CRAN Package Check Results for Package norm2

Last updated on 2020-02-10 07:51:44 CET.

Flavor Version Tinstall Tcheck Ttotal Status Flags
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang 2.0.2 11.76 37.04 48.80 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc 2.0.2 10.09 29.28 39.37 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang 2.0.2 63.99 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc 2.0.2 62.71 ERROR
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64 2.0.2 40.00 64.00 104.00 OK
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64-gcc8 2.0.2 42.00 91.00 133.00 OK
r-patched-linux-x86_64 2.0.2 10.83 33.38 44.21 OK
r-patched-solaris-x86 2.0.2 84.40 ERROR
r-release-linux-x86_64 2.0.2 10.32 34.19 44.51 OK
r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64 2.0.2 32.00 87.00 119.00 OK
r-release-osx-x86_64 2.0.2 OK
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 2.0.2 31.00 53.00 84.00 OK
r-oldrel-osx-x86_64 2.0.2 OK

Check Details

Version: 2.0.2
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in 'norm2-Ex.R' failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: impNorm
    > ### Title: Imputation and prediction for incomplete multivariate normal
    > ### data
    > ### Aliases: impNorm impNorm.default impNorm.formula impNorm.norm
    > ### Keywords: multivariate NA
    > ### ** Examples
    > ## run EM for marijuana data with ridge prior
    > data(marijuana)
    > emResult <- emNorm(marijuana, prior="ridge", prior.df=0.5)
    > ## generate 25 multiple imputations by running 25 chains
    > ## of 100 iterations each, starting each chain at the
    > ## posterior mode
    > set.seed(456)
    > imp.list <- as.list(NULL)
    > for(m in 1:25){
    + mcmcResult <- mcmcNorm(emResult, iter=100)
    + imp.list[[m]] <- impNorm(mcmcResult)}
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    mcmcNorm.default(obj$y, x = obj$x, intercept = FALSE, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = iter, multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, save.all.series = save.all.series,
     save.worst.series = save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     impute.every = impute.every, ...)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: mcmcNorm.default(obj$y, x = obj$x, intercept = FALSE, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = iter, multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, save.all.series = save.all.series,
     save.worst.series = save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     impute.every = impute.every, ...)
    where 2: mcmcNorm.norm(emResult, iter = 100)
    where 3: mcmcNorm(emResult, iter = 100)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     --- function from context ---
    function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, starting.values, iter = 1000,
     multicycle = NULL, seeds = NULL, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, save.all.series = TRUE, save.worst.series = FALSE,
     worst.linear.coef = NULL, impute.every = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len <- as.integer(255)
     msg <- format("", width = msg.len)
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter)) {
     length(iter) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter) <- "integer"
     if (iter < 1L)
     stop("Argument iter must be positive.")
     if (!is.null(multicycle)) {
     length(multicycle) <- 1L
     storage.mode(multicycle) <- "integer"
     else {
     multicycle <- 1L
     if (multicycle < 1)
     stop("Argument multicycle must be positive.")
     if (!is.null(seeds)) {
     if (length(seeds) != 2L)
     stop("Two integer seeds were expected.")
     else {
     seeds = ceiling(runif(2) * .Machine$integer.max)
     storage.mode(seeds) <- "integer"
     if (is.null(impute.every)) {
     impute.every <- as.integer(0)
     else {
     impute.every <- as.integer(impute.every)
     length(impute.every) <- 1L
     if (impute.every < 0L)
     stop("Argument impute.every cannot be negative.")
     if (impute.every > iter)
     stop("Argument impute.every cannot exceed iter.")
     if (impute.every == 0) {
     nimps <- as.integer(0)
     else {
     nimps <- as.integer(floor(iter/impute.every))
     if (mode(save.all.series) != "logical")
     stop("Argument save.all.series should be of mode \"logical\".")
     length(save.all.series) <- 1L
     if (mode(save.worst.series) != "logical")
     stop("Argument save.worst.series should be of mode \"logical\".")
     length(save.worst.series) <- 1L
     if (save.worst.series) {
     if (is.null(worst.linear.coef)) {
     stop("If save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef must be provided.")
     if (is.null(worst.linear.coef))
     worst.linear.coef <- rep(0, ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) *
     (ncol(y) + 1L))/2L)
     storage.mode(worst.linear.coef) <- "double"
     y.imp <- y
     if (save.all.series) {
     series.length <- as.integer(iter)
     series.beta <- array(0, c(ncol(x), ncol(y), iter))
     dimnames(series.beta) <- list(rownames(beta), colnames(beta),
     series.sigma <- array(0, c(ncol(y), ncol(y), iter))
     dimnames(series.sigma) <- list(rownames(sigma), colnames(sigma),
     else {
     series.length <- as.integer(0)
     series.beta <- array(0, c(ncol(x), ncol(y), 0))
     series.sigma <- array(0, c(ncol(y), ncol(y), 0))
     storage.mode(series.beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(series.sigma) <- "double"
     imp.list <- array(0, c(nrow(y), ncol(y), nimps))
     storage.mode(imp.list) <- "double"
     series.worst <- numeric(iter)
     storage.mode(series.worst) <- "double"
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_mcmc", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter = iter,
     multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, impute.every = impute.every,
     nimps = nimps, save.all.series = save.all.series, save.worst.series = save.worst.series,
     worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef, series.length = series.length,
     beta = beta, sigma = sigma, y.imp = y.imp, iter.actual = integer(1),
     series.beta = series.beta, series.sigma = series.sigma,
     loglik = numeric(iter), logpost = numeric(iter), series.worst = series.worst,
     npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1), nrow(y),
     ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)), n.obs = integer(ncol(y)),
     which.patt = integer(nrow(y)), ybar = numeric(ncol(y)),
     ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), imp.list = imp.list, nimps.actual = integer(1),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     iter <- tmp$iter.actual
     if (iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     nimps <- tmp$nimps.actual
     if ((impute.every == 0) | (nimps == 0)) {
     imp.list <- NULL
     impute.every <- NULL
     else {
     imp.list <- as.list(1:nimps)
     for (i in 1:nimps) {
     imp.list[[i]] <- tmp$imp.list[, , i]
     dimnames(imp.list[[i]]) <- list(rownames(y),
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (save.all.series & (iter > 0)) {
     beta.array <- tmp$series.beta[, , 1:iter, drop = FALSE]
     series.beta <- matrix(numeric(1), iter, ncol(x) *
     beta.names <- character(ncol(x) * ncol(y))
     posn <- 0
     for (j in 1:ncol(x)) {
     for (k in 1:ncol(y)) {
     posn <- posn + 1
     series.beta[, posn] <- beta.array[j, k, ]
     beta.names[posn] <- paste(colnames(x)[j], ",",
     colnames(y)[k], sep = "")
     colnames(series.beta) <- beta.names
     series.beta <- as.ts(series.beta)
     sigma.array <- tmp$series.sigma[, , 1:iter, drop = FALSE]
     series.sigma <- matrix(numeric(1), iter, ncol(y) *
     (ncol(y) + 1)/2)
     sigma.names <- character(ncol(y) * (ncol(y) + 1)/2)
     posn <- 0
     for (k in 1:ncol(y)) {
     for (j in k:ncol(y)) {
     posn <- posn + 1
     series.sigma[, posn] <- sigma.array[j, k, ]
     sigma.names[posn] <- paste(colnames(y)[j],
     ",", colnames(y)[k], sep = "")
     colnames(series.sigma) <- sigma.names
     series.sigma <- as.ts(series.sigma)
     else {
     series.beta <- NULL
     series.sigma <- NULL
     if (save.worst.series & (iter > 0)) {
     series.worst <- as.ts(tmp$series.worst[1:iter])
     else {
     series.worst <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "MCMC", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter = iter,
     multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, starting.values = starting.values,
     param = list(beta = tmp$beta, sigma = tmp$sigma),
     loglik = loglik, logpost = logpost, series.worst = series.worst,
     series.beta = series.beta, series.sigma = series.sigma,
     y.imp = tmp$y.imp, impute.every = impute.every, imp.list = imp.list,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
    <bytecode: 0x28e2708>
    <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function mcmcNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: mcmcNorm -> mcmcNorm.norm -> mcmcNorm.default
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang

Version: 2.0.2
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running 'emTests.R' [1s/1s]
     Running 'impTests.R' [1s/1s]
     Running 'logpostTests.R' [1s/1s]
     Running 'mcmcTests.R' [1s/1s]
     Running 'miInferenceTests.R' [1s/2s]
    Running the tests in 'tests/emTests.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(norm2)
     > ## run EM on fake data with no missing values
     > set.seed(1234)
     > simdata <- data.frame(
     + Y1=rnorm(6), Y2=rnorm(6), Y3=rnorm(6), X1=rnorm(6) )
     > emResult <- emNorm( cbind(Y1,Y2,Y3) ~ X1, data=simdata )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     --- call from argument ---
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     where 2: emNorm.formula(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     where 3: emNorm(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, iter.max = 1000, criterion = NULL,
     estimate.worst = TRUE, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, starting.values = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     if (is.null(starting.values)) {
     beta <- matrix(0, ncol(x), ncol(y))
     sigma <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     startval.present <- FALSE
     else {
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     startval.present <- TRUE
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter.max)) {
     length(iter.max) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter.max) <- "integer"
     if (iter.max < 0)
     stop("Argument iter.max cannot be negative.")
     if (!is.null(criterion)) {
     length(criterion) <- 1L
     storage.mode(criterion) <- "double"
     if (criterion < 0)
     stop("Argument criterion cannot be negative.")
     else {
     criterion <- as.double(1e-05)
     if (is.null(estimate.worst))
     estimate.worst <- FALSE
     storage.mode(estimate.worst) <- "logical"
     length(estimate.worst) <- 1L
     nparam <- as.integer(ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) * (ncol(y) +
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_em", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst,
     startval.present = startval.present, iter = integer(1),
     converged = logical(1), rel.diff = numeric(1), loglik = numeric(iter.max),
     logpost = numeric(iter.max), beta = beta, sigma = sigma,
     y.imp = y, npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1),
     nrow(y), ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)),
     n.obs = integer(ncol(y)), which.patt = integer(nrow(y)),
     ybar = numeric(ncol(y)), ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), rate.beta = beta,
     rate.sigma = sigma, em.worst.ok = logical(1), worst.frac = numeric(1),
     nparam = nparam, worst.linear.coef = numeric(nparam),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     if ((!tmp$converged) & (iter.max > 0)) {
     warning(paste("Algorithm did not converge by iteration",
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     rel.diff <- tmp$rel.diff
     if (tmp$iter == 0)
     rel.diff <- NA
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (startval.present) {
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     else {
     starting.values <- NULL
     if (tmp$iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:tmp$iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:tmp$iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     em.worst.ok <- tmp$em.worst.ok
     if (em.worst.ok) {
     worst.frac <- tmp$worst.frac
     if (worst.frac == 0) {
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     else {
     worst.linear.coef <- tmp$worst.linear.coef
     else {
     worst.frac <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "EM", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = tmp$iter, converged = tmp$converged, criterion = criterion,
     estimate.worst = estimate.worst, loglik = loglik,
     logpost = logpost, param = list(beta = tmp$beta,
     sigma = tmp$sigma), param.rate = list(beta = tmp$rate.beta,
     sigma = tmp$rate.sigma), y.mean.imp = tmp$y.imp,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, rel.diff = rel.diff,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, em.worst.ok = em.worst.ok,
     worst.frac = worst.frac, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
     <bytecode: 0x2d87c50>
     <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function emNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: emNorm -> emNorm.formula -> emNorm.default
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in 'tests/impTests.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(norm2)
     > ## run EM on fake data with missing values
     > set.seed(1234)
     > simdata <- data.frame(
     + Y1=rnorm(10), Y2=rnorm(10), Y3=rnorm(10), X1=rnorm(10) )
     > simdata$Y3[7] <- simdata$Y2[3]<- NA
     > emResult <- emNorm( cbind(Y1,Y2,Y3) ~ X1, data=simdata )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     --- call from argument ---
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     where 2: emNorm.formula(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     where 3: emNorm(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, iter.max = 1000, criterion = NULL,
     estimate.worst = TRUE, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, starting.values = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     if (is.null(starting.values)) {
     beta <- matrix(0, ncol(x), ncol(y))
     sigma <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     startval.present <- FALSE
     else {
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     startval.present <- TRUE
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter.max)) {
     length(iter.max) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter.max) <- "integer"
     if (iter.max < 0)
     stop("Argument iter.max cannot be negative.")
     if (!is.null(criterion)) {
     length(criterion) <- 1L
     storage.mode(criterion) <- "double"
     if (criterion < 0)
     stop("Argument criterion cannot be negative.")
     else {
     criterion <- as.double(1e-05)
     if (is.null(estimate.worst))
     estimate.worst <- FALSE
     storage.mode(estimate.worst) <- "logical"
     length(estimate.worst) <- 1L
     nparam <- as.integer(ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) * (ncol(y) +
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_em", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst,
     startval.present = startval.present, iter = integer(1),
     converged = logical(1), rel.diff = numeric(1), loglik = numeric(iter.max),
     logpost = numeric(iter.max), beta = beta, sigma = sigma,
     y.imp = y, npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1),
     nrow(y), ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)),
     n.obs = integer(ncol(y)), which.patt = integer(nrow(y)),
     ybar = numeric(ncol(y)), ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), rate.beta = beta,
     rate.sigma = sigma, em.worst.ok = logical(1), worst.frac = numeric(1),
     nparam = nparam, worst.linear.coef = numeric(nparam),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     if ((!tmp$converged) & (iter.max > 0)) {
     warning(paste("Algorithm did not converge by iteration",
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     rel.diff <- tmp$rel.diff
     if (tmp$iter == 0)
     rel.diff <- NA
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (startval.present) {
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     else {
     starting.values <- NULL
     if (tmp$iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:tmp$iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:tmp$iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     em.worst.ok <- tmp$em.worst.ok
     if (em.worst.ok) {
     worst.frac <- tmp$worst.frac
     if (worst.frac == 0) {
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     else {
     worst.linear.coef <- tmp$worst.linear.coef
     else {
     worst.frac <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "EM", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = tmp$iter, converged = tmp$converged, criterion = criterion,
     estimate.worst = estimate.worst, loglik = loglik,
     logpost = logpost, param = list(beta = tmp$beta,
     sigma = tmp$sigma), param.rate = list(beta = tmp$rate.beta,
     sigma = tmp$rate.sigma), y.mean.imp = tmp$y.imp,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, rel.diff = rel.diff,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, em.worst.ok = em.worst.ok,
     worst.frac = worst.frac, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
     <bytecode: 0x30911b0>
     <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function emNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: emNorm -> emNorm.formula -> emNorm.default
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in 'tests/logpostTests.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(norm2)
     > ## run EM on fake data with missing values
     > set.seed(1234)
     > simdata <- data.frame(
     + Y1=rnorm(10), Y2=rnorm(10), Y3=rnorm(10), X1=rnorm(10) )
     > simdata$Y3[7] <- simdata$Y2[3]<- NA
     > emResult <- emNorm( cbind(Y1,Y2,Y3) ~ X1, data=simdata )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     --- call from argument ---
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     where 2: emNorm.formula(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     where 3: emNorm(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, iter.max = 1000, criterion = NULL,
     estimate.worst = TRUE, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, starting.values = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     if (is.null(starting.values)) {
     beta <- matrix(0, ncol(x), ncol(y))
     sigma <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     startval.present <- FALSE
     else {
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     startval.present <- TRUE
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter.max)) {
     length(iter.max) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter.max) <- "integer"
     if (iter.max < 0)
     stop("Argument iter.max cannot be negative.")
     if (!is.null(criterion)) {
     length(criterion) <- 1L
     storage.mode(criterion) <- "double"
     if (criterion < 0)
     stop("Argument criterion cannot be negative.")
     else {
     criterion <- as.double(1e-05)
     if (is.null(estimate.worst))
     estimate.worst <- FALSE
     storage.mode(estimate.worst) <- "logical"
     length(estimate.worst) <- 1L
     nparam <- as.integer(ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) * (ncol(y) +
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_em", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst,
     startval.present = startval.present, iter = integer(1),
     converged = logical(1), rel.diff = numeric(1), loglik = numeric(iter.max),
     logpost = numeric(iter.max), beta = beta, sigma = sigma,
     y.imp = y, npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1),
     nrow(y), ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)),
     n.obs = integer(ncol(y)), which.patt = integer(nrow(y)),
     ybar = numeric(ncol(y)), ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), rate.beta = beta,
     rate.sigma = sigma, em.worst.ok = logical(1), worst.frac = numeric(1),
     nparam = nparam, worst.linear.coef = numeric(nparam),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     if ((!tmp$converged) & (iter.max > 0)) {
     warning(paste("Algorithm did not converge by iteration",
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     rel.diff <- tmp$rel.diff
     if (tmp$iter == 0)
     rel.diff <- NA
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (startval.present) {
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     else {
     starting.values <- NULL
     if (tmp$iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:tmp$iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:tmp$iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     em.worst.ok <- tmp$em.worst.ok
     if (em.worst.ok) {
     worst.frac <- tmp$worst.frac
     if (worst.frac == 0) {
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     else {
     worst.linear.coef <- tmp$worst.linear.coef
     else {
     worst.frac <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "EM", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = tmp$iter, converged = tmp$converged, criterion = criterion,
     estimate.worst = estimate.worst, loglik = loglik,
     logpost = logpost, param = list(beta = tmp$beta,
     sigma = tmp$sigma), param.rate = list(beta = tmp$rate.beta,
     sigma = tmp$rate.sigma), y.mean.imp = tmp$y.imp,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, rel.diff = rel.diff,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, em.worst.ok = em.worst.ok,
     worst.frac = worst.frac, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
     <bytecode: 0x2f611b0>
     <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function emNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: emNorm -> emNorm.formula -> emNorm.default
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in 'tests/mcmcTests.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(norm2)
     > ## run EM on fake data with missing values
     > set.seed(1234)
     > simdata <- data.frame(
     + Y1=rnorm(10), Y2=rnorm(10), Y3=rnorm(10), X1=rnorm(10) )
     > simdata$Y3[7] <- simdata$Y2[3]<- NA
     > emResult <- emNorm( cbind(Y1,Y2,Y3) ~ X1, data=simdata )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     --- call from argument ---
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     where 2: emNorm.formula(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     where 3: emNorm(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, iter.max = 1000, criterion = NULL,
     estimate.worst = TRUE, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, starting.values = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     if (is.null(starting.values)) {
     beta <- matrix(0, ncol(x), ncol(y))
     sigma <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     startval.present <- FALSE
     else {
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     startval.present <- TRUE
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter.max)) {
     length(iter.max) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter.max) <- "integer"
     if (iter.max < 0)
     stop("Argument iter.max cannot be negative.")
     if (!is.null(criterion)) {
     length(criterion) <- 1L
     storage.mode(criterion) <- "double"
     if (criterion < 0)
     stop("Argument criterion cannot be negative.")
     else {
     criterion <- as.double(1e-05)
     if (is.null(estimate.worst))
     estimate.worst <- FALSE
     storage.mode(estimate.worst) <- "logical"
     length(estimate.worst) <- 1L
     nparam <- as.integer(ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) * (ncol(y) +
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_em", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst,
     startval.present = startval.present, iter = integer(1),
     converged = logical(1), rel.diff = numeric(1), loglik = numeric(iter.max),
     logpost = numeric(iter.max), beta = beta, sigma = sigma,
     y.imp = y, npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1),
     nrow(y), ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)),
     n.obs = integer(ncol(y)), which.patt = integer(nrow(y)),
     ybar = numeric(ncol(y)), ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), rate.beta = beta,
     rate.sigma = sigma, em.worst.ok = logical(1), worst.frac = numeric(1),
     nparam = nparam, worst.linear.coef = numeric(nparam),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     if ((!tmp$converged) & (iter.max > 0)) {
     warning(paste("Algorithm did not converge by iteration",
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     rel.diff <- tmp$rel.diff
     if (tmp$iter == 0)
     rel.diff <- NA
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (startval.present) {
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     else {
     starting.values <- NULL
     if (tmp$iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:tmp$iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:tmp$iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     em.worst.ok <- tmp$em.worst.ok
     if (em.worst.ok) {
     worst.frac <- tmp$worst.frac
     if (worst.frac == 0) {
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     else {
     worst.linear.coef <- tmp$worst.linear.coef
     else {
     worst.frac <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "EM", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = tmp$iter, converged = tmp$converged, criterion = criterion,
     estimate.worst = estimate.worst, loglik = loglik,
     logpost = logpost, param = list(beta = tmp$beta,
     sigma = tmp$sigma), param.rate = list(beta = tmp$rate.beta,
     sigma = tmp$rate.sigma), y.mean.imp = tmp$y.imp,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, rel.diff = rel.diff,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, em.worst.ok = em.worst.ok,
     worst.frac = worst.frac, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
     <bytecode: 0x44631b0>
     <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function emNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: emNorm -> emNorm.formula -> emNorm.default
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in 'tests/miInferenceTests.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(norm2)
     > # generate M=25 imputations for cholesterol data
     > data(cholesterol)
     > emResult <- emNorm(cholesterol)
     > set.seed(999)
     > mcmcResult <- mcmcNorm(emResult, iter=2500, impute.every=100)
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     mcmcNorm.default(obj$y, x = obj$x, intercept = FALSE, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = iter, multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, save.all.series = save.all.series,
     save.worst.series = save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     impute.every = impute.every, ...)
     --- call from argument ---
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: mcmcNorm.default(obj$y, x = obj$x, intercept = FALSE, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = iter, multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, save.all.series = save.all.series,
     save.worst.series = save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     impute.every = impute.every, ...)
     where 2: mcmcNorm.norm(emResult, iter = 2500, impute.every = 100)
     where 3: mcmcNorm(emResult, iter = 2500, impute.every = 100)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, starting.values, iter = 1000,
     multicycle = NULL, seeds = NULL, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, save.all.series = TRUE, save.worst.series = FALSE,
     worst.linear.coef = NULL, impute.every = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len <- as.integer(255)
     msg <- format("", width = msg.len)
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter)) {
     length(iter) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter) <- "integer"
     if (iter < 1L)
     stop("Argument iter must be positive.")
     if (!is.null(multicycle)) {
     length(multicycle) <- 1L
     storage.mode(multicycle) <- "integer"
     else {
     multicycle <- 1L
     if (multicycle < 1)
     stop("Argument multicycle must be positive.")
     if (!is.null(seeds)) {
     if (length(seeds) != 2L)
     stop("Two integer seeds were expected.")
     else {
     seeds = ceiling(runif(2) * .Machine$integer.max)
     storage.mode(seeds) <- "integer"
     if (is.null(impute.every)) {
     impute.every <- as.integer(0)
     else {
     impute.every <- as.integer(impute.every)
     length(impute.every) <- 1L
     if (impute.every < 0L)
     stop("Argument impute.every cannot be negative.")
     if (impute.every > iter)
     stop("Argument impute.every cannot exceed iter.")
     if (impute.every == 0) {
     nimps <- as.integer(0)
     else {
     nimps <- as.integer(floor(iter/impute.every))
     if (mode(save.all.series) != "logical")
     stop("Argument save.all.series should be of mode \"logical\".")
     length(save.all.series) <- 1L
     if (mode(save.worst.series) != "logical")
     stop("Argument save.worst.series should be of mode \"logical\".")
     length(save.worst.series) <- 1L
     if (save.worst.series) {
     if (is.null(worst.linear.coef)) {
     stop("If save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef must be provided.")
     if (is.null(worst.linear.coef))
     worst.linear.coef <- rep(0, ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) *
     (ncol(y) + 1L))/2L)
     storage.mode(worst.linear.coef) <- "double"
     y.imp <- y
     if (save.all.series) {
     series.length <- as.integer(iter)
     series.beta <- array(0, c(ncol(x), ncol(y), iter))
     dimnames(series.beta) <- list(rownames(beta), colnames(beta),
     series.sigma <- array(0, c(ncol(y), ncol(y), iter))
     dimnames(series.sigma) <- list(rownames(sigma), colnames(sigma),
     else {
     series.length <- as.integer(0)
     series.beta <- array(0, c(ncol(x), ncol(y), 0))
     series.sigma <- array(0, c(ncol(y), ncol(y), 0))
     storage.mode(series.beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(series.sigma) <- "double"
     imp.list <- array(0, c(nrow(y), ncol(y), nimps))
     storage.mode(imp.list) <- "double"
     series.worst <- numeric(iter)
     storage.mode(series.worst) <- "double"
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_mcmc", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter = iter,
     multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, impute.every = impute.every,
     nimps = nimps, save.all.series = save.all.series, save.worst.series = save.worst.series,
     worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef, series.length = series.length,
     beta = beta, sigma = sigma, y.imp = y.imp, iter.actual = integer(1),
     series.beta = series.beta, series.sigma = series.sigma,
     loglik = numeric(iter), logpost = numeric(iter), series.worst = series.worst,
     npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1), nrow(y),
     ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)), n.obs = integer(ncol(y)),
     which.patt = integer(nrow(y)), ybar = numeric(ncol(y)),
     ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), imp.list = imp.list, nimps.actual = integer(1),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     iter <- tmp$iter.actual
     if (iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     nimps <- tmp$nimps.actual
     if ((impute.every == 0) | (nimps == 0)) {
     imp.list <- NULL
     impute.every <- NULL
     else {
     imp.list <- as.list(1:nimps)
     for (i in 1:nimps) {
     imp.list[[i]] <- tmp$imp.list[, , i]
     dimnames(imp.list[[i]]) <- list(rownames(y),
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (save.all.series & (iter > 0)) {
     beta.array <- tmp$series.beta[, , 1:iter, drop = FALSE]
     series.beta <- matrix(numeric(1), iter, ncol(x) *
     beta.names <- character(ncol(x) * ncol(y))
     posn <- 0
     for (j in 1:ncol(x)) {
     for (k in 1:ncol(y)) {
     posn <- posn + 1
     series.beta[, posn] <- beta.array[j, k, ]
     beta.names[posn] <- paste(colnames(x)[j], ",",
     colnames(y)[k], sep = "")
     colnames(series.beta) <- beta.names
     series.beta <- as.ts(series.beta)
     sigma.array <- tmp$series.sigma[, , 1:iter, drop = FALSE]
     series.sigma <- matrix(numeric(1), iter, ncol(y) *
     (ncol(y) + 1)/2)
     sigma.names <- character(ncol(y) * (ncol(y) + 1)/2)
     posn <- 0
     for (k in 1:ncol(y)) {
     for (j in k:ncol(y)) {
     posn <- posn + 1
     series.sigma[, posn] <- sigma.array[j, k, ]
     sigma.names[posn] <- paste(colnames(y)[j],
     ",", colnames(y)[k], sep = "")
     colnames(series.sigma) <- sigma.names
     series.sigma <- as.ts(series.sigma)
     else {
     series.beta <- NULL
     series.sigma <- NULL
     if (save.worst.series & (iter > 0)) {
     series.worst <- as.ts(tmp$series.worst[1:iter])
     else {
     series.worst <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "MCMC", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter = iter,
     multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, starting.values = starting.values,
     param = list(beta = tmp$beta, sigma = tmp$sigma),
     loglik = loglik, logpost = logpost, series.worst = series.worst,
     series.beta = series.beta, series.sigma = series.sigma,
     y.imp = tmp$y.imp, impute.every = impute.every, imp.list = imp.list,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
     <bytecode: 0x48c0db0>
     <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function mcmcNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: mcmcNorm -> mcmcNorm.norm -> mcmcNorm.default
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang

Version: 2.0.2
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘norm2-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: impNorm
    > ### Title: Imputation and prediction for incomplete multivariate normal
    > ### data
    > ### Aliases: impNorm impNorm.default impNorm.formula impNorm.norm
    > ### Keywords: multivariate NA
    > ### ** Examples
    > ## run EM for marijuana data with ridge prior
    > data(marijuana)
    > emResult <- emNorm(marijuana, prior="ridge", prior.df=0.5)
    > ## generate 25 multiple imputations by running 25 chains
    > ## of 100 iterations each, starting each chain at the
    > ## posterior mode
    > set.seed(456)
    > imp.list <- as.list(NULL)
    > for(m in 1:25){
    + mcmcResult <- mcmcNorm(emResult, iter=100)
    + imp.list[[m]] <- impNorm(mcmcResult)}
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    mcmcNorm.default(obj$y, x = obj$x, intercept = FALSE, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = iter, multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, save.all.series = save.all.series,
     save.worst.series = save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     impute.every = impute.every, ...)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: mcmcNorm.default(obj$y, x = obj$x, intercept = FALSE, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = iter, multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, save.all.series = save.all.series,
     save.worst.series = save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     impute.every = impute.every, ...)
    where 2: mcmcNorm.norm(emResult, iter = 100)
    where 3: mcmcNorm(emResult, iter = 100)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     --- function from context ---
    function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, starting.values, iter = 1000,
     multicycle = NULL, seeds = NULL, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, save.all.series = TRUE, save.worst.series = FALSE,
     worst.linear.coef = NULL, impute.every = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len <- as.integer(255)
     msg <- format("", width = msg.len)
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter)) {
     length(iter) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter) <- "integer"
     if (iter < 1L)
     stop("Argument iter must be positive.")
     if (!is.null(multicycle)) {
     length(multicycle) <- 1L
     storage.mode(multicycle) <- "integer"
     else {
     multicycle <- 1L
     if (multicycle < 1)
     stop("Argument multicycle must be positive.")
     if (!is.null(seeds)) {
     if (length(seeds) != 2L)
     stop("Two integer seeds were expected.")
     else {
     seeds = ceiling(runif(2) * .Machine$integer.max)
     storage.mode(seeds) <- "integer"
     if (is.null(impute.every)) {
     impute.every <- as.integer(0)
     else {
     impute.every <- as.integer(impute.every)
     length(impute.every) <- 1L
     if (impute.every < 0L)
     stop("Argument impute.every cannot be negative.")
     if (impute.every > iter)
     stop("Argument impute.every cannot exceed iter.")
     if (impute.every == 0) {
     nimps <- as.integer(0)
     else {
     nimps <- as.integer(floor(iter/impute.every))
     if (mode(save.all.series) != "logical")
     stop("Argument save.all.series should be of mode \"logical\".")
     length(save.all.series) <- 1L
     if (mode(save.worst.series) != "logical")
     stop("Argument save.worst.series should be of mode \"logical\".")
     length(save.worst.series) <- 1L
     if (save.worst.series) {
     if (is.null(worst.linear.coef)) {
     stop("If save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef must be provided.")
     if (is.null(worst.linear.coef))
     worst.linear.coef <- rep(0, ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) *
     (ncol(y) + 1L))/2L)
     storage.mode(worst.linear.coef) <- "double"
     y.imp <- y
     if (save.all.series) {
     series.length <- as.integer(iter)
     series.beta <- array(0, c(ncol(x), ncol(y), iter))
     dimnames(series.beta) <- list(rownames(beta), colnames(beta),
     series.sigma <- array(0, c(ncol(y), ncol(y), iter))
     dimnames(series.sigma) <- list(rownames(sigma), colnames(sigma),
     else {
     series.length <- as.integer(0)
     series.beta <- array(0, c(ncol(x), ncol(y), 0))
     series.sigma <- array(0, c(ncol(y), ncol(y), 0))
     storage.mode(series.beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(series.sigma) <- "double"
     imp.list <- array(0, c(nrow(y), ncol(y), nimps))
     storage.mode(imp.list) <- "double"
     series.worst <- numeric(iter)
     storage.mode(series.worst) <- "double"
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_mcmc", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter = iter,
     multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, impute.every = impute.every,
     nimps = nimps, save.all.series = save.all.series, save.worst.series = save.worst.series,
     worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef, series.length = series.length,
     beta = beta, sigma = sigma, y.imp = y.imp, iter.actual = integer(1),
     series.beta = series.beta, series.sigma = series.sigma,
     loglik = numeric(iter), logpost = numeric(iter), series.worst = series.worst,
     npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1), nrow(y),
     ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)), n.obs = integer(ncol(y)),
     which.patt = integer(nrow(y)), ybar = numeric(ncol(y)),
     ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), imp.list = imp.list, nimps.actual = integer(1),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     iter <- tmp$iter.actual
     if (iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     nimps <- tmp$nimps.actual
     if ((impute.every == 0) | (nimps == 0)) {
     imp.list <- NULL
     impute.every <- NULL
     else {
     imp.list <- as.list(1:nimps)
     for (i in 1:nimps) {
     imp.list[[i]] <- tmp$imp.list[, , i]
     dimnames(imp.list[[i]]) <- list(rownames(y),
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (save.all.series & (iter > 0)) {
     beta.array <- tmp$series.beta[, , 1:iter, drop = FALSE]
     series.beta <- matrix(numeric(1), iter, ncol(x) *
     beta.names <- character(ncol(x) * ncol(y))
     posn <- 0
     for (j in 1:ncol(x)) {
     for (k in 1:ncol(y)) {
     posn <- posn + 1
     series.beta[, posn] <- beta.array[j, k, ]
     beta.names[posn] <- paste(colnames(x)[j], ",",
     colnames(y)[k], sep = "")
     colnames(series.beta) <- beta.names
     series.beta <- as.ts(series.beta)
     sigma.array <- tmp$series.sigma[, , 1:iter, drop = FALSE]
     series.sigma <- matrix(numeric(1), iter, ncol(y) *
     (ncol(y) + 1)/2)
     sigma.names <- character(ncol(y) * (ncol(y) + 1)/2)
     posn <- 0
     for (k in 1:ncol(y)) {
     for (j in k:ncol(y)) {
     posn <- posn + 1
     series.sigma[, posn] <- sigma.array[j, k, ]
     sigma.names[posn] <- paste(colnames(y)[j],
     ",", colnames(y)[k], sep = "")
     colnames(series.sigma) <- sigma.names
     series.sigma <- as.ts(series.sigma)
     else {
     series.beta <- NULL
     series.sigma <- NULL
     if (save.worst.series & (iter > 0)) {
     series.worst <- as.ts(tmp$series.worst[1:iter])
     else {
     series.worst <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "MCMC", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter = iter,
     multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, starting.values = starting.values,
     param = list(beta = tmp$beta, sigma = tmp$sigma),
     loglik = loglik, logpost = logpost, series.worst = series.worst,
     series.beta = series.beta, series.sigma = series.sigma,
     y.imp = tmp$y.imp, impute.every = impute.every, imp.list = imp.list,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
    <bytecode: 0x562cea390600>
    <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function mcmcNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: mcmcNorm -> mcmcNorm.norm -> mcmcNorm.default
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc

Version: 2.0.2
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘emTests.R’ [1s/1s]
     Running ‘impTests.R’ [1s/1s]
     Running ‘logpostTests.R’ [1s/1s]
     Running ‘mcmcTests.R’ [1s/1s]
     Running ‘miInferenceTests.R’ [1s/2s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/emTests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(norm2)
     > ## run EM on fake data with no missing values
     > set.seed(1234)
     > simdata <- data.frame(
     + Y1=rnorm(6), Y2=rnorm(6), Y3=rnorm(6), X1=rnorm(6) )
     > emResult <- emNorm( cbind(Y1,Y2,Y3) ~ X1, data=simdata )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     --- call from argument ---
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     where 2: emNorm.formula(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     where 3: emNorm(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, iter.max = 1000, criterion = NULL,
     estimate.worst = TRUE, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, starting.values = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     if (is.null(starting.values)) {
     beta <- matrix(0, ncol(x), ncol(y))
     sigma <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     startval.present <- FALSE
     else {
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     startval.present <- TRUE
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter.max)) {
     length(iter.max) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter.max) <- "integer"
     if (iter.max < 0)
     stop("Argument iter.max cannot be negative.")
     if (!is.null(criterion)) {
     length(criterion) <- 1L
     storage.mode(criterion) <- "double"
     if (criterion < 0)
     stop("Argument criterion cannot be negative.")
     else {
     criterion <- as.double(1e-05)
     if (is.null(estimate.worst))
     estimate.worst <- FALSE
     storage.mode(estimate.worst) <- "logical"
     length(estimate.worst) <- 1L
     nparam <- as.integer(ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) * (ncol(y) +
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_em", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst,
     startval.present = startval.present, iter = integer(1),
     converged = logical(1), rel.diff = numeric(1), loglik = numeric(iter.max),
     logpost = numeric(iter.max), beta = beta, sigma = sigma,
     y.imp = y, npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1),
     nrow(y), ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)),
     n.obs = integer(ncol(y)), which.patt = integer(nrow(y)),
     ybar = numeric(ncol(y)), ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), rate.beta = beta,
     rate.sigma = sigma, em.worst.ok = logical(1), worst.frac = numeric(1),
     nparam = nparam, worst.linear.coef = numeric(nparam),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     if ((!tmp$converged) & (iter.max > 0)) {
     warning(paste("Algorithm did not converge by iteration",
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     rel.diff <- tmp$rel.diff
     if (tmp$iter == 0)
     rel.diff <- NA
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (startval.present) {
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     else {
     starting.values <- NULL
     if (tmp$iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:tmp$iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:tmp$iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     em.worst.ok <- tmp$em.worst.ok
     if (em.worst.ok) {
     worst.frac <- tmp$worst.frac
     if (worst.frac == 0) {
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     else {
     worst.linear.coef <- tmp$worst.linear.coef
     else {
     worst.frac <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "EM", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = tmp$iter, converged = tmp$converged, criterion = criterion,
     estimate.worst = estimate.worst, loglik = loglik,
     logpost = logpost, param = list(beta = tmp$beta,
     sigma = tmp$sigma), param.rate = list(beta = tmp$rate.beta,
     sigma = tmp$rate.sigma), y.mean.imp = tmp$y.imp,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, rel.diff = rel.diff,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, em.worst.ok = em.worst.ok,
     worst.frac = worst.frac, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
     <bytecode: 0x55a0f87c8998>
     <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function emNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: emNorm -> emNorm.formula -> emNorm.default
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in ‘tests/impTests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(norm2)
     > ## run EM on fake data with missing values
     > set.seed(1234)
     > simdata <- data.frame(
     + Y1=rnorm(10), Y2=rnorm(10), Y3=rnorm(10), X1=rnorm(10) )
     > simdata$Y3[7] <- simdata$Y2[3]<- NA
     > emResult <- emNorm( cbind(Y1,Y2,Y3) ~ X1, data=simdata )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     --- call from argument ---
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     where 2: emNorm.formula(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     where 3: emNorm(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, iter.max = 1000, criterion = NULL,
     estimate.worst = TRUE, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, starting.values = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     if (is.null(starting.values)) {
     beta <- matrix(0, ncol(x), ncol(y))
     sigma <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     startval.present <- FALSE
     else {
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     startval.present <- TRUE
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter.max)) {
     length(iter.max) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter.max) <- "integer"
     if (iter.max < 0)
     stop("Argument iter.max cannot be negative.")
     if (!is.null(criterion)) {
     length(criterion) <- 1L
     storage.mode(criterion) <- "double"
     if (criterion < 0)
     stop("Argument criterion cannot be negative.")
     else {
     criterion <- as.double(1e-05)
     if (is.null(estimate.worst))
     estimate.worst <- FALSE
     storage.mode(estimate.worst) <- "logical"
     length(estimate.worst) <- 1L
     nparam <- as.integer(ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) * (ncol(y) +
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_em", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst,
     startval.present = startval.present, iter = integer(1),
     converged = logical(1), rel.diff = numeric(1), loglik = numeric(iter.max),
     logpost = numeric(iter.max), beta = beta, sigma = sigma,
     y.imp = y, npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1),
     nrow(y), ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)),
     n.obs = integer(ncol(y)), which.patt = integer(nrow(y)),
     ybar = numeric(ncol(y)), ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), rate.beta = beta,
     rate.sigma = sigma, em.worst.ok = logical(1), worst.frac = numeric(1),
     nparam = nparam, worst.linear.coef = numeric(nparam),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     if ((!tmp$converged) & (iter.max > 0)) {
     warning(paste("Algorithm did not converge by iteration",
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     rel.diff <- tmp$rel.diff
     if (tmp$iter == 0)
     rel.diff <- NA
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (startval.present) {
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     else {
     starting.values <- NULL
     if (tmp$iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:tmp$iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:tmp$iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     em.worst.ok <- tmp$em.worst.ok
     if (em.worst.ok) {
     worst.frac <- tmp$worst.frac
     if (worst.frac == 0) {
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     else {
     worst.linear.coef <- tmp$worst.linear.coef
     else {
     worst.frac <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "EM", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = tmp$iter, converged = tmp$converged, criterion = criterion,
     estimate.worst = estimate.worst, loglik = loglik,
     logpost = logpost, param = list(beta = tmp$beta,
     sigma = tmp$sigma), param.rate = list(beta = tmp$rate.beta,
     sigma = tmp$rate.sigma), y.mean.imp = tmp$y.imp,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, rel.diff = rel.diff,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, em.worst.ok = em.worst.ok,
     worst.frac = worst.frac, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
     <bytecode: 0x557b79589e18>
     <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function emNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: emNorm -> emNorm.formula -> emNorm.default
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in ‘tests/logpostTests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(norm2)
     > ## run EM on fake data with missing values
     > set.seed(1234)
     > simdata <- data.frame(
     + Y1=rnorm(10), Y2=rnorm(10), Y3=rnorm(10), X1=rnorm(10) )
     > simdata$Y3[7] <- simdata$Y2[3]<- NA
     > emResult <- emNorm( cbind(Y1,Y2,Y3) ~ X1, data=simdata )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     --- call from argument ---
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     where 2: emNorm.formula(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     where 3: emNorm(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, iter.max = 1000, criterion = NULL,
     estimate.worst = TRUE, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, starting.values = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     if (is.null(starting.values)) {
     beta <- matrix(0, ncol(x), ncol(y))
     sigma <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     startval.present <- FALSE
     else {
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     startval.present <- TRUE
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter.max)) {
     length(iter.max) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter.max) <- "integer"
     if (iter.max < 0)
     stop("Argument iter.max cannot be negative.")
     if (!is.null(criterion)) {
     length(criterion) <- 1L
     storage.mode(criterion) <- "double"
     if (criterion < 0)
     stop("Argument criterion cannot be negative.")
     else {
     criterion <- as.double(1e-05)
     if (is.null(estimate.worst))
     estimate.worst <- FALSE
     storage.mode(estimate.worst) <- "logical"
     length(estimate.worst) <- 1L
     nparam <- as.integer(ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) * (ncol(y) +
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_em", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst,
     startval.present = startval.present, iter = integer(1),
     converged = logical(1), rel.diff = numeric(1), loglik = numeric(iter.max),
     logpost = numeric(iter.max), beta = beta, sigma = sigma,
     y.imp = y, npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1),
     nrow(y), ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)),
     n.obs = integer(ncol(y)), which.patt = integer(nrow(y)),
     ybar = numeric(ncol(y)), ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), rate.beta = beta,
     rate.sigma = sigma, em.worst.ok = logical(1), worst.frac = numeric(1),
     nparam = nparam, worst.linear.coef = numeric(nparam),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     if ((!tmp$converged) & (iter.max > 0)) {
     warning(paste("Algorithm did not converge by iteration",
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     rel.diff <- tmp$rel.diff
     if (tmp$iter == 0)
     rel.diff <- NA
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (startval.present) {
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     else {
     starting.values <- NULL
     if (tmp$iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:tmp$iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:tmp$iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     em.worst.ok <- tmp$em.worst.ok
     if (em.worst.ok) {
     worst.frac <- tmp$worst.frac
     if (worst.frac == 0) {
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     else {
     worst.linear.coef <- tmp$worst.linear.coef
     else {
     worst.frac <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "EM", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = tmp$iter, converged = tmp$converged, criterion = criterion,
     estimate.worst = estimate.worst, loglik = loglik,
     logpost = logpost, param = list(beta = tmp$beta,
     sigma = tmp$sigma), param.rate = list(beta = tmp$rate.beta,
     sigma = tmp$rate.sigma), y.mean.imp = tmp$y.imp,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, rel.diff = rel.diff,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, em.worst.ok = em.worst.ok,
     worst.frac = worst.frac, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
     <bytecode: 0x556cd9c8fe18>
     <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function emNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: emNorm -> emNorm.formula -> emNorm.default
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in ‘tests/mcmcTests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(norm2)
     > ## run EM on fake data with missing values
     > set.seed(1234)
     > simdata <- data.frame(
     + Y1=rnorm(10), Y2=rnorm(10), Y3=rnorm(10), X1=rnorm(10) )
     > simdata$Y3[7] <- simdata$Y2[3]<- NA
     > emResult <- emNorm( cbind(Y1,Y2,Y3) ~ X1, data=simdata )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     --- call from argument ---
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     where 2: emNorm.formula(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     where 3: emNorm(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, iter.max = 1000, criterion = NULL,
     estimate.worst = TRUE, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, starting.values = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     if (is.null(starting.values)) {
     beta <- matrix(0, ncol(x), ncol(y))
     sigma <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     startval.present <- FALSE
     else {
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     startval.present <- TRUE
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter.max)) {
     length(iter.max) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter.max) <- "integer"
     if (iter.max < 0)
     stop("Argument iter.max cannot be negative.")
     if (!is.null(criterion)) {
     length(criterion) <- 1L
     storage.mode(criterion) <- "double"
     if (criterion < 0)
     stop("Argument criterion cannot be negative.")
     else {
     criterion <- as.double(1e-05)
     if (is.null(estimate.worst))
     estimate.worst <- FALSE
     storage.mode(estimate.worst) <- "logical"
     length(estimate.worst) <- 1L
     nparam <- as.integer(ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) * (ncol(y) +
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_em", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst,
     startval.present = startval.present, iter = integer(1),
     converged = logical(1), rel.diff = numeric(1), loglik = numeric(iter.max),
     logpost = numeric(iter.max), beta = beta, sigma = sigma,
     y.imp = y, npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1),
     nrow(y), ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)),
     n.obs = integer(ncol(y)), which.patt = integer(nrow(y)),
     ybar = numeric(ncol(y)), ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), rate.beta = beta,
     rate.sigma = sigma, em.worst.ok = logical(1), worst.frac = numeric(1),
     nparam = nparam, worst.linear.coef = numeric(nparam),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     if ((!tmp$converged) & (iter.max > 0)) {
     warning(paste("Algorithm did not converge by iteration",
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     rel.diff <- tmp$rel.diff
     if (tmp$iter == 0)
     rel.diff <- NA
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (startval.present) {
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     else {
     starting.values <- NULL
     if (tmp$iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:tmp$iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:tmp$iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     em.worst.ok <- tmp$em.worst.ok
     if (em.worst.ok) {
     worst.frac <- tmp$worst.frac
     if (worst.frac == 0) {
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     else {
     worst.linear.coef <- tmp$worst.linear.coef
     else {
     worst.frac <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "EM", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = tmp$iter, converged = tmp$converged, criterion = criterion,
     estimate.worst = estimate.worst, loglik = loglik,
     logpost = logpost, param = list(beta = tmp$beta,
     sigma = tmp$sigma), param.rate = list(beta = tmp$rate.beta,
     sigma = tmp$rate.sigma), y.mean.imp = tmp$y.imp,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, rel.diff = rel.diff,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, em.worst.ok = em.worst.ok,
     worst.frac = worst.frac, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
     <bytecode: 0x55d9c6908e18>
     <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function emNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: emNorm -> emNorm.formula -> emNorm.default
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in ‘tests/miInferenceTests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(norm2)
     > # generate M=25 imputations for cholesterol data
     > data(cholesterol)
     > emResult <- emNorm(cholesterol)
     > set.seed(999)
     > mcmcResult <- mcmcNorm(emResult, iter=2500, impute.every=100)
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     mcmcNorm.default(obj$y, x = obj$x, intercept = FALSE, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = iter, multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, save.all.series = save.all.series,
     save.worst.series = save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     impute.every = impute.every, ...)
     --- call from argument ---
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: mcmcNorm.default(obj$y, x = obj$x, intercept = FALSE, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = iter, multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, save.all.series = save.all.series,
     save.worst.series = save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     impute.every = impute.every, ...)
     where 2: mcmcNorm.norm(emResult, iter = 2500, impute.every = 100)
     where 3: mcmcNorm(emResult, iter = 2500, impute.every = 100)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, starting.values, iter = 1000,
     multicycle = NULL, seeds = NULL, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, save.all.series = TRUE, save.worst.series = FALSE,
     worst.linear.coef = NULL, impute.every = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len <- as.integer(255)
     msg <- format("", width = msg.len)
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter)) {
     length(iter) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter) <- "integer"
     if (iter < 1L)
     stop("Argument iter must be positive.")
     if (!is.null(multicycle)) {
     length(multicycle) <- 1L
     storage.mode(multicycle) <- "integer"
     else {
     multicycle <- 1L
     if (multicycle < 1)
     stop("Argument multicycle must be positive.")
     if (!is.null(seeds)) {
     if (length(seeds) != 2L)
     stop("Two integer seeds were expected.")
     else {
     seeds = ceiling(runif(2) * .Machine$integer.max)
     storage.mode(seeds) <- "integer"
     if (is.null(impute.every)) {
     impute.every <- as.integer(0)
     else {
     impute.every <- as.integer(impute.every)
     length(impute.every) <- 1L
     if (impute.every < 0L)
     stop("Argument impute.every cannot be negative.")
     if (impute.every > iter)
     stop("Argument impute.every cannot exceed iter.")
     if (impute.every == 0) {
     nimps <- as.integer(0)
     else {
     nimps <- as.integer(floor(iter/impute.every))
     if (mode(save.all.series) != "logical")
     stop("Argument save.all.series should be of mode \"logical\".")
     length(save.all.series) <- 1L
     if (mode(save.worst.series) != "logical")
     stop("Argument save.worst.series should be of mode \"logical\".")
     length(save.worst.series) <- 1L
     if (save.worst.series) {
     if (is.null(worst.linear.coef)) {
     stop("If save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef must be provided.")
     if (is.null(worst.linear.coef))
     worst.linear.coef <- rep(0, ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) *
     (ncol(y) + 1L))/2L)
     storage.mode(worst.linear.coef) <- "double"
     y.imp <- y
     if (save.all.series) {
     series.length <- as.integer(iter)
     series.beta <- array(0, c(ncol(x), ncol(y), iter))
     dimnames(series.beta) <- list(rownames(beta), colnames(beta),
     series.sigma <- array(0, c(ncol(y), ncol(y), iter))
     dimnames(series.sigma) <- list(rownames(sigma), colnames(sigma),
     else {
     series.length <- as.integer(0)
     series.beta <- array(0, c(ncol(x), ncol(y), 0))
     series.sigma <- array(0, c(ncol(y), ncol(y), 0))
     storage.mode(series.beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(series.sigma) <- "double"
     imp.list <- array(0, c(nrow(y), ncol(y), nimps))
     storage.mode(imp.list) <- "double"
     series.worst <- numeric(iter)
     storage.mode(series.worst) <- "double"
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_mcmc", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter = iter,
     multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, impute.every = impute.every,
     nimps = nimps, save.all.series = save.all.series, save.worst.series = save.worst.series,
     worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef, series.length = series.length,
     beta = beta, sigma = sigma, y.imp = y.imp, iter.actual = integer(1),
     series.beta = series.beta, series.sigma = series.sigma,
     loglik = numeric(iter), logpost = numeric(iter), series.worst = series.worst,
     npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1), nrow(y),
     ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)), n.obs = integer(ncol(y)),
     which.patt = integer(nrow(y)), ybar = numeric(ncol(y)),
     ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), imp.list = imp.list, nimps.actual = integer(1),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     iter <- tmp$iter.actual
     if (iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     nimps <- tmp$nimps.actual
     if ((impute.every == 0) | (nimps == 0)) {
     imp.list <- NULL
     impute.every <- NULL
     else {
     imp.list <- as.list(1:nimps)
     for (i in 1:nimps) {
     imp.list[[i]] <- tmp$imp.list[, , i]
     dimnames(imp.list[[i]]) <- list(rownames(y),
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (save.all.series & (iter > 0)) {
     beta.array <- tmp$series.beta[, , 1:iter, drop = FALSE]
     series.beta <- matrix(numeric(1), iter, ncol(x) *
     beta.names <- character(ncol(x) * ncol(y))
     posn <- 0
     for (j in 1:ncol(x)) {
     for (k in 1:ncol(y)) {
     posn <- posn + 1
     series.beta[, posn] <- beta.array[j, k, ]
     beta.names[posn] <- paste(colnames(x)[j], ",",
     colnames(y)[k], sep = "")
     colnames(series.beta) <- beta.names
     series.beta <- as.ts(series.beta)
     sigma.array <- tmp$series.sigma[, , 1:iter, drop = FALSE]
     series.sigma <- matrix(numeric(1), iter, ncol(y) *
     (ncol(y) + 1)/2)
     sigma.names <- character(ncol(y) * (ncol(y) + 1)/2)
     posn <- 0
     for (k in 1:ncol(y)) {
     for (j in k:ncol(y)) {
     posn <- posn + 1
     series.sigma[, posn] <- sigma.array[j, k, ]
     sigma.names[posn] <- paste(colnames(y)[j],
     ",", colnames(y)[k], sep = "")
     colnames(series.sigma) <- sigma.names
     series.sigma <- as.ts(series.sigma)
     else {
     series.beta <- NULL
     series.sigma <- NULL
     if (save.worst.series & (iter > 0)) {
     series.worst <- as.ts(tmp$series.worst[1:iter])
     else {
     series.worst <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "MCMC", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter = iter,
     multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, starting.values = starting.values,
     param = list(beta = tmp$beta, sigma = tmp$sigma),
     loglik = loglik, logpost = logpost, series.worst = series.worst,
     series.beta = series.beta, series.sigma = series.sigma,
     y.imp = tmp$y.imp, impute.every = impute.every, imp.list = imp.list,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
     <bytecode: 0x55dc5daaa198>
     <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function mcmcNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: mcmcNorm -> mcmcNorm.norm -> mcmcNorm.default
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc

Version: 2.0.2
Check: compiled code
Result: NOTE
    File ‘norm2/libs/’:
     Found no calls to: ‘R_registerRoutines’, ‘R_useDynamicSymbols’
    It is good practice to register native routines and to disable symbol
    See ‘Writing portable packages’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual.
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc

Version: 2.0.2
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘norm2-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: impNorm
    > ### Title: Imputation and prediction for incomplete multivariate normal
    > ### data
    > ### Aliases: impNorm impNorm.default impNorm.formula impNorm.norm
    > ### Keywords: multivariate NA
    > ### ** Examples
    > ## run EM for marijuana data with ridge prior
    > data(marijuana)
    > emResult <- emNorm(marijuana, prior="ridge", prior.df=0.5)
    > ## generate 25 multiple imputations by running 25 chains
    > ## of 100 iterations each, starting each chain at the
    > ## posterior mode
    > set.seed(456)
    > imp.list <- as.list(NULL)
    > for(m in 1:25){
    + mcmcResult <- mcmcNorm(emResult, iter=100)
    + imp.list[[m]] <- impNorm(mcmcResult)}
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    mcmcNorm.default(obj$y, x = obj$x, intercept = FALSE, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = iter, multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, save.all.series = save.all.series,
     save.worst.series = save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     impute.every = impute.every, ...)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: mcmcNorm.default(obj$y, x = obj$x, intercept = FALSE, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = iter, multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, save.all.series = save.all.series,
     save.worst.series = save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     impute.every = impute.every, ...)
    where 2: mcmcNorm.norm(emResult, iter = 100)
    where 3: mcmcNorm(emResult, iter = 100)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     --- function from context ---
    function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, starting.values, iter = 1000,
     multicycle = NULL, seeds = NULL, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, save.all.series = TRUE, save.worst.series = FALSE,
     worst.linear.coef = NULL, impute.every = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len <- as.integer(255)
     msg <- format("", width = msg.len)
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter)) {
     length(iter) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter) <- "integer"
     if (iter < 1L)
     stop("Argument iter must be positive.")
     if (!is.null(multicycle)) {
     length(multicycle) <- 1L
     storage.mode(multicycle) <- "integer"
     else {
     multicycle <- 1L
     if (multicycle < 1)
     stop("Argument multicycle must be positive.")
     if (!is.null(seeds)) {
     if (length(seeds) != 2L)
     stop("Two integer seeds were expected.")
     else {
     seeds = ceiling(runif(2) * .Machine$integer.max)
     storage.mode(seeds) <- "integer"
     if (is.null(impute.every)) {
     impute.every <- as.integer(0)
     else {
     impute.every <- as.integer(impute.every)
     length(impute.every) <- 1L
     if (impute.every < 0L)
     stop("Argument impute.every cannot be negative.")
     if (impute.every > iter)
     stop("Argument impute.every cannot exceed iter.")
     if (impute.every == 0) {
     nimps <- as.integer(0)
     else {
     nimps <- as.integer(floor(iter/impute.every))
     if (mode(save.all.series) != "logical")
     stop("Argument save.all.series should be of mode \"logical\".")
     length(save.all.series) <- 1L
     if (mode(save.worst.series) != "logical")
     stop("Argument save.worst.series should be of mode \"logical\".")
     length(save.worst.series) <- 1L
     if (save.worst.series) {
     if (is.null(worst.linear.coef)) {
     stop("If save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef must be provided.")
     if (is.null(worst.linear.coef))
     worst.linear.coef <- rep(0, ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) *
     (ncol(y) + 1L))/2L)
     storage.mode(worst.linear.coef) <- "double"
     y.imp <- y
     if (save.all.series) {
     series.length <- as.integer(iter)
     series.beta <- array(0, c(ncol(x), ncol(y), iter))
     dimnames(series.beta) <- list(rownames(beta), colnames(beta),
     series.sigma <- array(0, c(ncol(y), ncol(y), iter))
     dimnames(series.sigma) <- list(rownames(sigma), colnames(sigma),
     else {
     series.length <- as.integer(0)
     series.beta <- array(0, c(ncol(x), ncol(y), 0))
     series.sigma <- array(0, c(ncol(y), ncol(y), 0))
     storage.mode(series.beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(series.sigma) <- "double"
     imp.list <- array(0, c(nrow(y), ncol(y), nimps))
     storage.mode(imp.list) <- "double"
     series.worst <- numeric(iter)
     storage.mode(series.worst) <- "double"
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_mcmc", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter = iter,
     multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, impute.every = impute.every,
     nimps = nimps, save.all.series = save.all.series, save.worst.series = save.worst.series,
     worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef, series.length = series.length,
     beta = beta, sigma = sigma, y.imp = y.imp, iter.actual = integer(1),
     series.beta = series.beta, series.sigma = series.sigma,
     loglik = numeric(iter), logpost = numeric(iter), series.worst = series.worst,
     npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1), nrow(y),
     ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)), n.obs = integer(ncol(y)),
     which.patt = integer(nrow(y)), ybar = numeric(ncol(y)),
     ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), imp.list = imp.list, nimps.actual = integer(1),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     iter <- tmp$iter.actual
     if (iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     nimps <- tmp$nimps.actual
     if ((impute.every == 0) | (nimps == 0)) {
     imp.list <- NULL
     impute.every <- NULL
     else {
     imp.list <- as.list(1:nimps)
     for (i in 1:nimps) {
     imp.list[[i]] <- tmp$imp.list[, , i]
     dimnames(imp.list[[i]]) <- list(rownames(y),
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (save.all.series & (iter > 0)) {
     beta.array <- tmp$series.beta[, , 1:iter, drop = FALSE]
     series.beta <- matrix(numeric(1), iter, ncol(x) *
     beta.names <- character(ncol(x) * ncol(y))
     posn <- 0
     for (j in 1:ncol(x)) {
     for (k in 1:ncol(y)) {
     posn <- posn + 1
     series.beta[, posn] <- beta.array[j, k, ]
     beta.names[posn] <- paste(colnames(x)[j], ",",
     colnames(y)[k], sep = "")
     colnames(series.beta) <- beta.names
     series.beta <- as.ts(series.beta)
     sigma.array <- tmp$series.sigma[, , 1:iter, drop = FALSE]
     series.sigma <- matrix(numeric(1), iter, ncol(y) *
     (ncol(y) + 1)/2)
     sigma.names <- character(ncol(y) * (ncol(y) + 1)/2)
     posn <- 0
     for (k in 1:ncol(y)) {
     for (j in k:ncol(y)) {
     posn <- posn + 1
     series.sigma[, posn] <- sigma.array[j, k, ]
     sigma.names[posn] <- paste(colnames(y)[j],
     ",", colnames(y)[k], sep = "")
     colnames(series.sigma) <- sigma.names
     series.sigma <- as.ts(series.sigma)
     else {
     series.beta <- NULL
     series.sigma <- NULL
     if (save.worst.series & (iter > 0)) {
     series.worst <- as.ts(tmp$series.worst[1:iter])
     else {
     series.worst <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "MCMC", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter = iter,
     multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, starting.values = starting.values,
     param = list(beta = tmp$beta, sigma = tmp$sigma),
     loglik = loglik, logpost = logpost, series.worst = series.worst,
     series.beta = series.beta, series.sigma = series.sigma,
     y.imp = tmp$y.imp, impute.every = impute.every, imp.list = imp.list,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
    <bytecode: 0x38d8e48>
    <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function mcmcNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: mcmcNorm -> mcmcNorm.norm -> mcmcNorm.default
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Version: 2.0.2
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘emTests.R’
     Running ‘impTests.R’
     Running ‘logpostTests.R’
     Running ‘mcmcTests.R’
     Running ‘miInferenceTests.R’
    Running the tests in ‘tests/emTests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(norm2)
     > ## run EM on fake data with no missing values
     > set.seed(1234)
     > simdata <- data.frame(
     + Y1=rnorm(6), Y2=rnorm(6), Y3=rnorm(6), X1=rnorm(6) )
     > emResult <- emNorm( cbind(Y1,Y2,Y3) ~ X1, data=simdata )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     --- call from argument ---
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     where 2: emNorm.formula(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     where 3: emNorm(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, iter.max = 1000, criterion = NULL,
     estimate.worst = TRUE, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, starting.values = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     if (is.null(starting.values)) {
     beta <- matrix(0, ncol(x), ncol(y))
     sigma <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     startval.present <- FALSE
     else {
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     startval.present <- TRUE
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter.max)) {
     length(iter.max) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter.max) <- "integer"
     if (iter.max < 0)
     stop("Argument iter.max cannot be negative.")
     if (!is.null(criterion)) {
     length(criterion) <- 1L
     storage.mode(criterion) <- "double"
     if (criterion < 0)
     stop("Argument criterion cannot be negative.")
     else {
     criterion <- as.double(1e-05)
     if (is.null(estimate.worst))
     estimate.worst <- FALSE
     storage.mode(estimate.worst) <- "logical"
     length(estimate.worst) <- 1L
     nparam <- as.integer(ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) * (ncol(y) +
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_em", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst,
     startval.present = startval.present, iter = integer(1),
     converged = logical(1), rel.diff = numeric(1), loglik = numeric(iter.max),
     logpost = numeric(iter.max), beta = beta, sigma = sigma,
     y.imp = y, npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1),
     nrow(y), ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)),
     n.obs = integer(ncol(y)), which.patt = integer(nrow(y)),
     ybar = numeric(ncol(y)), ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), rate.beta = beta,
     rate.sigma = sigma, em.worst.ok = logical(1), worst.frac = numeric(1),
     nparam = nparam, worst.linear.coef = numeric(nparam),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     if ((!tmp$converged) & (iter.max > 0)) {
     warning(paste("Algorithm did not converge by iteration",
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     rel.diff <- tmp$rel.diff
     if (tmp$iter == 0)
     rel.diff <- NA
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (startval.present) {
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     else {
     starting.values <- NULL
     if (tmp$iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:tmp$iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:tmp$iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     em.worst.ok <- tmp$em.worst.ok
     if (em.worst.ok) {
     worst.frac <- tmp$worst.frac
     if (worst.frac == 0) {
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     else {
     worst.linear.coef <- tmp$worst.linear.coef
     else {
     worst.frac <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "EM", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = tmp$iter, converged = tmp$converged, criterion = criterion,
     estimate.worst = estimate.worst, loglik = loglik,
     logpost = logpost, param = list(beta = tmp$beta,
     sigma = tmp$sigma), param.rate = list(beta = tmp$rate.beta,
     sigma = tmp$rate.sigma), y.mean.imp = tmp$y.imp,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, rel.diff = rel.diff,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, em.worst.ok = em.worst.ok,
     worst.frac = worst.frac, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
     <bytecode: 0x3a40f20>
     <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function emNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: emNorm -> emNorm.formula -> emNorm.default
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in ‘tests/impTests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(norm2)
     > ## run EM on fake data with missing values
     > set.seed(1234)
     > simdata <- data.frame(
     + Y1=rnorm(10), Y2=rnorm(10), Y3=rnorm(10), X1=rnorm(10) )
     > simdata$Y3[7] <- simdata$Y2[3]<- NA
     > emResult <- emNorm( cbind(Y1,Y2,Y3) ~ X1, data=simdata )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     --- call from argument ---
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     where 2: emNorm.formula(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     where 3: emNorm(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, iter.max = 1000, criterion = NULL,
     estimate.worst = TRUE, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, starting.values = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     if (is.null(starting.values)) {
     beta <- matrix(0, ncol(x), ncol(y))
     sigma <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     startval.present <- FALSE
     else {
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     startval.present <- TRUE
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter.max)) {
     length(iter.max) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter.max) <- "integer"
     if (iter.max < 0)
     stop("Argument iter.max cannot be negative.")
     if (!is.null(criterion)) {
     length(criterion) <- 1L
     storage.mode(criterion) <- "double"
     if (criterion < 0)
     stop("Argument criterion cannot be negative.")
     else {
     criterion <- as.double(1e-05)
     if (is.null(estimate.worst))
     estimate.worst <- FALSE
     storage.mode(estimate.worst) <- "logical"
     length(estimate.worst) <- 1L
     nparam <- as.integer(ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) * (ncol(y) +
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_em", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst,
     startval.present = startval.present, iter = integer(1),
     converged = logical(1), rel.diff = numeric(1), loglik = numeric(iter.max),
     logpost = numeric(iter.max), beta = beta, sigma = sigma,
     y.imp = y, npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1),
     nrow(y), ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)),
     n.obs = integer(ncol(y)), which.patt = integer(nrow(y)),
     ybar = numeric(ncol(y)), ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), rate.beta = beta,
     rate.sigma = sigma, em.worst.ok = logical(1), worst.frac = numeric(1),
     nparam = nparam, worst.linear.coef = numeric(nparam),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     if ((!tmp$converged) & (iter.max > 0)) {
     warning(paste("Algorithm did not converge by iteration",
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     rel.diff <- tmp$rel.diff
     if (tmp$iter == 0)
     rel.diff <- NA
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (startval.present) {
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     else {
     starting.values <- NULL
     if (tmp$iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:tmp$iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:tmp$iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     em.worst.ok <- tmp$em.worst.ok
     if (em.worst.ok) {
     worst.frac <- tmp$worst.frac
     if (worst.frac == 0) {
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     else {
     worst.linear.coef <- tmp$worst.linear.coef
     else {
     worst.frac <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "EM", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = tmp$iter, converged = tmp$converged, criterion = criterion,
     estimate.worst = estimate.worst, loglik = loglik,
     logpost = logpost, param = list(beta = tmp$beta,
     sigma = tmp$sigma), param.rate = list(beta = tmp$rate.beta,
     sigma = tmp$rate.sigma), y.mean.imp = tmp$y.imp,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, rel.diff = rel.diff,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, em.worst.ok = em.worst.ok,
     worst.frac = worst.frac, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
     <bytecode: 0x4322120>
     <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function emNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: emNorm -> emNorm.formula -> emNorm.default
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in ‘tests/logpostTests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(norm2)
     > ## run EM on fake data with missing values
     > set.seed(1234)
     > simdata <- data.frame(
     + Y1=rnorm(10), Y2=rnorm(10), Y3=rnorm(10), X1=rnorm(10) )
     > simdata$Y3[7] <- simdata$Y2[3]<- NA
     > emResult <- emNorm( cbind(Y1,Y2,Y3) ~ X1, data=simdata )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     --- call from argument ---
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     where 2: emNorm.formula(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     where 3: emNorm(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, iter.max = 1000, criterion = NULL,
     estimate.worst = TRUE, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, starting.values = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     if (is.null(starting.values)) {
     beta <- matrix(0, ncol(x), ncol(y))
     sigma <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     startval.present <- FALSE
     else {
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     startval.present <- TRUE
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter.max)) {
     length(iter.max) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter.max) <- "integer"
     if (iter.max < 0)
     stop("Argument iter.max cannot be negative.")
     if (!is.null(criterion)) {
     length(criterion) <- 1L
     storage.mode(criterion) <- "double"
     if (criterion < 0)
     stop("Argument criterion cannot be negative.")
     else {
     criterion <- as.double(1e-05)
     if (is.null(estimate.worst))
     estimate.worst <- FALSE
     storage.mode(estimate.worst) <- "logical"
     length(estimate.worst) <- 1L
     nparam <- as.integer(ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) * (ncol(y) +
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_em", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst,
     startval.present = startval.present, iter = integer(1),
     converged = logical(1), rel.diff = numeric(1), loglik = numeric(iter.max),
     logpost = numeric(iter.max), beta = beta, sigma = sigma,
     y.imp = y, npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1),
     nrow(y), ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)),
     n.obs = integer(ncol(y)), which.patt = integer(nrow(y)),
     ybar = numeric(ncol(y)), ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), rate.beta = beta,
     rate.sigma = sigma, em.worst.ok = logical(1), worst.frac = numeric(1),
     nparam = nparam, worst.linear.coef = numeric(nparam),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     if ((!tmp$converged) & (iter.max > 0)) {
     warning(paste("Algorithm did not converge by iteration",
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     rel.diff <- tmp$rel.diff
     if (tmp$iter == 0)
     rel.diff <- NA
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (startval.present) {
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     else {
     starting.values <- NULL
     if (tmp$iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:tmp$iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:tmp$iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     em.worst.ok <- tmp$em.worst.ok
     if (em.worst.ok) {
     worst.frac <- tmp$worst.frac
     if (worst.frac == 0) {
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     else {
     worst.linear.coef <- tmp$worst.linear.coef
     else {
     worst.frac <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "EM", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = tmp$iter, converged = tmp$converged, criterion = criterion,
     estimate.worst = estimate.worst, loglik = loglik,
     logpost = logpost, param = list(beta = tmp$beta,
     sigma = tmp$sigma), param.rate = list(beta = tmp$rate.beta,
     sigma = tmp$rate.sigma), y.mean.imp = tmp$y.imp,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, rel.diff = rel.diff,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, em.worst.ok = em.worst.ok,
     worst.frac = worst.frac, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
     <bytecode: 0x357a120>
     <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function emNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: emNorm -> emNorm.formula -> emNorm.default
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in ‘tests/mcmcTests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(norm2)
     > ## run EM on fake data with missing values
     > set.seed(1234)
     > simdata <- data.frame(
     + Y1=rnorm(10), Y2=rnorm(10), Y3=rnorm(10), X1=rnorm(10) )
     > simdata$Y3[7] <- simdata$Y2[3]<- NA
     > emResult <- emNorm( cbind(Y1,Y2,Y3) ~ X1, data=simdata )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     --- call from argument ---
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     where 2: emNorm.formula(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     where 3: emNorm(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, iter.max = 1000, criterion = NULL,
     estimate.worst = TRUE, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, starting.values = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     if (is.null(starting.values)) {
     beta <- matrix(0, ncol(x), ncol(y))
     sigma <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     startval.present <- FALSE
     else {
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     startval.present <- TRUE
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter.max)) {
     length(iter.max) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter.max) <- "integer"
     if (iter.max < 0)
     stop("Argument iter.max cannot be negative.")
     if (!is.null(criterion)) {
     length(criterion) <- 1L
     storage.mode(criterion) <- "double"
     if (criterion < 0)
     stop("Argument criterion cannot be negative.")
     else {
     criterion <- as.double(1e-05)
     if (is.null(estimate.worst))
     estimate.worst <- FALSE
     storage.mode(estimate.worst) <- "logical"
     length(estimate.worst) <- 1L
     nparam <- as.integer(ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) * (ncol(y) +
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_em", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst,
     startval.present = startval.present, iter = integer(1),
     converged = logical(1), rel.diff = numeric(1), loglik = numeric(iter.max),
     logpost = numeric(iter.max), beta = beta, sigma = sigma,
     y.imp = y, npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1),
     nrow(y), ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)),
     n.obs = integer(ncol(y)), which.patt = integer(nrow(y)),
     ybar = numeric(ncol(y)), ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), rate.beta = beta,
     rate.sigma = sigma, em.worst.ok = logical(1), worst.frac = numeric(1),
     nparam = nparam, worst.linear.coef = numeric(nparam),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     if ((!tmp$converged) & (iter.max > 0)) {
     warning(paste("Algorithm did not converge by iteration",
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     rel.diff <- tmp$rel.diff
     if (tmp$iter == 0)
     rel.diff <- NA
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (startval.present) {
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     else {
     starting.values <- NULL
     if (tmp$iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:tmp$iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:tmp$iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     em.worst.ok <- tmp$em.worst.ok
     if (em.worst.ok) {
     worst.frac <- tmp$worst.frac
     if (worst.frac == 0) {
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     else {
     worst.linear.coef <- tmp$worst.linear.coef
     else {
     worst.frac <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "EM", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = tmp$iter, converged = tmp$converged, criterion = criterion,
     estimate.worst = estimate.worst, loglik = loglik,
     logpost = logpost, param = list(beta = tmp$beta,
     sigma = tmp$sigma), param.rate = list(beta = tmp$rate.beta,
     sigma = tmp$rate.sigma), y.mean.imp = tmp$y.imp,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, rel.diff = rel.diff,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, em.worst.ok = em.worst.ok,
     worst.frac = worst.frac, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
     <bytecode: 0x45f6120>
     <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function emNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: emNorm -> emNorm.formula -> emNorm.default
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in ‘tests/miInferenceTests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(norm2)
     > # generate M=25 imputations for cholesterol data
     > data(cholesterol)
     > emResult <- emNorm(cholesterol)
     > set.seed(999)
     > mcmcResult <- mcmcNorm(emResult, iter=2500, impute.every=100)
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     mcmcNorm.default(obj$y, x = obj$x, intercept = FALSE, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = iter, multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, save.all.series = save.all.series,
     save.worst.series = save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     impute.every = impute.every, ...)
     --- call from argument ---
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: mcmcNorm.default(obj$y, x = obj$x, intercept = FALSE, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = iter, multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, save.all.series = save.all.series,
     save.worst.series = save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     impute.every = impute.every, ...)
     where 2: mcmcNorm.norm(emResult, iter = 2500, impute.every = 100)
     where 3: mcmcNorm(emResult, iter = 2500, impute.every = 100)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, starting.values, iter = 1000,
     multicycle = NULL, seeds = NULL, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, save.all.series = TRUE, save.worst.series = FALSE,
     worst.linear.coef = NULL, impute.every = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len <- as.integer(255)
     msg <- format("", width = msg.len)
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter)) {
     length(iter) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter) <- "integer"
     if (iter < 1L)
     stop("Argument iter must be positive.")
     if (!is.null(multicycle)) {
     length(multicycle) <- 1L
     storage.mode(multicycle) <- "integer"
     else {
     multicycle <- 1L
     if (multicycle < 1)
     stop("Argument multicycle must be positive.")
     if (!is.null(seeds)) {
     if (length(seeds) != 2L)
     stop("Two integer seeds were expected.")
     else {
     seeds = ceiling(runif(2) * .Machine$integer.max)
     storage.mode(seeds) <- "integer"
     if (is.null(impute.every)) {
     impute.every <- as.integer(0)
     else {
     impute.every <- as.integer(impute.every)
     length(impute.every) <- 1L
     if (impute.every < 0L)
     stop("Argument impute.every cannot be negative.")
     if (impute.every > iter)
     stop("Argument impute.every cannot exceed iter.")
     if (impute.every == 0) {
     nimps <- as.integer(0)
     else {
     nimps <- as.integer(floor(iter/impute.every))
     if (mode(save.all.series) != "logical")
     stop("Argument save.all.series should be of mode \"logical\".")
     length(save.all.series) <- 1L
     if (mode(save.worst.series) != "logical")
     stop("Argument save.worst.series should be of mode \"logical\".")
     length(save.worst.series) <- 1L
     if (save.worst.series) {
     if (is.null(worst.linear.coef)) {
     stop("If save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef must be provided.")
     if (is.null(worst.linear.coef))
     worst.linear.coef <- rep(0, ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) *
     (ncol(y) + 1L))/2L)
     storage.mode(worst.linear.coef) <- "double"
     y.imp <- y
     if (save.all.series) {
     series.length <- as.integer(iter)
     series.beta <- array(0, c(ncol(x), ncol(y), iter))
     dimnames(series.beta) <- list(rownames(beta), colnames(beta),
     series.sigma <- array(0, c(ncol(y), ncol(y), iter))
     dimnames(series.sigma) <- list(rownames(sigma), colnames(sigma),
     else {
     series.length <- as.integer(0)
     series.beta <- array(0, c(ncol(x), ncol(y), 0))
     series.sigma <- array(0, c(ncol(y), ncol(y), 0))
     storage.mode(series.beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(series.sigma) <- "double"
     imp.list <- array(0, c(nrow(y), ncol(y), nimps))
     storage.mode(imp.list) <- "double"
     series.worst <- numeric(iter)
     storage.mode(series.worst) <- "double"
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_mcmc", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter = iter,
     multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, impute.every = impute.every,
     nimps = nimps, save.all.series = save.all.series, save.worst.series = save.worst.series,
     worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef, series.length = series.length,
     beta = beta, sigma = sigma, y.imp = y.imp, iter.actual = integer(1),
     series.beta = series.beta, series.sigma = series.sigma,
     loglik = numeric(iter), logpost = numeric(iter), series.worst = series.worst,
     npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1), nrow(y),
     ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)), n.obs = integer(ncol(y)),
     which.patt = integer(nrow(y)), ybar = numeric(ncol(y)),
     ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), imp.list = imp.list, nimps.actual = integer(1),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     iter <- tmp$iter.actual
     if (iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     nimps <- tmp$nimps.actual
     if ((impute.every == 0) | (nimps == 0)) {
     imp.list <- NULL
     impute.every <- NULL
     else {
     imp.list <- as.list(1:nimps)
     for (i in 1:nimps) {
     imp.list[[i]] <- tmp$imp.list[, , i]
     dimnames(imp.list[[i]]) <- list(rownames(y),
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (save.all.series & (iter > 0)) {
     beta.array <- tmp$series.beta[, , 1:iter, drop = FALSE]
     series.beta <- matrix(numeric(1), iter, ncol(x) *
     beta.names <- character(ncol(x) * ncol(y))
     posn <- 0
     for (j in 1:ncol(x)) {
     for (k in 1:ncol(y)) {
     posn <- posn + 1
     series.beta[, posn] <- beta.array[j, k, ]
     beta.names[posn] <- paste(colnames(x)[j], ",",
     colnames(y)[k], sep = "")
     colnames(series.beta) <- beta.names
     series.beta <- as.ts(series.beta)
     sigma.array <- tmp$series.sigma[, , 1:iter, drop = FALSE]
     series.sigma <- matrix(numeric(1), iter, ncol(y) *
     (ncol(y) + 1)/2)
     sigma.names <- character(ncol(y) * (ncol(y) + 1)/2)
     posn <- 0
     for (k in 1:ncol(y)) {
     for (j in k:ncol(y)) {
     posn <- posn + 1
     series.sigma[, posn] <- sigma.array[j, k, ]
     sigma.names[posn] <- paste(colnames(y)[j],
     ",", colnames(y)[k], sep = "")
     colnames(series.sigma) <- sigma.names
     series.sigma <- as.ts(series.sigma)
     else {
     series.beta <- NULL
     series.sigma <- NULL
     if (save.worst.series & (iter > 0)) {
     series.worst <- as.ts(tmp$series.worst[1:iter])
     else {
     series.worst <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "MCMC", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter = iter,
     multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, starting.values = starting.values,
     param = list(beta = tmp$beta, sigma = tmp$sigma),
     loglik = loglik, logpost = logpost, series.worst = series.worst,
     series.beta = series.beta, series.sigma = series.sigma,
     y.imp = tmp$y.imp, impute.every = impute.every, imp.list = imp.list,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
     <bytecode: 0x3e436b0>
     <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function mcmcNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: mcmcNorm -> mcmcNorm.norm -> mcmcNorm.default
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Version: 2.0.2
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘norm2-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: impNorm
    > ### Title: Imputation and prediction for incomplete multivariate normal
    > ### data
    > ### Aliases: impNorm impNorm.default impNorm.formula impNorm.norm
    > ### Keywords: multivariate NA
    > ### ** Examples
    > ## run EM for marijuana data with ridge prior
    > data(marijuana)
    > emResult <- emNorm(marijuana, prior="ridge", prior.df=0.5)
    > ## generate 25 multiple imputations by running 25 chains
    > ## of 100 iterations each, starting each chain at the
    > ## posterior mode
    > set.seed(456)
    > imp.list <- as.list(NULL)
    > for(m in 1:25){
    + mcmcResult <- mcmcNorm(emResult, iter=100)
    + imp.list[[m]] <- impNorm(mcmcResult)}
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    mcmcNorm.default(obj$y, x = obj$x, intercept = FALSE, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = iter, multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, save.all.series = save.all.series,
     save.worst.series = save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     impute.every = impute.every, ...)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: mcmcNorm.default(obj$y, x = obj$x, intercept = FALSE, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = iter, multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, save.all.series = save.all.series,
     save.worst.series = save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     impute.every = impute.every, ...)
    where 2: mcmcNorm.norm(emResult, iter = 100)
    where 3: mcmcNorm(emResult, iter = 100)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     --- function from context ---
    function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, starting.values, iter = 1000,
     multicycle = NULL, seeds = NULL, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, save.all.series = TRUE, save.worst.series = FALSE,
     worst.linear.coef = NULL, impute.every = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len <- as.integer(255)
     msg <- format("", width = msg.len)
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter)) {
     length(iter) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter) <- "integer"
     if (iter < 1L)
     stop("Argument iter must be positive.")
     if (!is.null(multicycle)) {
     length(multicycle) <- 1L
     storage.mode(multicycle) <- "integer"
     else {
     multicycle <- 1L
     if (multicycle < 1)
     stop("Argument multicycle must be positive.")
     if (!is.null(seeds)) {
     if (length(seeds) != 2L)
     stop("Two integer seeds were expected.")
     else {
     seeds = ceiling(runif(2) * .Machine$integer.max)
     storage.mode(seeds) <- "integer"
     if (is.null(impute.every)) {
     impute.every <- as.integer(0)
     else {
     impute.every <- as.integer(impute.every)
     length(impute.every) <- 1L
     if (impute.every < 0L)
     stop("Argument impute.every cannot be negative.")
     if (impute.every > iter)
     stop("Argument impute.every cannot exceed iter.")
     if (impute.every == 0) {
     nimps <- as.integer(0)
     else {
     nimps <- as.integer(floor(iter/impute.every))
     if (mode(save.all.series) != "logical")
     stop("Argument save.all.series should be of mode \"logical\".")
     length(save.all.series) <- 1L
     if (mode(save.worst.series) != "logical")
     stop("Argument save.worst.series should be of mode \"logical\".")
     length(save.worst.series) <- 1L
     if (save.worst.series) {
     if (is.null(worst.linear.coef)) {
     stop("If save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef must be provided.")
     if (is.null(worst.linear.coef))
     worst.linear.coef <- rep(0, ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) *
     (ncol(y) + 1L))/2L)
     storage.mode(worst.linear.coef) <- "double"
     y.imp <- y
     if (save.all.series) {
     series.length <- as.integer(iter)
     series.beta <- array(0, c(ncol(x), ncol(y), iter))
     dimnames(series.beta) <- list(rownames(beta), colnames(beta),
     series.sigma <- array(0, c(ncol(y), ncol(y), iter))
     dimnames(series.sigma) <- list(rownames(sigma), colnames(sigma),
     else {
     series.length <- as.integer(0)
     series.beta <- array(0, c(ncol(x), ncol(y), 0))
     series.sigma <- array(0, c(ncol(y), ncol(y), 0))
     storage.mode(series.beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(series.sigma) <- "double"
     imp.list <- array(0, c(nrow(y), ncol(y), nimps))
     storage.mode(imp.list) <- "double"
     series.worst <- numeric(iter)
     storage.mode(series.worst) <- "double"
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_mcmc", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter = iter,
     multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, impute.every = impute.every,
     nimps = nimps, save.all.series = save.all.series, save.worst.series = save.worst.series,
     worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef, series.length = series.length,
     beta = beta, sigma = sigma, y.imp = y.imp, iter.actual = integer(1),
     series.beta = series.beta, series.sigma = series.sigma,
     loglik = numeric(iter), logpost = numeric(iter), series.worst = series.worst,
     npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1), nrow(y),
     ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)), n.obs = integer(ncol(y)),
     which.patt = integer(nrow(y)), ybar = numeric(ncol(y)),
     ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), imp.list = imp.list, nimps.actual = integer(1),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     iter <- tmp$iter.actual
     if (iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     nimps <- tmp$nimps.actual
     if ((impute.every == 0) | (nimps == 0)) {
     imp.list <- NULL
     impute.every <- NULL
     else {
     imp.list <- as.list(1:nimps)
     for (i in 1:nimps) {
     imp.list[[i]] <- tmp$imp.list[, , i]
     dimnames(imp.list[[i]]) <- list(rownames(y),
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (save.all.series & (iter > 0)) {
     beta.array <- tmp$series.beta[, , 1:iter, drop = FALSE]
     series.beta <- matrix(numeric(1), iter, ncol(x) *
     beta.names <- character(ncol(x) * ncol(y))
     posn <- 0
     for (j in 1:ncol(x)) {
     for (k in 1:ncol(y)) {
     posn <- posn + 1
     series.beta[, posn] <- beta.array[j, k, ]
     beta.names[posn] <- paste(colnames(x)[j], ",",
     colnames(y)[k], sep = "")
     colnames(series.beta) <- beta.names
     series.beta <- as.ts(series.beta)
     sigma.array <- tmp$series.sigma[, , 1:iter, drop = FALSE]
     series.sigma <- matrix(numeric(1), iter, ncol(y) *
     (ncol(y) + 1)/2)
     sigma.names <- character(ncol(y) * (ncol(y) + 1)/2)
     posn <- 0
     for (k in 1:ncol(y)) {
     for (j in k:ncol(y)) {
     posn <- posn + 1
     series.sigma[, posn] <- sigma.array[j, k, ]
     sigma.names[posn] <- paste(colnames(y)[j],
     ",", colnames(y)[k], sep = "")
     colnames(series.sigma) <- sigma.names
     series.sigma <- as.ts(series.sigma)
     else {
     series.beta <- NULL
     series.sigma <- NULL
     if (save.worst.series & (iter > 0)) {
     series.worst <- as.ts(tmp$series.worst[1:iter])
     else {
     series.worst <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "MCMC", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter = iter,
     multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, starting.values = starting.values,
     param = list(beta = tmp$beta, sigma = tmp$sigma),
     loglik = loglik, logpost = logpost, series.worst = series.worst,
     series.beta = series.beta, series.sigma = series.sigma,
     y.imp = tmp$y.imp, impute.every = impute.every, imp.list = imp.list,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
    <bytecode: 0x2f67978>
    <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function mcmcNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: mcmcNorm -> mcmcNorm.norm -> mcmcNorm.default
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc

Version: 2.0.2
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘emTests.R’
     Running ‘impTests.R’
     Running ‘logpostTests.R’
     Running ‘mcmcTests.R’
     Running ‘miInferenceTests.R’
    Running the tests in ‘tests/emTests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(norm2)
     > ## run EM on fake data with no missing values
     > set.seed(1234)
     > simdata <- data.frame(
     + Y1=rnorm(6), Y2=rnorm(6), Y3=rnorm(6), X1=rnorm(6) )
     > emResult <- emNorm( cbind(Y1,Y2,Y3) ~ X1, data=simdata )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     --- call from argument ---
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     where 2: emNorm.formula(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     where 3: emNorm(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, iter.max = 1000, criterion = NULL,
     estimate.worst = TRUE, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, starting.values = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     if (is.null(starting.values)) {
     beta <- matrix(0, ncol(x), ncol(y))
     sigma <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     startval.present <- FALSE
     else {
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     startval.present <- TRUE
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter.max)) {
     length(iter.max) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter.max) <- "integer"
     if (iter.max < 0)
     stop("Argument iter.max cannot be negative.")
     if (!is.null(criterion)) {
     length(criterion) <- 1L
     storage.mode(criterion) <- "double"
     if (criterion < 0)
     stop("Argument criterion cannot be negative.")
     else {
     criterion <- as.double(1e-05)
     if (is.null(estimate.worst))
     estimate.worst <- FALSE
     storage.mode(estimate.worst) <- "logical"
     length(estimate.worst) <- 1L
     nparam <- as.integer(ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) * (ncol(y) +
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_em", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst,
     startval.present = startval.present, iter = integer(1),
     converged = logical(1), rel.diff = numeric(1), loglik = numeric(iter.max),
     logpost = numeric(iter.max), beta = beta, sigma = sigma,
     y.imp = y, npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1),
     nrow(y), ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)),
     n.obs = integer(ncol(y)), which.patt = integer(nrow(y)),
     ybar = numeric(ncol(y)), ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), rate.beta = beta,
     rate.sigma = sigma, em.worst.ok = logical(1), worst.frac = numeric(1),
     nparam = nparam, worst.linear.coef = numeric(nparam),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     if ((!tmp$converged) & (iter.max > 0)) {
     warning(paste("Algorithm did not converge by iteration",
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     rel.diff <- tmp$rel.diff
     if (tmp$iter == 0)
     rel.diff <- NA
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (startval.present) {
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     else {
     starting.values <- NULL
     if (tmp$iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:tmp$iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:tmp$iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     em.worst.ok <- tmp$em.worst.ok
     if (em.worst.ok) {
     worst.frac <- tmp$worst.frac
     if (worst.frac == 0) {
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     else {
     worst.linear.coef <- tmp$worst.linear.coef
     else {
     worst.frac <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "EM", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = tmp$iter, converged = tmp$converged, criterion = criterion,
     estimate.worst = estimate.worst, loglik = loglik,
     logpost = logpost, param = list(beta = tmp$beta,
     sigma = tmp$sigma), param.rate = list(beta = tmp$rate.beta,
     sigma = tmp$rate.sigma), y.mean.imp = tmp$y.imp,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, rel.diff = rel.diff,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, em.worst.ok = em.worst.ok,
     worst.frac = worst.frac, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
     <bytecode: 0x2c89610>
     <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function emNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: emNorm -> emNorm.formula -> emNorm.default
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in ‘tests/impTests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(norm2)
     > ## run EM on fake data with missing values
     > set.seed(1234)
     > simdata <- data.frame(
     + Y1=rnorm(10), Y2=rnorm(10), Y3=rnorm(10), X1=rnorm(10) )
     > simdata$Y3[7] <- simdata$Y2[3]<- NA
     > emResult <- emNorm( cbind(Y1,Y2,Y3) ~ X1, data=simdata )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     --- call from argument ---
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     where 2: emNorm.formula(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     where 3: emNorm(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, iter.max = 1000, criterion = NULL,
     estimate.worst = TRUE, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, starting.values = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     if (is.null(starting.values)) {
     beta <- matrix(0, ncol(x), ncol(y))
     sigma <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     startval.present <- FALSE
     else {
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     startval.present <- TRUE
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter.max)) {
     length(iter.max) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter.max) <- "integer"
     if (iter.max < 0)
     stop("Argument iter.max cannot be negative.")
     if (!is.null(criterion)) {
     length(criterion) <- 1L
     storage.mode(criterion) <- "double"
     if (criterion < 0)
     stop("Argument criterion cannot be negative.")
     else {
     criterion <- as.double(1e-05)
     if (is.null(estimate.worst))
     estimate.worst <- FALSE
     storage.mode(estimate.worst) <- "logical"
     length(estimate.worst) <- 1L
     nparam <- as.integer(ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) * (ncol(y) +
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_em", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst,
     startval.present = startval.present, iter = integer(1),
     converged = logical(1), rel.diff = numeric(1), loglik = numeric(iter.max),
     logpost = numeric(iter.max), beta = beta, sigma = sigma,
     y.imp = y, npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1),
     nrow(y), ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)),
     n.obs = integer(ncol(y)), which.patt = integer(nrow(y)),
     ybar = numeric(ncol(y)), ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), rate.beta = beta,
     rate.sigma = sigma, em.worst.ok = logical(1), worst.frac = numeric(1),
     nparam = nparam, worst.linear.coef = numeric(nparam),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     if ((!tmp$converged) & (iter.max > 0)) {
     warning(paste("Algorithm did not converge by iteration",
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     rel.diff <- tmp$rel.diff
     if (tmp$iter == 0)
     rel.diff <- NA
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (startval.present) {
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     else {
     starting.values <- NULL
     if (tmp$iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:tmp$iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:tmp$iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     em.worst.ok <- tmp$em.worst.ok
     if (em.worst.ok) {
     worst.frac <- tmp$worst.frac
     if (worst.frac == 0) {
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     else {
     worst.linear.coef <- tmp$worst.linear.coef
     else {
     worst.frac <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "EM", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = tmp$iter, converged = tmp$converged, criterion = criterion,
     estimate.worst = estimate.worst, loglik = loglik,
     logpost = logpost, param = list(beta = tmp$beta,
     sigma = tmp$sigma), param.rate = list(beta = tmp$rate.beta,
     sigma = tmp$rate.sigma), y.mean.imp = tmp$y.imp,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, rel.diff = rel.diff,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, em.worst.ok = em.worst.ok,
     worst.frac = worst.frac, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
     <bytecode: 0x2fbca90>
     <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function emNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: emNorm -> emNorm.formula -> emNorm.default
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in ‘tests/logpostTests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(norm2)
     > ## run EM on fake data with missing values
     > set.seed(1234)
     > simdata <- data.frame(
     + Y1=rnorm(10), Y2=rnorm(10), Y3=rnorm(10), X1=rnorm(10) )
     > simdata$Y3[7] <- simdata$Y2[3]<- NA
     > emResult <- emNorm( cbind(Y1,Y2,Y3) ~ X1, data=simdata )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     --- call from argument ---
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     where 2: emNorm.formula(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     where 3: emNorm(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, iter.max = 1000, criterion = NULL,
     estimate.worst = TRUE, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, starting.values = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     if (is.null(starting.values)) {
     beta <- matrix(0, ncol(x), ncol(y))
     sigma <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     startval.present <- FALSE
     else {
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     startval.present <- TRUE
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter.max)) {
     length(iter.max) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter.max) <- "integer"
     if (iter.max < 0)
     stop("Argument iter.max cannot be negative.")
     if (!is.null(criterion)) {
     length(criterion) <- 1L
     storage.mode(criterion) <- "double"
     if (criterion < 0)
     stop("Argument criterion cannot be negative.")
     else {
     criterion <- as.double(1e-05)
     if (is.null(estimate.worst))
     estimate.worst <- FALSE
     storage.mode(estimate.worst) <- "logical"
     length(estimate.worst) <- 1L
     nparam <- as.integer(ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) * (ncol(y) +
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_em", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst,
     startval.present = startval.present, iter = integer(1),
     converged = logical(1), rel.diff = numeric(1), loglik = numeric(iter.max),
     logpost = numeric(iter.max), beta = beta, sigma = sigma,
     y.imp = y, npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1),
     nrow(y), ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)),
     n.obs = integer(ncol(y)), which.patt = integer(nrow(y)),
     ybar = numeric(ncol(y)), ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), rate.beta = beta,
     rate.sigma = sigma, em.worst.ok = logical(1), worst.frac = numeric(1),
     nparam = nparam, worst.linear.coef = numeric(nparam),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     if ((!tmp$converged) & (iter.max > 0)) {
     warning(paste("Algorithm did not converge by iteration",
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     rel.diff <- tmp$rel.diff
     if (tmp$iter == 0)
     rel.diff <- NA
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (startval.present) {
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     else {
     starting.values <- NULL
     if (tmp$iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:tmp$iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:tmp$iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     em.worst.ok <- tmp$em.worst.ok
     if (em.worst.ok) {
     worst.frac <- tmp$worst.frac
     if (worst.frac == 0) {
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     else {
     worst.linear.coef <- tmp$worst.linear.coef
     else {
     worst.frac <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "EM", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = tmp$iter, converged = tmp$converged, criterion = criterion,
     estimate.worst = estimate.worst, loglik = loglik,
     logpost = logpost, param = list(beta = tmp$beta,
     sigma = tmp$sigma), param.rate = list(beta = tmp$rate.beta,
     sigma = tmp$rate.sigma), y.mean.imp = tmp$y.imp,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, rel.diff = rel.diff,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, em.worst.ok = em.worst.ok,
     worst.frac = worst.frac, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
     <bytecode: 0x3effa90>
     <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function emNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: emNorm -> emNorm.formula -> emNorm.default
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in ‘tests/mcmcTests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(norm2)
     > ## run EM on fake data with missing values
     > set.seed(1234)
     > simdata <- data.frame(
     + Y1=rnorm(10), Y2=rnorm(10), Y3=rnorm(10), X1=rnorm(10) )
     > simdata$Y3[7] <- simdata$Y2[3]<- NA
     > emResult <- emNorm( cbind(Y1,Y2,Y3) ~ X1, data=simdata )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     --- call from argument ---
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values,
     prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp,
     where 2: emNorm.formula(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     where 3: emNorm(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, iter.max = 1000, criterion = NULL,
     estimate.worst = TRUE, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, starting.values = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     if (is.null(starting.values)) {
     beta <- matrix(0, ncol(x), ncol(y))
     sigma <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     startval.present <- FALSE
     else {
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     startval.present <- TRUE
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter.max)) {
     length(iter.max) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter.max) <- "integer"
     if (iter.max < 0)
     stop("Argument iter.max cannot be negative.")
     if (!is.null(criterion)) {
     length(criterion) <- 1L
     storage.mode(criterion) <- "double"
     if (criterion < 0)
     stop("Argument criterion cannot be negative.")
     else {
     criterion <- as.double(1e-05)
     if (is.null(estimate.worst))
     estimate.worst <- FALSE
     storage.mode(estimate.worst) <- "logical"
     length(estimate.worst) <- 1L
     nparam <- as.integer(ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) * (ncol(y) +
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_em", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter.max = iter.max,
     criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst,
     startval.present = startval.present, iter = integer(1),
     converged = logical(1), rel.diff = numeric(1), loglik = numeric(iter.max),
     logpost = numeric(iter.max), beta = beta, sigma = sigma,
     y.imp = y, npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1),
     nrow(y), ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)),
     n.obs = integer(ncol(y)), which.patt = integer(nrow(y)),
     ybar = numeric(ncol(y)), ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), rate.beta = beta,
     rate.sigma = sigma, em.worst.ok = logical(1), worst.frac = numeric(1),
     nparam = nparam, worst.linear.coef = numeric(nparam),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     if ((!tmp$converged) & (iter.max > 0)) {
     warning(paste("Algorithm did not converge by iteration",
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     rel.diff <- tmp$rel.diff
     if (tmp$iter == 0)
     rel.diff <- NA
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (startval.present) {
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     else {
     starting.values <- NULL
     if (tmp$iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:tmp$iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:tmp$iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     em.worst.ok <- tmp$em.worst.ok
     if (em.worst.ok) {
     worst.frac <- tmp$worst.frac
     if (worst.frac == 0) {
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     else {
     worst.linear.coef <- tmp$worst.linear.coef
     else {
     worst.frac <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "EM", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = tmp$iter, converged = tmp$converged, criterion = criterion,
     estimate.worst = estimate.worst, loglik = loglik,
     logpost = logpost, param = list(beta = tmp$beta,
     sigma = tmp$sigma), param.rate = list(beta = tmp$rate.beta,
     sigma = tmp$rate.sigma), y.mean.imp = tmp$y.imp,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, rel.diff = rel.diff,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, em.worst.ok = em.worst.ok,
     worst.frac = worst.frac, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
     <bytecode: 0x45bea90>
     <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function emNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: emNorm -> emNorm.formula -> emNorm.default
     Execution halted
    Running the tests in ‘tests/miInferenceTests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(norm2)
     > # generate M=25 imputations for cholesterol data
     > data(cholesterol)
     > emResult <- emNorm(cholesterol)
     > set.seed(999)
     > mcmcResult <- mcmcNorm(emResult, iter=2500, impute.every=100)
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
     mcmcNorm.default(obj$y, x = obj$x, intercept = FALSE, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = iter, multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, save.all.series = save.all.series,
     save.worst.series = save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     impute.every = impute.every, ...)
     --- call from argument ---
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     --- R stacktrace ---
     where 1: mcmcNorm.default(obj$y, x = obj$x, intercept = FALSE, starting.values = starting.values,
     iter = iter, multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, save.all.series = save.all.series,
     save.worst.series = save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     impute.every = impute.every, ...)
     where 2: mcmcNorm.norm(emResult, iter = 2500, impute.every = 100)
     where 3: mcmcNorm(emResult, iter = 2500, impute.every = 100)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     [1] FALSE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
     function (obj, x = NULL, intercept = TRUE, starting.values, iter = 1000,
     multicycle = NULL, seeds = NULL, prior = "uniform", prior.df = NULL,
     prior.sscp = NULL, save.all.series = TRUE, save.worst.series = FALSE,
     worst.linear.coef = NULL, impute.every = NULL, ...)
     y <- obj
     if (class(y) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(y))
     for (j in 1:length(y)) status[j] <- is.factor(y[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"y\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     y <- data.matrix(y)
     storage.mode(y) <- "double"
     if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
     colnames(y) <- paste("Y", as.character(1:ncol(y)), sep = "")
     if (is.null(x)) {
     x <- matrix(1, nrow(y), 1)
     colnames(x) <- "CONST"
     else {
     if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
     status <- logical(length(x))
     for (j in 1:length(x)) status[j] <- is.factor(x[[j]])
     if (any(status)) {
     msg <- paste("Factors in argument \"x\"", "converted to mode \"numeric\".")
     x <- data.matrix(x)
     if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
     stop("Arguments x and y do not have the same number of rows.")
     if (any( {
     stop("Missing values in x are not allowed.")
     if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
     colnames(x) <- paste("X", as.character(1:ncol(x)),
     sep = "")
     if (intercept) {
     x <- cbind(CONST = 1, x)
     rownames(x) <- rownames(y)
     storage.mode(x) <- "double"
     mvcode <- .Machine$double.xmax
     y[] <- mvcode
     msg.len <- as.integer(255)
     msg <- format("", width = msg.len)
     msg.len.max <- 40L <- matrix(0L, msg.len.max, 8L)
     beta <- data.matrix(starting.values$beta)
     sigma <- data.matrix(starting.values$sigma)
     if ((nrow(beta) != ncol(x)) | (ncol(beta) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument beta.")
     if ((nrow(sigma) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(sigma) != ncol(y)))
     stop("Incorrect dimensions for argument sigma.")
     storage.mode(beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(sigma) <- "double"
     rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
     colnames(beta) <- colnames(y)
     rownames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     colnames(sigma) <- colnames(y)
     if (prior == "uniform") { <- 1L
     prior.df <- -(ncol(y) + 1)
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") { <- 2L
     prior.df <- 0
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "ridge") { <- 3L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"ridge\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     prior.sscp <- matrix(0, ncol(y), ncol(y))
     else if (prior == "invwish") { <- 4L
     if (is.null(prior.df))
     stop("Argument prior.df must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     if (is.null(prior.sscp))
     stop("Argument prior.sscp must be provided when prior = \"invwish\".")
     prior.sscp <- data.matrix(prior.sscp)
     if ((nrow(prior.sscp) != ncol(y)) | (ncol(prior.sscp) !=
     stop("Argument prior.sscp has incorrect dimensions.")
     else {
     msg <- paste("Prior type \"", prior, "\" not recognized.",
     sep = "")
     storage.mode( <- "integer"
     length( <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.df) <- "double"
     length(prior.df) <- 1L
     storage.mode(prior.sscp) <- "double"
     if (!missing(iter)) {
     length(iter) <- 1L
     storage.mode(iter) <- "integer"
     if (iter < 1L)
     stop("Argument iter must be positive.")
     if (!is.null(multicycle)) {
     length(multicycle) <- 1L
     storage.mode(multicycle) <- "integer"
     else {
     multicycle <- 1L
     if (multicycle < 1)
     stop("Argument multicycle must be positive.")
     if (!is.null(seeds)) {
     if (length(seeds) != 2L)
     stop("Two integer seeds were expected.")
     else {
     seeds = ceiling(runif(2) * .Machine$integer.max)
     storage.mode(seeds) <- "integer"
     if (is.null(impute.every)) {
     impute.every <- as.integer(0)
     else {
     impute.every <- as.integer(impute.every)
     length(impute.every) <- 1L
     if (impute.every < 0L)
     stop("Argument impute.every cannot be negative.")
     if (impute.every > iter)
     stop("Argument impute.every cannot exceed iter.")
     if (impute.every == 0) {
     nimps <- as.integer(0)
     else {
     nimps <- as.integer(floor(iter/impute.every))
     if (mode(save.all.series) != "logical")
     stop("Argument save.all.series should be of mode \"logical\".")
     length(save.all.series) <- 1L
     if (mode(save.worst.series) != "logical")
     stop("Argument save.worst.series should be of mode \"logical\".")
     length(save.worst.series) <- 1L
     if (save.worst.series) {
     if (is.null(worst.linear.coef)) {
     stop("If save.worst.series, worst.linear.coef must be provided.")
     if (is.null(worst.linear.coef))
     worst.linear.coef <- rep(0, ncol(x) * ncol(y) + (ncol(y) *
     (ncol(y) + 1L))/2L)
     storage.mode(worst.linear.coef) <- "double"
     y.imp <- y
     if (save.all.series) {
     series.length <- as.integer(iter)
     series.beta <- array(0, c(ncol(x), ncol(y), iter))
     dimnames(series.beta) <- list(rownames(beta), colnames(beta),
     series.sigma <- array(0, c(ncol(y), ncol(y), iter))
     dimnames(series.sigma) <- list(rownames(sigma), colnames(sigma),
     else {
     series.length <- as.integer(0)
     series.beta <- array(0, c(ncol(x), ncol(y), 0))
     series.sigma <- array(0, c(ncol(y), ncol(y), 0))
     storage.mode(series.beta) <- "double"
     storage.mode(series.sigma) <- "double"
     imp.list <- array(0, c(nrow(y), ncol(y), nimps))
     storage.mode(imp.list) <- "double"
     series.worst <- numeric(iter)
     storage.mode(series.worst) <- "double"
     tmp <- .Fortran("norm_mcmc", n = nrow(y), r = ncol(y), p = ncol(x),
     x = x, y = y, mvcode = mvcode, =,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter = iter,
     multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, impute.every = impute.every,
     nimps = nimps, save.all.series = save.all.series, save.worst.series = save.worst.series,
     worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef, series.length = series.length,
     beta = beta, sigma = sigma, y.imp = y.imp, iter.actual = integer(1),
     series.beta = series.beta, series.sigma = series.sigma,
     loglik = numeric(iter), logpost = numeric(iter), series.worst = series.worst,
     npatt = integer(1), mis = matrix(logical(1), nrow(y),
     ncol(y)), = integer(nrow(y)), n.obs = integer(ncol(y)),
     which.patt = integer(nrow(y)), ybar = numeric(ncol(y)),
     ysdv = numeric(ncol(y)), imp.list = imp.list, nimps.actual = integer(1),
     status = integer(1), msg.len.max = msg.len.max, =,
     msg.len.actual = integer(1), PACKAGE = "norm2")
     msg.lines <- msgNorm(tmp$, tmp$msg.len.actual)
     if (is.null(msg.lines)) {
     msg <- "OK"
     else {
     msg <- paste0(msg.lines, collapse = "\n")
     msg <- paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
     if (msg != "OK\n")
     cat(paste("Note: ", msg, sep = ""))
     if (tmp$status != 0) {
     result <- invisible(NULL)
     else {
     iter <- tmp$iter.actual
     if (iter >= 1) {
     loglik <- tmp$loglik[1:iter]
     logpost <- tmp$logpost[1:iter]
     else {
     loglik <- NULL
     logpost <- NULL
     nimps <- tmp$nimps.actual
     if ((impute.every == 0) | (nimps == 0)) {
     imp.list <- NULL
     impute.every <- NULL
     else {
     imp.list <- as.list(1:nimps)
     for (i in 1:nimps) {
     imp.list[[i]] <- tmp$imp.list[, , i]
     dimnames(imp.list[[i]]) <- list(rownames(y),
     y <- tmp$y
     y[y == tmp$mvcode] <- NA
     if (save.all.series & (iter > 0)) {
     beta.array <- tmp$series.beta[, , 1:iter, drop = FALSE]
     series.beta <- matrix(numeric(1), iter, ncol(x) *
     beta.names <- character(ncol(x) * ncol(y))
     posn <- 0
     for (j in 1:ncol(x)) {
     for (k in 1:ncol(y)) {
     posn <- posn + 1
     series.beta[, posn] <- beta.array[j, k, ]
     beta.names[posn] <- paste(colnames(x)[j], ",",
     colnames(y)[k], sep = "")
     colnames(series.beta) <- beta.names
     series.beta <- as.ts(series.beta)
     sigma.array <- tmp$series.sigma[, , 1:iter, drop = FALSE]
     series.sigma <- matrix(numeric(1), iter, ncol(y) *
     (ncol(y) + 1)/2)
     sigma.names <- character(ncol(y) * (ncol(y) + 1)/2)
     posn <- 0
     for (k in 1:ncol(y)) {
     for (j in k:ncol(y)) {
     posn <- posn + 1
     series.sigma[, posn] <- sigma.array[j, k, ]
     sigma.names[posn] <- paste(colnames(y)[j],
     ",", colnames(y)[k], sep = "")
     colnames(series.sigma) <- sigma.names
     series.sigma <- as.ts(series.sigma)
     else {
     series.beta <- NULL
     series.sigma <- NULL
     if (save.worst.series & (iter > 0)) {
     series.worst <- as.ts(tmp$series.worst[1:iter])
     else {
     series.worst <- NULL
     worst.linear.coef <- NULL
     starting.values <- list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma)
     if (prior == "ridge") {
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "uniform") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     else if (prior == "jeffreys") {
     prior.df <- NULL
     prior.sscp <- NULL
     miss.patt <- tmp$mis[1:tmp$npatt, , drop = FALSE]
     colnames(miss.patt) <- colnames(y)
     miss.patt.freq <- tmp$[1:tmp$npatt]
     n.obs <- tmp$n.obs
     names(n.obs) <- colnames(y)
     which.patt <- tmp$which.patt
     names(which.patt) <- rownames(y)
     ybar <- tmp$ybar
     names(ybar) <- colnames(y)
     ysdv <- tmp$ysdv
     names(ysdv) <- colnames(y)
     result <- list(y = y, x = x, method = "MCMC", prior = prior,
     prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, iter = iter,
     multicycle = multicycle, seeds = seeds, starting.values = starting.values,
     param = list(beta = tmp$beta, sigma = tmp$sigma),
     loglik = loglik, logpost = logpost, series.worst = series.worst,
     series.beta = series.beta, series.sigma = series.sigma,
     y.imp = tmp$y.imp, impute.every = impute.every, imp.list = imp.list,
     miss.patt = miss.patt, miss.patt.freq = miss.patt.freq,
     n.obs = n.obs, which.patt = which.patt, worst.linear.coef = worst.linear.coef,
     ybar = ybar, ysdv = ysdv, msg = msg)
     class(result) <- "norm"
     <bytecode: 0x3a9d910>
     <environment: namespace:norm2>
     --- function search by body ---
     Function mcmcNorm.default in namespace norm2 has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
     Error in if (class(y) == "data.frame") { : the condition has length > 1
     Calls: mcmcNorm -> mcmcNorm.norm -> mcmcNorm.default
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc

Version: 2.0.2
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘norm2-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: emNorm
    > ### Title: EM algorithm for incomplete multivariate normal data
    > ### Aliases: emNorm emNorm.default emNorm.formula emNorm.norm
    > ### Keywords: multivariate NA
    > ### ** Examples
    > ## run EM for marijuana data with strict convergence criterion
    > data(marijuana)
    > result <- emNorm(marijuana, criterion=1e-06)
     *** caught segfault ***
    address 0, cause 'memory not mapped'
     1: emNorm.default(marijuana, criterion = 1e-06)
     2: emNorm(marijuana, criterion = 1e-06)
    An irrecoverable exception occurred. R is aborting now ...
Flavor: r-patched-solaris-x86

Version: 2.0.2
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘emTests.R’
     Running ‘impTests.R’
     Comparing ‘impTests.Rout’ to ‘’ ... OK
     Running ‘logpostTests.R’
     Comparing ‘logpostTests.Rout’ to ‘’ ... OK
     Running ‘mcmcTests.R’
     Comparing ‘mcmcTests.Rout’ to ‘’ ... OK
     Running ‘miInferenceTests.R’
     Comparing ‘miInferenceTests.Rout’ to ‘’ ... OK
    Running the tests in ‘tests/emTests.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(norm2)
     > ## run EM on fake data with no missing values
     > set.seed(1234)
     > simdata <- data.frame(
     + Y1=rnorm(6), Y2=rnorm(6), Y3=rnorm(6), X1=rnorm(6) )
     > emResult <- emNorm( cbind(Y1,Y2,Y3) ~ X1, data=simdata )
     > print( summary( emResult ) )
     Predictor (X) variables:
     Mean SD Observed Missing Pct.Missing
     (Intercept) 1.0000000 0.000000 6 0 0
     X1 0.2068512 1.178512 6 0 0
     Response (Y) variables:
     Mean SD Observed Missing Pct.Missing
     Y1 -0.2092854 1.2953550 6 0 0
     Y2 -0.6752401 0.2138685 6 0 0
     Y3 -0.2141319 0.6864124 6 0 0
     Missingness patterns for response (Y) variables
     (. denotes observed value, m denotes missing value)
     (variable names are displayed vertically)
     (rightmost column is the frequency):
     ... 6
     Method: EM
     Prior: "uniform"
     Convergence criterion: 1e-05
     Iterations: 2
     Converged: TRUE
     Max. rel. difference: 0
     -2 Loglikelihood: -8.3665
     -2 Log-posterior density: -8.3665
     Worst fraction missing information: 0
     Estimated coefficients (beta):
     Y1 Y2 Y3
     (Intercept) -0.3069981 -0.6785479 -0.2457194
     X1 0.4723816 0.0159912 0.1527063
     Estimated covariance matrix (sigma):
     Y1 Y2 Y3
     Y1 1.14001811 0.06789367 0.13397509
     Y2 0.06789367 0.03782049 0.03942553
     Y3 0.13397509 0.03942553 0.36564511
     > ## impose missing values and run again
     > simdata$Y1[3] <- simdata$Y2[4] <- simdata$Y3[4] <- NA
     > emResult <- emNorm( cbind(Y1,Y2,Y3) ~ X1, data=simdata )
     > print( summary( emResult ) )
     Predictor (X) variables:
     Mean SD Observed Missing Pct.Missing
     (Intercept) 1.0000000 0.000000 6 0 0
     X1 0.2068512 1.178512 6 0 0
     Response (Y) variables:
     Mean SD Observed Missing Pct.Missing
     Y1 -0.4680307 1.2630567 5 1 16.66667
     Y2 -0.6322806 0.2081665 5 1 16.66667
     Y3 -0.2349012 0.7653216 5 1 16.66667
     Missingness patterns for response (Y) variables
     (. denotes observed value, m denotes missing value)
     (variable names are displayed vertically)
     (rightmost column is the frequency):
     ... 4
     .mm 1
     m.. 1
     Method: EM
     Prior: "uniform"
     Convergence criterion: 1e-05
     Iterations: 114
     Converged: TRUE
     Max. rel. difference: 9.8836e-06
     -2 Loglikelihood: -10.70465
     -2 Log-posterior density: -10.70465
     Worst fraction missing information: 0.9313
     Estimated coefficients (beta):
     Y1 Y2 Y3
     (Intercept) -1.0195738 -0.61863204 -0.1874030
     X1 0.5166042 -0.01611584 0.1214564
     Estimated covariance matrix (sigma):
     Y1 Y2 Y3
     Y1 1.80844106 -0.06800034 -0.75502100
     Y2 -0.06800034 0.03443290 0.05759078
     Y3 -0.75502100 0.05759078 0.41668488
     > ## redundant Y-variable
     > simdata$Y3 <- simdata$Y1 + simdata$Y2
     > emResult <- emNorm( cbind(Y1,Y2,Y3) ~ X1, data=simdata )
     *** caught segfault ***
     address 0, cause 'memory not mapped'
     1: emNorm.default(y, x = x, intercept = FALSE, iter.max = iter.max, criterion = criterion, estimate.worst = estimate.worst, starting.values = starting.values, prior = prior, prior.df = prior.df, prior.sscp = prior.sscp, ...)
     2: emNorm.formula(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     3: emNorm(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ X1, data = simdata)
     An irrecoverable exception occurred. R is aborting now ...
Flavor: r-patched-solaris-x86