CRAN Package Check Results for Package bhrcr

Last updated on 2020-02-19 10:48:47 CET.

Flavor Version Tinstall Tcheck Ttotal Status Flags
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang 1.0.3 16.84 122.56 139.40 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc 1.0.3 15.70 94.01 109.71 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang 1.0.3 174.19 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc 1.0.3 164.73 ERROR
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.0.3 36.00 138.00 174.00 OK
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64-gcc8 1.0.3 47.00 185.00 232.00 OK
r-patched-linux-x86_64 1.0.3 13.74 114.28 128.02 OK
r-patched-solaris-x86 1.0.3 238.80 OK
r-release-linux-x86_64 1.0.3 13.04 114.15 127.19 OK
r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.0.3 28.00 119.00 147.00 OK
r-release-osx-x86_64 1.0.3 OK
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.0.3 19.00 128.00 147.00 OK
r-oldrel-osx-x86_64 1.0.3 OK

Check Details

Version: 1.0.3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in 'bhrcr-Ex.R' failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: calculatePCE
    > ### Title: WWARN Parasite Clearance Estimator (PCE)
    > ### Aliases: calculatePCE
    > ### ** Examples
    > ## Don't show:
    > data("pursat")
    > data = pursat[pursat["id"] <= 80 & pursat["id"] > 70,]
    > output <- calculatePCE(data = data, detect.limit = 15, outlier.detect = TRUE)
     Calculating WWARN PCE Estimates...
    [1] "Replacing a 0 parasite level (at data point 18) with detection level: data set 71"
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    lagReg_tobit(R, data_in, data_out, i, start_ind, end_ind, code,
     Condition_on_24_hours, fact, Threshold2, Threshold3, Detec_limit,
     DT, MaxIters, plotting, Name, ind_DL, FirstHours, MaxDiffInFirstHours,
     NeededInFirstHours, TimeRes1, TimeRes2, Threshold4, imageType)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(x_CI) == "try-error") {
     x_CI = array(NA, c(2, 2))
    } else if ([2, 1])) {
     x_CI[2, 1] = NA
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: lagReg_tobit(R, data_in, data_out, i, start_ind, end_ind, code,
     Condition_on_24_hours, fact, Threshold2, Threshold3, Detec_limit,
     DT, MaxIters, plotting, Name, ind_DL, FirstHours, MaxDiffInFirstHours,
     NeededInFirstHours, TimeRes1, TimeRes2, Threshold4, imageType)
    where 2: calculateParasiteClearance(Name = "pceestimates", minpara = detect.limit,
     data1 = data)
    where 3: withCallingHandlers(expr, message = function(c) invokeRestart("muffleMessage"))
    where 4: suppressMessages(calculateParasiteClearance(Name = "pceestimates",
     minpara = detect.limit, data1 = data))
    where 5: withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"))
    where 6: suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(calculateParasiteClearance(Name = "pceestimates",
     minpara = detect.limit, data1 = data)))
    where 7: calculatePCE(data = data, detect.limit = 15, outlier.detect = TRUE)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     --- function from context ---
    function (R, data_in, data_out, i, start_ind, end_ind, code,
     Condition_on_24_hours, fact, Threshold2, Threshold3, Detect_limit,
     DT, MaxIters, plotting, Name, ind_DL, FirstHours, MaxDiffInFirstHours,
     NeededInFirstHours, TimeRes1, TimeRes2, Threshold4, imageType = c("pdf",
     par(ask = FALSE)
     imageType <- match.arg(imageType)
     indexes = start_ind:end_ind
     temp2 = which(R[start_ind:end_ind, 4] == 0)
     temp3 = indexes[temp2]
     data_out_store = data_out
     data_in_store = data_in
     data_in = data_in[temp2]
     data_out = data_out[temp2]
     ldata_out = log(data_out)
     n2 = length(ldata_out)
     R[temp3, 5] = ldata_out
     lag_phase_attempted = 2
     MAXREG = 0
     filename2 <- sprintf("%s_%s.%s", Name, code, imageType)
     NUM = data_in[which(data_in <= FirstHours)]
     if (n2 == 3) {
     NE = 0
     else if (length(NUM) <= 1) {
     NE = 1
     else if ((max(diff(NUM)) > MaxDiffInFirstHours) | (length(NUM) <
     NeededInFirstHours)) {
     NE = 1
     else {
     NE = 0
     LP_temp = which(data_out != 0)
     LLP = LP_temp[length(LP_temp)]
     LastPos = data_out[LLP]
     k = NULL
     tlag = data_in[1]
     if (n2 > 3) {
     Y = log(data_out[1:(n2 - 1)])
     X = data_in[1:(n2 - 1)]
     cf = coef(lm(Y ~ X))
     x_CI = try(confint(nls(Y ~ beta * (X - x0) - log(DT),
     start = c(beta = cf[[2]], x0 = -cf[[1]]/cf[[2]]))))
     if (class(x_CI) == "try-error") {
     x_CI = array(NA, c(2, 2))
     else if ([2, 1])) {
     x_CI[2, 1] = NA
     prof_type = -9999
     if (n2 < 3) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: There are not enough time points - no model fitted: data set %s",
     R[start_ind, 56] = 1
     else if (data_out[1] < Threshold2) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Baseline level is too low - no model fitted: data set %s",
     R[start_ind, 56] = 2
     else if (n2 == 3) {
     ldata_out = log(data_out)
     R[temp3, 5] = ldata_out
     Linear = fitLinearAndStorage(data_in, ldata_out, start_ind,
     temp3, R)
     glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear
     R = Linear$R
     AIC1 = Linear$AIC1
     mod = glm.linear
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     R[start_ind, 53] = R[start_ind, 22]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest AIC n = 3: data set %s",
     prof_type = 1
     R[start_ind, 44] = R[start_ind, 23]
     else if ((data_in[n2] > x_CI[[2, 1]]) & (ldata_out[n2 - 1] >
     Threshold3)) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: zero is not informative- no model is fitted: data set %s",
     R[start_ind, 56] = 3.1
     else if (NE == 1) {
     ldata_out = log(data_out)
     R[temp3, 5] = ldata_out
     Linear = try(fitLinearAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters))
     glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear
     R = Linear$R
     AIC1 = Linear$AIC1
     alin = Linear$a1
     mod = glm.linear
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     R[start_ind, 53] = R[start_ind, 22]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest AIC n = 4: data set %s",
     prof_type = 1
     R[start_ind, 44] = R[start_ind, 23]
     else if (n2 == 4) {
     ldata_out = log(data_out)
     R[temp3, 5] = ldata_out
     Linear = try(fitLinearAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters))
     glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear
     R = Linear$R
     AIC1 = Linear$AIC1
     alin = Linear$a1
     mod = glm.linear
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     R[start_ind, 53] = R[start_ind, 22]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest AIC n = 4: data set %s",
     prof_type = 1
     R[start_ind, 44] = R[start_ind, 23]
     else if (n2 == 5) {
     Linear = try(fitLinearAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters))
     glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear
     R = Linear$R
     AIC1 = Linear$AIC1
     alin = Linear$a1
     Quad = try(fitQuadraticAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters))
     glm.quad = Quad$glm.quad
     R = Quad$R
     AIC2 = Quad$AIC2
     scaledQ = Quad$scaled
     ind = which(c(AIC1, AIC2) == min(c(AIC1, AIC2)))
     ind = which(c(AIC1, AIC2) == min(c(AIC1, AIC2)))
     if (data_out[2] > (1 + fact) * data_out[1]) {
     data_in_mod = data_in[2:n2]
     ldata_out_mod = ldata_out[2:n2]
     tlag = data_in_mod[1]
     m1 <- lm(ldata_out_mod ~ poly(data_in_mod, 1, raw = TRUE))
     MaxReg <- try(tobit(ldata_out_mod ~ poly(data_in_mod,
     1, raw = TRUE), left = log(DT), iter.max = MaxIters))
     if (class(MaxReg)[1] == "try-error") {
     yy <- sprintf("Fixing error in tobit fitting, data set: %s",
     options(warn = 1)
     MaxReg <- tobit(ldata_out_mod ~ poly(data_in_mod,
     1, raw = TRUE), left = log(DT), init = coef(m1),
     iter.max = MaxIters)
     options(warn = 2)
     AICMaxReg = AIC(MaxReg)
     ss_1 = sum(residuals(glm.linear)[2:(n2 - 1)]^2)
     ss_2 = sum(residuals(glm.quad)[2:(n2 - 1)]^2)
     ss_3 = sum(residuals(MaxReg)[1:3]^2)
     ind = which(c(ss_1, ss_2, ss_3) == min(c(ss_1, ss_2,
     if (ind == 1) {
     mod = glm.linear
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     tlag = data_in[1]
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     R[start_ind, 53] = R[start_ind, 22]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest SS n = 5: data set %s",
     prof_type = 1
     R[start_ind, 44] = R[start_ind, 23]
     else if (ind == 2) {
     mod = glm.quad
     mu = mean(data_in)
     sd = sd(data_in)
     a1 = coef(mod)[[1]]
     b1 = coef(mod)[[2]]
     c1 = coef(mod)[[3]]
     if (scaledQ == 1) {
     c = a1 - b1 * mu/sd + c1 * mu^2/sd^2
     b = b1/sd - 2 * mu * c1/sd^2
     a = c1/sd^2
     else {
     c = coef(mod)[[1]]
     b = coef(mod)[[2]]
     a = coef(mod)[[3]]
     mod.fitted <- fitted.values(mod)
     slopes = diff(mod.fitted)/diff(data_in)
     c_points = c(data_in[1], data_in[length(data_in) -
     c_devs = 2 * a * c_points + b
     ind_max = 2
     fastest_rate = c_devs[ind_max]
     ratios = fastest_rate/slopes
     LinPart = c(which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0)),
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     if (a < 0) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a quadratic (convex) model since it has the lowest SS and n = 5: data set %s",
     prof_type = 3
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
     mod <- glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
     k = mod$coeff[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     else if (a >= 0) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since we have identified a concave quadratic (quadratic has the lowest SS) and n = 5: data set %s",
     prof_type = 2
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     ldattemp = ldata_out[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     if (tlag == data_in[1]) {
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     to_include_R2 = LinPart
     else {
     to_include_R2 = seq(1, length(LinPart))
     temp3 = indexes[temp2]
     R[start_ind, 44] = 1 - sum((fitted(mod)[to_include_R2] -
     ldata_out[LinPart])^2)/sum((ldata_out[LinPart] -
     SE_temp = R[start_ind, 22]
     if (tlag > data_in[1]) {
     SE_temp = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))[[2]]
     R[start_ind, 53] = SE_temp
     R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     glm.quad.fitted <- fitted.values(glm.quad)
     R[start_ind, 51] <- max(glm.quad.fitted) - glm.quad.fitted[which(data_in ==
     else if (ind == 3) {
     mod <- MaxReg
     AIC1 = AIC(mod)
     LinPart = 1:(n2 - 1)
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == (n2 - 1)) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     k = coef(mod)[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     SEs2 = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))
     R[start_ind, 53] = SEs2[[2]]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model from max value since we only have 5 data points and an initial increase in parasite level (also - lowest SS): data set %s",
     prof_type = 5
     R[start_ind, 44] = 1 - sum(residuals(mod)^2)/sum((ldata_out_mod -
     MAXREG = 1
     else {
     Linear = fitLinearAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters)
     glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear
     R = Linear$R
     AIC1 = Linear$AIC1
     alin = Linear$a1
     Quad = fitQuadraticAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters)
     glm.quad = Quad$glm.quad
     R = Quad$R
     AIC2 = Quad$AIC2
     scaledQ = Quad$scaled
     Cubic = fitCubicAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters)
     glm.cubic = Cubic$glm.cubic
     R = Cubic$R
     AIC3 = Cubic$AIC3
     scaledC = Cubic$scaled
     ind = which(c(AIC1, AIC2, AIC3) == min(c(AIC1, AIC2,
     if (ind == 1) {
     mod = glm.linear
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     R[start_ind, 53] = R[start_ind, 22]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest AIC: data set %s",
     prof_type = 1
     R[start_ind, 44] = R[start_ind, 23]
     else if (ind == 2) {
     mod = glm.quad
     mu = mean(data_in)
     sd = sd(data_in)
     a1 = coef(mod)[[1]]
     b1 = coef(mod)[[2]]
     c1 = coef(mod)[[3]]
     c = a1 - b1 * mu/sd + c1 * mu^2/sd^2
     b = b1/sd - 2 * mu * c1/sd^2
     a = c1/sd^2
     if (scaledQ == 1) {
     c = a1 - b1 * mu/sd + c1 * mu^2/sd^2
     b = b1/sd - 2 * mu * c1/sd^2
     a = c1/sd^2
     else {
     c = coef(mod)[[1]]
     b = coef(mod)[[2]]
     a = coef(mod)[[3]]
     mod.fitted <- fitted.values(mod)
     slopes = diff(mod.fitted)/diff(data_in)
     c_points = c(data_in[1], data_in[length(data_in) -
     c_devs = 2 * a * c_points + b
     ind_max = 2
     fastest_rate = c_devs[ind_max]
     ratios = fastest_rate/slopes
     LinPart = c(which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0)),
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     if (a < 0) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a quadratic (convex) model since it has the lowest AIC: data set %s",
     prof_type = 3
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
     mod <- glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
     k = mod$coeff[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     else if (a >= 0) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since we have identified a concave quadratic (quadratic has the lowest AIC): data set %s",
     prof_type = 2
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     ldattemp = ldata_out[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     if (tlag == data_in[1]) {
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     to_include_R2 = LinPart
     else {
     to_include_R2 = seq(1, length(LinPart))
     temp3 = indexes[temp2]
     R[start_ind, 44] = 1 - sum((fitted(mod)[to_include_R2] -
     ldata_out[LinPart])^2)/sum((ldata_out[LinPart] -
     SE_temp = R[start_ind, 22]
     if (tlag > data_in[1]) {
     SE_temp = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))[[2]]
     R[start_ind, 53] = SE_temp
     R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     glm.quad.fitted <- fitted.values(glm.quad)
     R[start_ind, 51] <- max(glm.quad.fitted) - glm.quad.fitted[which(data_in ==
     else if (ind == 3) {
     mod = glm.cubic
     a1 = coef(mod)[[1]]
     b1 = coef(mod)[[2]]
     c1 = coef(mod)[[3]]
     d1 = coef(mod)[[4]]
     mu = mean(data_in)
     sd = sd(data_in)
     if (scaledC == 1) {
     d = a1 - b1 * mu/sd + c1 * mu^2/sd^2 - d1 * mu^3/sd^3
     c = b1/sd - 2 * mu * c1/sd^2 + 3 * mu^2 * d1/sd^3
     b = c1/sd^2 - 3 * mu * d1/sd^3
     a = d1/sd^3
     else {
     d = coef(mod)[[1]]
     c = coef(mod)[[2]]
     b = coef(mod)[[3]]
     a = coef(mod)[[4]]
     PoI = -b/(3 * a)
     c_points = c(data_in[1], PoI, data_in[length(data_in) -
     c_devs = 3 * a * c_points^2 + 2 * b * c_points +
     ind_min = which(abs(c_devs) == min(abs(c_devs)))
     slowest_rate = c_devs[ind_min]
     ind_max = which(abs(c_devs) == max(abs(c_devs)))
     fastest_rate = c_devs[which(c_devs == min(c_devs))]
     ind_max_neg = which(c_devs == min(c_devs))
     fastest_rate = c_devs[ind_max_neg]
     mod.fitted <- fitted.values(mod)
     slopes = diff(mod.fitted)/diff(data_in)
     ratios = fastest_rate/slopes
     FastParts = which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0))
     if (((PoI < data_in[1]) | (PoI > data_in[length(data_in) -
     1])) & (b < 0)) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a cubic model for cubic case (d) where b <0: data set %s",
     fastest_rate = min(c(c_devs[1], c_devs[3]))
     ratios = fastest_rate/slopes
     prof_type = 7
     LinPart = which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0))
     temp = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = c(LinPart, temp[LinPart[length(LinPart)] +
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
     mod <- glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
     k = mod$coeff[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     else if (((PoI < data_in[1]) | (PoI > data_in[length(data_in) -
     1])) & (b > 0)) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model for cubic case (d) where b >0: data set %s",
     prof_type = 6
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     ldattemp = ldata_out[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     else if (ind_max_neg == 2) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a cubic model for cubic case (a): data set %s",
     prof_type = 4
     LinPart = which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0) &
     (slopes < 0))
     temp = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = c(LinPart, temp[LinPart[length(LinPart)] +
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
     mod <- glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
     k = mod$coeff[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     else if ((ind_max_neg != 2) & (FastParts[1] == 1)) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model for cubic case (biii) where there is no lag phase: data set %s",
     prof_type = 9
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     ldattemp = ldata_out[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     else if ((ind_max_neg != 2) & (FastParts[1] != 1)) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model for cubic case (bii) where there is a lag phase: data set %s",
     prof_type = 8
     LinPart = which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0) &
     (data_in[2:n2] > PoI))
     temp = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = c(LinPart, temp[LinPart[length(LinPart)] +
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
     mod <- glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
     k = mod$coeff[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     if (tlag == data_in[1]) {
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     to_include_R2 = LinPart
     else {
     to_include_R2 = seq(1, length(LinPart))
     temp3 = indexes[temp2]
     R[start_ind, 44] = 1 - sum((fitted(mod)[to_include_R2] -
     ldata_out[LinPart])^2)/sum((ldata_out[LinPart] -
     SE_temp = R[start_ind, 22]
     if (tlag > data_in[1]) {
     SE_temp = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))[[2]]
     R[start_ind, 53] = SE_temp
     R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     glm.cubic.fitted <- fitted.values(glm.cubic)
     R[start_ind, 51] <- max(glm.cubic.fitted) - glm.cubic.fitted[which(data_in ==
     R[start_ind, 51] <- max(glm.cubic.fitted) - glm.cubic.fitted[which(data_in ==
     if ((plotting == TRUE) & all(ldata_out != -Inf)) {
     if (imageType == "png") {
     Cairo(file = filename2, type = "png")
     else if (imageType == "pdf") {
     pdf(file = filename2)
     filename <- sprintf("patient id: %s", code)
     par(mar = c(5.1, 5.1, 4.1, 2.1))
     x0 = data_in[1]
     xend = data_in[length(data_in)] * 1.05
     y0 = 0
     yend = max(ldata_out) * 1.05
     if (yend == -Inf) {
     yend = 10
     xlim = c(x0, xend)
     ylim = c(y0, yend)
     plot(data_in, ldata_out, main = filename, xlab = "Time (hours)",
     ylab = expression(log[e](parasitaemia)), cex = 2,
     cex.main = 2, cex.lab = 2, cex.axis = 2, xlim = xlim,
     ylim = ylim, type = "p", pch = 19)
     if (R[start_ind, 56] == 0) {
     if (length(fitted(mod)) == length(LinPart)) {
     lines(data_in[LinPart], fitted(mod), lty = 1,
     col = "blue", lwd = 3)
     else if (prof_type == 5) {
     lines(data_in[LinPart + 1], fitted(mod)[LinPart],
     lty = 1, col = "blue", lwd = 3)
     else {
     lines(data_in[LinPart], fitted(mod)[LinPart],
     lty = 1, col = "blue", lwd = 3)
     out_temp = floor(as.numeric(R[start_ind:end_ind, 4]))
     outliers = which(out_temp == 2)
     if (length(outliers) > 0) {
     points(data_in_store[outliers], log(data_out_store[outliers]),
     col = "red", pch = 19, cex = 2)
     if ((tlag > 0) & (R[start_ind, 56] == 0)) {
     t_temp = which(data_in < tlag)
     points(data_in[t_temp], log(data_out[t_temp]), col = "gray",
     pch = 19, cex = 2)
     points(data_in_store[ind_DL], log(data_out_store[ind_DL]),
     col = "green", pch = 19, cex = 2)
     if (is.null(k) == FALSE) {
     mod_lin <- lm(ldata_out[-ind_DL] ~ data_in[-ind_DL])
     R[start_ind, 70] = 1 - sum(residuals(mod_lin)^2)/sum((ldata_out[-ind_DL] -
     if (MAXREG == 1) {
     MSRE = sqrt(mean((fitted(mod)[LinPart] - ldata_out[LinPart +
     else if (tlag == data_in[1]) {
     MSRE = (mean(residuals(mod)^2))^(1/2)
     else {
     MSRE = sqrt(mean((fitted(mod) - ldata_out[LinPart])^2))
     R[start_ind, 55] = MSRE
     R[temp3[LinPart], 52] = 1
     if (MAXREG == 1) {
     R[temp3[LinPart + 1], 45] <- fitted.values(mod)[LinPart]
     R[temp3[LinPart + 1], 46] <- residuals(mod)[LinPart]
     else if (length(fitted(mod)) == length(LinPart)) {
     R[temp3[LinPart], 45] <- fitted.values(mod)
     R[temp3[LinPart], 46] <- residuals(mod)
     else {
     R[temp3[LinPart], 45] <- fitted.values(mod)[LinPart]
     R[temp3[LinPart], 46] <- residuals(mod)[LinPart]
     R[start_ind, 49] <- tlag - data_in[1]
     R[start_ind, 42] <- prof_type
     R[start_ind, 43] <- k
     knum = as.numeric(k)
     int = alin + knum * as.numeric(R[start_ind, 49])
     R[start_ind, 67] = int
     PC50 = (log(data_out[1] * (1 - 0.5)) - alin)/knum
     PC90 = (log(data_out[1] * (1 - 0.9)) - alin)/knum
     PC95 = (log(data_out[1] * (1 - 0.95)) - alin)/knum
     PC99 = (log(data_out[1] * (1 - 0.99)) - alin)/knum
     if (PC50 > 0) {
     R[start_ind, 59] = PC50
     if (PC90 > 0) {
     R[start_ind, 60] = PC90
     if (PC95 > 0) {
     R[start_ind, 61] = PC95
     if (PC99 > 0) {
     R[start_ind, 62] = PC99
     lag_phase_attempted = 1
     if ((NE == 0) | (n2 == 3)) {
     lag_phase_attempted = 0
     R[start_ind, 50] <- data_out[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     max(data_out[which(data_in <= tlag)])
     R[start_ind, 51] <- data_out[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     if (k > 0) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: NOTE: Model is fitted, but parasites not cleared: data set %s",
     R[start_ind, 57] <- lag_phase_attempted
     return(list(R = R))
    <bytecode: 0x7816d60>
    <environment: namespace:bhrcr>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function lagReg_tobit in namespace bhrcr has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(x_CI) == "try-error") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: calculatePCE
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang

Version: 1.0.3
Check: for non-standard things in the check directory
Result: NOTE
    Found the following files/directories:
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc

Version: 1.0.3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘bhrcr-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: calculatePCE
    > ### Title: WWARN Parasite Clearance Estimator (PCE)
    > ### Aliases: calculatePCE
    > ### ** Examples
    > ## Don't show:
    > data("pursat")
    > data = pursat[pursat["id"] <= 80 & pursat["id"] > 70,]
    > output <- calculatePCE(data = data, detect.limit = 15, outlier.detect = TRUE)
     Calculating WWARN PCE Estimates...
    [1] "Replacing a 0 parasite level (at data point 18) with detection level: data set 71"
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    lagReg_tobit(R, data_in, data_out, i, start_ind, end_ind, code,
     Condition_on_24_hours, fact, Threshold2, Threshold3, Detec_limit,
     DT, MaxIters, plotting, Name, ind_DL, FirstHours, MaxDiffInFirstHours,
     NeededInFirstHours, TimeRes1, TimeRes2, Threshold4, imageType)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(x_CI) == "try-error") {
     x_CI = array(NA, c(2, 2))
    } else if ([2, 1])) {
     x_CI[2, 1] = NA
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: lagReg_tobit(R, data_in, data_out, i, start_ind, end_ind, code,
     Condition_on_24_hours, fact, Threshold2, Threshold3, Detec_limit,
     DT, MaxIters, plotting, Name, ind_DL, FirstHours, MaxDiffInFirstHours,
     NeededInFirstHours, TimeRes1, TimeRes2, Threshold4, imageType)
    where 2: calculateParasiteClearance(Name = "pceestimates", minpara = detect.limit,
     data1 = data)
    where 3: withCallingHandlers(expr, message = function(c) invokeRestart("muffleMessage"))
    where 4: suppressMessages(calculateParasiteClearance(Name = "pceestimates",
     minpara = detect.limit, data1 = data))
    where 5: withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"))
    where 6: suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(calculateParasiteClearance(Name = "pceestimates",
     minpara = detect.limit, data1 = data)))
    where 7: calculatePCE(data = data, detect.limit = 15, outlier.detect = TRUE)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     --- function from context ---
    function (R, data_in, data_out, i, start_ind, end_ind, code,
     Condition_on_24_hours, fact, Threshold2, Threshold3, Detect_limit,
     DT, MaxIters, plotting, Name, ind_DL, FirstHours, MaxDiffInFirstHours,
     NeededInFirstHours, TimeRes1, TimeRes2, Threshold4, imageType = c("pdf",
     par(ask = FALSE)
     imageType <- match.arg(imageType)
     indexes = start_ind:end_ind
     temp2 = which(R[start_ind:end_ind, 4] == 0)
     temp3 = indexes[temp2]
     data_out_store = data_out
     data_in_store = data_in
     data_in = data_in[temp2]
     data_out = data_out[temp2]
     ldata_out = log(data_out)
     n2 = length(ldata_out)
     R[temp3, 5] = ldata_out
     lag_phase_attempted = 2
     MAXREG = 0
     filename2 <- sprintf("%s_%s.%s", Name, code, imageType)
     NUM = data_in[which(data_in <= FirstHours)]
     if (n2 == 3) {
     NE = 0
     else if (length(NUM) <= 1) {
     NE = 1
     else if ((max(diff(NUM)) > MaxDiffInFirstHours) | (length(NUM) <
     NeededInFirstHours)) {
     NE = 1
     else {
     NE = 0
     LP_temp = which(data_out != 0)
     LLP = LP_temp[length(LP_temp)]
     LastPos = data_out[LLP]
     k = NULL
     tlag = data_in[1]
     if (n2 > 3) {
     Y = log(data_out[1:(n2 - 1)])
     X = data_in[1:(n2 - 1)]
     cf = coef(lm(Y ~ X))
     x_CI = try(confint(nls(Y ~ beta * (X - x0) - log(DT),
     start = c(beta = cf[[2]], x0 = -cf[[1]]/cf[[2]]))))
     if (class(x_CI) == "try-error") {
     x_CI = array(NA, c(2, 2))
     else if ([2, 1])) {
     x_CI[2, 1] = NA
     prof_type = -9999
     if (n2 < 3) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: There are not enough time points - no model fitted: data set %s",
     R[start_ind, 56] = 1
     else if (data_out[1] < Threshold2) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Baseline level is too low - no model fitted: data set %s",
     R[start_ind, 56] = 2
     else if (n2 == 3) {
     ldata_out = log(data_out)
     R[temp3, 5] = ldata_out
     Linear = fitLinearAndStorage(data_in, ldata_out, start_ind,
     temp3, R)
     glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear
     R = Linear$R
     AIC1 = Linear$AIC1
     mod = glm.linear
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     R[start_ind, 53] = R[start_ind, 22]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest AIC n = 3: data set %s",
     prof_type = 1
     R[start_ind, 44] = R[start_ind, 23]
     else if ((data_in[n2] > x_CI[[2, 1]]) & (ldata_out[n2 - 1] >
     Threshold3)) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: zero is not informative- no model is fitted: data set %s",
     R[start_ind, 56] = 3.1
     else if (NE == 1) {
     ldata_out = log(data_out)
     R[temp3, 5] = ldata_out
     Linear = try(fitLinearAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters))
     glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear
     R = Linear$R
     AIC1 = Linear$AIC1
     alin = Linear$a1
     mod = glm.linear
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     R[start_ind, 53] = R[start_ind, 22]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest AIC n = 4: data set %s",
     prof_type = 1
     R[start_ind, 44] = R[start_ind, 23]
     else if (n2 == 4) {
     ldata_out = log(data_out)
     R[temp3, 5] = ldata_out
     Linear = try(fitLinearAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters))
     glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear
     R = Linear$R
     AIC1 = Linear$AIC1
     alin = Linear$a1
     mod = glm.linear
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     R[start_ind, 53] = R[start_ind, 22]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest AIC n = 4: data set %s",
     prof_type = 1
     R[start_ind, 44] = R[start_ind, 23]
     else if (n2 == 5) {
     Linear = try(fitLinearAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters))
     glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear
     R = Linear$R
     AIC1 = Linear$AIC1
     alin = Linear$a1
     Quad = try(fitQuadraticAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters))
     glm.quad = Quad$glm.quad
     R = Quad$R
     AIC2 = Quad$AIC2
     scaledQ = Quad$scaled
     ind = which(c(AIC1, AIC2) == min(c(AIC1, AIC2)))
     ind = which(c(AIC1, AIC2) == min(c(AIC1, AIC2)))
     if (data_out[2] > (1 + fact) * data_out[1]) {
     data_in_mod = data_in[2:n2]
     ldata_out_mod = ldata_out[2:n2]
     tlag = data_in_mod[1]
     m1 <- lm(ldata_out_mod ~ poly(data_in_mod, 1, raw = TRUE))
     MaxReg <- try(tobit(ldata_out_mod ~ poly(data_in_mod,
     1, raw = TRUE), left = log(DT), iter.max = MaxIters))
     if (class(MaxReg)[1] == "try-error") {
     yy <- sprintf("Fixing error in tobit fitting, data set: %s",
     options(warn = 1)
     MaxReg <- tobit(ldata_out_mod ~ poly(data_in_mod,
     1, raw = TRUE), left = log(DT), init = coef(m1),
     iter.max = MaxIters)
     options(warn = 2)
     AICMaxReg = AIC(MaxReg)
     ss_1 = sum(residuals(glm.linear)[2:(n2 - 1)]^2)
     ss_2 = sum(residuals(glm.quad)[2:(n2 - 1)]^2)
     ss_3 = sum(residuals(MaxReg)[1:3]^2)
     ind = which(c(ss_1, ss_2, ss_3) == min(c(ss_1, ss_2,
     if (ind == 1) {
     mod = glm.linear
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     tlag = data_in[1]
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     R[start_ind, 53] = R[start_ind, 22]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest SS n = 5: data set %s",
     prof_type = 1
     R[start_ind, 44] = R[start_ind, 23]
     else if (ind == 2) {
     mod = glm.quad
     mu = mean(data_in)
     sd = sd(data_in)
     a1 = coef(mod)[[1]]
     b1 = coef(mod)[[2]]
     c1 = coef(mod)[[3]]
     if (scaledQ == 1) {
     c = a1 - b1 * mu/sd + c1 * mu^2/sd^2
     b = b1/sd - 2 * mu * c1/sd^2
     a = c1/sd^2
     else {
     c = coef(mod)[[1]]
     b = coef(mod)[[2]]
     a = coef(mod)[[3]]
     mod.fitted <- fitted.values(mod)
     slopes = diff(mod.fitted)/diff(data_in)
     c_points = c(data_in[1], data_in[length(data_in) -
     c_devs = 2 * a * c_points + b
     ind_max = 2
     fastest_rate = c_devs[ind_max]
     ratios = fastest_rate/slopes
     LinPart = c(which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0)),
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     if (a < 0) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a quadratic (convex) model since it has the lowest SS and n = 5: data set %s",
     prof_type = 3
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
     mod <- glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
     k = mod$coeff[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     else if (a >= 0) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since we have identified a concave quadratic (quadratic has the lowest SS) and n = 5: data set %s",
     prof_type = 2
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     ldattemp = ldata_out[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     if (tlag == data_in[1]) {
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     to_include_R2 = LinPart
     else {
     to_include_R2 = seq(1, length(LinPart))
     temp3 = indexes[temp2]
     R[start_ind, 44] = 1 - sum((fitted(mod)[to_include_R2] -
     ldata_out[LinPart])^2)/sum((ldata_out[LinPart] -
     SE_temp = R[start_ind, 22]
     if (tlag > data_in[1]) {
     SE_temp = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))[[2]]
     R[start_ind, 53] = SE_temp
     R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     glm.quad.fitted <- fitted.values(glm.quad)
     R[start_ind, 51] <- max(glm.quad.fitted) - glm.quad.fitted[which(data_in ==
     else if (ind == 3) {
     mod <- MaxReg
     AIC1 = AIC(mod)
     LinPart = 1:(n2 - 1)
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == (n2 - 1)) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     k = coef(mod)[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     SEs2 = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))
     R[start_ind, 53] = SEs2[[2]]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model from max value since we only have 5 data points and an initial increase in parasite level (also - lowest SS): data set %s",
     prof_type = 5
     R[start_ind, 44] = 1 - sum(residuals(mod)^2)/sum((ldata_out_mod -
     MAXREG = 1
     else {
     Linear = fitLinearAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters)
     glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear
     R = Linear$R
     AIC1 = Linear$AIC1
     alin = Linear$a1
     Quad = fitQuadraticAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters)
     glm.quad = Quad$glm.quad
     R = Quad$R
     AIC2 = Quad$AIC2
     scaledQ = Quad$scaled
     Cubic = fitCubicAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters)
     glm.cubic = Cubic$glm.cubic
     R = Cubic$R
     AIC3 = Cubic$AIC3
     scaledC = Cubic$scaled
     ind = which(c(AIC1, AIC2, AIC3) == min(c(AIC1, AIC2,
     if (ind == 1) {
     mod = glm.linear
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     R[start_ind, 53] = R[start_ind, 22]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest AIC: data set %s",
     prof_type = 1
     R[start_ind, 44] = R[start_ind, 23]
     else if (ind == 2) {
     mod = glm.quad
     mu = mean(data_in)
     sd = sd(data_in)
     a1 = coef(mod)[[1]]
     b1 = coef(mod)[[2]]
     c1 = coef(mod)[[3]]
     c = a1 - b1 * mu/sd + c1 * mu^2/sd^2
     b = b1/sd - 2 * mu * c1/sd^2
     a = c1/sd^2
     if (scaledQ == 1) {
     c = a1 - b1 * mu/sd + c1 * mu^2/sd^2
     b = b1/sd - 2 * mu * c1/sd^2
     a = c1/sd^2
     else {
     c = coef(mod)[[1]]
     b = coef(mod)[[2]]
     a = coef(mod)[[3]]
     mod.fitted <- fitted.values(mod)
     slopes = diff(mod.fitted)/diff(data_in)
     c_points = c(data_in[1], data_in[length(data_in) -
     c_devs = 2 * a * c_points + b
     ind_max = 2
     fastest_rate = c_devs[ind_max]
     ratios = fastest_rate/slopes
     LinPart = c(which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0)),
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     if (a < 0) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a quadratic (convex) model since it has the lowest AIC: data set %s",
     prof_type = 3
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
     mod <- glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
     k = mod$coeff[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     else if (a >= 0) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since we have identified a concave quadratic (quadratic has the lowest AIC): data set %s",
     prof_type = 2
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     ldattemp = ldata_out[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     if (tlag == data_in[1]) {
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     to_include_R2 = LinPart
     else {
     to_include_R2 = seq(1, length(LinPart))
     temp3 = indexes[temp2]
     R[start_ind, 44] = 1 - sum((fitted(mod)[to_include_R2] -
     ldata_out[LinPart])^2)/sum((ldata_out[LinPart] -
     SE_temp = R[start_ind, 22]
     if (tlag > data_in[1]) {
     SE_temp = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))[[2]]
     R[start_ind, 53] = SE_temp
     R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     glm.quad.fitted <- fitted.values(glm.quad)
     R[start_ind, 51] <- max(glm.quad.fitted) - glm.quad.fitted[which(data_in ==
     else if (ind == 3) {
     mod = glm.cubic
     a1 = coef(mod)[[1]]
     b1 = coef(mod)[[2]]
     c1 = coef(mod)[[3]]
     d1 = coef(mod)[[4]]
     mu = mean(data_in)
     sd = sd(data_in)
     if (scaledC == 1) {
     d = a1 - b1 * mu/sd + c1 * mu^2/sd^2 - d1 * mu^3/sd^3
     c = b1/sd - 2 * mu * c1/sd^2 + 3 * mu^2 * d1/sd^3
     b = c1/sd^2 - 3 * mu * d1/sd^3
     a = d1/sd^3
     else {
     d = coef(mod)[[1]]
     c = coef(mod)[[2]]
     b = coef(mod)[[3]]
     a = coef(mod)[[4]]
     PoI = -b/(3 * a)
     c_points = c(data_in[1], PoI, data_in[length(data_in) -
     c_devs = 3 * a * c_points^2 + 2 * b * c_points +
     ind_min = which(abs(c_devs) == min(abs(c_devs)))
     slowest_rate = c_devs[ind_min]
     ind_max = which(abs(c_devs) == max(abs(c_devs)))
     fastest_rate = c_devs[which(c_devs == min(c_devs))]
     ind_max_neg = which(c_devs == min(c_devs))
     fastest_rate = c_devs[ind_max_neg]
     mod.fitted <- fitted.values(mod)
     slopes = diff(mod.fitted)/diff(data_in)
     ratios = fastest_rate/slopes
     FastParts = which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0))
     if (((PoI < data_in[1]) | (PoI > data_in[length(data_in) -
     1])) & (b < 0)) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a cubic model for cubic case (d) where b <0: data set %s",
     fastest_rate = min(c(c_devs[1], c_devs[3]))
     ratios = fastest_rate/slopes
     prof_type = 7
     LinPart = which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0))
     temp = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = c(LinPart, temp[LinPart[length(LinPart)] +
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
     mod <- glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
     k = mod$coeff[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     else if (((PoI < data_in[1]) | (PoI > data_in[length(data_in) -
     1])) & (b > 0)) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model for cubic case (d) where b >0: data set %s",
     prof_type = 6
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     ldattemp = ldata_out[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     else if (ind_max_neg == 2) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a cubic model for cubic case (a): data set %s",
     prof_type = 4
     LinPart = which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0) &
     (slopes < 0))
     temp = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = c(LinPart, temp[LinPart[length(LinPart)] +
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
     mod <- glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
     k = mod$coeff[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     else if ((ind_max_neg != 2) & (FastParts[1] == 1)) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model for cubic case (biii) where there is no lag phase: data set %s",
     prof_type = 9
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     ldattemp = ldata_out[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     else if ((ind_max_neg != 2) & (FastParts[1] != 1)) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model for cubic case (bii) where there is a lag phase: data set %s",
     prof_type = 8
     LinPart = which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0) &
     (data_in[2:n2] > PoI))
     temp = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = c(LinPart, temp[LinPart[length(LinPart)] +
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
     mod <- glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
     k = mod$coeff[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     if (tlag == data_in[1]) {
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     to_include_R2 = LinPart
     else {
     to_include_R2 = seq(1, length(LinPart))
     temp3 = indexes[temp2]
     R[start_ind, 44] = 1 - sum((fitted(mod)[to_include_R2] -
     ldata_out[LinPart])^2)/sum((ldata_out[LinPart] -
     SE_temp = R[start_ind, 22]
     if (tlag > data_in[1]) {
     SE_temp = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))[[2]]
     R[start_ind, 53] = SE_temp
     R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     glm.cubic.fitted <- fitted.values(glm.cubic)
     R[start_ind, 51] <- max(glm.cubic.fitted) - glm.cubic.fitted[which(data_in ==
     R[start_ind, 51] <- max(glm.cubic.fitted) - glm.cubic.fitted[which(data_in ==
     if ((plotting == TRUE) & all(ldata_out != -Inf)) {
     if (imageType == "png") {
     Cairo(file = filename2, type = "png")
     else if (imageType == "pdf") {
     pdf(file = filename2)
     filename <- sprintf("patient id: %s", code)
     par(mar = c(5.1, 5.1, 4.1, 2.1))
     x0 = data_in[1]
     xend = data_in[length(data_in)] * 1.05
     y0 = 0
     yend = max(ldata_out) * 1.05
     if (yend == -Inf) {
     yend = 10
     xlim = c(x0, xend)
     ylim = c(y0, yend)
     plot(data_in, ldata_out, main = filename, xlab = "Time (hours)",
     ylab = expression(log[e](parasitaemia)), cex = 2,
     cex.main = 2, cex.lab = 2, cex.axis = 2, xlim = xlim,
     ylim = ylim, type = "p", pch = 19)
     if (R[start_ind, 56] == 0) {
     if (length(fitted(mod)) == length(LinPart)) {
     lines(data_in[LinPart], fitted(mod), lty = 1,
     col = "blue", lwd = 3)
     else if (prof_type == 5) {
     lines(data_in[LinPart + 1], fitted(mod)[LinPart],
     lty = 1, col = "blue", lwd = 3)
     else {
     lines(data_in[LinPart], fitted(mod)[LinPart],
     lty = 1, col = "blue", lwd = 3)
     out_temp = floor(as.numeric(R[start_ind:end_ind, 4]))
     outliers = which(out_temp == 2)
     if (length(outliers) > 0) {
     points(data_in_store[outliers], log(data_out_store[outliers]),
     col = "red", pch = 19, cex = 2)
     if ((tlag > 0) & (R[start_ind, 56] == 0)) {
     t_temp = which(data_in < tlag)
     points(data_in[t_temp], log(data_out[t_temp]), col = "gray",
     pch = 19, cex = 2)
     points(data_in_store[ind_DL], log(data_out_store[ind_DL]),
     col = "green", pch = 19, cex = 2)
     if (is.null(k) == FALSE) {
     mod_lin <- lm(ldata_out[-ind_DL] ~ data_in[-ind_DL])
     R[start_ind, 70] = 1 - sum(residuals(mod_lin)^2)/sum((ldata_out[-ind_DL] -
     if (MAXREG == 1) {
     MSRE = sqrt(mean((fitted(mod)[LinPart] - ldata_out[LinPart +
     else if (tlag == data_in[1]) {
     MSRE = (mean(residuals(mod)^2))^(1/2)
     else {
     MSRE = sqrt(mean((fitted(mod) - ldata_out[LinPart])^2))
     R[start_ind, 55] = MSRE
     R[temp3[LinPart], 52] = 1
     if (MAXREG == 1) {
     R[temp3[LinPart + 1], 45] <- fitted.values(mod)[LinPart]
     R[temp3[LinPart + 1], 46] <- residuals(mod)[LinPart]
     else if (length(fitted(mod)) == length(LinPart)) {
     R[temp3[LinPart], 45] <- fitted.values(mod)
     R[temp3[LinPart], 46] <- residuals(mod)
     else {
     R[temp3[LinPart], 45] <- fitted.values(mod)[LinPart]
     R[temp3[LinPart], 46] <- residuals(mod)[LinPart]
     R[start_ind, 49] <- tlag - data_in[1]
     R[start_ind, 42] <- prof_type
     R[start_ind, 43] <- k
     knum = as.numeric(k)
     int = alin + knum * as.numeric(R[start_ind, 49])
     R[start_ind, 67] = int
     PC50 = (log(data_out[1] * (1 - 0.5)) - alin)/knum
     PC90 = (log(data_out[1] * (1 - 0.9)) - alin)/knum
     PC95 = (log(data_out[1] * (1 - 0.95)) - alin)/knum
     PC99 = (log(data_out[1] * (1 - 0.99)) - alin)/knum
     if (PC50 > 0) {
     R[start_ind, 59] = PC50
     if (PC90 > 0) {
     R[start_ind, 60] = PC90
     if (PC95 > 0) {
     R[start_ind, 61] = PC95
     if (PC99 > 0) {
     R[start_ind, 62] = PC99
     lag_phase_attempted = 1
     if ((NE == 0) | (n2 == 3)) {
     lag_phase_attempted = 0
     R[start_ind, 50] <- data_out[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     max(data_out[which(data_in <= tlag)])
     R[start_ind, 51] <- data_out[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     if (k > 0) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: NOTE: Model is fitted, but parasites not cleared: data set %s",
     R[start_ind, 57] <- lag_phase_attempted
     return(list(R = R))
    <bytecode: 0x5627aa43bb38>
    <environment: namespace:bhrcr>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function lagReg_tobit in namespace bhrcr has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(x_CI) == "try-error") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: calculatePCE
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc

Version: 1.0.3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘bhrcr-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: calculatePCE
    > ### Title: WWARN Parasite Clearance Estimator (PCE)
    > ### Aliases: calculatePCE
    > ### ** Examples
    > ## Don't show:
    > data("pursat")
    > data = pursat[pursat["id"] <= 80 & pursat["id"] > 70,]
    > output <- calculatePCE(data = data, detect.limit = 15, outlier.detect = TRUE)
     Calculating WWARN PCE Estimates...
    [1] "Replacing a 0 parasite level (at data point 18) with detection level: data set 71"
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    lagReg_tobit(R, data_in, data_out, i, start_ind, end_ind, code,
     Condition_on_24_hours, fact, Threshold2, Threshold3, Detec_limit,
     DT, MaxIters, plotting, Name, ind_DL, FirstHours, MaxDiffInFirstHours,
     NeededInFirstHours, TimeRes1, TimeRes2, Threshold4, imageType)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(x_CI) == "try-error") {
     x_CI = array(NA, c(2, 2))
    } else if ([2, 1])) {
     x_CI[2, 1] = NA
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: lagReg_tobit(R, data_in, data_out, i, start_ind, end_ind, code,
     Condition_on_24_hours, fact, Threshold2, Threshold3, Detec_limit,
     DT, MaxIters, plotting, Name, ind_DL, FirstHours, MaxDiffInFirstHours,
     NeededInFirstHours, TimeRes1, TimeRes2, Threshold4, imageType)
    where 2: calculateParasiteClearance(Name = "pceestimates", minpara = detect.limit,
     data1 = data)
    where 3: withCallingHandlers(expr, message = function(c) invokeRestart("muffleMessage"))
    where 4: suppressMessages(calculateParasiteClearance(Name = "pceestimates",
     minpara = detect.limit, data1 = data))
    where 5: withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"))
    where 6: suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(calculateParasiteClearance(Name = "pceestimates",
     minpara = detect.limit, data1 = data)))
    where 7: calculatePCE(data = data, detect.limit = 15, outlier.detect = TRUE)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     --- function from context ---
    function (R, data_in, data_out, i, start_ind, end_ind, code,
     Condition_on_24_hours, fact, Threshold2, Threshold3, Detect_limit,
     DT, MaxIters, plotting, Name, ind_DL, FirstHours, MaxDiffInFirstHours,
     NeededInFirstHours, TimeRes1, TimeRes2, Threshold4, imageType = c("pdf",
     par(ask = FALSE)
     imageType <- match.arg(imageType)
     indexes = start_ind:end_ind
     temp2 = which(R[start_ind:end_ind, 4] == 0)
     temp3 = indexes[temp2]
     data_out_store = data_out
     data_in_store = data_in
     data_in = data_in[temp2]
     data_out = data_out[temp2]
     ldata_out = log(data_out)
     n2 = length(ldata_out)
     R[temp3, 5] = ldata_out
     lag_phase_attempted = 2
     MAXREG = 0
     filename2 <- sprintf("%s_%s.%s", Name, code, imageType)
     NUM = data_in[which(data_in <= FirstHours)]
     if (n2 == 3) {
     NE = 0
     else if (length(NUM) <= 1) {
     NE = 1
     else if ((max(diff(NUM)) > MaxDiffInFirstHours) | (length(NUM) <
     NeededInFirstHours)) {
     NE = 1
     else {
     NE = 0
     LP_temp = which(data_out != 0)
     LLP = LP_temp[length(LP_temp)]
     LastPos = data_out[LLP]
     k = NULL
     tlag = data_in[1]
     if (n2 > 3) {
     Y = log(data_out[1:(n2 - 1)])
     X = data_in[1:(n2 - 1)]
     cf = coef(lm(Y ~ X))
     x_CI = try(confint(nls(Y ~ beta * (X - x0) - log(DT),
     start = c(beta = cf[[2]], x0 = -cf[[1]]/cf[[2]]))))
     if (class(x_CI) == "try-error") {
     x_CI = array(NA, c(2, 2))
     else if ([2, 1])) {
     x_CI[2, 1] = NA
     prof_type = -9999
     if (n2 < 3) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: There are not enough time points - no model fitted: data set %s",
     R[start_ind, 56] = 1
     else if (data_out[1] < Threshold2) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Baseline level is too low - no model fitted: data set %s",
     R[start_ind, 56] = 2
     else if (n2 == 3) {
     ldata_out = log(data_out)
     R[temp3, 5] = ldata_out
     Linear = fitLinearAndStorage(data_in, ldata_out, start_ind,
     temp3, R)
     glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear
     R = Linear$R
     AIC1 = Linear$AIC1
     mod = glm.linear
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     R[start_ind, 53] = R[start_ind, 22]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest AIC n = 3: data set %s",
     prof_type = 1
     R[start_ind, 44] = R[start_ind, 23]
     else if ((data_in[n2] > x_CI[[2, 1]]) & (ldata_out[n2 - 1] >
     Threshold3)) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: zero is not informative- no model is fitted: data set %s",
     R[start_ind, 56] = 3.1
     else if (NE == 1) {
     ldata_out = log(data_out)
     R[temp3, 5] = ldata_out
     Linear = try(fitLinearAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters))
     glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear
     R = Linear$R
     AIC1 = Linear$AIC1
     alin = Linear$a1
     mod = glm.linear
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     R[start_ind, 53] = R[start_ind, 22]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest AIC n = 4: data set %s",
     prof_type = 1
     R[start_ind, 44] = R[start_ind, 23]
     else if (n2 == 4) {
     ldata_out = log(data_out)
     R[temp3, 5] = ldata_out
     Linear = try(fitLinearAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters))
     glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear
     R = Linear$R
     AIC1 = Linear$AIC1
     alin = Linear$a1
     mod = glm.linear
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     R[start_ind, 53] = R[start_ind, 22]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest AIC n = 4: data set %s",
     prof_type = 1
     R[start_ind, 44] = R[start_ind, 23]
     else if (n2 == 5) {
     Linear = try(fitLinearAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters))
     glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear
     R = Linear$R
     AIC1 = Linear$AIC1
     alin = Linear$a1
     Quad = try(fitQuadraticAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters))
     glm.quad = Quad$glm.quad
     R = Quad$R
     AIC2 = Quad$AIC2
     scaledQ = Quad$scaled
     ind = which(c(AIC1, AIC2) == min(c(AIC1, AIC2)))
     ind = which(c(AIC1, AIC2) == min(c(AIC1, AIC2)))
     if (data_out[2] > (1 + fact) * data_out[1]) {
     data_in_mod = data_in[2:n2]
     ldata_out_mod = ldata_out[2:n2]
     tlag = data_in_mod[1]
     m1 <- lm(ldata_out_mod ~ poly(data_in_mod, 1, raw = TRUE))
     MaxReg <- try(tobit(ldata_out_mod ~ poly(data_in_mod,
     1, raw = TRUE), left = log(DT), iter.max = MaxIters))
     if (class(MaxReg)[1] == "try-error") {
     yy <- sprintf("Fixing error in tobit fitting, data set: %s",
     options(warn = 1)
     MaxReg <- tobit(ldata_out_mod ~ poly(data_in_mod,
     1, raw = TRUE), left = log(DT), init = coef(m1),
     iter.max = MaxIters)
     options(warn = 2)
     AICMaxReg = AIC(MaxReg)
     ss_1 = sum(residuals(glm.linear)[2:(n2 - 1)]^2)
     ss_2 = sum(residuals(glm.quad)[2:(n2 - 1)]^2)
     ss_3 = sum(residuals(MaxReg)[1:3]^2)
     ind = which(c(ss_1, ss_2, ss_3) == min(c(ss_1, ss_2,
     if (ind == 1) {
     mod = glm.linear
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     tlag = data_in[1]
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     R[start_ind, 53] = R[start_ind, 22]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest SS n = 5: data set %s",
     prof_type = 1
     R[start_ind, 44] = R[start_ind, 23]
     else if (ind == 2) {
     mod = glm.quad
     mu = mean(data_in)
     sd = sd(data_in)
     a1 = coef(mod)[[1]]
     b1 = coef(mod)[[2]]
     c1 = coef(mod)[[3]]
     if (scaledQ == 1) {
     c = a1 - b1 * mu/sd + c1 * mu^2/sd^2
     b = b1/sd - 2 * mu * c1/sd^2
     a = c1/sd^2
     else {
     c = coef(mod)[[1]]
     b = coef(mod)[[2]]
     a = coef(mod)[[3]]
     mod.fitted <- fitted.values(mod)
     slopes = diff(mod.fitted)/diff(data_in)
     c_points = c(data_in[1], data_in[length(data_in) -
     c_devs = 2 * a * c_points + b
     ind_max = 2
     fastest_rate = c_devs[ind_max]
     ratios = fastest_rate/slopes
     LinPart = c(which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0)),
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     if (a < 0) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a quadratic (convex) model since it has the lowest SS and n = 5: data set %s",
     prof_type = 3
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
     mod <- glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
     k = mod$coeff[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     else if (a >= 0) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since we have identified a concave quadratic (quadratic has the lowest SS) and n = 5: data set %s",
     prof_type = 2
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     ldattemp = ldata_out[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     if (tlag == data_in[1]) {
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     to_include_R2 = LinPart
     else {
     to_include_R2 = seq(1, length(LinPart))
     temp3 = indexes[temp2]
     R[start_ind, 44] = 1 - sum((fitted(mod)[to_include_R2] -
     ldata_out[LinPart])^2)/sum((ldata_out[LinPart] -
     SE_temp = R[start_ind, 22]
     if (tlag > data_in[1]) {
     SE_temp = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))[[2]]
     R[start_ind, 53] = SE_temp
     R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     glm.quad.fitted <- fitted.values(glm.quad)
     R[start_ind, 51] <- max(glm.quad.fitted) - glm.quad.fitted[which(data_in ==
     else if (ind == 3) {
     mod <- MaxReg
     AIC1 = AIC(mod)
     LinPart = 1:(n2 - 1)
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == (n2 - 1)) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     k = coef(mod)[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     SEs2 = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))
     R[start_ind, 53] = SEs2[[2]]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model from max value since we only have 5 data points and an initial increase in parasite level (also - lowest SS): data set %s",
     prof_type = 5
     R[start_ind, 44] = 1 - sum(residuals(mod)^2)/sum((ldata_out_mod -
     MAXREG = 1
     else {
     Linear = fitLinearAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters)
     glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear
     R = Linear$R
     AIC1 = Linear$AIC1
     alin = Linear$a1
     Quad = fitQuadraticAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters)
     glm.quad = Quad$glm.quad
     R = Quad$R
     AIC2 = Quad$AIC2
     scaledQ = Quad$scaled
     Cubic = fitCubicAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters)
     glm.cubic = Cubic$glm.cubic
     R = Cubic$R
     AIC3 = Cubic$AIC3
     scaledC = Cubic$scaled
     ind = which(c(AIC1, AIC2, AIC3) == min(c(AIC1, AIC2,
     if (ind == 1) {
     mod = glm.linear
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     R[start_ind, 53] = R[start_ind, 22]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest AIC: data set %s",
     prof_type = 1
     R[start_ind, 44] = R[start_ind, 23]
     else if (ind == 2) {
     mod = glm.quad
     mu = mean(data_in)
     sd = sd(data_in)
     a1 = coef(mod)[[1]]
     b1 = coef(mod)[[2]]
     c1 = coef(mod)[[3]]
     c = a1 - b1 * mu/sd + c1 * mu^2/sd^2
     b = b1/sd - 2 * mu * c1/sd^2
     a = c1/sd^2
     if (scaledQ == 1) {
     c = a1 - b1 * mu/sd + c1 * mu^2/sd^2
     b = b1/sd - 2 * mu * c1/sd^2
     a = c1/sd^2
     else {
     c = coef(mod)[[1]]
     b = coef(mod)[[2]]
     a = coef(mod)[[3]]
     mod.fitted <- fitted.values(mod)
     slopes = diff(mod.fitted)/diff(data_in)
     c_points = c(data_in[1], data_in[length(data_in) -
     c_devs = 2 * a * c_points + b
     ind_max = 2
     fastest_rate = c_devs[ind_max]
     ratios = fastest_rate/slopes
     LinPart = c(which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0)),
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     if (a < 0) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a quadratic (convex) model since it has the lowest AIC: data set %s",
     prof_type = 3
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
     mod <- glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
     k = mod$coeff[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     else if (a >= 0) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since we have identified a concave quadratic (quadratic has the lowest AIC): data set %s",
     prof_type = 2
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     ldattemp = ldata_out[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     if (tlag == data_in[1]) {
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     to_include_R2 = LinPart
     else {
     to_include_R2 = seq(1, length(LinPart))
     temp3 = indexes[temp2]
     R[start_ind, 44] = 1 - sum((fitted(mod)[to_include_R2] -
     ldata_out[LinPart])^2)/sum((ldata_out[LinPart] -
     SE_temp = R[start_ind, 22]
     if (tlag > data_in[1]) {
     SE_temp = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))[[2]]
     R[start_ind, 53] = SE_temp
     R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     glm.quad.fitted <- fitted.values(glm.quad)
     R[start_ind, 51] <- max(glm.quad.fitted) - glm.quad.fitted[which(data_in ==
     else if (ind == 3) {
     mod = glm.cubic
     a1 = coef(mod)[[1]]
     b1 = coef(mod)[[2]]
     c1 = coef(mod)[[3]]
     d1 = coef(mod)[[4]]
     mu = mean(data_in)
     sd = sd(data_in)
     if (scaledC == 1) {
     d = a1 - b1 * mu/sd + c1 * mu^2/sd^2 - d1 * mu^3/sd^3
     c = b1/sd - 2 * mu * c1/sd^2 + 3 * mu^2 * d1/sd^3
     b = c1/sd^2 - 3 * mu * d1/sd^3
     a = d1/sd^3
     else {
     d = coef(mod)[[1]]
     c = coef(mod)[[2]]
     b = coef(mod)[[3]]
     a = coef(mod)[[4]]
     PoI = -b/(3 * a)
     c_points = c(data_in[1], PoI, data_in[length(data_in) -
     c_devs = 3 * a * c_points^2 + 2 * b * c_points +
     ind_min = which(abs(c_devs) == min(abs(c_devs)))
     slowest_rate = c_devs[ind_min]
     ind_max = which(abs(c_devs) == max(abs(c_devs)))
     fastest_rate = c_devs[which(c_devs == min(c_devs))]
     ind_max_neg = which(c_devs == min(c_devs))
     fastest_rate = c_devs[ind_max_neg]
     mod.fitted <- fitted.values(mod)
     slopes = diff(mod.fitted)/diff(data_in)
     ratios = fastest_rate/slopes
     FastParts = which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0))
     if (((PoI < data_in[1]) | (PoI > data_in[length(data_in) -
     1])) & (b < 0)) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a cubic model for cubic case (d) where b <0: data set %s",
     fastest_rate = min(c(c_devs[1], c_devs[3]))
     ratios = fastest_rate/slopes
     prof_type = 7
     LinPart = which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0))
     temp = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = c(LinPart, temp[LinPart[length(LinPart)] +
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
     mod <- glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
     k = mod$coeff[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     else if (((PoI < data_in[1]) | (PoI > data_in[length(data_in) -
     1])) & (b > 0)) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model for cubic case (d) where b >0: data set %s",
     prof_type = 6
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     ldattemp = ldata_out[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     else if (ind_max_neg == 2) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a cubic model for cubic case (a): data set %s",
     prof_type = 4
     LinPart = which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0) &
     (slopes < 0))
     temp = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = c(LinPart, temp[LinPart[length(LinPart)] +
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
     mod <- glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
     k = mod$coeff[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     else if ((ind_max_neg != 2) & (FastParts[1] == 1)) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model for cubic case (biii) where there is no lag phase: data set %s",
     prof_type = 9
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     ldattemp = ldata_out[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     else if ((ind_max_neg != 2) & (FastParts[1] != 1)) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model for cubic case (bii) where there is a lag phase: data set %s",
     prof_type = 8
     LinPart = which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0) &
     (data_in[2:n2] > PoI))
     temp = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = c(LinPart, temp[LinPart[length(LinPart)] +
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
     mod <- glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
     k = mod$coeff[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     if (tlag == data_in[1]) {
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     to_include_R2 = LinPart
     else {
     to_include_R2 = seq(1, length(LinPart))
     temp3 = indexes[temp2]
     R[start_ind, 44] = 1 - sum((fitted(mod)[to_include_R2] -
     ldata_out[LinPart])^2)/sum((ldata_out[LinPart] -
     SE_temp = R[start_ind, 22]
     if (tlag > data_in[1]) {
     SE_temp = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))[[2]]
     R[start_ind, 53] = SE_temp
     R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     glm.cubic.fitted <- fitted.values(glm.cubic)
     R[start_ind, 51] <- max(glm.cubic.fitted) - glm.cubic.fitted[which(data_in ==
     R[start_ind, 51] <- max(glm.cubic.fitted) - glm.cubic.fitted[which(data_in ==
     if ((plotting == TRUE) & all(ldata_out != -Inf)) {
     if (imageType == "png") {
     Cairo(file = filename2, type = "png")
     else if (imageType == "pdf") {
     pdf(file = filename2)
     filename <- sprintf("patient id: %s", code)
     par(mar = c(5.1, 5.1, 4.1, 2.1))
     x0 = data_in[1]
     xend = data_in[length(data_in)] * 1.05
     y0 = 0
     yend = max(ldata_out) * 1.05
     if (yend == -Inf) {
     yend = 10
     xlim = c(x0, xend)
     ylim = c(y0, yend)
     plot(data_in, ldata_out, main = filename, xlab = "Time (hours)",
     ylab = expression(log[e](parasitaemia)), cex = 2,
     cex.main = 2, cex.lab = 2, cex.axis = 2, xlim = xlim,
     ylim = ylim, type = "p", pch = 19)
     if (R[start_ind, 56] == 0) {
     if (length(fitted(mod)) == length(LinPart)) {
     lines(data_in[LinPart], fitted(mod), lty = 1,
     col = "blue", lwd = 3)
     else if (prof_type == 5) {
     lines(data_in[LinPart + 1], fitted(mod)[LinPart],
     lty = 1, col = "blue", lwd = 3)
     else {
     lines(data_in[LinPart], fitted(mod)[LinPart],
     lty = 1, col = "blue", lwd = 3)
     out_temp = floor(as.numeric(R[start_ind:end_ind, 4]))
     outliers = which(out_temp == 2)
     if (length(outliers) > 0) {
     points(data_in_store[outliers], log(data_out_store[outliers]),
     col = "red", pch = 19, cex = 2)
     if ((tlag > 0) & (R[start_ind, 56] == 0)) {
     t_temp = which(data_in < tlag)
     points(data_in[t_temp], log(data_out[t_temp]), col = "gray",
     pch = 19, cex = 2)
     points(data_in_store[ind_DL], log(data_out_store[ind_DL]),
     col = "green", pch = 19, cex = 2)
     if (is.null(k) == FALSE) {
     mod_lin <- lm(ldata_out[-ind_DL] ~ data_in[-ind_DL])
     R[start_ind, 70] = 1 - sum(residuals(mod_lin)^2)/sum((ldata_out[-ind_DL] -
     if (MAXREG == 1) {
     MSRE = sqrt(mean((fitted(mod)[LinPart] - ldata_out[LinPart +
     else if (tlag == data_in[1]) {
     MSRE = (mean(residuals(mod)^2))^(1/2)
     else {
     MSRE = sqrt(mean((fitted(mod) - ldata_out[LinPart])^2))
     R[start_ind, 55] = MSRE
     R[temp3[LinPart], 52] = 1
     if (MAXREG == 1) {
     R[temp3[LinPart + 1], 45] <- fitted.values(mod)[LinPart]
     R[temp3[LinPart + 1], 46] <- residuals(mod)[LinPart]
     else if (length(fitted(mod)) == length(LinPart)) {
     R[temp3[LinPart], 45] <- fitted.values(mod)
     R[temp3[LinPart], 46] <- residuals(mod)
     else {
     R[temp3[LinPart], 45] <- fitted.values(mod)[LinPart]
     R[temp3[LinPart], 46] <- residuals(mod)[LinPart]
     R[start_ind, 49] <- tlag - data_in[1]
     R[start_ind, 42] <- prof_type
     R[start_ind, 43] <- k
     knum = as.numeric(k)
     int = alin + knum * as.numeric(R[start_ind, 49])
     R[start_ind, 67] = int
     PC50 = (log(data_out[1] * (1 - 0.5)) - alin)/knum
     PC90 = (log(data_out[1] * (1 - 0.9)) - alin)/knum
     PC95 = (log(data_out[1] * (1 - 0.95)) - alin)/knum
     PC99 = (log(data_out[1] * (1 - 0.99)) - alin)/knum
     if (PC50 > 0) {
     R[start_ind, 59] = PC50
     if (PC90 > 0) {
     R[start_ind, 60] = PC90
     if (PC95 > 0) {
     R[start_ind, 61] = PC95
     if (PC99 > 0) {
     R[start_ind, 62] = PC99
     lag_phase_attempted = 1
     if ((NE == 0) | (n2 == 3)) {
     lag_phase_attempted = 0
     R[start_ind, 50] <- data_out[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     max(data_out[which(data_in <= tlag)])
     R[start_ind, 51] <- data_out[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     if (k > 0) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: NOTE: Model is fitted, but parasites not cleared: data set %s",
     R[start_ind, 57] <- lag_phase_attempted
     return(list(R = R))
    <bytecode: 0x55b3528>
    <environment: namespace:bhrcr>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function lagReg_tobit in namespace bhrcr has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(x_CI) == "try-error") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: calculatePCE
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Version: 1.0.3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘bhrcr-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: calculatePCE
    > ### Title: WWARN Parasite Clearance Estimator (PCE)
    > ### Aliases: calculatePCE
    > ### ** Examples
    > ## Don't show:
    > data("pursat")
    > data = pursat[pursat["id"] <= 80 & pursat["id"] > 70,]
    > output <- calculatePCE(data = data, detect.limit = 15, outlier.detect = TRUE)
     Calculating WWARN PCE Estimates...
    [1] "Replacing a 0 parasite level (at data point 18) with detection level: data set 71"
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    lagReg_tobit(R, data_in, data_out, i, start_ind, end_ind, code,
     Condition_on_24_hours, fact, Threshold2, Threshold3, Detec_limit,
     DT, MaxIters, plotting, Name, ind_DL, FirstHours, MaxDiffInFirstHours,
     NeededInFirstHours, TimeRes1, TimeRes2, Threshold4, imageType)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(x_CI) == "try-error") {
     x_CI = array(NA, c(2, 2))
    } else if ([2, 1])) {
     x_CI[2, 1] = NA
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: lagReg_tobit(R, data_in, data_out, i, start_ind, end_ind, code,
     Condition_on_24_hours, fact, Threshold2, Threshold3, Detec_limit,
     DT, MaxIters, plotting, Name, ind_DL, FirstHours, MaxDiffInFirstHours,
     NeededInFirstHours, TimeRes1, TimeRes2, Threshold4, imageType)
    where 2: calculateParasiteClearance(Name = "pceestimates", minpara = detect.limit,
     data1 = data)
    where 3: withCallingHandlers(expr, message = function(c) invokeRestart("muffleMessage"))
    where 4: suppressMessages(calculateParasiteClearance(Name = "pceestimates",
     minpara = detect.limit, data1 = data))
    where 5: withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"))
    where 6: suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(calculateParasiteClearance(Name = "pceestimates",
     minpara = detect.limit, data1 = data)))
    where 7: calculatePCE(data = data, detect.limit = 15, outlier.detect = TRUE)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     --- function from context ---
    function (R, data_in, data_out, i, start_ind, end_ind, code,
     Condition_on_24_hours, fact, Threshold2, Threshold3, Detect_limit,
     DT, MaxIters, plotting, Name, ind_DL, FirstHours, MaxDiffInFirstHours,
     NeededInFirstHours, TimeRes1, TimeRes2, Threshold4, imageType = c("pdf",
     par(ask = FALSE)
     imageType <- match.arg(imageType)
     indexes = start_ind:end_ind
     temp2 = which(R[start_ind:end_ind, 4] == 0)
     temp3 = indexes[temp2]
     data_out_store = data_out
     data_in_store = data_in
     data_in = data_in[temp2]
     data_out = data_out[temp2]
     ldata_out = log(data_out)
     n2 = length(ldata_out)
     R[temp3, 5] = ldata_out
     lag_phase_attempted = 2
     MAXREG = 0
     filename2 <- sprintf("%s_%s.%s", Name, code, imageType)
     NUM = data_in[which(data_in <= FirstHours)]
     if (n2 == 3) {
     NE = 0
     else if (length(NUM) <= 1) {
     NE = 1
     else if ((max(diff(NUM)) > MaxDiffInFirstHours) | (length(NUM) <
     NeededInFirstHours)) {
     NE = 1
     else {
     NE = 0
     LP_temp = which(data_out != 0)
     LLP = LP_temp[length(LP_temp)]
     LastPos = data_out[LLP]
     k = NULL
     tlag = data_in[1]
     if (n2 > 3) {
     Y = log(data_out[1:(n2 - 1)])
     X = data_in[1:(n2 - 1)]
     cf = coef(lm(Y ~ X))
     x_CI = try(confint(nls(Y ~ beta * (X - x0) - log(DT),
     start = c(beta = cf[[2]], x0 = -cf[[1]]/cf[[2]]))))
     if (class(x_CI) == "try-error") {
     x_CI = array(NA, c(2, 2))
     else if ([2, 1])) {
     x_CI[2, 1] = NA
     prof_type = -9999
     if (n2 < 3) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: There are not enough time points - no model fitted: data set %s",
     R[start_ind, 56] = 1
     else if (data_out[1] < Threshold2) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Baseline level is too low - no model fitted: data set %s",
     R[start_ind, 56] = 2
     else if (n2 == 3) {
     ldata_out = log(data_out)
     R[temp3, 5] = ldata_out
     Linear = fitLinearAndStorage(data_in, ldata_out, start_ind,
     temp3, R)
     glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear
     R = Linear$R
     AIC1 = Linear$AIC1
     mod = glm.linear
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     R[start_ind, 53] = R[start_ind, 22]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest AIC n = 3: data set %s",
     prof_type = 1
     R[start_ind, 44] = R[start_ind, 23]
     else if ((data_in[n2] > x_CI[[2, 1]]) & (ldata_out[n2 - 1] >
     Threshold3)) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: zero is not informative- no model is fitted: data set %s",
     R[start_ind, 56] = 3.1
     else if (NE == 1) {
     ldata_out = log(data_out)
     R[temp3, 5] = ldata_out
     Linear = try(fitLinearAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters))
     glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear
     R = Linear$R
     AIC1 = Linear$AIC1
     alin = Linear$a1
     mod = glm.linear
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     R[start_ind, 53] = R[start_ind, 22]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest AIC n = 4: data set %s",
     prof_type = 1
     R[start_ind, 44] = R[start_ind, 23]
     else if (n2 == 4) {
     ldata_out = log(data_out)
     R[temp3, 5] = ldata_out
     Linear = try(fitLinearAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters))
     glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear
     R = Linear$R
     AIC1 = Linear$AIC1
     alin = Linear$a1
     mod = glm.linear
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     R[start_ind, 53] = R[start_ind, 22]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest AIC n = 4: data set %s",
     prof_type = 1
     R[start_ind, 44] = R[start_ind, 23]
     else if (n2 == 5) {
     Linear = try(fitLinearAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters))
     glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear
     R = Linear$R
     AIC1 = Linear$AIC1
     alin = Linear$a1
     Quad = try(fitQuadraticAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters))
     glm.quad = Quad$glm.quad
     R = Quad$R
     AIC2 = Quad$AIC2
     scaledQ = Quad$scaled
     ind = which(c(AIC1, AIC2) == min(c(AIC1, AIC2)))
     ind = which(c(AIC1, AIC2) == min(c(AIC1, AIC2)))
     if (data_out[2] > (1 + fact) * data_out[1]) {
     data_in_mod = data_in[2:n2]
     ldata_out_mod = ldata_out[2:n2]
     tlag = data_in_mod[1]
     m1 <- lm(ldata_out_mod ~ poly(data_in_mod, 1, raw = TRUE))
     MaxReg <- try(tobit(ldata_out_mod ~ poly(data_in_mod,
     1, raw = TRUE), left = log(DT), iter.max = MaxIters))
     if (class(MaxReg)[1] == "try-error") {
     yy <- sprintf("Fixing error in tobit fitting, data set: %s",
     options(warn = 1)
     MaxReg <- tobit(ldata_out_mod ~ poly(data_in_mod,
     1, raw = TRUE), left = log(DT), init = coef(m1),
     iter.max = MaxIters)
     options(warn = 2)
     AICMaxReg = AIC(MaxReg)
     ss_1 = sum(residuals(glm.linear)[2:(n2 - 1)]^2)
     ss_2 = sum(residuals(glm.quad)[2:(n2 - 1)]^2)
     ss_3 = sum(residuals(MaxReg)[1:3]^2)
     ind = which(c(ss_1, ss_2, ss_3) == min(c(ss_1, ss_2,
     if (ind == 1) {
     mod = glm.linear
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     tlag = data_in[1]
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     R[start_ind, 53] = R[start_ind, 22]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest SS n = 5: data set %s",
     prof_type = 1
     R[start_ind, 44] = R[start_ind, 23]
     else if (ind == 2) {
     mod = glm.quad
     mu = mean(data_in)
     sd = sd(data_in)
     a1 = coef(mod)[[1]]
     b1 = coef(mod)[[2]]
     c1 = coef(mod)[[3]]
     if (scaledQ == 1) {
     c = a1 - b1 * mu/sd + c1 * mu^2/sd^2
     b = b1/sd - 2 * mu * c1/sd^2
     a = c1/sd^2
     else {
     c = coef(mod)[[1]]
     b = coef(mod)[[2]]
     a = coef(mod)[[3]]
     mod.fitted <- fitted.values(mod)
     slopes = diff(mod.fitted)/diff(data_in)
     c_points = c(data_in[1], data_in[length(data_in) -
     c_devs = 2 * a * c_points + b
     ind_max = 2
     fastest_rate = c_devs[ind_max]
     ratios = fastest_rate/slopes
     LinPart = c(which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0)),
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     if (a < 0) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a quadratic (convex) model since it has the lowest SS and n = 5: data set %s",
     prof_type = 3
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
     mod <- glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
     k = mod$coeff[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     else if (a >= 0) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since we have identified a concave quadratic (quadratic has the lowest SS) and n = 5: data set %s",
     prof_type = 2
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     ldattemp = ldata_out[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     if (tlag == data_in[1]) {
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     to_include_R2 = LinPart
     else {
     to_include_R2 = seq(1, length(LinPart))
     temp3 = indexes[temp2]
     R[start_ind, 44] = 1 - sum((fitted(mod)[to_include_R2] -
     ldata_out[LinPart])^2)/sum((ldata_out[LinPart] -
     SE_temp = R[start_ind, 22]
     if (tlag > data_in[1]) {
     SE_temp = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))[[2]]
     R[start_ind, 53] = SE_temp
     R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     glm.quad.fitted <- fitted.values(glm.quad)
     R[start_ind, 51] <- max(glm.quad.fitted) - glm.quad.fitted[which(data_in ==
     else if (ind == 3) {
     mod <- MaxReg
     AIC1 = AIC(mod)
     LinPart = 1:(n2 - 1)
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == (n2 - 1)) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     k = coef(mod)[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     SEs2 = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))
     R[start_ind, 53] = SEs2[[2]]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model from max value since we only have 5 data points and an initial increase in parasite level (also - lowest SS): data set %s",
     prof_type = 5
     R[start_ind, 44] = 1 - sum(residuals(mod)^2)/sum((ldata_out_mod -
     MAXREG = 1
     else {
     Linear = fitLinearAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters)
     glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear
     R = Linear$R
     AIC1 = Linear$AIC1
     alin = Linear$a1
     Quad = fitQuadraticAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters)
     glm.quad = Quad$glm.quad
     R = Quad$R
     AIC2 = Quad$AIC2
     scaledQ = Quad$scaled
     Cubic = fitCubicAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out,
     start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters)
     glm.cubic = Cubic$glm.cubic
     R = Cubic$R
     AIC3 = Cubic$AIC3
     scaledC = Cubic$scaled
     ind = which(c(AIC1, AIC2, AIC3) == min(c(AIC1, AIC2,
     if (ind == 1) {
     mod = glm.linear
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     R[start_ind, 53] = R[start_ind, 22]
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest AIC: data set %s",
     prof_type = 1
     R[start_ind, 44] = R[start_ind, 23]
     else if (ind == 2) {
     mod = glm.quad
     mu = mean(data_in)
     sd = sd(data_in)
     a1 = coef(mod)[[1]]
     b1 = coef(mod)[[2]]
     c1 = coef(mod)[[3]]
     c = a1 - b1 * mu/sd + c1 * mu^2/sd^2
     b = b1/sd - 2 * mu * c1/sd^2
     a = c1/sd^2
     if (scaledQ == 1) {
     c = a1 - b1 * mu/sd + c1 * mu^2/sd^2
     b = b1/sd - 2 * mu * c1/sd^2
     a = c1/sd^2
     else {
     c = coef(mod)[[1]]
     b = coef(mod)[[2]]
     a = coef(mod)[[3]]
     mod.fitted <- fitted.values(mod)
     slopes = diff(mod.fitted)/diff(data_in)
     c_points = c(data_in[1], data_in[length(data_in) -
     c_devs = 2 * a * c_points + b
     ind_max = 2
     fastest_rate = c_devs[ind_max]
     ratios = fastest_rate/slopes
     LinPart = c(which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0)),
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     if (a < 0) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a quadratic (convex) model since it has the lowest AIC: data set %s",
     prof_type = 3
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
     mod <- glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
     k = mod$coeff[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     else if (a >= 0) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since we have identified a concave quadratic (quadratic has the lowest AIC): data set %s",
     prof_type = 2
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     ldattemp = ldata_out[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     if (tlag == data_in[1]) {
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     to_include_R2 = LinPart
     else {
     to_include_R2 = seq(1, length(LinPart))
     temp3 = indexes[temp2]
     R[start_ind, 44] = 1 - sum((fitted(mod)[to_include_R2] -
     ldata_out[LinPart])^2)/sum((ldata_out[LinPart] -
     SE_temp = R[start_ind, 22]
     if (tlag > data_in[1]) {
     SE_temp = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))[[2]]
     R[start_ind, 53] = SE_temp
     R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     glm.quad.fitted <- fitted.values(glm.quad)
     R[start_ind, 51] <- max(glm.quad.fitted) - glm.quad.fitted[which(data_in ==
     else if (ind == 3) {
     mod = glm.cubic
     a1 = coef(mod)[[1]]
     b1 = coef(mod)[[2]]
     c1 = coef(mod)[[3]]
     d1 = coef(mod)[[4]]
     mu = mean(data_in)
     sd = sd(data_in)
     if (scaledC == 1) {
     d = a1 - b1 * mu/sd + c1 * mu^2/sd^2 - d1 * mu^3/sd^3
     c = b1/sd - 2 * mu * c1/sd^2 + 3 * mu^2 * d1/sd^3
     b = c1/sd^2 - 3 * mu * d1/sd^3
     a = d1/sd^3
     else {
     d = coef(mod)[[1]]
     c = coef(mod)[[2]]
     b = coef(mod)[[3]]
     a = coef(mod)[[4]]
     PoI = -b/(3 * a)
     c_points = c(data_in[1], PoI, data_in[length(data_in) -
     c_devs = 3 * a * c_points^2 + 2 * b * c_points +
     ind_min = which(abs(c_devs) == min(abs(c_devs)))
     slowest_rate = c_devs[ind_min]
     ind_max = which(abs(c_devs) == max(abs(c_devs)))
     fastest_rate = c_devs[which(c_devs == min(c_devs))]
     ind_max_neg = which(c_devs == min(c_devs))
     fastest_rate = c_devs[ind_max_neg]
     mod.fitted <- fitted.values(mod)
     slopes = diff(mod.fitted)/diff(data_in)
     ratios = fastest_rate/slopes
     FastParts = which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0))
     if (((PoI < data_in[1]) | (PoI > data_in[length(data_in) -
     1])) & (b < 0)) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a cubic model for cubic case (d) where b <0: data set %s",
     fastest_rate = min(c(c_devs[1], c_devs[3]))
     ratios = fastest_rate/slopes
     prof_type = 7
     LinPart = which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0))
     temp = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = c(LinPart, temp[LinPart[length(LinPart)] +
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
     mod <- glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
     k = mod$coeff[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     else if (((PoI < data_in[1]) | (PoI > data_in[length(data_in) -
     1])) & (b > 0)) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model for cubic case (d) where b >0: data set %s",
     prof_type = 6
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     ldattemp = ldata_out[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     else if (ind_max_neg == 2) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a cubic model for cubic case (a): data set %s",
     prof_type = 4
     LinPart = which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0) &
     (slopes < 0))
     temp = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = c(LinPart, temp[LinPart[length(LinPart)] +
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
     mod <- glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
     k = mod$coeff[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     else if ((ind_max_neg != 2) & (FastParts[1] == 1)) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model for cubic case (biii) where there is no lag phase: data set %s",
     prof_type = 9
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     ldattemp = ldata_out[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     else if ((ind_max_neg != 2) & (FastParts[1] != 1)) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model for cubic case (bii) where there is a lag phase: data set %s",
     prof_type = 8
     LinPart = which((ratios <= 5) & (ratios >= 0) &
     (data_in[2:n2] > PoI))
     temp = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = c(LinPart, temp[LinPart[length(LinPart)] +
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2) {
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
     tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
     dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
     mod <- glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
     k = mod$coeff[[2]]
     alin = mod$coeff[[1]]
     if (tlag == data_in[1]) {
     LinPart = seq(1, n2)
     LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart) - 1)]
     mod <- glm.linear
     k = R[start_ind, 21]
     to_include_R2 = LinPart
     else {
     to_include_R2 = seq(1, length(LinPart))
     temp3 = indexes[temp2]
     R[start_ind, 44] = 1 - sum((fitted(mod)[to_include_R2] -
     ldata_out[LinPart])^2)/sum((ldata_out[LinPart] -
     SE_temp = R[start_ind, 22]
     if (tlag > data_in[1]) {
     SE_temp = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))[[2]]
     R[start_ind, 53] = SE_temp
     R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     glm.cubic.fitted <- fitted.values(glm.cubic)
     R[start_ind, 51] <- max(glm.cubic.fitted) - glm.cubic.fitted[which(data_in ==
     R[start_ind, 51] <- max(glm.cubic.fitted) - glm.cubic.fitted[which(data_in ==
     if ((plotting == TRUE) & all(ldata_out != -Inf)) {
     if (imageType == "png") {
     Cairo(file = filename2, type = "png")
     else if (imageType == "pdf") {
     pdf(file = filename2)
     filename <- sprintf("patient id: %s", code)
     par(mar = c(5.1, 5.1, 4.1, 2.1))
     x0 = data_in[1]
     xend = data_in[length(data_in)] * 1.05
     y0 = 0
     yend = max(ldata_out) * 1.05
     if (yend == -Inf) {
     yend = 10
     xlim = c(x0, xend)
     ylim = c(y0, yend)
     plot(data_in, ldata_out, main = filename, xlab = "Time (hours)",
     ylab = expression(log[e](parasitaemia)), cex = 2,
     cex.main = 2, cex.lab = 2, cex.axis = 2, xlim = xlim,
     ylim = ylim, type = "p", pch = 19)
     if (R[start_ind, 56] == 0) {
     if (length(fitted(mod)) == length(LinPart)) {
     lines(data_in[LinPart], fitted(mod), lty = 1,
     col = "blue", lwd = 3)
     else if (prof_type == 5) {
     lines(data_in[LinPart + 1], fitted(mod)[LinPart],
     lty = 1, col = "blue", lwd = 3)
     else {
     lines(data_in[LinPart], fitted(mod)[LinPart],
     lty = 1, col = "blue", lwd = 3)
     out_temp = floor(as.numeric(R[start_ind:end_ind, 4]))
     outliers = which(out_temp == 2)
     if (length(outliers) > 0) {
     points(data_in_store[outliers], log(data_out_store[outliers]),
     col = "red", pch = 19, cex = 2)
     if ((tlag > 0) & (R[start_ind, 56] == 0)) {
     t_temp = which(data_in < tlag)
     points(data_in[t_temp], log(data_out[t_temp]), col = "gray",
     pch = 19, cex = 2)
     points(data_in_store[ind_DL], log(data_out_store[ind_DL]),
     col = "green", pch = 19, cex = 2)
     if (is.null(k) == FALSE) {
     mod_lin <- lm(ldata_out[-ind_DL] ~ data_in[-ind_DL])
     R[start_ind, 70] = 1 - sum(residuals(mod_lin)^2)/sum((ldata_out[-ind_DL] -
     if (MAXREG == 1) {
     MSRE = sqrt(mean((fitted(mod)[LinPart] - ldata_out[LinPart +
     else if (tlag == data_in[1]) {
     MSRE = (mean(residuals(mod)^2))^(1/2)
     else {
     MSRE = sqrt(mean((fitted(mod) - ldata_out[LinPart])^2))
     R[start_ind, 55] = MSRE
     R[temp3[LinPart], 52] = 1
     if (MAXREG == 1) {
     R[temp3[LinPart + 1], 45] <- fitted.values(mod)[LinPart]
     R[temp3[LinPart + 1], 46] <- residuals(mod)[LinPart]
     else if (length(fitted(mod)) == length(LinPart)) {
     R[temp3[LinPart], 45] <- fitted.values(mod)
     R[temp3[LinPart], 46] <- residuals(mod)
     else {
     R[temp3[LinPart], 45] <- fitted.values(mod)[LinPart]
     R[temp3[LinPart], 46] <- residuals(mod)[LinPart]
     R[start_ind, 49] <- tlag - data_in[1]
     R[start_ind, 42] <- prof_type
     R[start_ind, 43] <- k
     knum = as.numeric(k)
     int = alin + knum * as.numeric(R[start_ind, 49])
     R[start_ind, 67] = int
     PC50 = (log(data_out[1] * (1 - 0.5)) - alin)/knum
     PC90 = (log(data_out[1] * (1 - 0.9)) - alin)/knum
     PC95 = (log(data_out[1] * (1 - 0.95)) - alin)/knum
     PC99 = (log(data_out[1] * (1 - 0.99)) - alin)/knum
     if (PC50 > 0) {
     R[start_ind, 59] = PC50
     if (PC90 > 0) {
     R[start_ind, 60] = PC90
     if (PC95 > 0) {
     R[start_ind, 61] = PC95
     if (PC99 > 0) {
     R[start_ind, 62] = PC99
     lag_phase_attempted = 1
     if ((NE == 0) | (n2 == 3)) {
     lag_phase_attempted = 0
     R[start_ind, 50] <- data_out[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     max(data_out[which(data_in <= tlag)])
     R[start_ind, 51] <- data_out[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -
     if (k > 0) {
     xx <- sprintf("TOBIT: NOTE: Model is fitted, but parasites not cleared: data set %s",
     R[start_ind, 57] <- lag_phase_attempted
     return(list(R = R))
    <bytecode: 0x9888b28>
    <environment: namespace:bhrcr>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function lagReg_tobit in namespace bhrcr has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(x_CI) == "try-error") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: calculatePCE
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc