CRAN Package Check Results for Package HLSM

Last updated on 2020-02-19 10:48:55 CET.

Flavor Version Tinstall Tcheck Ttotal Status Flags
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang 0.8.1 8.25 36.69 44.94 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc 0.8.1 5.94 28.58 34.52 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang 0.8.1 54.06 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc 0.8.1 50.90 ERROR
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.8.1 14.00 64.00 78.00 OK
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64-gcc8 0.8.1 22.00 102.00 124.00 OK
r-patched-linux-x86_64 0.8.1 4.48 33.82 38.30 OK
r-patched-solaris-x86 0.8.1 74.10 OK
r-release-linux-x86_64 0.8.1 4.98 34.18 39.16 OK
r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.8.1 12.00 63.00 75.00 OK
r-release-osx-x86_64 0.8.1 OK
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.8.1 11.00 59.00 70.00 OK
r-oldrel-osx-x86_64 0.8.1 OK

Check Details

Version: 0.8.1
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in 'HLSM-Ex.R' failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: HLSMrandomEF
    > ### Title: Function to run the MCMC sampler in random effects model (and
    > ### HLSMfixedEF for fixed effects model)
    > ### Aliases: HLSMrandomEF HLSMfixedEF print.HLSM print.summary.HLSM
    > ### summary.HLSM getIntercept getAlpha getLS getLikelihood getBeta
    > ### ** Examples
    > library(HLSM)
    > #Set values for the inputs of the function
    > priors = NULL
    > tune = NULL
    > initialVals = NULL
    > niter = 10
    > #Random effect HLSM on Pitt and Spillane data
    > <- HLSMrandomEF(Y = ps.advice.mat,FullX = ps.edge.vars.mat,
    + initialVals = initialVals,priors = priors,
    + tune = tune,tuneIn = FALSE,dd = 2,niter = niter,
    + intervention = 0)
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    HLSMrandomEF(Y = ps.advice.mat, FullX = ps.edge.vars.mat, initialVals = initialVals,
     priors = priors, tune = tune, tuneIn = FALSE, dd = 2, niter = niter,
     intervention = 0)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(Y) == "list" & class(Y[[1]]) != "matrix" & class(Y[[1]]) !=
     "data.frame") {
     stop("Invalid data structure type")
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: HLSMrandomEF(Y = ps.advice.mat, FullX = ps.edge.vars.mat, initialVals = initialVals,
     priors = priors, tune = tune, tuneIn = FALSE, dd = 2, niter = niter,
     intervention = 0)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] FALSE TRUE
     --- function from context ---
    function (Y, edgeCov = NULL, receiverCov = NULL, senderCov = NULL,
     FullX = NULL, initialVals = NULL, priors = NULL, tune = NULL,
     tuneIn = TRUE, TT = NULL, dd, niter, intervention)
     if (class(Y) != "list") {
     if (dim(Y)[2] != 4) {
     stop("Invalid data structure type")
     if (class(Y) == "list" & class(Y[[1]]) != "matrix" & class(Y[[1]]) !=
     "data.frame") {
     stop("Invalid data structure type")
     if (class(Y) == "list") {
     KK = length(Y)
     if (dim(Y[[1]])[1] == dim(Y[[1]])[2]) {
     nn = sapply(1:length(Y), function(x) nrow(Y[[x]]))
     if (dim(Y[[1]])[1] != dim(Y[[1]])[2] & dim(Y[[1]])[2] ==
     4) {
     nn = sapply(1:length(Y), function(x) length(unique(c(Y[[x]]$Receiver,
     nodenames = lapply(1:length(Y), function(x) unique(c(Y[[x]]$Receiver,
     if (class(Y) != "list") {
     if (dim(Y)[2] == 4) {
     nid = unique(Y$id)
     KK = length(nid)
     nn = rep(0, KK)
     df.list = list()
     nodenames = list()
     for (k in 1:KK) { = Y[which(Y$id == nid[k], ), ]
     nn[k] = length(unique(c($Receiver,$Sender)))
     nodenames[[k]] = unique(c($Receiver,$Sender))
     df.list[[k]] = array(0, dim = c(nn[k], nn[k]))
     dimnames(df.list[[k]])[[1]] = dimnames(df.list[[k]])[[2]] = nodenames[[k]]
     for (i in 1:dim([1]) {
     df.list[[k]][paste($Sender[i]), paste($Receiver[i])] =$Outcome[i]
     Y = df.list
     noCOV = FALSE
     if (!is.null(FullX) & !is.null(edgeCov) & !is.null(receiverCov) &
     (stop("FullX cannot be used when nodal or edge covariates are provided"))
     if (is.null(FullX) & is.null(edgeCov) & is.null(receiverCov) &
     is.null(senderCov)) {
     X = lapply(1:KK, function(x) array(0, dim = c(nn[x],
     nn[x], 1)))
     noCOV = TRUE
     if (is.null(FullX)) {
     if (!is.null(edgeCov) | !is.null(senderCov) | !is.null(receiverCov)) {
     if (!is.null(edgeCov)) {
     if (class(edgeCov) != "data.frame") {
     stop("edgeCov must be of class data.frame")
     X1 = getEdgeCov(edgeCov, nn, nodenames)
     else (X1 = NULL)
     if (!is.null(senderCov)) {
     if (class(senderCov) != "data.frame") {
     stop("senderCov must be of class data.frame")
     X2 = getSenderCov(senderCov, nn, nodenames)
     else (X2 = NULL)
     if (!is.null(receiverCov)) {
     if (class(receiverCov) != "data.frame") {
     stop("receiverCov must be of class data.frame")
     X3 = getReceiverCov(receiverCov, nn, nodenames)
     else (X3 = NULL)
     X = lapply(1:KK, function(x) {
     if (!is.null(X1) & !is.null(X2) & !is.null(X3)) {
     ncov = dim(X1[[x]])[3] + dim(X2[[x]])[3] +
     df = array(0, dim = c(nn[x], nn[x], ncov))
     df[, , 1:dim(X1[[x]])[3]] = X1[[x]]
     df[, , (dim(X1[[x]])[3] + 1):(dim(X1[[x]])[3] +
     dim(X2[[x]])[3])] = X2[[x]]
     df[, , (dim(X1[[x]])[3] + dim(X2[[x]])[3] +
     1):(dim(X1[[x]])[3] + dim(X2[[x]])[3] + dim(X3[[x]])[3])] = X3[[x]]
     if (!is.null(X1) & !is.null(X2) & is.null(X3)) {
     ncov = dim(X1[[x]])[3] + dim(X2[[x]])[3]
     df = array(0, dim = c(nn[x], nn[x], ncov))
     df[, , 1:dim(X1[[x]])[3]] = X1[[x]]
     df[, , (dim(X1[[x]])[3] + 1):(dim(X1[[x]])[3] +
     dim(X2[[x]])[3])] = X2[[x]]
     if (!is.null(X1) & !is.null(X3) & is.null(X2)) {
     ncov = dim(X1[[x]])[3] + dim(X3[[x]])[3]
     df = array(0, dim = c(nn[x], nn[x], ncov))
     df[, , 1:dim(X1[[x]])[3]] = X1[[x]]
     df[, , (dim(X1[[x]])[3] + 1):(dim(X1[[x]])[3] +
     dim(X3[[x]])[3])] = X3[[x]]
     if (!is.null(X2) & !is.null(X3) & is.null(X1)) {
     ncov = dim(X2[[x]])[3] + dim(X3[[x]])[3]
     df = array(0, dim = c(nn[x], nn[x], ncov))
     df[, , 1:dim(X2[[x]])[3]] = X2[[x]]
     df[, , (dim(X2[[x]])[3] + 1):(dim(X2[[x]])[3] +
     dim(X3[[x]])[3])] = X3[[x]]
     if (!is.null(X1) & is.null(X2) & is.null(X3)) {
     df = X1[[x]]
     if (is.null(X1) & !is.null(X2) & is.null(X3)) {
     df = X2[[x]]
     if (is.null(X1) & is.null(X2) & !is.null(X3)) {
     df = X3[[x]]
     if (!is.null(FullX))
     X = FullX
     PP = dim(X[[1]])[3]
     XX = unlist(X)
     YY = unlist(Y)
     YY[which(] = 0
     XX[which(] = 0
     if (is.null(priors)) {
     MuBeta = rep(0, (PP + 1))
     VarBeta = rep(1, (PP + 1))
     MuAlpha = 0
     VarAlpha = 1
     MuZ = c(0, 0)
     VarZ = c(20, 20)
     PriorA = 100
     PriorB = 150
     else {
     if (class(priors) != "list")
     (stop("priors must be of class list, if not NULL"))
     MuBeta = priors$MuBeta
     VarBeta = priors$VarBeta
     MuAlpha = priors$MuAlpha
     VarAlpha = priors$VarAlpha
     MuZ = priors$MuZ
     VarZ = priors$VarZ
     PriorA = priors$PriorA
     PriorB = priors$PriorB
     C = lapply(1:KK, function(tt) {
     diag(nn[tt]) - (1/nn[tt]) * array(1, dim = c(nn[tt],
     Z0 = lapply(1:KK, function(tt) {
     g = graph.adjacency(Y[[tt]])
     ss = shortest.paths(g)
     ss[ss > 4] = 4
     Z0 = cmdscale(ss, k = dd)
     dimnames(Z0)[[1]] = dimnames(YY[[tt]])[[1]]
     Z00 = lapply(1:KK, function(tt) C[[tt]] %*% Z0[[tt]])
     if (is.null(initialVals)) {
     Z0 = unlist(Z00)
     beta0 = replicate(KK, rnorm(PP, 0, 1))
     intercept0 = rnorm(KK, 0, 1)
     if (intervention == 1) {
     alpha0 = rnorm(1, 0, 1)
     print("Starting Values Set")
     else {
     if (class(initialVals) != "list")
     (stop("initialVals must be of class list, if not NULL"))
     Z0 = initialVals$ZZ
     beta0 = initialVals$beta
     intercept0 = initialVals$intercept
     if (intervention == 1) {
     alpha0 = initialVals$alpha
     if (intervention == 0) {
     alpha0 = 0
     TT = rep(0, KK)
     if (is.null(tune)) {
     a.number = 5
     tuneAlpha = 0.9
     tuneBeta = array(1, dim = c(PP, KK))
     tuneInt = rep(0.2, KK)
     tuneZ = lapply(1:KK, function(x) rep(1.2, nn[x]))
     else {
     if (class(tune) != "list")
     (stop("tune must be of class list, if not NULL"))
     a.number = 1
     tuneAlpha = tune$tuneAlpha
     tuneBeta = tune$tuneBeta
     tuneInt = tune$tuneInt
     tuneZ = tune$tuneZ
     do.again = 1
     tuneX = 1
     if (tuneIn == TRUE) {
     while (do.again == 1) {
     print("Tuning the Sampler")
     for (counter in 1:a.number) {
     rslt = MCMCfunction(nn = nn, PP = PP, KK = KK,
     dd = dd, XX = XX, YY = YY, ZZ = Z0, TT = TT,
     beta = beta0, intercept = intercept0, alpha = alpha0,
     MuAlpha = MuAlpha, SigmaAlpha = VarAlpha, MuBeta = MuBeta,
     SigmaBeta = VarBeta, MuZ = MuZ, VarZ = VarZ,
     tuneBetaAll = tuneBeta, tuneInt = tuneInt,
     tuneAlpha = tuneAlpha, tuneZAll = unlist(tuneZ),
     niter = 200, PriorA = PriorA, PriorB = PriorB,
     intervention = intervention)
     tuneAlpha =, rslt$acc$alpha,
     tuneZ = lapply(1:KK, function(x)[[x]],
     rslt$acc$Z[[x]], 2))
     tuneBeta = array(sapply(1:KK, function(x)[,
     x], rslt$acc$beta[, x], 1)), dim = c(PP, KK))
     tuneInt = sapply(1:KK, function(x)[x],
     rslt$acc$intercept[x], 1))
     print(paste("TuneDone = ", tuneX))
     tuneX = tuneX + 1
     extreme = lapply(1:KK, function(x) which.suck(rslt$acc$Z[[x]],
     do.again = max(sapply(extreme, length)) > 5
     print("Tuning is finished")
     rslt = MCMCfunction(nn = nn, PP = PP, KK = KK, dd = dd, XX = XX,
     YY = YY, ZZ = Z0, TT = TT, beta = beta0, intercept = intercept0,
     alpha = alpha0, MuAlpha = MuAlpha, SigmaAlpha = VarAlpha,
     MuBeta = MuBeta, SigmaBeta = VarBeta, MuZ = MuZ, VarZ = VarZ,
     tuneBetaAll = tuneBeta, tuneInt = tuneInt, tuneAlpha = tuneAlpha,
     tuneZAll = unlist(tuneZ), niter = niter, PriorA = PriorA,
     PriorB = PriorB, intervention = intervention)
     Ztransformed = lapply(1:niter, function(ii) {
     lapply(1:KK, function(tt) {
     z = rslt$draws$ZZ[[ii]][[tt]]
     z = C[[tt]] %*% z
     pr = t(Z00[[tt]]) %*% z
     ssZ = svd(pr)
     tx = ssZ$v %*% t(ssZ$u)
     zfinal = z %*% tx
     rslt$draws$ZZ = Ztransformed
     rslt$call =
     if (noCOV == TRUE & intervention == 0) {
     rslt$tune = list(tuneZ = tuneZ, tuneInt = tuneInt)
     rslt$draws$Beta = NA
     rslt$draws$Alpha = NA
     if (noCOV == TRUE & intervention == 1) {
     rslt$tune = list(tuneAlpha = tuneAlpha, tuneZ = tuneZ,
     tuneInt = tuneInt)
     rslt$draws$Beta = NA
     if (noCOV == FALSE & intervention == 0) {
     rslt$tune = list(tuneBeta = tuneBeta, tuneZ = tuneZ,
     tuneInt = tuneInt)
     rslt$draws$Alpha = NA
     if (noCOV == FALSE & intervention == 1) {
     rslt$tune = list(tuneBeta = tuneBeta, tuneAlpha = tuneAlpha,
     tuneZ = tuneZ, tuneInt = tuneInt)
     class(rslt) = "HLSM"
    <bytecode: 0xf619e8>
    <environment: namespace:HLSM>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function HLSMrandomEF in namespace HLSM has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(Y) == "list" & class(Y[[1]]) != "matrix" & class(Y[[1]]) != :
     the condition has length > 1
    Calls: HLSMrandomEF
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang

Version: 0.8.1
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘HLSM-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: HLSMrandomEF
    > ### Title: Function to run the MCMC sampler in random effects model (and
    > ### HLSMfixedEF for fixed effects model)
    > ### Aliases: HLSMrandomEF HLSMfixedEF print.HLSM print.summary.HLSM
    > ### summary.HLSM getIntercept getAlpha getLS getLikelihood getBeta
    > ### ** Examples
    > library(HLSM)
    > #Set values for the inputs of the function
    > priors = NULL
    > tune = NULL
    > initialVals = NULL
    > niter = 10
    > #Random effect HLSM on Pitt and Spillane data
    > <- HLSMrandomEF(Y = ps.advice.mat,FullX = ps.edge.vars.mat,
    + initialVals = initialVals,priors = priors,
    + tune = tune,tuneIn = FALSE,dd = 2,niter = niter,
    + intervention = 0)
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    HLSMrandomEF(Y = ps.advice.mat, FullX = ps.edge.vars.mat, initialVals = initialVals,
     priors = priors, tune = tune, tuneIn = FALSE, dd = 2, niter = niter,
     intervention = 0)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(Y) == "list" & class(Y[[1]]) != "matrix" & class(Y[[1]]) !=
     "data.frame") {
     stop("Invalid data structure type")
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: HLSMrandomEF(Y = ps.advice.mat, FullX = ps.edge.vars.mat, initialVals = initialVals,
     priors = priors, tune = tune, tuneIn = FALSE, dd = 2, niter = niter,
     intervention = 0)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] FALSE TRUE
     --- function from context ---
    function (Y, edgeCov = NULL, receiverCov = NULL, senderCov = NULL,
     FullX = NULL, initialVals = NULL, priors = NULL, tune = NULL,
     tuneIn = TRUE, TT = NULL, dd, niter, intervention)
     if (class(Y) != "list") {
     if (dim(Y)[2] != 4) {
     stop("Invalid data structure type")
     if (class(Y) == "list" & class(Y[[1]]) != "matrix" & class(Y[[1]]) !=
     "data.frame") {
     stop("Invalid data structure type")
     if (class(Y) == "list") {
     KK = length(Y)
     if (dim(Y[[1]])[1] == dim(Y[[1]])[2]) {
     nn = sapply(1:length(Y), function(x) nrow(Y[[x]]))
     if (dim(Y[[1]])[1] != dim(Y[[1]])[2] & dim(Y[[1]])[2] ==
     4) {
     nn = sapply(1:length(Y), function(x) length(unique(c(Y[[x]]$Receiver,
     nodenames = lapply(1:length(Y), function(x) unique(c(Y[[x]]$Receiver,
     if (class(Y) != "list") {
     if (dim(Y)[2] == 4) {
     nid = unique(Y$id)
     KK = length(nid)
     nn = rep(0, KK)
     df.list = list()
     nodenames = list()
     for (k in 1:KK) { = Y[which(Y$id == nid[k], ), ]
     nn[k] = length(unique(c($Receiver,$Sender)))
     nodenames[[k]] = unique(c($Receiver,$Sender))
     df.list[[k]] = array(0, dim = c(nn[k], nn[k]))
     dimnames(df.list[[k]])[[1]] = dimnames(df.list[[k]])[[2]] = nodenames[[k]]
     for (i in 1:dim([1]) {
     df.list[[k]][paste($Sender[i]), paste($Receiver[i])] =$Outcome[i]
     Y = df.list
     noCOV = FALSE
     if (!is.null(FullX) & !is.null(edgeCov) & !is.null(receiverCov) &
     (stop("FullX cannot be used when nodal or edge covariates are provided"))
     if (is.null(FullX) & is.null(edgeCov) & is.null(receiverCov) &
     is.null(senderCov)) {
     X = lapply(1:KK, function(x) array(0, dim = c(nn[x],
     nn[x], 1)))
     noCOV = TRUE
     if (is.null(FullX)) {
     if (!is.null(edgeCov) | !is.null(senderCov) | !is.null(receiverCov)) {
     if (!is.null(edgeCov)) {
     if (class(edgeCov) != "data.frame") {
     stop("edgeCov must be of class data.frame")
     X1 = getEdgeCov(edgeCov, nn, nodenames)
     else (X1 = NULL)
     if (!is.null(senderCov)) {
     if (class(senderCov) != "data.frame") {
     stop("senderCov must be of class data.frame")
     X2 = getSenderCov(senderCov, nn, nodenames)
     else (X2 = NULL)
     if (!is.null(receiverCov)) {
     if (class(receiverCov) != "data.frame") {
     stop("receiverCov must be of class data.frame")
     X3 = getReceiverCov(receiverCov, nn, nodenames)
     else (X3 = NULL)
     X = lapply(1:KK, function(x) {
     if (!is.null(X1) & !is.null(X2) & !is.null(X3)) {
     ncov = dim(X1[[x]])[3] + dim(X2[[x]])[3] +
     df = array(0, dim = c(nn[x], nn[x], ncov))
     df[, , 1:dim(X1[[x]])[3]] = X1[[x]]
     df[, , (dim(X1[[x]])[3] + 1):(dim(X1[[x]])[3] +
     dim(X2[[x]])[3])] = X2[[x]]
     df[, , (dim(X1[[x]])[3] + dim(X2[[x]])[3] +
     1):(dim(X1[[x]])[3] + dim(X2[[x]])[3] + dim(X3[[x]])[3])] = X3[[x]]
     if (!is.null(X1) & !is.null(X2) & is.null(X3)) {
     ncov = dim(X1[[x]])[3] + dim(X2[[x]])[3]
     df = array(0, dim = c(nn[x], nn[x], ncov))
     df[, , 1:dim(X1[[x]])[3]] = X1[[x]]
     df[, , (dim(X1[[x]])[3] + 1):(dim(X1[[x]])[3] +
     dim(X2[[x]])[3])] = X2[[x]]
     if (!is.null(X1) & !is.null(X3) & is.null(X2)) {
     ncov = dim(X1[[x]])[3] + dim(X3[[x]])[3]
     df = array(0, dim = c(nn[x], nn[x], ncov))
     df[, , 1:dim(X1[[x]])[3]] = X1[[x]]
     df[, , (dim(X1[[x]])[3] + 1):(dim(X1[[x]])[3] +
     dim(X3[[x]])[3])] = X3[[x]]
     if (!is.null(X2) & !is.null(X3) & is.null(X1)) {
     ncov = dim(X2[[x]])[3] + dim(X3[[x]])[3]
     df = array(0, dim = c(nn[x], nn[x], ncov))
     df[, , 1:dim(X2[[x]])[3]] = X2[[x]]
     df[, , (dim(X2[[x]])[3] + 1):(dim(X2[[x]])[3] +
     dim(X3[[x]])[3])] = X3[[x]]
     if (!is.null(X1) & is.null(X2) & is.null(X3)) {
     df = X1[[x]]
     if (is.null(X1) & !is.null(X2) & is.null(X3)) {
     df = X2[[x]]
     if (is.null(X1) & is.null(X2) & !is.null(X3)) {
     df = X3[[x]]
     if (!is.null(FullX))
     X = FullX
     PP = dim(X[[1]])[3]
     XX = unlist(X)
     YY = unlist(Y)
     YY[which(] = 0
     XX[which(] = 0
     if (is.null(priors)) {
     MuBeta = rep(0, (PP + 1))
     VarBeta = rep(1, (PP + 1))
     MuAlpha = 0
     VarAlpha = 1
     MuZ = c(0, 0)
     VarZ = c(20, 20)
     PriorA = 100
     PriorB = 150
     else {
     if (class(priors) != "list")
     (stop("priors must be of class list, if not NULL"))
     MuBeta = priors$MuBeta
     VarBeta = priors$VarBeta
     MuAlpha = priors$MuAlpha
     VarAlpha = priors$VarAlpha
     MuZ = priors$MuZ
     VarZ = priors$VarZ
     PriorA = priors$PriorA
     PriorB = priors$PriorB
     C = lapply(1:KK, function(tt) {
     diag(nn[tt]) - (1/nn[tt]) * array(1, dim = c(nn[tt],
     Z0 = lapply(1:KK, function(tt) {
     g = graph.adjacency(Y[[tt]])
     ss = shortest.paths(g)
     ss[ss > 4] = 4
     Z0 = cmdscale(ss, k = dd)
     dimnames(Z0)[[1]] = dimnames(YY[[tt]])[[1]]
     Z00 = lapply(1:KK, function(tt) C[[tt]] %*% Z0[[tt]])
     if (is.null(initialVals)) {
     Z0 = unlist(Z00)
     beta0 = replicate(KK, rnorm(PP, 0, 1))
     intercept0 = rnorm(KK, 0, 1)
     if (intervention == 1) {
     alpha0 = rnorm(1, 0, 1)
     print("Starting Values Set")
     else {
     if (class(initialVals) != "list")
     (stop("initialVals must be of class list, if not NULL"))
     Z0 = initialVals$ZZ
     beta0 = initialVals$beta
     intercept0 = initialVals$intercept
     if (intervention == 1) {
     alpha0 = initialVals$alpha
     if (intervention == 0) {
     alpha0 = 0
     TT = rep(0, KK)
     if (is.null(tune)) {
     a.number = 5
     tuneAlpha = 0.9
     tuneBeta = array(1, dim = c(PP, KK))
     tuneInt = rep(0.2, KK)
     tuneZ = lapply(1:KK, function(x) rep(1.2, nn[x]))
     else {
     if (class(tune) != "list")
     (stop("tune must be of class list, if not NULL"))
     a.number = 1
     tuneAlpha = tune$tuneAlpha
     tuneBeta = tune$tuneBeta
     tuneInt = tune$tuneInt
     tuneZ = tune$tuneZ
     do.again = 1
     tuneX = 1
     if (tuneIn == TRUE) {
     while (do.again == 1) {
     print("Tuning the Sampler")
     for (counter in 1:a.number) {
     rslt = MCMCfunction(nn = nn, PP = PP, KK = KK,
     dd = dd, XX = XX, YY = YY, ZZ = Z0, TT = TT,
     beta = beta0, intercept = intercept0, alpha = alpha0,
     MuAlpha = MuAlpha, SigmaAlpha = VarAlpha, MuBeta = MuBeta,
     SigmaBeta = VarBeta, MuZ = MuZ, VarZ = VarZ,
     tuneBetaAll = tuneBeta, tuneInt = tuneInt,
     tuneAlpha = tuneAlpha, tuneZAll = unlist(tuneZ),
     niter = 200, PriorA = PriorA, PriorB = PriorB,
     intervention = intervention)
     tuneAlpha =, rslt$acc$alpha,
     tuneZ = lapply(1:KK, function(x)[[x]],
     rslt$acc$Z[[x]], 2))
     tuneBeta = array(sapply(1:KK, function(x)[,
     x], rslt$acc$beta[, x], 1)), dim = c(PP, KK))
     tuneInt = sapply(1:KK, function(x)[x],
     rslt$acc$intercept[x], 1))
     print(paste("TuneDone = ", tuneX))
     tuneX = tuneX + 1
     extreme = lapply(1:KK, function(x) which.suck(rslt$acc$Z[[x]],
     do.again = max(sapply(extreme, length)) > 5
     print("Tuning is finished")
     rslt = MCMCfunction(nn = nn, PP = PP, KK = KK, dd = dd, XX = XX,
     YY = YY, ZZ = Z0, TT = TT, beta = beta0, intercept = intercept0,
     alpha = alpha0, MuAlpha = MuAlpha, SigmaAlpha = VarAlpha,
     MuBeta = MuBeta, SigmaBeta = VarBeta, MuZ = MuZ, VarZ = VarZ,
     tuneBetaAll = tuneBeta, tuneInt = tuneInt, tuneAlpha = tuneAlpha,
     tuneZAll = unlist(tuneZ), niter = niter, PriorA = PriorA,
     PriorB = PriorB, intervention = intervention)
     Ztransformed = lapply(1:niter, function(ii) {
     lapply(1:KK, function(tt) {
     z = rslt$draws$ZZ[[ii]][[tt]]
     z = C[[tt]] %*% z
     pr = t(Z00[[tt]]) %*% z
     ssZ = svd(pr)
     tx = ssZ$v %*% t(ssZ$u)
     zfinal = z %*% tx
     rslt$draws$ZZ = Ztransformed
     rslt$call =
     if (noCOV == TRUE & intervention == 0) {
     rslt$tune = list(tuneZ = tuneZ, tuneInt = tuneInt)
     rslt$draws$Beta = NA
     rslt$draws$Alpha = NA
     if (noCOV == TRUE & intervention == 1) {
     rslt$tune = list(tuneAlpha = tuneAlpha, tuneZ = tuneZ,
     tuneInt = tuneInt)
     rslt$draws$Beta = NA
     if (noCOV == FALSE & intervention == 0) {
     rslt$tune = list(tuneBeta = tuneBeta, tuneZ = tuneZ,
     tuneInt = tuneInt)
     rslt$draws$Alpha = NA
     if (noCOV == FALSE & intervention == 1) {
     rslt$tune = list(tuneBeta = tuneBeta, tuneAlpha = tuneAlpha,
     tuneZ = tuneZ, tuneInt = tuneInt)
     class(rslt) = "HLSM"
    <bytecode: 0x5561fe211988>
    <environment: namespace:HLSM>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function HLSMrandomEF in namespace HLSM has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(Y) == "list" & class(Y[[1]]) != "matrix" & class(Y[[1]]) != :
     the condition has length > 1
    Calls: HLSMrandomEF
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc

Version: 0.8.1
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘HLSM-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: HLSMrandomEF
    > ### Title: Function to run the MCMC sampler in random effects model (and
    > ### HLSMfixedEF for fixed effects model)
    > ### Aliases: HLSMrandomEF HLSMfixedEF print.HLSM print.summary.HLSM
    > ### summary.HLSM getIntercept getAlpha getLS getLikelihood getBeta
    > ### ** Examples
    > library(HLSM)
    > #Set values for the inputs of the function
    > priors = NULL
    > tune = NULL
    > initialVals = NULL
    > niter = 10
    > #Random effect HLSM on Pitt and Spillane data
    > <- HLSMrandomEF(Y = ps.advice.mat,FullX = ps.edge.vars.mat,
    + initialVals = initialVals,priors = priors,
    + tune = tune,tuneIn = FALSE,dd = 2,niter = niter,
    + intervention = 0)
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    HLSMrandomEF(Y = ps.advice.mat, FullX = ps.edge.vars.mat, initialVals = initialVals,
     priors = priors, tune = tune, tuneIn = FALSE, dd = 2, niter = niter,
     intervention = 0)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(Y) == "list" & class(Y[[1]]) != "matrix" & class(Y[[1]]) !=
     "data.frame") {
     stop("Invalid data structure type")
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: HLSMrandomEF(Y = ps.advice.mat, FullX = ps.edge.vars.mat, initialVals = initialVals,
     priors = priors, tune = tune, tuneIn = FALSE, dd = 2, niter = niter,
     intervention = 0)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] FALSE TRUE
     --- function from context ---
    function (Y, edgeCov = NULL, receiverCov = NULL, senderCov = NULL,
     FullX = NULL, initialVals = NULL, priors = NULL, tune = NULL,
     tuneIn = TRUE, TT = NULL, dd, niter, intervention)
     if (class(Y) != "list") {
     if (dim(Y)[2] != 4) {
     stop("Invalid data structure type")
     if (class(Y) == "list" & class(Y[[1]]) != "matrix" & class(Y[[1]]) !=
     "data.frame") {
     stop("Invalid data structure type")
     if (class(Y) == "list") {
     KK = length(Y)
     if (dim(Y[[1]])[1] == dim(Y[[1]])[2]) {
     nn = sapply(1:length(Y), function(x) nrow(Y[[x]]))
     if (dim(Y[[1]])[1] != dim(Y[[1]])[2] & dim(Y[[1]])[2] ==
     4) {
     nn = sapply(1:length(Y), function(x) length(unique(c(Y[[x]]$Receiver,
     nodenames = lapply(1:length(Y), function(x) unique(c(Y[[x]]$Receiver,
     if (class(Y) != "list") {
     if (dim(Y)[2] == 4) {
     nid = unique(Y$id)
     KK = length(nid)
     nn = rep(0, KK)
     df.list = list()
     nodenames = list()
     for (k in 1:KK) { = Y[which(Y$id == nid[k], ), ]
     nn[k] = length(unique(c($Receiver,$Sender)))
     nodenames[[k]] = unique(c($Receiver,$Sender))
     df.list[[k]] = array(0, dim = c(nn[k], nn[k]))
     dimnames(df.list[[k]])[[1]] = dimnames(df.list[[k]])[[2]] = nodenames[[k]]
     for (i in 1:dim([1]) {
     df.list[[k]][paste($Sender[i]), paste($Receiver[i])] =$Outcome[i]
     Y = df.list
     noCOV = FALSE
     if (!is.null(FullX) & !is.null(edgeCov) & !is.null(receiverCov) &
     (stop("FullX cannot be used when nodal or edge covariates are provided"))
     if (is.null(FullX) & is.null(edgeCov) & is.null(receiverCov) &
     is.null(senderCov)) {
     X = lapply(1:KK, function(x) array(0, dim = c(nn[x],
     nn[x], 1)))
     noCOV = TRUE
     if (is.null(FullX)) {
     if (!is.null(edgeCov) | !is.null(senderCov) | !is.null(receiverCov)) {
     if (!is.null(edgeCov)) {
     if (class(edgeCov) != "data.frame") {
     stop("edgeCov must be of class data.frame")
     X1 = getEdgeCov(edgeCov, nn, nodenames)
     else (X1 = NULL)
     if (!is.null(senderCov)) {
     if (class(senderCov) != "data.frame") {
     stop("senderCov must be of class data.frame")
     X2 = getSenderCov(senderCov, nn, nodenames)
     else (X2 = NULL)
     if (!is.null(receiverCov)) {
     if (class(receiverCov) != "data.frame") {
     stop("receiverCov must be of class data.frame")
     X3 = getReceiverCov(receiverCov, nn, nodenames)
     else (X3 = NULL)
     X = lapply(1:KK, function(x) {
     if (!is.null(X1) & !is.null(X2) & !is.null(X3)) {
     ncov = dim(X1[[x]])[3] + dim(X2[[x]])[3] +
     df = array(0, dim = c(nn[x], nn[x], ncov))
     df[, , 1:dim(X1[[x]])[3]] = X1[[x]]
     df[, , (dim(X1[[x]])[3] + 1):(dim(X1[[x]])[3] +
     dim(X2[[x]])[3])] = X2[[x]]
     df[, , (dim(X1[[x]])[3] + dim(X2[[x]])[3] +
     1):(dim(X1[[x]])[3] + dim(X2[[x]])[3] + dim(X3[[x]])[3])] = X3[[x]]
     if (!is.null(X1) & !is.null(X2) & is.null(X3)) {
     ncov = dim(X1[[x]])[3] + dim(X2[[x]])[3]
     df = array(0, dim = c(nn[x], nn[x], ncov))
     df[, , 1:dim(X1[[x]])[3]] = X1[[x]]
     df[, , (dim(X1[[x]])[3] + 1):(dim(X1[[x]])[3] +
     dim(X2[[x]])[3])] = X2[[x]]
     if (!is.null(X1) & !is.null(X3) & is.null(X2)) {
     ncov = dim(X1[[x]])[3] + dim(X3[[x]])[3]
     df = array(0, dim = c(nn[x], nn[x], ncov))
     df[, , 1:dim(X1[[x]])[3]] = X1[[x]]
     df[, , (dim(X1[[x]])[3] + 1):(dim(X1[[x]])[3] +
     dim(X3[[x]])[3])] = X3[[x]]
     if (!is.null(X2) & !is.null(X3) & is.null(X1)) {
     ncov = dim(X2[[x]])[3] + dim(X3[[x]])[3]
     df = array(0, dim = c(nn[x], nn[x], ncov))
     df[, , 1:dim(X2[[x]])[3]] = X2[[x]]
     df[, , (dim(X2[[x]])[3] + 1):(dim(X2[[x]])[3] +
     dim(X3[[x]])[3])] = X3[[x]]
     if (!is.null(X1) & is.null(X2) & is.null(X3)) {
     df = X1[[x]]
     if (is.null(X1) & !is.null(X2) & is.null(X3)) {
     df = X2[[x]]
     if (is.null(X1) & is.null(X2) & !is.null(X3)) {
     df = X3[[x]]
     if (!is.null(FullX))
     X = FullX
     PP = dim(X[[1]])[3]
     XX = unlist(X)
     YY = unlist(Y)
     YY[which(] = 0
     XX[which(] = 0
     if (is.null(priors)) {
     MuBeta = rep(0, (PP + 1))
     VarBeta = rep(1, (PP + 1))
     MuAlpha = 0
     VarAlpha = 1
     MuZ = c(0, 0)
     VarZ = c(20, 20)
     PriorA = 100
     PriorB = 150
     else {
     if (class(priors) != "list")
     (stop("priors must be of class list, if not NULL"))
     MuBeta = priors$MuBeta
     VarBeta = priors$VarBeta
     MuAlpha = priors$MuAlpha
     VarAlpha = priors$VarAlpha
     MuZ = priors$MuZ
     VarZ = priors$VarZ
     PriorA = priors$PriorA
     PriorB = priors$PriorB
     C = lapply(1:KK, function(tt) {
     diag(nn[tt]) - (1/nn[tt]) * array(1, dim = c(nn[tt],
     Z0 = lapply(1:KK, function(tt) {
     g = graph.adjacency(Y[[tt]])
     ss = shortest.paths(g)
     ss[ss > 4] = 4
     Z0 = cmdscale(ss, k = dd)
     dimnames(Z0)[[1]] = dimnames(YY[[tt]])[[1]]
     Z00 = lapply(1:KK, function(tt) C[[tt]] %*% Z0[[tt]])
     if (is.null(initialVals)) {
     Z0 = unlist(Z00)
     beta0 = replicate(KK, rnorm(PP, 0, 1))
     intercept0 = rnorm(KK, 0, 1)
     if (intervention == 1) {
     alpha0 = rnorm(1, 0, 1)
     print("Starting Values Set")
     else {
     if (class(initialVals) != "list")
     (stop("initialVals must be of class list, if not NULL"))
     Z0 = initialVals$ZZ
     beta0 = initialVals$beta
     intercept0 = initialVals$intercept
     if (intervention == 1) {
     alpha0 = initialVals$alpha
     if (intervention == 0) {
     alpha0 = 0
     TT = rep(0, KK)
     if (is.null(tune)) {
     a.number = 5
     tuneAlpha = 0.9
     tuneBeta = array(1, dim = c(PP, KK))
     tuneInt = rep(0.2, KK)
     tuneZ = lapply(1:KK, function(x) rep(1.2, nn[x]))
     else {
     if (class(tune) != "list")
     (stop("tune must be of class list, if not NULL"))
     a.number = 1
     tuneAlpha = tune$tuneAlpha
     tuneBeta = tune$tuneBeta
     tuneInt = tune$tuneInt
     tuneZ = tune$tuneZ
     do.again = 1
     tuneX = 1
     if (tuneIn == TRUE) {
     while (do.again == 1) {
     print("Tuning the Sampler")
     for (counter in 1:a.number) {
     rslt = MCMCfunction(nn = nn, PP = PP, KK = KK,
     dd = dd, XX = XX, YY = YY, ZZ = Z0, TT = TT,
     beta = beta0, intercept = intercept0, alpha = alpha0,
     MuAlpha = MuAlpha, SigmaAlpha = VarAlpha, MuBeta = MuBeta,
     SigmaBeta = VarBeta, MuZ = MuZ, VarZ = VarZ,
     tuneBetaAll = tuneBeta, tuneInt = tuneInt,
     tuneAlpha = tuneAlpha, tuneZAll = unlist(tuneZ),
     niter = 200, PriorA = PriorA, PriorB = PriorB,
     intervention = intervention)
     tuneAlpha =, rslt$acc$alpha,
     tuneZ = lapply(1:KK, function(x)[[x]],
     rslt$acc$Z[[x]], 2))
     tuneBeta = array(sapply(1:KK, function(x)[,
     x], rslt$acc$beta[, x], 1)), dim = c(PP, KK))
     tuneInt = sapply(1:KK, function(x)[x],
     rslt$acc$intercept[x], 1))
     print(paste("TuneDone = ", tuneX))
     tuneX = tuneX + 1
     extreme = lapply(1:KK, function(x) which.suck(rslt$acc$Z[[x]],
     do.again = max(sapply(extreme, length)) > 5
     print("Tuning is finished")
     rslt = MCMCfunction(nn = nn, PP = PP, KK = KK, dd = dd, XX = XX,
     YY = YY, ZZ = Z0, TT = TT, beta = beta0, intercept = intercept0,
     alpha = alpha0, MuAlpha = MuAlpha, SigmaAlpha = VarAlpha,
     MuBeta = MuBeta, SigmaBeta = VarBeta, MuZ = MuZ, VarZ = VarZ,
     tuneBetaAll = tuneBeta, tuneInt = tuneInt, tuneAlpha = tuneAlpha,
     tuneZAll = unlist(tuneZ), niter = niter, PriorA = PriorA,
     PriorB = PriorB, intervention = intervention)
     Ztransformed = lapply(1:niter, function(ii) {
     lapply(1:KK, function(tt) {
     z = rslt$draws$ZZ[[ii]][[tt]]
     z = C[[tt]] %*% z
     pr = t(Z00[[tt]]) %*% z
     ssZ = svd(pr)
     tx = ssZ$v %*% t(ssZ$u)
     zfinal = z %*% tx
     rslt$draws$ZZ = Ztransformed
     rslt$call =
     if (noCOV == TRUE & intervention == 0) {
     rslt$tune = list(tuneZ = tuneZ, tuneInt = tuneInt)
     rslt$draws$Beta = NA
     rslt$draws$Alpha = NA
     if (noCOV == TRUE & intervention == 1) {
     rslt$tune = list(tuneAlpha = tuneAlpha, tuneZ = tuneZ,
     tuneInt = tuneInt)
     rslt$draws$Beta = NA
     if (noCOV == FALSE & intervention == 0) {
     rslt$tune = list(tuneBeta = tuneBeta, tuneZ = tuneZ,
     tuneInt = tuneInt)
     rslt$draws$Alpha = NA
     if (noCOV == FALSE & intervention == 1) {
     rslt$tune = list(tuneBeta = tuneBeta, tuneAlpha = tuneAlpha,
     tuneZ = tuneZ, tuneInt = tuneInt)
     class(rslt) = "HLSM"
    <bytecode: 0x22a2c08>
    <environment: namespace:HLSM>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function HLSMrandomEF in namespace HLSM has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(Y) == "list" & class(Y[[1]]) != "matrix" & class(Y[[1]]) != :
     the condition has length > 1
    Calls: HLSMrandomEF
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Version: 0.8.1
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘HLSM-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: HLSMrandomEF
    > ### Title: Function to run the MCMC sampler in random effects model (and
    > ### HLSMfixedEF for fixed effects model)
    > ### Aliases: HLSMrandomEF HLSMfixedEF print.HLSM print.summary.HLSM
    > ### summary.HLSM getIntercept getAlpha getLS getLikelihood getBeta
    > ### ** Examples
    > library(HLSM)
    > #Set values for the inputs of the function
    > priors = NULL
    > tune = NULL
    > initialVals = NULL
    > niter = 10
    > #Random effect HLSM on Pitt and Spillane data
    > <- HLSMrandomEF(Y = ps.advice.mat,FullX = ps.edge.vars.mat,
    + initialVals = initialVals,priors = priors,
    + tune = tune,tuneIn = FALSE,dd = 2,niter = niter,
    + intervention = 0)
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    HLSMrandomEF(Y = ps.advice.mat, FullX = ps.edge.vars.mat, initialVals = initialVals,
     priors = priors, tune = tune, tuneIn = FALSE, dd = 2, niter = niter,
     intervention = 0)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(Y) == "list" & class(Y[[1]]) != "matrix" & class(Y[[1]]) !=
     "data.frame") {
     stop("Invalid data structure type")
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: HLSMrandomEF(Y = ps.advice.mat, FullX = ps.edge.vars.mat, initialVals = initialVals,
     priors = priors, tune = tune, tuneIn = FALSE, dd = 2, niter = niter,
     intervention = 0)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] FALSE TRUE
     --- function from context ---
    function (Y, edgeCov = NULL, receiverCov = NULL, senderCov = NULL,
     FullX = NULL, initialVals = NULL, priors = NULL, tune = NULL,
     tuneIn = TRUE, TT = NULL, dd, niter, intervention)
     if (class(Y) != "list") {
     if (dim(Y)[2] != 4) {
     stop("Invalid data structure type")
     if (class(Y) == "list" & class(Y[[1]]) != "matrix" & class(Y[[1]]) !=
     "data.frame") {
     stop("Invalid data structure type")
     if (class(Y) == "list") {
     KK = length(Y)
     if (dim(Y[[1]])[1] == dim(Y[[1]])[2]) {
     nn = sapply(1:length(Y), function(x) nrow(Y[[x]]))
     if (dim(Y[[1]])[1] != dim(Y[[1]])[2] & dim(Y[[1]])[2] ==
     4) {
     nn = sapply(1:length(Y), function(x) length(unique(c(Y[[x]]$Receiver,
     nodenames = lapply(1:length(Y), function(x) unique(c(Y[[x]]$Receiver,
     if (class(Y) != "list") {
     if (dim(Y)[2] == 4) {
     nid = unique(Y$id)
     KK = length(nid)
     nn = rep(0, KK)
     df.list = list()
     nodenames = list()
     for (k in 1:KK) { = Y[which(Y$id == nid[k], ), ]
     nn[k] = length(unique(c($Receiver,$Sender)))
     nodenames[[k]] = unique(c($Receiver,$Sender))
     df.list[[k]] = array(0, dim = c(nn[k], nn[k]))
     dimnames(df.list[[k]])[[1]] = dimnames(df.list[[k]])[[2]] = nodenames[[k]]
     for (i in 1:dim([1]) {
     df.list[[k]][paste($Sender[i]), paste($Receiver[i])] =$Outcome[i]
     Y = df.list
     noCOV = FALSE
     if (!is.null(FullX) & !is.null(edgeCov) & !is.null(receiverCov) &
     (stop("FullX cannot be used when nodal or edge covariates are provided"))
     if (is.null(FullX) & is.null(edgeCov) & is.null(receiverCov) &
     is.null(senderCov)) {
     X = lapply(1:KK, function(x) array(0, dim = c(nn[x],
     nn[x], 1)))
     noCOV = TRUE
     if (is.null(FullX)) {
     if (!is.null(edgeCov) | !is.null(senderCov) | !is.null(receiverCov)) {
     if (!is.null(edgeCov)) {
     if (class(edgeCov) != "data.frame") {
     stop("edgeCov must be of class data.frame")
     X1 = getEdgeCov(edgeCov, nn, nodenames)
     else (X1 = NULL)
     if (!is.null(senderCov)) {
     if (class(senderCov) != "data.frame") {
     stop("senderCov must be of class data.frame")
     X2 = getSenderCov(senderCov, nn, nodenames)
     else (X2 = NULL)
     if (!is.null(receiverCov)) {
     if (class(receiverCov) != "data.frame") {
     stop("receiverCov must be of class data.frame")
     X3 = getReceiverCov(receiverCov, nn, nodenames)
     else (X3 = NULL)
     X = lapply(1:KK, function(x) {
     if (!is.null(X1) & !is.null(X2) & !is.null(X3)) {
     ncov = dim(X1[[x]])[3] + dim(X2[[x]])[3] +
     df = array(0, dim = c(nn[x], nn[x], ncov))
     df[, , 1:dim(X1[[x]])[3]] = X1[[x]]
     df[, , (dim(X1[[x]])[3] + 1):(dim(X1[[x]])[3] +
     dim(X2[[x]])[3])] = X2[[x]]
     df[, , (dim(X1[[x]])[3] + dim(X2[[x]])[3] +
     1):(dim(X1[[x]])[3] + dim(X2[[x]])[3] + dim(X3[[x]])[3])] = X3[[x]]
     if (!is.null(X1) & !is.null(X2) & is.null(X3)) {
     ncov = dim(X1[[x]])[3] + dim(X2[[x]])[3]
     df = array(0, dim = c(nn[x], nn[x], ncov))
     df[, , 1:dim(X1[[x]])[3]] = X1[[x]]
     df[, , (dim(X1[[x]])[3] + 1):(dim(X1[[x]])[3] +
     dim(X2[[x]])[3])] = X2[[x]]
     if (!is.null(X1) & !is.null(X3) & is.null(X2)) {
     ncov = dim(X1[[x]])[3] + dim(X3[[x]])[3]
     df = array(0, dim = c(nn[x], nn[x], ncov))
     df[, , 1:dim(X1[[x]])[3]] = X1[[x]]
     df[, , (dim(X1[[x]])[3] + 1):(dim(X1[[x]])[3] +
     dim(X3[[x]])[3])] = X3[[x]]
     if (!is.null(X2) & !is.null(X3) & is.null(X1)) {
     ncov = dim(X2[[x]])[3] + dim(X3[[x]])[3]
     df = array(0, dim = c(nn[x], nn[x], ncov))
     df[, , 1:dim(X2[[x]])[3]] = X2[[x]]
     df[, , (dim(X2[[x]])[3] + 1):(dim(X2[[x]])[3] +
     dim(X3[[x]])[3])] = X3[[x]]
     if (!is.null(X1) & is.null(X2) & is.null(X3)) {
     df = X1[[x]]
     if (is.null(X1) & !is.null(X2) & is.null(X3)) {
     df = X2[[x]]
     if (is.null(X1) & is.null(X2) & !is.null(X3)) {
     df = X3[[x]]
     if (!is.null(FullX))
     X = FullX
     PP = dim(X[[1]])[3]
     XX = unlist(X)
     YY = unlist(Y)
     YY[which(] = 0
     XX[which(] = 0
     if (is.null(priors)) {
     MuBeta = rep(0, (PP + 1))
     VarBeta = rep(1, (PP + 1))
     MuAlpha = 0
     VarAlpha = 1
     MuZ = c(0, 0)
     VarZ = c(20, 20)
     PriorA = 100
     PriorB = 150
     else {
     if (class(priors) != "list")
     (stop("priors must be of class list, if not NULL"))
     MuBeta = priors$MuBeta
     VarBeta = priors$VarBeta
     MuAlpha = priors$MuAlpha
     VarAlpha = priors$VarAlpha
     MuZ = priors$MuZ
     VarZ = priors$VarZ
     PriorA = priors$PriorA
     PriorB = priors$PriorB
     C = lapply(1:KK, function(tt) {
     diag(nn[tt]) - (1/nn[tt]) * array(1, dim = c(nn[tt],
     Z0 = lapply(1:KK, function(tt) {
     g = graph.adjacency(Y[[tt]])
     ss = shortest.paths(g)
     ss[ss > 4] = 4
     Z0 = cmdscale(ss, k = dd)
     dimnames(Z0)[[1]] = dimnames(YY[[tt]])[[1]]
     Z00 = lapply(1:KK, function(tt) C[[tt]] %*% Z0[[tt]])
     if (is.null(initialVals)) {
     Z0 = unlist(Z00)
     beta0 = replicate(KK, rnorm(PP, 0, 1))
     intercept0 = rnorm(KK, 0, 1)
     if (intervention == 1) {
     alpha0 = rnorm(1, 0, 1)
     print("Starting Values Set")
     else {
     if (class(initialVals) != "list")
     (stop("initialVals must be of class list, if not NULL"))
     Z0 = initialVals$ZZ
     beta0 = initialVals$beta
     intercept0 = initialVals$intercept
     if (intervention == 1) {
     alpha0 = initialVals$alpha
     if (intervention == 0) {
     alpha0 = 0
     TT = rep(0, KK)
     if (is.null(tune)) {
     a.number = 5
     tuneAlpha = 0.9
     tuneBeta = array(1, dim = c(PP, KK))
     tuneInt = rep(0.2, KK)
     tuneZ = lapply(1:KK, function(x) rep(1.2, nn[x]))
     else {
     if (class(tune) != "list")
     (stop("tune must be of class list, if not NULL"))
     a.number = 1
     tuneAlpha = tune$tuneAlpha
     tuneBeta = tune$tuneBeta
     tuneInt = tune$tuneInt
     tuneZ = tune$tuneZ
     do.again = 1
     tuneX = 1
     if (tuneIn == TRUE) {
     while (do.again == 1) {
     print("Tuning the Sampler")
     for (counter in 1:a.number) {
     rslt = MCMCfunction(nn = nn, PP = PP, KK = KK,
     dd = dd, XX = XX, YY = YY, ZZ = Z0, TT = TT,
     beta = beta0, intercept = intercept0, alpha = alpha0,
     MuAlpha = MuAlpha, SigmaAlpha = VarAlpha, MuBeta = MuBeta,
     SigmaBeta = VarBeta, MuZ = MuZ, VarZ = VarZ,
     tuneBetaAll = tuneBeta, tuneInt = tuneInt,
     tuneAlpha = tuneAlpha, tuneZAll = unlist(tuneZ),
     niter = 200, PriorA = PriorA, PriorB = PriorB,
     intervention = intervention)
     tuneAlpha =, rslt$acc$alpha,
     tuneZ = lapply(1:KK, function(x)[[x]],
     rslt$acc$Z[[x]], 2))
     tuneBeta = array(sapply(1:KK, function(x)[,
     x], rslt$acc$beta[, x], 1)), dim = c(PP, KK))
     tuneInt = sapply(1:KK, function(x)[x],
     rslt$acc$intercept[x], 1))
     print(paste("TuneDone = ", tuneX))
     tuneX = tuneX + 1
     extreme = lapply(1:KK, function(x) which.suck(rslt$acc$Z[[x]],
     do.again = max(sapply(extreme, length)) > 5
     print("Tuning is finished")
     rslt = MCMCfunction(nn = nn, PP = PP, KK = KK, dd = dd, XX = XX,
     YY = YY, ZZ = Z0, TT = TT, beta = beta0, intercept = intercept0,
     alpha = alpha0, MuAlpha = MuAlpha, SigmaAlpha = VarAlpha,
     MuBeta = MuBeta, SigmaBeta = VarBeta, MuZ = MuZ, VarZ = VarZ,
     tuneBetaAll = tuneBeta, tuneInt = tuneInt, tuneAlpha = tuneAlpha,
     tuneZAll = unlist(tuneZ), niter = niter, PriorA = PriorA,
     PriorB = PriorB, intervention = intervention)
     Ztransformed = lapply(1:niter, function(ii) {
     lapply(1:KK, function(tt) {
     z = rslt$draws$ZZ[[ii]][[tt]]
     z = C[[tt]] %*% z
     pr = t(Z00[[tt]]) %*% z
     ssZ = svd(pr)
     tx = ssZ$v %*% t(ssZ$u)
     zfinal = z %*% tx
     rslt$draws$ZZ = Ztransformed
     rslt$call =
     if (noCOV == TRUE & intervention == 0) {
     rslt$tune = list(tuneZ = tuneZ, tuneInt = tuneInt)
     rslt$draws$Beta = NA
     rslt$draws$Alpha = NA
     if (noCOV == TRUE & intervention == 1) {
     rslt$tune = list(tuneAlpha = tuneAlpha, tuneZ = tuneZ,
     tuneInt = tuneInt)
     rslt$draws$Beta = NA
     if (noCOV == FALSE & intervention == 0) {
     rslt$tune = list(tuneBeta = tuneBeta, tuneZ = tuneZ,
     tuneInt = tuneInt)
     rslt$draws$Alpha = NA
     if (noCOV == FALSE & intervention == 1) {
     rslt$tune = list(tuneBeta = tuneBeta, tuneAlpha = tuneAlpha,
     tuneZ = tuneZ, tuneInt = tuneInt)
     class(rslt) = "HLSM"
    <bytecode: 0x3d41428>
    <environment: namespace:HLSM>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function HLSMrandomEF in namespace HLSM has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(Y) == "list" & class(Y[[1]]) != "matrix" & class(Y[[1]]) != :
     the condition has length > 1
    Calls: HLSMrandomEF
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc