CRAN Package Check Results for Package antaresRead

Last updated on 2018-02-20 09:49:51 CET.

Flavor Version Tinstall Tcheck Ttotal Status Flags
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang 2.0.2 4.88 467.25 472.13 OK
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc 2.0.2 5.20 197.05 202.25 OK
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang 2.0.2 134.89 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc 2.0.2 116.18 ERROR
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64 2.0.2 10.00 376.00 386.00 OK
r-patched-linux-x86_64 2.0.2 1.69 276.28 277.97 OK
r-patched-solaris-x86 2.0.2 77.90 WARN
r-release-linux-x86_64 2.0.2 2.03 271.47 273.50 OK
r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64 2.0.2 7.00 500.00 507.00 OK
r-release-osx-x86_64 2.0.2 ERROR
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 2.0.2 7.00 451.00 458.00 OK
r-oldrel-osx-x86_64 2.0.2 WARN

Check Details

Version: 2.0.2
Check: package dependencies
Result: NOTE
    Package suggested but not available for checking: ‘rhdf5’
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc, r-release-osx-x86_64

Version: 2.0.2
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘testthat.R’ [74s/67s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > #Copyright © 2016 RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité
     > require(testthat)
     Loading required package: testthat
     > require(antaresRead)
     Loading required package: antaresRead
     > require(plyr)
     Loading required package: plyr
     > is.solaris<-function()grepl('SunOS',['sysname'])
     > if(!is.solaris()){
     + test_check("antaresRead")
     + }
     OMP: Warning #96: Cannot form a team with 9 threads, using 2 instead.
     Failed with error: 'there is no package called 'rhdf5''
     Failed with error: 'there is no package called 'rhdf5''
     Failed with error: 'there is no package called 'rhdf5''
     Failed with error: 'there is no package called 'rhdf5''
     Failed with error: 'there is no package called 'rhdf5''
     Failed with error: 'there is no package called 'rhdf5''
     ── 1. Error: (unknown) (@test-viewAntares.R#39) ───────────────────────────────
     object 'tpDir' not found
     1: unlink(tpDir, recursive = TRUE) at testthat/test-viewAntares.R:39
     ══ testthat results ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     OK: 660 SKIPPED: 2 FAILED: 1
     1. Error: (unknown) (@test-viewAntares.R#39)
     Error: testthat unit tests failed
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Version: 2.0.2
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘testthat.R’ [56s/124s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > #Copyright © 2016 RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité
     > require(testthat)
     Loading required package: testthat
     > require(antaresRead)
     Loading required package: antaresRead
     > require(plyr)
     Loading required package: plyr
     > is.solaris<-function()grepl('SunOS',['sysname'])
     > if(!is.solaris()){
     + test_check("antaresRead")
     + }
     Failed with error: 'there is no package called 'rhdf5''
     Failed with error: 'there is no package called 'rhdf5''
     Failed with error: 'there is no package called 'rhdf5''
     Failed with error: 'there is no package called 'rhdf5''
     Failed with error: 'there is no package called 'rhdf5''
     Failed with error: 'there is no package called 'rhdf5''
     ── 1. Error: (unknown) (@test-viewAntares.R#39) ───────────────────────────────
     object 'tpDir' not found
     1: unlink(tpDir, recursive = TRUE) at testthat/test-viewAntares.R:39
     ══ testthat results ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     OK: 660 SKIPPED: 2 FAILED: 1
     1. Error: (unknown) (@test-viewAntares.R#39)
     Error: testthat unit tests failed
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc

Version: 2.0.2
Check: re-building of vignette outputs
Result: WARN
    Error in re-building vignettes:
    Warning in engine$weave(file, quiet = quiet, encoding = enc) :
     Pandoc (>= 1.12.3) and/or pandoc-citeproc not available. Falling back to R Markdown v1.
    Warning in engine$weave(file, quiet = quiet, encoding = enc) :
     Pandoc (>= 1.12.3) and/or pandoc-citeproc not available. Falling back to R Markdown v1.
    Quitting from lines 39-73 (antaresH5.Rmd)
    Error: processing vignette 'antaresH5.Rmd' failed with diagnostics:
    cannot open the connection
    Execution halted
Flavors: r-patched-solaris-x86, r-release-osx-x86_64, r-oldrel-osx-x86_64

Version: 2.0.2
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘testthat.R’ [130s/39s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
    Last 13 lines of output:
     Failed with error: 'there is no package called 'rhdf5''
     Failed with error: 'there is no package called 'rhdf5''
     Failed with error: 'there is no package called 'rhdf5''
     Failed with error: 'there is no package called 'rhdf5''
     Failed with error: 'there is no package called 'rhdf5''
     ── 1. Error: (unknown) (@test-viewAntares.R#39) ───────────────────────────────
     object 'tpDir' not found
     1: unlink(tpDir, recursive = TRUE) at testthat/test-viewAntares.R:39
     ══ testthat results ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     OK: 660 SKIPPED: 2 FAILED: 1
     1. Error: (unknown) (@test-viewAntares.R#39)
     Error: testthat unit tests failed
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-release-osx-x86_64