CRAN Package Check Results for Package VRPM

Last updated on 2020-02-19 10:49:14 CET.

Flavor Version Tinstall Tcheck Ttotal Status Flags
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang 1.2 20.05 148.19 168.24 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc 1.2 17.20 110.59 127.79 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang 1.2 197.37 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc 1.2 207.33 ERROR
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.2 41.00 146.00 187.00 OK
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64-gcc8 1.2 70.00 208.00 278.00 OK
r-patched-linux-x86_64 1.2 16.95 135.16 152.11 OK
r-patched-solaris-x86 1.2 278.00 OK
r-release-linux-x86_64 1.2 17.57 135.00 152.57 OK
r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.2 41.00 145.00 186.00 OK
r-release-osx-x86_64 1.2 OK
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.2 22.00 148.00 170.00 OK
r-oldrel-osx-x86_64 1.2 OK

Check Details

Version: 1.2
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in 'VRPM-Ex.R' failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: ccchart
    > ### Title: Cumulative contribution chart.
    > ### Aliases: ccchart ccchart.coxph ccchart.default ccchart.glm ccchart.ksvm
    > ### ccchart.multinom
    > ### ** Examples
    > #### logistic regression
    > mydata <- read.csv("")
    > mydata$rank <- factor(mydata$rank)
    > fit <- glm(admit ~ gre + gpa + rank, data = mydata, family = "binomial")
    > patient1=data.frame(gre=386,gpa=3.58,rank=3)
    > ccchart(fit,obs=patient1,filename="ccchart1")
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    ccchart.default(x2, obs = obs, filename, zerolevel, risklabel = x2$risklabel,
     riskcutoff, type = type, sorted, time, xmin, xmax)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (!class(fpatient) %in% c("vector", "matrix")) {
     fpatient = as.matrix(fpatient)
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: ccchart.default(x2, obs = obs, filename, zerolevel, risklabel = x2$risklabel,
     riskcutoff, type = type, sorted, time, xmin, xmax)
    where 2: ccchart(x2, obs = obs, filename, zerolevel, risklabel = x2$risklabel,
     riskcutoff, type = type, sorted, time, xmin, xmax)
    where 3: ccchart.glm(fit, obs = patient1, filename = "ccchart1")
    where 4: ccchart(fit, obs = patient1, filename = "ccchart1")
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] FALSE TRUE
     --- function from context ---
    function (x, obs, filename, zerolevel = "zero", risklabel = "Estimated risk",
     riskcutoff = 0.1, type = "logistic", sorted = FALSE, time,
     xmin, xmax)
     x$sorted = sorted
     x$zerolevel = zerolevel
     x <- check_data(x, type = "ccchart")
     if (dim(x$x)[2] != length(obs)) {
     stop("The dimension of the given data set does not match with the length of obs. Please adapt in order to continue.")
     x2 = precolplot(x, filename, coloroptions = 1, zerolevel = zerolevel,
     risklabel = risklabel, adverse = FALSE, obs = obs, xmin,
     f = x2$f
     fpatient = x2$fpatient
     fzero = x2$fzero
     d = x2$d
     n = x2$n
     thisrisk = x2$thisrisk
     devheight = dim(f)[2] + 2
     devwidth = 10
     png(paste0(ifelse(hasArg(filename), filename, "ccchart"),
     ".png"), width = devwidth, height = devheight, units = "in",
     res = 120)
     if (!class(fpatient) %in% c("vector", "matrix")) {
     fpatient = as.matrix(fpatient)
     if (x$sorted == TRUE) {
     xorder = order(fpatient)
     else {
     xorder = seq(1, length(fpatient), 1)
     maxdata = apply(fzero, 2, max)
     maxscore = max(apply(f, 1, sum))
     minscore = min(apply(f, 1, sum))
     allrisks <- x$getriskestimate(rowSums(f), x, rowSums(f))[[2]]
     maxrisk = max(allrisks)
     minrisk = min(allrisks)
     maxscore = max(apply(fzero, 1, sum))
     minscore = min(apply(fzero, 1, sum))
     if (!is.nan(minrisk)) {
     if (type == "survival") {
     maxscore = max(apply(f, 1, sum))
     minscore = min(apply(f, 1, sum))
     maxrisk <- x$getriskestimate(rowSums(f), x, maxscore)[[2]][1]
     minrisk <- x$getriskestimate(rowSums(f), x, minscore)[[2]][1]
     minrisk = 1 - minrisk
     maxrisk = 1 - maxrisk
     thisrisk = 1 - thisrisk
     risklabel = paste0("1-", risklabel)
     if (!is.nan(thisrisk)) {
     if (thisrisk < riskcutoff) {
     riskcolor = "green"
     else {
     riskcolor = "red"
     else {
     riskcolor = "orange"
     d2 = dim(f)[2] - d
     if (d2 > 0) {
     if (d2 == 1) {
     posint = which(max(f[, seq(d + 1, d + d2, 1)]) -
     min(f[, seq(d + 1, d + d2, 1)]) != 0)
     else {
     posint = which(apply(f[, seq(d + 1, d + d2, 1)],
     2, max) - apply(f[, seq(d + 1, d + d2, 1)], 2,
     min) != 0)
     names2 = rep("", times = d + d2)
     names2[1:d] = x$names
     for (i in seq(d + 1, dim(f)[2])) {
     names2[i] = paste(x$names[x$interactions[i - d, 1]],
     " : ", x$names[x$interactions[i - d, 2]])
     names2 = names2[c(seq(1, d, by = 1), posint + d)]
     fpatient = fpatient[c(seq(1, d, by = 1), posint + d)]
     fzero = fzero[c(seq(1, d, by = 1), posint + d)]
     if (x$sorted == TRUE) {
     xorder = order(fpatient)
     else {
     xorder = seq(1, length(fpatient), 1)
     else {
     names2 = x$names
     thisseq = c(length(fpatient):1)
     par(mar = c(5 + 2, 8 + 8, 4, 2))
     cumsumfpatient = cumsum(fpatient[xorder])
     plotgrey = numeric(length = length(fpatient))
     plotblack = numeric(length = length(fpatient))
     plotgrey2 = numeric(length = length(fpatient))
     plotblack2 = numeric(length = length(fpatient))
     plotwhite = numeric(length = length(fpatient))
     i = 1
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] > 0) {
     plotgrey[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] < 0) {
     plotblack[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     for (i in seq(2, length(fpatient), 1)) {
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] == 0) {
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] > 0) {
     plotgrey[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] < 0) {
     plotblack[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] > 0) {
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] > 0) {
     plotgrey[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     plotwhite[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] < 0) {
     plotblack[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     plotwhite[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] < 0) {
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] > 0) {
     plotgrey[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     plotwhite[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] < 0) {
     plotblack[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     plotwhite[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     diffsign = c("FALSE", abs(diff(sign(cumsumfpatient))) ==
     diffinds = which(diffsign == "TRUE")
     for (i in seq(along = diffinds)) {
     if (cumsumfpatient[diffinds[i]] > 0 & fpatient[xorder[diffinds[i]]] >
     0) {
     plotgrey2[diffinds[i]] = cumsumfpatient[diffinds[i] -
     plotwhite[diffinds[i]] = 0
     if (cumsumfpatient[diffinds[i]] < 0 & fpatient[xorder[diffinds[i]]] <
     0) {
     plotblack2[diffinds[i]] = cumsumfpatient[diffinds[i] -
     plotwhite[diffinds[i]] = 0
     plotgrey = plotgrey[thisseq]
     plotblack = plotblack[thisseq]
     plotwhite = plotwhite[thisseq]
     plotgrey2 = plotgrey2[thisseq]
     plotblack2 = plotblack2[thisseq]
     yaxiscolor = rep("black", length(thisseq))
     yaxiscolor[which(cumsumfpatient < min(-0.5, minscore))] = "grey"
     if (!is.nan(thisrisk)) {
     temp = barplot(c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), 0, min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     min(0, cumsumfpatient), plotgrey), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 4),
     axes = FALSE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, min(0, cumsumfpatient), maxscore,
     min(0, cumsumfpatient), plotgrey2), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, "grey",
     riskcolor, rep("grey", length(fpatient))), add = TRUE,
     space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("", length(fpatient) +
     if (maxscore >= 0) {
     barplot(c(maxscore, thisrisk/maxrisk * maxscore,
     maxscore, sum(fpatient), plotblack), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, "grey",
     riskcolor, rep("black", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, thisrisk/maxrisk * maxscore,
     maxscore, sum(fpatient), plotblack2), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, "grey",
     riskcolor, rep("black", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     barplot(c(0, 0, 0, 0, plotwhite), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0,
     cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10,
     length(fpatient) + 1), axes = FALSE, col = c("grey",
     riskcolor, "grey", riskcolor, rep("white", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     if (maxscore < 0) {
     barplot(c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), thisrisk/maxrisk *
     maxscore, min(0, cumsumfpatient), sum(fpatient),
     plotblack), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     max(0, maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) +
     1), axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor,
     "grey", riskcolor, rep("black", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     barplot(c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), thisrisk/maxrisk *
     maxscore, min(0, cumsumfpatient), sum(fpatient),
     plotblack2), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     max(0, maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) +
     1), axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor,
     "grey", riskcolor, rep("black", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, min(0, cumsumfpatient) + (thisrisk)/maxrisk *
     abs(maxscore - min(0, cumsumfpatient)), maxscore,
     0, plotwhite), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0,
     cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10,
     length(fpatient) + 1), axes = FALSE, col = c("white",
     "white", "white", "white", rep("white", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     if (sum(fpatient) < 0) {
     barplot(c(0, 0, 0, sum(fpatient), numeric(length = length(plotwhite))),
     horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     max(0, maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) +
     1), axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", "white",
     "grey", "white", rep("white", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     lines(c(0, 0), c(temp[4], temp[length(temp)]) + diff(temp)[1]/2,
     lty = 2)
     if (nchar(risklabel) < 20) {
     axis(side = 2, at = c(temp), labels = c("", risklabel,
     "", "Score", names2[xorder[thisseq]]), las = 2,
     lty = "blank", font = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
     else {
     axis(side = 2, at = c(temp), labels = c("", "Risk",
     "", "Score", names2[xorder[thisseq]]), las = 2,
     lty = "blank", font = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
     mtext(paste("Risk equals", risklabel), col = "black",
     font = 2, side = 1, line = 2, adj = 0)
     xrange = c(min(0, minscore), max(0, maxscore) + 0.5)
     xrange[1] = ceiling(xrange[1])
     xrange[2] = floor(xrange[2])
     if ("colplotpref" %in% names(x)) {
     axis(side = 3)
     else {
     axis(side = 3, at = seq(xrange[1], xrange[2], 1))
     lines(c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), min(0, cumsumfpatient)),
     c(temp[1] - diff(temp)[1]/2, temp[length(temp)] +
     diff(temp)[1]/2), lty = 1)
     for (i in seq(along = seq(1, length(fpatient)))) {
     color = "dodgerblue"
     if (xorder[i] <= d) {
     if (x$vartypes[xorder[i]] == "cont") {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4], round(obs[xorder[i]], 2), col = color,
     pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     if ("glm" %in% names(x)) {
     if (class(x$x[, i]) == "factor") {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4], x$levelnames[[2]][[xorder[i]]][as.integer(obs[xorder[i]])],
     col = color, pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4], obs[xorder[i]], col = color, pos = 4,
     font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4], x$levelnames[[1]][[xorder[i]]][[match(unlist(obs[xorder[i]]),
     x$levelnames[[2]][[xorder[i]]])]], col = color,
     pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     if (maxscore >= 0) {
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] > maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[thisseq[i] + 4] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]],
     2), col = "black", pos = 2, font = 2)
     else if (cumsumfpatient[i] < min(0, minscore)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     else {
     text(cumsumfpatient[i], temp[thisseq[i] + 4] -
     3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     else {
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] > maxscore) {
     text(fpatient[xorder[i]], temp[thisseq[i] +
     4] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "black",
     pos = 2, font = 2)
     else if (cumsumfpatient[i] < min(0, minscore)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     else {
     text(cumsumfpatient[i], temp[thisseq[i] + 4] -
     3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     lines(c(cumsumfpatient[i], cumsumfpatient[i]), c(temp[thisseq[i] +
     4], temp[thisseq[i] + 3]) + diff(temp)[1]/2)
     lines(c(cumsumfpatient[i], cumsumfpatient[i + 1]),
     c(temp[thisseq[i] + 3], temp[thisseq[i] + 3]) +
     if (sum(fpatient) < 0.9 * maxscore & sum(fpatient) >=
     minscore) {
     text(sum(fpatient), temp[4], round(sum(fpatient),
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) >= 0.9 * maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[4], round(sum(fpatient), 2),
     col = "black", font = 2, pos = 2)
     else if (sum(fpatient) < minscore & sum(fpatient) > min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(sum(fpatient), temp[4], round(sum(fpatient),
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) <= min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[4], round(sum(fpatient),
     2), col = "black", font = 2, pos = 4)
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[3], "max. score", col = "black",
     font = 3, pos = 4)
     if (maxscore >= 0) {
     text(maxscore, temp[3], round(maxscore, 2), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 2)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[3], substitute(bold(phantom("max. score ") *
     a), list(a = round(maxscore, 2))), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 4)
     if (maxscore >= 0) {
     if (sum(fpatient) < maxscore & sum(fpatient) > minscore) {
     text(thisrisk/maxrisk * maxscore, temp[2], round(thisrisk,
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) >= maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[2], round(thisrisk, 2), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 2)
     else if (sum(fpatient) <= minscore & sum(fpatient) >
     min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(thisrisk/maxrisk * maxscore, temp[2], round(thisrisk,
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) <= min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[2], round(thisrisk,
     2), col = "black", font = 2, pos = 4)
     else {
     if (sum(fpatient) < maxscore & sum(fpatient) > minscore) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient) + (thisrisk)/maxrisk *
     abs(maxscore - min(0, cumsumfpatient)), temp[2],
     round(thisrisk, 2), col = riskcolor, font = 2,
     pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) >= maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[2], round(thisrisk, 2), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 2)
     else if (sum(fpatient) <= minscore & sum(fpatient) >
     min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(thisrisk/maxrisk * maxscore, temp[2], round(thisrisk,
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) <= min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[2], round(thisrisk,
     2), col = "black", font = 2, pos = 4)
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[1], "max. risk", col = "black",
     font = 3, pos = 4)
     if (maxscore >= 0) {
     text(maxscore, temp[1], round(maxrisk, 2), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 2)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[1], substitute(bold(phantom("max. risk ") *
     a), list(a = round(maxrisk, 2))), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 4)
     else {
     temp = barplot(c(min(cumsumfpatient), min(cumsumfpatient),
     plotgrey), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     max(maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) +
     2), axes = FALSE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 2)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, min(cumsumfpatient), plotgrey2),
     horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) - 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, rep("grey",
     length(fpatient))), add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA,
     names.arg = c(rep("", length(fpatient) + 2)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, sum(fpatient), plotblack), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, rep("black",
     length(fpatient))), add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA,
     names.arg = c(rep("", length(fpatient) + 2)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, sum(fpatient), plotblack2), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, rep("black",
     length(fpatient))), add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA,
     names.arg = c(rep("", length(fpatient) + 2)))
     barplot(c(0, 0, plotwhite), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0,
     cumsumfpatient), max(maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10,
     length(fpatient) + 1), axes = FALSE, col = c(rep("white",
     length(fpatient))), add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA,
     names.arg = c(rep("", length(fpatient) + 2)))
     if (sum(fpatient) < 0) {
     barplot(c(0, sum(fpatient), numeric(length = length(plotwhite))),
     horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     max(maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) +
     1), axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", "white",
     rep("white", length(fpatient))), add = TRUE,
     space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 2)))
     lines(c(0, 0), c(temp[2], temp[length(temp)]) + diff(temp)[1]/2,
     lty = 2)
     axis(side = 2, at = c(temp), labels = c("", "Score",
     names2[xorder[thisseq]]), las = 2, lty = "blank",
     font = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
     xrange = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(maxscore) + 0.5)
     xrange[1] = ceiling(xrange[1])
     xrange[2] = floor(xrange[2])
     axis(side = 3, at = seq(xrange[1], xrange[2], 1))
     lines(c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), min(0, cumsumfpatient)),
     c(temp[1] - diff(temp)[1]/2, temp[length(temp)] +
     diff(temp)[1]/2), lty = 1)
     for (i in seq(along = seq(1, length(fpatient)))) {
     color = "dodgerblue"
     if (xorder[i] <= d) {
     if (x$vartypes[xorder[i]] == "cont") {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     2], round(obs[xorder[i]], 2), col = color,
     pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     if ("glm" %in% names(x)) {
     if (class(x$x[, i]) == "factor") {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     2], x$levelnames[[2]][[xorder[i]]][as.integer(obs[xorder[i]])],
     col = color, pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     2], obs[xorder[i]], col = color, pos = 4,
     font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     2], x$levelnames[[1]][[xorder[i]]][[match(unlist(obs[xorder[i]]),
     x$levelnames[[2]][[xorder[i]]])]], col = color,
     pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] > maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[thisseq[i] + 2] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]],
     2), col = "black", pos = 2, font = 2)
     else if (cumsumfpatient[i] < min(0, cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     2] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     else {
     text(cumsumfpatient[i], temp[thisseq[i] + 2] -
     3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     lines(c(cumsumfpatient[i], cumsumfpatient[i]), c(temp[thisseq[i] +
     2], temp[thisseq[i] + 1]) + diff(temp)[1]/2)
     lines(c(cumsumfpatient[i], cumsumfpatient[i + 1]),
     c(temp[thisseq[i] + 1], temp[thisseq[i] + 1]) +
     if (sum(fpatient) < 0.9 * maxscore & sum(fpatient) >=
     min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(sum(fpatient), temp[2], round(sum(fpatient),
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) >= 0.9 * maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[2], round(sum(fpatient), 2),
     col = "black", font = 2, pos = 2)
     else if (sum(fpatient) < min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[2], round(sum(fpatient),
     2), col = "black", font = 2, pos = 2)
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[1], "max. score", col = "black",
     font = 3, pos = 4)
     text(maxscore, temp[1], round(maxscore, 2), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 2)
     mtext(paste("Score equals", risklabel), col = "black",
     font = 2, side = 1, line = 2, adj = 0)
     x0 = ceiling(par("usr")[1])
     unit = (par("usr")[2] - par("usr")[1])/7.5
     mtext(expression(bold(phantom("legend of reported figures: ")) *
     "blue - predictor value"), col = color, font = 2, side = 1,
     line = 0, adj = 0)
     mtext(expression(bold("legend of reported figures: ") * phantom("blue - predictor value")),
     col = "black", font = 2, side = 1, line = 0, adj = 0)
     mtext(expression(bold(phantom("legend of reported figures: ")) *
     "gray - contribution to score"), col = "grey", font = 2,
     side = 1, line = 1, adj = 0)
     for (i in seq(1, length(thisseq), 1)) {
     if (!is.nan(thisrisk)) {
     axis(side = 2, at = c(temp[i + 4]), labels = names2[xorder[thisseq]][i],
     las = 2, lty = "blank", font = 2, cex.axis = 1.5,
     col.axis = yaxiscolor[thisseq][i])
     else {
     axis(side = 2, at = c(temp[i + 2]), labels = names2[xorder[thisseq]][i],
     las = 2, lty = "blank", font = 2, cex.axis = 1.5,
     col.axis = yaxiscolor[thisseq][i])
     garbage <-
    <bytecode: 0x8701970>
    <environment: namespace:VRPM>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function ccchart.default in namespace VRPM has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (!class(fpatient) %in% c("vector", "matrix")) { :
     the condition has length > 1
    Calls: ccchart -> ccchart.glm -> ccchart -> ccchart.default
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang

Version: 1.2
Check: for non-standard things in the check directory
Result: NOTE
    Found the following files/directories:
     'multinom_divorced.png' 'multinom_married.png'
     'multinom_patientsummary.png' 'multinom_patientsummary2.png'
     'multinom_widowed.png' 'multinomp_divorced.png'
     'multinomp_divorced_wing.png' 'multinomp_married.png'
     'multinomp_married_wing.png' 'multinomp_single.png'
     'multinomp_widowed.png' 'multinomp_widowed_wing.png' 'mysummary.Rnw'
     'mysummary.html' 'mysummary1.Rnw' 'mysummary1.html'
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc

Version: 1.2
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘VRPM-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: ccchart
    > ### Title: Cumulative contribution chart.
    > ### Aliases: ccchart ccchart.coxph ccchart.default ccchart.glm ccchart.ksvm
    > ### ccchart.multinom
    > ### ** Examples
    > #### logistic regression
    > mydata <- read.csv("")
    > mydata$rank <- factor(mydata$rank)
    > fit <- glm(admit ~ gre + gpa + rank, data = mydata, family = "binomial")
    > patient1=data.frame(gre=386,gpa=3.58,rank=3)
    > ccchart(fit,obs=patient1,filename="ccchart1")
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    ccchart.default(x2, obs = obs, filename, zerolevel, risklabel = x2$risklabel,
     riskcutoff, type = type, sorted, time, xmin, xmax)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (!class(fpatient) %in% c("vector", "matrix")) {
     fpatient = as.matrix(fpatient)
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: ccchart.default(x2, obs = obs, filename, zerolevel, risklabel = x2$risklabel,
     riskcutoff, type = type, sorted, time, xmin, xmax)
    where 2: ccchart(x2, obs = obs, filename, zerolevel, risklabel = x2$risklabel,
     riskcutoff, type = type, sorted, time, xmin, xmax)
    where 3: ccchart.glm(fit, obs = patient1, filename = "ccchart1")
    where 4: ccchart(fit, obs = patient1, filename = "ccchart1")
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] FALSE TRUE
     --- function from context ---
    function (x, obs, filename, zerolevel = "zero", risklabel = "Estimated risk",
     riskcutoff = 0.1, type = "logistic", sorted = FALSE, time,
     xmin, xmax)
     x$sorted = sorted
     x$zerolevel = zerolevel
     x <- check_data(x, type = "ccchart")
     if (dim(x$x)[2] != length(obs)) {
     stop("The dimension of the given data set does not match with the length of obs. Please adapt in order to continue.")
     x2 = precolplot(x, filename, coloroptions = 1, zerolevel = zerolevel,
     risklabel = risklabel, adverse = FALSE, obs = obs, xmin,
     f = x2$f
     fpatient = x2$fpatient
     fzero = x2$fzero
     d = x2$d
     n = x2$n
     thisrisk = x2$thisrisk
     devheight = dim(f)[2] + 2
     devwidth = 10
     png(paste0(ifelse(hasArg(filename), filename, "ccchart"),
     ".png"), width = devwidth, height = devheight, units = "in",
     res = 120)
     if (!class(fpatient) %in% c("vector", "matrix")) {
     fpatient = as.matrix(fpatient)
     if (x$sorted == TRUE) {
     xorder = order(fpatient)
     else {
     xorder = seq(1, length(fpatient), 1)
     maxdata = apply(fzero, 2, max)
     maxscore = max(apply(f, 1, sum))
     minscore = min(apply(f, 1, sum))
     allrisks <- x$getriskestimate(rowSums(f), x, rowSums(f))[[2]]
     maxrisk = max(allrisks)
     minrisk = min(allrisks)
     maxscore = max(apply(fzero, 1, sum))
     minscore = min(apply(fzero, 1, sum))
     if (!is.nan(minrisk)) {
     if (type == "survival") {
     maxscore = max(apply(f, 1, sum))
     minscore = min(apply(f, 1, sum))
     maxrisk <- x$getriskestimate(rowSums(f), x, maxscore)[[2]][1]
     minrisk <- x$getriskestimate(rowSums(f), x, minscore)[[2]][1]
     minrisk = 1 - minrisk
     maxrisk = 1 - maxrisk
     thisrisk = 1 - thisrisk
     risklabel = paste0("1-", risklabel)
     if (!is.nan(thisrisk)) {
     if (thisrisk < riskcutoff) {
     riskcolor = "green"
     else {
     riskcolor = "red"
     else {
     riskcolor = "orange"
     d2 = dim(f)[2] - d
     if (d2 > 0) {
     if (d2 == 1) {
     posint = which(max(f[, seq(d + 1, d + d2, 1)]) -
     min(f[, seq(d + 1, d + d2, 1)]) != 0)
     else {
     posint = which(apply(f[, seq(d + 1, d + d2, 1)],
     2, max) - apply(f[, seq(d + 1, d + d2, 1)], 2,
     min) != 0)
     names2 = rep("", times = d + d2)
     names2[1:d] = x$names
     for (i in seq(d + 1, dim(f)[2])) {
     names2[i] = paste(x$names[x$interactions[i - d, 1]],
     " : ", x$names[x$interactions[i - d, 2]])
     names2 = names2[c(seq(1, d, by = 1), posint + d)]
     fpatient = fpatient[c(seq(1, d, by = 1), posint + d)]
     fzero = fzero[c(seq(1, d, by = 1), posint + d)]
     if (x$sorted == TRUE) {
     xorder = order(fpatient)
     else {
     xorder = seq(1, length(fpatient), 1)
     else {
     names2 = x$names
     thisseq = c(length(fpatient):1)
     par(mar = c(5 + 2, 8 + 8, 4, 2))
     cumsumfpatient = cumsum(fpatient[xorder])
     plotgrey = numeric(length = length(fpatient))
     plotblack = numeric(length = length(fpatient))
     plotgrey2 = numeric(length = length(fpatient))
     plotblack2 = numeric(length = length(fpatient))
     plotwhite = numeric(length = length(fpatient))
     i = 1
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] > 0) {
     plotgrey[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] < 0) {
     plotblack[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     for (i in seq(2, length(fpatient), 1)) {
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] == 0) {
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] > 0) {
     plotgrey[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] < 0) {
     plotblack[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] > 0) {
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] > 0) {
     plotgrey[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     plotwhite[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] < 0) {
     plotblack[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     plotwhite[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] < 0) {
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] > 0) {
     plotgrey[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     plotwhite[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] < 0) {
     plotblack[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     plotwhite[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     diffsign = c("FALSE", abs(diff(sign(cumsumfpatient))) ==
     diffinds = which(diffsign == "TRUE")
     for (i in seq(along = diffinds)) {
     if (cumsumfpatient[diffinds[i]] > 0 & fpatient[xorder[diffinds[i]]] >
     0) {
     plotgrey2[diffinds[i]] = cumsumfpatient[diffinds[i] -
     plotwhite[diffinds[i]] = 0
     if (cumsumfpatient[diffinds[i]] < 0 & fpatient[xorder[diffinds[i]]] <
     0) {
     plotblack2[diffinds[i]] = cumsumfpatient[diffinds[i] -
     plotwhite[diffinds[i]] = 0
     plotgrey = plotgrey[thisseq]
     plotblack = plotblack[thisseq]
     plotwhite = plotwhite[thisseq]
     plotgrey2 = plotgrey2[thisseq]
     plotblack2 = plotblack2[thisseq]
     yaxiscolor = rep("black", length(thisseq))
     yaxiscolor[which(cumsumfpatient < min(-0.5, minscore))] = "grey"
     if (!is.nan(thisrisk)) {
     temp = barplot(c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), 0, min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     min(0, cumsumfpatient), plotgrey), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 4),
     axes = FALSE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, min(0, cumsumfpatient), maxscore,
     min(0, cumsumfpatient), plotgrey2), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, "grey",
     riskcolor, rep("grey", length(fpatient))), add = TRUE,
     space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("", length(fpatient) +
     if (maxscore >= 0) {
     barplot(c(maxscore, thisrisk/maxrisk * maxscore,
     maxscore, sum(fpatient), plotblack), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, "grey",
     riskcolor, rep("black", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, thisrisk/maxrisk * maxscore,
     maxscore, sum(fpatient), plotblack2), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, "grey",
     riskcolor, rep("black", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     barplot(c(0, 0, 0, 0, plotwhite), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0,
     cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10,
     length(fpatient) + 1), axes = FALSE, col = c("grey",
     riskcolor, "grey", riskcolor, rep("white", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     if (maxscore < 0) {
     barplot(c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), thisrisk/maxrisk *
     maxscore, min(0, cumsumfpatient), sum(fpatient),
     plotblack), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     max(0, maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) +
     1), axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor,
     "grey", riskcolor, rep("black", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     barplot(c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), thisrisk/maxrisk *
     maxscore, min(0, cumsumfpatient), sum(fpatient),
     plotblack2), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     max(0, maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) +
     1), axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor,
     "grey", riskcolor, rep("black", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, min(0, cumsumfpatient) + (thisrisk)/maxrisk *
     abs(maxscore - min(0, cumsumfpatient)), maxscore,
     0, plotwhite), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0,
     cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10,
     length(fpatient) + 1), axes = FALSE, col = c("white",
     "white", "white", "white", rep("white", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     if (sum(fpatient) < 0) {
     barplot(c(0, 0, 0, sum(fpatient), numeric(length = length(plotwhite))),
     horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     max(0, maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) +
     1), axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", "white",
     "grey", "white", rep("white", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     lines(c(0, 0), c(temp[4], temp[length(temp)]) + diff(temp)[1]/2,
     lty = 2)
     if (nchar(risklabel) < 20) {
     axis(side = 2, at = c(temp), labels = c("", risklabel,
     "", "Score", names2[xorder[thisseq]]), las = 2,
     lty = "blank", font = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
     else {
     axis(side = 2, at = c(temp), labels = c("", "Risk",
     "", "Score", names2[xorder[thisseq]]), las = 2,
     lty = "blank", font = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
     mtext(paste("Risk equals", risklabel), col = "black",
     font = 2, side = 1, line = 2, adj = 0)
     xrange = c(min(0, minscore), max(0, maxscore) + 0.5)
     xrange[1] = ceiling(xrange[1])
     xrange[2] = floor(xrange[2])
     if ("colplotpref" %in% names(x)) {
     axis(side = 3)
     else {
     axis(side = 3, at = seq(xrange[1], xrange[2], 1))
     lines(c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), min(0, cumsumfpatient)),
     c(temp[1] - diff(temp)[1]/2, temp[length(temp)] +
     diff(temp)[1]/2), lty = 1)
     for (i in seq(along = seq(1, length(fpatient)))) {
     color = "dodgerblue"
     if (xorder[i] <= d) {
     if (x$vartypes[xorder[i]] == "cont") {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4], round(obs[xorder[i]], 2), col = color,
     pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     if ("glm" %in% names(x)) {
     if (class(x$x[, i]) == "factor") {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4], x$levelnames[[2]][[xorder[i]]][as.integer(obs[xorder[i]])],
     col = color, pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4], obs[xorder[i]], col = color, pos = 4,
     font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4], x$levelnames[[1]][[xorder[i]]][[match(unlist(obs[xorder[i]]),
     x$levelnames[[2]][[xorder[i]]])]], col = color,
     pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     if (maxscore >= 0) {
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] > maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[thisseq[i] + 4] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]],
     2), col = "black", pos = 2, font = 2)
     else if (cumsumfpatient[i] < min(0, minscore)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     else {
     text(cumsumfpatient[i], temp[thisseq[i] + 4] -
     3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     else {
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] > maxscore) {
     text(fpatient[xorder[i]], temp[thisseq[i] +
     4] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "black",
     pos = 2, font = 2)
     else if (cumsumfpatient[i] < min(0, minscore)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     else {
     text(cumsumfpatient[i], temp[thisseq[i] + 4] -
     3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     lines(c(cumsumfpatient[i], cumsumfpatient[i]), c(temp[thisseq[i] +
     4], temp[thisseq[i] + 3]) + diff(temp)[1]/2)
     lines(c(cumsumfpatient[i], cumsumfpatient[i + 1]),
     c(temp[thisseq[i] + 3], temp[thisseq[i] + 3]) +
     if (sum(fpatient) < 0.9 * maxscore & sum(fpatient) >=
     minscore) {
     text(sum(fpatient), temp[4], round(sum(fpatient),
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) >= 0.9 * maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[4], round(sum(fpatient), 2),
     col = "black", font = 2, pos = 2)
     else if (sum(fpatient) < minscore & sum(fpatient) > min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(sum(fpatient), temp[4], round(sum(fpatient),
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) <= min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[4], round(sum(fpatient),
     2), col = "black", font = 2, pos = 4)
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[3], "max. score", col = "black",
     font = 3, pos = 4)
     if (maxscore >= 0) {
     text(maxscore, temp[3], round(maxscore, 2), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 2)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[3], substitute(bold(phantom("max. score ") *
     a), list(a = round(maxscore, 2))), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 4)
     if (maxscore >= 0) {
     if (sum(fpatient) < maxscore & sum(fpatient) > minscore) {
     text(thisrisk/maxrisk * maxscore, temp[2], round(thisrisk,
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) >= maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[2], round(thisrisk, 2), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 2)
     else if (sum(fpatient) <= minscore & sum(fpatient) >
     min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(thisrisk/maxrisk * maxscore, temp[2], round(thisrisk,
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) <= min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[2], round(thisrisk,
     2), col = "black", font = 2, pos = 4)
     else {
     if (sum(fpatient) < maxscore & sum(fpatient) > minscore) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient) + (thisrisk)/maxrisk *
     abs(maxscore - min(0, cumsumfpatient)), temp[2],
     round(thisrisk, 2), col = riskcolor, font = 2,
     pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) >= maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[2], round(thisrisk, 2), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 2)
     else if (sum(fpatient) <= minscore & sum(fpatient) >
     min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(thisrisk/maxrisk * maxscore, temp[2], round(thisrisk,
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) <= min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[2], round(thisrisk,
     2), col = "black", font = 2, pos = 4)
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[1], "max. risk", col = "black",
     font = 3, pos = 4)
     if (maxscore >= 0) {
     text(maxscore, temp[1], round(maxrisk, 2), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 2)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[1], substitute(bold(phantom("max. risk ") *
     a), list(a = round(maxrisk, 2))), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 4)
     else {
     temp = barplot(c(min(cumsumfpatient), min(cumsumfpatient),
     plotgrey), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     max(maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) +
     2), axes = FALSE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 2)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, min(cumsumfpatient), plotgrey2),
     horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) - 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, rep("grey",
     length(fpatient))), add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA,
     names.arg = c(rep("", length(fpatient) + 2)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, sum(fpatient), plotblack), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, rep("black",
     length(fpatient))), add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA,
     names.arg = c(rep("", length(fpatient) + 2)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, sum(fpatient), plotblack2), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, rep("black",
     length(fpatient))), add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA,
     names.arg = c(rep("", length(fpatient) + 2)))
     barplot(c(0, 0, plotwhite), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0,
     cumsumfpatient), max(maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10,
     length(fpatient) + 1), axes = FALSE, col = c(rep("white",
     length(fpatient))), add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA,
     names.arg = c(rep("", length(fpatient) + 2)))
     if (sum(fpatient) < 0) {
     barplot(c(0, sum(fpatient), numeric(length = length(plotwhite))),
     horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     max(maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) +
     1), axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", "white",
     rep("white", length(fpatient))), add = TRUE,
     space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 2)))
     lines(c(0, 0), c(temp[2], temp[length(temp)]) + diff(temp)[1]/2,
     lty = 2)
     axis(side = 2, at = c(temp), labels = c("", "Score",
     names2[xorder[thisseq]]), las = 2, lty = "blank",
     font = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
     xrange = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(maxscore) + 0.5)
     xrange[1] = ceiling(xrange[1])
     xrange[2] = floor(xrange[2])
     axis(side = 3, at = seq(xrange[1], xrange[2], 1))
     lines(c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), min(0, cumsumfpatient)),
     c(temp[1] - diff(temp)[1]/2, temp[length(temp)] +
     diff(temp)[1]/2), lty = 1)
     for (i in seq(along = seq(1, length(fpatient)))) {
     color = "dodgerblue"
     if (xorder[i] <= d) {
     if (x$vartypes[xorder[i]] == "cont") {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     2], round(obs[xorder[i]], 2), col = color,
     pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     if ("glm" %in% names(x)) {
     if (class(x$x[, i]) == "factor") {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     2], x$levelnames[[2]][[xorder[i]]][as.integer(obs[xorder[i]])],
     col = color, pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     2], obs[xorder[i]], col = color, pos = 4,
     font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     2], x$levelnames[[1]][[xorder[i]]][[match(unlist(obs[xorder[i]]),
     x$levelnames[[2]][[xorder[i]]])]], col = color,
     pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] > maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[thisseq[i] + 2] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]],
     2), col = "black", pos = 2, font = 2)
     else if (cumsumfpatient[i] < min(0, cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     2] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     else {
     text(cumsumfpatient[i], temp[thisseq[i] + 2] -
     3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     lines(c(cumsumfpatient[i], cumsumfpatient[i]), c(temp[thisseq[i] +
     2], temp[thisseq[i] + 1]) + diff(temp)[1]/2)
     lines(c(cumsumfpatient[i], cumsumfpatient[i + 1]),
     c(temp[thisseq[i] + 1], temp[thisseq[i] + 1]) +
     if (sum(fpatient) < 0.9 * maxscore & sum(fpatient) >=
     min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(sum(fpatient), temp[2], round(sum(fpatient),
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) >= 0.9 * maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[2], round(sum(fpatient), 2),
     col = "black", font = 2, pos = 2)
     else if (sum(fpatient) < min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[2], round(sum(fpatient),
     2), col = "black", font = 2, pos = 2)
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[1], "max. score", col = "black",
     font = 3, pos = 4)
     text(maxscore, temp[1], round(maxscore, 2), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 2)
     mtext(paste("Score equals", risklabel), col = "black",
     font = 2, side = 1, line = 2, adj = 0)
     x0 = ceiling(par("usr")[1])
     unit = (par("usr")[2] - par("usr")[1])/7.5
     mtext(expression(bold(phantom("legend of reported figures: ")) *
     "blue - predictor value"), col = color, font = 2, side = 1,
     line = 0, adj = 0)
     mtext(expression(bold("legend of reported figures: ") * phantom("blue - predictor value")),
     col = "black", font = 2, side = 1, line = 0, adj = 0)
     mtext(expression(bold(phantom("legend of reported figures: ")) *
     "gray - contribution to score"), col = "grey", font = 2,
     side = 1, line = 1, adj = 0)
     for (i in seq(1, length(thisseq), 1)) {
     if (!is.nan(thisrisk)) {
     axis(side = 2, at = c(temp[i + 4]), labels = names2[xorder[thisseq]][i],
     las = 2, lty = "blank", font = 2, cex.axis = 1.5,
     col.axis = yaxiscolor[thisseq][i])
     else {
     axis(side = 2, at = c(temp[i + 2]), labels = names2[xorder[thisseq]][i],
     las = 2, lty = "blank", font = 2, cex.axis = 1.5,
     col.axis = yaxiscolor[thisseq][i])
     garbage <-
    <bytecode: 0x565009ecb1b0>
    <environment: namespace:VRPM>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function ccchart.default in namespace VRPM has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (!class(fpatient) %in% c("vector", "matrix")) { :
     the condition has length > 1
    Calls: ccchart -> ccchart.glm -> ccchart -> ccchart.default
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc

Version: 1.2
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘VRPM-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: ccchart
    > ### Title: Cumulative contribution chart.
    > ### Aliases: ccchart ccchart.coxph ccchart.default ccchart.glm ccchart.ksvm
    > ### ccchart.multinom
    > ### ** Examples
    > #### logistic regression
    > mydata <- read.csv("")
    > mydata$rank <- factor(mydata$rank)
    > fit <- glm(admit ~ gre + gpa + rank, data = mydata, family = "binomial")
    > patient1=data.frame(gre=386,gpa=3.58,rank=3)
    > ccchart(fit,obs=patient1,filename="ccchart1")
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    ccchart.default(x2, obs = obs, filename, zerolevel, risklabel = x2$risklabel,
     riskcutoff, type = type, sorted, time, xmin, xmax)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (!class(fpatient) %in% c("vector", "matrix")) {
     fpatient = as.matrix(fpatient)
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: ccchart.default(x2, obs = obs, filename, zerolevel, risklabel = x2$risklabel,
     riskcutoff, type = type, sorted, time, xmin, xmax)
    where 2: ccchart(x2, obs = obs, filename, zerolevel, risklabel = x2$risklabel,
     riskcutoff, type = type, sorted, time, xmin, xmax)
    where 3: ccchart.glm(fit, obs = patient1, filename = "ccchart1")
    where 4: ccchart(fit, obs = patient1, filename = "ccchart1")
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] FALSE TRUE
     --- function from context ---
    function (x, obs, filename, zerolevel = "zero", risklabel = "Estimated risk",
     riskcutoff = 0.1, type = "logistic", sorted = FALSE, time,
     xmin, xmax)
     x$sorted = sorted
     x$zerolevel = zerolevel
     x <- check_data(x, type = "ccchart")
     if (dim(x$x)[2] != length(obs)) {
     stop("The dimension of the given data set does not match with the length of obs. Please adapt in order to continue.")
     x2 = precolplot(x, filename, coloroptions = 1, zerolevel = zerolevel,
     risklabel = risklabel, adverse = FALSE, obs = obs, xmin,
     f = x2$f
     fpatient = x2$fpatient
     fzero = x2$fzero
     d = x2$d
     n = x2$n
     thisrisk = x2$thisrisk
     devheight = dim(f)[2] + 2
     devwidth = 10
     png(paste0(ifelse(hasArg(filename), filename, "ccchart"),
     ".png"), width = devwidth, height = devheight, units = "in",
     res = 120)
     if (!class(fpatient) %in% c("vector", "matrix")) {
     fpatient = as.matrix(fpatient)
     if (x$sorted == TRUE) {
     xorder = order(fpatient)
     else {
     xorder = seq(1, length(fpatient), 1)
     maxdata = apply(fzero, 2, max)
     maxscore = max(apply(f, 1, sum))
     minscore = min(apply(f, 1, sum))
     allrisks <- x$getriskestimate(rowSums(f), x, rowSums(f))[[2]]
     maxrisk = max(allrisks)
     minrisk = min(allrisks)
     maxscore = max(apply(fzero, 1, sum))
     minscore = min(apply(fzero, 1, sum))
     if (!is.nan(minrisk)) {
     if (type == "survival") {
     maxscore = max(apply(f, 1, sum))
     minscore = min(apply(f, 1, sum))
     maxrisk <- x$getriskestimate(rowSums(f), x, maxscore)[[2]][1]
     minrisk <- x$getriskestimate(rowSums(f), x, minscore)[[2]][1]
     minrisk = 1 - minrisk
     maxrisk = 1 - maxrisk
     thisrisk = 1 - thisrisk
     risklabel = paste0("1-", risklabel)
     if (!is.nan(thisrisk)) {
     if (thisrisk < riskcutoff) {
     riskcolor = "green"
     else {
     riskcolor = "red"
     else {
     riskcolor = "orange"
     d2 = dim(f)[2] - d
     if (d2 > 0) {
     if (d2 == 1) {
     posint = which(max(f[, seq(d + 1, d + d2, 1)]) -
     min(f[, seq(d + 1, d + d2, 1)]) != 0)
     else {
     posint = which(apply(f[, seq(d + 1, d + d2, 1)],
     2, max) - apply(f[, seq(d + 1, d + d2, 1)], 2,
     min) != 0)
     names2 = rep("", times = d + d2)
     names2[1:d] = x$names
     for (i in seq(d + 1, dim(f)[2])) {
     names2[i] = paste(x$names[x$interactions[i - d, 1]],
     " : ", x$names[x$interactions[i - d, 2]])
     names2 = names2[c(seq(1, d, by = 1), posint + d)]
     fpatient = fpatient[c(seq(1, d, by = 1), posint + d)]
     fzero = fzero[c(seq(1, d, by = 1), posint + d)]
     if (x$sorted == TRUE) {
     xorder = order(fpatient)
     else {
     xorder = seq(1, length(fpatient), 1)
     else {
     names2 = x$names
     thisseq = c(length(fpatient):1)
     par(mar = c(5 + 2, 8 + 8, 4, 2))
     cumsumfpatient = cumsum(fpatient[xorder])
     plotgrey = numeric(length = length(fpatient))
     plotblack = numeric(length = length(fpatient))
     plotgrey2 = numeric(length = length(fpatient))
     plotblack2 = numeric(length = length(fpatient))
     plotwhite = numeric(length = length(fpatient))
     i = 1
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] > 0) {
     plotgrey[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] < 0) {
     plotblack[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     for (i in seq(2, length(fpatient), 1)) {
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] == 0) {
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] > 0) {
     plotgrey[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] < 0) {
     plotblack[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] > 0) {
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] > 0) {
     plotgrey[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     plotwhite[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] < 0) {
     plotblack[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     plotwhite[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] < 0) {
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] > 0) {
     plotgrey[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     plotwhite[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] < 0) {
     plotblack[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     plotwhite[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     diffsign = c("FALSE", abs(diff(sign(cumsumfpatient))) ==
     diffinds = which(diffsign == "TRUE")
     for (i in seq(along = diffinds)) {
     if (cumsumfpatient[diffinds[i]] > 0 & fpatient[xorder[diffinds[i]]] >
     0) {
     plotgrey2[diffinds[i]] = cumsumfpatient[diffinds[i] -
     plotwhite[diffinds[i]] = 0
     if (cumsumfpatient[diffinds[i]] < 0 & fpatient[xorder[diffinds[i]]] <
     0) {
     plotblack2[diffinds[i]] = cumsumfpatient[diffinds[i] -
     plotwhite[diffinds[i]] = 0
     plotgrey = plotgrey[thisseq]
     plotblack = plotblack[thisseq]
     plotwhite = plotwhite[thisseq]
     plotgrey2 = plotgrey2[thisseq]
     plotblack2 = plotblack2[thisseq]
     yaxiscolor = rep("black", length(thisseq))
     yaxiscolor[which(cumsumfpatient < min(-0.5, minscore))] = "grey"
     if (!is.nan(thisrisk)) {
     temp = barplot(c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), 0, min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     min(0, cumsumfpatient), plotgrey), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 4),
     axes = FALSE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, min(0, cumsumfpatient), maxscore,
     min(0, cumsumfpatient), plotgrey2), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, "grey",
     riskcolor, rep("grey", length(fpatient))), add = TRUE,
     space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("", length(fpatient) +
     if (maxscore >= 0) {
     barplot(c(maxscore, thisrisk/maxrisk * maxscore,
     maxscore, sum(fpatient), plotblack), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, "grey",
     riskcolor, rep("black", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, thisrisk/maxrisk * maxscore,
     maxscore, sum(fpatient), plotblack2), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, "grey",
     riskcolor, rep("black", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     barplot(c(0, 0, 0, 0, plotwhite), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0,
     cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10,
     length(fpatient) + 1), axes = FALSE, col = c("grey",
     riskcolor, "grey", riskcolor, rep("white", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     if (maxscore < 0) {
     barplot(c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), thisrisk/maxrisk *
     maxscore, min(0, cumsumfpatient), sum(fpatient),
     plotblack), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     max(0, maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) +
     1), axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor,
     "grey", riskcolor, rep("black", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     barplot(c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), thisrisk/maxrisk *
     maxscore, min(0, cumsumfpatient), sum(fpatient),
     plotblack2), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     max(0, maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) +
     1), axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor,
     "grey", riskcolor, rep("black", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, min(0, cumsumfpatient) + (thisrisk)/maxrisk *
     abs(maxscore - min(0, cumsumfpatient)), maxscore,
     0, plotwhite), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0,
     cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10,
     length(fpatient) + 1), axes = FALSE, col = c("white",
     "white", "white", "white", rep("white", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     if (sum(fpatient) < 0) {
     barplot(c(0, 0, 0, sum(fpatient), numeric(length = length(plotwhite))),
     horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     max(0, maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) +
     1), axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", "white",
     "grey", "white", rep("white", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     lines(c(0, 0), c(temp[4], temp[length(temp)]) + diff(temp)[1]/2,
     lty = 2)
     if (nchar(risklabel) < 20) {
     axis(side = 2, at = c(temp), labels = c("", risklabel,
     "", "Score", names2[xorder[thisseq]]), las = 2,
     lty = "blank", font = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
     else {
     axis(side = 2, at = c(temp), labels = c("", "Risk",
     "", "Score", names2[xorder[thisseq]]), las = 2,
     lty = "blank", font = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
     mtext(paste("Risk equals", risklabel), col = "black",
     font = 2, side = 1, line = 2, adj = 0)
     xrange = c(min(0, minscore), max(0, maxscore) + 0.5)
     xrange[1] = ceiling(xrange[1])
     xrange[2] = floor(xrange[2])
     if ("colplotpref" %in% names(x)) {
     axis(side = 3)
     else {
     axis(side = 3, at = seq(xrange[1], xrange[2], 1))
     lines(c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), min(0, cumsumfpatient)),
     c(temp[1] - diff(temp)[1]/2, temp[length(temp)] +
     diff(temp)[1]/2), lty = 1)
     for (i in seq(along = seq(1, length(fpatient)))) {
     color = "dodgerblue"
     if (xorder[i] <= d) {
     if (x$vartypes[xorder[i]] == "cont") {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4], round(obs[xorder[i]], 2), col = color,
     pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     if ("glm" %in% names(x)) {
     if (class(x$x[, i]) == "factor") {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4], x$levelnames[[2]][[xorder[i]]][as.integer(obs[xorder[i]])],
     col = color, pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4], obs[xorder[i]], col = color, pos = 4,
     font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4], x$levelnames[[1]][[xorder[i]]][[match(unlist(obs[xorder[i]]),
     x$levelnames[[2]][[xorder[i]]])]], col = color,
     pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     if (maxscore >= 0) {
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] > maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[thisseq[i] + 4] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]],
     2), col = "black", pos = 2, font = 2)
     else if (cumsumfpatient[i] < min(0, minscore)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     else {
     text(cumsumfpatient[i], temp[thisseq[i] + 4] -
     3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     else {
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] > maxscore) {
     text(fpatient[xorder[i]], temp[thisseq[i] +
     4] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "black",
     pos = 2, font = 2)
     else if (cumsumfpatient[i] < min(0, minscore)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     else {
     text(cumsumfpatient[i], temp[thisseq[i] + 4] -
     3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     lines(c(cumsumfpatient[i], cumsumfpatient[i]), c(temp[thisseq[i] +
     4], temp[thisseq[i] + 3]) + diff(temp)[1]/2)
     lines(c(cumsumfpatient[i], cumsumfpatient[i + 1]),
     c(temp[thisseq[i] + 3], temp[thisseq[i] + 3]) +
     if (sum(fpatient) < 0.9 * maxscore & sum(fpatient) >=
     minscore) {
     text(sum(fpatient), temp[4], round(sum(fpatient),
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) >= 0.9 * maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[4], round(sum(fpatient), 2),
     col = "black", font = 2, pos = 2)
     else if (sum(fpatient) < minscore & sum(fpatient) > min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(sum(fpatient), temp[4], round(sum(fpatient),
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) <= min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[4], round(sum(fpatient),
     2), col = "black", font = 2, pos = 4)
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[3], "max. score", col = "black",
     font = 3, pos = 4)
     if (maxscore >= 0) {
     text(maxscore, temp[3], round(maxscore, 2), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 2)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[3], substitute(bold(phantom("max. score ") *
     a), list(a = round(maxscore, 2))), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 4)
     if (maxscore >= 0) {
     if (sum(fpatient) < maxscore & sum(fpatient) > minscore) {
     text(thisrisk/maxrisk * maxscore, temp[2], round(thisrisk,
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) >= maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[2], round(thisrisk, 2), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 2)
     else if (sum(fpatient) <= minscore & sum(fpatient) >
     min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(thisrisk/maxrisk * maxscore, temp[2], round(thisrisk,
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) <= min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[2], round(thisrisk,
     2), col = "black", font = 2, pos = 4)
     else {
     if (sum(fpatient) < maxscore & sum(fpatient) > minscore) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient) + (thisrisk)/maxrisk *
     abs(maxscore - min(0, cumsumfpatient)), temp[2],
     round(thisrisk, 2), col = riskcolor, font = 2,
     pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) >= maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[2], round(thisrisk, 2), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 2)
     else if (sum(fpatient) <= minscore & sum(fpatient) >
     min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(thisrisk/maxrisk * maxscore, temp[2], round(thisrisk,
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) <= min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[2], round(thisrisk,
     2), col = "black", font = 2, pos = 4)
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[1], "max. risk", col = "black",
     font = 3, pos = 4)
     if (maxscore >= 0) {
     text(maxscore, temp[1], round(maxrisk, 2), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 2)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[1], substitute(bold(phantom("max. risk ") *
     a), list(a = round(maxrisk, 2))), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 4)
     else {
     temp = barplot(c(min(cumsumfpatient), min(cumsumfpatient),
     plotgrey), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     max(maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) +
     2), axes = FALSE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 2)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, min(cumsumfpatient), plotgrey2),
     horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) - 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, rep("grey",
     length(fpatient))), add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA,
     names.arg = c(rep("", length(fpatient) + 2)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, sum(fpatient), plotblack), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, rep("black",
     length(fpatient))), add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA,
     names.arg = c(rep("", length(fpatient) + 2)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, sum(fpatient), plotblack2), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, rep("black",
     length(fpatient))), add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA,
     names.arg = c(rep("", length(fpatient) + 2)))
     barplot(c(0, 0, plotwhite), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0,
     cumsumfpatient), max(maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10,
     length(fpatient) + 1), axes = FALSE, col = c(rep("white",
     length(fpatient))), add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA,
     names.arg = c(rep("", length(fpatient) + 2)))
     if (sum(fpatient) < 0) {
     barplot(c(0, sum(fpatient), numeric(length = length(plotwhite))),
     horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     max(maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) +
     1), axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", "white",
     rep("white", length(fpatient))), add = TRUE,
     space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 2)))
     lines(c(0, 0), c(temp[2], temp[length(temp)]) + diff(temp)[1]/2,
     lty = 2)
     axis(side = 2, at = c(temp), labels = c("", "Score",
     names2[xorder[thisseq]]), las = 2, lty = "blank",
     font = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
     xrange = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(maxscore) + 0.5)
     xrange[1] = ceiling(xrange[1])
     xrange[2] = floor(xrange[2])
     axis(side = 3, at = seq(xrange[1], xrange[2], 1))
     lines(c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), min(0, cumsumfpatient)),
     c(temp[1] - diff(temp)[1]/2, temp[length(temp)] +
     diff(temp)[1]/2), lty = 1)
     for (i in seq(along = seq(1, length(fpatient)))) {
     color = "dodgerblue"
     if (xorder[i] <= d) {
     if (x$vartypes[xorder[i]] == "cont") {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     2], round(obs[xorder[i]], 2), col = color,
     pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     if ("glm" %in% names(x)) {
     if (class(x$x[, i]) == "factor") {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     2], x$levelnames[[2]][[xorder[i]]][as.integer(obs[xorder[i]])],
     col = color, pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     2], obs[xorder[i]], col = color, pos = 4,
     font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     2], x$levelnames[[1]][[xorder[i]]][[match(unlist(obs[xorder[i]]),
     x$levelnames[[2]][[xorder[i]]])]], col = color,
     pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] > maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[thisseq[i] + 2] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]],
     2), col = "black", pos = 2, font = 2)
     else if (cumsumfpatient[i] < min(0, cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     2] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     else {
     text(cumsumfpatient[i], temp[thisseq[i] + 2] -
     3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     lines(c(cumsumfpatient[i], cumsumfpatient[i]), c(temp[thisseq[i] +
     2], temp[thisseq[i] + 1]) + diff(temp)[1]/2)
     lines(c(cumsumfpatient[i], cumsumfpatient[i + 1]),
     c(temp[thisseq[i] + 1], temp[thisseq[i] + 1]) +
     if (sum(fpatient) < 0.9 * maxscore & sum(fpatient) >=
     min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(sum(fpatient), temp[2], round(sum(fpatient),
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) >= 0.9 * maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[2], round(sum(fpatient), 2),
     col = "black", font = 2, pos = 2)
     else if (sum(fpatient) < min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[2], round(sum(fpatient),
     2), col = "black", font = 2, pos = 2)
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[1], "max. score", col = "black",
     font = 3, pos = 4)
     text(maxscore, temp[1], round(maxscore, 2), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 2)
     mtext(paste("Score equals", risklabel), col = "black",
     font = 2, side = 1, line = 2, adj = 0)
     x0 = ceiling(par("usr")[1])
     unit = (par("usr")[2] - par("usr")[1])/7.5
     mtext(expression(bold(phantom("legend of reported figures: ")) *
     "blue - predictor value"), col = color, font = 2, side = 1,
     line = 0, adj = 0)
     mtext(expression(bold("legend of reported figures: ") * phantom("blue - predictor value")),
     col = "black", font = 2, side = 1, line = 0, adj = 0)
     mtext(expression(bold(phantom("legend of reported figures: ")) *
     "gray - contribution to score"), col = "grey", font = 2,
     side = 1, line = 1, adj = 0)
     for (i in seq(1, length(thisseq), 1)) {
     if (!is.nan(thisrisk)) {
     axis(side = 2, at = c(temp[i + 4]), labels = names2[xorder[thisseq]][i],
     las = 2, lty = "blank", font = 2, cex.axis = 1.5,
     col.axis = yaxiscolor[thisseq][i])
     else {
     axis(side = 2, at = c(temp[i + 2]), labels = names2[xorder[thisseq]][i],
     las = 2, lty = "blank", font = 2, cex.axis = 1.5,
     col.axis = yaxiscolor[thisseq][i])
     garbage <-
    <bytecode: 0x794edf8>
    <environment: namespace:VRPM>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function ccchart.default in namespace VRPM has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (!class(fpatient) %in% c("vector", "matrix")) { :
     the condition has length > 1
    Calls: ccchart -> ccchart.glm -> ccchart -> ccchart.default
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Version: 1.2
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘VRPM-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: ccchart
    > ### Title: Cumulative contribution chart.
    > ### Aliases: ccchart ccchart.coxph ccchart.default ccchart.glm ccchart.ksvm
    > ### ccchart.multinom
    > ### ** Examples
    > #### logistic regression
    > mydata <- read.csv("")
    > mydata$rank <- factor(mydata$rank)
    > fit <- glm(admit ~ gre + gpa + rank, data = mydata, family = "binomial")
    > patient1=data.frame(gre=386,gpa=3.58,rank=3)
    > ccchart(fit,obs=patient1,filename="ccchart1")
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    ccchart.default(x2, obs = obs, filename, zerolevel, risklabel = x2$risklabel,
     riskcutoff, type = type, sorted, time, xmin, xmax)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (!class(fpatient) %in% c("vector", "matrix")) {
     fpatient = as.matrix(fpatient)
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: ccchart.default(x2, obs = obs, filename, zerolevel, risklabel = x2$risklabel,
     riskcutoff, type = type, sorted, time, xmin, xmax)
    where 2: ccchart(x2, obs = obs, filename, zerolevel, risklabel = x2$risklabel,
     riskcutoff, type = type, sorted, time, xmin, xmax)
    where 3: ccchart.glm(fit, obs = patient1, filename = "ccchart1")
    where 4: ccchart(fit, obs = patient1, filename = "ccchart1")
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] FALSE TRUE
     --- function from context ---
    function (x, obs, filename, zerolevel = "zero", risklabel = "Estimated risk",
     riskcutoff = 0.1, type = "logistic", sorted = FALSE, time,
     xmin, xmax)
     x$sorted = sorted
     x$zerolevel = zerolevel
     x <- check_data(x, type = "ccchart")
     if (dim(x$x)[2] != length(obs)) {
     stop("The dimension of the given data set does not match with the length of obs. Please adapt in order to continue.")
     x2 = precolplot(x, filename, coloroptions = 1, zerolevel = zerolevel,
     risklabel = risklabel, adverse = FALSE, obs = obs, xmin,
     f = x2$f
     fpatient = x2$fpatient
     fzero = x2$fzero
     d = x2$d
     n = x2$n
     thisrisk = x2$thisrisk
     devheight = dim(f)[2] + 2
     devwidth = 10
     png(paste0(ifelse(hasArg(filename), filename, "ccchart"),
     ".png"), width = devwidth, height = devheight, units = "in",
     res = 120)
     if (!class(fpatient) %in% c("vector", "matrix")) {
     fpatient = as.matrix(fpatient)
     if (x$sorted == TRUE) {
     xorder = order(fpatient)
     else {
     xorder = seq(1, length(fpatient), 1)
     maxdata = apply(fzero, 2, max)
     maxscore = max(apply(f, 1, sum))
     minscore = min(apply(f, 1, sum))
     allrisks <- x$getriskestimate(rowSums(f), x, rowSums(f))[[2]]
     maxrisk = max(allrisks)
     minrisk = min(allrisks)
     maxscore = max(apply(fzero, 1, sum))
     minscore = min(apply(fzero, 1, sum))
     if (!is.nan(minrisk)) {
     if (type == "survival") {
     maxscore = max(apply(f, 1, sum))
     minscore = min(apply(f, 1, sum))
     maxrisk <- x$getriskestimate(rowSums(f), x, maxscore)[[2]][1]
     minrisk <- x$getriskestimate(rowSums(f), x, minscore)[[2]][1]
     minrisk = 1 - minrisk
     maxrisk = 1 - maxrisk
     thisrisk = 1 - thisrisk
     risklabel = paste0("1-", risklabel)
     if (!is.nan(thisrisk)) {
     if (thisrisk < riskcutoff) {
     riskcolor = "green"
     else {
     riskcolor = "red"
     else {
     riskcolor = "orange"
     d2 = dim(f)[2] - d
     if (d2 > 0) {
     if (d2 == 1) {
     posint = which(max(f[, seq(d + 1, d + d2, 1)]) -
     min(f[, seq(d + 1, d + d2, 1)]) != 0)
     else {
     posint = which(apply(f[, seq(d + 1, d + d2, 1)],
     2, max) - apply(f[, seq(d + 1, d + d2, 1)], 2,
     min) != 0)
     names2 = rep("", times = d + d2)
     names2[1:d] = x$names
     for (i in seq(d + 1, dim(f)[2])) {
     names2[i] = paste(x$names[x$interactions[i - d, 1]],
     " : ", x$names[x$interactions[i - d, 2]])
     names2 = names2[c(seq(1, d, by = 1), posint + d)]
     fpatient = fpatient[c(seq(1, d, by = 1), posint + d)]
     fzero = fzero[c(seq(1, d, by = 1), posint + d)]
     if (x$sorted == TRUE) {
     xorder = order(fpatient)
     else {
     xorder = seq(1, length(fpatient), 1)
     else {
     names2 = x$names
     thisseq = c(length(fpatient):1)
     par(mar = c(5 + 2, 8 + 8, 4, 2))
     cumsumfpatient = cumsum(fpatient[xorder])
     plotgrey = numeric(length = length(fpatient))
     plotblack = numeric(length = length(fpatient))
     plotgrey2 = numeric(length = length(fpatient))
     plotblack2 = numeric(length = length(fpatient))
     plotwhite = numeric(length = length(fpatient))
     i = 1
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] > 0) {
     plotgrey[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] < 0) {
     plotblack[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     for (i in seq(2, length(fpatient), 1)) {
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] == 0) {
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] > 0) {
     plotgrey[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] < 0) {
     plotblack[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] > 0) {
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] > 0) {
     plotgrey[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     plotwhite[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] < 0) {
     plotblack[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     plotwhite[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] < 0) {
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] > 0) {
     plotgrey[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     plotwhite[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     if (fpatient[xorder[i]] < 0) {
     plotblack[i] = cumsumfpatient[i]
     plotwhite[i] = cumsumfpatient[i - 1]
     diffsign = c("FALSE", abs(diff(sign(cumsumfpatient))) ==
     diffinds = which(diffsign == "TRUE")
     for (i in seq(along = diffinds)) {
     if (cumsumfpatient[diffinds[i]] > 0 & fpatient[xorder[diffinds[i]]] >
     0) {
     plotgrey2[diffinds[i]] = cumsumfpatient[diffinds[i] -
     plotwhite[diffinds[i]] = 0
     if (cumsumfpatient[diffinds[i]] < 0 & fpatient[xorder[diffinds[i]]] <
     0) {
     plotblack2[diffinds[i]] = cumsumfpatient[diffinds[i] -
     plotwhite[diffinds[i]] = 0
     plotgrey = plotgrey[thisseq]
     plotblack = plotblack[thisseq]
     plotwhite = plotwhite[thisseq]
     plotgrey2 = plotgrey2[thisseq]
     plotblack2 = plotblack2[thisseq]
     yaxiscolor = rep("black", length(thisseq))
     yaxiscolor[which(cumsumfpatient < min(-0.5, minscore))] = "grey"
     if (!is.nan(thisrisk)) {
     temp = barplot(c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), 0, min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     min(0, cumsumfpatient), plotgrey), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 4),
     axes = FALSE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, min(0, cumsumfpatient), maxscore,
     min(0, cumsumfpatient), plotgrey2), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, "grey",
     riskcolor, rep("grey", length(fpatient))), add = TRUE,
     space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("", length(fpatient) +
     if (maxscore >= 0) {
     barplot(c(maxscore, thisrisk/maxrisk * maxscore,
     maxscore, sum(fpatient), plotblack), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, "grey",
     riskcolor, rep("black", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, thisrisk/maxrisk * maxscore,
     maxscore, sum(fpatient), plotblack2), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, "grey",
     riskcolor, rep("black", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     barplot(c(0, 0, 0, 0, plotwhite), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0,
     cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10,
     length(fpatient) + 1), axes = FALSE, col = c("grey",
     riskcolor, "grey", riskcolor, rep("white", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     if (maxscore < 0) {
     barplot(c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), thisrisk/maxrisk *
     maxscore, min(0, cumsumfpatient), sum(fpatient),
     plotblack), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     max(0, maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) +
     1), axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor,
     "grey", riskcolor, rep("black", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     barplot(c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), thisrisk/maxrisk *
     maxscore, min(0, cumsumfpatient), sum(fpatient),
     plotblack2), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     max(0, maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) +
     1), axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor,
     "grey", riskcolor, rep("black", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, min(0, cumsumfpatient) + (thisrisk)/maxrisk *
     abs(maxscore - min(0, cumsumfpatient)), maxscore,
     0, plotwhite), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0,
     cumsumfpatient), max(0, maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10,
     length(fpatient) + 1), axes = FALSE, col = c("white",
     "white", "white", "white", rep("white", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     if (sum(fpatient) < 0) {
     barplot(c(0, 0, 0, sum(fpatient), numeric(length = length(plotwhite))),
     horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     max(0, maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) +
     1), axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", "white",
     "grey", "white", rep("white", length(fpatient))),
     add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 4)))
     lines(c(0, 0), c(temp[4], temp[length(temp)]) + diff(temp)[1]/2,
     lty = 2)
     if (nchar(risklabel) < 20) {
     axis(side = 2, at = c(temp), labels = c("", risklabel,
     "", "Score", names2[xorder[thisseq]]), las = 2,
     lty = "blank", font = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
     else {
     axis(side = 2, at = c(temp), labels = c("", "Risk",
     "", "Score", names2[xorder[thisseq]]), las = 2,
     lty = "blank", font = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
     mtext(paste("Risk equals", risklabel), col = "black",
     font = 2, side = 1, line = 2, adj = 0)
     xrange = c(min(0, minscore), max(0, maxscore) + 0.5)
     xrange[1] = ceiling(xrange[1])
     xrange[2] = floor(xrange[2])
     if ("colplotpref" %in% names(x)) {
     axis(side = 3)
     else {
     axis(side = 3, at = seq(xrange[1], xrange[2], 1))
     lines(c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), min(0, cumsumfpatient)),
     c(temp[1] - diff(temp)[1]/2, temp[length(temp)] +
     diff(temp)[1]/2), lty = 1)
     for (i in seq(along = seq(1, length(fpatient)))) {
     color = "dodgerblue"
     if (xorder[i] <= d) {
     if (x$vartypes[xorder[i]] == "cont") {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4], round(obs[xorder[i]], 2), col = color,
     pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     if ("glm" %in% names(x)) {
     if (class(x$x[, i]) == "factor") {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4], x$levelnames[[2]][[xorder[i]]][as.integer(obs[xorder[i]])],
     col = color, pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4], obs[xorder[i]], col = color, pos = 4,
     font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4], x$levelnames[[1]][[xorder[i]]][[match(unlist(obs[xorder[i]]),
     x$levelnames[[2]][[xorder[i]]])]], col = color,
     pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     if (maxscore >= 0) {
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] > maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[thisseq[i] + 4] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]],
     2), col = "black", pos = 2, font = 2)
     else if (cumsumfpatient[i] < min(0, minscore)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     else {
     text(cumsumfpatient[i], temp[thisseq[i] + 4] -
     3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     else {
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] > maxscore) {
     text(fpatient[xorder[i]], temp[thisseq[i] +
     4] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "black",
     pos = 2, font = 2)
     else if (cumsumfpatient[i] < min(0, minscore)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     4] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     else {
     text(cumsumfpatient[i], temp[thisseq[i] + 4] -
     3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     lines(c(cumsumfpatient[i], cumsumfpatient[i]), c(temp[thisseq[i] +
     4], temp[thisseq[i] + 3]) + diff(temp)[1]/2)
     lines(c(cumsumfpatient[i], cumsumfpatient[i + 1]),
     c(temp[thisseq[i] + 3], temp[thisseq[i] + 3]) +
     if (sum(fpatient) < 0.9 * maxscore & sum(fpatient) >=
     minscore) {
     text(sum(fpatient), temp[4], round(sum(fpatient),
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) >= 0.9 * maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[4], round(sum(fpatient), 2),
     col = "black", font = 2, pos = 2)
     else if (sum(fpatient) < minscore & sum(fpatient) > min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(sum(fpatient), temp[4], round(sum(fpatient),
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) <= min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[4], round(sum(fpatient),
     2), col = "black", font = 2, pos = 4)
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[3], "max. score", col = "black",
     font = 3, pos = 4)
     if (maxscore >= 0) {
     text(maxscore, temp[3], round(maxscore, 2), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 2)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[3], substitute(bold(phantom("max. score ") *
     a), list(a = round(maxscore, 2))), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 4)
     if (maxscore >= 0) {
     if (sum(fpatient) < maxscore & sum(fpatient) > minscore) {
     text(thisrisk/maxrisk * maxscore, temp[2], round(thisrisk,
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) >= maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[2], round(thisrisk, 2), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 2)
     else if (sum(fpatient) <= minscore & sum(fpatient) >
     min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(thisrisk/maxrisk * maxscore, temp[2], round(thisrisk,
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) <= min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[2], round(thisrisk,
     2), col = "black", font = 2, pos = 4)
     else {
     if (sum(fpatient) < maxscore & sum(fpatient) > minscore) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient) + (thisrisk)/maxrisk *
     abs(maxscore - min(0, cumsumfpatient)), temp[2],
     round(thisrisk, 2), col = riskcolor, font = 2,
     pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) >= maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[2], round(thisrisk, 2), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 2)
     else if (sum(fpatient) <= minscore & sum(fpatient) >
     min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(thisrisk/maxrisk * maxscore, temp[2], round(thisrisk,
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) <= min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[2], round(thisrisk,
     2), col = "black", font = 2, pos = 4)
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[1], "max. risk", col = "black",
     font = 3, pos = 4)
     if (maxscore >= 0) {
     text(maxscore, temp[1], round(maxrisk, 2), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 2)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[1], substitute(bold(phantom("max. risk ") *
     a), list(a = round(maxrisk, 2))), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 4)
     else {
     temp = barplot(c(min(cumsumfpatient), min(cumsumfpatient),
     plotgrey), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     max(maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) +
     2), axes = FALSE, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 2)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, min(cumsumfpatient), plotgrey2),
     horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) - 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, rep("grey",
     length(fpatient))), add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA,
     names.arg = c(rep("", length(fpatient) + 2)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, sum(fpatient), plotblack), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, rep("black",
     length(fpatient))), add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA,
     names.arg = c(rep("", length(fpatient) + 2)))
     barplot(c(maxscore, sum(fpatient), plotblack2), horiz = TRUE,
     xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(maxscore) +
     0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) + 1),
     axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", riskcolor, rep("black",
     length(fpatient))), add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA,
     names.arg = c(rep("", length(fpatient) + 2)))
     barplot(c(0, 0, plotwhite), horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0,
     cumsumfpatient), max(maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10,
     length(fpatient) + 1), axes = FALSE, col = c(rep("white",
     length(fpatient))), add = TRUE, space = 0, border = NA,
     names.arg = c(rep("", length(fpatient) + 2)))
     if (sum(fpatient) < 0) {
     barplot(c(0, sum(fpatient), numeric(length = length(plotwhite))),
     horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient),
     max(maxscore) + 0.5), width = rep(10, length(fpatient) +
     1), axes = FALSE, col = c("grey", "white",
     rep("white", length(fpatient))), add = TRUE,
     space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = c(rep("",
     length(fpatient) + 2)))
     lines(c(0, 0), c(temp[2], temp[length(temp)]) + diff(temp)[1]/2,
     lty = 2)
     axis(side = 2, at = c(temp), labels = c("", "Score",
     names2[xorder[thisseq]]), las = 2, lty = "blank",
     font = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)
     xrange = c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), max(maxscore) + 0.5)
     xrange[1] = ceiling(xrange[1])
     xrange[2] = floor(xrange[2])
     axis(side = 3, at = seq(xrange[1], xrange[2], 1))
     lines(c(min(0, cumsumfpatient), min(0, cumsumfpatient)),
     c(temp[1] - diff(temp)[1]/2, temp[length(temp)] +
     diff(temp)[1]/2), lty = 1)
     for (i in seq(along = seq(1, length(fpatient)))) {
     color = "dodgerblue"
     if (xorder[i] <= d) {
     if (x$vartypes[xorder[i]] == "cont") {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     2], round(obs[xorder[i]], 2), col = color,
     pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     if ("glm" %in% names(x)) {
     if (class(x$x[, i]) == "factor") {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     2], x$levelnames[[2]][[xorder[i]]][as.integer(obs[xorder[i]])],
     col = color, pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     2], obs[xorder[i]], col = color, pos = 4,
     font = 4, srt = 20)
     else {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     2], x$levelnames[[1]][[xorder[i]]][[match(unlist(obs[xorder[i]]),
     x$levelnames[[2]][[xorder[i]]])]], col = color,
     pos = 4, font = 4, srt = 20)
     if (cumsumfpatient[i] > maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[thisseq[i] + 2] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]],
     2), col = "black", pos = 2, font = 2)
     else if (cumsumfpatient[i] < min(0, cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[thisseq[i] +
     2] - 3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     else {
     text(cumsumfpatient[i], temp[thisseq[i] + 2] -
     3, round(fpatient[xorder[i]], 2), col = "grey",
     pos = 4, font = 2)
     lines(c(cumsumfpatient[i], cumsumfpatient[i]), c(temp[thisseq[i] +
     2], temp[thisseq[i] + 1]) + diff(temp)[1]/2)
     lines(c(cumsumfpatient[i], cumsumfpatient[i + 1]),
     c(temp[thisseq[i] + 1], temp[thisseq[i] + 1]) +
     if (sum(fpatient) < 0.9 * maxscore & sum(fpatient) >=
     min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(sum(fpatient), temp[2], round(sum(fpatient),
     2), col = riskcolor, font = 2, pos = 4)
     else if (sum(fpatient) >= 0.9 * maxscore) {
     text(maxscore, temp[2], round(sum(fpatient), 2),
     col = "black", font = 2, pos = 2)
     else if (sum(fpatient) < min(cumsumfpatient)) {
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[2], round(sum(fpatient),
     2), col = "black", font = 2, pos = 2)
     text(min(0, cumsumfpatient), temp[1], "max. score", col = "black",
     font = 3, pos = 4)
     text(maxscore, temp[1], round(maxscore, 2), col = "black",
     font = 2, pos = 2)
     mtext(paste("Score equals", risklabel), col = "black",
     font = 2, side = 1, line = 2, adj = 0)
     x0 = ceiling(par("usr")[1])
     unit = (par("usr")[2] - par("usr")[1])/7.5
     mtext(expression(bold(phantom("legend of reported figures: ")) *
     "blue - predictor value"), col = color, font = 2, side = 1,
     line = 0, adj = 0)
     mtext(expression(bold("legend of reported figures: ") * phantom("blue - predictor value")),
     col = "black", font = 2, side = 1, line = 0, adj = 0)
     mtext(expression(bold(phantom("legend of reported figures: ")) *
     "gray - contribution to score"), col = "grey", font = 2,
     side = 1, line = 1, adj = 0)
     for (i in seq(1, length(thisseq), 1)) {
     if (!is.nan(thisrisk)) {
     axis(side = 2, at = c(temp[i + 4]), labels = names2[xorder[thisseq]][i],
     las = 2, lty = "blank", font = 2, cex.axis = 1.5,
     col.axis = yaxiscolor[thisseq][i])
     else {
     axis(side = 2, at = c(temp[i + 2]), labels = names2[xorder[thisseq]][i],
     las = 2, lty = "blank", font = 2, cex.axis = 1.5,
     col.axis = yaxiscolor[thisseq][i])
     garbage <-
    <bytecode: 0x9c3e600>
    <environment: namespace:VRPM>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function ccchart.default in namespace VRPM has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (!class(fpatient) %in% c("vector", "matrix")) { :
     the condition has length > 1
    Calls: ccchart -> ccchart.glm -> ccchart -> ccchart.default
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc