CRAN Package Check Results for Package dlmodeler

Last updated on 2018-06-17 19:49:37 CEST.

Flavor Version Tinstall Tcheck Ttotal Status Flags
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang 1.4-2 2.10 26.43 28.53 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc 1.4-2 1.85 20.45 22.30 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang 1.4-2 49.39 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc 1.4-2 25.02 ERROR
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.4-2 5.00 50.00 55.00 ERROR
r-patched-linux-x86_64 1.4-2 2.30 25.08 27.38 ERROR
r-patched-solaris-x86 1.4-2 66.60 ERROR
r-release-linux-x86_64 1.4-2 2.58 25.11 27.69 ERROR
r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.4-2 6.00 74.00 80.00 ERROR
r-release-osx-x86_64 1.4-2 NOTE
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.4-2 2.00 54.00 56.00 ERROR
r-oldrel-osx-x86_64 1.4-2 NOTE

Check Details

Version: 1.4-2
Check: package dependencies
Result: NOTE
    Package suggested but not available for checking: ‘FKF’
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc, r-patched-linux-x86_64, r-patched-solaris-x86, r-release-linux-x86_64, r-release-osx-x86_64

Version: 1.4-2
Check: dependencies in R code
Result: NOTE
    'library' or 'require' calls in package code:
     ‘FKF’ ‘dlm’
     Please use :: or requireNamespace() instead.
     See section 'Suggested packages' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.
    Missing or unexported object: ‘dlm::dlmSmooth.dlmFiltered’
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc, r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64, r-patched-linux-x86_64, r-patched-solaris-x86, r-release-linux-x86_64, r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64, r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64

Version: 1.4-2
Check: S3 generic/method consistency
Result: NOTE
    Found the following apparent S3 methods exported but not registered:
     %%.dlmodeler *.dlmodeler +.dlmodeler
    See section ‘Registering S3 methods’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc, r-patched-linux-x86_64, r-patched-solaris-x86, r-release-linux-x86_64

Version: 1.4-2
Check: R code for possible problems
Result: NOTE
    dlmodeler.extract: no visible global function definition for ‘qnorm’ no visible global function definition for ‘optim’ no visible global function definition for ‘optim’ no visible global function definition for ‘optim’ no visible global function definition for ‘optim’ : no visible global function definition
     for ‘var’ no visible global function definition for ‘optim’
    dlmodeler.forecast: no visible global function definition for ‘qnorm’
    Undefined global functions or variables:
     optim qnorm var
    Consider adding
     importFrom("stats", "optim", "qnorm", "var")
    to your NAMESPACE file.
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc, r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64, r-patched-linux-x86_64, r-patched-solaris-x86, r-release-linux-x86_64, r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64, r-release-osx-x86_64, r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64, r-oldrel-osx-x86_64

Version: 1.4-2
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘dlmodeler-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: dlmodeler.forecast
    > ### Title: Forecast function
    > ### Aliases: dlmodeler.forecast
    > ### Keywords: dlm kalman forecast
    > ### ** Examples
    > require(dlmodeler)
    > # generate some quarterly data
    > n <- 80
    > level <- 12
    > sigma <- .75
    > season <- c(5,6,8,2)
    > y <- level + 3*sin((1:n)/10) + rep(season,n/4) + rnorm(n, 0, sigma)
    > y <- matrix(y,nrow=1)
    > # fit a stochastic level + quarterly seasonal model to the data by
    > # maximum likelihood estimation
    > <- function(p) {
    + sigmaH <- exp(p[1])
    + sigmaQ <- exp(p[2])*sigmaH
    + mod <-,sigmaH=sigmaH,sigmaQ=sigmaQ) +
    + return(mod)
    + }
    > fit <-,, c(0,0))
    Error in, sigmaH = sigmaH, sigmaQ = sigmaQ) + :
     non-numeric argument to binary operator
    Calls: ... optim -> <Anonymous> -> fn -> dlmodeler.filter ->
    Execution halted
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc, r-patched-linux-x86_64, r-release-linux-x86_64

Version: 1.4-2
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘tests.R’ [0s/1s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/tests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > require(dlmodeler)
     Loading required package: dlmodeler
     > ####################
     > # tests for 'core' #
     > ####################
     > # create a DLM by specifying its vectors and matrices
     > # check if the model is valid
     > mod <-
     + a0 = c(0,0), # initial state: (level, trend)
     + P0 = diag(c(0,0)), # initial state variance set to...
     + P0inf = diag(2), # ...use exact diffuse initialization
     + matrix(c(1,0,1,1),2,2), # state transition matrix
     + diag(c(1,1)), # state disturbance selection matrix
     + diag(c(.5,.05)), # state disturbance variance matrix
     + matrix(c(1,0),1,2), # observation design matrix
     + matrix(1,1,1) # observation disturbance variance matrix
     + )
     > print(mod)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=2, dist dim=2, obs dim=1) 'noname'
     - model has 1 component: noname
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$status==TRUE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$m==2)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$r==2)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$d==1)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar==FALSE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Tt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Rt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Qt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Zt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Ht))) stop("unit test failed")
     > # an empty DLM with 4 state variables (3 of which are stochastic)
     > # and bi-variate observations, check if the model is valid
     > mod <-,3,2))
     > print(mod)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=4, dist dim=3, obs dim=2) 'noname'
     - model has 1 component: noname
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$status==TRUE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$m==4)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$r==3)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$d==2)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar==FALSE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Tt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Rt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Qt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Zt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Ht))) stop("unit test failed")
     > # operations on matrices
     > v1 <- matrix(1:9,nrow=3,ncol=3)
     > v2 <- array(1:18,dim=c(3,3,2))
     > m1 <-,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m1-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > m21 <-,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m21[,,1]-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(sum(abs(m21[,,2]-v1-v1-9))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > m22 <-,v2,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m22[,,1]-m21[,,1]))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(sum(abs(m22[,,2]-m21[,,2]))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > m3 <-,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m3[,,1]-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(sum(abs(m3[,,2]-v1-matrix(10:18,nrow=3,ncol=3)))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > mt <- matrix(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9,9,9,0,0,0,9,9,9,0,0,0,9,9,9),nrow=6,ncol=6)
     > md <-,v2,dlmodeler:::dlmodeler.bdiag)
     > if(!(sum(abs(md[,,2]-md[,,1]-mt))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > # operators
     > m1 <-
     > m2 <-
     > m3 <-
     > m4 <-
     > m1+m2+m3
     Error in m1 + m2 : non-numeric argument to binary operator
     Execution halted
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc, r-patched-linux-x86_64, r-release-linux-x86_64

Version: 1.4-2
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘tests.R’ [15s/19s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/tests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > require(dlmodeler)
     Loading required package: dlmodeler
     > ####################
     > # tests for 'core' #
     > ####################
     > # create a DLM by specifying its vectors and matrices
     > # check if the model is valid
     > mod <-
     + a0 = c(0,0), # initial state: (level, trend)
     + P0 = diag(c(0,0)), # initial state variance set to...
     + P0inf = diag(2), # ...use exact diffuse initialization
     + matrix(c(1,0,1,1),2,2), # state transition matrix
     + diag(c(1,1)), # state disturbance selection matrix
     + diag(c(.5,.05)), # state disturbance variance matrix
     + matrix(c(1,0),1,2), # observation design matrix
     + matrix(1,1,1) # observation disturbance variance matrix
     + )
     > print(mod)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=2, dist dim=2, obs dim=1) 'noname'
     - model has 1 component: noname
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$status==TRUE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$m==2)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$r==2)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$d==1)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar==FALSE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Tt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Rt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Qt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Zt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Ht))) stop("unit test failed")
     > # an empty DLM with 4 state variables (3 of which are stochastic)
     > # and bi-variate observations, check if the model is valid
     > mod <-,3,2))
     > print(mod)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=4, dist dim=3, obs dim=2) 'noname'
     - model has 1 component: noname
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$status==TRUE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$m==4)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$r==3)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$d==2)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar==FALSE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Tt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Rt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Qt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Zt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Ht))) stop("unit test failed")
     > # operations on matrices
     > v1 <- matrix(1:9,nrow=3,ncol=3)
     > v2 <- array(1:18,dim=c(3,3,2))
     > m1 <-,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m1-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > m21 <-,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m21[,,1]-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(sum(abs(m21[,,2]-v1-v1-9))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > m22 <-,v2,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m22[,,1]-m21[,,1]))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(sum(abs(m22[,,2]-m21[,,2]))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > m3 <-,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m3[,,1]-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(sum(abs(m3[,,2]-v1-matrix(10:18,nrow=3,ncol=3)))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > mt <- matrix(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9,9,9,0,0,0,9,9,9,0,0,0,9,9,9),nrow=6,ncol=6)
     > md <-,v2,dlmodeler:::dlmodeler.bdiag)
     > if(!(sum(abs(md[,,2]-md[,,1]-mt))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > # operators
     > m1 <-
     > m2 <-
     > m3 <-
     > m4 <-
     > m1+m2+m3
     constant dlmodel(state dim=16, dist dim=3, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+level+dseasonal'
     - model has 5 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal+level, dseasonal, dseasonal+level+dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1+m2+m3+m4
     constant dlmodel(state dim=17, dist dim=4, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant'
     - model has 7 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal+level, dseasonal, dseasonal+level+dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1%%m2%%m3
     constant dlmodel(state dim=16, dist dim=3, obs dim=3) 'dseasonal&level&dseasonal'
     - model has 5 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal&level, dseasonal, dseasonal&level&dseasonal
     - model has 3 unknown parameters
     > m1%%m2%%m3%%m4
     constant dlmodel(state dim=17, dist dim=4, obs dim=4) 'dseasonal&level&dseasonal&constant'
     - model has 7 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal&level, dseasonal, dseasonal&level&dseasonal, constant, dseasonal&level&dseasonal&constant
     - model has 3 unknown parameters
     > dlmodeler.add(m1,1)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=12, dist dim=2, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+constant'
     - model has 3 components: dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+constant
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1+1+m2
     constant dlmodel(state dim=13, dist dim=3, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+constant+level'
     - model has 5 components: dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+constant, level, dseasonal+constant+level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > dlmodeler.add(1,m1)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=12, dist dim=2, obs dim=1) 'constant+dseasonal'
     - model has 3 components: constant, dseasonal, constant+dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > 1+m1+m2
     constant dlmodel(state dim=13, dist dim=3, obs dim=1) 'constant+dseasonal+level'
     - model has 5 components: constant, dseasonal, constant+dseasonal, level, constant+dseasonal+level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > dlmodeler.multiply(m2,2)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=1, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'level'
     - model has 1 component: level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1*5
     constant dlmodel(state dim=11, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal'
     - model has 1 component: dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > dlmodeler.multiply(2,m2)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=1, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'level'
     - model has 1 component: level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > 5*m1
     constant dlmodel(state dim=11, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal'
     - model has 1 component: dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > 2*m1+3*m2+4*m3+5*m4
     constant dlmodel(state dim=17, dist dim=4, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant'
     - model has 7 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal+level, dseasonal, dseasonal+level+dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > (2*m1+3*m2+4*m3+5*m4)$Zt
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12] [,13] [,14]
     [1,] 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 0
     [,15] [,16] [,17]
     [1,] 0 0 5
     > #####################################
     > # univariate and time-varying tests #
     > #####################################
     > # this example is fairly complete, covers 'add', 'filter', 'smooth'
     > # 'extract', 'polynomial', 'dseasonal', 'tseasonal', 'regression'
     > # test it with various backends
     > # generate some data
     > set.seed(19820605)
     > N <- 365*10
     > t <- c(1:N,rep(NA,365))
     > a <- rnorm(N+365,0,.5)
     > y <- pi + cos(2*pi*t/365.25) + .25*sin(2*pi*t/365.25*3) +
     + exp(1)*a + rnorm(N+365,0,.5)
     > # build a model for this data
     > m1 <-,sigmaH=.5,name='level')
     > m2 <-,sigmaH=0,name='week')
     > m3 <-,3,sigmaH=0,name='year')
     > m4 <-,sigmaH=0,name='reg')
     > m <- m1+m2+m3+m4
     > test.backend <- function(backend)
     + {
     + cat(backend,"\n")
     + test.ok <- TRUE
     + system.time(f <- dlmodeler.filter(y, m, raw.result=TRUE, backend=backend))
     + # extract all the components
     + m.state.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="state",value="mean")
     + m.state.cov <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="state",value="covariance")
     + m.obs.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",value="mean")
     + m.obs.cov <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",value="covariance")
     + <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",value="interval",prob=.01)
     + par(mfrow=c(2,1))
     + # show the one step ahead forecasts & 99\% prediction intervals
     + #plot(y,xlim=c(N-10,N+30))
     + #lines($mymodel$upper[1,],col='light grey')
     + #lines($mymodel$lower[1,],col='light grey')
     + #lines($mymodel$mean[1,],col=2)
     + # see to which values the filter has converged:
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$level[,N]-pi)/pi < .05 # should be close to pi
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(mean(abs(m.state.mean$week[,N]))) < .05 # should be close to 0
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$year[1,N]-1) < .05 # should be close to 1
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$year[6,N]-.25) < .05 # should be close to .25
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$reg[,N]-exp(1))/exp(1) < .05 # should be close to e
     + # show the filtered level+year components
     + #plot(m.obs.mean$level[1,]+m.obs.mean$year[1,],
     + # type='l',ylim=c(pi-2,pi+2),col='light green',
     + # ylab="smoothed & filtered level+year")
     + if(backend!='FKF') {
     + system.time(s <- dlmodeler.smooth(f))
     + # show the smoothed level+year components
     + s.obs.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(s,m,type="observation",value="mean")
     + #lines(s.obs.mean$level[1,]+s.obs.mean$year[1,],type='l',
     + # ylim=c(pi-2,pi+2),col='dark green')
     + }
     + return(test.ok)
     + }
     > #if(require('KFAS')) {
     > # cat('Found package KFAS. Testing...\n')
     > if(!(test.backend('KFAS'))) stop("KFAS unit test failed")
     Warning message:
     In KFAS::KFS(filt$raw.result$model, smoothing = "state") :
     Possible error in smoothing: Negative variances in V, check the model or try changing the tolerance parameter tol or P1/P1inf of the model.
     > #}
     > if(require('FKF')) {
     + cat('Found package FKF. Testing...\n')
     + if(!(test.backend('FKF'))) stop("FKF unit test failed")
     + }
     Loading required package: FKF
     Warning message:
     In library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, :
     there is no package called 'FKF'
     > if(require('dlm')) {
     + cat('Found package dlm. Testing...\n')
     + if(!(test.backend('dlm'))) stop("dlm unit test failed")
     + }
     Loading required package: dlm
     Found package dlm. Testing...
     Error: 'dlmSmooth.dlmFiltered' is not an exported object from 'namespace:dlm'
     Timing stopped at: 0 0 0.001
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Version: 1.4-2
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘tests.R’
    Running the tests in ‘tests/tests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > require(dlmodeler)
     Loading required package: dlmodeler
     > ####################
     > # tests for 'core' #
     > ####################
     > # create a DLM by specifying its vectors and matrices
     > # check if the model is valid
     > mod <-
     + a0 = c(0,0), # initial state: (level, trend)
     + P0 = diag(c(0,0)), # initial state variance set to...
     + P0inf = diag(2), # ...use exact diffuse initialization
     + matrix(c(1,0,1,1),2,2), # state transition matrix
     + diag(c(1,1)), # state disturbance selection matrix
     + diag(c(.5,.05)), # state disturbance variance matrix
     + matrix(c(1,0),1,2), # observation design matrix
     + matrix(1,1,1) # observation disturbance variance matrix
     + )
     > print(mod)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=2, dist dim=2, obs dim=1) 'noname'
     - model has 1 component: noname
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$status==TRUE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$m==2)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$r==2)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$d==1)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar==FALSE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Tt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Rt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Qt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Zt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Ht))) stop("unit test failed")
     > # an empty DLM with 4 state variables (3 of which are stochastic)
     > # and bi-variate observations, check if the model is valid
     > mod <-,3,2))
     > print(mod)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=4, dist dim=3, obs dim=2) 'noname'
     - model has 1 component: noname
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$status==TRUE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$m==4)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$r==3)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$d==2)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar==FALSE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Tt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Rt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Qt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Zt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Ht))) stop("unit test failed")
     > # operations on matrices
     > v1 <- matrix(1:9,nrow=3,ncol=3)
     > v2 <- array(1:18,dim=c(3,3,2))
     > m1 <-,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m1-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > m21 <-,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m21[,,1]-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(sum(abs(m21[,,2]-v1-v1-9))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > m22 <-,v2,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m22[,,1]-m21[,,1]))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(sum(abs(m22[,,2]-m21[,,2]))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > m3 <-,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m3[,,1]-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(sum(abs(m3[,,2]-v1-matrix(10:18,nrow=3,ncol=3)))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > mt <- matrix(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9,9,9,0,0,0,9,9,9,0,0,0,9,9,9),nrow=6,ncol=6)
     > md <-,v2,dlmodeler:::dlmodeler.bdiag)
     > if(!(sum(abs(md[,,2]-md[,,1]-mt))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > # operators
     > m1 <-
     > m2 <-
     > m3 <-
     > m4 <-
     > m1+m2+m3
     constant dlmodel(state dim=16, dist dim=3, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+level+dseasonal'
     - model has 5 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal+level, dseasonal, dseasonal+level+dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1+m2+m3+m4
     constant dlmodel(state dim=17, dist dim=4, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant'
     - model has 7 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal+level, dseasonal, dseasonal+level+dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1%%m2%%m3
     constant dlmodel(state dim=16, dist dim=3, obs dim=3) 'dseasonal&level&dseasonal'
     - model has 5 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal&level, dseasonal, dseasonal&level&dseasonal
     - model has 3 unknown parameters
     > m1%%m2%%m3%%m4
     constant dlmodel(state dim=17, dist dim=4, obs dim=4) 'dseasonal&level&dseasonal&constant'
     - model has 7 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal&level, dseasonal, dseasonal&level&dseasonal, constant, dseasonal&level&dseasonal&constant
     - model has 3 unknown parameters
     > dlmodeler.add(m1,1)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=12, dist dim=2, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+constant'
     - model has 3 components: dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+constant
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1+1+m2
     constant dlmodel(state dim=13, dist dim=3, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+constant+level'
     - model has 5 components: dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+constant, level, dseasonal+constant+level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > dlmodeler.add(1,m1)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=12, dist dim=2, obs dim=1) 'constant+dseasonal'
     - model has 3 components: constant, dseasonal, constant+dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > 1+m1+m2
     constant dlmodel(state dim=13, dist dim=3, obs dim=1) 'constant+dseasonal+level'
     - model has 5 components: constant, dseasonal, constant+dseasonal, level, constant+dseasonal+level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > dlmodeler.multiply(m2,2)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=1, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'level'
     - model has 1 component: level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1*5
     constant dlmodel(state dim=11, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal'
     - model has 1 component: dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > dlmodeler.multiply(2,m2)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=1, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'level'
     - model has 1 component: level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > 5*m1
     constant dlmodel(state dim=11, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal'
     - model has 1 component: dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > 2*m1+3*m2+4*m3+5*m4
     constant dlmodel(state dim=17, dist dim=4, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant'
     - model has 7 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal+level, dseasonal, dseasonal+level+dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > (2*m1+3*m2+4*m3+5*m4)$Zt
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12] [,13] [,14]
     [1,] 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 0
     [,15] [,16] [,17]
     [1,] 0 0 5
     > #####################################
     > # univariate and time-varying tests #
     > #####################################
     > # this example is fairly complete, covers 'add', 'filter', 'smooth'
     > # 'extract', 'polynomial', 'dseasonal', 'tseasonal', 'regression'
     > # test it with various backends
     > # generate some data
     > set.seed(19820605)
     > N <- 365*10
     > t <- c(1:N,rep(NA,365))
     > a <- rnorm(N+365,0,.5)
     > y <- pi + cos(2*pi*t/365.25) + .25*sin(2*pi*t/365.25*3) +
     + exp(1)*a + rnorm(N+365,0,.5)
     > # build a model for this data
     > m1 <-,sigmaH=.5,name='level')
     > m2 <-,sigmaH=0,name='week')
     > m3 <-,3,sigmaH=0,name='year')
     > m4 <-,sigmaH=0,name='reg')
     > m <- m1+m2+m3+m4
     > test.backend <- function(backend)
     + {
     + cat(backend,"\n")
     + test.ok <- TRUE
     + system.time(f <- dlmodeler.filter(y, m, raw.result=TRUE, backend=backend))
     + # extract all the components
     + m.state.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="state",value="mean")
     + m.state.cov <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="state",value="covariance")
     + m.obs.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",value="mean")
     + m.obs.cov <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",value="covariance")
     + <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",value="interval",prob=.01)
     + par(mfrow=c(2,1))
     + # show the one step ahead forecasts & 99\% prediction intervals
     + #plot(y,xlim=c(N-10,N+30))
     + #lines($mymodel$upper[1,],col='light grey')
     + #lines($mymodel$lower[1,],col='light grey')
     + #lines($mymodel$mean[1,],col=2)
     + # see to which values the filter has converged:
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$level[,N]-pi)/pi < .05 # should be close to pi
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(mean(abs(m.state.mean$week[,N]))) < .05 # should be close to 0
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$year[1,N]-1) < .05 # should be close to 1
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$year[6,N]-.25) < .05 # should be close to .25
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$reg[,N]-exp(1))/exp(1) < .05 # should be close to e
     + # show the filtered level+year components
     + #plot(m.obs.mean$level[1,]+m.obs.mean$year[1,],
     + # type='l',ylim=c(pi-2,pi+2),col='light green',
     + # ylab="smoothed & filtered level+year")
     + if(backend!='FKF') {
     + system.time(s <- dlmodeler.smooth(f))
     + # show the smoothed level+year components
     + s.obs.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(s,m,type="observation",value="mean")
     + #lines(s.obs.mean$level[1,]+s.obs.mean$year[1,],type='l',
     + # ylim=c(pi-2,pi+2),col='dark green')
     + }
     + return(test.ok)
     + }
     > #if(require('KFAS')) {
     > # cat('Found package KFAS. Testing...\n')
     > if(!(test.backend('KFAS'))) stop("KFAS unit test failed")
     Warning message:
     In KFAS::KFS(filt$raw.result$model, smoothing = "state") :
     Possible error in smoothing: Negative variances in V, check the model or try changing the tolerance parameter tol or P1/P1inf of the model.
     > #}
     > if(require('FKF')) {
     + cat('Found package FKF. Testing...\n')
     + if(!(test.backend('FKF'))) stop("FKF unit test failed")
     + }
     Loading required package: FKF
     Warning message:
     In library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, :
     there is no package called 'FKF'
     > if(require('dlm')) {
     + cat('Found package dlm. Testing...\n')
     + if(!(test.backend('dlm'))) stop("dlm unit test failed")
     + }
     Loading required package: dlm
     Found package dlm. Testing...
     Error: 'dlmSmooth.dlmFiltered' is not an exported object from 'namespace:dlm'
     Timing stopped at: 0 0.001 0
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc

Version: 1.4-2
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running 'tests.R' [16s]
    Running the tests in 'tests/tests.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > require(dlmodeler)
     Loading required package: dlmodeler
     > ####################
     > # tests for 'core' #
     > ####################
     > # create a DLM by specifying its vectors and matrices
     > # check if the model is valid
     > mod <-
     + a0 = c(0,0), # initial state: (level, trend)
     + P0 = diag(c(0,0)), # initial state variance set to...
     + P0inf = diag(2), # ...use exact diffuse initialization
     + matrix(c(1,0,1,1),2,2), # state transition matrix
     + diag(c(1,1)), # state disturbance selection matrix
     + diag(c(.5,.05)), # state disturbance variance matrix
     + matrix(c(1,0),1,2), # observation design matrix
     + matrix(1,1,1) # observation disturbance variance matrix
     + )
     > print(mod)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=2, dist dim=2, obs dim=1) 'noname'
     - model has 1 component: noname
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$status==TRUE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$m==2)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$r==2)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$d==1)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar==FALSE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Tt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Rt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Qt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Zt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Ht))) stop("unit test failed")
     > # an empty DLM with 4 state variables (3 of which are stochastic)
     > # and bi-variate observations, check if the model is valid
     > mod <-,3,2))
     > print(mod)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=4, dist dim=3, obs dim=2) 'noname'
     - model has 1 component: noname
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$status==TRUE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$m==4)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$r==3)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$d==2)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar==FALSE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Tt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Rt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Qt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Zt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Ht))) stop("unit test failed")
     > # operations on matrices
     > v1 <- matrix(1:9,nrow=3,ncol=3)
     > v2 <- array(1:18,dim=c(3,3,2))
     > m1 <-,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m1-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > m21 <-,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m21[,,1]-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(sum(abs(m21[,,2]-v1-v1-9))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > m22 <-,v2,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m22[,,1]-m21[,,1]))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(sum(abs(m22[,,2]-m21[,,2]))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > m3 <-,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m3[,,1]-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(sum(abs(m3[,,2]-v1-matrix(10:18,nrow=3,ncol=3)))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > mt <- matrix(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9,9,9,0,0,0,9,9,9,0,0,0,9,9,9),nrow=6,ncol=6)
     > md <-,v2,dlmodeler:::dlmodeler.bdiag)
     > if(!(sum(abs(md[,,2]-md[,,1]-mt))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > # operators
     > m1 <-
     > m2 <-
     > m3 <-
     > m4 <-
     > m1+m2+m3
     constant dlmodel(state dim=16, dist dim=3, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+level+dseasonal'
     - model has 5 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal+level, dseasonal, dseasonal+level+dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1+m2+m3+m4
     constant dlmodel(state dim=17, dist dim=4, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant'
     - model has 7 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal+level, dseasonal, dseasonal+level+dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1%%m2%%m3
     constant dlmodel(state dim=16, dist dim=3, obs dim=3) 'dseasonal&level&dseasonal'
     - model has 5 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal&level, dseasonal, dseasonal&level&dseasonal
     - model has 3 unknown parameters
     > m1%%m2%%m3%%m4
     constant dlmodel(state dim=17, dist dim=4, obs dim=4) 'dseasonal&level&dseasonal&constant'
     - model has 7 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal&level, dseasonal, dseasonal&level&dseasonal, constant, dseasonal&level&dseasonal&constant
     - model has 3 unknown parameters
     > dlmodeler.add(m1,1)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=12, dist dim=2, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+constant'
     - model has 3 components: dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+constant
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1+1+m2
     constant dlmodel(state dim=13, dist dim=3, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+constant+level'
     - model has 5 components: dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+constant, level, dseasonal+constant+level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > dlmodeler.add(1,m1)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=12, dist dim=2, obs dim=1) 'constant+dseasonal'
     - model has 3 components: constant, dseasonal, constant+dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > 1+m1+m2
     constant dlmodel(state dim=13, dist dim=3, obs dim=1) 'constant+dseasonal+level'
     - model has 5 components: constant, dseasonal, constant+dseasonal, level, constant+dseasonal+level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > dlmodeler.multiply(m2,2)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=1, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'level'
     - model has 1 component: level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1*5
     constant dlmodel(state dim=11, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal'
     - model has 1 component: dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > dlmodeler.multiply(2,m2)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=1, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'level'
     - model has 1 component: level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > 5*m1
     constant dlmodel(state dim=11, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal'
     - model has 1 component: dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > 2*m1+3*m2+4*m3+5*m4
     constant dlmodel(state dim=17, dist dim=4, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant'
     - model has 7 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal+level, dseasonal, dseasonal+level+dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > (2*m1+3*m2+4*m3+5*m4)$Zt
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12] [,13] [,14]
     [1,] 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 0
     [,15] [,16] [,17]
     [1,] 0 0 5
     > #####################################
     > # univariate and time-varying tests #
     > #####################################
     > # this example is fairly complete, covers 'add', 'filter', 'smooth'
     > # 'extract', 'polynomial', 'dseasonal', 'tseasonal', 'regression'
     > # test it with various backends
     > # generate some data
     > set.seed(19820605)
     > N <- 365*10
     > t <- c(1:N,rep(NA,365))
     > a <- rnorm(N+365,0,.5)
     > y <- pi + cos(2*pi*t/365.25) + .25*sin(2*pi*t/365.25*3) +
     + exp(1)*a + rnorm(N+365,0,.5)
     > # build a model for this data
     > m1 <-,sigmaH=.5,name='level')
     > m2 <-,sigmaH=0,name='week')
     > m3 <-,3,sigmaH=0,name='year')
     > m4 <-,sigmaH=0,name='reg')
     > m <- m1+m2+m3+m4
     > test.backend <- function(backend)
     + {
     + cat(backend,"\n")
     + test.ok <- TRUE
     + system.time(f <- dlmodeler.filter(y, m, raw.result=TRUE, backend=backend))
     + # extract all the components
     + m.state.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="state",value="mean")
     + m.state.cov <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="state",value="covariance")
     + m.obs.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",value="mean")
     + m.obs.cov <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",value="covariance")
     + <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",value="interval",prob=.01)
     + par(mfrow=c(2,1))
     + # show the one step ahead forecasts & 99\% prediction intervals
     + #plot(y,xlim=c(N-10,N+30))
     + #lines($mymodel$upper[1,],col='light grey')
     + #lines($mymodel$lower[1,],col='light grey')
     + #lines($mymodel$mean[1,],col=2)
     + # see to which values the filter has converged:
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$level[,N]-pi)/pi < .05 # should be close to pi
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(mean(abs(m.state.mean$week[,N]))) < .05 # should be close to 0
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$year[1,N]-1) < .05 # should be close to 1
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$year[6,N]-.25) < .05 # should be close to .25
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$reg[,N]-exp(1))/exp(1) < .05 # should be close to e
     + # show the filtered level+year components
     + #plot(m.obs.mean$level[1,]+m.obs.mean$year[1,],
     + # type='l',ylim=c(pi-2,pi+2),col='light green',
     + # ylab="smoothed & filtered level+year")
     + if(backend!='FKF') {
     + system.time(s <- dlmodeler.smooth(f))
     + # show the smoothed level+year components
     + s.obs.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(s,m,type="observation",value="mean")
     + #lines(s.obs.mean$level[1,]+s.obs.mean$year[1,],type='l',
     + # ylim=c(pi-2,pi+2),col='dark green')
     + }
     + return(test.ok)
     + }
     > #if(require('KFAS')) {
     > # cat('Found package KFAS. Testing...\n')
     > if(!(test.backend('KFAS'))) stop("KFAS unit test failed")
     Warning message:
     In KFAS::KFS(filt$raw.result$model, smoothing = "state") :
     Possible error in smoothing: Negative variances in V, check the model or try changing the tolerance parameter tol or P1/P1inf of the model.
     > #}
     > if(require('FKF')) {
     + cat('Found package FKF. Testing...\n')
     + if(!(test.backend('FKF'))) stop("FKF unit test failed")
     + }
     Loading required package: FKF
     Loading required package: RUnit
     Found package FKF. Testing...
     > if(require('dlm')) {
     + cat('Found package dlm. Testing...\n')
     + if(!(test.backend('dlm'))) stop("dlm unit test failed")
     + }
     Loading required package: dlm
     Found package dlm. Testing...
     Error: 'dlmSmooth.dlmFiltered' is not an exported object from 'namespace:dlm'
     Timing stopped at: 0 0 0
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64

Version: 1.4-2
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘tests.R’ [20s/23s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/tests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > require(dlmodeler)
     Loading required package: dlmodeler
     > ####################
     > # tests for 'core' #
     > ####################
     > # create a DLM by specifying its vectors and matrices
     > # check if the model is valid
     > mod <-
     + a0 = c(0,0), # initial state: (level, trend)
     + P0 = diag(c(0,0)), # initial state variance set to...
     + P0inf = diag(2), # ...use exact diffuse initialization
     + matrix(c(1,0,1,1),2,2), # state transition matrix
     + diag(c(1,1)), # state disturbance selection matrix
     + diag(c(.5,.05)), # state disturbance variance matrix
     + matrix(c(1,0),1,2), # observation design matrix
     + matrix(1,1,1) # observation disturbance variance matrix
     + )
     > print(mod)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=2, dist dim=2, obs dim=1) 'noname'
     - model has 1 component: noname
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$status==TRUE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$m==2)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$r==2)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$d==1)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar==FALSE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Tt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Rt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Qt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Zt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Ht))) stop("unit test failed")
     > # an empty DLM with 4 state variables (3 of which are stochastic)
     > # and bi-variate observations, check if the model is valid
     > mod <-,3,2))
     > print(mod)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=4, dist dim=3, obs dim=2) 'noname'
     - model has 1 component: noname
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$status==TRUE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$m==4)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$r==3)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$d==2)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar==FALSE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Tt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Rt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Qt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Zt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Ht))) stop("unit test failed")
     > # operations on matrices
     > v1 <- matrix(1:9,nrow=3,ncol=3)
     > v2 <- array(1:18,dim=c(3,3,2))
     > m1 <-,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m1-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > m21 <-,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m21[,,1]-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(sum(abs(m21[,,2]-v1-v1-9))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > m22 <-,v2,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m22[,,1]-m21[,,1]))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(sum(abs(m22[,,2]-m21[,,2]))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > m3 <-,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m3[,,1]-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(sum(abs(m3[,,2]-v1-matrix(10:18,nrow=3,ncol=3)))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > mt <- matrix(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9,9,9,0,0,0,9,9,9,0,0,0,9,9,9),nrow=6,ncol=6)
     > md <-,v2,dlmodeler:::dlmodeler.bdiag)
     > if(!(sum(abs(md[,,2]-md[,,1]-mt))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > # operators
     > m1 <-
     > m2 <-
     > m3 <-
     > m4 <-
     > m1+m2+m3
     constant dlmodel(state dim=16, dist dim=3, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+level+dseasonal'
     - model has 5 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal+level, dseasonal, dseasonal+level+dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1+m2+m3+m4
     constant dlmodel(state dim=17, dist dim=4, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant'
     - model has 7 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal+level, dseasonal, dseasonal+level+dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1%%m2%%m3
     constant dlmodel(state dim=16, dist dim=3, obs dim=3) 'dseasonal&level&dseasonal'
     - model has 5 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal&level, dseasonal, dseasonal&level&dseasonal
     - model has 3 unknown parameters
     > m1%%m2%%m3%%m4
     constant dlmodel(state dim=17, dist dim=4, obs dim=4) 'dseasonal&level&dseasonal&constant'
     - model has 7 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal&level, dseasonal, dseasonal&level&dseasonal, constant, dseasonal&level&dseasonal&constant
     - model has 3 unknown parameters
     > dlmodeler.add(m1,1)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=12, dist dim=2, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+constant'
     - model has 3 components: dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+constant
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1+1+m2
     constant dlmodel(state dim=13, dist dim=3, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+constant+level'
     - model has 5 components: dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+constant, level, dseasonal+constant+level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > dlmodeler.add(1,m1)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=12, dist dim=2, obs dim=1) 'constant+dseasonal'
     - model has 3 components: constant, dseasonal, constant+dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > 1+m1+m2
     constant dlmodel(state dim=13, dist dim=3, obs dim=1) 'constant+dseasonal+level'
     - model has 5 components: constant, dseasonal, constant+dseasonal, level, constant+dseasonal+level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > dlmodeler.multiply(m2,2)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=1, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'level'
     - model has 1 component: level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1*5
     constant dlmodel(state dim=11, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal'
     - model has 1 component: dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > dlmodeler.multiply(2,m2)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=1, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'level'
     - model has 1 component: level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > 5*m1
     constant dlmodel(state dim=11, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal'
     - model has 1 component: dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > 2*m1+3*m2+4*m3+5*m4
     constant dlmodel(state dim=17, dist dim=4, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant'
     - model has 7 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal+level, dseasonal, dseasonal+level+dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > (2*m1+3*m2+4*m3+5*m4)$Zt
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12] [,13] [,14]
     [1,] 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 0
     [,15] [,16] [,17]
     [1,] 0 0 5
     > #####################################
     > # univariate and time-varying tests #
     > #####################################
     > # this example is fairly complete, covers 'add', 'filter', 'smooth'
     > # 'extract', 'polynomial', 'dseasonal', 'tseasonal', 'regression'
     > # test it with various backends
     > # generate some data
     > set.seed(19820605)
     > N <- 365*10
     > t <- c(1:N,rep(NA,365))
     > a <- rnorm(N+365,0,.5)
     > y <- pi + cos(2*pi*t/365.25) + .25*sin(2*pi*t/365.25*3) +
     + exp(1)*a + rnorm(N+365,0,.5)
     > # build a model for this data
     > m1 <-,sigmaH=.5,name='level')
     > m2 <-,sigmaH=0,name='week')
     > m3 <-,3,sigmaH=0,name='year')
     > m4 <-,sigmaH=0,name='reg')
     > m <- m1+m2+m3+m4
     > test.backend <- function(backend)
     + {
     + cat(backend,"\n")
     + test.ok <- TRUE
     + system.time(f <- dlmodeler.filter(y, m, raw.result=TRUE, backend=backend))
     + # extract all the components
     + m.state.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="state",value="mean")
     + m.state.cov <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="state",value="covariance")
     + m.obs.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",value="mean")
     + m.obs.cov <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",value="covariance")
     + <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",value="interval",prob=.01)
     + par(mfrow=c(2,1))
     + # show the one step ahead forecasts & 99\% prediction intervals
     + #plot(y,xlim=c(N-10,N+30))
     + #lines($mymodel$upper[1,],col='light grey')
     + #lines($mymodel$lower[1,],col='light grey')
     + #lines($mymodel$mean[1,],col=2)
     + # see to which values the filter has converged:
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$level[,N]-pi)/pi < .05 # should be close to pi
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(mean(abs(m.state.mean$week[,N]))) < .05 # should be close to 0
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$year[1,N]-1) < .05 # should be close to 1
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$year[6,N]-.25) < .05 # should be close to .25
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$reg[,N]-exp(1))/exp(1) < .05 # should be close to e
     + # show the filtered level+year components
     + #plot(m.obs.mean$level[1,]+m.obs.mean$year[1,],
     + # type='l',ylim=c(pi-2,pi+2),col='light green',
     + # ylab="smoothed & filtered level+year")
     + if(backend!='FKF') {
     + system.time(s <- dlmodeler.smooth(f))
     + # show the smoothed level+year components
     + s.obs.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(s,m,type="observation",value="mean")
     + #lines(s.obs.mean$level[1,]+s.obs.mean$year[1,],type='l',
     + # ylim=c(pi-2,pi+2),col='dark green')
     + }
     + return(test.ok)
     + }
     > #if(require('KFAS')) {
     > # cat('Found package KFAS. Testing...\n')
     > if(!(test.backend('KFAS'))) stop("KFAS unit test failed")
     Warning message:
     In KFAS::KFS(filt$raw.result$model, smoothing = "state") :
     Possible error in smoothing: Negative variances in V, check the model or try changing the tolerance parameter tol or P1/P1inf of the model.
     > #}
     > if(require('FKF')) {
     + cat('Found package FKF. Testing...\n')
     + if(!(test.backend('FKF'))) stop("FKF unit test failed")
     + }
     Loading required package: FKF
     Warning message:
     In library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, :
     there is no package called 'FKF'
     > if(require('dlm')) {
     + cat('Found package dlm. Testing...\n')
     + if(!(test.backend('dlm'))) stop("dlm unit test failed")
     + }
     Loading required package: dlm
     Found package dlm. Testing...
     Error: 'dlmSmooth.dlmFiltered' is not an exported object from 'namespace:dlm'
     Timing stopped at: 0.001 0.001 0.002
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-patched-solaris-x86

Version: 1.4-2
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running 'tests.R' [24s]
    Running the tests in 'tests/tests.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > require(dlmodeler)
     Loading required package: dlmodeler
     > ####################
     > # tests for 'core' #
     > ####################
     > # create a DLM by specifying its vectors and matrices
     > # check if the model is valid
     > mod <-
     + a0 = c(0,0), # initial state: (level, trend)
     + P0 = diag(c(0,0)), # initial state variance set to...
     + P0inf = diag(2), # ...use exact diffuse initialization
     + matrix(c(1,0,1,1),2,2), # state transition matrix
     + diag(c(1,1)), # state disturbance selection matrix
     + diag(c(.5,.05)), # state disturbance variance matrix
     + matrix(c(1,0),1,2), # observation design matrix
     + matrix(1,1,1) # observation disturbance variance matrix
     + )
     > print(mod)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=2, dist dim=2, obs dim=1) 'noname'
     - model has 1 component: noname
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$status==TRUE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$m==2)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$r==2)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$d==1)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar==FALSE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Tt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Rt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Qt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Zt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Ht))) stop("unit test failed")
     > # an empty DLM with 4 state variables (3 of which are stochastic)
     > # and bi-variate observations, check if the model is valid
     > mod <-,3,2))
     > print(mod)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=4, dist dim=3, obs dim=2) 'noname'
     - model has 1 component: noname
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$status==TRUE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$m==4)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$r==3)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$d==2)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar==FALSE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Tt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Rt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Qt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Zt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Ht))) stop("unit test failed")
     > # operations on matrices
     > v1 <- matrix(1:9,nrow=3,ncol=3)
     > v2 <- array(1:18,dim=c(3,3,2))
     > m1 <-,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m1-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > m21 <-,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m21[,,1]-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(sum(abs(m21[,,2]-v1-v1-9))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > m22 <-,v2,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m22[,,1]-m21[,,1]))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(sum(abs(m22[,,2]-m21[,,2]))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > m3 <-,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m3[,,1]-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(sum(abs(m3[,,2]-v1-matrix(10:18,nrow=3,ncol=3)))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > mt <- matrix(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9,9,9,0,0,0,9,9,9,0,0,0,9,9,9),nrow=6,ncol=6)
     > md <-,v2,dlmodeler:::dlmodeler.bdiag)
     > if(!(sum(abs(md[,,2]-md[,,1]-mt))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > # operators
     > m1 <-
     > m2 <-
     > m3 <-
     > m4 <-
     > m1+m2+m3
     constant dlmodel(state dim=16, dist dim=3, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+level+dseasonal'
     - model has 5 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal+level, dseasonal, dseasonal+level+dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1+m2+m3+m4
     constant dlmodel(state dim=17, dist dim=4, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant'
     - model has 7 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal+level, dseasonal, dseasonal+level+dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1%%m2%%m3
     constant dlmodel(state dim=16, dist dim=3, obs dim=3) 'dseasonal&level&dseasonal'
     - model has 5 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal&level, dseasonal, dseasonal&level&dseasonal
     - model has 3 unknown parameters
     > m1%%m2%%m3%%m4
     constant dlmodel(state dim=17, dist dim=4, obs dim=4) 'dseasonal&level&dseasonal&constant'
     - model has 7 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal&level, dseasonal, dseasonal&level&dseasonal, constant, dseasonal&level&dseasonal&constant
     - model has 3 unknown parameters
     > dlmodeler.add(m1,1)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=12, dist dim=2, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+constant'
     - model has 3 components: dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+constant
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1+1+m2
     constant dlmodel(state dim=13, dist dim=3, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+constant+level'
     - model has 5 components: dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+constant, level, dseasonal+constant+level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > dlmodeler.add(1,m1)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=12, dist dim=2, obs dim=1) 'constant+dseasonal'
     - model has 3 components: constant, dseasonal, constant+dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > 1+m1+m2
     constant dlmodel(state dim=13, dist dim=3, obs dim=1) 'constant+dseasonal+level'
     - model has 5 components: constant, dseasonal, constant+dseasonal, level, constant+dseasonal+level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > dlmodeler.multiply(m2,2)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=1, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'level'
     - model has 1 component: level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1*5
     constant dlmodel(state dim=11, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal'
     - model has 1 component: dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > dlmodeler.multiply(2,m2)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=1, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'level'
     - model has 1 component: level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > 5*m1
     constant dlmodel(state dim=11, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal'
     - model has 1 component: dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > 2*m1+3*m2+4*m3+5*m4
     constant dlmodel(state dim=17, dist dim=4, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant'
     - model has 7 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal+level, dseasonal, dseasonal+level+dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > (2*m1+3*m2+4*m3+5*m4)$Zt
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12] [,13] [,14]
     [1,] 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 0
     [,15] [,16] [,17]
     [1,] 0 0 5
     > #####################################
     > # univariate and time-varying tests #
     > #####################################
     > # this example is fairly complete, covers 'add', 'filter', 'smooth'
     > # 'extract', 'polynomial', 'dseasonal', 'tseasonal', 'regression'
     > # test it with various backends
     > # generate some data
     > set.seed(19820605)
     > N <- 365*10
     > t <- c(1:N,rep(NA,365))
     > a <- rnorm(N+365,0,.5)
     > y <- pi + cos(2*pi*t/365.25) + .25*sin(2*pi*t/365.25*3) +
     + exp(1)*a + rnorm(N+365,0,.5)
     > # build a model for this data
     > m1 <-,sigmaH=.5,name='level')
     > m2 <-,sigmaH=0,name='week')
     > m3 <-,3,sigmaH=0,name='year')
     > m4 <-,sigmaH=0,name='reg')
     > m <- m1+m2+m3+m4
     > test.backend <- function(backend)
     + {
     + cat(backend,"\n")
     + test.ok <- TRUE
     + system.time(f <- dlmodeler.filter(y, m, raw.result=TRUE, backend=backend))
     + # extract all the components
     + m.state.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="state",value="mean")
     + m.state.cov <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="state",value="covariance")
     + m.obs.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",value="mean")
     + m.obs.cov <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",value="covariance")
     + <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",value="interval",prob=.01)
     + par(mfrow=c(2,1))
     + # show the one step ahead forecasts & 99\% prediction intervals
     + #plot(y,xlim=c(N-10,N+30))
     + #lines($mymodel$upper[1,],col='light grey')
     + #lines($mymodel$lower[1,],col='light grey')
     + #lines($mymodel$mean[1,],col=2)
     + # see to which values the filter has converged:
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$level[,N]-pi)/pi < .05 # should be close to pi
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(mean(abs(m.state.mean$week[,N]))) < .05 # should be close to 0
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$year[1,N]-1) < .05 # should be close to 1
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$year[6,N]-.25) < .05 # should be close to .25
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$reg[,N]-exp(1))/exp(1) < .05 # should be close to e
     + # show the filtered level+year components
     + #plot(m.obs.mean$level[1,]+m.obs.mean$year[1,],
     + # type='l',ylim=c(pi-2,pi+2),col='light green',
     + # ylab="smoothed & filtered level+year")
     + if(backend!='FKF') {
     + system.time(s <- dlmodeler.smooth(f))
     + # show the smoothed level+year components
     + s.obs.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(s,m,type="observation",value="mean")
     + #lines(s.obs.mean$level[1,]+s.obs.mean$year[1,],type='l',
     + # ylim=c(pi-2,pi+2),col='dark green')
     + }
     + return(test.ok)
     + }
     > #if(require('KFAS')) {
     > # cat('Found package KFAS. Testing...\n')
     > if(!(test.backend('KFAS'))) stop("KFAS unit test failed")
     Warning message:
     In KFAS::KFS(filt$raw.result$model, smoothing = "state") :
     Possible error in smoothing: Negative variances in V, check the model or try changing the tolerance parameter tol or P1/P1inf of the model.
     > #}
     > if(require('FKF')) {
     + cat('Found package FKF. Testing...\n')
     + if(!(test.backend('FKF'))) stop("FKF unit test failed")
     + }
     Loading required package: FKF
     Loading required package: RUnit
     Found package FKF. Testing...
     > if(require('dlm')) {
     + cat('Found package dlm. Testing...\n')
     + if(!(test.backend('dlm'))) stop("dlm unit test failed")
     + }
     Loading required package: dlm
     Found package dlm. Testing...
     Error: 'dlmSmooth.dlmFiltered' is not an exported object from 'namespace:dlm'
     Timing stopped at: 0 0 0
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64

Version: 1.4-2
Check: dependencies in R code
Result: NOTE
    'library' or 'require' calls in package code:
     ‘FKF’ ‘dlm’
     Please use :: or requireNamespace() instead.
     See section 'Suggested packages' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.
Flavors: r-release-osx-x86_64, r-oldrel-osx-x86_64

Version: 1.4-2
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running 'tests.R' [20s]
    Running the tests in 'tests/tests.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > require(dlmodeler)
     Loading required package: dlmodeler
     > ####################
     > # tests for 'core' #
     > ####################
     > # create a DLM by specifying its vectors and matrices
     > # check if the model is valid
     > mod <-
     + a0 = c(0,0), # initial state: (level, trend)
     + P0 = diag(c(0,0)), # initial state variance set to...
     + P0inf = diag(2), # ...use exact diffuse initialization
     + matrix(c(1,0,1,1),2,2), # state transition matrix
     + diag(c(1,1)), # state disturbance selection matrix
     + diag(c(.5,.05)), # state disturbance variance matrix
     + matrix(c(1,0),1,2), # observation design matrix
     + matrix(1,1,1) # observation disturbance variance matrix
     + )
     > print(mod)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=2, dist dim=2, obs dim=1) 'noname'
     - model has 1 component: noname
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$status==TRUE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$m==2)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$r==2)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$d==1)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar==FALSE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Tt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Rt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Qt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Zt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Ht))) stop("unit test failed")
     > # an empty DLM with 4 state variables (3 of which are stochastic)
     > # and bi-variate observations, check if the model is valid
     > mod <-,3,2))
     > print(mod)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=4, dist dim=3, obs dim=2) 'noname'
     - model has 1 component: noname
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$status==TRUE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$m==4)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$r==3)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$d==2)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar==FALSE)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Tt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Rt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Qt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Zt))) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!($timevar.Ht))) stop("unit test failed")
     > # operations on matrices
     > v1 <- matrix(1:9,nrow=3,ncol=3)
     > v2 <- array(1:18,dim=c(3,3,2))
     > m1 <-,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m1-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > m21 <-,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m21[,,1]-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(sum(abs(m21[,,2]-v1-v1-9))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > m22 <-,v2,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m22[,,1]-m21[,,1]))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(sum(abs(m22[,,2]-m21[,,2]))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > m3 <-,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
     > if(!(sum(abs(m3[,,1]-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > if(!(sum(abs(m3[,,2]-v1-matrix(10:18,nrow=3,ncol=3)))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > mt <- matrix(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9,9,9,0,0,0,9,9,9,0,0,0,9,9,9),nrow=6,ncol=6)
     > md <-,v2,dlmodeler:::dlmodeler.bdiag)
     > if(!(sum(abs(md[,,2]-md[,,1]-mt))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
     > # operators
     > m1 <-
     > m2 <-
     > m3 <-
     > m4 <-
     > m1+m2+m3
     constant dlmodel(state dim=16, dist dim=3, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+level+dseasonal'
     - model has 5 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal+level, dseasonal, dseasonal+level+dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1+m2+m3+m4
     constant dlmodel(state dim=17, dist dim=4, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant'
     - model has 7 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal+level, dseasonal, dseasonal+level+dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1%%m2%%m3
     constant dlmodel(state dim=16, dist dim=3, obs dim=3) 'dseasonal&level&dseasonal'
     - model has 5 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal&level, dseasonal, dseasonal&level&dseasonal
     - model has 3 unknown parameters
     > m1%%m2%%m3%%m4
     constant dlmodel(state dim=17, dist dim=4, obs dim=4) 'dseasonal&level&dseasonal&constant'
     - model has 7 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal&level, dseasonal, dseasonal&level&dseasonal, constant, dseasonal&level&dseasonal&constant
     - model has 3 unknown parameters
     > dlmodeler.add(m1,1)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=12, dist dim=2, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+constant'
     - model has 3 components: dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+constant
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1+1+m2
     constant dlmodel(state dim=13, dist dim=3, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+constant+level'
     - model has 5 components: dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+constant, level, dseasonal+constant+level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > dlmodeler.add(1,m1)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=12, dist dim=2, obs dim=1) 'constant+dseasonal'
     - model has 3 components: constant, dseasonal, constant+dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > 1+m1+m2
     constant dlmodel(state dim=13, dist dim=3, obs dim=1) 'constant+dseasonal+level'
     - model has 5 components: constant, dseasonal, constant+dseasonal, level, constant+dseasonal+level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > dlmodeler.multiply(m2,2)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=1, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'level'
     - model has 1 component: level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > m1*5
     constant dlmodel(state dim=11, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal'
     - model has 1 component: dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > dlmodeler.multiply(2,m2)
     constant dlmodel(state dim=1, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'level'
     - model has 1 component: level
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > 5*m1
     constant dlmodel(state dim=11, dist dim=1, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal'
     - model has 1 component: dseasonal
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > 2*m1+3*m2+4*m3+5*m4
     constant dlmodel(state dim=17, dist dim=4, obs dim=1) 'dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant'
     - model has 7 components: dseasonal, level, dseasonal+level, dseasonal, dseasonal+level+dseasonal, constant, dseasonal+level+dseasonal+constant
     - model has 1 unknown parameter
     > (2*m1+3*m2+4*m3+5*m4)$Zt
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12] [,13] [,14]
     [1,] 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 0
     [,15] [,16] [,17]
     [1,] 0 0 5
     > #####################################
     > # univariate and time-varying tests #
     > #####################################
     > # this example is fairly complete, covers 'add', 'filter', 'smooth'
     > # 'extract', 'polynomial', 'dseasonal', 'tseasonal', 'regression'
     > # test it with various backends
     > # generate some data
     > set.seed(19820605)
     > N <- 365*10
     > t <- c(1:N,rep(NA,365))
     > a <- rnorm(N+365,0,.5)
     > y <- pi + cos(2*pi*t/365.25) + .25*sin(2*pi*t/365.25*3) +
     + exp(1)*a + rnorm(N+365,0,.5)
     > # build a model for this data
     > m1 <-,sigmaH=.5,name='level')
     > m2 <-,sigmaH=0,name='week')
     > m3 <-,3,sigmaH=0,name='year')
     > m4 <-,sigmaH=0,name='reg')
     > m <- m1+m2+m3+m4
     > test.backend <- function(backend)
     + {
     + cat(backend,"\n")
     + test.ok <- TRUE
     + system.time(f <- dlmodeler.filter(y, m, raw.result=TRUE, backend=backend))
     + # extract all the components
     + m.state.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="state",value="mean")
     + m.state.cov <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="state",value="covariance")
     + m.obs.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",value="mean")
     + m.obs.cov <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",value="covariance")
     + <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",value="interval",prob=.01)
     + par(mfrow=c(2,1))
     + # show the one step ahead forecasts & 99\% prediction intervals
     + #plot(y,xlim=c(N-10,N+30))
     + #lines($mymodel$upper[1,],col='light grey')
     + #lines($mymodel$lower[1,],col='light grey')
     + #lines($mymodel$mean[1,],col=2)
     + # see to which values the filter has converged:
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$level[,N]-pi)/pi < .05 # should be close to pi
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(mean(abs(m.state.mean$week[,N]))) < .05 # should be close to 0
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$year[1,N]-1) < .05 # should be close to 1
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$year[6,N]-.25) < .05 # should be close to .25
     + test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$reg[,N]-exp(1))/exp(1) < .05 # should be close to e
     + # show the filtered level+year components
     + #plot(m.obs.mean$level[1,]+m.obs.mean$year[1,],
     + # type='l',ylim=c(pi-2,pi+2),col='light green',
     + # ylab="smoothed & filtered level+year")
     + if(backend!='FKF') {
     + system.time(s <- dlmodeler.smooth(f))
     + # show the smoothed level+year components
     + s.obs.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(s,m,type="observation",value="mean")
     + #lines(s.obs.mean$level[1,]+s.obs.mean$year[1,],type='l',
     + # ylim=c(pi-2,pi+2),col='dark green')
     + }
     + return(test.ok)
     + }
     > #if(require('KFAS')) {
     > # cat('Found package KFAS. Testing...\n')
     > if(!(test.backend('KFAS'))) stop("KFAS unit test failed")
     Warning message:
     In KFAS::KFS(filt$raw.result$model, smoothing = "state") :
     Possible error in smoothing: Negative variances in V, check the model or try changing the tolerance parameter tol or P1/P1inf of the model.
     > #}
     > if(require('FKF')) {
     + cat('Found package FKF. Testing...\n')
     + if(!(test.backend('FKF'))) stop("FKF unit test failed")
     + }
     Loading required package: FKF
     Loading required package: RUnit
     Found package FKF. Testing...
     > if(require('dlm')) {
     + cat('Found package dlm. Testing...\n')
     + if(!(test.backend('dlm'))) stop("dlm unit test failed")
     + }
     Loading required package: dlm
     Found package dlm. Testing...
     Error: 'dlmSmooth.dlmFiltered' is not an exported object from 'namespace:dlm'
     Timing stopped at: 0 0 0
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64