CRAN Package Check Results for Package sensors4plumes

Last updated on 2020-02-19 10:49:09 CET.

Flavor Version Tinstall Tcheck Ttotal Status Flags
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang 0.9.3 21.54 136.45 157.99 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc 0.9.3 19.76 102.85 122.61 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang 0.9.3 188.48 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc 0.9.3 194.26 ERROR
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.9.3 32.00 148.00 180.00 OK
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64-gcc8 0.9.3 45.00 151.00 196.00 OK
r-patched-linux-x86_64 0.9.3 18.09 133.11 151.20 OK
r-patched-solaris-x86 0.9.3 266.50 OK
r-release-linux-x86_64 0.9.3 21.19 133.87 155.06 OK
r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.9.3 33.00 138.00 171.00 OK
r-release-osx-x86_64 0.9.3 OK
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.9.3 20.00 135.00 155.00 OK
r-oldrel-osx-x86_64 0.9.3 OK

Check Details

Version: 0.9.3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in 'sensors4plumes-Ex.R' failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: optimiseSD_ssa
    > ### Title: Spatial Simulated Annealing optimisation algorithm
    > ### Aliases: optimiseSD_ssa
    > ### ** Examples
    > # the function is to be used inside of optimiseSD
    > # change parameters
    > optimSD_ssa1 = replaceDefault(
    + optimiseSD_ssa, newDefaults = list(
    + start_acc_vG = 0.1,
    + aimCost = 0,
    + verbatim = TRUE,
    + maxIterations = 3000,
    + maxStableIterations = 500,
    + maxIterationsJumpBack = 200
    + ),
    + type = "optimisationFun.optimiseSD")[[1]]
    > # load data
    > demo(radioactivePlumes_addProperties)
     ---- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    > data(radioactivePlumes)
    > # compute and add often used properties
    > ## values
    > threshold = 1e-7
    > radioactivePlumes@values$detectable = calc(
    + radioactivePlumes@values$maxdose,
    + fun = function(x){x >= threshold})
    > ## locations
    > radioactivePlumes@locations@data$area = as.numeric(table(radioactivePlumes@locations@index)/16)
    > radioactivePlumes@locations@data$index = NULL
    > ## plumes
    > names(radioactivePlumes@plumes)[1] = "date"
    > sumWeightArea = function(x, weight = radioactivePlumes@locations@data$area, nout = 1){
    + sum(x * weight)
    + }
    > radioactivePlumes@plumes$totalDose = simulationsApply(simulations = radioactivePlumes,
    + fun_p = sumWeightArea, kinds = "finaldose")[["result_plumes"]][,1]
    > radioactivePlumes@plumes$nDetectable =
    + summaryPlumes(radioactivePlumes, fun = sum, kinds = "detectable")[["summaryPlumes"]]
    Data is processed in 1 block(s).
    > # define possible, fix, and initial sensors
    > I = nLocations(radioactivePlumes)
    > set.seed(22347287)
    > locDel3 =, 5)
    > locKeep3 = sample(setdiff(1:I, locDel3), 10)
    > locAll3 = c(sample(setdiff(1:I,
    + c(locDel3, locKeep3)), 10), locDel3)
    > costInitial1 = multipleDetection(simulations = radioactivePlumes,
    + locations = c(locKeep3, locDel3))
    > # run optimisation
    > ## Not run:
    > ##D ## takes some time
    > ##D SDssa = optimiseSD(
    > ##D simulations = radioactivePlumes,
    > ##D costFun = multipleDetection,
    > ##D locationsAll = setdiff(1:nLocations(radioactivePlumes), c(locKeep3, locAll3)),
    > ##D locationsFix = locKeep3,
    > ##D locationsInitial = locDel3,
    > ##D aimCost = 0.05 * costInitial1[[1]],
    > ##D aimNumber = length(locDel3) + length(locKeep3),
    > ##D optimisationFun = optimSD_ssa1
    > ##D )
    > ## End(Not run)
    > ## this result is also in data(SDssa)
    > # visualise
    > data(SDssa)
    > ## cost curve
    > optimisationCurve(optSD = SDssa, type = "ssa")
    > ## designs
    > singleDet = replaceDefault(singleDetection,
    + newDefaults = list(plot = TRUE), type = "costFun.optimiseSD")[[1]]
    > plotSD(radioactivePlumes,
    + SD = SDssa[[1]],
    + locationsFix = locKeep3,
    + locationsInitial = locDel3,
    + locationsAll = setdiff(1:nLocations(radioactivePlumes), c(locKeep3, locAll3)),
    + costMap = singleDet
    + )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    simulationsApply(simulations = simulations, kinds = kinds, fun_pl = fun_pl,
     fun_Rpl = fun_Rpl)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]) != "RasterBrick") {
     if (length(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])) == 2) {
     dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]) = c(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]),
     else {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = aperm(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     perm = c(2, 3, 1))
     if (prod(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])) > 0) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90, crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     else {
     warning("As 'result[['result_locationsplumes']]' has size 0, it is not transformed into a brick and 'fun_Rpl' cannot be applied.")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = FALSE
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: simulationsApply(simulations = simulations, kinds = kinds, fun_pl = fun_pl,
     fun_Rpl = fun_Rpl)
    where 2: replaceDefault(measurementsResult, newDefaults = list(kinds = "detectable",
     fun_p = prodNeg1, fun_Rp = meanWeight_totalDose1, fun_pl = x1,
     fun_Rpl = sumUndetected), type = "costFun.optimiseSD")[[1]](simulations = simulations,
     locations = locations)
    where 3: costMap(simulations = simulations, locations = c(SD[[i]], locationsFix))
    where 4: plotSD(radioactivePlumes, SD = SDssa[[1]], locationsFix = locKeep3,
     locationsInitial = locDel3, locationsAll = setdiff(1:nLocations(radioactivePlumes),
     c(locKeep3, locAll3)), costMap = singleDet)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] TRUE TRUE
     --- function from context ---
    function (simulations, locations = 1:nLocations(simulations),
     plumes = 1:nPlumes(simulations), kinds = 1:nKinds(simulations),
     fun = NA, fun_p = NA, fun_l = NA, fun_pl = NA, fun_Rp = NA,
     fun_Rl = NA, fun_Rpl = NA, fun_Rpl_cellStats = NA, nameSave = "simulationsApply",
     overwrite = FALSE, chunksize = 1e+07, keepSubset = FALSE,
     if (is.element(class(simulations), c("RasterLayer", "RasterStack",
     "RasterBrick"))) {
     data = simulations
     else {
     if (is(simulations, "Simulations")) {
     data = simulations@values
     else {
     stop("'simulations' must be of class 'Simulations' or of a 'Raster*' class.")
     data = subset(data, kinds)
     nLay = nlayers(data)
     nP = ncol(data)
     if (!identical(plumes, 1:nP)) {
     plumesIn = plumes > 0 & plumes <= nP
     plumes[!plumesIn] = NA
     if (any( {
     stop("'plumes' out of bounds or contains 'NA'.")
     nPl = length(plumes)
     isPlumes = TRUE
     else {
     nPl = nP
     nPlu = nP
     plumes = 1:nPl
     plumesU = 1:nPlu
     plumesIndex = 1:nP
     isPlumes = FALSE
     nL = nrow(data)
     if (!identical(locations, 1:nL)) {
     locationsIn = locations > 0 & locations <= nL
     locations[!locationsIn] = NA
     if (any( {
     stop("'locations' out of bounds or contains 'NA'.")
     nLo = length(locations)
     isLocations = TRUE
     else {
     nLo = nL
     nLoc = nL
     locations = 1:nLo
     locationsU = 1:nLoc
     locationsIndex = 1:nL
     isLocations = FALSE
     functions = list()
     functionValid = logical(8)
     names(functionValid) = c("fun", "fun_l", "fun_p", "fun_pl",
     "fun_Rl", "fun_Rp", "fun_Rpl", "fun_Rpl_cellStats")
     if (is.function(fun)) {
     fun_ = replaceDefault(fun, type = "fun.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun"] = fun_[[2]]
     functions[["fun"]] = fun_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_l)) {
     fun_l_ = replaceDefault(fun_l, type = "fun.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun_l"] = fun_l_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_l"]] = fun_l_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_p)) {
     fun_p_ = replaceDefault(fun_p, type = "fun.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun_p"] = fun_p_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_p"]] = fun_p_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_pl)) {
     fun_pl_ = replaceDefault(fun_pl, type = "fun.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun_pl"] = fun_pl_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_pl"]] = fun_pl_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_Rl)) {
     if (is(simulations, "Simulations")) {
     fun_Rl_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rl, newDefaults = list(weight = simulations@locations@data[locations,
     , drop = FALSE]), type = "funR.simulationsApply")
     else {
     fun_Rl_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rl, type = "funR.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun_Rl"] = fun_Rl_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_Rl"]] = fun_Rl_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_Rp)) {
     if (is(simulations, "Simulations")) {
     fun_Rp_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rp, newDefaults = list(weight = simulations@plumes[plumes,
     , drop = FALSE]), type = "funR.simulationsApply")
     else {
     fun_Rp_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rp, type = "funR.simulationsApply")
     functionValid[["fun_Rp"]] = fun_Rp_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_Rp"]] = fun_Rp_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_Rpl)) {
     if (is(simulations, "Simulations")) {
     fun_Rpl_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rpl, newDefaults = list(weight_l = simulations@locations@data[locations,
     , drop = FALSE], weight_p = simulations@plumes[plumes,
     , drop = FALSE]), type = "funRR.simulationsApply")
     else {
     fun_Rpl_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rpl, type = "funRR.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = fun_Rpl_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_Rpl"]] = fun_Rpl_[[1]]
     if (! {
     if (is.element(fun_Rpl_cellStats, c("sum", "mean", "min",
     "max", "sd", "skew", "rms"))) {
     functionValid["fun_Rpl_cellStats"] = TRUE
     else {
     warning("'fun_Rpl_cellStats' cannot be used, it has to be one of the strings: c('sum', 'mean', 'min', 'max', 'sd', 'skew', 'rms').")
     if (!all(functionValid[names(functions)])) {
     warning(paste0("Some of the defined functions are invalid (e.g. because of missing parameters or extra parameters without default: ",
     ". Their result cannot be computed."))
     if (isLocations) {
     locationsTable = table(locations)
     locationsRank = rank(locations)
     locationsU = sort(unique(locations))
     isLocUnique = identical(locations, locationsU)
     nLoc = length(locationsU)
     if (nLoc > 0) {
     locationsIndex = unlist(mapply(rep, 1:nLoc, locationsTable))[locationsRank]
     else {
     locationsIndex = integer(0)
     else {
     isLocUnique = TRUE
     if (isPlumes) {
     plumesTable = table(plumes)
     plumesRank = rank(plumes)
     plumesU = sort(unique(plumes))
     isPluUnique = identical(plumes, plumesU)
     nPlu = length(plumesU)
     if (nPlu > 0) {
     plumesIndex = unlist(mapply(rep, 1:nPlu, plumesTable))[plumesRank]
     else {
     plumesIndex = integer(0)
     else {
     isPluUnique = TRUE
     bs = blockSize(data, minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     bs_subset = blockSize(raster(nrow = nLo, ncol = nPl), n = nLay,
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (functionValid["fun"]) {
     bs_fun = blockSize(raster(nrow = 1, ncol = 1), n = eval(formals(functions[["fun"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     bs_fun_pl = blockSize(raster(nrow = nLo, ncol = nPl),
     n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_pl$n > 1) {
     if (nameSave == FALSE) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_pl' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid[["fun_pl"]] = FALSE
     else {
     rasterName_fun_pl = paste(nameSave, "_locationsplumes.grd",
     sep = "")
     warning(paste0("Result of 'fun_pl' too big to keep in memory,\n saved at '",
     rasterName_fun_pl, "'."))
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     bs_fun_p = blockSize(raster(nrow = nPl, ncol = 1), n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_p"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_p$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_p' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun_p"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_l"]) {
     bs_fun_l = blockSize(raster(nrow = nLo, ncol = 1), n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_l"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_l$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_l' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun_l"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_Rp"]) {
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     bs_fun_Rp = blockSize(raster(nrow = 1, ncol = 1),
     n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_Rp"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_Rp$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_Rp' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun_Rp"] = FALSE
     else {
     warning("'fun_Rp' is to be applied to the results of 'fun_p', as 'fun_p' is missing or cannot be applied, no results of 'fun_Rp' returned.'")
     functionValid["fun_Rp"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_Rl"]) {
     if (functionValid["fun_l"]) {
     bs_fun_Rl = blockSize(raster(nrow = 1, ncol = 1),
     n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_Rl"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_Rl$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_Rl' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun_Rl"] = FALSE
     else {
     warning("'fun_Rl' is to be applied to the results of 'fun_l', as 'fun_l' is missing or cannot be applied, no results of 'fun_Rl' returned.'")
     functionValid["fun_Rl"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_Rpl"]) {
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     bs_fun_Rpl = blockSize(raster(nrow = 1, ncol = 1),
     n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_Rpl"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_pl$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_pl' not in memory, therefore 'fun_Rpl' cannot be applied.")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = FALSE
     if (bs_fun_Rpl$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_Rpl' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = FALSE
     else {
     warning("'fun_Rpl' is to be applied to the results of 'fun_pl', as 'fun_pl' is missing or cannot be applied, no results of 'fun_Rpl' returned.'")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = FALSE
     result = list()
     if (bs_subset$n == 1) {
     result_subset = array(dim = c(nLoc, nPlu, nLay))
     h = 0
     for (i in 1:bs$n) {
     locations_i = bs$row[i] - 1 + 1:bs$nrows[i]
     if (isLocations) {
     which_locations_i = is.element(locationsU, locations_i)
     locations_i = locationsU[which_locations_i]
     locations_i = locations_i - (bs$row[i] - 1)
     nLoc_i = length(locations_i)
     if (nLoc_i > 0) {
     data_i = getValues(data, row = bs$row[i], nrows = bs$nrows[i])
     in_i_array = in_i_array = aperm(array(data_i,
     dim = c(nP, bs$nrows[i], nLay)), c(2, 1, 3))
     result_subset[h + 1:nLoc_i, , ] = in_i_array[locations_i,
     plumesU, , drop = FALSE]
     h = h + nLoc_i
     if (isLocations) {
     result_subset = result_subset[locationsIndex, , ,
     drop = FALSE]
     if (isPlumes) {
     result_subset = result_subset[, plumesIndex, , drop = FALSE]
     if (functionValid["fun"]) {
     result[["result_global"]] = functions[["fun"]](x = result_subset)
     if (functionValid["fun_l"]) {
     result[["result_locations"]] = apply(X = result_subset,
     FUN = functions[["fun_l"]], MARGIN = 1)
     if (is.null(dim(result[["result_locations"]]))) {
     result[["result_locations"]] = as.matrix(result[["result_locations"]])
     else {
     result[["result_locations"]] = t(result[["result_locations"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_Rl"]) {
     result[["result_global_locations"]] = functions[["fun_Rl"]](x = result[["result_locations"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     result[["result_plumes"]] = apply(X = result_subset,
     FUN = functions[["fun_p"]], MARGIN = 2)
     if (is.null(dim(result[["result_plumes"]]))) {
     result[["result_plumes"]] = as.matrix(result[["result_plumes"]])
     else {
     result[["result_plumes"]] = t(result[["result_plumes"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_Rp"]) {
     result[["result_global_plumes"]] = functions[["fun_Rp"]](x = result[["result_plumes"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     if (bs_fun_pl$n <= 1) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = apply(X = result_subset,
     FUN = functions[["fun_pl"]], MARGIN = c(1,
     if (class(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]) !=
     "RasterBrick") {
     if (length(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])) ==
     2) {
     dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]) = c(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]),
     else {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = aperm(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     perm = c(2, 3, 1))
     if (prod(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])) >
     0) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     else {
     warning("As 'result[['result_locationsplumes']]' has size 0, it is not transformed into a brick and 'fun_Rpl' cannot be applied.")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_Rpl"]) {
     result[["result_global_locationsplumes"]] = functions[["fun_Rpl"]](x = getValues(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]))
     else {
     if (isLocUnique) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(nrows = nLoc,
     ncols = nPl, nl = eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     print(paste0("write raster to ", rasterName_fun_pl))
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStart(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     filename = rasterName_fun_pl, overwrite = overwrite)
     for (i in 1:bs_fun_pl$n) {
     x_i = result_subset[bs_fun_pl$row[i] + 1:bs_fun_pl$nrows[i] -
     1, , ]
     x_i = aperm(x_i, perm = c(2, 1, 3))
     dim(x_i) = c(bs_fun_pl$nrows[i] * nPl, nLay)
     out_i = t(apply(X = x_i, FUN = functions[["fun_pl"]],
     MARGIN = 1))
     true_nout = dim(out_i)[2]
     if (!(eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout) ==
     true_nout)) {
     warning(paste0("The argument 'nout' of 'fun_pl' must fit the actual length of output of 'fun_pl'\n if applied to simulations@values[i,j,] for any i, i. For the chosen function nout = ",
     true_nout, ". No result of 'fun_pl' and 'fun_Rpl' returned."))
     functionValid[c("fun_pl", "fun_Rpl")] = FALSE
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = NULL
     if (!isPluUnique) {
     out_i = out_i[rep(plumesIndex, bs_fun_pl$nrows[i]),
     out_i, bs_fun_pl$row[i])
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     else {
     result_locationsplumes = brick(nrows = nLoc,
     ncols = nPl, nl = eval(formals(fun_pl)$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     warning("Intermediate results are saved in 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd', the file is deleted in the end.")
     print("write raster to 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd'")
     result_locationsplumes = writeStart(result_locationsplumes,
     filename = "intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd",
     overwrite = overwrite)
     for (i in 1:bs_fun_pl$n) {
     x_i = result_subset[bs_fun_pl$row[i] + 1:bs_fun_pl$nrows[i] -
     1, , ]
     x_i = aperm(x_i, perm = c(2, 1, 3))
     dim(x_i) = c(bs_fun_pl$nrows[i] * nPl, nLay)
     out_i = t(apply(X = x_i, FUN = fun_pl, MARGIN = 1))
     true_nout = dim(out_i)[2]
     if (!(eval(formals(fun_pl)$nout == true_nout))) {
     warning(paste0("The argument 'nout' of 'fun_pl' must fit the actual length of output of 'fun_pl'\n if applied to simulations@values[i,j,] for any i, i. For the chosen function nout = ",
     true_nout, ". No result of 'fun_pl' and 'fun_Rpl' returned."))
     functionValid[c("fun_pl", "fun_Rpl")] = FALSE
     result_locationsplumes = writeStop(result_locationsplumes)
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = NULL
     if (!isPluUnique) {
     out_i = out_i[rep(plumesIndex, bs_fun_pl$nrows[i]),
     writeValues(result_locationsplumes, out_i,
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     result_locationsplumes = writeStop(result_locationsplumes)
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(nrows = nLoc,
     ncols = nPlu, nl = eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     print(paste0("write raster to ", rasterName_fun_pl))
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStart(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     filename = rasterName_fun_pl, overwrite = overwrite)
     for (i in seq(along = locationsIndex)) {
     getValues(result_locationsplumes, row = locationsIndex[i]),
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     print("remove file 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd'.")
     else {
     if (functionValid["fun"]) {
     warning("'fun' cannot be applied as this would require to load all selected data into memory at once.")
     functionValid["fun"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_l"]) {
     result[["result_locations"]] = array(dim = c(nLoc,
     h = 0
     for (i in 1:bs$n) {
     locations_i = bs$row[i] - 1 + 1:bs$nrows[i]
     if (isLocations) {
     which_locations_i = is.element(locationsU,
     locations_i = locationsU[which_locations_i]
     locations_i = locations_i - (bs$row[i] - 1)
     nLoc_i = length(locations_i)
     if (nLoc_i > 0) {
     data_i = getValues(data, row = bs$row[i], nrows = bs$nrows[i])
     in_i_array = aperm(array(data_i, dim = c(nP,
     bs$nrows[i], nLay)), c(2, 1, 3))
     result[["result_locations"]][h + 1:nLoc_i,
     ] = t(apply(X = in_i_array[locations_i, plumes,
     , drop = FALSE], FUN = functions[["fun_l"]],
     MARGIN = 1))
     h = h + nLoc_i
     if (isLocations) {
     result[["result_locations"]] = result[["result_locations"]][locationsIndex,
     , drop = FALSE]
     if (functionValid["fun_Rl"]) {
     result[["result_global_locations"]] = functions[["fun_Rl"]](x = result[["result_locations"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     result[["result_plumes"]] = array(dim = c(nPlu, eval(formals(functions[["fun_p"]])$nout)))
     bs_columns = blockSize(raster(nrow = nPlu, ncol = nLo),
     n = nLay, minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     for (g in 1:bs_columns$n) {
     plumes_g = bs_columns$row[g] + 1:bs_columns$nrows[g] -
     nPlu_g = length(plumes_g)
     result_g = array(dim = c(nLoc, nPlu_g, nLay))
     h = 0
     for (i in 1:bs$n) {
     locations_i = bs$row[i] - 1 + 1:bs$nrows[i]
     if (isLocations) {
     which_locations_i = is.element(locationsU,
     locations_i = locationsU[which_locations_i]
     locations_i = locations_i - (bs$row[i] - 1)
     nLoc_i = length(locations_i)
     if (nLoc_i > 0) {
     data_i = getValues(data, row = bs$row[i],
     nrows = bs$nrows[i])
     in_i_array = aperm(array(data_i, dim = c(nP,
     bs$nrows[i], nLay)), c(2, 1, 3))
     result_g[h + 1:nLoc_i, , ] = in_i_array[locations_i,
     plumesU[plumes_g], , drop = FALSE]
     h = h + nLoc_i
     if (isLocations) {
     result_g = result_g[locationsIndex, , , drop = FALSE]
     result_plumes = apply(X = result_g, FUN = functions[["fun_p"]],
     MARGIN = 2)
     if (is.vector(result_plumes)) {
     if (!eval(formals(functions[["fun_p"]])[["nout"]]) ==
     1) {
     warning("The argument 'nout' of 'fun_p' must fit the actual length of output of 'fun_p'\n if applied to simulations@values[i,,] for any i. For the chosen function nout = 1.\n No result of 'fun_p' returned.")
     functionValid["fun_p"] = FALSE
     result[["result_plumes"]] = NULL
     else {
     dim(result_plumes) = c(length(result_plumes),
     else {
     true_nout = dim(result_plumes)[1]
     if (!(eval(formals(fun_p)[["nout"]]) == true_nout)) {
     warning(paste("The argument 'nout' of 'fun_p' must fit the actual length of output of 'fun_p'\n if applied to simulations@values[i,,] for any i. For the chosen function nout = ",
     true_nout, ".", sep = ""))
     functionValid["fun_p"] = FALSE
     result[["result_plumes"]] = NULL
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     result[["result_plumes"]][bs_columns$row[g] +
     1:bs_columns$nrows[g] - 1, ] = t(result_plumes)
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     if (isPlumes) {
     result[["result_plumes"]] = result[["result_plumes"]][plumesIndex,
     , drop = FALSE]
     if (functionValid["fun_Rp"]) {
     result[["result_global_plumes"]] = functions[["fun_Rp"]](x = result[["result_plumes"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     if (bs_fun_pl$n <= 1) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = array(dim = c(eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout),
     nLoc, nPlu))
     else {
     if (isLocUnique) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(nrows = nLoc,
     ncols = nPlu, nl = eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     print(paste0("write raster to ", rasterName_fun_pl))
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStart(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     filename = rasterName_fun_pl, overwrite = overwrite)
     else {
     result_locationsplumes = brick(nrows = nLoc,
     ncols = nPl, nl = eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     warning("Intermediate results are saved in 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd', the file is deleted in the end.")
     print("write raster to 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd'")
     result_locationsplumes = writeStart(result_locationsplumes,
     filename = "intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd",
     overwrite = overwrite)
     if (bs_subset$n < bs_fun_pl$n) {
     bs_Fun_pl = bs_fun_pl
     else {
     bs_Fun_pl = bs_subset
     h = 0
     for (i in 1:bs_Fun_pl$n) {
     locations_i = bs_Fun_pl$row[i] - 1 + 1:bs_Fun_pl$nrows[i]
     if (isLocations) {
     which_locations_i = is.element(locationsU,
     locations_i = locationsU[which_locations_i]
     locations_i = locations_i - (bs_Fun_pl$row[i] -
     nLoc_i = length(locations_i)
     if (nLoc_i > 0) {
     data_i = getValues(data, row = bs_Fun_pl$row[i],
     nrows = bs_Fun_pl$nrows[i])
     if (is.vector(data_i)) {
     data_i = matrix(data_i, ncol = 1)
     in_i_array = aperm(array(data_i, dim = c(nP,
     bs_Fun_pl$nrows[i], nLay)), c(2, 1, 3))
     in_i_array_subset = in_i_array[locations_i,
     plumesU, , drop = FALSE]
     if (bs_fun_pl$n <= 1) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]][, h +
     1:nLoc_i, ] = apply(X = in_i_array_subset,
     FUN = functions[["fun_pl"]], MARGIN = c(1,
     else {
     out_ii = apply(X = in_i_array_subset, FUN = functions[["fun_pl"]],
     MARGIN = c(1, 2))
     if (length(dim(out_ii)) == 2) {
     out_iii = array(dim = c(1, dim(out_ii)))
     out_iii[1, , ] = out_ii
     out_ii = out_iii
     out_i = aperm(out_ii, c(3, 2, 1))
     true_nout = dim(out_i)[3]
     if (eval(formals(fun_pl)$nout) != true_nout) {
     warning(paste("The argument 'nout' of 'fun_pl' must fit the actual length of output of 'fun_pl'\n if applied to simulations@values[i,j,] for any i, i. For the chosen function nout = ",
     true_nout, ".", sep = ""))
     functionValid["fun_pl"] = FALSE
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = NULL
     print(paste0("remove raster file ", rasterName_fun_pl))
     ".grd")[[1]], ".gri"))
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     if (!isPluUnique) {
     out_i = out_i[plumesIndex, , , drop = FALSE]
     dim(out_i) = c(nLoc_i * nPl, eval(formals(fun_pl)$nout))
     if (isLocUnique) {
     out_i, h + 1)
     else {
     writeValues(result_locationsplumes, out_i,
     h + 1)
     h = h + nLoc_i
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     if (isPluUnique) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     else {
     result_locationsplumes = writeStop(result_locationsplumes)
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(nrows = nLo,
     ncols = nPl, nl = eval(formals(fun_pl)$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     print(paste0("write raster to ", rasterName_fun_pl))
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStart(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     filename = rasterName_fun_pl, overwrite = overwrite)
     for (i in seq(along = locationsIndex)) {
     getValues(result_locationsplumes, row = locationsIndex[i]),
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     print("remove raster 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd'")
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     if (bs_fun_pl$n <= 1) {
     if (isLocations) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = result[["result_locationsplumes"]][,
     locationsIndex, , drop = FALSE]
     if (isPlumes) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = result[["result_locationsplumes"]][,
     , plumesIndex, drop = FALSE]
     if (is.function(fun_Rpl)) {
     result[["result_global_locationsplumes"]] = functions[["fun_Rpl"]](x = getValues(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]))
     if (keepSubset) {
     if (bs_subset$n == 1) {
     result[["subset"]] = result_subset
     else {
     warning("Subset too big to keep, only results of functions returned.")
     if (functionValid["fun_Rpl_cellStats"]) {
     if (is.element("result_locationsplumes", names(result))) {
     result[["cellStats_global_locationsplumes"]] = cellStats(x = result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     stat = fun_Rpl_cellStats, asSample = FALSE)
    <bytecode: 0x90ad0e0>
    <environment: namespace:sensors4plumes>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function simulationsApply in namespace sensors4plumes has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]) != "RasterBrick") { :
     the condition has length > 1
    Calls: plotSD -> costMap -> <Anonymous> -> simulationsApply
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang

Version: 0.9.3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘sensors4plumes-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: optimiseSD_ssa
    > ### Title: Spatial Simulated Annealing optimisation algorithm
    > ### Aliases: optimiseSD_ssa
    > ### ** Examples
    > # the function is to be used inside of optimiseSD
    > # change parameters
    > optimSD_ssa1 = replaceDefault(
    + optimiseSD_ssa, newDefaults = list(
    + start_acc_vG = 0.1,
    + aimCost = 0,
    + verbatim = TRUE,
    + maxIterations = 3000,
    + maxStableIterations = 500,
    + maxIterationsJumpBack = 200
    + ),
    + type = "optimisationFun.optimiseSD")[[1]]
    > # load data
    > demo(radioactivePlumes_addProperties)
     ---- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    > data(radioactivePlumes)
    > # compute and add often used properties
    > ## values
    > threshold = 1e-7
    > radioactivePlumes@values$detectable = calc(
    + radioactivePlumes@values$maxdose,
    + fun = function(x){x >= threshold})
    > ## locations
    > radioactivePlumes@locations@data$area = as.numeric(table(radioactivePlumes@locations@index)/16)
    > radioactivePlumes@locations@data$index = NULL
    > ## plumes
    > names(radioactivePlumes@plumes)[1] = "date"
    > sumWeightArea = function(x, weight = radioactivePlumes@locations@data$area, nout = 1){
    + sum(x * weight)
    + }
    > radioactivePlumes@plumes$totalDose = simulationsApply(simulations = radioactivePlumes,
    + fun_p = sumWeightArea, kinds = "finaldose")[["result_plumes"]][,1]
    > radioactivePlumes@plumes$nDetectable =
    + summaryPlumes(radioactivePlumes, fun = sum, kinds = "detectable")[["summaryPlumes"]]
    Data is processed in 1 block(s).
    > # define possible, fix, and initial sensors
    > I = nLocations(radioactivePlumes)
    > set.seed(22347287)
    > locDel3 =, 5)
    > locKeep3 = sample(setdiff(1:I, locDel3), 10)
    > locAll3 = c(sample(setdiff(1:I,
    + c(locDel3, locKeep3)), 10), locDel3)
    > costInitial1 = multipleDetection(simulations = radioactivePlumes,
    + locations = c(locKeep3, locDel3))
    > # run optimisation
    > ## Not run:
    > ##D ## takes some time
    > ##D SDssa = optimiseSD(
    > ##D simulations = radioactivePlumes,
    > ##D costFun = multipleDetection,
    > ##D locationsAll = setdiff(1:nLocations(radioactivePlumes), c(locKeep3, locAll3)),
    > ##D locationsFix = locKeep3,
    > ##D locationsInitial = locDel3,
    > ##D aimCost = 0.05 * costInitial1[[1]],
    > ##D aimNumber = length(locDel3) + length(locKeep3),
    > ##D optimisationFun = optimSD_ssa1
    > ##D )
    > ## End(Not run)
    > ## this result is also in data(SDssa)
    > # visualise
    > data(SDssa)
    > ## cost curve
    > optimisationCurve(optSD = SDssa, type = "ssa")
    > ## designs
    > singleDet = replaceDefault(singleDetection,
    + newDefaults = list(plot = TRUE), type = "costFun.optimiseSD")[[1]]
    > plotSD(radioactivePlumes,
    + SD = SDssa[[1]],
    + locationsFix = locKeep3,
    + locationsInitial = locDel3,
    + locationsAll = setdiff(1:nLocations(radioactivePlumes), c(locKeep3, locAll3)),
    + costMap = singleDet
    + )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    simulationsApply(simulations = simulations, kinds = kinds, fun_pl = fun_pl,
     fun_Rpl = fun_Rpl)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]) != "RasterBrick") {
     if (length(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])) == 2) {
     dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]) = c(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]),
     else {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = aperm(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     perm = c(2, 3, 1))
     if (prod(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])) > 0) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90, crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     else {
     warning("As 'result[['result_locationsplumes']]' has size 0, it is not transformed into a brick and 'fun_Rpl' cannot be applied.")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = FALSE
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: simulationsApply(simulations = simulations, kinds = kinds, fun_pl = fun_pl,
     fun_Rpl = fun_Rpl)
    where 2: replaceDefault(measurementsResult, newDefaults = list(kinds = "detectable",
     fun_p = prodNeg1, fun_Rp = meanWeight_totalDose1, fun_pl = x1,
     fun_Rpl = sumUndetected), type = "costFun.optimiseSD")[[1]](simulations = simulations,
     locations = locations)
    where 3: costMap(simulations = simulations, locations = c(SD[[i]], locationsFix))
    where 4: plotSD(radioactivePlumes, SD = SDssa[[1]], locationsFix = locKeep3,
     locationsInitial = locDel3, locationsAll = setdiff(1:nLocations(radioactivePlumes),
     c(locKeep3, locAll3)), costMap = singleDet)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] TRUE TRUE
     --- function from context ---
    function (simulations, locations = 1:nLocations(simulations),
     plumes = 1:nPlumes(simulations), kinds = 1:nKinds(simulations),
     fun = NA, fun_p = NA, fun_l = NA, fun_pl = NA, fun_Rp = NA,
     fun_Rl = NA, fun_Rpl = NA, fun_Rpl_cellStats = NA, nameSave = "simulationsApply",
     overwrite = FALSE, chunksize = 1e+07, keepSubset = FALSE,
     if (is.element(class(simulations), c("RasterLayer", "RasterStack",
     "RasterBrick"))) {
     data = simulations
     else {
     if (is(simulations, "Simulations")) {
     data = simulations@values
     else {
     stop("'simulations' must be of class 'Simulations' or of a 'Raster*' class.")
     data = subset(data, kinds)
     nLay = nlayers(data)
     nP = ncol(data)
     if (!identical(plumes, 1:nP)) {
     plumesIn = plumes > 0 & plumes <= nP
     plumes[!plumesIn] = NA
     if (any( {
     stop("'plumes' out of bounds or contains 'NA'.")
     nPl = length(plumes)
     isPlumes = TRUE
     else {
     nPl = nP
     nPlu = nP
     plumes = 1:nPl
     plumesU = 1:nPlu
     plumesIndex = 1:nP
     isPlumes = FALSE
     nL = nrow(data)
     if (!identical(locations, 1:nL)) {
     locationsIn = locations > 0 & locations <= nL
     locations[!locationsIn] = NA
     if (any( {
     stop("'locations' out of bounds or contains 'NA'.")
     nLo = length(locations)
     isLocations = TRUE
     else {
     nLo = nL
     nLoc = nL
     locations = 1:nLo
     locationsU = 1:nLoc
     locationsIndex = 1:nL
     isLocations = FALSE
     functions = list()
     functionValid = logical(8)
     names(functionValid) = c("fun", "fun_l", "fun_p", "fun_pl",
     "fun_Rl", "fun_Rp", "fun_Rpl", "fun_Rpl_cellStats")
     if (is.function(fun)) {
     fun_ = replaceDefault(fun, type = "fun.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun"] = fun_[[2]]
     functions[["fun"]] = fun_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_l)) {
     fun_l_ = replaceDefault(fun_l, type = "fun.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun_l"] = fun_l_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_l"]] = fun_l_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_p)) {
     fun_p_ = replaceDefault(fun_p, type = "fun.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun_p"] = fun_p_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_p"]] = fun_p_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_pl)) {
     fun_pl_ = replaceDefault(fun_pl, type = "fun.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun_pl"] = fun_pl_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_pl"]] = fun_pl_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_Rl)) {
     if (is(simulations, "Simulations")) {
     fun_Rl_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rl, newDefaults = list(weight = simulations@locations@data[locations,
     , drop = FALSE]), type = "funR.simulationsApply")
     else {
     fun_Rl_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rl, type = "funR.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun_Rl"] = fun_Rl_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_Rl"]] = fun_Rl_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_Rp)) {
     if (is(simulations, "Simulations")) {
     fun_Rp_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rp, newDefaults = list(weight = simulations@plumes[plumes,
     , drop = FALSE]), type = "funR.simulationsApply")
     else {
     fun_Rp_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rp, type = "funR.simulationsApply")
     functionValid[["fun_Rp"]] = fun_Rp_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_Rp"]] = fun_Rp_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_Rpl)) {
     if (is(simulations, "Simulations")) {
     fun_Rpl_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rpl, newDefaults = list(weight_l = simulations@locations@data[locations,
     , drop = FALSE], weight_p = simulations@plumes[plumes,
     , drop = FALSE]), type = "funRR.simulationsApply")
     else {
     fun_Rpl_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rpl, type = "funRR.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = fun_Rpl_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_Rpl"]] = fun_Rpl_[[1]]
     if (! {
     if (is.element(fun_Rpl_cellStats, c("sum", "mean", "min",
     "max", "sd", "skew", "rms"))) {
     functionValid["fun_Rpl_cellStats"] = TRUE
     else {
     warning("'fun_Rpl_cellStats' cannot be used, it has to be one of the strings: c('sum', 'mean', 'min', 'max', 'sd', 'skew', 'rms').")
     if (!all(functionValid[names(functions)])) {
     warning(paste0("Some of the defined functions are invalid (e.g. because of missing parameters or extra parameters without default: ",
     ". Their result cannot be computed."))
     if (isLocations) {
     locationsTable = table(locations)
     locationsRank = rank(locations)
     locationsU = sort(unique(locations))
     isLocUnique = identical(locations, locationsU)
     nLoc = length(locationsU)
     if (nLoc > 0) {
     locationsIndex = unlist(mapply(rep, 1:nLoc, locationsTable))[locationsRank]
     else {
     locationsIndex = integer(0)
     else {
     isLocUnique = TRUE
     if (isPlumes) {
     plumesTable = table(plumes)
     plumesRank = rank(plumes)
     plumesU = sort(unique(plumes))
     isPluUnique = identical(plumes, plumesU)
     nPlu = length(plumesU)
     if (nPlu > 0) {
     plumesIndex = unlist(mapply(rep, 1:nPlu, plumesTable))[plumesRank]
     else {
     plumesIndex = integer(0)
     else {
     isPluUnique = TRUE
     bs = blockSize(data, minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     bs_subset = blockSize(raster(nrow = nLo, ncol = nPl), n = nLay,
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (functionValid["fun"]) {
     bs_fun = blockSize(raster(nrow = 1, ncol = 1), n = eval(formals(functions[["fun"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     bs_fun_pl = blockSize(raster(nrow = nLo, ncol = nPl),
     n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_pl$n > 1) {
     if (nameSave == FALSE) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_pl' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid[["fun_pl"]] = FALSE
     else {
     rasterName_fun_pl = paste(nameSave, "_locationsplumes.grd",
     sep = "")
     warning(paste0("Result of 'fun_pl' too big to keep in memory,\n saved at '",
     rasterName_fun_pl, "'."))
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     bs_fun_p = blockSize(raster(nrow = nPl, ncol = 1), n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_p"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_p$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_p' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun_p"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_l"]) {
     bs_fun_l = blockSize(raster(nrow = nLo, ncol = 1), n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_l"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_l$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_l' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun_l"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_Rp"]) {
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     bs_fun_Rp = blockSize(raster(nrow = 1, ncol = 1),
     n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_Rp"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_Rp$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_Rp' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun_Rp"] = FALSE
     else {
     warning("'fun_Rp' is to be applied to the results of 'fun_p', as 'fun_p' is missing or cannot be applied, no results of 'fun_Rp' returned.'")
     functionValid["fun_Rp"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_Rl"]) {
     if (functionValid["fun_l"]) {
     bs_fun_Rl = blockSize(raster(nrow = 1, ncol = 1),
     n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_Rl"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_Rl$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_Rl' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun_Rl"] = FALSE
     else {
     warning("'fun_Rl' is to be applied to the results of 'fun_l', as 'fun_l' is missing or cannot be applied, no results of 'fun_Rl' returned.'")
     functionValid["fun_Rl"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_Rpl"]) {
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     bs_fun_Rpl = blockSize(raster(nrow = 1, ncol = 1),
     n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_Rpl"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_pl$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_pl' not in memory, therefore 'fun_Rpl' cannot be applied.")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = FALSE
     if (bs_fun_Rpl$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_Rpl' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = FALSE
     else {
     warning("'fun_Rpl' is to be applied to the results of 'fun_pl', as 'fun_pl' is missing or cannot be applied, no results of 'fun_Rpl' returned.'")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = FALSE
     result = list()
     if (bs_subset$n == 1) {
     result_subset = array(dim = c(nLoc, nPlu, nLay))
     h = 0
     for (i in 1:bs$n) {
     locations_i = bs$row[i] - 1 + 1:bs$nrows[i]
     if (isLocations) {
     which_locations_i = is.element(locationsU, locations_i)
     locations_i = locationsU[which_locations_i]
     locations_i = locations_i - (bs$row[i] - 1)
     nLoc_i = length(locations_i)
     if (nLoc_i > 0) {
     data_i = getValues(data, row = bs$row[i], nrows = bs$nrows[i])
     in_i_array = in_i_array = aperm(array(data_i,
     dim = c(nP, bs$nrows[i], nLay)), c(2, 1, 3))
     result_subset[h + 1:nLoc_i, , ] = in_i_array[locations_i,
     plumesU, , drop = FALSE]
     h = h + nLoc_i
     if (isLocations) {
     result_subset = result_subset[locationsIndex, , ,
     drop = FALSE]
     if (isPlumes) {
     result_subset = result_subset[, plumesIndex, , drop = FALSE]
     if (functionValid["fun"]) {
     result[["result_global"]] = functions[["fun"]](x = result_subset)
     if (functionValid["fun_l"]) {
     result[["result_locations"]] = apply(X = result_subset,
     FUN = functions[["fun_l"]], MARGIN = 1)
     if (is.null(dim(result[["result_locations"]]))) {
     result[["result_locations"]] = as.matrix(result[["result_locations"]])
     else {
     result[["result_locations"]] = t(result[["result_locations"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_Rl"]) {
     result[["result_global_locations"]] = functions[["fun_Rl"]](x = result[["result_locations"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     result[["result_plumes"]] = apply(X = result_subset,
     FUN = functions[["fun_p"]], MARGIN = 2)
     if (is.null(dim(result[["result_plumes"]]))) {
     result[["result_plumes"]] = as.matrix(result[["result_plumes"]])
     else {
     result[["result_plumes"]] = t(result[["result_plumes"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_Rp"]) {
     result[["result_global_plumes"]] = functions[["fun_Rp"]](x = result[["result_plumes"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     if (bs_fun_pl$n <= 1) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = apply(X = result_subset,
     FUN = functions[["fun_pl"]], MARGIN = c(1,
     if (class(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]) !=
     "RasterBrick") {
     if (length(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])) ==
     2) {
     dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]) = c(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]),
     else {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = aperm(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     perm = c(2, 3, 1))
     if (prod(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])) >
     0) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     else {
     warning("As 'result[['result_locationsplumes']]' has size 0, it is not transformed into a brick and 'fun_Rpl' cannot be applied.")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_Rpl"]) {
     result[["result_global_locationsplumes"]] = functions[["fun_Rpl"]](x = getValues(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]))
     else {
     if (isLocUnique) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(nrows = nLoc,
     ncols = nPl, nl = eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     print(paste0("write raster to ", rasterName_fun_pl))
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStart(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     filename = rasterName_fun_pl, overwrite = overwrite)
     for (i in 1:bs_fun_pl$n) {
     x_i = result_subset[bs_fun_pl$row[i] + 1:bs_fun_pl$nrows[i] -
     1, , ]
     x_i = aperm(x_i, perm = c(2, 1, 3))
     dim(x_i) = c(bs_fun_pl$nrows[i] * nPl, nLay)
     out_i = t(apply(X = x_i, FUN = functions[["fun_pl"]],
     MARGIN = 1))
     true_nout = dim(out_i)[2]
     if (!(eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout) ==
     true_nout)) {
     warning(paste0("The argument 'nout' of 'fun_pl' must fit the actual length of output of 'fun_pl'\n if applied to simulations@values[i,j,] for any i, i. For the chosen function nout = ",
     true_nout, ". No result of 'fun_pl' and 'fun_Rpl' returned."))
     functionValid[c("fun_pl", "fun_Rpl")] = FALSE
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = NULL
     if (!isPluUnique) {
     out_i = out_i[rep(plumesIndex, bs_fun_pl$nrows[i]),
     out_i, bs_fun_pl$row[i])
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     else {
     result_locationsplumes = brick(nrows = nLoc,
     ncols = nPl, nl = eval(formals(fun_pl)$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     warning("Intermediate results are saved in 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd', the file is deleted in the end.")
     print("write raster to 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd'")
     result_locationsplumes = writeStart(result_locationsplumes,
     filename = "intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd",
     overwrite = overwrite)
     for (i in 1:bs_fun_pl$n) {
     x_i = result_subset[bs_fun_pl$row[i] + 1:bs_fun_pl$nrows[i] -
     1, , ]
     x_i = aperm(x_i, perm = c(2, 1, 3))
     dim(x_i) = c(bs_fun_pl$nrows[i] * nPl, nLay)
     out_i = t(apply(X = x_i, FUN = fun_pl, MARGIN = 1))
     true_nout = dim(out_i)[2]
     if (!(eval(formals(fun_pl)$nout == true_nout))) {
     warning(paste0("The argument 'nout' of 'fun_pl' must fit the actual length of output of 'fun_pl'\n if applied to simulations@values[i,j,] for any i, i. For the chosen function nout = ",
     true_nout, ". No result of 'fun_pl' and 'fun_Rpl' returned."))
     functionValid[c("fun_pl", "fun_Rpl")] = FALSE
     result_locationsplumes = writeStop(result_locationsplumes)
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = NULL
     if (!isPluUnique) {
     out_i = out_i[rep(plumesIndex, bs_fun_pl$nrows[i]),
     writeValues(result_locationsplumes, out_i,
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     result_locationsplumes = writeStop(result_locationsplumes)
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(nrows = nLoc,
     ncols = nPlu, nl = eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     print(paste0("write raster to ", rasterName_fun_pl))
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStart(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     filename = rasterName_fun_pl, overwrite = overwrite)
     for (i in seq(along = locationsIndex)) {
     getValues(result_locationsplumes, row = locationsIndex[i]),
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     print("remove file 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd'.")
     else {
     if (functionValid["fun"]) {
     warning("'fun' cannot be applied as this would require to load all selected data into memory at once.")
     functionValid["fun"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_l"]) {
     result[["result_locations"]] = array(dim = c(nLoc,
     h = 0
     for (i in 1:bs$n) {
     locations_i = bs$row[i] - 1 + 1:bs$nrows[i]
     if (isLocations) {
     which_locations_i = is.element(locationsU,
     locations_i = locationsU[which_locations_i]
     locations_i = locations_i - (bs$row[i] - 1)
     nLoc_i = length(locations_i)
     if (nLoc_i > 0) {
     data_i = getValues(data, row = bs$row[i], nrows = bs$nrows[i])
     in_i_array = aperm(array(data_i, dim = c(nP,
     bs$nrows[i], nLay)), c(2, 1, 3))
     result[["result_locations"]][h + 1:nLoc_i,
     ] = t(apply(X = in_i_array[locations_i, plumes,
     , drop = FALSE], FUN = functions[["fun_l"]],
     MARGIN = 1))
     h = h + nLoc_i
     if (isLocations) {
     result[["result_locations"]] = result[["result_locations"]][locationsIndex,
     , drop = FALSE]
     if (functionValid["fun_Rl"]) {
     result[["result_global_locations"]] = functions[["fun_Rl"]](x = result[["result_locations"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     result[["result_plumes"]] = array(dim = c(nPlu, eval(formals(functions[["fun_p"]])$nout)))
     bs_columns = blockSize(raster(nrow = nPlu, ncol = nLo),
     n = nLay, minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     for (g in 1:bs_columns$n) {
     plumes_g = bs_columns$row[g] + 1:bs_columns$nrows[g] -
     nPlu_g = length(plumes_g)
     result_g = array(dim = c(nLoc, nPlu_g, nLay))
     h = 0
     for (i in 1:bs$n) {
     locations_i = bs$row[i] - 1 + 1:bs$nrows[i]
     if (isLocations) {
     which_locations_i = is.element(locationsU,
     locations_i = locationsU[which_locations_i]
     locations_i = locations_i - (bs$row[i] - 1)
     nLoc_i = length(locations_i)
     if (nLoc_i > 0) {
     data_i = getValues(data, row = bs$row[i],
     nrows = bs$nrows[i])
     in_i_array = aperm(array(data_i, dim = c(nP,
     bs$nrows[i], nLay)), c(2, 1, 3))
     result_g[h + 1:nLoc_i, , ] = in_i_array[locations_i,
     plumesU[plumes_g], , drop = FALSE]
     h = h + nLoc_i
     if (isLocations) {
     result_g = result_g[locationsIndex, , , drop = FALSE]
     result_plumes = apply(X = result_g, FUN = functions[["fun_p"]],
     MARGIN = 2)
     if (is.vector(result_plumes)) {
     if (!eval(formals(functions[["fun_p"]])[["nout"]]) ==
     1) {
     warning("The argument 'nout' of 'fun_p' must fit the actual length of output of 'fun_p'\n if applied to simulations@values[i,,] for any i. For the chosen function nout = 1.\n No result of 'fun_p' returned.")
     functionValid["fun_p"] = FALSE
     result[["result_plumes"]] = NULL
     else {
     dim(result_plumes) = c(length(result_plumes),
     else {
     true_nout = dim(result_plumes)[1]
     if (!(eval(formals(fun_p)[["nout"]]) == true_nout)) {
     warning(paste("The argument 'nout' of 'fun_p' must fit the actual length of output of 'fun_p'\n if applied to simulations@values[i,,] for any i. For the chosen function nout = ",
     true_nout, ".", sep = ""))
     functionValid["fun_p"] = FALSE
     result[["result_plumes"]] = NULL
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     result[["result_plumes"]][bs_columns$row[g] +
     1:bs_columns$nrows[g] - 1, ] = t(result_plumes)
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     if (isPlumes) {
     result[["result_plumes"]] = result[["result_plumes"]][plumesIndex,
     , drop = FALSE]
     if (functionValid["fun_Rp"]) {
     result[["result_global_plumes"]] = functions[["fun_Rp"]](x = result[["result_plumes"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     if (bs_fun_pl$n <= 1) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = array(dim = c(eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout),
     nLoc, nPlu))
     else {
     if (isLocUnique) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(nrows = nLoc,
     ncols = nPlu, nl = eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     print(paste0("write raster to ", rasterName_fun_pl))
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStart(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     filename = rasterName_fun_pl, overwrite = overwrite)
     else {
     result_locationsplumes = brick(nrows = nLoc,
     ncols = nPl, nl = eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     warning("Intermediate results are saved in 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd', the file is deleted in the end.")
     print("write raster to 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd'")
     result_locationsplumes = writeStart(result_locationsplumes,
     filename = "intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd",
     overwrite = overwrite)
     if (bs_subset$n < bs_fun_pl$n) {
     bs_Fun_pl = bs_fun_pl
     else {
     bs_Fun_pl = bs_subset
     h = 0
     for (i in 1:bs_Fun_pl$n) {
     locations_i = bs_Fun_pl$row[i] - 1 + 1:bs_Fun_pl$nrows[i]
     if (isLocations) {
     which_locations_i = is.element(locationsU,
     locations_i = locationsU[which_locations_i]
     locations_i = locations_i - (bs_Fun_pl$row[i] -
     nLoc_i = length(locations_i)
     if (nLoc_i > 0) {
     data_i = getValues(data, row = bs_Fun_pl$row[i],
     nrows = bs_Fun_pl$nrows[i])
     if (is.vector(data_i)) {
     data_i = matrix(data_i, ncol = 1)
     in_i_array = aperm(array(data_i, dim = c(nP,
     bs_Fun_pl$nrows[i], nLay)), c(2, 1, 3))
     in_i_array_subset = in_i_array[locations_i,
     plumesU, , drop = FALSE]
     if (bs_fun_pl$n <= 1) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]][, h +
     1:nLoc_i, ] = apply(X = in_i_array_subset,
     FUN = functions[["fun_pl"]], MARGIN = c(1,
     else {
     out_ii = apply(X = in_i_array_subset, FUN = functions[["fun_pl"]],
     MARGIN = c(1, 2))
     if (length(dim(out_ii)) == 2) {
     out_iii = array(dim = c(1, dim(out_ii)))
     out_iii[1, , ] = out_ii
     out_ii = out_iii
     out_i = aperm(out_ii, c(3, 2, 1))
     true_nout = dim(out_i)[3]
     if (eval(formals(fun_pl)$nout) != true_nout) {
     warning(paste("The argument 'nout' of 'fun_pl' must fit the actual length of output of 'fun_pl'\n if applied to simulations@values[i,j,] for any i, i. For the chosen function nout = ",
     true_nout, ".", sep = ""))
     functionValid["fun_pl"] = FALSE
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = NULL
     print(paste0("remove raster file ", rasterName_fun_pl))
     ".grd")[[1]], ".gri"))
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     if (!isPluUnique) {
     out_i = out_i[plumesIndex, , , drop = FALSE]
     dim(out_i) = c(nLoc_i * nPl, eval(formals(fun_pl)$nout))
     if (isLocUnique) {
     out_i, h + 1)
     else {
     writeValues(result_locationsplumes, out_i,
     h + 1)
     h = h + nLoc_i
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     if (isPluUnique) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     else {
     result_locationsplumes = writeStop(result_locationsplumes)
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(nrows = nLo,
     ncols = nPl, nl = eval(formals(fun_pl)$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     print(paste0("write raster to ", rasterName_fun_pl))
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStart(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     filename = rasterName_fun_pl, overwrite = overwrite)
     for (i in seq(along = locationsIndex)) {
     getValues(result_locationsplumes, row = locationsIndex[i]),
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     print("remove raster 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd'")
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     if (bs_fun_pl$n <= 1) {
     if (isLocations) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = result[["result_locationsplumes"]][,
     locationsIndex, , drop = FALSE]
     if (isPlumes) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = result[["result_locationsplumes"]][,
     , plumesIndex, drop = FALSE]
     if (is.function(fun_Rpl)) {
     result[["result_global_locationsplumes"]] = functions[["fun_Rpl"]](x = getValues(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]))
     if (keepSubset) {
     if (bs_subset$n == 1) {
     result[["subset"]] = result_subset
     else {
     warning("Subset too big to keep, only results of functions returned.")
     if (functionValid["fun_Rpl_cellStats"]) {
     if (is.element("result_locationsplumes", names(result))) {
     result[["cellStats_global_locationsplumes"]] = cellStats(x = result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     stat = fun_Rpl_cellStats, asSample = FALSE)
    <bytecode: 0x559778fc59c8>
    <environment: namespace:sensors4plumes>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function simulationsApply in namespace sensors4plumes has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]) != "RasterBrick") { :
     the condition has length > 1
    Calls: plotSD -> costMap -> <Anonymous> -> simulationsApply
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc

Version: 0.9.3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘sensors4plumes-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: optimiseSD_ssa
    > ### Title: Spatial Simulated Annealing optimisation algorithm
    > ### Aliases: optimiseSD_ssa
    > ### ** Examples
    > # the function is to be used inside of optimiseSD
    > # change parameters
    > optimSD_ssa1 = replaceDefault(
    + optimiseSD_ssa, newDefaults = list(
    + start_acc_vG = 0.1,
    + aimCost = 0,
    + verbatim = TRUE,
    + maxIterations = 3000,
    + maxStableIterations = 500,
    + maxIterationsJumpBack = 200
    + ),
    + type = "optimisationFun.optimiseSD")[[1]]
    > # load data
    > demo(radioactivePlumes_addProperties)
     ---- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    > data(radioactivePlumes)
    > # compute and add often used properties
    > ## values
    > threshold = 1e-7
    > radioactivePlumes@values$detectable = calc(
    + radioactivePlumes@values$maxdose,
    + fun = function(x){x >= threshold})
    > ## locations
    > radioactivePlumes@locations@data$area = as.numeric(table(radioactivePlumes@locations@index)/16)
    > radioactivePlumes@locations@data$index = NULL
    > ## plumes
    > names(radioactivePlumes@plumes)[1] = "date"
    > sumWeightArea = function(x, weight = radioactivePlumes@locations@data$area, nout = 1){
    + sum(x * weight)
    + }
    > radioactivePlumes@plumes$totalDose = simulationsApply(simulations = radioactivePlumes,
    + fun_p = sumWeightArea, kinds = "finaldose")[["result_plumes"]][,1]
    > radioactivePlumes@plumes$nDetectable =
    + summaryPlumes(radioactivePlumes, fun = sum, kinds = "detectable")[["summaryPlumes"]]
    Data is processed in 1 block(s).
    > # define possible, fix, and initial sensors
    > I = nLocations(radioactivePlumes)
    > set.seed(22347287)
    > locDel3 =, 5)
    > locKeep3 = sample(setdiff(1:I, locDel3), 10)
    > locAll3 = c(sample(setdiff(1:I,
    + c(locDel3, locKeep3)), 10), locDel3)
    > costInitial1 = multipleDetection(simulations = radioactivePlumes,
    + locations = c(locKeep3, locDel3))
    > # run optimisation
    > ## Not run:
    > ##D ## takes some time
    > ##D SDssa = optimiseSD(
    > ##D simulations = radioactivePlumes,
    > ##D costFun = multipleDetection,
    > ##D locationsAll = setdiff(1:nLocations(radioactivePlumes), c(locKeep3, locAll3)),
    > ##D locationsFix = locKeep3,
    > ##D locationsInitial = locDel3,
    > ##D aimCost = 0.05 * costInitial1[[1]],
    > ##D aimNumber = length(locDel3) + length(locKeep3),
    > ##D optimisationFun = optimSD_ssa1
    > ##D )
    > ## End(Not run)
    > ## this result is also in data(SDssa)
    > # visualise
    > data(SDssa)
    > ## cost curve
    > optimisationCurve(optSD = SDssa, type = "ssa")
    > ## designs
    > singleDet = replaceDefault(singleDetection,
    + newDefaults = list(plot = TRUE), type = "costFun.optimiseSD")[[1]]
    > plotSD(radioactivePlumes,
    + SD = SDssa[[1]],
    + locationsFix = locKeep3,
    + locationsInitial = locDel3,
    + locationsAll = setdiff(1:nLocations(radioactivePlumes), c(locKeep3, locAll3)),
    + costMap = singleDet
    + )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    simulationsApply(simulations = simulations, kinds = kinds, fun_pl = fun_pl,
     fun_Rpl = fun_Rpl)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]) != "RasterBrick") {
     if (length(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])) == 2) {
     dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]) = c(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]),
     else {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = aperm(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     perm = c(2, 3, 1))
     if (prod(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])) > 0) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90, crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     else {
     warning("As 'result[['result_locationsplumes']]' has size 0, it is not transformed into a brick and 'fun_Rpl' cannot be applied.")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = FALSE
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: simulationsApply(simulations = simulations, kinds = kinds, fun_pl = fun_pl,
     fun_Rpl = fun_Rpl)
    where 2: replaceDefault(measurementsResult, newDefaults = list(kinds = "detectable",
     fun_p = prodNeg1, fun_Rp = meanWeight_totalDose1, fun_pl = x1,
     fun_Rpl = sumUndetected), type = "costFun.optimiseSD")[[1]](simulations = simulations,
     locations = locations)
    where 3: costMap(simulations = simulations, locations = c(SD[[i]], locationsFix))
    where 4: plotSD(radioactivePlumes, SD = SDssa[[1]], locationsFix = locKeep3,
     locationsInitial = locDel3, locationsAll = setdiff(1:nLocations(radioactivePlumes),
     c(locKeep3, locAll3)), costMap = singleDet)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] TRUE TRUE
     --- function from context ---
    function (simulations, locations = 1:nLocations(simulations),
     plumes = 1:nPlumes(simulations), kinds = 1:nKinds(simulations),
     fun = NA, fun_p = NA, fun_l = NA, fun_pl = NA, fun_Rp = NA,
     fun_Rl = NA, fun_Rpl = NA, fun_Rpl_cellStats = NA, nameSave = "simulationsApply",
     overwrite = FALSE, chunksize = 1e+07, keepSubset = FALSE,
     if (is.element(class(simulations), c("RasterLayer", "RasterStack",
     "RasterBrick"))) {
     data = simulations
     else {
     if (is(simulations, "Simulations")) {
     data = simulations@values
     else {
     stop("'simulations' must be of class 'Simulations' or of a 'Raster*' class.")
     data = subset(data, kinds)
     nLay = nlayers(data)
     nP = ncol(data)
     if (!identical(plumes, 1:nP)) {
     plumesIn = plumes > 0 & plumes <= nP
     plumes[!plumesIn] = NA
     if (any( {
     stop("'plumes' out of bounds or contains 'NA'.")
     nPl = length(plumes)
     isPlumes = TRUE
     else {
     nPl = nP
     nPlu = nP
     plumes = 1:nPl
     plumesU = 1:nPlu
     plumesIndex = 1:nP
     isPlumes = FALSE
     nL = nrow(data)
     if (!identical(locations, 1:nL)) {
     locationsIn = locations > 0 & locations <= nL
     locations[!locationsIn] = NA
     if (any( {
     stop("'locations' out of bounds or contains 'NA'.")
     nLo = length(locations)
     isLocations = TRUE
     else {
     nLo = nL
     nLoc = nL
     locations = 1:nLo
     locationsU = 1:nLoc
     locationsIndex = 1:nL
     isLocations = FALSE
     functions = list()
     functionValid = logical(8)
     names(functionValid) = c("fun", "fun_l", "fun_p", "fun_pl",
     "fun_Rl", "fun_Rp", "fun_Rpl", "fun_Rpl_cellStats")
     if (is.function(fun)) {
     fun_ = replaceDefault(fun, type = "fun.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun"] = fun_[[2]]
     functions[["fun"]] = fun_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_l)) {
     fun_l_ = replaceDefault(fun_l, type = "fun.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun_l"] = fun_l_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_l"]] = fun_l_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_p)) {
     fun_p_ = replaceDefault(fun_p, type = "fun.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun_p"] = fun_p_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_p"]] = fun_p_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_pl)) {
     fun_pl_ = replaceDefault(fun_pl, type = "fun.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun_pl"] = fun_pl_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_pl"]] = fun_pl_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_Rl)) {
     if (is(simulations, "Simulations")) {
     fun_Rl_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rl, newDefaults = list(weight = simulations@locations@data[locations,
     , drop = FALSE]), type = "funR.simulationsApply")
     else {
     fun_Rl_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rl, type = "funR.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun_Rl"] = fun_Rl_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_Rl"]] = fun_Rl_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_Rp)) {
     if (is(simulations, "Simulations")) {
     fun_Rp_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rp, newDefaults = list(weight = simulations@plumes[plumes,
     , drop = FALSE]), type = "funR.simulationsApply")
     else {
     fun_Rp_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rp, type = "funR.simulationsApply")
     functionValid[["fun_Rp"]] = fun_Rp_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_Rp"]] = fun_Rp_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_Rpl)) {
     if (is(simulations, "Simulations")) {
     fun_Rpl_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rpl, newDefaults = list(weight_l = simulations@locations@data[locations,
     , drop = FALSE], weight_p = simulations@plumes[plumes,
     , drop = FALSE]), type = "funRR.simulationsApply")
     else {
     fun_Rpl_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rpl, type = "funRR.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = fun_Rpl_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_Rpl"]] = fun_Rpl_[[1]]
     if (! {
     if (is.element(fun_Rpl_cellStats, c("sum", "mean", "min",
     "max", "sd", "skew", "rms"))) {
     functionValid["fun_Rpl_cellStats"] = TRUE
     else {
     warning("'fun_Rpl_cellStats' cannot be used, it has to be one of the strings: c('sum', 'mean', 'min', 'max', 'sd', 'skew', 'rms').")
     if (!all(functionValid[names(functions)])) {
     warning(paste0("Some of the defined functions are invalid (e.g. because of missing parameters or extra parameters without default: ",
     ". Their result cannot be computed."))
     if (isLocations) {
     locationsTable = table(locations)
     locationsRank = rank(locations)
     locationsU = sort(unique(locations))
     isLocUnique = identical(locations, locationsU)
     nLoc = length(locationsU)
     if (nLoc > 0) {
     locationsIndex = unlist(mapply(rep, 1:nLoc, locationsTable))[locationsRank]
     else {
     locationsIndex = integer(0)
     else {
     isLocUnique = TRUE
     if (isPlumes) {
     plumesTable = table(plumes)
     plumesRank = rank(plumes)
     plumesU = sort(unique(plumes))
     isPluUnique = identical(plumes, plumesU)
     nPlu = length(plumesU)
     if (nPlu > 0) {
     plumesIndex = unlist(mapply(rep, 1:nPlu, plumesTable))[plumesRank]
     else {
     plumesIndex = integer(0)
     else {
     isPluUnique = TRUE
     bs = blockSize(data, minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     bs_subset = blockSize(raster(nrow = nLo, ncol = nPl), n = nLay,
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (functionValid["fun"]) {
     bs_fun = blockSize(raster(nrow = 1, ncol = 1), n = eval(formals(functions[["fun"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     bs_fun_pl = blockSize(raster(nrow = nLo, ncol = nPl),
     n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_pl$n > 1) {
     if (nameSave == FALSE) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_pl' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid[["fun_pl"]] = FALSE
     else {
     rasterName_fun_pl = paste(nameSave, "_locationsplumes.grd",
     sep = "")
     warning(paste0("Result of 'fun_pl' too big to keep in memory,\n saved at '",
     rasterName_fun_pl, "'."))
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     bs_fun_p = blockSize(raster(nrow = nPl, ncol = 1), n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_p"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_p$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_p' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun_p"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_l"]) {
     bs_fun_l = blockSize(raster(nrow = nLo, ncol = 1), n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_l"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_l$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_l' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun_l"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_Rp"]) {
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     bs_fun_Rp = blockSize(raster(nrow = 1, ncol = 1),
     n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_Rp"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_Rp$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_Rp' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun_Rp"] = FALSE
     else {
     warning("'fun_Rp' is to be applied to the results of 'fun_p', as 'fun_p' is missing or cannot be applied, no results of 'fun_Rp' returned.'")
     functionValid["fun_Rp"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_Rl"]) {
     if (functionValid["fun_l"]) {
     bs_fun_Rl = blockSize(raster(nrow = 1, ncol = 1),
     n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_Rl"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_Rl$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_Rl' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun_Rl"] = FALSE
     else {
     warning("'fun_Rl' is to be applied to the results of 'fun_l', as 'fun_l' is missing or cannot be applied, no results of 'fun_Rl' returned.'")
     functionValid["fun_Rl"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_Rpl"]) {
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     bs_fun_Rpl = blockSize(raster(nrow = 1, ncol = 1),
     n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_Rpl"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_pl$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_pl' not in memory, therefore 'fun_Rpl' cannot be applied.")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = FALSE
     if (bs_fun_Rpl$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_Rpl' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = FALSE
     else {
     warning("'fun_Rpl' is to be applied to the results of 'fun_pl', as 'fun_pl' is missing or cannot be applied, no results of 'fun_Rpl' returned.'")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = FALSE
     result = list()
     if (bs_subset$n == 1) {
     result_subset = array(dim = c(nLoc, nPlu, nLay))
     h = 0
     for (i in 1:bs$n) {
     locations_i = bs$row[i] - 1 + 1:bs$nrows[i]
     if (isLocations) {
     which_locations_i = is.element(locationsU, locations_i)
     locations_i = locationsU[which_locations_i]
     locations_i = locations_i - (bs$row[i] - 1)
     nLoc_i = length(locations_i)
     if (nLoc_i > 0) {
     data_i = getValues(data, row = bs$row[i], nrows = bs$nrows[i])
     in_i_array = in_i_array = aperm(array(data_i,
     dim = c(nP, bs$nrows[i], nLay)), c(2, 1, 3))
     result_subset[h + 1:nLoc_i, , ] = in_i_array[locations_i,
     plumesU, , drop = FALSE]
     h = h + nLoc_i
     if (isLocations) {
     result_subset = result_subset[locationsIndex, , ,
     drop = FALSE]
     if (isPlumes) {
     result_subset = result_subset[, plumesIndex, , drop = FALSE]
     if (functionValid["fun"]) {
     result[["result_global"]] = functions[["fun"]](x = result_subset)
     if (functionValid["fun_l"]) {
     result[["result_locations"]] = apply(X = result_subset,
     FUN = functions[["fun_l"]], MARGIN = 1)
     if (is.null(dim(result[["result_locations"]]))) {
     result[["result_locations"]] = as.matrix(result[["result_locations"]])
     else {
     result[["result_locations"]] = t(result[["result_locations"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_Rl"]) {
     result[["result_global_locations"]] = functions[["fun_Rl"]](x = result[["result_locations"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     result[["result_plumes"]] = apply(X = result_subset,
     FUN = functions[["fun_p"]], MARGIN = 2)
     if (is.null(dim(result[["result_plumes"]]))) {
     result[["result_plumes"]] = as.matrix(result[["result_plumes"]])
     else {
     result[["result_plumes"]] = t(result[["result_plumes"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_Rp"]) {
     result[["result_global_plumes"]] = functions[["fun_Rp"]](x = result[["result_plumes"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     if (bs_fun_pl$n <= 1) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = apply(X = result_subset,
     FUN = functions[["fun_pl"]], MARGIN = c(1,
     if (class(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]) !=
     "RasterBrick") {
     if (length(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])) ==
     2) {
     dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]) = c(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]),
     else {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = aperm(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     perm = c(2, 3, 1))
     if (prod(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])) >
     0) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     else {
     warning("As 'result[['result_locationsplumes']]' has size 0, it is not transformed into a brick and 'fun_Rpl' cannot be applied.")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_Rpl"]) {
     result[["result_global_locationsplumes"]] = functions[["fun_Rpl"]](x = getValues(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]))
     else {
     if (isLocUnique) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(nrows = nLoc,
     ncols = nPl, nl = eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     print(paste0("write raster to ", rasterName_fun_pl))
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStart(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     filename = rasterName_fun_pl, overwrite = overwrite)
     for (i in 1:bs_fun_pl$n) {
     x_i = result_subset[bs_fun_pl$row[i] + 1:bs_fun_pl$nrows[i] -
     1, , ]
     x_i = aperm(x_i, perm = c(2, 1, 3))
     dim(x_i) = c(bs_fun_pl$nrows[i] * nPl, nLay)
     out_i = t(apply(X = x_i, FUN = functions[["fun_pl"]],
     MARGIN = 1))
     true_nout = dim(out_i)[2]
     if (!(eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout) ==
     true_nout)) {
     warning(paste0("The argument 'nout' of 'fun_pl' must fit the actual length of output of 'fun_pl'\n if applied to simulations@values[i,j,] for any i, i. For the chosen function nout = ",
     true_nout, ". No result of 'fun_pl' and 'fun_Rpl' returned."))
     functionValid[c("fun_pl", "fun_Rpl")] = FALSE
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = NULL
     if (!isPluUnique) {
     out_i = out_i[rep(plumesIndex, bs_fun_pl$nrows[i]),
     out_i, bs_fun_pl$row[i])
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     else {
     result_locationsplumes = brick(nrows = nLoc,
     ncols = nPl, nl = eval(formals(fun_pl)$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     warning("Intermediate results are saved in 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd', the file is deleted in the end.")
     print("write raster to 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd'")
     result_locationsplumes = writeStart(result_locationsplumes,
     filename = "intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd",
     overwrite = overwrite)
     for (i in 1:bs_fun_pl$n) {
     x_i = result_subset[bs_fun_pl$row[i] + 1:bs_fun_pl$nrows[i] -
     1, , ]
     x_i = aperm(x_i, perm = c(2, 1, 3))
     dim(x_i) = c(bs_fun_pl$nrows[i] * nPl, nLay)
     out_i = t(apply(X = x_i, FUN = fun_pl, MARGIN = 1))
     true_nout = dim(out_i)[2]
     if (!(eval(formals(fun_pl)$nout == true_nout))) {
     warning(paste0("The argument 'nout' of 'fun_pl' must fit the actual length of output of 'fun_pl'\n if applied to simulations@values[i,j,] for any i, i. For the chosen function nout = ",
     true_nout, ". No result of 'fun_pl' and 'fun_Rpl' returned."))
     functionValid[c("fun_pl", "fun_Rpl")] = FALSE
     result_locationsplumes = writeStop(result_locationsplumes)
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = NULL
     if (!isPluUnique) {
     out_i = out_i[rep(plumesIndex, bs_fun_pl$nrows[i]),
     writeValues(result_locationsplumes, out_i,
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     result_locationsplumes = writeStop(result_locationsplumes)
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(nrows = nLoc,
     ncols = nPlu, nl = eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     print(paste0("write raster to ", rasterName_fun_pl))
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStart(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     filename = rasterName_fun_pl, overwrite = overwrite)
     for (i in seq(along = locationsIndex)) {
     getValues(result_locationsplumes, row = locationsIndex[i]),
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     print("remove file 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd'.")
     else {
     if (functionValid["fun"]) {
     warning("'fun' cannot be applied as this would require to load all selected data into memory at once.")
     functionValid["fun"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_l"]) {
     result[["result_locations"]] = array(dim = c(nLoc,
     h = 0
     for (i in 1:bs$n) {
     locations_i = bs$row[i] - 1 + 1:bs$nrows[i]
     if (isLocations) {
     which_locations_i = is.element(locationsU,
     locations_i = locationsU[which_locations_i]
     locations_i = locations_i - (bs$row[i] - 1)
     nLoc_i = length(locations_i)
     if (nLoc_i > 0) {
     data_i = getValues(data, row = bs$row[i], nrows = bs$nrows[i])
     in_i_array = aperm(array(data_i, dim = c(nP,
     bs$nrows[i], nLay)), c(2, 1, 3))
     result[["result_locations"]][h + 1:nLoc_i,
     ] = t(apply(X = in_i_array[locations_i, plumes,
     , drop = FALSE], FUN = functions[["fun_l"]],
     MARGIN = 1))
     h = h + nLoc_i
     if (isLocations) {
     result[["result_locations"]] = result[["result_locations"]][locationsIndex,
     , drop = FALSE]
     if (functionValid["fun_Rl"]) {
     result[["result_global_locations"]] = functions[["fun_Rl"]](x = result[["result_locations"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     result[["result_plumes"]] = array(dim = c(nPlu, eval(formals(functions[["fun_p"]])$nout)))
     bs_columns = blockSize(raster(nrow = nPlu, ncol = nLo),
     n = nLay, minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     for (g in 1:bs_columns$n) {
     plumes_g = bs_columns$row[g] + 1:bs_columns$nrows[g] -
     nPlu_g = length(plumes_g)
     result_g = array(dim = c(nLoc, nPlu_g, nLay))
     h = 0
     for (i in 1:bs$n) {
     locations_i = bs$row[i] - 1 + 1:bs$nrows[i]
     if (isLocations) {
     which_locations_i = is.element(locationsU,
     locations_i = locationsU[which_locations_i]
     locations_i = locations_i - (bs$row[i] - 1)
     nLoc_i = length(locations_i)
     if (nLoc_i > 0) {
     data_i = getValues(data, row = bs$row[i],
     nrows = bs$nrows[i])
     in_i_array = aperm(array(data_i, dim = c(nP,
     bs$nrows[i], nLay)), c(2, 1, 3))
     result_g[h + 1:nLoc_i, , ] = in_i_array[locations_i,
     plumesU[plumes_g], , drop = FALSE]
     h = h + nLoc_i
     if (isLocations) {
     result_g = result_g[locationsIndex, , , drop = FALSE]
     result_plumes = apply(X = result_g, FUN = functions[["fun_p"]],
     MARGIN = 2)
     if (is.vector(result_plumes)) {
     if (!eval(formals(functions[["fun_p"]])[["nout"]]) ==
     1) {
     warning("The argument 'nout' of 'fun_p' must fit the actual length of output of 'fun_p'\n if applied to simulations@values[i,,] for any i. For the chosen function nout = 1.\n No result of 'fun_p' returned.")
     functionValid["fun_p"] = FALSE
     result[["result_plumes"]] = NULL
     else {
     dim(result_plumes) = c(length(result_plumes),
     else {
     true_nout = dim(result_plumes)[1]
     if (!(eval(formals(fun_p)[["nout"]]) == true_nout)) {
     warning(paste("The argument 'nout' of 'fun_p' must fit the actual length of output of 'fun_p'\n if applied to simulations@values[i,,] for any i. For the chosen function nout = ",
     true_nout, ".", sep = ""))
     functionValid["fun_p"] = FALSE
     result[["result_plumes"]] = NULL
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     result[["result_plumes"]][bs_columns$row[g] +
     1:bs_columns$nrows[g] - 1, ] = t(result_plumes)
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     if (isPlumes) {
     result[["result_plumes"]] = result[["result_plumes"]][plumesIndex,
     , drop = FALSE]
     if (functionValid["fun_Rp"]) {
     result[["result_global_plumes"]] = functions[["fun_Rp"]](x = result[["result_plumes"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     if (bs_fun_pl$n <= 1) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = array(dim = c(eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout),
     nLoc, nPlu))
     else {
     if (isLocUnique) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(nrows = nLoc,
     ncols = nPlu, nl = eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     print(paste0("write raster to ", rasterName_fun_pl))
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStart(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     filename = rasterName_fun_pl, overwrite = overwrite)
     else {
     result_locationsplumes = brick(nrows = nLoc,
     ncols = nPl, nl = eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     warning("Intermediate results are saved in 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd', the file is deleted in the end.")
     print("write raster to 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd'")
     result_locationsplumes = writeStart(result_locationsplumes,
     filename = "intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd",
     overwrite = overwrite)
     if (bs_subset$n < bs_fun_pl$n) {
     bs_Fun_pl = bs_fun_pl
     else {
     bs_Fun_pl = bs_subset
     h = 0
     for (i in 1:bs_Fun_pl$n) {
     locations_i = bs_Fun_pl$row[i] - 1 + 1:bs_Fun_pl$nrows[i]
     if (isLocations) {
     which_locations_i = is.element(locationsU,
     locations_i = locationsU[which_locations_i]
     locations_i = locations_i - (bs_Fun_pl$row[i] -
     nLoc_i = length(locations_i)
     if (nLoc_i > 0) {
     data_i = getValues(data, row = bs_Fun_pl$row[i],
     nrows = bs_Fun_pl$nrows[i])
     if (is.vector(data_i)) {
     data_i = matrix(data_i, ncol = 1)
     in_i_array = aperm(array(data_i, dim = c(nP,
     bs_Fun_pl$nrows[i], nLay)), c(2, 1, 3))
     in_i_array_subset = in_i_array[locations_i,
     plumesU, , drop = FALSE]
     if (bs_fun_pl$n <= 1) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]][, h +
     1:nLoc_i, ] = apply(X = in_i_array_subset,
     FUN = functions[["fun_pl"]], MARGIN = c(1,
     else {
     out_ii = apply(X = in_i_array_subset, FUN = functions[["fun_pl"]],
     MARGIN = c(1, 2))
     if (length(dim(out_ii)) == 2) {
     out_iii = array(dim = c(1, dim(out_ii)))
     out_iii[1, , ] = out_ii
     out_ii = out_iii
     out_i = aperm(out_ii, c(3, 2, 1))
     true_nout = dim(out_i)[3]
     if (eval(formals(fun_pl)$nout) != true_nout) {
     warning(paste("The argument 'nout' of 'fun_pl' must fit the actual length of output of 'fun_pl'\n if applied to simulations@values[i,j,] for any i, i. For the chosen function nout = ",
     true_nout, ".", sep = ""))
     functionValid["fun_pl"] = FALSE
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = NULL
     print(paste0("remove raster file ", rasterName_fun_pl))
     ".grd")[[1]], ".gri"))
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     if (!isPluUnique) {
     out_i = out_i[plumesIndex, , , drop = FALSE]
     dim(out_i) = c(nLoc_i * nPl, eval(formals(fun_pl)$nout))
     if (isLocUnique) {
     out_i, h + 1)
     else {
     writeValues(result_locationsplumes, out_i,
     h + 1)
     h = h + nLoc_i
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     if (isPluUnique) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     else {
     result_locationsplumes = writeStop(result_locationsplumes)
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(nrows = nLo,
     ncols = nPl, nl = eval(formals(fun_pl)$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     print(paste0("write raster to ", rasterName_fun_pl))
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStart(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     filename = rasterName_fun_pl, overwrite = overwrite)
     for (i in seq(along = locationsIndex)) {
     getValues(result_locationsplumes, row = locationsIndex[i]),
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     print("remove raster 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd'")
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     if (bs_fun_pl$n <= 1) {
     if (isLocations) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = result[["result_locationsplumes"]][,
     locationsIndex, , drop = FALSE]
     if (isPlumes) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = result[["result_locationsplumes"]][,
     , plumesIndex, drop = FALSE]
     if (is.function(fun_Rpl)) {
     result[["result_global_locationsplumes"]] = functions[["fun_Rpl"]](x = getValues(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]))
     if (keepSubset) {
     if (bs_subset$n == 1) {
     result[["subset"]] = result_subset
     else {
     warning("Subset too big to keep, only results of functions returned.")
     if (functionValid["fun_Rpl_cellStats"]) {
     if (is.element("result_locationsplumes", names(result))) {
     result[["cellStats_global_locationsplumes"]] = cellStats(x = result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     stat = fun_Rpl_cellStats, asSample = FALSE)
    <bytecode: 0x6526600>
    <environment: namespace:sensors4plumes>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function simulationsApply in namespace sensors4plumes has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]) != "RasterBrick") { :
     the condition has length > 1
    Calls: plotSD -> costMap -> <Anonymous> -> simulationsApply
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Version: 0.9.3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘sensors4plumes-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: optimiseSD_ssa
    > ### Title: Spatial Simulated Annealing optimisation algorithm
    > ### Aliases: optimiseSD_ssa
    > ### ** Examples
    > # the function is to be used inside of optimiseSD
    > # change parameters
    > optimSD_ssa1 = replaceDefault(
    + optimiseSD_ssa, newDefaults = list(
    + start_acc_vG = 0.1,
    + aimCost = 0,
    + verbatim = TRUE,
    + maxIterations = 3000,
    + maxStableIterations = 500,
    + maxIterationsJumpBack = 200
    + ),
    + type = "optimisationFun.optimiseSD")[[1]]
    > # load data
    > demo(radioactivePlumes_addProperties)
     ---- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    > data(radioactivePlumes)
    > # compute and add often used properties
    > ## values
    > threshold = 1e-7
    > radioactivePlumes@values$detectable = calc(
    + radioactivePlumes@values$maxdose,
    + fun = function(x){x >= threshold})
    > ## locations
    > radioactivePlumes@locations@data$area = as.numeric(table(radioactivePlumes@locations@index)/16)
    > radioactivePlumes@locations@data$index = NULL
    > ## plumes
    > names(radioactivePlumes@plumes)[1] = "date"
    > sumWeightArea = function(x, weight = radioactivePlumes@locations@data$area, nout = 1){
    + sum(x * weight)
    + }
    > radioactivePlumes@plumes$totalDose = simulationsApply(simulations = radioactivePlumes,
    + fun_p = sumWeightArea, kinds = "finaldose")[["result_plumes"]][,1]
    > radioactivePlumes@plumes$nDetectable =
    + summaryPlumes(radioactivePlumes, fun = sum, kinds = "detectable")[["summaryPlumes"]]
    Data is processed in 1 block(s).
    > # define possible, fix, and initial sensors
    > I = nLocations(radioactivePlumes)
    > set.seed(22347287)
    > locDel3 =, 5)
    > locKeep3 = sample(setdiff(1:I, locDel3), 10)
    > locAll3 = c(sample(setdiff(1:I,
    + c(locDel3, locKeep3)), 10), locDel3)
    > costInitial1 = multipleDetection(simulations = radioactivePlumes,
    + locations = c(locKeep3, locDel3))
    > # run optimisation
    > ## Not run:
    > ##D ## takes some time
    > ##D SDssa = optimiseSD(
    > ##D simulations = radioactivePlumes,
    > ##D costFun = multipleDetection,
    > ##D locationsAll = setdiff(1:nLocations(radioactivePlumes), c(locKeep3, locAll3)),
    > ##D locationsFix = locKeep3,
    > ##D locationsInitial = locDel3,
    > ##D aimCost = 0.05 * costInitial1[[1]],
    > ##D aimNumber = length(locDel3) + length(locKeep3),
    > ##D optimisationFun = optimSD_ssa1
    > ##D )
    > ## End(Not run)
    > ## this result is also in data(SDssa)
    > # visualise
    > data(SDssa)
    > ## cost curve
    > optimisationCurve(optSD = SDssa, type = "ssa")
    > ## designs
    > singleDet = replaceDefault(singleDetection,
    + newDefaults = list(plot = TRUE), type = "costFun.optimiseSD")[[1]]
    > plotSD(radioactivePlumes,
    + SD = SDssa[[1]],
    + locationsFix = locKeep3,
    + locationsInitial = locDel3,
    + locationsAll = setdiff(1:nLocations(radioactivePlumes), c(locKeep3, locAll3)),
    + costMap = singleDet
    + )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    simulationsApply(simulations = simulations, kinds = kinds, fun_pl = fun_pl,
     fun_Rpl = fun_Rpl)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]) != "RasterBrick") {
     if (length(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])) == 2) {
     dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]) = c(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]),
     else {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = aperm(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     perm = c(2, 3, 1))
     if (prod(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])) > 0) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90, crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     else {
     warning("As 'result[['result_locationsplumes']]' has size 0, it is not transformed into a brick and 'fun_Rpl' cannot be applied.")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = FALSE
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: simulationsApply(simulations = simulations, kinds = kinds, fun_pl = fun_pl,
     fun_Rpl = fun_Rpl)
    where 2: replaceDefault(measurementsResult, newDefaults = list(kinds = "detectable",
     fun_p = prodNeg1, fun_Rp = meanWeight_totalDose1, fun_pl = x1,
     fun_Rpl = sumUndetected), type = "costFun.optimiseSD")[[1]](simulations = simulations,
     locations = locations)
    where 3: costMap(simulations = simulations, locations = c(SD[[i]], locationsFix))
    where 4: plotSD(radioactivePlumes, SD = SDssa[[1]], locationsFix = locKeep3,
     locationsInitial = locDel3, locationsAll = setdiff(1:nLocations(radioactivePlumes),
     c(locKeep3, locAll3)), costMap = singleDet)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] TRUE TRUE
     --- function from context ---
    function (simulations, locations = 1:nLocations(simulations),
     plumes = 1:nPlumes(simulations), kinds = 1:nKinds(simulations),
     fun = NA, fun_p = NA, fun_l = NA, fun_pl = NA, fun_Rp = NA,
     fun_Rl = NA, fun_Rpl = NA, fun_Rpl_cellStats = NA, nameSave = "simulationsApply",
     overwrite = FALSE, chunksize = 1e+07, keepSubset = FALSE,
     if (is.element(class(simulations), c("RasterLayer", "RasterStack",
     "RasterBrick"))) {
     data = simulations
     else {
     if (is(simulations, "Simulations")) {
     data = simulations@values
     else {
     stop("'simulations' must be of class 'Simulations' or of a 'Raster*' class.")
     data = subset(data, kinds)
     nLay = nlayers(data)
     nP = ncol(data)
     if (!identical(plumes, 1:nP)) {
     plumesIn = plumes > 0 & plumes <= nP
     plumes[!plumesIn] = NA
     if (any( {
     stop("'plumes' out of bounds or contains 'NA'.")
     nPl = length(plumes)
     isPlumes = TRUE
     else {
     nPl = nP
     nPlu = nP
     plumes = 1:nPl
     plumesU = 1:nPlu
     plumesIndex = 1:nP
     isPlumes = FALSE
     nL = nrow(data)
     if (!identical(locations, 1:nL)) {
     locationsIn = locations > 0 & locations <= nL
     locations[!locationsIn] = NA
     if (any( {
     stop("'locations' out of bounds or contains 'NA'.")
     nLo = length(locations)
     isLocations = TRUE
     else {
     nLo = nL
     nLoc = nL
     locations = 1:nLo
     locationsU = 1:nLoc
     locationsIndex = 1:nL
     isLocations = FALSE
     functions = list()
     functionValid = logical(8)
     names(functionValid) = c("fun", "fun_l", "fun_p", "fun_pl",
     "fun_Rl", "fun_Rp", "fun_Rpl", "fun_Rpl_cellStats")
     if (is.function(fun)) {
     fun_ = replaceDefault(fun, type = "fun.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun"] = fun_[[2]]
     functions[["fun"]] = fun_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_l)) {
     fun_l_ = replaceDefault(fun_l, type = "fun.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun_l"] = fun_l_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_l"]] = fun_l_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_p)) {
     fun_p_ = replaceDefault(fun_p, type = "fun.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun_p"] = fun_p_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_p"]] = fun_p_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_pl)) {
     fun_pl_ = replaceDefault(fun_pl, type = "fun.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun_pl"] = fun_pl_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_pl"]] = fun_pl_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_Rl)) {
     if (is(simulations, "Simulations")) {
     fun_Rl_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rl, newDefaults = list(weight = simulations@locations@data[locations,
     , drop = FALSE]), type = "funR.simulationsApply")
     else {
     fun_Rl_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rl, type = "funR.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun_Rl"] = fun_Rl_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_Rl"]] = fun_Rl_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_Rp)) {
     if (is(simulations, "Simulations")) {
     fun_Rp_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rp, newDefaults = list(weight = simulations@plumes[plumes,
     , drop = FALSE]), type = "funR.simulationsApply")
     else {
     fun_Rp_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rp, type = "funR.simulationsApply")
     functionValid[["fun_Rp"]] = fun_Rp_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_Rp"]] = fun_Rp_[[1]]
     if (is.function(fun_Rpl)) {
     if (is(simulations, "Simulations")) {
     fun_Rpl_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rpl, newDefaults = list(weight_l = simulations@locations@data[locations,
     , drop = FALSE], weight_p = simulations@plumes[plumes,
     , drop = FALSE]), type = "funRR.simulationsApply")
     else {
     fun_Rpl_ = replaceDefault(fun_Rpl, type = "funRR.simulationsApply")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = fun_Rpl_[[2]]
     functions[["fun_Rpl"]] = fun_Rpl_[[1]]
     if (! {
     if (is.element(fun_Rpl_cellStats, c("sum", "mean", "min",
     "max", "sd", "skew", "rms"))) {
     functionValid["fun_Rpl_cellStats"] = TRUE
     else {
     warning("'fun_Rpl_cellStats' cannot be used, it has to be one of the strings: c('sum', 'mean', 'min', 'max', 'sd', 'skew', 'rms').")
     if (!all(functionValid[names(functions)])) {
     warning(paste0("Some of the defined functions are invalid (e.g. because of missing parameters or extra parameters without default: ",
     ". Their result cannot be computed."))
     if (isLocations) {
     locationsTable = table(locations)
     locationsRank = rank(locations)
     locationsU = sort(unique(locations))
     isLocUnique = identical(locations, locationsU)
     nLoc = length(locationsU)
     if (nLoc > 0) {
     locationsIndex = unlist(mapply(rep, 1:nLoc, locationsTable))[locationsRank]
     else {
     locationsIndex = integer(0)
     else {
     isLocUnique = TRUE
     if (isPlumes) {
     plumesTable = table(plumes)
     plumesRank = rank(plumes)
     plumesU = sort(unique(plumes))
     isPluUnique = identical(plumes, plumesU)
     nPlu = length(plumesU)
     if (nPlu > 0) {
     plumesIndex = unlist(mapply(rep, 1:nPlu, plumesTable))[plumesRank]
     else {
     plumesIndex = integer(0)
     else {
     isPluUnique = TRUE
     bs = blockSize(data, minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     bs_subset = blockSize(raster(nrow = nLo, ncol = nPl), n = nLay,
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (functionValid["fun"]) {
     bs_fun = blockSize(raster(nrow = 1, ncol = 1), n = eval(formals(functions[["fun"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     bs_fun_pl = blockSize(raster(nrow = nLo, ncol = nPl),
     n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_pl$n > 1) {
     if (nameSave == FALSE) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_pl' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid[["fun_pl"]] = FALSE
     else {
     rasterName_fun_pl = paste(nameSave, "_locationsplumes.grd",
     sep = "")
     warning(paste0("Result of 'fun_pl' too big to keep in memory,\n saved at '",
     rasterName_fun_pl, "'."))
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     bs_fun_p = blockSize(raster(nrow = nPl, ncol = 1), n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_p"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_p$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_p' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun_p"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_l"]) {
     bs_fun_l = blockSize(raster(nrow = nLo, ncol = 1), n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_l"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_l$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_l' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun_l"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_Rp"]) {
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     bs_fun_Rp = blockSize(raster(nrow = 1, ncol = 1),
     n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_Rp"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_Rp$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_Rp' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun_Rp"] = FALSE
     else {
     warning("'fun_Rp' is to be applied to the results of 'fun_p', as 'fun_p' is missing or cannot be applied, no results of 'fun_Rp' returned.'")
     functionValid["fun_Rp"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_Rl"]) {
     if (functionValid["fun_l"]) {
     bs_fun_Rl = blockSize(raster(nrow = 1, ncol = 1),
     n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_Rl"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_Rl$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_Rl' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun_Rl"] = FALSE
     else {
     warning("'fun_Rl' is to be applied to the results of 'fun_l', as 'fun_l' is missing or cannot be applied, no results of 'fun_Rl' returned.'")
     functionValid["fun_Rl"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_Rpl"]) {
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     bs_fun_Rpl = blockSize(raster(nrow = 1, ncol = 1),
     n = eval(formals(functions[["fun_Rpl"]])[["nout"]]),
     minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     if (bs_fun_pl$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_pl' not in memory, therefore 'fun_Rpl' cannot be applied.")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = FALSE
     if (bs_fun_Rpl$n > 1) {
     warning("Result of 'fun_Rpl' too big to keep in memory, not returned.")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = FALSE
     else {
     warning("'fun_Rpl' is to be applied to the results of 'fun_pl', as 'fun_pl' is missing or cannot be applied, no results of 'fun_Rpl' returned.'")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = FALSE
     result = list()
     if (bs_subset$n == 1) {
     result_subset = array(dim = c(nLoc, nPlu, nLay))
     h = 0
     for (i in 1:bs$n) {
     locations_i = bs$row[i] - 1 + 1:bs$nrows[i]
     if (isLocations) {
     which_locations_i = is.element(locationsU, locations_i)
     locations_i = locationsU[which_locations_i]
     locations_i = locations_i - (bs$row[i] - 1)
     nLoc_i = length(locations_i)
     if (nLoc_i > 0) {
     data_i = getValues(data, row = bs$row[i], nrows = bs$nrows[i])
     in_i_array = in_i_array = aperm(array(data_i,
     dim = c(nP, bs$nrows[i], nLay)), c(2, 1, 3))
     result_subset[h + 1:nLoc_i, , ] = in_i_array[locations_i,
     plumesU, , drop = FALSE]
     h = h + nLoc_i
     if (isLocations) {
     result_subset = result_subset[locationsIndex, , ,
     drop = FALSE]
     if (isPlumes) {
     result_subset = result_subset[, plumesIndex, , drop = FALSE]
     if (functionValid["fun"]) {
     result[["result_global"]] = functions[["fun"]](x = result_subset)
     if (functionValid["fun_l"]) {
     result[["result_locations"]] = apply(X = result_subset,
     FUN = functions[["fun_l"]], MARGIN = 1)
     if (is.null(dim(result[["result_locations"]]))) {
     result[["result_locations"]] = as.matrix(result[["result_locations"]])
     else {
     result[["result_locations"]] = t(result[["result_locations"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_Rl"]) {
     result[["result_global_locations"]] = functions[["fun_Rl"]](x = result[["result_locations"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     result[["result_plumes"]] = apply(X = result_subset,
     FUN = functions[["fun_p"]], MARGIN = 2)
     if (is.null(dim(result[["result_plumes"]]))) {
     result[["result_plumes"]] = as.matrix(result[["result_plumes"]])
     else {
     result[["result_plumes"]] = t(result[["result_plumes"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_Rp"]) {
     result[["result_global_plumes"]] = functions[["fun_Rp"]](x = result[["result_plumes"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     if (bs_fun_pl$n <= 1) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = apply(X = result_subset,
     FUN = functions[["fun_pl"]], MARGIN = c(1,
     if (class(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]) !=
     "RasterBrick") {
     if (length(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])) ==
     2) {
     dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]) = c(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]),
     else {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = aperm(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     perm = c(2, 3, 1))
     if (prod(dim(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])) >
     0) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     else {
     warning("As 'result[['result_locationsplumes']]' has size 0, it is not transformed into a brick and 'fun_Rpl' cannot be applied.")
     functionValid["fun_Rpl"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_Rpl"]) {
     result[["result_global_locationsplumes"]] = functions[["fun_Rpl"]](x = getValues(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]))
     else {
     if (isLocUnique) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(nrows = nLoc,
     ncols = nPl, nl = eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     print(paste0("write raster to ", rasterName_fun_pl))
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStart(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     filename = rasterName_fun_pl, overwrite = overwrite)
     for (i in 1:bs_fun_pl$n) {
     x_i = result_subset[bs_fun_pl$row[i] + 1:bs_fun_pl$nrows[i] -
     1, , ]
     x_i = aperm(x_i, perm = c(2, 1, 3))
     dim(x_i) = c(bs_fun_pl$nrows[i] * nPl, nLay)
     out_i = t(apply(X = x_i, FUN = functions[["fun_pl"]],
     MARGIN = 1))
     true_nout = dim(out_i)[2]
     if (!(eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout) ==
     true_nout)) {
     warning(paste0("The argument 'nout' of 'fun_pl' must fit the actual length of output of 'fun_pl'\n if applied to simulations@values[i,j,] for any i, i. For the chosen function nout = ",
     true_nout, ". No result of 'fun_pl' and 'fun_Rpl' returned."))
     functionValid[c("fun_pl", "fun_Rpl")] = FALSE
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = NULL
     if (!isPluUnique) {
     out_i = out_i[rep(plumesIndex, bs_fun_pl$nrows[i]),
     out_i, bs_fun_pl$row[i])
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     else {
     result_locationsplumes = brick(nrows = nLoc,
     ncols = nPl, nl = eval(formals(fun_pl)$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     warning("Intermediate results are saved in 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd', the file is deleted in the end.")
     print("write raster to 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd'")
     result_locationsplumes = writeStart(result_locationsplumes,
     filename = "intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd",
     overwrite = overwrite)
     for (i in 1:bs_fun_pl$n) {
     x_i = result_subset[bs_fun_pl$row[i] + 1:bs_fun_pl$nrows[i] -
     1, , ]
     x_i = aperm(x_i, perm = c(2, 1, 3))
     dim(x_i) = c(bs_fun_pl$nrows[i] * nPl, nLay)
     out_i = t(apply(X = x_i, FUN = fun_pl, MARGIN = 1))
     true_nout = dim(out_i)[2]
     if (!(eval(formals(fun_pl)$nout == true_nout))) {
     warning(paste0("The argument 'nout' of 'fun_pl' must fit the actual length of output of 'fun_pl'\n if applied to simulations@values[i,j,] for any i, i. For the chosen function nout = ",
     true_nout, ". No result of 'fun_pl' and 'fun_Rpl' returned."))
     functionValid[c("fun_pl", "fun_Rpl")] = FALSE
     result_locationsplumes = writeStop(result_locationsplumes)
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = NULL
     if (!isPluUnique) {
     out_i = out_i[rep(plumesIndex, bs_fun_pl$nrows[i]),
     writeValues(result_locationsplumes, out_i,
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     result_locationsplumes = writeStop(result_locationsplumes)
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(nrows = nLoc,
     ncols = nPlu, nl = eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     print(paste0("write raster to ", rasterName_fun_pl))
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStart(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     filename = rasterName_fun_pl, overwrite = overwrite)
     for (i in seq(along = locationsIndex)) {
     getValues(result_locationsplumes, row = locationsIndex[i]),
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     print("remove file 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd'.")
     else {
     if (functionValid["fun"]) {
     warning("'fun' cannot be applied as this would require to load all selected data into memory at once.")
     functionValid["fun"] = FALSE
     if (functionValid["fun_l"]) {
     result[["result_locations"]] = array(dim = c(nLoc,
     h = 0
     for (i in 1:bs$n) {
     locations_i = bs$row[i] - 1 + 1:bs$nrows[i]
     if (isLocations) {
     which_locations_i = is.element(locationsU,
     locations_i = locationsU[which_locations_i]
     locations_i = locations_i - (bs$row[i] - 1)
     nLoc_i = length(locations_i)
     if (nLoc_i > 0) {
     data_i = getValues(data, row = bs$row[i], nrows = bs$nrows[i])
     in_i_array = aperm(array(data_i, dim = c(nP,
     bs$nrows[i], nLay)), c(2, 1, 3))
     result[["result_locations"]][h + 1:nLoc_i,
     ] = t(apply(X = in_i_array[locations_i, plumes,
     , drop = FALSE], FUN = functions[["fun_l"]],
     MARGIN = 1))
     h = h + nLoc_i
     if (isLocations) {
     result[["result_locations"]] = result[["result_locations"]][locationsIndex,
     , drop = FALSE]
     if (functionValid["fun_Rl"]) {
     result[["result_global_locations"]] = functions[["fun_Rl"]](x = result[["result_locations"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     result[["result_plumes"]] = array(dim = c(nPlu, eval(formals(functions[["fun_p"]])$nout)))
     bs_columns = blockSize(raster(nrow = nPlu, ncol = nLo),
     n = nLay, minblocks = 1, chunksize = chunksize)
     for (g in 1:bs_columns$n) {
     plumes_g = bs_columns$row[g] + 1:bs_columns$nrows[g] -
     nPlu_g = length(plumes_g)
     result_g = array(dim = c(nLoc, nPlu_g, nLay))
     h = 0
     for (i in 1:bs$n) {
     locations_i = bs$row[i] - 1 + 1:bs$nrows[i]
     if (isLocations) {
     which_locations_i = is.element(locationsU,
     locations_i = locationsU[which_locations_i]
     locations_i = locations_i - (bs$row[i] - 1)
     nLoc_i = length(locations_i)
     if (nLoc_i > 0) {
     data_i = getValues(data, row = bs$row[i],
     nrows = bs$nrows[i])
     in_i_array = aperm(array(data_i, dim = c(nP,
     bs$nrows[i], nLay)), c(2, 1, 3))
     result_g[h + 1:nLoc_i, , ] = in_i_array[locations_i,
     plumesU[plumes_g], , drop = FALSE]
     h = h + nLoc_i
     if (isLocations) {
     result_g = result_g[locationsIndex, , , drop = FALSE]
     result_plumes = apply(X = result_g, FUN = functions[["fun_p"]],
     MARGIN = 2)
     if (is.vector(result_plumes)) {
     if (!eval(formals(functions[["fun_p"]])[["nout"]]) ==
     1) {
     warning("The argument 'nout' of 'fun_p' must fit the actual length of output of 'fun_p'\n if applied to simulations@values[i,,] for any i. For the chosen function nout = 1.\n No result of 'fun_p' returned.")
     functionValid["fun_p"] = FALSE
     result[["result_plumes"]] = NULL
     else {
     dim(result_plumes) = c(length(result_plumes),
     else {
     true_nout = dim(result_plumes)[1]
     if (!(eval(formals(fun_p)[["nout"]]) == true_nout)) {
     warning(paste("The argument 'nout' of 'fun_p' must fit the actual length of output of 'fun_p'\n if applied to simulations@values[i,,] for any i. For the chosen function nout = ",
     true_nout, ".", sep = ""))
     functionValid["fun_p"] = FALSE
     result[["result_plumes"]] = NULL
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     result[["result_plumes"]][bs_columns$row[g] +
     1:bs_columns$nrows[g] - 1, ] = t(result_plumes)
     if (functionValid["fun_p"]) {
     if (isPlumes) {
     result[["result_plumes"]] = result[["result_plumes"]][plumesIndex,
     , drop = FALSE]
     if (functionValid["fun_Rp"]) {
     result[["result_global_plumes"]] = functions[["fun_Rp"]](x = result[["result_plumes"]])
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     if (bs_fun_pl$n <= 1) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = array(dim = c(eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout),
     nLoc, nPlu))
     else {
     if (isLocUnique) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(nrows = nLoc,
     ncols = nPlu, nl = eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     print(paste0("write raster to ", rasterName_fun_pl))
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStart(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     filename = rasterName_fun_pl, overwrite = overwrite)
     else {
     result_locationsplumes = brick(nrows = nLoc,
     ncols = nPl, nl = eval(formals(functions[["fun_pl"]])$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     warning("Intermediate results are saved in 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd', the file is deleted in the end.")
     print("write raster to 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd'")
     result_locationsplumes = writeStart(result_locationsplumes,
     filename = "intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd",
     overwrite = overwrite)
     if (bs_subset$n < bs_fun_pl$n) {
     bs_Fun_pl = bs_fun_pl
     else {
     bs_Fun_pl = bs_subset
     h = 0
     for (i in 1:bs_Fun_pl$n) {
     locations_i = bs_Fun_pl$row[i] - 1 + 1:bs_Fun_pl$nrows[i]
     if (isLocations) {
     which_locations_i = is.element(locationsU,
     locations_i = locationsU[which_locations_i]
     locations_i = locations_i - (bs_Fun_pl$row[i] -
     nLoc_i = length(locations_i)
     if (nLoc_i > 0) {
     data_i = getValues(data, row = bs_Fun_pl$row[i],
     nrows = bs_Fun_pl$nrows[i])
     if (is.vector(data_i)) {
     data_i = matrix(data_i, ncol = 1)
     in_i_array = aperm(array(data_i, dim = c(nP,
     bs_Fun_pl$nrows[i], nLay)), c(2, 1, 3))
     in_i_array_subset = in_i_array[locations_i,
     plumesU, , drop = FALSE]
     if (bs_fun_pl$n <= 1) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]][, h +
     1:nLoc_i, ] = apply(X = in_i_array_subset,
     FUN = functions[["fun_pl"]], MARGIN = c(1,
     else {
     out_ii = apply(X = in_i_array_subset, FUN = functions[["fun_pl"]],
     MARGIN = c(1, 2))
     if (length(dim(out_ii)) == 2) {
     out_iii = array(dim = c(1, dim(out_ii)))
     out_iii[1, , ] = out_ii
     out_ii = out_iii
     out_i = aperm(out_ii, c(3, 2, 1))
     true_nout = dim(out_i)[3]
     if (eval(formals(fun_pl)$nout) != true_nout) {
     warning(paste("The argument 'nout' of 'fun_pl' must fit the actual length of output of 'fun_pl'\n if applied to simulations@values[i,j,] for any i, i. For the chosen function nout = ",
     true_nout, ".", sep = ""))
     functionValid["fun_pl"] = FALSE
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = NULL
     print(paste0("remove raster file ", rasterName_fun_pl))
     ".grd")[[1]], ".gri"))
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     if (!isPluUnique) {
     out_i = out_i[plumesIndex, , , drop = FALSE]
     dim(out_i) = c(nLoc_i * nPl, eval(formals(fun_pl)$nout))
     if (isLocUnique) {
     out_i, h + 1)
     else {
     writeValues(result_locationsplumes, out_i,
     h + 1)
     h = h + nLoc_i
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     if (isPluUnique) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     else {
     result_locationsplumes = writeStop(result_locationsplumes)
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = brick(nrows = nLo,
     ncols = nPl, nl = eval(formals(fun_pl)$nout),
     xmn = -90, xmx = 90, ymn = -90, ymx = 90,
     crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
     print(paste0("write raster to ", rasterName_fun_pl))
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStart(result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     filename = rasterName_fun_pl, overwrite = overwrite)
     for (i in seq(along = locationsIndex)) {
     getValues(result_locationsplumes, row = locationsIndex[i]),
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = writeStop(result[["result_locationsplumes"]])
     print("remove raster 'intermediateResult_locationsplumes.grd'")
     if (functionValid["fun_pl"]) {
     if (bs_fun_pl$n <= 1) {
     if (isLocations) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = result[["result_locationsplumes"]][,
     locationsIndex, , drop = FALSE]
     if (isPlumes) {
     result[["result_locationsplumes"]] = result[["result_locationsplumes"]][,
     , plumesIndex, drop = FALSE]
     if (is.function(fun_Rpl)) {
     result[["result_global_locationsplumes"]] = functions[["fun_Rpl"]](x = getValues(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]))
     if (keepSubset) {
     if (bs_subset$n == 1) {
     result[["subset"]] = result_subset
     else {
     warning("Subset too big to keep, only results of functions returned.")
     if (functionValid["fun_Rpl_cellStats"]) {
     if (is.element("result_locationsplumes", names(result))) {
     result[["cellStats_global_locationsplumes"]] = cellStats(x = result[["result_locationsplumes"]],
     stat = fun_Rpl_cellStats, asSample = FALSE)
    <bytecode: 0x8e3c438>
    <environment: namespace:sensors4plumes>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function simulationsApply in namespace sensors4plumes has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(result[["result_locationsplumes"]]) != "RasterBrick") { :
     the condition has length > 1
    Calls: plotSD -> costMap -> <Anonymous> -> simulationsApply
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc