CRAN Package Check Results for Package vMask

Last updated on 2020-02-19 10:49:14 CET.

Flavor Version Tinstall Tcheck Ttotal Status Flags
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang 1.0 2.28 19.57 21.85 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc 1.0 1.75 15.79 17.54 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang 1.0 27.83 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc 1.0 26.38 ERROR
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.0 5.00 39.00 44.00 OK
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64-gcc8 1.0 9.00 38.00 47.00 OK
r-patched-linux-x86_64 1.0 1.66 20.58 22.24 OK
r-patched-solaris-x86 1.0 41.10 OK
r-release-linux-x86_64 1.0 1.53 20.83 22.36 OK
r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.0 4.00 51.00 55.00 OK
r-release-osx-x86_64 1.0 OK
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 1.0 2.00 33.00 35.00 OK
r-oldrel-osx-x86_64 1.0 OK

Check Details

Version: 1.0
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in 'vMask-Ex.R' failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: vMask-package
    > ### Title: Detect Small Changes in Process Mean using CUSUM Control Chart
    > ### by v-Mask
    > ### Aliases: vMask-package vMask
    > ### ** Examples
    > ### Example 1: V-Mask CUSUM chart with vectored data based on the real data from:
    > #
    > # In this applied example We are going to quickly detect a shift in mean as large as one
    > # sigma by CUSUM chart.
    > Data = c( 324.925, 324.675, 324.725, 324.350, 325.350, 325.225,
    + 324.125, 324.525, 325.225, 324.600, 324.625, 325.150,
    + 328.325, 327.250, 327.825, 328.500, 326.675, 327.775,
    + 326.875, 328.350 )
    > n = 4
    > mean(Data)
    [1] 325.9538
    > sd(Data)
    [1] 1.548307
    > sd(Data)/sqrt(n)
    [1] 0.7741536
    > vMask.method3( data=Data, mu0=325, k=1, alpha=.0027, beta=.01, s="PressEnter" )
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    [1] 11.80891
    [1] 37.74537
    [1] 9.141907
     [1] -0.075 -0.400 -0.675 -1.325 -0.975 -0.750 -1.625 -2.100 -1.875 -2.275
    [11] -2.650 -2.500 0.825 3.075 5.900 9.400 11.075 13.850 15.725 19.075
    [1] 17 18 19 20
     [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
    > ### Example 2: V-Mask CUSUM chart based on a data matrix.
    > # A wood products company manufactures charcoal briquettes for barbecues. It packages these
    > # briquettes in bags of various sizes, the largest of which is supposed to contain 40 lbs.
    > # The weights of bags from 16 different samples, each of size n=4 are given in below.
    > n = 4
    > m = 16
    > mu0 = 40
    > sigma = .5
    > Data = c( 40.77, 39.95, 40.86, 39.21,
    + 38.94, 39.70, 40.37, 39.88,
    + 40.43, 40.27, 40.91, 40.05,
    + 39.55, 40.10, 39.39, 40.89,
    + 41.01, 39.07, 39.85, 40.32,
    + 39.06, 39.90, 39.84, 40.22,
    + 39.63, 39.42, 40.04, 39.50,
    + 41.05, 40.74, 40.43, 39.40,
    + 40.28, 40.89, 39.61, 40.48,
    + 39.28, 40.49, 38.88, 40.72,
    + 40.57, 40.04, 40.85, 40.51,
    + 39.90, 40.67, 40.51, 40.53,
    + 40.70, 40.54, 40.73, 40.45,
    + 39.58, 40.90, 39.62, 39.83,
    + 40.16, 40.69, 40.37, 39.69,
    + 40.46, 40.21, 40.09, 40.58 )
    > M = matrix(Data, ncol=n, byrow=TRUE)
    > M
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
     [1,] 40.77 39.95 40.86 39.21
     [2,] 38.94 39.70 40.37 39.88
     [3,] 40.43 40.27 40.91 40.05
     [4,] 39.55 40.10 39.39 40.89
     [5,] 41.01 39.07 39.85 40.32
     [6,] 39.06 39.90 39.84 40.22
     [7,] 39.63 39.42 40.04 39.50
     [8,] 41.05 40.74 40.43 39.40
     [9,] 40.28 40.89 39.61 40.48
    [10,] 39.28 40.49 38.88 40.72
    [11,] 40.57 40.04 40.85 40.51
    [12,] 39.90 40.67 40.51 40.53
    [13,] 40.70 40.54 40.73 40.45
    [14,] 39.58 40.90 39.62 39.83
    [15,] 40.16 40.69 40.37 39.69
    [16,] 40.46 40.21 40.09 40.58
    > # Control Chart:
    > ( LCL = mu0 - 3*sigma/sqrt(n) )
    [1] 39.25
    > ( UCL = mu0 + 3*sigma/sqrt(n) )
    [1] 40.75
    > plot(1:16,rowMeans(M), col=3, pch=16, ylim=c(LCL-.2,UCL+.2))
    > abline(h=c(mu0, LCL, UCL), col=2, lty=c(3,1,1))
    > # Three different strategies for putting v-mask on CUSUM Control Chart:
    > cumsum(rowMeans(M)-mu0)
     [1] 0.1975 -0.0800 0.3350 0.3175 0.3800 0.1350 -0.2175 0.1875 0.5025
    [10] 0.3450 0.8375 1.2400 1.8450 1.8275 2.0550 2.3900
    > vMask.method2( data=M, mu0=40, d=5.6, h=1, s=0 )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    vMask.method1(data, mu0, d, theta, sleep)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(data) == "matrix") {
     m = dim(data)[1]
     n = dim(data)[2]
     RowMeans <- rowMeans(data)
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: vMask.method1(data, mu0, d, theta, sleep)
    where 2: vMask.method2(data = M, mu0 = 40, d = 5.6, h = 1, s = 0)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] TRUE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
    function (data, mu0 = mean(data), d, theta = 14, sleep = 1)
     if (class(data) == "matrix") {
     m = dim(data)[1]
     n = dim(data)[2]
     RowMeans <- rowMeans(data)
     if (class(data) == "numeric" | class(data) == "integer") {
     m = length(data)
     n = 1
     RowMeans <- data
     theta <- deg2rad(theta)
     h = d * tan(theta)
     c = cumsum(RowMeans - mu0) = c(0, m + d + 5) = c(min(c) - h * (m - 1 + d)/d, max(c) + h * (m - 1 +
     BackColor = rep(1, m)
     for (i in 1:m) {
     plot(,, type = "n", xlab = "i", ylab = expression(c[i]),
     main = list(paste("CUSUM control chart and V-Mask on point (",
     i, ", c", i, ")")))
     lines(1:m, c, type = "b", col = 1, cex = 1.3, pch = 21,
     bg = BackColor)
     points(i, c[i], type = "p", cex = 2, col = 1, pch = 21,
     bg = 7)
     x.Mask <- c(i + d, 1, i + d + 4, i + d + 4, 1)
     y.Mask <- c(c[i], c[i] + h * (i - 1 + d)/d, c[i] + h *
     (i - 1 + d)/d, c[i] - h * (i - 1 + d)/d, c[i] - h *
     (i - 1 + d)/d)
     polygon(x.Mask, y.Mask, border = 2, col = "coral1", lwd = 1,
     density = c(10, 20), angle = c(-45, 45))
     lines(c(i, i + d), c(c[i], c[i]), col = "gray60", lty = 2)
     lines(c(i, i), c(c[i] + h, c[i] - h), col = "gray60",
     lty = 2)
     for (j in 1:i) {
     LCL <- c[i] - h * (i - j + d)/d
     UCL <- c[i] + h * (i - j + d)/d
     if (!(LCL <= c[j] & c[j] <= UCL)) {
     for (jj in 1:i) {
     LCL <- c[i] - h * (i - jj + d)/d
     UCL <- c[i] + h * (i - jj + d)/d
     if (!(LCL <= c[jj] & c[jj] <= UCL))
     points(jj, c[jj], type = "p", cex = 1.6,
     col = 1, pch = 21, bg = "turquoise1")
     BackColor[i] = 2
     else {
     BackColor[i] = "green3"
     if (sleep == "PressEnter") {
     cat("Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue")
     line <- readline()
     else {
     return(list(h = h, c = c, OutControl = which(BackColor ==
     2), InControl = which(BackColor == "green3")))
    <bytecode: 0x113f570>
    <environment: namespace:vMask>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function vMask.method1 in namespace vMask has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(data) == "matrix") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: vMask.method2 -> vMask.method1
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang

Version: 1.0
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘vMask-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: vMask-package
    > ### Title: Detect Small Changes in Process Mean using CUSUM Control Chart
    > ### by v-Mask
    > ### Aliases: vMask-package vMask
    > ### ** Examples
    > ### Example 1: V-Mask CUSUM chart with vectored data based on the real data from:
    > #
    > # In this applied example We are going to quickly detect a shift in mean as large as one
    > # sigma by CUSUM chart.
    > Data = c( 324.925, 324.675, 324.725, 324.350, 325.350, 325.225,
    + 324.125, 324.525, 325.225, 324.600, 324.625, 325.150,
    + 328.325, 327.250, 327.825, 328.500, 326.675, 327.775,
    + 326.875, 328.350 )
    > n = 4
    > mean(Data)
    [1] 325.9538
    > sd(Data)
    [1] 1.548307
    > sd(Data)/sqrt(n)
    [1] 0.7741536
    > vMask.method3( data=Data, mu0=325, k=1, alpha=.0027, beta=.01, s="PressEnter" )
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    [1] 11.80891
    [1] 37.74537
    [1] 9.141907
     [1] -0.075 -0.400 -0.675 -1.325 -0.975 -0.750 -1.625 -2.100 -1.875 -2.275
    [11] -2.650 -2.500 0.825 3.075 5.900 9.400 11.075 13.850 15.725 19.075
    [1] 17 18 19 20
     [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
    > ### Example 2: V-Mask CUSUM chart based on a data matrix.
    > # A wood products company manufactures charcoal briquettes for barbecues. It packages these
    > # briquettes in bags of various sizes, the largest of which is supposed to contain 40 lbs.
    > # The weights of bags from 16 different samples, each of size n=4 are given in below.
    > n = 4
    > m = 16
    > mu0 = 40
    > sigma = .5
    > Data = c( 40.77, 39.95, 40.86, 39.21,
    + 38.94, 39.70, 40.37, 39.88,
    + 40.43, 40.27, 40.91, 40.05,
    + 39.55, 40.10, 39.39, 40.89,
    + 41.01, 39.07, 39.85, 40.32,
    + 39.06, 39.90, 39.84, 40.22,
    + 39.63, 39.42, 40.04, 39.50,
    + 41.05, 40.74, 40.43, 39.40,
    + 40.28, 40.89, 39.61, 40.48,
    + 39.28, 40.49, 38.88, 40.72,
    + 40.57, 40.04, 40.85, 40.51,
    + 39.90, 40.67, 40.51, 40.53,
    + 40.70, 40.54, 40.73, 40.45,
    + 39.58, 40.90, 39.62, 39.83,
    + 40.16, 40.69, 40.37, 39.69,
    + 40.46, 40.21, 40.09, 40.58 )
    > M = matrix(Data, ncol=n, byrow=TRUE)
    > M
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
     [1,] 40.77 39.95 40.86 39.21
     [2,] 38.94 39.70 40.37 39.88
     [3,] 40.43 40.27 40.91 40.05
     [4,] 39.55 40.10 39.39 40.89
     [5,] 41.01 39.07 39.85 40.32
     [6,] 39.06 39.90 39.84 40.22
     [7,] 39.63 39.42 40.04 39.50
     [8,] 41.05 40.74 40.43 39.40
     [9,] 40.28 40.89 39.61 40.48
    [10,] 39.28 40.49 38.88 40.72
    [11,] 40.57 40.04 40.85 40.51
    [12,] 39.90 40.67 40.51 40.53
    [13,] 40.70 40.54 40.73 40.45
    [14,] 39.58 40.90 39.62 39.83
    [15,] 40.16 40.69 40.37 39.69
    [16,] 40.46 40.21 40.09 40.58
    > # Control Chart:
    > ( LCL = mu0 - 3*sigma/sqrt(n) )
    [1] 39.25
    > ( UCL = mu0 + 3*sigma/sqrt(n) )
    [1] 40.75
    > plot(1:16,rowMeans(M), col=3, pch=16, ylim=c(LCL-.2,UCL+.2))
    > abline(h=c(mu0, LCL, UCL), col=2, lty=c(3,1,1))
    > # Three different strategies for putting v-mask on CUSUM Control Chart:
    > cumsum(rowMeans(M)-mu0)
     [1] 0.1975 -0.0800 0.3350 0.3175 0.3800 0.1350 -0.2175 0.1875 0.5025
    [10] 0.3450 0.8375 1.2400 1.8450 1.8275 2.0550 2.3900
    > vMask.method2( data=M, mu0=40, d=5.6, h=1, s=0 )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    vMask.method1(data, mu0, d, theta, sleep)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(data) == "matrix") {
     m = dim(data)[1]
     n = dim(data)[2]
     RowMeans <- rowMeans(data)
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: vMask.method1(data, mu0, d, theta, sleep)
    where 2: vMask.method2(data = M, mu0 = 40, d = 5.6, h = 1, s = 0)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] TRUE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
    function (data, mu0 = mean(data), d, theta = 14, sleep = 1)
     if (class(data) == "matrix") {
     m = dim(data)[1]
     n = dim(data)[2]
     RowMeans <- rowMeans(data)
     if (class(data) == "numeric" | class(data) == "integer") {
     m = length(data)
     n = 1
     RowMeans <- data
     theta <- deg2rad(theta)
     h = d * tan(theta)
     c = cumsum(RowMeans - mu0) = c(0, m + d + 5) = c(min(c) - h * (m - 1 + d)/d, max(c) + h * (m - 1 +
     BackColor = rep(1, m)
     for (i in 1:m) {
     plot(,, type = "n", xlab = "i", ylab = expression(c[i]),
     main = list(paste("CUSUM control chart and V-Mask on point (",
     i, ", c", i, ")")))
     lines(1:m, c, type = "b", col = 1, cex = 1.3, pch = 21,
     bg = BackColor)
     points(i, c[i], type = "p", cex = 2, col = 1, pch = 21,
     bg = 7)
     x.Mask <- c(i + d, 1, i + d + 4, i + d + 4, 1)
     y.Mask <- c(c[i], c[i] + h * (i - 1 + d)/d, c[i] + h *
     (i - 1 + d)/d, c[i] - h * (i - 1 + d)/d, c[i] - h *
     (i - 1 + d)/d)
     polygon(x.Mask, y.Mask, border = 2, col = "coral1", lwd = 1,
     density = c(10, 20), angle = c(-45, 45))
     lines(c(i, i + d), c(c[i], c[i]), col = "gray60", lty = 2)
     lines(c(i, i), c(c[i] + h, c[i] - h), col = "gray60",
     lty = 2)
     for (j in 1:i) {
     LCL <- c[i] - h * (i - j + d)/d
     UCL <- c[i] + h * (i - j + d)/d
     if (!(LCL <= c[j] & c[j] <= UCL)) {
     for (jj in 1:i) {
     LCL <- c[i] - h * (i - jj + d)/d
     UCL <- c[i] + h * (i - jj + d)/d
     if (!(LCL <= c[jj] & c[jj] <= UCL))
     points(jj, c[jj], type = "p", cex = 1.6,
     col = 1, pch = 21, bg = "turquoise1")
     BackColor[i] = 2
     else {
     BackColor[i] = "green3"
     if (sleep == "PressEnter") {
     cat("Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue")
     line <- readline()
     else {
     return(list(h = h, c = c, OutControl = which(BackColor ==
     2), InControl = which(BackColor == "green3")))
    <bytecode: 0x560e461da9b0>
    <environment: namespace:vMask>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function vMask.method1 in namespace vMask has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(data) == "matrix") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: vMask.method2 -> vMask.method1
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc

Version: 1.0
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘vMask-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: vMask-package
    > ### Title: Detect Small Changes in Process Mean using CUSUM Control Chart
    > ### by v-Mask
    > ### Aliases: vMask-package vMask
    > ### ** Examples
    > ### Example 1: V-Mask CUSUM chart with vectored data based on the real data from:
    > #
    > # In this applied example We are going to quickly detect a shift in mean as large as one
    > # sigma by CUSUM chart.
    > Data = c( 324.925, 324.675, 324.725, 324.350, 325.350, 325.225,
    + 324.125, 324.525, 325.225, 324.600, 324.625, 325.150,
    + 328.325, 327.250, 327.825, 328.500, 326.675, 327.775,
    + 326.875, 328.350 )
    > n = 4
    > mean(Data)
    [1] 325.9538
    > sd(Data)
    [1] 1.548307
    > sd(Data)/sqrt(n)
    [1] 0.7741536
    > vMask.method3( data=Data, mu0=325, k=1, alpha=.0027, beta=.01, s="PressEnter" )
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    [1] 11.80891
    [1] 37.74537
    [1] 9.141907
     [1] -0.075 -0.400 -0.675 -1.325 -0.975 -0.750 -1.625 -2.100 -1.875 -2.275
    [11] -2.650 -2.500 0.825 3.075 5.900 9.400 11.075 13.850 15.725 19.075
    [1] 17 18 19 20
     [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
    > ### Example 2: V-Mask CUSUM chart based on a data matrix.
    > # A wood products company manufactures charcoal briquettes for barbecues. It packages these
    > # briquettes in bags of various sizes, the largest of which is supposed to contain 40 lbs.
    > # The weights of bags from 16 different samples, each of size n=4 are given in below.
    > n = 4
    > m = 16
    > mu0 = 40
    > sigma = .5
    > Data = c( 40.77, 39.95, 40.86, 39.21,
    + 38.94, 39.70, 40.37, 39.88,
    + 40.43, 40.27, 40.91, 40.05,
    + 39.55, 40.10, 39.39, 40.89,
    + 41.01, 39.07, 39.85, 40.32,
    + 39.06, 39.90, 39.84, 40.22,
    + 39.63, 39.42, 40.04, 39.50,
    + 41.05, 40.74, 40.43, 39.40,
    + 40.28, 40.89, 39.61, 40.48,
    + 39.28, 40.49, 38.88, 40.72,
    + 40.57, 40.04, 40.85, 40.51,
    + 39.90, 40.67, 40.51, 40.53,
    + 40.70, 40.54, 40.73, 40.45,
    + 39.58, 40.90, 39.62, 39.83,
    + 40.16, 40.69, 40.37, 39.69,
    + 40.46, 40.21, 40.09, 40.58 )
    > M = matrix(Data, ncol=n, byrow=TRUE)
    > M
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
     [1,] 40.77 39.95 40.86 39.21
     [2,] 38.94 39.70 40.37 39.88
     [3,] 40.43 40.27 40.91 40.05
     [4,] 39.55 40.10 39.39 40.89
     [5,] 41.01 39.07 39.85 40.32
     [6,] 39.06 39.90 39.84 40.22
     [7,] 39.63 39.42 40.04 39.50
     [8,] 41.05 40.74 40.43 39.40
     [9,] 40.28 40.89 39.61 40.48
    [10,] 39.28 40.49 38.88 40.72
    [11,] 40.57 40.04 40.85 40.51
    [12,] 39.90 40.67 40.51 40.53
    [13,] 40.70 40.54 40.73 40.45
    [14,] 39.58 40.90 39.62 39.83
    [15,] 40.16 40.69 40.37 39.69
    [16,] 40.46 40.21 40.09 40.58
    > # Control Chart:
    > ( LCL = mu0 - 3*sigma/sqrt(n) )
    [1] 39.25
    > ( UCL = mu0 + 3*sigma/sqrt(n) )
    [1] 40.75
    > plot(1:16,rowMeans(M), col=3, pch=16, ylim=c(LCL-.2,UCL+.2))
    > abline(h=c(mu0, LCL, UCL), col=2, lty=c(3,1,1))
    > # Three different strategies for putting v-mask on CUSUM Control Chart:
    > cumsum(rowMeans(M)-mu0)
     [1] 0.1975 -0.0800 0.3350 0.3175 0.3800 0.1350 -0.2175 0.1875 0.5025
    [10] 0.3450 0.8375 1.2400 1.8450 1.8275 2.0550 2.3900
    > vMask.method2( data=M, mu0=40, d=5.6, h=1, s=0 )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    vMask.method1(data, mu0, d, theta, sleep)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(data) == "matrix") {
     m = dim(data)[1]
     n = dim(data)[2]
     RowMeans <- rowMeans(data)
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: vMask.method1(data, mu0, d, theta, sleep)
    where 2: vMask.method2(data = M, mu0 = 40, d = 5.6, h = 1, s = 0)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] TRUE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
    function (data, mu0 = mean(data), d, theta = 14, sleep = 1)
     if (class(data) == "matrix") {
     m = dim(data)[1]
     n = dim(data)[2]
     RowMeans <- rowMeans(data)
     if (class(data) == "numeric" | class(data) == "integer") {
     m = length(data)
     n = 1
     RowMeans <- data
     theta <- deg2rad(theta)
     h = d * tan(theta)
     c = cumsum(RowMeans - mu0) = c(0, m + d + 5) = c(min(c) - h * (m - 1 + d)/d, max(c) + h * (m - 1 +
     BackColor = rep(1, m)
     for (i in 1:m) {
     plot(,, type = "n", xlab = "i", ylab = expression(c[i]),
     main = list(paste("CUSUM control chart and V-Mask on point (",
     i, ", c", i, ")")))
     lines(1:m, c, type = "b", col = 1, cex = 1.3, pch = 21,
     bg = BackColor)
     points(i, c[i], type = "p", cex = 2, col = 1, pch = 21,
     bg = 7)
     x.Mask <- c(i + d, 1, i + d + 4, i + d + 4, 1)
     y.Mask <- c(c[i], c[i] + h * (i - 1 + d)/d, c[i] + h *
     (i - 1 + d)/d, c[i] - h * (i - 1 + d)/d, c[i] - h *
     (i - 1 + d)/d)
     polygon(x.Mask, y.Mask, border = 2, col = "coral1", lwd = 1,
     density = c(10, 20), angle = c(-45, 45))
     lines(c(i, i + d), c(c[i], c[i]), col = "gray60", lty = 2)
     lines(c(i, i), c(c[i] + h, c[i] - h), col = "gray60",
     lty = 2)
     for (j in 1:i) {
     LCL <- c[i] - h * (i - j + d)/d
     UCL <- c[i] + h * (i - j + d)/d
     if (!(LCL <= c[j] & c[j] <= UCL)) {
     for (jj in 1:i) {
     LCL <- c[i] - h * (i - jj + d)/d
     UCL <- c[i] + h * (i - jj + d)/d
     if (!(LCL <= c[jj] & c[jj] <= UCL))
     points(jj, c[jj], type = "p", cex = 1.6,
     col = 1, pch = 21, bg = "turquoise1")
     BackColor[i] = 2
     else {
     BackColor[i] = "green3"
     if (sleep == "PressEnter") {
     cat("Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue")
     line <- readline()
     else {
     return(list(h = h, c = c, OutControl = which(BackColor ==
     2), InControl = which(BackColor == "green3")))
    <bytecode: 0x2c9dc48>
    <environment: namespace:vMask>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function vMask.method1 in namespace vMask has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(data) == "matrix") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: vMask.method2 -> vMask.method1
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Version: 1.0
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘vMask-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: vMask-package
    > ### Title: Detect Small Changes in Process Mean using CUSUM Control Chart
    > ### by v-Mask
    > ### Aliases: vMask-package vMask
    > ### ** Examples
    > ### Example 1: V-Mask CUSUM chart with vectored data based on the real data from:
    > #
    > # In this applied example We are going to quickly detect a shift in mean as large as one
    > # sigma by CUSUM chart.
    > Data = c( 324.925, 324.675, 324.725, 324.350, 325.350, 325.225,
    + 324.125, 324.525, 325.225, 324.600, 324.625, 325.150,
    + 328.325, 327.250, 327.825, 328.500, 326.675, 327.775,
    + 326.875, 328.350 )
    > n = 4
    > mean(Data)
    [1] 325.9538
    > sd(Data)
    [1] 1.548307
    > sd(Data)/sqrt(n)
    [1] 0.7741536
    > vMask.method3( data=Data, mu0=325, k=1, alpha=.0027, beta=.01, s="PressEnter" )
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue
    [1] 11.80891
    [1] 37.74537
    [1] 9.141907
     [1] -0.075 -0.400 -0.675 -1.325 -0.975 -0.750 -1.625 -2.100 -1.875 -2.275
    [11] -2.650 -2.500 0.825 3.075 5.900 9.400 11.075 13.850 15.725 19.075
    [1] 17 18 19 20
     [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
    > ### Example 2: V-Mask CUSUM chart based on a data matrix.
    > # A wood products company manufactures charcoal briquettes for barbecues. It packages these
    > # briquettes in bags of various sizes, the largest of which is supposed to contain 40 lbs.
    > # The weights of bags from 16 different samples, each of size n=4 are given in below.
    > n = 4
    > m = 16
    > mu0 = 40
    > sigma = .5
    > Data = c( 40.77, 39.95, 40.86, 39.21,
    + 38.94, 39.70, 40.37, 39.88,
    + 40.43, 40.27, 40.91, 40.05,
    + 39.55, 40.10, 39.39, 40.89,
    + 41.01, 39.07, 39.85, 40.32,
    + 39.06, 39.90, 39.84, 40.22,
    + 39.63, 39.42, 40.04, 39.50,
    + 41.05, 40.74, 40.43, 39.40,
    + 40.28, 40.89, 39.61, 40.48,
    + 39.28, 40.49, 38.88, 40.72,
    + 40.57, 40.04, 40.85, 40.51,
    + 39.90, 40.67, 40.51, 40.53,
    + 40.70, 40.54, 40.73, 40.45,
    + 39.58, 40.90, 39.62, 39.83,
    + 40.16, 40.69, 40.37, 39.69,
    + 40.46, 40.21, 40.09, 40.58 )
    > M = matrix(Data, ncol=n, byrow=TRUE)
    > M
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
     [1,] 40.77 39.95 40.86 39.21
     [2,] 38.94 39.70 40.37 39.88
     [3,] 40.43 40.27 40.91 40.05
     [4,] 39.55 40.10 39.39 40.89
     [5,] 41.01 39.07 39.85 40.32
     [6,] 39.06 39.90 39.84 40.22
     [7,] 39.63 39.42 40.04 39.50
     [8,] 41.05 40.74 40.43 39.40
     [9,] 40.28 40.89 39.61 40.48
    [10,] 39.28 40.49 38.88 40.72
    [11,] 40.57 40.04 40.85 40.51
    [12,] 39.90 40.67 40.51 40.53
    [13,] 40.70 40.54 40.73 40.45
    [14,] 39.58 40.90 39.62 39.83
    [15,] 40.16 40.69 40.37 39.69
    [16,] 40.46 40.21 40.09 40.58
    > # Control Chart:
    > ( LCL = mu0 - 3*sigma/sqrt(n) )
    [1] 39.25
    > ( UCL = mu0 + 3*sigma/sqrt(n) )
    [1] 40.75
    > plot(1:16,rowMeans(M), col=3, pch=16, ylim=c(LCL-.2,UCL+.2))
    > abline(h=c(mu0, LCL, UCL), col=2, lty=c(3,1,1))
    > # Three different strategies for putting v-mask on CUSUM Control Chart:
    > cumsum(rowMeans(M)-mu0)
     [1] 0.1975 -0.0800 0.3350 0.3175 0.3800 0.1350 -0.2175 0.1875 0.5025
    [10] 0.3450 0.8375 1.2400 1.8450 1.8275 2.0550 2.3900
    > vMask.method2( data=M, mu0=40, d=5.6, h=1, s=0 )
     ----------- FAILURE REPORT --------------
     --- failure: the condition has length > 1 ---
     --- srcref ---
     --- package (from environment) ---
     --- call from context ---
    vMask.method1(data, mu0, d, theta, sleep)
     --- call from argument ---
    if (class(data) == "matrix") {
     m = dim(data)[1]
     n = dim(data)[2]
     RowMeans <- rowMeans(data)
     --- R stacktrace ---
    where 1: vMask.method1(data, mu0, d, theta, sleep)
    where 2: vMask.method2(data = M, mu0 = 40, d = 5.6, h = 1, s = 0)
     --- value of length: 2 type: logical ---
    [1] TRUE FALSE
     --- function from context ---
    function (data, mu0 = mean(data), d, theta = 14, sleep = 1)
     if (class(data) == "matrix") {
     m = dim(data)[1]
     n = dim(data)[2]
     RowMeans <- rowMeans(data)
     if (class(data) == "numeric" | class(data) == "integer") {
     m = length(data)
     n = 1
     RowMeans <- data
     theta <- deg2rad(theta)
     h = d * tan(theta)
     c = cumsum(RowMeans - mu0) = c(0, m + d + 5) = c(min(c) - h * (m - 1 + d)/d, max(c) + h * (m - 1 +
     BackColor = rep(1, m)
     for (i in 1:m) {
     plot(,, type = "n", xlab = "i", ylab = expression(c[i]),
     main = list(paste("CUSUM control chart and V-Mask on point (",
     i, ", c", i, ")")))
     lines(1:m, c, type = "b", col = 1, cex = 1.3, pch = 21,
     bg = BackColor)
     points(i, c[i], type = "p", cex = 2, col = 1, pch = 21,
     bg = 7)
     x.Mask <- c(i + d, 1, i + d + 4, i + d + 4, 1)
     y.Mask <- c(c[i], c[i] + h * (i - 1 + d)/d, c[i] + h *
     (i - 1 + d)/d, c[i] - h * (i - 1 + d)/d, c[i] - h *
     (i - 1 + d)/d)
     polygon(x.Mask, y.Mask, border = 2, col = "coral1", lwd = 1,
     density = c(10, 20), angle = c(-45, 45))
     lines(c(i, i + d), c(c[i], c[i]), col = "gray60", lty = 2)
     lines(c(i, i), c(c[i] + h, c[i] - h), col = "gray60",
     lty = 2)
     for (j in 1:i) {
     LCL <- c[i] - h * (i - j + d)/d
     UCL <- c[i] + h * (i - j + d)/d
     if (!(LCL <= c[j] & c[j] <= UCL)) {
     for (jj in 1:i) {
     LCL <- c[i] - h * (i - jj + d)/d
     UCL <- c[i] + h * (i - jj + d)/d
     if (!(LCL <= c[jj] & c[jj] <= UCL))
     points(jj, c[jj], type = "p", cex = 1.6,
     col = 1, pch = 21, bg = "turquoise1")
     BackColor[i] = 2
     else {
     BackColor[i] = "green3"
     if (sleep == "PressEnter") {
     cat("Press [enter] in 'R Console' to continue")
     line <- readline()
     else {
     return(list(h = h, c = c, OutControl = which(BackColor ==
     2), InControl = which(BackColor == "green3")))
    <bytecode: 0x28f7770>
    <environment: namespace:vMask>
     --- function search by body ---
    Function vMask.method1 in namespace vMask has this body.
     ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT --------------
    Error in if (class(data) == "matrix") { : the condition has length > 1
    Calls: vMask.method2 -> vMask.method1
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc