CRAN Package Check Results for Package MM4LMM

Last updated on 2020-02-19 10:49:00 CET.

Flavor Version Tinstall Tcheck Ttotal Status Flags
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang 2.0.1 70.05 68.65 138.70 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc 2.0.1 61.82 55.32 117.14 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang 2.0.1 182.01 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc 2.0.1 195.36 ERROR
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64 2.0.1 96.00 112.00 208.00 OK
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64-gcc8 2.0.1 152.00 152.00 304.00 OK
r-patched-linux-x86_64 2.0.1 65.98 66.18 132.16 OK
r-patched-solaris-x86 2.0.1 202.90 OK
r-release-linux-x86_64 2.0.1 69.52 64.91 134.43 OK
r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64 2.0.1 102.00 106.00 208.00 OK
r-release-osx-x86_64 2.0.1 NOTE
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 2.0.1 88.00 110.00 198.00 OK
r-oldrel-osx-x86_64 2.0.1 NOTE

Check Details

Version: 2.0.1
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in 'MM4LMM-Ex.R' failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: AnovaTest
    > ### Title: Type I and Type III Tests for mixed models.
    > ### Aliases: AnovaTest
    > ### Keywords: Test
    > ### ** Examples
    > require('MM4LMM')
    > data(QTLDetectionExample)
    > Pheno <- QTLDetectionExample$Phenotype
    > Geno <- QTLDetectionExample$Genotype
    > Kinship <- QTLDetectionExample$Kinship
    > ##Build the VarList object
    > VL <- list(Additive = Kinship , Error = diag(1,length(Pheno)))
    > ##Perform inference
    > Result <- MMEst(Y=Pheno , X = Geno , VarList = VL)
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    MMEst(Y = Pheno, X = Geno, VarList = VL)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(X) == "matrix") {
     if (nrow(X) != Nind) {
     stop("Incompatible dimension between Y and X")
    } else {
     if (class(X) == "list") {
     invisible(mclapply(X, function(x) {
     if (nrow(x) != Nind) {
     stop("Incompatible dimension between Y and a matrix in the list X")
     }, mc.cores = NbCores))
     else {
     stop("X should be a matrix or a list")
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: MMEst(Y = Pheno, X = Geno, VarList = VL)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] TRUE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
    function (Y, Cofactor = NULL, X = NULL, formula = NULL, VarList,
     ZList = NULL, Method = "Reml", Henderson = NULL, Init = NULL,
     CritVar = 0.001, CritLogLik = 0.001, MaxIter = 100, NbCores = 1)
     if ([["sysname"]] == "Windows") {
     if (NbCores != 1) {
     NbCores <- 1
     message("NbCores > 1 is not supported on Windows (mclapply), NbCores is set to 1")
     Nind <- length(Y)
     if (is.null(Cofactor)) {
     Cofactor <- matrix(rep(1, Nind), ncol = 1)
     if (is.vector(Cofactor))
     Cofactor <- matrix(Cofactor, ncol = 1)
     if ((length(Cofactor) != 0) * (Nind != nrow(Cofactor))) {
     stop("Incompatible dimension between Y and Cofactor")
     if ((length(X) != 0)) {
     if (class(X) == "matrix") {
     if (nrow(X) != Nind) {
     stop("Incompatible dimension between Y and X")
     else {
     if (class(X) == "list") {
     invisible(mclapply(X, function(x) {
     if (nrow(x) != Nind) {
     stop("Incompatible dimension between Y and a matrix in the list X")
     }, mc.cores = NbCores))
     else {
     stop("X should be a matrix or a list")
     NbVar <- length(VarList)
     NbZ <- length(ZList)
     if ((NbVar != NbZ) * (NbZ > 0)) {
     stop("Lists ZList and VarList should have the same number of elements")
     if (! {
     if (!is.matrix(Cofactor)) {
     stop("Cofactor should be either a matrix or a data.frame")
     else {
     Cofactor <-
     names(Cofactor) <- colnames(Cofactor)
     Names <- names(Cofactor)
     if (is.null(Names)) {
     names(Cofactor) <- paste0("Cof", 1:ncol(Cofactor))
     else {
     names(Cofactor) <- gsub("([[:punct:]])|\\s+", "",
     CofName <- names(Cofactor)
     if (!is.null(X)) {
     if (is.matrix(X)) {
     if (is.null(colnames(X)))
     colnames(X) <- paste0("X", 1:ncol(X))
     Xname <- "Xeffect"
     else {
     if (is.list(X)) {
     if (is.null(colnames(X[[1]]))) {
     Xname <- paste0("X", 1:ncol(X[[1]]))
     else {
     Xname <- colnames(X[[1]])
     else {
     stop("X should be either a matrix or a list.")
     else {
     Xname <- NULL
     if (is.null(formula)) {
     formulaCof <- as.formula(paste0("~", paste0(CofName,
     collapse = "+")))
     formulaComp <- as.formula(paste0("~", paste0(c(CofName,
     Xname), collapse = "+")))
     Factors <- c(CofName, Xname)
     else {
     SplitForm <- strsplit(as.character(formula), " \\+ ")
     Factors <- SplitForm[[length(SplitForm)]]
     WhatInX <- unique(unlist(sapply(Xname, function(n) grep(n,
     if (length(WhatInX) != 0) {
     formulaCof <- as.formula(paste0("~", Factors[-WhatInX],
     collapse = "+"))
     else {
     formulaCof <- as.formula(paste0("~", Factors, collapse = "+"))
     formulaComp <- formula
     if ((length(Init) != 0) * (length(Init) != NbVar)) {
     stop("The length of Init and the number of variance are not compatible")
     if (NbVar == 1) {
     if (NbZ > 0) {
     Rdiag <- isDiagonal(ZList[[NbZ]]) && isDiagonal(VarList[[NbZ]])
     if (Rdiag) {
     Tmp <- diag(ZList[[1]])^2 * diag(VarList[[1]])
     VarInv <- 1/VarList[[NbZ]]
     logdetVar <- sum(log(Tmp))
     else {
     Tmp <- .sym_inverseRcpp(tcrossprod(tcrossprod(ZList[[1]],
     VarList[[1]]), ZList[[1]]))
     VarInv <- Tmp$inverse
     logdetVar <- Tmp$log_det
     else {
     Tmp <- .sym_inverseRcpp(VarList[[1]])
     VarInv <- Tmp$inverse
     logdetVar <- Tmp$log_det
     NamesSigma <- names(VarList)
     Res <- .MM_Reml1Mat(Y = Y, Cofactor = Cofactor, X = X,
     formula = formulaComp, Factors = Factors, VarInv = VarInv,
     logdetVar = logdetVar, NamesSigma = NamesSigma, NbCores = NbCores)
     else {
     DimVar <- sapply(1:(length(VarList) - 1), function(x) ncol(VarList[[x]]))
     if (is.null(Henderson)) {
     if (Method == "ML") {
     Henderson <- FALSE
     else {
     Henderson <- FALSE
     if ((length(Y) > sum(DimVar) + ncol(Cofactor)))
     Henderson <- TRUE
     if ((NbVar == 2) || (!Henderson) || (Method == "ML")) {
     if (NbZ > 0) {
     NamesVar <- names(VarList)
     VarList <- mclapply(1:NbZ, function(x) {
     Z <- ZList[[x]]
     Var <- VarList[[x]]
     if (ncol(Z) == nrow(Var)) {
     if (nrow(Z) == Nind) {
     return(tcrossprod(Z, tcrossprod(Z, Var)))
     else {
     stop("Incompatible dimensions between Y and ZList")
     else {
     stop("Incompatible dimensions between Zlist and VarList")
     }, mc.cores = NbCores)
     names(VarList) <- NamesVar
     else {
     invisible(lapply(1:length(VarList), function(x) {
     if (nrow(VarList[[x]]) != Nind) {
     stop(paste0("Incompatible dimensions between Y and VarList"))
     if (Method == "Reml") {
     if (NbVar == 2) {
     if (Henderson)
     message("Henderson's trick is not implemented for 2 variance components, joint diagonalization trick is used")
     InfMethod <- .MM_Reml2Mat
     else {
     InfMethod <- .MM_Reml
     else {
     if (Henderson)
     message("Henderson's trick is not available for ML inference, classical MM is used")
     if (NbVar == 2) {
     InfMethod <- .MM_ML2Mat
     else {
     InfMethod <- .MM_ML
     if (length(Init) == 0) {
     Init <- rep(var(Y)/NbVar, NbVar)
     if (!is.null(X)) {
     Res <- InfMethod(Y = Y, Cofactor = Cofactor,
     X = NULL, formula = formulaCof, Factors = Factors,
     VarList = VarList, Init = Init, CritVar = CritVar,
     CritLogLik = CritLogLik, MaxIter = MaxIter,
     NbCores = 1)
     Init <- Res[[1]]$Sigma
     Res <- InfMethod(Y = Y, Cofactor = Cofactor, X = X,
     formula = formulaComp, Factors = Factors, VarList = VarList,
     Init = Init, CritVar = CritVar, CritLogLik = CritLogLik,
     MaxIter = MaxIter, NbCores = NbCores)
     else {
     invisible(sapply(1:NbZ, function(x) {
     if (ncol(ZList[[x]]) != nrow(VarList[[x]])) stop("Incompatible dimensions between Zlist and VarList")
     if (nrow(ZList[[x]]) != length(Y)) stop("Incompatible dimensions between Y and ZList")
     Rdiag <- isDiagonal(ZList[[NbZ]]) && isDiagonal(VarList[[NbZ]])
     if (Rdiag) {
     VarList[[NbZ]] <- diag(ZList[[NbZ]])^2 * diag(VarList[[NbZ]])
     Rinv <- 1/VarList[[NbZ]]
     Tmp <- mclapply(1:(NbZ - 1), function(x) .sym_inverseRcpp(VarList[[x]]),
     mc.cores = NbCores)
     GinvList <- lapply(Tmp, function(x) x$inverse)
     logdetV <- c(sapply(Tmp, function(x) x$log_det),
     GList <- VarList
     NamesVar <- names(VarList)
     logdetV <- c(logdetV, sum(log(VarList[[NbZ]])))
     InfMethod <- .MM_RemlHenDiag
     else {
     VarList[[NbZ]] <- tcrossprod(tcrossprod(ZList[[NbZ]],
     VarList[[NbZ]]), ZList[[NbZ]])
     Tmp <- mclapply(VarList, function(x) .sym_inverseRcpp(x),
     mc.cores = NbCores)
     Varinv <- lapply(Tmp, function(x) x$inverse)
     logdetV <- sapply(Tmp, function(x) x$log_det)
     Rinv <- Varinv[[length(Varinv)]]
     GinvList <- lapply(1:(length(Varinv) - 1), function(x) Varinv[[x]])
     GList <- VarList
     NamesVar <- names(VarList)
     InfMethod <- .MM_RemlHen
     Zg = Reduce(cbind, lapply(1:(length(ZList) - 1),
     function(x) ZList[[x]]))
     if (length(Init) == 0) {
     Init <- rep(var(Y)/NbVar, NbVar)
     if (!is.null(X)) {
     Res <- InfMethod(Y = Y, Cofactor = Cofactor,
     X = NULL, formula = formulaCof, Factors = Factors,
     Z = Zg, GList = GList, GinvList = GinvList,
     Rinv = Rinv, logdetV = logdetV, NameVar = NamesVar,
     Init = Init, CritVar = CritVar, CritLogLik = CritLogLik,
     MaxIter = MaxIter, NbCores = 1)
     Init <- Res[[1]]$Sigma2
     Res <- InfMethod(Y = Y, Cofactor = Cofactor, X = X,
     formula = formulaComp, Factors = Factors, Z = Zg,
     GList = GList, GinvList = GinvList, Rinv = Rinv,
     logdetV = logdetV, NameVar = NamesVar, Init = Init,
     CritVar = CritVar, CritLogLik = CritLogLik, MaxIter = MaxIter,
     NbCores = NbCores)
    <bytecode: 0xc6b8f78>
    <environment: namespace:MM4LMM>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function MMEst in namespace MM4LMM has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(X) == "matrix") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: MMEst
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang

Version: 2.0.1
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘MM4LMM-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: AnovaTest
    > ### Title: Type I and Type III Tests for mixed models.
    > ### Aliases: AnovaTest
    > ### Keywords: Test
    > ### ** Examples
    > require('MM4LMM')
    > data(QTLDetectionExample)
    > Pheno <- QTLDetectionExample$Phenotype
    > Geno <- QTLDetectionExample$Genotype
    > Kinship <- QTLDetectionExample$Kinship
    > ##Build the VarList object
    > VL <- list(Additive = Kinship , Error = diag(1,length(Pheno)))
    > ##Perform inference
    > Result <- MMEst(Y=Pheno , X = Geno , VarList = VL)
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    MMEst(Y = Pheno, X = Geno, VarList = VL)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(X) == "matrix") {
     if (nrow(X) != Nind) {
     stop("Incompatible dimension between Y and X")
    } else {
     if (class(X) == "list") {
     invisible(mclapply(X, function(x) {
     if (nrow(x) != Nind) {
     stop("Incompatible dimension between Y and a matrix in the list X")
     }, mc.cores = NbCores))
     else {
     stop("X should be a matrix or a list")
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: MMEst(Y = Pheno, X = Geno, VarList = VL)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] TRUE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
    function (Y, Cofactor = NULL, X = NULL, formula = NULL, VarList,
     ZList = NULL, Method = "Reml", Henderson = NULL, Init = NULL,
     CritVar = 0.001, CritLogLik = 0.001, MaxIter = 100, NbCores = 1)
     if ([["sysname"]] == "Windows") {
     if (NbCores != 1) {
     NbCores <- 1
     message("NbCores > 1 is not supported on Windows (mclapply), NbCores is set to 1")
     Nind <- length(Y)
     if (is.null(Cofactor)) {
     Cofactor <- matrix(rep(1, Nind), ncol = 1)
     if (is.vector(Cofactor))
     Cofactor <- matrix(Cofactor, ncol = 1)
     if ((length(Cofactor) != 0) * (Nind != nrow(Cofactor))) {
     stop("Incompatible dimension between Y and Cofactor")
     if ((length(X) != 0)) {
     if (class(X) == "matrix") {
     if (nrow(X) != Nind) {
     stop("Incompatible dimension between Y and X")
     else {
     if (class(X) == "list") {
     invisible(mclapply(X, function(x) {
     if (nrow(x) != Nind) {
     stop("Incompatible dimension between Y and a matrix in the list X")
     }, mc.cores = NbCores))
     else {
     stop("X should be a matrix or a list")
     NbVar <- length(VarList)
     NbZ <- length(ZList)
     if ((NbVar != NbZ) * (NbZ > 0)) {
     stop("Lists ZList and VarList should have the same number of elements")
     if (! {
     if (!is.matrix(Cofactor)) {
     stop("Cofactor should be either a matrix or a data.frame")
     else {
     Cofactor <-
     names(Cofactor) <- colnames(Cofactor)
     Names <- names(Cofactor)
     if (is.null(Names)) {
     names(Cofactor) <- paste0("Cof", 1:ncol(Cofactor))
     else {
     names(Cofactor) <- gsub("([[:punct:]])|\\s+", "",
     CofName <- names(Cofactor)
     if (!is.null(X)) {
     if (is.matrix(X)) {
     if (is.null(colnames(X)))
     colnames(X) <- paste0("X", 1:ncol(X))
     Xname <- "Xeffect"
     else {
     if (is.list(X)) {
     if (is.null(colnames(X[[1]]))) {
     Xname <- paste0("X", 1:ncol(X[[1]]))
     else {
     Xname <- colnames(X[[1]])
     else {
     stop("X should be either a matrix or a list.")
     else {
     Xname <- NULL
     if (is.null(formula)) {
     formulaCof <- as.formula(paste0("~", paste0(CofName,
     collapse = "+")))
     formulaComp <- as.formula(paste0("~", paste0(c(CofName,
     Xname), collapse = "+")))
     Factors <- c(CofName, Xname)
     else {
     SplitForm <- strsplit(as.character(formula), " \\+ ")
     Factors <- SplitForm[[length(SplitForm)]]
     WhatInX <- unique(unlist(sapply(Xname, function(n) grep(n,
     if (length(WhatInX) != 0) {
     formulaCof <- as.formula(paste0("~", Factors[-WhatInX],
     collapse = "+"))
     else {
     formulaCof <- as.formula(paste0("~", Factors, collapse = "+"))
     formulaComp <- formula
     if ((length(Init) != 0) * (length(Init) != NbVar)) {
     stop("The length of Init and the number of variance are not compatible")
     if (NbVar == 1) {
     if (NbZ > 0) {
     Rdiag <- isDiagonal(ZList[[NbZ]]) && isDiagonal(VarList[[NbZ]])
     if (Rdiag) {
     Tmp <- diag(ZList[[1]])^2 * diag(VarList[[1]])
     VarInv <- 1/VarList[[NbZ]]
     logdetVar <- sum(log(Tmp))
     else {
     Tmp <- .sym_inverseRcpp(tcrossprod(tcrossprod(ZList[[1]],
     VarList[[1]]), ZList[[1]]))
     VarInv <- Tmp$inverse
     logdetVar <- Tmp$log_det
     else {
     Tmp <- .sym_inverseRcpp(VarList[[1]])
     VarInv <- Tmp$inverse
     logdetVar <- Tmp$log_det
     NamesSigma <- names(VarList)
     Res <- .MM_Reml1Mat(Y = Y, Cofactor = Cofactor, X = X,
     formula = formulaComp, Factors = Factors, VarInv = VarInv,
     logdetVar = logdetVar, NamesSigma = NamesSigma, NbCores = NbCores)
     else {
     DimVar <- sapply(1:(length(VarList) - 1), function(x) ncol(VarList[[x]]))
     if (is.null(Henderson)) {
     if (Method == "ML") {
     Henderson <- FALSE
     else {
     Henderson <- FALSE
     if ((length(Y) > sum(DimVar) + ncol(Cofactor)))
     Henderson <- TRUE
     if ((NbVar == 2) || (!Henderson) || (Method == "ML")) {
     if (NbZ > 0) {
     NamesVar <- names(VarList)
     VarList <- mclapply(1:NbZ, function(x) {
     Z <- ZList[[x]]
     Var <- VarList[[x]]
     if (ncol(Z) == nrow(Var)) {
     if (nrow(Z) == Nind) {
     return(tcrossprod(Z, tcrossprod(Z, Var)))
     else {
     stop("Incompatible dimensions between Y and ZList")
     else {
     stop("Incompatible dimensions between Zlist and VarList")
     }, mc.cores = NbCores)
     names(VarList) <- NamesVar
     else {
     invisible(lapply(1:length(VarList), function(x) {
     if (nrow(VarList[[x]]) != Nind) {
     stop(paste0("Incompatible dimensions between Y and VarList"))
     if (Method == "Reml") {
     if (NbVar == 2) {
     if (Henderson)
     message("Henderson's trick is not implemented for 2 variance components, joint diagonalization trick is used")
     InfMethod <- .MM_Reml2Mat
     else {
     InfMethod <- .MM_Reml
     else {
     if (Henderson)
     message("Henderson's trick is not available for ML inference, classical MM is used")
     if (NbVar == 2) {
     InfMethod <- .MM_ML2Mat
     else {
     InfMethod <- .MM_ML
     if (length(Init) == 0) {
     Init <- rep(var(Y)/NbVar, NbVar)
     if (!is.null(X)) {
     Res <- InfMethod(Y = Y, Cofactor = Cofactor,
     X = NULL, formula = formulaCof, Factors = Factors,
     VarList = VarList, Init = Init, CritVar = CritVar,
     CritLogLik = CritLogLik, MaxIter = MaxIter,
     NbCores = 1)
     Init <- Res[[1]]$Sigma
     Res <- InfMethod(Y = Y, Cofactor = Cofactor, X = X,
     formula = formulaComp, Factors = Factors, VarList = VarList,
     Init = Init, CritVar = CritVar, CritLogLik = CritLogLik,
     MaxIter = MaxIter, NbCores = NbCores)
     else {
     invisible(sapply(1:NbZ, function(x) {
     if (ncol(ZList[[x]]) != nrow(VarList[[x]])) stop("Incompatible dimensions between Zlist and VarList")
     if (nrow(ZList[[x]]) != length(Y)) stop("Incompatible dimensions between Y and ZList")
     Rdiag <- isDiagonal(ZList[[NbZ]]) && isDiagonal(VarList[[NbZ]])
     if (Rdiag) {
     VarList[[NbZ]] <- diag(ZList[[NbZ]])^2 * diag(VarList[[NbZ]])
     Rinv <- 1/VarList[[NbZ]]
     Tmp <- mclapply(1:(NbZ - 1), function(x) .sym_inverseRcpp(VarList[[x]]),
     mc.cores = NbCores)
     GinvList <- lapply(Tmp, function(x) x$inverse)
     logdetV <- c(sapply(Tmp, function(x) x$log_det),
     GList <- VarList
     NamesVar <- names(VarList)
     logdetV <- c(logdetV, sum(log(VarList[[NbZ]])))
     InfMethod <- .MM_RemlHenDiag
     else {
     VarList[[NbZ]] <- tcrossprod(tcrossprod(ZList[[NbZ]],
     VarList[[NbZ]]), ZList[[NbZ]])
     Tmp <- mclapply(VarList, function(x) .sym_inverseRcpp(x),
     mc.cores = NbCores)
     Varinv <- lapply(Tmp, function(x) x$inverse)
     logdetV <- sapply(Tmp, function(x) x$log_det)
     Rinv <- Varinv[[length(Varinv)]]
     GinvList <- lapply(1:(length(Varinv) - 1), function(x) Varinv[[x]])
     GList <- VarList
     NamesVar <- names(VarList)
     InfMethod <- .MM_RemlHen
     Zg = Reduce(cbind, lapply(1:(length(ZList) - 1),
     function(x) ZList[[x]]))
     if (length(Init) == 0) {
     Init <- rep(var(Y)/NbVar, NbVar)
     if (!is.null(X)) {
     Res <- InfMethod(Y = Y, Cofactor = Cofactor,
     X = NULL, formula = formulaCof, Factors = Factors,
     Z = Zg, GList = GList, GinvList = GinvList,
     Rinv = Rinv, logdetV = logdetV, NameVar = NamesVar,
     Init = Init, CritVar = CritVar, CritLogLik = CritLogLik,
     MaxIter = MaxIter, NbCores = 1)
     Init <- Res[[1]]$Sigma2
     Res <- InfMethod(Y = Y, Cofactor = Cofactor, X = X,
     formula = formulaComp, Factors = Factors, Z = Zg,
     GList = GList, GinvList = GinvList, Rinv = Rinv,
     logdetV = logdetV, NameVar = NamesVar, Init = Init,
     CritVar = CritVar, CritLogLik = CritLogLik, MaxIter = MaxIter,
     NbCores = NbCores)
    <bytecode: 0x560c254b6240>
    <environment: namespace:MM4LMM>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function MMEst in namespace MM4LMM has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(X) == "matrix") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: MMEst
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc

Version: 2.0.1
Check: installed package size
Result: NOTE
     installed size is 19.9Mb
     sub-directories of 1Mb or more:
     libs 19.3Mb
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-release-osx-x86_64, r-oldrel-osx-x86_64

Version: 2.0.1
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘MM4LMM-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: AnovaTest
    > ### Title: Type I and Type III Tests for mixed models.
    > ### Aliases: AnovaTest
    > ### Keywords: Test
    > ### ** Examples
    > require('MM4LMM')
    > data(QTLDetectionExample)
    > Pheno <- QTLDetectionExample$Phenotype
    > Geno <- QTLDetectionExample$Genotype
    > Kinship <- QTLDetectionExample$Kinship
    > ##Build the VarList object
    > VL <- list(Additive = Kinship , Error = diag(1,length(Pheno)))
    > ##Perform inference
    > Result <- MMEst(Y=Pheno , X = Geno , VarList = VL)
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    MMEst(Y = Pheno, X = Geno, VarList = VL)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(X) == "matrix") {
     if (nrow(X) != Nind) {
     stop("Incompatible dimension between Y and X")
    } else {
     if (class(X) == "list") {
     invisible(mclapply(X, function(x) {
     if (nrow(x) != Nind) {
     stop("Incompatible dimension between Y and a matrix in the list X")
     }, mc.cores = NbCores))
     else {
     stop("X should be a matrix or a list")
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: MMEst(Y = Pheno, X = Geno, VarList = VL)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] TRUE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
    function (Y, Cofactor = NULL, X = NULL, formula = NULL, VarList,
     ZList = NULL, Method = "Reml", Henderson = NULL, Init = NULL,
     CritVar = 0.001, CritLogLik = 0.001, MaxIter = 100, NbCores = 1)
     if ([["sysname"]] == "Windows") {
     if (NbCores != 1) {
     NbCores <- 1
     message("NbCores > 1 is not supported on Windows (mclapply), NbCores is set to 1")
     Nind <- length(Y)
     if (is.null(Cofactor)) {
     Cofactor <- matrix(rep(1, Nind), ncol = 1)
     if (is.vector(Cofactor))
     Cofactor <- matrix(Cofactor, ncol = 1)
     if ((length(Cofactor) != 0) * (Nind != nrow(Cofactor))) {
     stop("Incompatible dimension between Y and Cofactor")
     if ((length(X) != 0)) {
     if (class(X) == "matrix") {
     if (nrow(X) != Nind) {
     stop("Incompatible dimension between Y and X")
     else {
     if (class(X) == "list") {
     invisible(mclapply(X, function(x) {
     if (nrow(x) != Nind) {
     stop("Incompatible dimension between Y and a matrix in the list X")
     }, mc.cores = NbCores))
     else {
     stop("X should be a matrix or a list")
     NbVar <- length(VarList)
     NbZ <- length(ZList)
     if ((NbVar != NbZ) * (NbZ > 0)) {
     stop("Lists ZList and VarList should have the same number of elements")
     if (! {
     if (!is.matrix(Cofactor)) {
     stop("Cofactor should be either a matrix or a data.frame")
     else {
     Cofactor <-
     names(Cofactor) <- colnames(Cofactor)
     Names <- names(Cofactor)
     if (is.null(Names)) {
     names(Cofactor) <- paste0("Cof", 1:ncol(Cofactor))
     else {
     names(Cofactor) <- gsub("([[:punct:]])|\\s+", "",
     CofName <- names(Cofactor)
     if (!is.null(X)) {
     if (is.matrix(X)) {
     if (is.null(colnames(X)))
     colnames(X) <- paste0("X", 1:ncol(X))
     Xname <- "Xeffect"
     else {
     if (is.list(X)) {
     if (is.null(colnames(X[[1]]))) {
     Xname <- paste0("X", 1:ncol(X[[1]]))
     else {
     Xname <- colnames(X[[1]])
     else {
     stop("X should be either a matrix or a list.")
     else {
     Xname <- NULL
     if (is.null(formula)) {
     formulaCof <- as.formula(paste0("~", paste0(CofName,
     collapse = "+")))
     formulaComp <- as.formula(paste0("~", paste0(c(CofName,
     Xname), collapse = "+")))
     Factors <- c(CofName, Xname)
     else {
     SplitForm <- strsplit(as.character(formula), " \\+ ")
     Factors <- SplitForm[[length(SplitForm)]]
     WhatInX <- unique(unlist(sapply(Xname, function(n) grep(n,
     if (length(WhatInX) != 0) {
     formulaCof <- as.formula(paste0("~", Factors[-WhatInX],
     collapse = "+"))
     else {
     formulaCof <- as.formula(paste0("~", Factors, collapse = "+"))
     formulaComp <- formula
     if ((length(Init) != 0) * (length(Init) != NbVar)) {
     stop("The length of Init and the number of variance are not compatible")
     if (NbVar == 1) {
     if (NbZ > 0) {
     Rdiag <- isDiagonal(ZList[[NbZ]]) && isDiagonal(VarList[[NbZ]])
     if (Rdiag) {
     Tmp <- diag(ZList[[1]])^2 * diag(VarList[[1]])
     VarInv <- 1/VarList[[NbZ]]
     logdetVar <- sum(log(Tmp))
     else {
     Tmp <- .sym_inverseRcpp(tcrossprod(tcrossprod(ZList[[1]],
     VarList[[1]]), ZList[[1]]))
     VarInv <- Tmp$inverse
     logdetVar <- Tmp$log_det
     else {
     Tmp <- .sym_inverseRcpp(VarList[[1]])
     VarInv <- Tmp$inverse
     logdetVar <- Tmp$log_det
     NamesSigma <- names(VarList)
     Res <- .MM_Reml1Mat(Y = Y, Cofactor = Cofactor, X = X,
     formula = formulaComp, Factors = Factors, VarInv = VarInv,
     logdetVar = logdetVar, NamesSigma = NamesSigma, NbCores = NbCores)
     else {
     DimVar <- sapply(1:(length(VarList) - 1), function(x) ncol(VarList[[x]]))
     if (is.null(Henderson)) {
     if (Method == "ML") {
     Henderson <- FALSE
     else {
     Henderson <- FALSE
     if ((length(Y) > sum(DimVar) + ncol(Cofactor)))
     Henderson <- TRUE
     if ((NbVar == 2) || (!Henderson) || (Method == "ML")) {
     if (NbZ > 0) {
     NamesVar <- names(VarList)
     VarList <- mclapply(1:NbZ, function(x) {
     Z <- ZList[[x]]
     Var <- VarList[[x]]
     if (ncol(Z) == nrow(Var)) {
     if (nrow(Z) == Nind) {
     return(tcrossprod(Z, tcrossprod(Z, Var)))
     else {
     stop("Incompatible dimensions between Y and ZList")
     else {
     stop("Incompatible dimensions between Zlist and VarList")
     }, mc.cores = NbCores)
     names(VarList) <- NamesVar
     else {
     invisible(lapply(1:length(VarList), function(x) {
     if (nrow(VarList[[x]]) != Nind) {
     stop(paste0("Incompatible dimensions between Y and VarList"))
     if (Method == "Reml") {
     if (NbVar == 2) {
     if (Henderson)
     message("Henderson's trick is not implemented for 2 variance components, joint diagonalization trick is used")
     InfMethod <- .MM_Reml2Mat
     else {
     InfMethod <- .MM_Reml
     else {
     if (Henderson)
     message("Henderson's trick is not available for ML inference, classical MM is used")
     if (NbVar == 2) {
     InfMethod <- .MM_ML2Mat
     else {
     InfMethod <- .MM_ML
     if (length(Init) == 0) {
     Init <- rep(var(Y)/NbVar, NbVar)
     if (!is.null(X)) {
     Res <- InfMethod(Y = Y, Cofactor = Cofactor,
     X = NULL, formula = formulaCof, Factors = Factors,
     VarList = VarList, Init = Init, CritVar = CritVar,
     CritLogLik = CritLogLik, MaxIter = MaxIter,
     NbCores = 1)
     Init <- Res[[1]]$Sigma
     Res <- InfMethod(Y = Y, Cofactor = Cofactor, X = X,
     formula = formulaComp, Factors = Factors, VarList = VarList,
     Init = Init, CritVar = CritVar, CritLogLik = CritLogLik,
     MaxIter = MaxIter, NbCores = NbCores)
     else {
     invisible(sapply(1:NbZ, function(x) {
     if (ncol(ZList[[x]]) != nrow(VarList[[x]])) stop("Incompatible dimensions between Zlist and VarList")
     if (nrow(ZList[[x]]) != length(Y)) stop("Incompatible dimensions between Y and ZList")
     Rdiag <- isDiagonal(ZList[[NbZ]]) && isDiagonal(VarList[[NbZ]])
     if (Rdiag) {
     VarList[[NbZ]] <- diag(ZList[[NbZ]])^2 * diag(VarList[[NbZ]])
     Rinv <- 1/VarList[[NbZ]]
     Tmp <- mclapply(1:(NbZ - 1), function(x) .sym_inverseRcpp(VarList[[x]]),
     mc.cores = NbCores)
     GinvList <- lapply(Tmp, function(x) x$inverse)
     logdetV <- c(sapply(Tmp, function(x) x$log_det),
     GList <- VarList
     NamesVar <- names(VarList)
     logdetV <- c(logdetV, sum(log(VarList[[NbZ]])))
     InfMethod <- .MM_RemlHenDiag
     else {
     VarList[[NbZ]] <- tcrossprod(tcrossprod(ZList[[NbZ]],
     VarList[[NbZ]]), ZList[[NbZ]])
     Tmp <- mclapply(VarList, function(x) .sym_inverseRcpp(x),
     mc.cores = NbCores)
     Varinv <- lapply(Tmp, function(x) x$inverse)
     logdetV <- sapply(Tmp, function(x) x$log_det)
     Rinv <- Varinv[[length(Varinv)]]
     GinvList <- lapply(1:(length(Varinv) - 1), function(x) Varinv[[x]])
     GList <- VarList
     NamesVar <- names(VarList)
     InfMethod <- .MM_RemlHen
     Zg = Reduce(cbind, lapply(1:(length(ZList) - 1),
     function(x) ZList[[x]]))
     if (length(Init) == 0) {
     Init <- rep(var(Y)/NbVar, NbVar)
     if (!is.null(X)) {
     Res <- InfMethod(Y = Y, Cofactor = Cofactor,
     X = NULL, formula = formulaCof, Factors = Factors,
     Z = Zg, GList = GList, GinvList = GinvList,
     Rinv = Rinv, logdetV = logdetV, NameVar = NamesVar,
     Init = Init, CritVar = CritVar, CritLogLik = CritLogLik,
     MaxIter = MaxIter, NbCores = 1)
     Init <- Res[[1]]$Sigma2
     Res <- InfMethod(Y = Y, Cofactor = Cofactor, X = X,
     formula = formulaComp, Factors = Factors, Z = Zg,
     GList = GList, GinvList = GinvList, Rinv = Rinv,
     logdetV = logdetV, NameVar = NamesVar, Init = Init,
     CritVar = CritVar, CritLogLik = CritLogLik, MaxIter = MaxIter,
     NbCores = NbCores)
    <bytecode: 0xdb6a608>
    <environment: namespace:MM4LMM>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function MMEst in namespace MM4LMM has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(X) == "matrix") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: MMEst
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Version: 2.0.1
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘MM4LMM-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: AnovaTest
    > ### Title: Type I and Type III Tests for mixed models.
    > ### Aliases: AnovaTest
    > ### Keywords: Test
    > ### ** Examples
    > require('MM4LMM')
    > data(QTLDetectionExample)
    > Pheno <- QTLDetectionExample$Phenotype
    > Geno <- QTLDetectionExample$Genotype
    > Kinship <- QTLDetectionExample$Kinship
    > ##Build the VarList object
    > VL <- list(Additive = Kinship , Error = diag(1,length(Pheno)))
    > ##Perform inference
    > Result <- MMEst(Y=Pheno , X = Geno , VarList = VL)
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    MMEst(Y = Pheno, X = Geno, VarList = VL)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(X) == "matrix") {
     if (nrow(X) != Nind) {
     stop("Incompatible dimension between Y and X")
    } else {
     if (class(X) == "list") {
     invisible(mclapply(X, function(x) {
     if (nrow(x) != Nind) {
     stop("Incompatible dimension between Y and a matrix in the list X")
     }, mc.cores = NbCores))
     else {
     stop("X should be a matrix or a list")
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: MMEst(Y = Pheno, X = Geno, VarList = VL)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] TRUE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
    function (Y, Cofactor = NULL, X = NULL, formula = NULL, VarList,
     ZList = NULL, Method = "Reml", Henderson = NULL, Init = NULL,
     CritVar = 0.001, CritLogLik = 0.001, MaxIter = 100, NbCores = 1)
     if ([["sysname"]] == "Windows") {
     if (NbCores != 1) {
     NbCores <- 1
     message("NbCores > 1 is not supported on Windows (mclapply), NbCores is set to 1")
     Nind <- length(Y)
     if (is.null(Cofactor)) {
     Cofactor <- matrix(rep(1, Nind), ncol = 1)
     if (is.vector(Cofactor))
     Cofactor <- matrix(Cofactor, ncol = 1)
     if ((length(Cofactor) != 0) * (Nind != nrow(Cofactor))) {
     stop("Incompatible dimension between Y and Cofactor")
     if ((length(X) != 0)) {
     if (class(X) == "matrix") {
     if (nrow(X) != Nind) {
     stop("Incompatible dimension between Y and X")
     else {
     if (class(X) == "list") {
     invisible(mclapply(X, function(x) {
     if (nrow(x) != Nind) {
     stop("Incompatible dimension between Y and a matrix in the list X")
     }, mc.cores = NbCores))
     else {
     stop("X should be a matrix or a list")
     NbVar <- length(VarList)
     NbZ <- length(ZList)
     if ((NbVar != NbZ) * (NbZ > 0)) {
     stop("Lists ZList and VarList should have the same number of elements")
     if (! {
     if (!is.matrix(Cofactor)) {
     stop("Cofactor should be either a matrix or a data.frame")
     else {
     Cofactor <-
     names(Cofactor) <- colnames(Cofactor)
     Names <- names(Cofactor)
     if (is.null(Names)) {
     names(Cofactor) <- paste0("Cof", 1:ncol(Cofactor))
     else {
     names(Cofactor) <- gsub("([[:punct:]])|\\s+", "",
     CofName <- names(Cofactor)
     if (!is.null(X)) {
     if (is.matrix(X)) {
     if (is.null(colnames(X)))
     colnames(X) <- paste0("X", 1:ncol(X))
     Xname <- "Xeffect"
     else {
     if (is.list(X)) {
     if (is.null(colnames(X[[1]]))) {
     Xname <- paste0("X", 1:ncol(X[[1]]))
     else {
     Xname <- colnames(X[[1]])
     else {
     stop("X should be either a matrix or a list.")
     else {
     Xname <- NULL
     if (is.null(formula)) {
     formulaCof <- as.formula(paste0("~", paste0(CofName,
     collapse = "+")))
     formulaComp <- as.formula(paste0("~", paste0(c(CofName,
     Xname), collapse = "+")))
     Factors <- c(CofName, Xname)
     else {
     SplitForm <- strsplit(as.character(formula), " \\+ ")
     Factors <- SplitForm[[length(SplitForm)]]
     WhatInX <- unique(unlist(sapply(Xname, function(n) grep(n,
     if (length(WhatInX) != 0) {
     formulaCof <- as.formula(paste0("~", Factors[-WhatInX],
     collapse = "+"))
     else {
     formulaCof <- as.formula(paste0("~", Factors, collapse = "+"))
     formulaComp <- formula
     if ((length(Init) != 0) * (length(Init) != NbVar)) {
     stop("The length of Init and the number of variance are not compatible")
     if (NbVar == 1) {
     if (NbZ > 0) {
     Rdiag <- isDiagonal(ZList[[NbZ]]) && isDiagonal(VarList[[NbZ]])
     if (Rdiag) {
     Tmp <- diag(ZList[[1]])^2 * diag(VarList[[1]])
     VarInv <- 1/VarList[[NbZ]]
     logdetVar <- sum(log(Tmp))
     else {
     Tmp <- .sym_inverseRcpp(tcrossprod(tcrossprod(ZList[[1]],
     VarList[[1]]), ZList[[1]]))
     VarInv <- Tmp$inverse
     logdetVar <- Tmp$log_det
     else {
     Tmp <- .sym_inverseRcpp(VarList[[1]])
     VarInv <- Tmp$inverse
     logdetVar <- Tmp$log_det
     NamesSigma <- names(VarList)
     Res <- .MM_Reml1Mat(Y = Y, Cofactor = Cofactor, X = X,
     formula = formulaComp, Factors = Factors, VarInv = VarInv,
     logdetVar = logdetVar, NamesSigma = NamesSigma, NbCores = NbCores)
     else {
     DimVar <- sapply(1:(length(VarList) - 1), function(x) ncol(VarList[[x]]))
     if (is.null(Henderson)) {
     if (Method == "ML") {
     Henderson <- FALSE
     else {
     Henderson <- FALSE
     if ((length(Y) > sum(DimVar) + ncol(Cofactor)))
     Henderson <- TRUE
     if ((NbVar == 2) || (!Henderson) || (Method == "ML")) {
     if (NbZ > 0) {
     NamesVar <- names(VarList)
     VarList <- mclapply(1:NbZ, function(x) {
     Z <- ZList[[x]]
     Var <- VarList[[x]]
     if (ncol(Z) == nrow(Var)) {
     if (nrow(Z) == Nind) {
     return(tcrossprod(Z, tcrossprod(Z, Var)))
     else {
     stop("Incompatible dimensions between Y and ZList")
     else {
     stop("Incompatible dimensions between Zlist and VarList")
     }, mc.cores = NbCores)
     names(VarList) <- NamesVar
     else {
     invisible(lapply(1:length(VarList), function(x) {
     if (nrow(VarList[[x]]) != Nind) {
     stop(paste0("Incompatible dimensions between Y and VarList"))
     if (Method == "Reml") {
     if (NbVar == 2) {
     if (Henderson)
     message("Henderson's trick is not implemented for 2 variance components, joint diagonalization trick is used")
     InfMethod <- .MM_Reml2Mat
     else {
     InfMethod <- .MM_Reml
     else {
     if (Henderson)
     message("Henderson's trick is not available for ML inference, classical MM is used")
     if (NbVar == 2) {
     InfMethod <- .MM_ML2Mat
     else {
     InfMethod <- .MM_ML
     if (length(Init) == 0) {
     Init <- rep(var(Y)/NbVar, NbVar)
     if (!is.null(X)) {
     Res <- InfMethod(Y = Y, Cofactor = Cofactor,
     X = NULL, formula = formulaCof, Factors = Factors,
     VarList = VarList, Init = Init, CritVar = CritVar,
     CritLogLik = CritLogLik, MaxIter = MaxIter,
     NbCores = 1)
     Init <- Res[[1]]$Sigma
     Res <- InfMethod(Y = Y, Cofactor = Cofactor, X = X,
     formula = formulaComp, Factors = Factors, VarList = VarList,
     Init = Init, CritVar = CritVar, CritLogLik = CritLogLik,
     MaxIter = MaxIter, NbCores = NbCores)
     else {
     invisible(sapply(1:NbZ, function(x) {
     if (ncol(ZList[[x]]) != nrow(VarList[[x]])) stop("Incompatible dimensions between Zlist and VarList")
     if (nrow(ZList[[x]]) != length(Y)) stop("Incompatible dimensions between Y and ZList")
     Rdiag <- isDiagonal(ZList[[NbZ]]) && isDiagonal(VarList[[NbZ]])
     if (Rdiag) {
     VarList[[NbZ]] <- diag(ZList[[NbZ]])^2 * diag(VarList[[NbZ]])
     Rinv <- 1/VarList[[NbZ]]
     Tmp <- mclapply(1:(NbZ - 1), function(x) .sym_inverseRcpp(VarList[[x]]),
     mc.cores = NbCores)
     GinvList <- lapply(Tmp, function(x) x$inverse)
     logdetV <- c(sapply(Tmp, function(x) x$log_det),
     GList <- VarList
     NamesVar <- names(VarList)
     logdetV <- c(logdetV, sum(log(VarList[[NbZ]])))
     InfMethod <- .MM_RemlHenDiag
     else {
     VarList[[NbZ]] <- tcrossprod(tcrossprod(ZList[[NbZ]],
     VarList[[NbZ]]), ZList[[NbZ]])
     Tmp <- mclapply(VarList, function(x) .sym_inverseRcpp(x),
     mc.cores = NbCores)
     Varinv <- lapply(Tmp, function(x) x$inverse)
     logdetV <- sapply(Tmp, function(x) x$log_det)
     Rinv <- Varinv[[length(Varinv)]]
     GinvList <- lapply(1:(length(Varinv) - 1), function(x) Varinv[[x]])
     GList <- VarList
     NamesVar <- names(VarList)
     InfMethod <- .MM_RemlHen
     Zg = Reduce(cbind, lapply(1:(length(ZList) - 1),
     function(x) ZList[[x]]))
     if (length(Init) == 0) {
     Init <- rep(var(Y)/NbVar, NbVar)
     if (!is.null(X)) {
     Res <- InfMethod(Y = Y, Cofactor = Cofactor,
     X = NULL, formula = formulaCof, Factors = Factors,
     Z = Zg, GList = GList, GinvList = GinvList,
     Rinv = Rinv, logdetV = logdetV, NameVar = NamesVar,
     Init = Init, CritVar = CritVar, CritLogLik = CritLogLik,
     MaxIter = MaxIter, NbCores = 1)
     Init <- Res[[1]]$Sigma2
     Res <- InfMethod(Y = Y, Cofactor = Cofactor, X = X,
     formula = formulaComp, Factors = Factors, Z = Zg,
     GList = GList, GinvList = GinvList, Rinv = Rinv,
     logdetV = logdetV, NameVar = NamesVar, Init = Init,
     CritVar = CritVar, CritLogLik = CritLogLik, MaxIter = MaxIter,
     NbCores = NbCores)
    <bytecode: 0xc2c1410>
    <environment: namespace:MM4LMM>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function MMEst in namespace MM4LMM has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(X) == "matrix") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: MMEst
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc