Last updated on 2020-03-29 12:46:27 CEST.
Flavor | Version | Tinstall | Tcheck | Ttotal | Status | Flags |
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang | 2019.7.3 | ERROR | ||||
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc | 2019.7.3 | 17.98 | 142.20 | 160.18 | ERROR | |
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang | 2019.7.3 | 249.15 | ERROR | |||
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc | 2019.7.3 | 243.11 | ERROR | |||
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64 | 2019.7.3 | 36.00 | 209.00 | 245.00 | ERROR | |
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64-gcc8 | 2019.7.3 | 34.00 | 342.00 | 376.00 | OK | |
r-patched-linux-x86_64 | 2019.7.3 | 20.50 | 185.95 | 206.45 | ERROR | |
r-patched-solaris-x86 | 2019.7.3 | 326.60 | ERROR | |||
r-release-linux-x86_64 | 2019.7.3 | 18.47 | 270.51 | 288.98 | OK | |
r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64 | 2019.7.3 | 42.00 | 445.00 | 487.00 | OK | |
r-release-osx-x86_64 | 2019.7.3 | NOTE | ||||
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 | 2019.7.3 | 41.00 | 383.00 | 424.00 | OK | |
r-oldrel-osx-x86_64 | 2019.7.3 | NOTE |
Version: 2019.7.3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
Running examples in 'animint2-Ex.R' failed
The error most likely occurred in:
> base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
> ### Name: aes
> ### Title: Define aesthetic mappings.
> ### Aliases: aes
> ### ** Examples
> aes(x = mpg, y = wt)
* x -> mpg
* y -> wt
> aes(mpg, wt)
* x -> mpg
* y -> wt
> # You can also map aesthetics to functions of variables
> aes(x = mpg ^ 2, y = wt / cyl)
* x -> mpg^2
* y -> wt/cyl
> # Aesthetic names are automatically standardised
> aes(col = x)
* colour -> x
> aes(fg = x)
* colour -> x
> aes(color = x)
* colour -> x
> aes(colour = x)
* colour -> x
> # aes is almost always used with ggplot() or a layer
> ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point()
Error in unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data")) :
Invalid unit
Calls: <Anonymous> ... [ -> [.unit -> upgradeUnit -> upgradeUnit.unit -> unit
Execution halted
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc, r-patched-linux-x86_64
Version: 2019.7.3
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
Running 'testthat.R' [95s/111s]
Running the tests in 'tests/testthat.R' failed.
Complete output:
> library(testthat)
> test_check("animint2", filter="compiler")
Loading required package: animint2
[1] "aesthetics"
mapping: x = Sepal.Length, y = Petal.Length
geom_point: na.rm = FALSE
stat_identity: na.rm = FALSE
[1] "foo"
[1] "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width" "Petal.Length" "Petal.Width" "Species"
[1] "animation"
[1] "compiler errors"
mapping: x = letter, y = count, fill = stack, key = key, showSelected1 = facet
geom_bar: width = NULL, na.rm = FALSE
stat_identity: na.rm = FALSE
-- 1. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fy) not equal to c("C", "B", "A")[lay$ROW].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "A"
y[1]: "C"
x[2]: "A"
y[2]: "C"
x[3]: "A"
y[3]: "C"
x[7]: "C"
y[7]: "A"
x[8]: "C"
y[8]: "A"
-- 2. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$COL].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
x[4]: "a"
y[4]: "c"
x[6]: "c"
y[6]: "a"
x[7]: "a"
y[7]: "c"
-- 3. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fy) not equal to c("B", "C", "A")[lay$ROW].
9/9 mismatches
x[1]: "A"
y[1]: "B"
x[2]: "A"
y[2]: "B"
x[3]: "A"
y[3]: "B"
x[4]: "B"
y[4]: "C"
x[5]: "B"
y[5]: "C"
-- 4. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("a", "c", "b")[lay$COL].
6/9 mismatches
x[2]: "b"
y[2]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "b"
x[5]: "b"
y[5]: "c"
x[6]: "c"
y[6]: "b"
x[8]: "b"
y[8]: "c"
-- 5. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fy) not equal to c("C", "B", "A")[lay$ROW].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "A"
y[1]: "C"
x[2]: "A"
y[2]: "C"
x[3]: "A"
y[3]: "C"
x[7]: "C"
y[7]: "A"
x[8]: "C"
y[8]: "A"
-- 6. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$COL].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
x[4]: "a"
y[4]: "c"
x[6]: "c"
y[6]: "a"
x[7]: "a"
y[7]: "c"
-- 7. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$PANEL].
2/3 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
-- 8. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("a", "c", "b")[lay$PANEL].
2/3 mismatches
x[2]: "b"
y[2]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "b"
-- 9. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$PANEL].
2/3 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
-- 10. Error: facet_wrap() builds correct output (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(wrap), wrap_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(wrap)
6. animint2:::facet_render.wrap(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.wrap(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(...)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. coord$render_axis_h(panel$ranges[[i]], theme)
12. animint2:::f(...)
13. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
14. animint2:::element_render(...)
18. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
19. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
22. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
24. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
25. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
-- 11. Error: facet_wrap() switches to 'x' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#45) -
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(wrap_x), wrap_x_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(wrap_x)
6. animint2:::facet_render.wrap(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.wrap(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(...)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. coord$render_axis_h(panel$ranges[[i]], theme)
12. animint2:::f(...)
13. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
14. animint2:::element_render(...)
18. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
19. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
22. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
24. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
25. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
-- 12. Error: facet_wrap() switches to 'y' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#58) -
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(wrap_y), wrap_y_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(wrap_y)
6. animint2:::facet_render.wrap(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.wrap(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(...)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. coord$render_axis_h(panel$ranges[[i]], theme)
12. animint2:::f(...)
13. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
14. animint2:::element_render(...)
18. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
19. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
22. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
24. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
25. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
-- 13. Error: facet_grid() builds correct output (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid), grid_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
-- 14. Error: facet_grid() switches to 'x' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#85) -
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid_x), grid_x_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid_x)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
-- 15. Error: facet_grid() switches to 'y' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#98) -
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid_y), grid_y_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid_y)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
-- 16. Error: facet_grid() switches to both 'x' and 'y' (@test-compiler-facet-st
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid_xy), grid_xy_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid_xy)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
[1] "geom line"
-- 17. Error: ggsave creates file (@test-compiler-ggsave.R#10) ----------------
Invalid unit
1. animint2::ggsave(path, p, device = "pdf", width = 5, height = 5)
3. animint2:::grid.draw.gganimintplot(plot)
5. animint2:::print.gganimintplot(x)
6. animint2::ggplot_gtable(data)
8. animint2:::facet_render.null(...)
9. coord$render_axis_h(range, theme)
10. animint2:::f(...)
11. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
12. animint2:::element_render(...)
16. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
17. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
20. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
22. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
23. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
[1] "plot named timexxx"
[1] "plot names"
[1] "geom_point(aes(fill=numeric))"
[1] "compiler print"
[1] "save separate chunks"
-- 18. Failure: identity scale preserves input values (@test-compiler-scales.r#6
d1$size not equal to as.numeric(df$z).
3/3 mismatches (average diff: NaN)
[1] 1 - NA == NA
[2] 2 - NA == NA
[3] 3 - NA == NA
-- 19. Failure: identity scale preserves input values (@test-compiler-scales.r#6
d1$alpha not equal to as.numeric(df$z).
3/3 mismatches (average diff: NaN)
[1] 1 - NA == NA
[2] 2 - NA == NA
[3] 3 - NA == NA
[1] "selectors"
[1] "stat_summary"
[1] "compiler unlink previous"
== testthat results ===========================================================
[ OK: 732 | SKIPPED: 7 | WARNINGS: 13 | FAILED: 19 ]
1. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#118)
2. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#119)
3. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#126)
4. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#127)
5. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#134)
6. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#135)
7. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#148)
8. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#154)
9. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#160)
1. ...
Error: testthat unit tests failed
Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang
Version: 2019.7.3
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
Running ‘testthat.R’ [67s/99s]
Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
Complete output:
> library(testthat)
> test_check("animint2", filter="compiler")
Loading required package: animint2
[1] "aesthetics"
mapping: x = Sepal.Length, y = Petal.Length
geom_point: na.rm = FALSE
stat_identity: na.rm = FALSE
[1] "foo"
[1] "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width" "Petal.Length" "Petal.Width" "Species"
[1] "animation"
[1] "compiler errors"
mapping: x = letter, y = count, fill = stack, key = key, showSelected1 = facet
geom_bar: width = NULL, na.rm = FALSE
stat_identity: na.rm = FALSE
── 1. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fy) not equal to c("C", "B", "A")[lay$ROW].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "A"
y[1]: "C"
x[2]: "A"
y[2]: "C"
x[3]: "A"
y[3]: "C"
x[7]: "C"
y[7]: "A"
x[8]: "C"
y[8]: "A"
── 2. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$COL].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
x[4]: "a"
y[4]: "c"
x[6]: "c"
y[6]: "a"
x[7]: "a"
y[7]: "c"
── 3. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fy) not equal to c("B", "C", "A")[lay$ROW].
9/9 mismatches
x[1]: "A"
y[1]: "B"
x[2]: "A"
y[2]: "B"
x[3]: "A"
y[3]: "B"
x[4]: "B"
y[4]: "C"
x[5]: "B"
y[5]: "C"
── 4. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("a", "c", "b")[lay$COL].
6/9 mismatches
x[2]: "b"
y[2]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "b"
x[5]: "b"
y[5]: "c"
x[6]: "c"
y[6]: "b"
x[8]: "b"
y[8]: "c"
── 5. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fy) not equal to c("C", "B", "A")[lay$ROW].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "A"
y[1]: "C"
x[2]: "A"
y[2]: "C"
x[3]: "A"
y[3]: "C"
x[7]: "C"
y[7]: "A"
x[8]: "C"
y[8]: "A"
── 6. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$COL].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
x[4]: "a"
y[4]: "c"
x[6]: "c"
y[6]: "a"
x[7]: "a"
y[7]: "c"
── 7. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$PANEL].
2/3 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
── 8. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("a", "c", "b")[lay$PANEL].
2/3 mismatches
x[2]: "b"
y[2]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "b"
── 9. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$PANEL].
2/3 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
── 10. Error: facet_wrap() builds correct output (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(wrap), wrap_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(wrap)
6. animint2:::facet_render.wrap(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.wrap(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(...)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. coord$render_axis_h(panel$ranges[[i]], theme)
12. animint2:::f(...)
13. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
14. animint2:::element_render(...)
18. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
19. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
22. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
24. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
25. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 11. Error: facet_wrap() switches to 'x' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#45) ─
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(wrap_x), wrap_x_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(wrap_x)
6. animint2:::facet_render.wrap(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.wrap(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(...)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. coord$render_axis_h(panel$ranges[[i]], theme)
12. animint2:::f(...)
13. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
14. animint2:::element_render(...)
18. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
19. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
22. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
24. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
25. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 12. Error: facet_wrap() switches to 'y' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#58) ─
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(wrap_y), wrap_y_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(wrap_y)
6. animint2:::facet_render.wrap(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.wrap(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(...)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. coord$render_axis_h(panel$ranges[[i]], theme)
12. animint2:::f(...)
13. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
14. animint2:::element_render(...)
18. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
19. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
22. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
24. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
25. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 13. Error: facet_grid() builds correct output (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid), grid_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 14. Error: facet_grid() switches to 'x' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#85) ─
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid_x), grid_x_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid_x)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 15. Error: facet_grid() switches to 'y' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#98) ─
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid_y), grid_y_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid_y)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 16. Error: facet_grid() switches to both 'x' and 'y' (@test-compiler-facet-st
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid_xy), grid_xy_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid_xy)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
[1] "geom line"
── 17. Error: ggsave creates file (@test-compiler-ggsave.R#10) ────────────────
Invalid unit
1. animint2::ggsave(path, p, device = "pdf", width = 5, height = 5)
3. animint2:::grid.draw.gganimintplot(plot)
5. animint2:::print.gganimintplot(x)
6. animint2::ggplot_gtable(data)
8. animint2:::facet_render.null(...)
9. coord$render_axis_h(range, theme)
10. animint2:::f(...)
11. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
12. animint2:::element_render(...)
16. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
17. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
20. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
22. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
23. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
[1] "plot named timexxx"
[1] "plot names"
[1] "geom_point(aes(fill=numeric))"
[1] "compiler print"
[1] "save separate chunks"
── 18. Failure: identity scale preserves input values (@test-compiler-scales.r#6
d1$size not equal to as.numeric(df$z).
3/3 mismatches (average diff: NaN)
[1] 1 - NA == NA
[2] 2 - NA == NA
[3] 3 - NA == NA
── 19. Failure: identity scale preserves input values (@test-compiler-scales.r#6
d1$alpha not equal to as.numeric(df$z).
3/3 mismatches (average diff: NaN)
[1] 1 - NA == NA
[2] 2 - NA == NA
[3] 3 - NA == NA
[1] "selectors"
[1] "stat_summary"
[1] "compiler unlink previous"
══ testthat results ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
[ OK: 732 | SKIPPED: 7 | WARNINGS: 14 | FAILED: 19 ]
1. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#118)
2. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#119)
3. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#126)
4. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#127)
5. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#134)
6. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#135)
7. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#148)
8. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#154)
9. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#160)
1. ...
Error: testthat unit tests failed
Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc
Version: 2019.7.3
Check: dependencies in R code
Result: NOTE
Namespaces in Imports field not imported from:
‘lazyeval’ ‘tibble’
All declared Imports should be used.
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc, r-patched-solaris-x86, r-release-osx-x86_64, r-oldrel-osx-x86_64
Version: 2019.7.3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
Running examples in ‘animint2-Ex.R’ failed
The error most likely occurred in:
> ### Name: aes
> ### Title: Define aesthetic mappings.
> ### Aliases: aes
> ### ** Examples
> aes(x = mpg, y = wt)
* x -> mpg
* y -> wt
> aes(mpg, wt)
* x -> mpg
* y -> wt
> # You can also map aesthetics to functions of variables
> aes(x = mpg ^ 2, y = wt / cyl)
* x -> mpg^2
* y -> wt/cyl
> # Aesthetic names are automatically standardised
> aes(col = x)
* colour -> x
> aes(fg = x)
* colour -> x
> aes(color = x)
* colour -> x
> aes(colour = x)
* colour -> x
> # aes is almost always used with ggplot() or a layer
> ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point()
Error in unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data")) :
Invalid unit
Calls: <Anonymous> ... [ -> [.unit -> upgradeUnit -> upgradeUnit.unit -> unit
Execution halted
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc, r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64, r-patched-solaris-x86
Version: 2019.7.3
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
Running ‘testthat.R’ [107s/127s]
Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
Complete output:
> library(testthat)
> test_check("animint2", filter="compiler")
Loading required package: animint2
[1] "aesthetics"
mapping: x = Sepal.Length, y = Petal.Length
geom_point: na.rm = FALSE
stat_identity: na.rm = FALSE
[1] "foo"
[1] "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width" "Petal.Length" "Petal.Width" "Species"
[1] "animation"
[1] "compiler errors"
mapping: x = letter, y = count, fill = stack, key = key, showSelected1 = facet
geom_bar: width = NULL, na.rm = FALSE
stat_identity: na.rm = FALSE
── 1. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fy) not equal to c("C", "B", "A")[lay$ROW].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "A"
y[1]: "C"
x[2]: "A"
y[2]: "C"
x[3]: "A"
y[3]: "C"
x[7]: "C"
y[7]: "A"
x[8]: "C"
y[8]: "A"
── 2. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$COL].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
x[4]: "a"
y[4]: "c"
x[6]: "c"
y[6]: "a"
x[7]: "a"
y[7]: "c"
── 3. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fy) not equal to c("B", "C", "A")[lay$ROW].
9/9 mismatches
x[1]: "A"
y[1]: "B"
x[2]: "A"
y[2]: "B"
x[3]: "A"
y[3]: "B"
x[4]: "B"
y[4]: "C"
x[5]: "B"
y[5]: "C"
── 4. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("a", "c", "b")[lay$COL].
6/9 mismatches
x[2]: "b"
y[2]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "b"
x[5]: "b"
y[5]: "c"
x[6]: "c"
y[6]: "b"
x[8]: "b"
y[8]: "c"
── 5. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fy) not equal to c("C", "B", "A")[lay$ROW].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "A"
y[1]: "C"
x[2]: "A"
y[2]: "C"
x[3]: "A"
y[3]: "C"
x[7]: "C"
y[7]: "A"
x[8]: "C"
y[8]: "A"
── 6. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$COL].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
x[4]: "a"
y[4]: "c"
x[6]: "c"
y[6]: "a"
x[7]: "a"
y[7]: "c"
── 7. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$PANEL].
2/3 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
── 8. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("a", "c", "b")[lay$PANEL].
2/3 mismatches
x[2]: "b"
y[2]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "b"
── 9. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$PANEL].
2/3 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
── 10. Error: facet_wrap() builds correct output (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(wrap), wrap_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(wrap)
6. animint2:::facet_render.wrap(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.wrap(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(...)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. coord$render_axis_h(panel$ranges[[i]], theme)
12. animint2:::f(...)
13. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
14. animint2:::element_render(...)
18. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
19. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
22. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
24. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
25. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 11. Error: facet_wrap() switches to 'x' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#45) ─
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(wrap_x), wrap_x_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(wrap_x)
6. animint2:::facet_render.wrap(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.wrap(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(...)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. coord$render_axis_h(panel$ranges[[i]], theme)
12. animint2:::f(...)
13. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
14. animint2:::element_render(...)
18. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
19. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
22. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
24. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
25. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 12. Error: facet_wrap() switches to 'y' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#58) ─
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(wrap_y), wrap_y_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(wrap_y)
6. animint2:::facet_render.wrap(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.wrap(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(...)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. coord$render_axis_h(panel$ranges[[i]], theme)
12. animint2:::f(...)
13. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
14. animint2:::element_render(...)
18. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
19. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
22. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
24. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
25. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 13. Error: facet_grid() builds correct output (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid), grid_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 14. Error: facet_grid() switches to 'x' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#85) ─
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid_x), grid_x_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid_x)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 15. Error: facet_grid() switches to 'y' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#98) ─
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid_y), grid_y_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid_y)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 16. Error: facet_grid() switches to both 'x' and 'y' (@test-compiler-facet-st
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid_xy), grid_xy_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid_xy)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
[1] "geom line"
── 17. Error: ggsave creates file (@test-compiler-ggsave.R#10) ────────────────
Invalid unit
1. animint2::ggsave(path, p, device = "pdf", width = 5, height = 5)
3. animint2:::grid.draw.gganimintplot(plot)
5. animint2:::print.gganimintplot(x)
6. animint2::ggplot_gtable(data)
8. animint2:::facet_render.null(...)
9. coord$render_axis_h(range, theme)
10. animint2:::f(...)
11. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
12. animint2:::element_render(...)
16. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
17. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
20. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
22. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
23. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
[1] "plot named timexxx"
[1] "plot names"
[1] "geom_point(aes(fill=numeric))"
[1] "compiler print"
[1] "save separate chunks"
── 18. Failure: identity scale preserves input values (@test-compiler-scales.r#6
d1$size not equal to as.numeric(df$z).
3/3 mismatches (average diff: NaN)
[1] 1 - NA == NA
[2] 2 - NA == NA
[3] 3 - NA == NA
── 19. Failure: identity scale preserves input values (@test-compiler-scales.r#6
d1$alpha not equal to as.numeric(df$z).
3/3 mismatches (average diff: NaN)
[1] 1 - NA == NA
[2] 2 - NA == NA
[3] 3 - NA == NA
[1] "selectors"
[1] "stat_summary"
[1] "compiler unlink previous"
══ testthat results ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
[ OK: 732 | SKIPPED: 7 | WARNINGS: 14 | FAILED: 19 ]
1. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#118)
2. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#119)
3. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#126)
4. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#127)
5. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#134)
6. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#135)
7. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#148)
8. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#154)
9. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#160)
1. ...
Error: testthat unit tests failed
Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang
Version: 2019.7.3
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
Running ‘testthat.R’ [105s/124s]
Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
Complete output:
> library(testthat)
> test_check("animint2", filter="compiler")
Loading required package: animint2
[1] "aesthetics"
mapping: x = Sepal.Length, y = Petal.Length
geom_point: na.rm = FALSE
stat_identity: na.rm = FALSE
[1] "foo"
[1] "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width" "Petal.Length" "Petal.Width" "Species"
[1] "animation"
[1] "compiler errors"
mapping: x = letter, y = count, fill = stack, key = key, showSelected1 = facet
geom_bar: width = NULL, na.rm = FALSE
stat_identity: na.rm = FALSE
── 1. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fy) not equal to c("C", "B", "A")[lay$ROW].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "A"
y[1]: "C"
x[2]: "A"
y[2]: "C"
x[3]: "A"
y[3]: "C"
x[7]: "C"
y[7]: "A"
x[8]: "C"
y[8]: "A"
── 2. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$COL].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
x[4]: "a"
y[4]: "c"
x[6]: "c"
y[6]: "a"
x[7]: "a"
y[7]: "c"
── 3. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fy) not equal to c("B", "C", "A")[lay$ROW].
9/9 mismatches
x[1]: "A"
y[1]: "B"
x[2]: "A"
y[2]: "B"
x[3]: "A"
y[3]: "B"
x[4]: "B"
y[4]: "C"
x[5]: "B"
y[5]: "C"
── 4. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("a", "c", "b")[lay$COL].
6/9 mismatches
x[2]: "b"
y[2]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "b"
x[5]: "b"
y[5]: "c"
x[6]: "c"
y[6]: "b"
x[8]: "b"
y[8]: "c"
── 5. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fy) not equal to c("C", "B", "A")[lay$ROW].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "A"
y[1]: "C"
x[2]: "A"
y[2]: "C"
x[3]: "A"
y[3]: "C"
x[7]: "C"
y[7]: "A"
x[8]: "C"
y[8]: "A"
── 6. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$COL].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
x[4]: "a"
y[4]: "c"
x[6]: "c"
y[6]: "a"
x[7]: "a"
y[7]: "c"
── 7. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$PANEL].
2/3 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
── 8. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("a", "c", "b")[lay$PANEL].
2/3 mismatches
x[2]: "b"
y[2]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "b"
── 9. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$PANEL].
2/3 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
── 10. Error: facet_wrap() builds correct output (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(wrap), wrap_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(wrap)
6. animint2:::facet_render.wrap(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.wrap(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(...)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. coord$render_axis_h(panel$ranges[[i]], theme)
12. animint2:::f(...)
13. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
14. animint2:::element_render(...)
18. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
19. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
22. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
24. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
25. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 11. Error: facet_wrap() switches to 'x' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#45) ─
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(wrap_x), wrap_x_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(wrap_x)
6. animint2:::facet_render.wrap(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.wrap(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(...)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. coord$render_axis_h(panel$ranges[[i]], theme)
12. animint2:::f(...)
13. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
14. animint2:::element_render(...)
18. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
19. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
22. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
24. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
25. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 12. Error: facet_wrap() switches to 'y' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#58) ─
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(wrap_y), wrap_y_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(wrap_y)
6. animint2:::facet_render.wrap(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.wrap(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(...)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. coord$render_axis_h(panel$ranges[[i]], theme)
12. animint2:::f(...)
13. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
14. animint2:::element_render(...)
18. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
19. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
22. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
24. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
25. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 13. Error: facet_grid() builds correct output (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid), grid_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 14. Error: facet_grid() switches to 'x' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#85) ─
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid_x), grid_x_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid_x)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 15. Error: facet_grid() switches to 'y' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#98) ─
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid_y), grid_y_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid_y)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 16. Error: facet_grid() switches to both 'x' and 'y' (@test-compiler-facet-st
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid_xy), grid_xy_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid_xy)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
[1] "geom line"
── 17. Error: ggsave creates file (@test-compiler-ggsave.R#10) ────────────────
Invalid unit
1. animint2::ggsave(path, p, device = "pdf", width = 5, height = 5)
3. animint2:::grid.draw.gganimintplot(plot)
5. animint2:::print.gganimintplot(x)
6. animint2::ggplot_gtable(data)
8. animint2:::facet_render.null(...)
9. coord$render_axis_h(range, theme)
10. animint2:::f(...)
11. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
12. animint2:::element_render(...)
16. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
17. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
20. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
22. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
23. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
[1] "plot named timexxx"
[1] "plot names"
[1] "geom_point(aes(fill=numeric))"
[1] "compiler print"
[1] "save separate chunks"
── 18. Failure: identity scale preserves input values (@test-compiler-scales.r#6
d1$size not equal to as.numeric(df$z).
3/3 mismatches (average diff: NaN)
[1] 1 - NA == NA
[2] 2 - NA == NA
[3] 3 - NA == NA
── 19. Failure: identity scale preserves input values (@test-compiler-scales.r#6
d1$alpha not equal to as.numeric(df$z).
3/3 mismatches (average diff: NaN)
[1] 1 - NA == NA
[2] 2 - NA == NA
[3] 3 - NA == NA
[1] "selectors"
[1] "stat_summary"
[1] "compiler unlink previous"
══ testthat results ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
[ OK: 732 | SKIPPED: 7 | WARNINGS: 13 | FAILED: 19 ]
1. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#118)
2. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#119)
3. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#126)
4. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#127)
5. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#134)
6. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#135)
7. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#148)
8. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#154)
9. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#160)
1. ...
Error: testthat unit tests failed
Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc
Version: 2019.7.3
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
Running 'testthat.R' [100s]
Running the tests in 'tests/testthat.R' failed.
Complete output:
> library(testthat)
> test_check("animint2", filter="compiler")
Loading required package: animint2
[1] "aesthetics"
mapping: x = Sepal.Length, y = Petal.Length
geom_point: na.rm = FALSE
stat_identity: na.rm = FALSE
[1] "foo"
[1] "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width" "Petal.Length" "Petal.Width" "Species"
[1] "animation"
[1] "compiler errors"
mapping: x = letter, y = count, fill = stack, key = key, showSelected1 = facet
geom_bar: width = NULL, na.rm = FALSE
stat_identity: na.rm = FALSE
-- 1. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fy) not equal to c("C", "B", "A")[lay$ROW].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "A"
y[1]: "C"
x[2]: "A"
y[2]: "C"
x[3]: "A"
y[3]: "C"
x[7]: "C"
y[7]: "A"
x[8]: "C"
y[8]: "A"
-- 2. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$COL].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
x[4]: "a"
y[4]: "c"
x[6]: "c"
y[6]: "a"
x[7]: "a"
y[7]: "c"
-- 3. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fy) not equal to c("B", "C", "A")[lay$ROW].
9/9 mismatches
x[1]: "A"
y[1]: "B"
x[2]: "A"
y[2]: "B"
x[3]: "A"
y[3]: "B"
x[4]: "B"
y[4]: "C"
x[5]: "B"
y[5]: "C"
-- 4. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("a", "c", "b")[lay$COL].
6/9 mismatches
x[2]: "b"
y[2]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "b"
x[5]: "b"
y[5]: "c"
x[6]: "c"
y[6]: "b"
x[8]: "b"
y[8]: "c"
-- 5. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fy) not equal to c("C", "B", "A")[lay$ROW].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "A"
y[1]: "C"
x[2]: "A"
y[2]: "C"
x[3]: "A"
y[3]: "C"
x[7]: "C"
y[7]: "A"
x[8]: "C"
y[8]: "A"
-- 6. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$COL].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
x[4]: "a"
y[4]: "c"
x[6]: "c"
y[6]: "a"
x[7]: "a"
y[7]: "c"
-- 7. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$PANEL].
2/3 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
-- 8. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("a", "c", "b")[lay$PANEL].
2/3 mismatches
x[2]: "b"
y[2]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "b"
-- 9. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$PANEL].
2/3 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
-- 10. Error: facet_wrap() builds correct output (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(wrap), wrap_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(wrap)
6. animint2:::facet_render.wrap(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.wrap(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(...)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. coord$render_axis_h(panel$ranges[[i]], theme)
12. animint2:::f(...)
13. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
14. animint2:::element_render(...)
18. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
19. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
22. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
24. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
25. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
-- 11. Error: facet_wrap() switches to 'x' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#45) -
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(wrap_x), wrap_x_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(wrap_x)
6. animint2:::facet_render.wrap(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.wrap(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(...)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. coord$render_axis_h(panel$ranges[[i]], theme)
12. animint2:::f(...)
13. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
14. animint2:::element_render(...)
18. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
19. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
22. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
24. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
25. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
-- 12. Error: facet_wrap() switches to 'y' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#58) -
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(wrap_y), wrap_y_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(wrap_y)
6. animint2:::facet_render.wrap(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.wrap(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(...)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. coord$render_axis_h(panel$ranges[[i]], theme)
12. animint2:::f(...)
13. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
14. animint2:::element_render(...)
18. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
19. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
22. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
24. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
25. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
-- 13. Error: facet_grid() builds correct output (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid), grid_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
-- 14. Error: facet_grid() switches to 'x' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#85) -
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid_x), grid_x_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid_x)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
-- 15. Error: facet_grid() switches to 'y' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#98) -
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid_y), grid_y_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid_y)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
-- 16. Error: facet_grid() switches to both 'x' and 'y' (@test-compiler-facet-st
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid_xy), grid_xy_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid_xy)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
[1] "geom line"
-- 17. Error: ggsave creates file (@test-compiler-ggsave.R#10) ----------------
Invalid unit
1. animint2::ggsave(path, p, device = "pdf", width = 5, height = 5)
3. animint2:::grid.draw.gganimintplot(plot)
5. animint2:::print.gganimintplot(x)
6. animint2::ggplot_gtable(data)
8. animint2:::facet_render.null(...)
9. coord$render_axis_h(range, theme)
10. animint2:::f(...)
11. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
12. animint2:::element_render(...)
16. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
17. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
20. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
22. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
23. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
[1] "plot named timexxx"
[1] "plot names"
[1] "geom_point(aes(fill=numeric))"
[1] "compiler print"
[1] "save separate chunks"
-- 18. Failure: identity scale preserves input values (@test-compiler-scales.r#6
d1$size not equal to as.numeric(df$z).
3/3 mismatches (average diff: NaN)
[1] 1 - NA == NA
[2] 2 - NA == NA
[3] 3 - NA == NA
-- 19. Failure: identity scale preserves input values (@test-compiler-scales.r#6
d1$alpha not equal to as.numeric(df$z).
3/3 mismatches (average diff: NaN)
[1] 1 - NA == NA
[2] 2 - NA == NA
[3] 3 - NA == NA
[1] "selectors"
[1] "stat_summary"
[1] "compiler unlink previous"
== testthat results ===========================================================
[ OK: 732 | SKIPPED: 7 | WARNINGS: 13 | FAILED: 19 ]
1. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#118)
2. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#119)
3. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#126)
4. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#127)
5. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#134)
6. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#135)
7. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#148)
8. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#154)
9. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#160)
1. ...
Error: testthat unit tests failed
Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64
Version: 2019.7.3
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
Running ‘testthat.R’ [91s/100s]
Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
Complete output:
> library(testthat)
> test_check("animint2", filter="compiler")
Loading required package: animint2
[1] "aesthetics"
mapping: x = Sepal.Length, y = Petal.Length
geom_point: na.rm = FALSE
stat_identity: na.rm = FALSE
[1] "foo"
[1] "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width" "Petal.Length" "Petal.Width" "Species"
[1] "animation"
[1] "compiler errors"
mapping: x = letter, y = count, fill = stack, key = key, showSelected1 = facet
geom_bar: width = NULL, na.rm = FALSE
stat_identity: na.rm = FALSE
── 1. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fy) not equal to c("C", "B", "A")[lay$ROW].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "A"
y[1]: "C"
x[2]: "A"
y[2]: "C"
x[3]: "A"
y[3]: "C"
x[7]: "C"
y[7]: "A"
x[8]: "C"
y[8]: "A"
── 2. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$COL].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
x[4]: "a"
y[4]: "c"
x[6]: "c"
y[6]: "a"
x[7]: "a"
y[7]: "c"
── 3. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fy) not equal to c("B", "C", "A")[lay$ROW].
9/9 mismatches
x[1]: "A"
y[1]: "B"
x[2]: "A"
y[2]: "B"
x[3]: "A"
y[3]: "B"
x[4]: "B"
y[4]: "C"
x[5]: "B"
y[5]: "C"
── 4. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("a", "c", "b")[lay$COL].
6/9 mismatches
x[2]: "b"
y[2]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "b"
x[5]: "b"
y[5]: "c"
x[6]: "c"
y[6]: "b"
x[8]: "b"
y[8]: "c"
── 5. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fy) not equal to c("C", "B", "A")[lay$ROW].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "A"
y[1]: "C"
x[2]: "A"
y[2]: "C"
x[3]: "A"
y[3]: "C"
x[7]: "C"
y[7]: "A"
x[8]: "C"
y[8]: "A"
── 6. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$COL].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
x[4]: "a"
y[4]: "c"
x[6]: "c"
y[6]: "a"
x[7]: "a"
y[7]: "c"
── 7. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$PANEL].
2/3 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
── 8. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("a", "c", "b")[lay$PANEL].
2/3 mismatches
x[2]: "b"
y[2]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "b"
── 9. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$PANEL].
2/3 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
── 10. Error: facet_wrap() builds correct output (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(wrap), wrap_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(wrap)
6. animint2:::facet_render.wrap(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.wrap(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(...)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. coord$render_axis_h(panel$ranges[[i]], theme)
12. animint2:::f(...)
13. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
14. animint2:::element_render(...)
18. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
19. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
22. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
24. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
25. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 11. Error: facet_wrap() switches to 'x' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#45) ─
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(wrap_x), wrap_x_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(wrap_x)
6. animint2:::facet_render.wrap(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.wrap(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(...)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. coord$render_axis_h(panel$ranges[[i]], theme)
12. animint2:::f(...)
13. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
14. animint2:::element_render(...)
18. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
19. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
22. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
24. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
25. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 12. Error: facet_wrap() switches to 'y' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#58) ─
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(wrap_y), wrap_y_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(wrap_y)
6. animint2:::facet_render.wrap(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.wrap(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(...)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. coord$render_axis_h(panel$ranges[[i]], theme)
12. animint2:::f(...)
13. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
14. animint2:::element_render(...)
18. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
19. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
22. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
24. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
25. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 13. Error: facet_grid() builds correct output (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid), grid_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 14. Error: facet_grid() switches to 'x' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#85) ─
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid_x), grid_x_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid_x)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 15. Error: facet_grid() switches to 'y' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#98) ─
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid_y), grid_y_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid_y)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 16. Error: facet_grid() switches to both 'x' and 'y' (@test-compiler-facet-st
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid_xy), grid_xy_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid_xy)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
[1] "geom line"
── 17. Error: ggsave creates file (@test-compiler-ggsave.R#10) ────────────────
Invalid unit
1. animint2::ggsave(path, p, device = "pdf", width = 5, height = 5)
3. animint2:::grid.draw.gganimintplot(plot)
5. animint2:::print.gganimintplot(x)
6. animint2::ggplot_gtable(data)
8. animint2:::facet_render.null(...)
9. coord$render_axis_h(range, theme)
10. animint2:::f(...)
11. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
12. animint2:::element_render(...)
16. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
17. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
20. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
22. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
23. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
[1] "plot named timexxx"
[1] "plot names"
[1] "geom_point(aes(fill=numeric))"
[1] "compiler print"
[1] "save separate chunks"
── 18. Failure: identity scale preserves input values (@test-compiler-scales.r#6
d1$size not equal to as.numeric(df$z).
3/3 mismatches (average diff: NaN)
[1] 1 - NA == NA
[2] 2 - NA == NA
[3] 3 - NA == NA
── 19. Failure: identity scale preserves input values (@test-compiler-scales.r#6
d1$alpha not equal to as.numeric(df$z).
3/3 mismatches (average diff: NaN)
[1] 1 - NA == NA
[2] 2 - NA == NA
[3] 3 - NA == NA
[1] "selectors"
[1] "stat_summary"
[1] "compiler unlink previous"
══ testthat results ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
[ OK: 732 | SKIPPED: 7 | WARNINGS: 14 | FAILED: 19 ]
1. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#118)
2. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#119)
3. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#126)
4. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#127)
5. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#134)
6. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#135)
7. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#148)
8. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#154)
9. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#160)
1. ...
Error: testthat unit tests failed
Execution halted
Flavor: r-patched-linux-x86_64
Version: 2019.7.3
Check: installed package size
Result: NOTE
installed size is 5.3Mb
sub-directories of 1Mb or more:
R 1.0Mb
data 2.9Mb
Flavor: r-patched-solaris-x86
Version: 2019.7.3
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
Running ‘testthat.R’ [147s/209s]
Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
Complete output:
> library(testthat)
> test_check("animint2", filter="compiler")
Loading required package: animint2
[1] "aesthetics"
mapping: x = Sepal.Length, y = Petal.Length
geom_point: na.rm = FALSE
stat_identity: na.rm = FALSE
[1] "foo"
[1] "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width" "Petal.Length" "Petal.Width" "Species"
[1] "animation"
[1] "compiler errors"
mapping: x = letter, y = count, fill = stack, key = key, showSelected1 = facet
geom_bar: width = NULL, na.rm = FALSE
stat_identity: na.rm = FALSE
── 1. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fy) not equal to c("C", "B", "A")[lay$ROW].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "A"
y[1]: "C"
x[2]: "A"
y[2]: "C"
x[3]: "A"
y[3]: "C"
x[7]: "C"
y[7]: "A"
x[8]: "C"
y[8]: "A"
── 2. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$COL].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
x[4]: "a"
y[4]: "c"
x[6]: "c"
y[6]: "a"
x[7]: "a"
y[7]: "c"
── 3. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fy) not equal to c("B", "C", "A")[lay$ROW].
9/9 mismatches
x[1]: "A"
y[1]: "B"
x[2]: "A"
y[2]: "B"
x[3]: "A"
y[3]: "B"
x[4]: "B"
y[4]: "C"
x[5]: "B"
y[5]: "C"
── 4. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("a", "c", "b")[lay$COL].
6/9 mismatches
x[2]: "b"
y[2]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "b"
x[5]: "b"
y[5]: "c"
x[6]: "c"
y[6]: "b"
x[8]: "b"
y[8]: "c"
── 5. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fy) not equal to c("C", "B", "A")[lay$ROW].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "A"
y[1]: "C"
x[2]: "A"
y[2]: "C"
x[3]: "A"
y[3]: "C"
x[7]: "C"
y[7]: "A"
x[8]: "C"
y[8]: "A"
── 6. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$COL].
6/9 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
x[4]: "a"
y[4]: "c"
x[6]: "c"
y[6]: "a"
x[7]: "a"
y[7]: "c"
── 7. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$PANEL].
2/3 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
── 8. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("a", "c", "b")[lay$PANEL].
2/3 mismatches
x[2]: "b"
y[2]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "b"
── 9. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compile
as.character(lay$fx) not equal to c("c", "b", "a")[lay$PANEL].
2/3 mismatches
x[1]: "a"
y[1]: "c"
x[3]: "c"
y[3]: "a"
── 10. Error: facet_wrap() builds correct output (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(wrap), wrap_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(wrap)
6. animint2:::facet_render.wrap(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.wrap(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(...)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. coord$render_axis_h(panel$ranges[[i]], theme)
12. animint2:::f(...)
13. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
14. animint2:::element_render(...)
18. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
19. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
22. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
24. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
25. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 11. Error: facet_wrap() switches to 'x' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#45) ─
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(wrap_x), wrap_x_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(wrap_x)
6. animint2:::facet_render.wrap(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.wrap(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(...)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. coord$render_axis_h(panel$ranges[[i]], theme)
12. animint2:::f(...)
13. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
14. animint2:::element_render(...)
18. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
19. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
22. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
24. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
25. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 12. Error: facet_wrap() switches to 'y' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#58) ─
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(wrap_y), wrap_y_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(wrap_y)
6. animint2:::facet_render.wrap(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.wrap(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(...)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. coord$render_axis_h(panel$ranges[[i]], theme)
12. animint2:::f(...)
13. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
14. animint2:::element_render(...)
18. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
19. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
22. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
24. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
25. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 13. Error: facet_grid() builds correct output (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid), grid_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 14. Error: facet_grid() switches to 'x' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#85) ─
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid_x), grid_x_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid_x)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 15. Error: facet_grid() switches to 'y' (@test-compiler-facet-strips.r#98) ─
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid_y), grid_y_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid_y)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
── 16. Error: facet_grid() switches to both 'x' and 'y' (@test-compiler-facet-st
Invalid unit
1. testthat::expect_equal(strip_layout(grid_xy), grid_xy_expected)
4. animint2:::strip_layout(grid_xy)
6. animint2:::facet_render.grid(...)
8. animint2:::facet_axes.grid(facet, panel, coord, theme)
9. base::lapply(panel$ranges[cols], coord$render_axis_h, theme = theme)
10. animint2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
11. animint2:::f(...)
12. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
13. animint2:::element_render(...)
17. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
18. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
21. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
23. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
24. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
[1] "geom line"
── 17. Error: ggsave creates file (@test-compiler-ggsave.R#10) ────────────────
Invalid unit
1. animint2::ggsave(path, p, device = "pdf", width = 5, height = 5)
3. animint2:::grid.draw.gganimintplot(plot)
5. animint2:::print.gganimintplot(x)
6. animint2::ggplot_gtable(data)
8. animint2:::facet_render.null(...)
9. coord$render_axis_h(range, theme)
10. animint2:::f(...)
11. animint2:::guide_axis(...)
12. animint2:::element_render(...)
16. animint2:::element_grob.element_text(el, ...)
17. animint2:::titleGrob(...)
20. grid:::`[.unit`(margin, 1)
22. grid:::upgradeUnit.unit(x)
23. grid::unit(unclass(x), attr(x, "unit"), attr(x, "data"))
[1] "plot named timexxx"
[1] "plot names"
[1] "geom_point(aes(fill=numeric))"
[1] "compiler print"
[1] "save separate chunks"
── 18. Failure: identity scale preserves input values (@test-compiler-scales.r#6
d1$size not equal to as.numeric(df$z).
3/3 mismatches (average diff: NaN)
[1] 1 - NA == NA
[2] 2 - NA == NA
[3] 3 - NA == NA
── 19. Failure: identity scale preserves input values (@test-compiler-scales.r#6
d1$alpha not equal to as.numeric(df$z).
3/3 mismatches (average diff: NaN)
[1] 1 - NA == NA
[2] 2 - NA == NA
[3] 3 - NA == NA
[1] "selectors"
[1] "stat_summary"
[1] "compiler unlink previous"
══ testthat results ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
[ OK: 732 | SKIPPED: 7 | WARNINGS: 13 | FAILED: 19 ]
1. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#118)
2. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#119)
3. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#126)
4. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#127)
5. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#134)
6. Failure: grid: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#135)
7. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#148)
8. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#154)
9. Failure: wrap: facet order follows default data frame order (@test-compiler-facet-locate.r#160)
1. ...
Error: testthat unit tests failed
Execution halted
Flavor: r-patched-solaris-x86