CRAN Package Check Results for Package mmtfa

Last updated on 2020-02-19 10:49:00 CET.

Flavor Version Tinstall Tcheck Ttotal Status Flags
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang 0.3 5.97 35.74 41.71 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc 0.3 5.13 28.04 33.17 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang 0.3 50.58 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc 0.3 49.29 ERROR
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.3 9.00 54.00 63.00 OK
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64-gcc8 0.3 13.00 75.00 88.00 OK
r-patched-linux-x86_64 0.3 4.56 36.90 41.46 OK
r-patched-solaris-x86 0.3 77.80 OK
r-release-linux-x86_64 0.3 5.22 37.57 42.79 OK
r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.3 9.00 49.00 58.00 OK
r-release-osx-x86_64 0.3 OK
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.3 4.00 47.00 51.00 OK
r-oldrel-osx-x86_64 0.3 OK

Check Details

Version: 0.3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in 'mmtfa-Ex.R' failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: mmtfa
    > ### Title: mmtfa: Function for Model-Based Clustering and Classification
    > ### with Mixtures of Multivariate t Factor Analyzers
    > ### Aliases: mmtfa
    > ### ** Examples
    > ###Note that only one model is run for each example
    > ###in order to reduce computation time
    > #Clustering iris data with hard random start
    > tirisr <- mmtfa(iris[,-5], models="UUUU", Gs=1:3, Qs=1, init="hard")
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    mmtfaEM(x, Gs, Qs, clas, init, scale, models, dfstart, dfupdate,
     gauss, eps, known)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(duptest) == "try-error") {
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: mmtfaEM(x, Gs, Qs, clas, init, scale, models, dfstart, dfupdate,
     gauss, eps, known)
    where 2: mmtfa(iris[, -5], models = "UUUU", Gs = 1:3, Qs = 1, init = "hard")
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     --- function from context ---
    function (x, Gs, Qs, clas, init, scale, models, dfstart, dfupdate,
     gauss, eps, known)
     modgen <- modelgen()
     modold <- modgen$modold
     p <- ncol(x)
     n <- nrow(x)
     zlist3 <- ll <- dff <- it <- store <- meanlist <- siglist <- list()
     if (clas > 0) {
     testindex <- sample(1:n, ceiling(n * (clas/100)))
     kno <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = n)
     kno[testindex] <- 1
     unkno <- (kno - 1) * (-1)
     Gs <- length(unique(known))
     gvec <- 1:max(Gs)
     qvec <- 1:max(Qs)
     gstuff <- paste("G=", gvec, sep = "")
     qstuff <- paste("Q=", qvec, sep = "")
     bic <- rands <- icl <- logls <- array(-Inf, dim = c(length(models),
     max(Qs), max(Gs)))
     meansave <- meansave2 <- sigsave <- zmatsave <- sigsave2 <- zmatsave2 <- NA
     oldmodvec <- modold[match(models, modgen$allmodels)]
     if (class(init) != "list" && !(init %in% c("kmeans", "hard",
     "disc", "cont", "soft", "uniform"))) {
     stop("'init' must be one of 'kmeans', 'hard', 'soft', 'uniform' or a list. See ?mmtfa.")
     zmatin <- list()
     for (G in Gs) {
     if (G == 1) {
     zmatin[[G]] <- matrix(1, n, 1)
     else {
     if (is.character(init)) {
     if (init == "hard") {
     zmatin[[G]] <- discrandz(n, G)
     if (init == "soft") {
     zmatin[[G]] <- contrandz(n, G)
     if (init == "uniform") {
     if (clas > 0) {
     zmatin[[G]] <- uniformz(n, G, clas, kno,
     else {
     stop("Uniform initialization not available for clustering.")
     if (init == "kmeans") {
     zmatin[[G]] <- kmeansz(x, n, G)
     else {
     zmatin[[G]] <- givenz(n, G, init[[G]])
     for (modnum in 1:length(models)) {
     modnew <- models[modnum]
     mod <- modold[which(modgen$allmodels == modnew)]
     for (G in Gs) {
     delta <- matrix(0, n, G)
     mug <- matrix(0, G, p)
     om <- rep(0, G)
     yg <- sigma <- sigmainv <- sg <- array(0, dim = c(p,
     p, G))
     tri <- array(0, dim = c(p, p, G))
     w <- matrix(0, n, G)
     for (q in Qs) {
     lg <- array(0, dim = c(p, q, G))
     betag <- array(0, dim = c(q, p, G))
     thetag <- array(0, dim = c(q, q, G))
     singular <- 0
     breakit <- 0
     if (G == 1) {
     CCCCgroup <- c("UUCU", "UUCC", "UCCU", "UCCC",
     "CUCU", "CUCC", "CCCU", "CCCC")
     if (any(mod == CCCCgroup)) {
     cccdum <- oldmodvec[oldmodvec %in% CCCCgroup]
     if (length(cccdum) > 0) {
     if (mod != cccdum[1]) {
     breakit <- 1
     CCUCgroup <- c("UUUU", "UUUC", "UCUU", "UCUC",
     "CUUU", "CUUC", "CCUU", "CCUC", "Mt1U", "Mt1C",
     "Mt2U", "Mt2C", "Mt3U", "Mt3C", "Mt4U", "Mt4C")
     if (any(mod == CCUCgroup)) {
     ccudum <- oldmodvec[oldmodvec %in% CCUCgroup]
     if (length(ccudum) > 0) {
     if (mod != ccudum[1]) {
     breakit <- 1
     if (breakit == 0) {
     zmat <- zmatin[[G]]
     vg <- vginit(dfstart, G)
     ng <- ngupdate(zmat)
     pig <- pigupdate(ng, n)
     mug <- muginit(G, p, x, zmat, ng)
     sg <- sginit(p, G, x, mug, zmat, n, ng)
     sgc <- sginitc(G, sg, pig, p, n, x)
     if (substring(mod, 1, 3) == "CCC") {
     for (g in 1:G) {
     sg[, , g] <- sgc
     if (substring(mod, 1, 1) == "U" | substring(mod,
     3, 3) == "2" | substring(mod, 3, 3) == "4") {
     lg <- lginitu(p, q, G, sg)
     if (substring(mod, 1, 1) == "C" | substring(mod,
     3, 3) == "1" | substring(mod, 3, 3) == "3") {
     lg <- lginitc(p, q, G, sgc)
     dumg <- lginitu(p, q, G, sg)
     if (substring(mod, 3, 3) == "U") {
     yg <- yginitu(p, G, sg, lg, mod, pig, dumg)
     if (substring(mod, 3, 3) == "C") {
     yg <- yginitc(p, G, sg, lg, sgc, mod, pig)
     if (substring(mod, 1, 1) == "M") {
     yg <- array(0, dim = c(p, p, G))
     om <- rep(0, G)
     tri <- array(0, dim = c(p, p, G))
     ygst <- yginitu(p, G, sg, lg, mod, pig, dumg)
     if (substring(mod, 3, 3) == "1" | substring(mod,
     3, 3) == "2") {
     for (g in 1:G) {
     om[g] <- det(ygst[, , g])^(1/p)
     if (substring(mod, 3, 3) == "3" | substring(mod,
     3, 3) == "4") {
     dom <- 0
     for (g in 1:G) {
     dom <- dom + pig[g] * det(ygst[, , g])^(1/p)
     om[] <- dom
     for (g in 1:G) {
     tri[, , g] <- ygst[, , g]/(det(ygst[, ,
     if (substring(mod, 3, 3) == "1" | substring(mod,
     3, 3) == "2") {
     av <- diag(p) - diag(p)
     for (g in 1:G) {
     av <- av + pig[g] * tri[, , g]
     tri[, , ] <- av
     for (g in 1:G) {
     yg[, , g] <- om[g] * tri[, , g]
     yginv <- yginvup(p, G, yg)
     sigma <- sigmaup(p, G, lg, yg, sigma)
     testing <- try(sigmainv <- sigmainvup(p, G,
     yginv, lg, q, sigmainv), silent = TRUE)
     if (!all(is.finite(testing))) {
     betag <- betagup(q, p, G, lg, sigmainv, betag)
     thetag <- thetagup(q, G, betag, lg, sg, thetag)
     w <- winit(x, n, G, mug, sigmainv, vg, p, sg,
     cycle <- 0
     dfnewg <- vg
     conv <- 0
     num <- matrix(0, n, G)
     ft <- matrix(0, n, G)
     logl <- NaN
     while (conv != 1) {
     if (breakit == 1) {
     ng <- ngupdate(zmat)
     pig <- pigupdate(ng, n)
     mug <- mugupdate(G, zmat, w, x, p, mug, n)
     if (dfupdate == "approx") {
     testing <- try(dfnewg <- dfupdatefun2(mod,
     dfnewg, ng, zmat, w, G, p, n, x, mug, sigmainv),
     silent = TRUE)
     if (!all(is.finite(testing))) {
     if (dfupdate == "numeric") {
     testing <- try(dfnewg <- dfupdatefun(mod,
     dfnewg, ng, zmat, w, G, p, n, x, mug, sigmainv),
     silent = TRUE)
     if (!all(is.finite(testing))) {
     ng <- ngupdate(zmat)
     sg <- sgupdate(p, G, n, x, mug, zmat, w, ng,
     mod, pig, sg)
     betag <- betagup(q, p, G, lg, sigmainv, betag)
     thetag <- thetagup(q, G, betag, lg, sg, thetag)
     testing <- try(lg <- lgupdate(mod, p, q, G,
     ng, yginv, sg, betag, thetag, om, tri, lg),
     silent = TRUE)
     if (!all(is.finite(testing))) {
     if (substring(mod, 1, 1) == "M") {
     om <- omupdate(mod, q, G, yg, p, sg, lg,
     betag, thetag, pig, om, tri)
     tri <- triupdate(mod, q, G, yg, p, sg, lg,
     betag, thetag, pig, om, tri, ng)
     for (g in 1:G) {
     yg[, , g] <- om[g] * tri[, , g]
     else {
     yg <- ygupdate(mod, q, G, yg, p, sg, lg,
     betag, thetag, pig)
     yginv <- yginvup(p, G, yg)
     sigma <- sigmaup(p, G, lg, yg, sigma)
     testing <- try(sigmainv <- sigmainvup(p, G,
     yginv, lg, q, sigmainv), silent = TRUE)
     if (!all(is.finite(testing))) {
     betag <- betagup(q, p, G, lg, sigmainv, betag)
     thetag <- thetagup(q, G, betag, lg, sg, thetag)
     duptest <- try(delta <- deltaup(x, mug, sigma,
     sigmainv, G, n, delta), silent = TRUE)
     if (class(duptest) == "try-error") {
     suppressWarnings(zup <- zupdate(x, G, pig,
     dfnewg, p, yg, q, betag, lg, mug, sigmainv,
     n, clas, kno, known, unkno, delta))
     zmat <- zup$zmat
     if (any(is.nan(zmat))) {
     w <- wupdate(x, n, G, mug, sigmainv, dfnewg,
     p, delta, w)
     cycle <- cycle + 1
     logl[cycle] <- sum(log(rowSums(zup$num))) -
     if ([cycle])) {
     if (cycle > 3) {
     if (is.finite(logl[cycle - 2])) {
     ak <- (logl[cycle] - logl[cycle - 1])/(logl[cycle -
     1] - logl[cycle - 2])
     linf <- logl[cycle - 1] + (logl[cycle] -
     logl[cycle - 1])/(1 - ak)
     if (abs(linf - logl[cycle - 1]) < eps) {
     conv <- 1
     if ((logl[cycle] - logl[cycle - 1]) < 0) {
     else {
     if (conv == 1) {
     bic[modnum, q, G] <- bicdum <- BICcalc(conv,
     G, p, mod, q, logl, n, gauss)
     icl[modnum, q, G] <- icldum <- ICLcalc(conv,
     n, zmat, bic, modnum, q, G)
     if (bicdum == max(bic)) {
     meansave <- mug
     sigsave <- sigma
     zmatsave <- zmat
     dfsave <- dfnewg
     itsave <- cycle
     llsave <- logl[cycle]
     if (icldum == max(icl)) {
     meansave2 <- mug
     sigsave2 <- sigma
     zmatsave2 <- zmat
     dfsave2 <- dfnewg
     itsave2 <- cycle
     llsave2 <- logl[cycle]
     dimnames(bic) <- list(models, qstuff, gstuff)
     dimnames(icl) <- list(models, qstuff, gstuff)
     maxes <- which(bic == max(bic), arr.ind = TRUE)
     maxicl <- which(icl == max(icl), arr.ind = TRUE)
     if (nrow(maxes) > 1) {
     message("WARNING: Maximum BIC tie between two or more models")
     bestmodnum <- maxes[1:nrow(maxes), 1]
     bestmod <- models[bestmodnum]
     bestq <- maxes[1:nrow(maxes), 2]
     bestg <- maxes[1:nrow(maxes), 3]
     itf <- "MULTIPLE"
     dff1 <- "MULTIPLE"
     bestz <- "MULTIPLE"
     bestzmap <- "MULTIPLE"
     tab <- "MULTIPLE"
     blogl <- "Multiple"
     if (nrow(maxes) == 1) {
     bestmodnum <- maxes[1]
     bestmod <- models[bestmodnum]
     bestq <- maxes[2]
     bestg <- maxes[3]
     bestz <- zmatsave
     dff1 <- dfsave
     itf <- itsave
     blogl <- llsave
     bestzmap <- apply(bestz, 1, which.max)
     if (clas > 0) {
     newmap <- bestzmap
     newmap[testindex] <- NA
     newknown <- known
     newknown[testindex] <- NA
     tab <- table(known, newmap)
     else {
     if (!is.null(known)) {
     tab <- table(known, bestzmap)
     else {
     tab <- NULL
     if (nrow(maxicl) > 1) {
     message("WARNING: Maximum ICL tie between two or more models")
     bestmodnumicl <- maxicl[1:nrow(maxicl), 1]
     bestmodicl <- models[bestmodnumicl]
     bestqicl <- maxicl[1:nrow(maxicl), 2]
     bestgicl <- maxicl[1:nrow(maxicl), 3]
     dff1icl <- "MULTIPLE"
     bestzicl <- "MULTIPLE"
     bestzmapicl <- "MULTIPLE"
     itficl <- "MULTIPLE"
     tabicl <- "MULTIPLE"
     bloglicl <- "MULTIPLE"
     if (nrow(maxicl) == 1) {
     bestmodnumicl <- maxicl[1]
     bestmodicl <- models[bestmodnumicl]
     bestqicl <- maxicl[2]
     bestgicl <- maxicl[3]
     bestzicl <- zmatsave2
     dff1icl <- dfsave2
     itficl <- itsave2
     bloglicl <- llsave2
     bestzmapicl <- apply(bestzicl, 1, which.max)
     if (clas > 0) {
     newmapicl <- bestzmapicl
     newmapicl[testindex] <- NA
     newknown <- known
     newknown[testindex] <- NA
     tabicl <- table(known, newmapicl)
     else {
     if (!is.null(known)) {
     tabicl <- table(known, bestzmapicl)
     else {
     tabicl <- NULL
     iclresults <- list()
     par <- list()
     paricl <- list()
     par[["mean"]] <- meansave
     par[["sigma"]] <- sigsave
     par[["df"]] <- dff1
     paricl[["sigma"]] <- sigsave2
     paricl[["mean"]] <- meansave2
     paricl[["df"]] <- dff1icl
     store[["parameters"]] <- par
     store[["allbic"]] <- bic[, Qs, Gs]
     iclresults[["allicl"]] <- icl[, Qs, Gs]
     store[["bic"]] <- max(bic)
     iclresults[["icl"]] <- max(icl)
     store[["modelname"]] <- bestmod
     store[["bestmodel"]] <- paste("The best model (BIC of ",
     round(max(bic), 2), ") is ", bestmod, " with G=", bestg,
     sep = "")
     store[["Q"]] <- bestq
     store[["G"]] <- bestg
     store[["classification"]] <- bestzmap
     iclresults[["bestmodel"]] <- paste("The best model (ICL of ",
     round(max(icl), 2), ") is ", bestmodicl, " with G=",
     bestgicl, sep = "")
     iclresults[["modelname"]] <- bestmodicl
     iclresults[["Q"]] <- bestqicl
     iclresults[["G"]] <- bestgicl
     iclresults[["fuzzy"]] <- bestzicl
     iclresults[["logl"]] <- bloglicl
     iclresults[["classification"]] <- bestzmapicl
     iclresults[["parameters"]] <- paricl
     store[["tab"]] <- tab
     iclresults[["tab"]] <- tabicl
     store[["iter"]] <- itf
     iclresults[["iter"]] <- itficl
     store[["x"]] <- x
     store[["fuzzy"]] <- bestz
     store[["logl"]] <- blogl
     store[["iclresults"]] <- iclresults
    <bytecode: 0x33fbc70>
    <environment: namespace:mmtfa>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function mmtfaEM in namespace mmtfa has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(duptest) == "try-error") { :
     the condition has length > 1
    Calls: mmtfa -> mmtfaEM
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang

Version: 0.3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘mmtfa-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: mmtfa
    > ### Title: mmtfa: Function for Model-Based Clustering and Classification
    > ### with Mixtures of Multivariate t Factor Analyzers
    > ### Aliases: mmtfa
    > ### ** Examples
    > ###Note that only one model is run for each example
    > ###in order to reduce computation time
    > #Clustering iris data with hard random start
    > tirisr <- mmtfa(iris[,-5], models="UUUU", Gs=1:3, Qs=1, init="hard")
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    mmtfaEM(x, Gs, Qs, clas, init, scale, models, dfstart, dfupdate,
     gauss, eps, known)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(duptest) == "try-error") {
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: mmtfaEM(x, Gs, Qs, clas, init, scale, models, dfstart, dfupdate,
     gauss, eps, known)
    where 2: mmtfa(iris[, -5], models = "UUUU", Gs = 1:3, Qs = 1, init = "hard")
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     --- function from context ---
    function (x, Gs, Qs, clas, init, scale, models, dfstart, dfupdate,
     gauss, eps, known)
     modgen <- modelgen()
     modold <- modgen$modold
     p <- ncol(x)
     n <- nrow(x)
     zlist3 <- ll <- dff <- it <- store <- meanlist <- siglist <- list()
     if (clas > 0) {
     testindex <- sample(1:n, ceiling(n * (clas/100)))
     kno <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = n)
     kno[testindex] <- 1
     unkno <- (kno - 1) * (-1)
     Gs <- length(unique(known))
     gvec <- 1:max(Gs)
     qvec <- 1:max(Qs)
     gstuff <- paste("G=", gvec, sep = "")
     qstuff <- paste("Q=", qvec, sep = "")
     bic <- rands <- icl <- logls <- array(-Inf, dim = c(length(models),
     max(Qs), max(Gs)))
     meansave <- meansave2 <- sigsave <- zmatsave <- sigsave2 <- zmatsave2 <- NA
     oldmodvec <- modold[match(models, modgen$allmodels)]
     if (class(init) != "list" && !(init %in% c("kmeans", "hard",
     "disc", "cont", "soft", "uniform"))) {
     stop("'init' must be one of 'kmeans', 'hard', 'soft', 'uniform' or a list. See ?mmtfa.")
     zmatin <- list()
     for (G in Gs) {
     if (G == 1) {
     zmatin[[G]] <- matrix(1, n, 1)
     else {
     if (is.character(init)) {
     if (init == "hard") {
     zmatin[[G]] <- discrandz(n, G)
     if (init == "soft") {
     zmatin[[G]] <- contrandz(n, G)
     if (init == "uniform") {
     if (clas > 0) {
     zmatin[[G]] <- uniformz(n, G, clas, kno,
     else {
     stop("Uniform initialization not available for clustering.")
     if (init == "kmeans") {
     zmatin[[G]] <- kmeansz(x, n, G)
     else {
     zmatin[[G]] <- givenz(n, G, init[[G]])
     for (modnum in 1:length(models)) {
     modnew <- models[modnum]
     mod <- modold[which(modgen$allmodels == modnew)]
     for (G in Gs) {
     delta <- matrix(0, n, G)
     mug <- matrix(0, G, p)
     om <- rep(0, G)
     yg <- sigma <- sigmainv <- sg <- array(0, dim = c(p,
     p, G))
     tri <- array(0, dim = c(p, p, G))
     w <- matrix(0, n, G)
     for (q in Qs) {
     lg <- array(0, dim = c(p, q, G))
     betag <- array(0, dim = c(q, p, G))
     thetag <- array(0, dim = c(q, q, G))
     singular <- 0
     breakit <- 0
     if (G == 1) {
     CCCCgroup <- c("UUCU", "UUCC", "UCCU", "UCCC",
     "CUCU", "CUCC", "CCCU", "CCCC")
     if (any(mod == CCCCgroup)) {
     cccdum <- oldmodvec[oldmodvec %in% CCCCgroup]
     if (length(cccdum) > 0) {
     if (mod != cccdum[1]) {
     breakit <- 1
     CCUCgroup <- c("UUUU", "UUUC", "UCUU", "UCUC",
     "CUUU", "CUUC", "CCUU", "CCUC", "Mt1U", "Mt1C",
     "Mt2U", "Mt2C", "Mt3U", "Mt3C", "Mt4U", "Mt4C")
     if (any(mod == CCUCgroup)) {
     ccudum <- oldmodvec[oldmodvec %in% CCUCgroup]
     if (length(ccudum) > 0) {
     if (mod != ccudum[1]) {
     breakit <- 1
     if (breakit == 0) {
     zmat <- zmatin[[G]]
     vg <- vginit(dfstart, G)
     ng <- ngupdate(zmat)
     pig <- pigupdate(ng, n)
     mug <- muginit(G, p, x, zmat, ng)
     sg <- sginit(p, G, x, mug, zmat, n, ng)
     sgc <- sginitc(G, sg, pig, p, n, x)
     if (substring(mod, 1, 3) == "CCC") {
     for (g in 1:G) {
     sg[, , g] <- sgc
     if (substring(mod, 1, 1) == "U" | substring(mod,
     3, 3) == "2" | substring(mod, 3, 3) == "4") {
     lg <- lginitu(p, q, G, sg)
     if (substring(mod, 1, 1) == "C" | substring(mod,
     3, 3) == "1" | substring(mod, 3, 3) == "3") {
     lg <- lginitc(p, q, G, sgc)
     dumg <- lginitu(p, q, G, sg)
     if (substring(mod, 3, 3) == "U") {
     yg <- yginitu(p, G, sg, lg, mod, pig, dumg)
     if (substring(mod, 3, 3) == "C") {
     yg <- yginitc(p, G, sg, lg, sgc, mod, pig)
     if (substring(mod, 1, 1) == "M") {
     yg <- array(0, dim = c(p, p, G))
     om <- rep(0, G)
     tri <- array(0, dim = c(p, p, G))
     ygst <- yginitu(p, G, sg, lg, mod, pig, dumg)
     if (substring(mod, 3, 3) == "1" | substring(mod,
     3, 3) == "2") {
     for (g in 1:G) {
     om[g] <- det(ygst[, , g])^(1/p)
     if (substring(mod, 3, 3) == "3" | substring(mod,
     3, 3) == "4") {
     dom <- 0
     for (g in 1:G) {
     dom <- dom + pig[g] * det(ygst[, , g])^(1/p)
     om[] <- dom
     for (g in 1:G) {
     tri[, , g] <- ygst[, , g]/(det(ygst[, ,
     if (substring(mod, 3, 3) == "1" | substring(mod,
     3, 3) == "2") {
     av <- diag(p) - diag(p)
     for (g in 1:G) {
     av <- av + pig[g] * tri[, , g]
     tri[, , ] <- av
     for (g in 1:G) {
     yg[, , g] <- om[g] * tri[, , g]
     yginv <- yginvup(p, G, yg)
     sigma <- sigmaup(p, G, lg, yg, sigma)
     testing <- try(sigmainv <- sigmainvup(p, G,
     yginv, lg, q, sigmainv), silent = TRUE)
     if (!all(is.finite(testing))) {
     betag <- betagup(q, p, G, lg, sigmainv, betag)
     thetag <- thetagup(q, G, betag, lg, sg, thetag)
     w <- winit(x, n, G, mug, sigmainv, vg, p, sg,
     cycle <- 0
     dfnewg <- vg
     conv <- 0
     num <- matrix(0, n, G)
     ft <- matrix(0, n, G)
     logl <- NaN
     while (conv != 1) {
     if (breakit == 1) {
     ng <- ngupdate(zmat)
     pig <- pigupdate(ng, n)
     mug <- mugupdate(G, zmat, w, x, p, mug, n)
     if (dfupdate == "approx") {
     testing <- try(dfnewg <- dfupdatefun2(mod,
     dfnewg, ng, zmat, w, G, p, n, x, mug, sigmainv),
     silent = TRUE)
     if (!all(is.finite(testing))) {
     if (dfupdate == "numeric") {
     testing <- try(dfnewg <- dfupdatefun(mod,
     dfnewg, ng, zmat, w, G, p, n, x, mug, sigmainv),
     silent = TRUE)
     if (!all(is.finite(testing))) {
     ng <- ngupdate(zmat)
     sg <- sgupdate(p, G, n, x, mug, zmat, w, ng,
     mod, pig, sg)
     betag <- betagup(q, p, G, lg, sigmainv, betag)
     thetag <- thetagup(q, G, betag, lg, sg, thetag)
     testing <- try(lg <- lgupdate(mod, p, q, G,
     ng, yginv, sg, betag, thetag, om, tri, lg),
     silent = TRUE)
     if (!all(is.finite(testing))) {
     if (substring(mod, 1, 1) == "M") {
     om <- omupdate(mod, q, G, yg, p, sg, lg,
     betag, thetag, pig, om, tri)
     tri <- triupdate(mod, q, G, yg, p, sg, lg,
     betag, thetag, pig, om, tri, ng)
     for (g in 1:G) {
     yg[, , g] <- om[g] * tri[, , g]
     else {
     yg <- ygupdate(mod, q, G, yg, p, sg, lg,
     betag, thetag, pig)
     yginv <- yginvup(p, G, yg)
     sigma <- sigmaup(p, G, lg, yg, sigma)
     testing <- try(sigmainv <- sigmainvup(p, G,
     yginv, lg, q, sigmainv), silent = TRUE)
     if (!all(is.finite(testing))) {
     betag <- betagup(q, p, G, lg, sigmainv, betag)
     thetag <- thetagup(q, G, betag, lg, sg, thetag)
     duptest <- try(delta <- deltaup(x, mug, sigma,
     sigmainv, G, n, delta), silent = TRUE)
     if (class(duptest) == "try-error") {
     suppressWarnings(zup <- zupdate(x, G, pig,
     dfnewg, p, yg, q, betag, lg, mug, sigmainv,
     n, clas, kno, known, unkno, delta))
     zmat <- zup$zmat
     if (any(is.nan(zmat))) {
     w <- wupdate(x, n, G, mug, sigmainv, dfnewg,
     p, delta, w)
     cycle <- cycle + 1
     logl[cycle] <- sum(log(rowSums(zup$num))) -
     if ([cycle])) {
     if (cycle > 3) {
     if (is.finite(logl[cycle - 2])) {
     ak <- (logl[cycle] - logl[cycle - 1])/(logl[cycle -
     1] - logl[cycle - 2])
     linf <- logl[cycle - 1] + (logl[cycle] -
     logl[cycle - 1])/(1 - ak)
     if (abs(linf - logl[cycle - 1]) < eps) {
     conv <- 1
     if ((logl[cycle] - logl[cycle - 1]) < 0) {
     else {
     if (conv == 1) {
     bic[modnum, q, G] <- bicdum <- BICcalc(conv,
     G, p, mod, q, logl, n, gauss)
     icl[modnum, q, G] <- icldum <- ICLcalc(conv,
     n, zmat, bic, modnum, q, G)
     if (bicdum == max(bic)) {
     meansave <- mug
     sigsave <- sigma
     zmatsave <- zmat
     dfsave <- dfnewg
     itsave <- cycle
     llsave <- logl[cycle]
     if (icldum == max(icl)) {
     meansave2 <- mug
     sigsave2 <- sigma
     zmatsave2 <- zmat
     dfsave2 <- dfnewg
     itsave2 <- cycle
     llsave2 <- logl[cycle]
     dimnames(bic) <- list(models, qstuff, gstuff)
     dimnames(icl) <- list(models, qstuff, gstuff)
     maxes <- which(bic == max(bic), arr.ind = TRUE)
     maxicl <- which(icl == max(icl), arr.ind = TRUE)
     if (nrow(maxes) > 1) {
     message("WARNING: Maximum BIC tie between two or more models")
     bestmodnum <- maxes[1:nrow(maxes), 1]
     bestmod <- models[bestmodnum]
     bestq <- maxes[1:nrow(maxes), 2]
     bestg <- maxes[1:nrow(maxes), 3]
     itf <- "MULTIPLE"
     dff1 <- "MULTIPLE"
     bestz <- "MULTIPLE"
     bestzmap <- "MULTIPLE"
     tab <- "MULTIPLE"
     blogl <- "Multiple"
     if (nrow(maxes) == 1) {
     bestmodnum <- maxes[1]
     bestmod <- models[bestmodnum]
     bestq <- maxes[2]
     bestg <- maxes[3]
     bestz <- zmatsave
     dff1 <- dfsave
     itf <- itsave
     blogl <- llsave
     bestzmap <- apply(bestz, 1, which.max)
     if (clas > 0) {
     newmap <- bestzmap
     newmap[testindex] <- NA
     newknown <- known
     newknown[testindex] <- NA
     tab <- table(known, newmap)
     else {
     if (!is.null(known)) {
     tab <- table(known, bestzmap)
     else {
     tab <- NULL
     if (nrow(maxicl) > 1) {
     message("WARNING: Maximum ICL tie between two or more models")
     bestmodnumicl <- maxicl[1:nrow(maxicl), 1]
     bestmodicl <- models[bestmodnumicl]
     bestqicl <- maxicl[1:nrow(maxicl), 2]
     bestgicl <- maxicl[1:nrow(maxicl), 3]
     dff1icl <- "MULTIPLE"
     bestzicl <- "MULTIPLE"
     bestzmapicl <- "MULTIPLE"
     itficl <- "MULTIPLE"
     tabicl <- "MULTIPLE"
     bloglicl <- "MULTIPLE"
     if (nrow(maxicl) == 1) {
     bestmodnumicl <- maxicl[1]
     bestmodicl <- models[bestmodnumicl]
     bestqicl <- maxicl[2]
     bestgicl <- maxicl[3]
     bestzicl <- zmatsave2
     dff1icl <- dfsave2
     itficl <- itsave2
     bloglicl <- llsave2
     bestzmapicl <- apply(bestzicl, 1, which.max)
     if (clas > 0) {
     newmapicl <- bestzmapicl
     newmapicl[testindex] <- NA
     newknown <- known
     newknown[testindex] <- NA
     tabicl <- table(known, newmapicl)
     else {
     if (!is.null(known)) {
     tabicl <- table(known, bestzmapicl)
     else {
     tabicl <- NULL
     iclresults <- list()
     par <- list()
     paricl <- list()
     par[["mean"]] <- meansave
     par[["sigma"]] <- sigsave
     par[["df"]] <- dff1
     paricl[["sigma"]] <- sigsave2
     paricl[["mean"]] <- meansave2
     paricl[["df"]] <- dff1icl
     store[["parameters"]] <- par
     store[["allbic"]] <- bic[, Qs, Gs]
     iclresults[["allicl"]] <- icl[, Qs, Gs]
     store[["bic"]] <- max(bic)
     iclresults[["icl"]] <- max(icl)
     store[["modelname"]] <- bestmod
     store[["bestmodel"]] <- paste("The best model (BIC of ",
     round(max(bic), 2), ") is ", bestmod, " with G=", bestg,
     sep = "")
     store[["Q"]] <- bestq
     store[["G"]] <- bestg
     store[["classification"]] <- bestzmap
     iclresults[["bestmodel"]] <- paste("The best model (ICL of ",
     round(max(icl), 2), ") is ", bestmodicl, " with G=",
     bestgicl, sep = "")
     iclresults[["modelname"]] <- bestmodicl
     iclresults[["Q"]] <- bestqicl
     iclresults[["G"]] <- bestgicl
     iclresults[["fuzzy"]] <- bestzicl
     iclresults[["logl"]] <- bloglicl
     iclresults[["classification"]] <- bestzmapicl
     iclresults[["parameters"]] <- paricl
     store[["tab"]] <- tab
     iclresults[["tab"]] <- tabicl
     store[["iter"]] <- itf
     iclresults[["iter"]] <- itficl
     store[["x"]] <- x
     store[["fuzzy"]] <- bestz
     store[["logl"]] <- blogl
     store[["iclresults"]] <- iclresults
    <bytecode: 0x558621a76b48>
    <environment: namespace:mmtfa>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function mmtfaEM in namespace mmtfa has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(duptest) == "try-error") { :
     the condition has length > 1
    Calls: mmtfa -> mmtfaEM
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc

Version: 0.3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘mmtfa-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: mmtfa
    > ### Title: mmtfa: Function for Model-Based Clustering and Classification
    > ### with Mixtures of Multivariate t Factor Analyzers
    > ### Aliases: mmtfa
    > ### ** Examples
    > ###Note that only one model is run for each example
    > ###in order to reduce computation time
    > #Clustering iris data with hard random start
    > tirisr <- mmtfa(iris[,-5], models="UUUU", Gs=1:3, Qs=1, init="hard")
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    mmtfaEM(x, Gs, Qs, clas, init, scale, models, dfstart, dfupdate,
     gauss, eps, known)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(duptest) == "try-error") {
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: mmtfaEM(x, Gs, Qs, clas, init, scale, models, dfstart, dfupdate,
     gauss, eps, known)
    where 2: mmtfa(iris[, -5], models = "UUUU", Gs = 1:3, Qs = 1, init = "hard")
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     --- function from context ---
    function (x, Gs, Qs, clas, init, scale, models, dfstart, dfupdate,
     gauss, eps, known)
     modgen <- modelgen()
     modold <- modgen$modold
     p <- ncol(x)
     n <- nrow(x)
     zlist3 <- ll <- dff <- it <- store <- meanlist <- siglist <- list()
     if (clas > 0) {
     testindex <- sample(1:n, ceiling(n * (clas/100)))
     kno <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = n)
     kno[testindex] <- 1
     unkno <- (kno - 1) * (-1)
     Gs <- length(unique(known))
     gvec <- 1:max(Gs)
     qvec <- 1:max(Qs)
     gstuff <- paste("G=", gvec, sep = "")
     qstuff <- paste("Q=", qvec, sep = "")
     bic <- rands <- icl <- logls <- array(-Inf, dim = c(length(models),
     max(Qs), max(Gs)))
     meansave <- meansave2 <- sigsave <- zmatsave <- sigsave2 <- zmatsave2 <- NA
     oldmodvec <- modold[match(models, modgen$allmodels)]
     if (class(init) != "list" && !(init %in% c("kmeans", "hard",
     "disc", "cont", "soft", "uniform"))) {
     stop("'init' must be one of 'kmeans', 'hard', 'soft', 'uniform' or a list. See ?mmtfa.")
     zmatin <- list()
     for (G in Gs) {
     if (G == 1) {
     zmatin[[G]] <- matrix(1, n, 1)
     else {
     if (is.character(init)) {
     if (init == "hard") {
     zmatin[[G]] <- discrandz(n, G)
     if (init == "soft") {
     zmatin[[G]] <- contrandz(n, G)
     if (init == "uniform") {
     if (clas > 0) {
     zmatin[[G]] <- uniformz(n, G, clas, kno,
     else {
     stop("Uniform initialization not available for clustering.")
     if (init == "kmeans") {
     zmatin[[G]] <- kmeansz(x, n, G)
     else {
     zmatin[[G]] <- givenz(n, G, init[[G]])
     for (modnum in 1:length(models)) {
     modnew <- models[modnum]
     mod <- modold[which(modgen$allmodels == modnew)]
     for (G in Gs) {
     delta <- matrix(0, n, G)
     mug <- matrix(0, G, p)
     om <- rep(0, G)
     yg <- sigma <- sigmainv <- sg <- array(0, dim = c(p,
     p, G))
     tri <- array(0, dim = c(p, p, G))
     w <- matrix(0, n, G)
     for (q in Qs) {
     lg <- array(0, dim = c(p, q, G))
     betag <- array(0, dim = c(q, p, G))
     thetag <- array(0, dim = c(q, q, G))
     singular <- 0
     breakit <- 0
     if (G == 1) {
     CCCCgroup <- c("UUCU", "UUCC", "UCCU", "UCCC",
     "CUCU", "CUCC", "CCCU", "CCCC")
     if (any(mod == CCCCgroup)) {
     cccdum <- oldmodvec[oldmodvec %in% CCCCgroup]
     if (length(cccdum) > 0) {
     if (mod != cccdum[1]) {
     breakit <- 1
     CCUCgroup <- c("UUUU", "UUUC", "UCUU", "UCUC",
     "CUUU", "CUUC", "CCUU", "CCUC", "Mt1U", "Mt1C",
     "Mt2U", "Mt2C", "Mt3U", "Mt3C", "Mt4U", "Mt4C")
     if (any(mod == CCUCgroup)) {
     ccudum <- oldmodvec[oldmodvec %in% CCUCgroup]
     if (length(ccudum) > 0) {
     if (mod != ccudum[1]) {
     breakit <- 1
     if (breakit == 0) {
     zmat <- zmatin[[G]]
     vg <- vginit(dfstart, G)
     ng <- ngupdate(zmat)
     pig <- pigupdate(ng, n)
     mug <- muginit(G, p, x, zmat, ng)
     sg <- sginit(p, G, x, mug, zmat, n, ng)
     sgc <- sginitc(G, sg, pig, p, n, x)
     if (substring(mod, 1, 3) == "CCC") {
     for (g in 1:G) {
     sg[, , g] <- sgc
     if (substring(mod, 1, 1) == "U" | substring(mod,
     3, 3) == "2" | substring(mod, 3, 3) == "4") {
     lg <- lginitu(p, q, G, sg)
     if (substring(mod, 1, 1) == "C" | substring(mod,
     3, 3) == "1" | substring(mod, 3, 3) == "3") {
     lg <- lginitc(p, q, G, sgc)
     dumg <- lginitu(p, q, G, sg)
     if (substring(mod, 3, 3) == "U") {
     yg <- yginitu(p, G, sg, lg, mod, pig, dumg)
     if (substring(mod, 3, 3) == "C") {
     yg <- yginitc(p, G, sg, lg, sgc, mod, pig)
     if (substring(mod, 1, 1) == "M") {
     yg <- array(0, dim = c(p, p, G))
     om <- rep(0, G)
     tri <- array(0, dim = c(p, p, G))
     ygst <- yginitu(p, G, sg, lg, mod, pig, dumg)
     if (substring(mod, 3, 3) == "1" | substring(mod,
     3, 3) == "2") {
     for (g in 1:G) {
     om[g] <- det(ygst[, , g])^(1/p)
     if (substring(mod, 3, 3) == "3" | substring(mod,
     3, 3) == "4") {
     dom <- 0
     for (g in 1:G) {
     dom <- dom + pig[g] * det(ygst[, , g])^(1/p)
     om[] <- dom
     for (g in 1:G) {
     tri[, , g] <- ygst[, , g]/(det(ygst[, ,
     if (substring(mod, 3, 3) == "1" | substring(mod,
     3, 3) == "2") {
     av <- diag(p) - diag(p)
     for (g in 1:G) {
     av <- av + pig[g] * tri[, , g]
     tri[, , ] <- av
     for (g in 1:G) {
     yg[, , g] <- om[g] * tri[, , g]
     yginv <- yginvup(p, G, yg)
     sigma <- sigmaup(p, G, lg, yg, sigma)
     testing <- try(sigmainv <- sigmainvup(p, G,
     yginv, lg, q, sigmainv), silent = TRUE)
     if (!all(is.finite(testing))) {
     betag <- betagup(q, p, G, lg, sigmainv, betag)
     thetag <- thetagup(q, G, betag, lg, sg, thetag)
     w <- winit(x, n, G, mug, sigmainv, vg, p, sg,
     cycle <- 0
     dfnewg <- vg
     conv <- 0
     num <- matrix(0, n, G)
     ft <- matrix(0, n, G)
     logl <- NaN
     while (conv != 1) {
     if (breakit == 1) {
     ng <- ngupdate(zmat)
     pig <- pigupdate(ng, n)
     mug <- mugupdate(G, zmat, w, x, p, mug, n)
     if (dfupdate == "approx") {
     testing <- try(dfnewg <- dfupdatefun2(mod,
     dfnewg, ng, zmat, w, G, p, n, x, mug, sigmainv),
     silent = TRUE)
     if (!all(is.finite(testing))) {
     if (dfupdate == "numeric") {
     testing <- try(dfnewg <- dfupdatefun(mod,
     dfnewg, ng, zmat, w, G, p, n, x, mug, sigmainv),
     silent = TRUE)
     if (!all(is.finite(testing))) {
     ng <- ngupdate(zmat)
     sg <- sgupdate(p, G, n, x, mug, zmat, w, ng,
     mod, pig, sg)
     betag <- betagup(q, p, G, lg, sigmainv, betag)
     thetag <- thetagup(q, G, betag, lg, sg, thetag)
     testing <- try(lg <- lgupdate(mod, p, q, G,
     ng, yginv, sg, betag, thetag, om, tri, lg),
     silent = TRUE)
     if (!all(is.finite(testing))) {
     if (substring(mod, 1, 1) == "M") {
     om <- omupdate(mod, q, G, yg, p, sg, lg,
     betag, thetag, pig, om, tri)
     tri <- triupdate(mod, q, G, yg, p, sg, lg,
     betag, thetag, pig, om, tri, ng)
     for (g in 1:G) {
     yg[, , g] <- om[g] * tri[, , g]
     else {
     yg <- ygupdate(mod, q, G, yg, p, sg, lg,
     betag, thetag, pig)
     yginv <- yginvup(p, G, yg)
     sigma <- sigmaup(p, G, lg, yg, sigma)
     testing <- try(sigmainv <- sigmainvup(p, G,
     yginv, lg, q, sigmainv), silent = TRUE)
     if (!all(is.finite(testing))) {
     betag <- betagup(q, p, G, lg, sigmainv, betag)
     thetag <- thetagup(q, G, betag, lg, sg, thetag)
     duptest <- try(delta <- deltaup(x, mug, sigma,
     sigmainv, G, n, delta), silent = TRUE)
     if (class(duptest) == "try-error") {
     suppressWarnings(zup <- zupdate(x, G, pig,
     dfnewg, p, yg, q, betag, lg, mug, sigmainv,
     n, clas, kno, known, unkno, delta))
     zmat <- zup$zmat
     if (any(is.nan(zmat))) {
     w <- wupdate(x, n, G, mug, sigmainv, dfnewg,
     p, delta, w)
     cycle <- cycle + 1
     logl[cycle] <- sum(log(rowSums(zup$num))) -
     if ([cycle])) {
     if (cycle > 3) {
     if (is.finite(logl[cycle - 2])) {
     ak <- (logl[cycle] - logl[cycle - 1])/(logl[cycle -
     1] - logl[cycle - 2])
     linf <- logl[cycle - 1] + (logl[cycle] -
     logl[cycle - 1])/(1 - ak)
     if (abs(linf - logl[cycle - 1]) < eps) {
     conv <- 1
     if ((logl[cycle] - logl[cycle - 1]) < 0) {
     else {
     if (conv == 1) {
     bic[modnum, q, G] <- bicdum <- BICcalc(conv,
     G, p, mod, q, logl, n, gauss)
     icl[modnum, q, G] <- icldum <- ICLcalc(conv,
     n, zmat, bic, modnum, q, G)
     if (bicdum == max(bic)) {
     meansave <- mug
     sigsave <- sigma
     zmatsave <- zmat
     dfsave <- dfnewg
     itsave <- cycle
     llsave <- logl[cycle]
     if (icldum == max(icl)) {
     meansave2 <- mug
     sigsave2 <- sigma
     zmatsave2 <- zmat
     dfsave2 <- dfnewg
     itsave2 <- cycle
     llsave2 <- logl[cycle]
     dimnames(bic) <- list(models, qstuff, gstuff)
     dimnames(icl) <- list(models, qstuff, gstuff)
     maxes <- which(bic == max(bic), arr.ind = TRUE)
     maxicl <- which(icl == max(icl), arr.ind = TRUE)
     if (nrow(maxes) > 1) {
     message("WARNING: Maximum BIC tie between two or more models")
     bestmodnum <- maxes[1:nrow(maxes), 1]
     bestmod <- models[bestmodnum]
     bestq <- maxes[1:nrow(maxes), 2]
     bestg <- maxes[1:nrow(maxes), 3]
     itf <- "MULTIPLE"
     dff1 <- "MULTIPLE"
     bestz <- "MULTIPLE"
     bestzmap <- "MULTIPLE"
     tab <- "MULTIPLE"
     blogl <- "Multiple"
     if (nrow(maxes) == 1) {
     bestmodnum <- maxes[1]
     bestmod <- models[bestmodnum]
     bestq <- maxes[2]
     bestg <- maxes[3]
     bestz <- zmatsave
     dff1 <- dfsave
     itf <- itsave
     blogl <- llsave
     bestzmap <- apply(bestz, 1, which.max)
     if (clas > 0) {
     newmap <- bestzmap
     newmap[testindex] <- NA
     newknown <- known
     newknown[testindex] <- NA
     tab <- table(known, newmap)
     else {
     if (!is.null(known)) {
     tab <- table(known, bestzmap)
     else {
     tab <- NULL
     if (nrow(maxicl) > 1) {
     message("WARNING: Maximum ICL tie between two or more models")
     bestmodnumicl <- maxicl[1:nrow(maxicl), 1]
     bestmodicl <- models[bestmodnumicl]
     bestqicl <- maxicl[1:nrow(maxicl), 2]
     bestgicl <- maxicl[1:nrow(maxicl), 3]
     dff1icl <- "MULTIPLE"
     bestzicl <- "MULTIPLE"
     bestzmapicl <- "MULTIPLE"
     itficl <- "MULTIPLE"
     tabicl <- "MULTIPLE"
     bloglicl <- "MULTIPLE"
     if (nrow(maxicl) == 1) {
     bestmodnumicl <- maxicl[1]
     bestmodicl <- models[bestmodnumicl]
     bestqicl <- maxicl[2]
     bestgicl <- maxicl[3]
     bestzicl <- zmatsave2
     dff1icl <- dfsave2
     itficl <- itsave2
     bloglicl <- llsave2
     bestzmapicl <- apply(bestzicl, 1, which.max)
     if (clas > 0) {
     newmapicl <- bestzmapicl
     newmapicl[testindex] <- NA
     newknown <- known
     newknown[testindex] <- NA
     tabicl <- table(known, newmapicl)
     else {
     if (!is.null(known)) {
     tabicl <- table(known, bestzmapicl)
     else {
     tabicl <- NULL
     iclresults <- list()
     par <- list()
     paricl <- list()
     par[["mean"]] <- meansave
     par[["sigma"]] <- sigsave
     par[["df"]] <- dff1
     paricl[["sigma"]] <- sigsave2
     paricl[["mean"]] <- meansave2
     paricl[["df"]] <- dff1icl
     store[["parameters"]] <- par
     store[["allbic"]] <- bic[, Qs, Gs]
     iclresults[["allicl"]] <- icl[, Qs, Gs]
     store[["bic"]] <- max(bic)
     iclresults[["icl"]] <- max(icl)
     store[["modelname"]] <- bestmod
     store[["bestmodel"]] <- paste("The best model (BIC of ",
     round(max(bic), 2), ") is ", bestmod, " with G=", bestg,
     sep = "")
     store[["Q"]] <- bestq
     store[["G"]] <- bestg
     store[["classification"]] <- bestzmap
     iclresults[["bestmodel"]] <- paste("The best model (ICL of ",
     round(max(icl), 2), ") is ", bestmodicl, " with G=",
     bestgicl, sep = "")
     iclresults[["modelname"]] <- bestmodicl
     iclresults[["Q"]] <- bestqicl
     iclresults[["G"]] <- bestgicl
     iclresults[["fuzzy"]] <- bestzicl
     iclresults[["logl"]] <- bloglicl
     iclresults[["classification"]] <- bestzmapicl
     iclresults[["parameters"]] <- paricl
     store[["tab"]] <- tab
     iclresults[["tab"]] <- tabicl
     store[["iter"]] <- itf
     iclresults[["iter"]] <- itficl
     store[["x"]] <- x
     store[["fuzzy"]] <- bestz
     store[["logl"]] <- blogl
     store[["iclresults"]] <- iclresults
    <bytecode: 0x3d36bd0>
    <environment: namespace:mmtfa>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function mmtfaEM in namespace mmtfa has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(duptest) == "try-error") { :
     the condition has length > 1
    Calls: mmtfa -> mmtfaEM
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Version: 0.3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘mmtfa-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: mmtfa
    > ### Title: mmtfa: Function for Model-Based Clustering and Classification
    > ### with Mixtures of Multivariate t Factor Analyzers
    > ### Aliases: mmtfa
    > ### ** Examples
    > ###Note that only one model is run for each example
    > ###in order to reduce computation time
    > #Clustering iris data with hard random start
    > tirisr <- mmtfa(iris[,-5], models="UUUU", Gs=1:3, Qs=1, init="hard")
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    mmtfaEM(x, Gs, Qs, clas, init, scale, models, dfstart, dfupdate,
     gauss, eps, known)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(duptest) == "try-error") {
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: mmtfaEM(x, Gs, Qs, clas, init, scale, models, dfstart, dfupdate,
     gauss, eps, known)
    where 2: mmtfa(iris[, -5], models = "UUUU", Gs = 1:3, Qs = 1, init = "hard")
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
     --- function from context ---
    function (x, Gs, Qs, clas, init, scale, models, dfstart, dfupdate,
     gauss, eps, known)
     modgen <- modelgen()
     modold <- modgen$modold
     p <- ncol(x)
     n <- nrow(x)
     zlist3 <- ll <- dff <- it <- store <- meanlist <- siglist <- list()
     if (clas > 0) {
     testindex <- sample(1:n, ceiling(n * (clas/100)))
     kno <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = n)
     kno[testindex] <- 1
     unkno <- (kno - 1) * (-1)
     Gs <- length(unique(known))
     gvec <- 1:max(Gs)
     qvec <- 1:max(Qs)
     gstuff <- paste("G=", gvec, sep = "")
     qstuff <- paste("Q=", qvec, sep = "")
     bic <- rands <- icl <- logls <- array(-Inf, dim = c(length(models),
     max(Qs), max(Gs)))
     meansave <- meansave2 <- sigsave <- zmatsave <- sigsave2 <- zmatsave2 <- NA
     oldmodvec <- modold[match(models, modgen$allmodels)]
     if (class(init) != "list" && !(init %in% c("kmeans", "hard",
     "disc", "cont", "soft", "uniform"))) {
     stop("'init' must be one of 'kmeans', 'hard', 'soft', 'uniform' or a list. See ?mmtfa.")
     zmatin <- list()
     for (G in Gs) {
     if (G == 1) {
     zmatin[[G]] <- matrix(1, n, 1)
     else {
     if (is.character(init)) {
     if (init == "hard") {
     zmatin[[G]] <- discrandz(n, G)
     if (init == "soft") {
     zmatin[[G]] <- contrandz(n, G)
     if (init == "uniform") {
     if (clas > 0) {
     zmatin[[G]] <- uniformz(n, G, clas, kno,
     else {
     stop("Uniform initialization not available for clustering.")
     if (init == "kmeans") {
     zmatin[[G]] <- kmeansz(x, n, G)
     else {
     zmatin[[G]] <- givenz(n, G, init[[G]])
     for (modnum in 1:length(models)) {
     modnew <- models[modnum]
     mod <- modold[which(modgen$allmodels == modnew)]
     for (G in Gs) {
     delta <- matrix(0, n, G)
     mug <- matrix(0, G, p)
     om <- rep(0, G)
     yg <- sigma <- sigmainv <- sg <- array(0, dim = c(p,
     p, G))
     tri <- array(0, dim = c(p, p, G))
     w <- matrix(0, n, G)
     for (q in Qs) {
     lg <- array(0, dim = c(p, q, G))
     betag <- array(0, dim = c(q, p, G))
     thetag <- array(0, dim = c(q, q, G))
     singular <- 0
     breakit <- 0
     if (G == 1) {
     CCCCgroup <- c("UUCU", "UUCC", "UCCU", "UCCC",
     "CUCU", "CUCC", "CCCU", "CCCC")
     if (any(mod == CCCCgroup)) {
     cccdum <- oldmodvec[oldmodvec %in% CCCCgroup]
     if (length(cccdum) > 0) {
     if (mod != cccdum[1]) {
     breakit <- 1
     CCUCgroup <- c("UUUU", "UUUC", "UCUU", "UCUC",
     "CUUU", "CUUC", "CCUU", "CCUC", "Mt1U", "Mt1C",
     "Mt2U", "Mt2C", "Mt3U", "Mt3C", "Mt4U", "Mt4C")
     if (any(mod == CCUCgroup)) {
     ccudum <- oldmodvec[oldmodvec %in% CCUCgroup]
     if (length(ccudum) > 0) {
     if (mod != ccudum[1]) {
     breakit <- 1
     if (breakit == 0) {
     zmat <- zmatin[[G]]
     vg <- vginit(dfstart, G)
     ng <- ngupdate(zmat)
     pig <- pigupdate(ng, n)
     mug <- muginit(G, p, x, zmat, ng)
     sg <- sginit(p, G, x, mug, zmat, n, ng)
     sgc <- sginitc(G, sg, pig, p, n, x)
     if (substring(mod, 1, 3) == "CCC") {
     for (g in 1:G) {
     sg[, , g] <- sgc
     if (substring(mod, 1, 1) == "U" | substring(mod,
     3, 3) == "2" | substring(mod, 3, 3) == "4") {
     lg <- lginitu(p, q, G, sg)
     if (substring(mod, 1, 1) == "C" | substring(mod,
     3, 3) == "1" | substring(mod, 3, 3) == "3") {
     lg <- lginitc(p, q, G, sgc)
     dumg <- lginitu(p, q, G, sg)
     if (substring(mod, 3, 3) == "U") {
     yg <- yginitu(p, G, sg, lg, mod, pig, dumg)
     if (substring(mod, 3, 3) == "C") {
     yg <- yginitc(p, G, sg, lg, sgc, mod, pig)
     if (substring(mod, 1, 1) == "M") {
     yg <- array(0, dim = c(p, p, G))
     om <- rep(0, G)
     tri <- array(0, dim = c(p, p, G))
     ygst <- yginitu(p, G, sg, lg, mod, pig, dumg)
     if (substring(mod, 3, 3) == "1" | substring(mod,
     3, 3) == "2") {
     for (g in 1:G) {
     om[g] <- det(ygst[, , g])^(1/p)
     if (substring(mod, 3, 3) == "3" | substring(mod,
     3, 3) == "4") {
     dom <- 0
     for (g in 1:G) {
     dom <- dom + pig[g] * det(ygst[, , g])^(1/p)
     om[] <- dom
     for (g in 1:G) {
     tri[, , g] <- ygst[, , g]/(det(ygst[, ,
     if (substring(mod, 3, 3) == "1" | substring(mod,
     3, 3) == "2") {
     av <- diag(p) - diag(p)
     for (g in 1:G) {
     av <- av + pig[g] * tri[, , g]
     tri[, , ] <- av
     for (g in 1:G) {
     yg[, , g] <- om[g] * tri[, , g]
     yginv <- yginvup(p, G, yg)
     sigma <- sigmaup(p, G, lg, yg, sigma)
     testing <- try(sigmainv <- sigmainvup(p, G,
     yginv, lg, q, sigmainv), silent = TRUE)
     if (!all(is.finite(testing))) {
     betag <- betagup(q, p, G, lg, sigmainv, betag)
     thetag <- thetagup(q, G, betag, lg, sg, thetag)
     w <- winit(x, n, G, mug, sigmainv, vg, p, sg,
     cycle <- 0
     dfnewg <- vg
     conv <- 0
     num <- matrix(0, n, G)
     ft <- matrix(0, n, G)
     logl <- NaN
     while (conv != 1) {
     if (breakit == 1) {
     ng <- ngupdate(zmat)
     pig <- pigupdate(ng, n)
     mug <- mugupdate(G, zmat, w, x, p, mug, n)
     if (dfupdate == "approx") {
     testing <- try(dfnewg <- dfupdatefun2(mod,
     dfnewg, ng, zmat, w, G, p, n, x, mug, sigmainv),
     silent = TRUE)
     if (!all(is.finite(testing))) {
     if (dfupdate == "numeric") {
     testing <- try(dfnewg <- dfupdatefun(mod,
     dfnewg, ng, zmat, w, G, p, n, x, mug, sigmainv),
     silent = TRUE)
     if (!all(is.finite(testing))) {
     ng <- ngupdate(zmat)
     sg <- sgupdate(p, G, n, x, mug, zmat, w, ng,
     mod, pig, sg)
     betag <- betagup(q, p, G, lg, sigmainv, betag)
     thetag <- thetagup(q, G, betag, lg, sg, thetag)
     testing <- try(lg <- lgupdate(mod, p, q, G,
     ng, yginv, sg, betag, thetag, om, tri, lg),
     silent = TRUE)
     if (!all(is.finite(testing))) {
     if (substring(mod, 1, 1) == "M") {
     om <- omupdate(mod, q, G, yg, p, sg, lg,
     betag, thetag, pig, om, tri)
     tri <- triupdate(mod, q, G, yg, p, sg, lg,
     betag, thetag, pig, om, tri, ng)
     for (g in 1:G) {
     yg[, , g] <- om[g] * tri[, , g]
     else {
     yg <- ygupdate(mod, q, G, yg, p, sg, lg,
     betag, thetag, pig)
     yginv <- yginvup(p, G, yg)
     sigma <- sigmaup(p, G, lg, yg, sigma)
     testing <- try(sigmainv <- sigmainvup(p, G,
     yginv, lg, q, sigmainv), silent = TRUE)
     if (!all(is.finite(testing))) {
     betag <- betagup(q, p, G, lg, sigmainv, betag)
     thetag <- thetagup(q, G, betag, lg, sg, thetag)
     duptest <- try(delta <- deltaup(x, mug, sigma,
     sigmainv, G, n, delta), silent = TRUE)
     if (class(duptest) == "try-error") {
     suppressWarnings(zup <- zupdate(x, G, pig,
     dfnewg, p, yg, q, betag, lg, mug, sigmainv,
     n, clas, kno, known, unkno, delta))
     zmat <- zup$zmat
     if (any(is.nan(zmat))) {
     w <- wupdate(x, n, G, mug, sigmainv, dfnewg,
     p, delta, w)
     cycle <- cycle + 1
     logl[cycle] <- sum(log(rowSums(zup$num))) -
     if ([cycle])) {
     if (cycle > 3) {
     if (is.finite(logl[cycle - 2])) {
     ak <- (logl[cycle] - logl[cycle - 1])/(logl[cycle -
     1] - logl[cycle - 2])
     linf <- logl[cycle - 1] + (logl[cycle] -
     logl[cycle - 1])/(1 - ak)
     if (abs(linf - logl[cycle - 1]) < eps) {
     conv <- 1
     if ((logl[cycle] - logl[cycle - 1]) < 0) {
     else {
     if (conv == 1) {
     bic[modnum, q, G] <- bicdum <- BICcalc(conv,
     G, p, mod, q, logl, n, gauss)
     icl[modnum, q, G] <- icldum <- ICLcalc(conv,
     n, zmat, bic, modnum, q, G)
     if (bicdum == max(bic)) {
     meansave <- mug
     sigsave <- sigma
     zmatsave <- zmat
     dfsave <- dfnewg
     itsave <- cycle
     llsave <- logl[cycle]
     if (icldum == max(icl)) {
     meansave2 <- mug
     sigsave2 <- sigma
     zmatsave2 <- zmat
     dfsave2 <- dfnewg
     itsave2 <- cycle
     llsave2 <- logl[cycle]
     dimnames(bic) <- list(models, qstuff, gstuff)
     dimnames(icl) <- list(models, qstuff, gstuff)
     maxes <- which(bic == max(bic), arr.ind = TRUE)
     maxicl <- which(icl == max(icl), arr.ind = TRUE)
     if (nrow(maxes) > 1) {
     message("WARNING: Maximum BIC tie between two or more models")
     bestmodnum <- maxes[1:nrow(maxes), 1]
     bestmod <- models[bestmodnum]
     bestq <- maxes[1:nrow(maxes), 2]
     bestg <- maxes[1:nrow(maxes), 3]
     itf <- "MULTIPLE"
     dff1 <- "MULTIPLE"
     bestz <- "MULTIPLE"
     bestzmap <- "MULTIPLE"
     tab <- "MULTIPLE"
     blogl <- "Multiple"
     if (nrow(maxes) == 1) {
     bestmodnum <- maxes[1]
     bestmod <- models[bestmodnum]
     bestq <- maxes[2]
     bestg <- maxes[3]
     bestz <- zmatsave
     dff1 <- dfsave
     itf <- itsave
     blogl <- llsave
     bestzmap <- apply(bestz, 1, which.max)
     if (clas > 0) {
     newmap <- bestzmap
     newmap[testindex] <- NA
     newknown <- known
     newknown[testindex] <- NA
     tab <- table(known, newmap)
     else {
     if (!is.null(known)) {
     tab <- table(known, bestzmap)
     else {
     tab <- NULL
     if (nrow(maxicl) > 1) {
     message("WARNING: Maximum ICL tie between two or more models")
     bestmodnumicl <- maxicl[1:nrow(maxicl), 1]
     bestmodicl <- models[bestmodnumicl]
     bestqicl <- maxicl[1:nrow(maxicl), 2]
     bestgicl <- maxicl[1:nrow(maxicl), 3]
     dff1icl <- "MULTIPLE"
     bestzicl <- "MULTIPLE"
     bestzmapicl <- "MULTIPLE"
     itficl <- "MULTIPLE"
     tabicl <- "MULTIPLE"
     bloglicl <- "MULTIPLE"
     if (nrow(maxicl) == 1) {
     bestmodnumicl <- maxicl[1]
     bestmodicl <- models[bestmodnumicl]
     bestqicl <- maxicl[2]
     bestgicl <- maxicl[3]
     bestzicl <- zmatsave2
     dff1icl <- dfsave2
     itficl <- itsave2
     bloglicl <- llsave2
     bestzmapicl <- apply(bestzicl, 1, which.max)
     if (clas > 0) {
     newmapicl <- bestzmapicl
     newmapicl[testindex] <- NA
     newknown <- known
     newknown[testindex] <- NA
     tabicl <- table(known, newmapicl)
     else {
     if (!is.null(known)) {
     tabicl <- table(known, bestzmapicl)
     else {
     tabicl <- NULL
     iclresults <- list()
     par <- list()
     paricl <- list()
     par[["mean"]] <- meansave
     par[["sigma"]] <- sigsave
     par[["df"]] <- dff1
     paricl[["sigma"]] <- sigsave2
     paricl[["mean"]] <- meansave2
     paricl[["df"]] <- dff1icl
     store[["parameters"]] <- par
     store[["allbic"]] <- bic[, Qs, Gs]
     iclresults[["allicl"]] <- icl[, Qs, Gs]
     store[["bic"]] <- max(bic)
     iclresults[["icl"]] <- max(icl)
     store[["modelname"]] <- bestmod
     store[["bestmodel"]] <- paste("The best model (BIC of ",
     round(max(bic), 2), ") is ", bestmod, " with G=", bestg,
     sep = "")
     store[["Q"]] <- bestq
     store[["G"]] <- bestg
     store[["classification"]] <- bestzmap
     iclresults[["bestmodel"]] <- paste("The best model (ICL of ",
     round(max(icl), 2), ") is ", bestmodicl, " with G=",
     bestgicl, sep = "")
     iclresults[["modelname"]] <- bestmodicl
     iclresults[["Q"]] <- bestqicl
     iclresults[["G"]] <- bestgicl
     iclresults[["fuzzy"]] <- bestzicl
     iclresults[["logl"]] <- bloglicl
     iclresults[["classification"]] <- bestzmapicl
     iclresults[["parameters"]] <- paricl
     store[["tab"]] <- tab
     iclresults[["tab"]] <- tabicl
     store[["iter"]] <- itf
     iclresults[["iter"]] <- itficl
     store[["x"]] <- x
     store[["fuzzy"]] <- bestz
     store[["logl"]] <- blogl
     store[["iclresults"]] <- iclresults
    <bytecode: 0x26194f8>
    <environment: namespace:mmtfa>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function mmtfaEM in namespace mmtfa has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(duptest) == "try-error") { :
     the condition has length > 1
    Calls: mmtfa -> mmtfaEM
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc