichazard:::get_fit("speedglm") test_static_glm.R:130:4
     2. dynamichazard::static_glm(...) test_static_glm.R:124:15
     5. dynamichazard:::.static_glm_fit(...)
     10. stats::model.frame.default(...)
     11. [ base::eval(...) ] with 1 more call
     == DONE ========================================================================
     Error: Test failures
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64

Version: 0.6.7
Check: running tests for arch ‘x64’
Result: ERROR
     Running 'testthat.R' [52s]
    Running the tests in 'tests/testthat.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > # Had the same issue as in this thread:
     > Sys.setenv("R_TESTS" = "")
     > options(deparse.max.lines = 5, testthat.summary.max_reports = 1000L)
     > testthat::test_check("dynamichazard", reporter = "summary")
     Loading required package: dynamichazard
     Loading required package: survival
     Tracing function "expect_known_value" in package "testthat"
     Tracing function "expect_known_output" in package "testthat"
     Loading required package: DBI
     Running tests for GMA: ..................
     Testing LAPACK wrapper functions: ..............................................
     Running test_PF: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................SS...SSSSSSSS..S..SS..SSSSSSSSSSSS
     Testing SMA: ................S..............
     Testing UKF: .........................
     Testing bigglm_wrapper: ..........
     Testing boot: ...S..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     testing cloglog link function: ....S
     Testing cpp sampling functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................S.............................................................S....
     Running test_cpp_utils.R:: .S............
     Testing ddhazard w/ generic things and w/ the the EKF: .....................S................
     Testing design_mat_and_risk_obj: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     Testing fixed_effects_in_E_step: .........
     Testing test_fixed_effects_in_M_step: ..........S..
     Testing 'get_start_values': ....................
     Running tests for hatvalues: ....
     Testing examples in man files: .......S.S....SSSS........S
     Testing loglike: ........................
     Testing options: .
     Testing parallelglm vs. glm: ................................................S
     Testing plot functions: ......................................
     Testing predict: ...............................................................................SS
     Testing print function: ...SS.....
     Testing residuals functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................SS
     Testing shiny app: ..
     Testing static_glm: ............1.......
     Testing summary function: .................
     Testing test_utils: ............S......................................
     Testing weights in fit: ................
     == Skipped =====================================================================
     1. PF_smooth gives same results (test_PF.R:71:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     2. Import and export PF cloud from Rcpp gives the same (test_PF.R:249:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     3. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set (test_PF.R:342:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     4. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set with fixed effects and the logit model (test_PF.R:409:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     5. compute_PF_summary_stats gives previous results (test_PF.R:434:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     6. 'get_cloud_means' and 'get_cloud_quantiles' gives previous results (test_PF.R:508:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     7. 'get_ancestors' yields the correct result (test_PF.R:558:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     8. ´est_params_dens´ gives the same as a R version (test_PF.R:580:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     9. fixed effect estimation gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:628:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     10. A few iterations with `type = "VAR"' yields the same as before (test_PF.R:709:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     11. PF_EM gives the same with restricted and unrestricted model when we estimate all the parameters (test_PF.R:781:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     12. Using `n_smooth_final` works as expected and yields previous results (test_PF.R:894:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     13. sampling with a t-distribution gives previous results (test_PF.R:962:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     14. 'PF_forward_filter' gives the same as 'PF_EM' when it should (test_PF.R:1000:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     15. 'state_fw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1129:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     16. 'state_bw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1165:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     17. 'artificial_prior' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1200:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     18. 'observational_cdist' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1234:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     19. combining forward and backwards works (test_PF.R:1279:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     20. combining prior and backwards works (test_PF.R:1326:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     21. mode approximations give expected result (test_PF.R:1364:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     22. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:1484:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     23. warns with randow walk model when covariates are in both fixed and random (test_PF.R:1622:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     24. works when there are time periods outside where we have data and with a single fixed and random effect (test_PF.R:1643:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     25. 'fix_seed = FALSE' yields different results at each call (test_PF.R:1668:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     26. Chaning the learning changes the result for the posterior approx method (test_SMA.R:120:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     27. boot yields previously computed values with pbc (test_boot_est.R:19:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     28. cloglog function gives previous result with simulated data using PF_EM and PF_forward_filter (test_cloglog.R:56:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     29. mvrnorm gives expected sample mean and variance (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:50:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     30. 'mvtrnorm' yields close to uniform sample (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:111:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     31. trunc_lp_in_exponential_dist does not truncate when not needed (test_cpp_utils.R:12:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     32. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with ddhazard (test_ddhazard_n_EKF.R:165:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     33. posterior_approx gives previous found values with fixed effects in M-step (test_fixed_effects_in_M_step.R:187:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     34. residuals.ddhazard help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:43:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     35. ddhazard_boot help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:67:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     36. PF_EM help page example runs and gives previous computed results (test_help_page_examples.R:129:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     37. Second example on PF help page gives the same result (test_help_page_examples.R:170:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     38. example in 'PF_EM' with gives previous results w/ a few iterations (test_help_page_examples.R:226:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     39. `PF_forward_filter` the results stated in the comments and does not alter the .Random.seed as stated on the help page (test_help_page_examples.R:357:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     40. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives previous results (test_help_page_examples.R:515:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     41. glm and parallelglm gives the same (test_parallelglm.R:80:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     42. Terms from predict with exponential outcome are correct (test_predict.R:413:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     43. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with predict results (test_predict.R:474:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     44. print.ddhazard_boot gives the expected output (test_print.R:39:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     45. Print function for PF objects gives previous results (test_print.R:89:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     46. Gets previous results with Rossi (test_residuals.R:209:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     47. Get prevoius residuals with whas500 (test_residuals.R:236:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     48. Testing util functions to sim series for tests (test_test_utils.R:28:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     == Failed ======================================================================
     -- 1. Error (test_static_glm.R:130:5): Gets same with different methods --------
     Error: object 'c_weights' not found
     1. dynamichazard:::get_fit("speedglm") test_static_glm.R:130:4
     2. dynamichazard::static_glm(...) test_static_glm.R:124:15
     5. dynamichazard:::.static_glm_fit(...)
     10. stats::model.frame.default(...)
     11. [ base::eval(...) ] with 1 more call
     == DONE ========================================================================
     Error: Test failures
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64

Version: 0.6.7
Check: running tests for arch ‘i386’
Result: ERROR
     Running 'testthat.R' [68s]
    Running the tests in 'tests/testthat.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > # Had the same issue as in this thread:
     > Sys.setenv("R_TESTS" = "")
     > options(deparse.max.lines = 5, testthat.summary.max_reports = 1000L)
     > testthat::test_check("dynamichazard", reporter = "summary")
     Loading required package: dynamichazard
     Loading required package: survival
     Tracing function "expect_known_value" in package "testthat"
     Tracing function "expect_known_output" in package "testthat"
     Loading required package: DBI
     Running tests for GMA: ..................
     Testing LAPACK wrapper functions: ..............................................
     Running test_PF: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................SS...SSSSSSSS..S..SS..SSSSSSSSSSSS
     Testing SMA: ................S..............
     Testing UKF: .........................
     Testing bigglm_wrapper: ..........
     Testing boot: ...S..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     testing cloglog link function: ....S
     Testing cpp sampling functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................S.............................................................S....
     Running test_cpp_utils.R:: .S............
     Testing ddhazard w/ generic things and w/ the the EKF: .....................S................
     Testing design_mat_and_risk_obj: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     Testing fixed_effects_in_E_step: .........
     Testing test_fixed_effects_in_M_step: ..........S..
     Testing 'get_start_values': ....................
     Running tests for hatvalues: ....
     Testing examples in man files: .......S.S....SSSS........S
     Testing loglike: ........................
     Testing options: .
     Testing parallelglm vs. glm: ................................................S
     Testing plot functions: ......................................
     Testing predict: ...............................................................................SS
     Testing print function: ...SS.....
     Testing residuals functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................SS
     Testing shiny app: ..
     Testing static_glm: ............1.......
     Testing summary function: .................
     Testing test_utils: ............S......................................
     Testing weights in fit: ................
     == Skipped =====================================================================
     1. PF_smooth gives same results (test_PF.R:71:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     2. Import and export PF cloud from Rcpp gives the same (test_PF.R:249:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     3. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set (test_PF.R:342:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     4. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set with fixed effects and the logit model (test_PF.R:409:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     5. compute_PF_summary_stats gives previous results (test_PF.R:434:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     6. 'get_cloud_means' and 'get_cloud_quantiles' gives previous results (test_PF.R:508:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     7. 'get_ancestors' yields the correct result (test_PF.R:558:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     8. ´est_params_dens´ gives the same as a R version (test_PF.R:580:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     9. fixed effect estimation gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:628:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     10. A few iterations with `type = "VAR"' yields the same as before (test_PF.R:709:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     11. PF_EM gives the same with restricted and unrestricted model when we estimate all the parameters (test_PF.R:781:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     12. Using `n_smooth_final` works as expected and yields previous results (test_PF.R:894:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     13. sampling with a t-distribution gives previous results (test_PF.R:962:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     14. 'PF_forward_filter' gives the same as 'PF_EM' when it should (test_PF.R:1000:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     15. 'state_fw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1129:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     16. 'state_bw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1165:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     17. 'artificial_prior' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1200:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     18. 'observational_cdist' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1234:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     19. combining forward and backwards works (test_PF.R:1279:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     20. combining prior and backwards works (test_PF.R:1326:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     21. mode approximations give expected result (test_PF.R:1364:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     22. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:1484:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     23. warns with randow walk model when covariates are in both fixed and random (test_PF.R:1622:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     24. works when there are time periods outside where we have data and with a single fixed and random effect (test_PF.R:1643:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     25. 'fix_seed = FALSE' yields different results at each call (test_PF.R:1668:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     26. Chaning the learning changes the result for the posterior approx method (test_SMA.R:120:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     27. boot yields previously computed values with pbc (test_boot_est.R:19:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     28. cloglog function gives previous result with simulated data using PF_EM and PF_forward_filter (test_cloglog.R:56:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     29. mvrnorm gives expected sample mean and variance (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:50:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     30. 'mvtrnorm' yields close to uniform sample (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:111:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     31. trunc_lp_in_exponential_dist does not truncate when not needed (test_cpp_utils.R:12:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     32. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with ddhazard (test_ddhazard_n_EKF.R:165:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     33. posterior_approx gives previous found values with fixed effects in M-step (test_fixed_effects_in_M_step.R:187:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     34. residuals.ddhazard help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:43:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     35. ddhazard_boot help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:67:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     36. PF_EM help page example runs and gives previous computed results (test_help_page_examples.R:129:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     37. Second example on PF help page gives the same result (test_help_page_examples.R:170:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     38. example in 'PF_EM' with gives previous results w/ a few iterations (test_help_page_examples.R:226:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     39. `PF_forward_filter` the results stated in the comments and does not alter the .Random.seed as stated on the help page (test_help_page_examples.R:357:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     40. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives previous results (test_help_page_examples.R:515:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     41. glm and parallelglm gives the same (test_parallelglm.R:80:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     42. Terms from predict with exponential outcome are correct (test_predict.R:413:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     43. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with predict results (test_predict.R:474:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     44. print.ddhazard_boot gives the expected output (test_print.R:39:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     45. Print function for PF objects gives previous results (test_print.R:89:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     46. Gets previous results with Rossi (test_residuals.R:209:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     47. Get prevoius residuals with whas500 (test_residuals.R:236:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     48. Testing util functions to sim series for tests (test_test_utils.R:28:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     == Failed ======================================================================
     -- 1. Error (test_static_glm.R:130:5): Gets same with different methods --------
     Error: object 'c_weights' not found
     1. dynamichazard:::get_fit("speedglm") test_static_glm.R:130:4
     2. dynamichazard::static_glm(...) test_static_glm.R:124:15
     5. dynamichazard:::.static_glm_fit(...)
     10. stats::model.frame.default(...)
     11. [ base::eval(...) ] with 1 more call
     == DONE ========================================================================
     Error: Test failures
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64

Version: 0.6.7
Check: running tests for arch ‘x64’
Result: ERROR
     Running 'testthat.R' [69s]
    Running the tests in 'tests/testthat.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > # Had the same issue as in this thread:
     > Sys.setenv("R_TESTS" = "")
     > options(deparse.max.lines = 5, testthat.summary.max_reports = 1000L)
     > testthat::test_check("dynamichazard", reporter = "summary")
     Loading required package: dynamichazard
     Loading required package: survival
     Tracing function "expect_known_value" in package "testthat"
     Tracing function "expect_known_output" in package "testthat"
     Loading required package: DBI
     Running tests for GMA: ..................
     Testing LAPACK wrapper functions: ..............................................
     Running test_PF: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................SS...SSSSSSSS..S..SS..SSSSSSSSSSSS
     Testing SMA: ................S..............
     Testing UKF: .........................
     Testing bigglm_wrapper: ..........
     Testing boot: ...S..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     testing cloglog link function: ....S
     Testing cpp sampling functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................S.............................................................S....
     Running test_cpp_utils.R:: .S............
     Testing ddhazard w/ generic things and w/ the the EKF: .....................S................
     Testing design_mat_and_risk_obj: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
     Testing fixed_effects_in_E_step: .........
     Testing test_fixed_effects_in_M_step: ..........S..
     Testing 'get_start_values': ....................
     Running tests for hatvalues: ....
     Testing examples in man files: .......S.S....SSSS........S
     Testing loglike: ........................
     Testing options: .
     Testing parallelglm vs. glm: ................................................S
     Testing plot functions: ......................................
     Testing predict: ...............................................................................SS
     Testing print function: ...SS.....
     Testing residuals functions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................SS
     Testing shiny app: ..
     Testing static_glm: ............1.......
     Testing summary function: .................
     Testing test_utils: ............S......................................
     Testing weights in fit: ................
     == Skipped =====================================================================
     1. PF_smooth gives same results (test_PF.R:71:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     2. Import and export PF cloud from Rcpp gives the same (test_PF.R:249:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     3. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set (test_PF.R:342:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     4. PF_EM gives previous results on head neck data set with fixed effects and the logit model (test_PF.R:409:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     5. compute_PF_summary_stats gives previous results (test_PF.R:434:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     6. 'get_cloud_means' and 'get_cloud_quantiles' gives previous results (test_PF.R:508:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     7. 'get_ancestors' yields the correct result (test_PF.R:558:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     8. ´est_params_dens´ gives the same as a R version (test_PF.R:580:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     9. fixed effect estimation gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:628:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     10. A few iterations with `type = "VAR"' yields the same as before (test_PF.R:709:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     11. PF_EM gives the same with restricted and unrestricted model when we estimate all the parameters (test_PF.R:781:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     12. Using `n_smooth_final` works as expected and yields previous results (test_PF.R:894:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     13. sampling with a t-distribution gives previous results (test_PF.R:962:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     14. 'PF_forward_filter' gives the same as 'PF_EM' when it should (test_PF.R:1000:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     15. 'state_fw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1129:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     16. 'state_bw' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1165:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     17. 'artificial_prior' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1200:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     18. 'observational_cdist' gives correct results (test_PF.R:1234:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     19. combining forward and backwards works (test_PF.R:1279:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     20. combining prior and backwards works (test_PF.R:1326:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     21. mode approximations give expected result (test_PF.R:1364:3) - Reason: !dir.exists("pf-internals") is TRUE
     22. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives the same as an R implementation (test_PF.R:1484:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     23. warns with randow walk model when covariates are in both fixed and random (test_PF.R:1622:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     24. works when there are time periods outside where we have data and with a single fixed and random effect (test_PF.R:1643:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     25. 'fix_seed = FALSE' yields different results at each call (test_PF.R:1668:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     26. Chaning the learning changes the result for the posterior approx method (test_SMA.R:120:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     27. boot yields previously computed values with pbc (test_boot_est.R:19:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     28. cloglog function gives previous result with simulated data using PF_EM and PF_forward_filter (test_cloglog.R:56:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     29. mvrnorm gives expected sample mean and variance (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:50:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     30. 'mvtrnorm' yields close to uniform sample (test_cpp_sample_funcs.R:111:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     31. trunc_lp_in_exponential_dist does not truncate when not needed (test_cpp_utils.R:12:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     32. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with ddhazard (test_ddhazard_n_EKF.R:165:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     33. posterior_approx gives previous found values with fixed effects in M-step (test_fixed_effects_in_M_step.R:187:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     34. residuals.ddhazard help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:43:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     35. ddhazard_boot help page examples gives the same results (test_help_page_examples.R:67:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     36. PF_EM help page example runs and gives previous computed results (test_help_page_examples.R:129:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     37. Second example on PF help page gives the same result (test_help_page_examples.R:170:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     38. example in 'PF_EM' with gives previous results w/ a few iterations (test_help_page_examples.R:226:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     39. `PF_forward_filter` the results stated in the comments and does not alter the .Random.seed as stated on the help page (test_help_page_examples.R:357:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     40. 'PF_get_score_n_hess' gives previous results (test_help_page_examples.R:515:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     41. glm and parallelglm gives the same (test_parallelglm.R:80:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     42. Terms from predict with exponential outcome are correct (test_predict.R:413:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     43. Different non-integer time_scales gives the same result with predict results (test_predict.R:474:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     44. print.ddhazard_boot gives the expected output (test_print.R:39:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     45. Print function for PF objects gives previous results (test_print.R:89:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     46. Gets previous results with Rossi (test_residuals.R:209:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     47. Get prevoius residuals with whas500 (test_residuals.R:236:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     48. Testing util functions to sim series for tests (test_test_utils.R:28:3) - Reason: On CRAN
     == Failed ======================================================================
     -- 1. Error (test_static_glm.R:130:5): Gets same with different methods --------
     Error: object 'c_weights' not found
     1. dynamichazard:::get_fit("speedglm") test_static_glm.R:130:4
     2. dynamichazard::static_glm(...) test_static_glm.R:124:15
     5. dynamichazard:::.static_glm_fit(...)
     10. stats::model.frame.default(...)
     11. [ base::eval(...) ] with 1 more call
     == DONE ========================================================================
     Error: Test failures
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64