CRAN Package Check Results for Package irace

Last updated on 2020-03-29 15:50:53 CEST.

Flavor Version Tinstall Tcheck Ttotal Status Flags
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang 3.3 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc 3.3 6.56 53.16 59.72 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang 3.3 93.36 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc 3.3 91.30 ERROR
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64 3.3 18.00 78.00 96.00 ERROR
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64-gcc8 3.3 14.00 98.00 112.00 OK
r-patched-linux-x86_64 3.3 7.46 67.11 74.57 ERROR
r-patched-solaris-x86 3.3 117.50 ERROR
r-release-linux-x86_64 3.3 7.53 73.73 81.26 OK
r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64 3.3 15.00 119.00 134.00 OK
r-release-osx-x86_64 3.3 NOTE
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 3.3 14.00 114.00 128.00 OK
r-oldrel-osx-x86_64 3.3 NOTE

Check Details

Version: 3.3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in 'irace-Ex.R' failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: irace-package
    > ### Title: The irace package: Iterated Racing for Automatic Algorithm
    > ### Configuration
    > ### Aliases: irace-package
    > ### Keywords: automatic configuration optimize package tuning
    > ### ** Examples
    > #######################################################################
    > # This example illustrates how to tune the parameters of the simulated
    > # annealing algorithm (SANN) provided by the optim() function in the
    > # R base package. The goal in this example is to optimize instances of
    > # the following family:
    > # f(x) = lambda * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - lambda) * f_rosenbrock(x)
    > # where lambda follows a normal distribution whose mean is 0.9 and
    > # standard deviation is 0.02. f_rastrigin and f_rosenbrock are the
    > # well-known Rastrigin and Rosenbrock benchmark functions (taken from
    > # the cmaes package). In this scenario, different instances are given
    > # by different values of lambda.
    > #######################################################################
    > ## First we provide an implementation of the functions to be optimized:
    > f_rosenbrock <- function (x) {
    + d <- length(x)
    + z <- x + 1
    + hz <- z[1:(d - 1)]
    + tz <- z[2:d]
    + s <- sum(100 * (hz^2 - tz)^2 + (hz - 1)^2)
    + return(s)
    + }
    > f_rastrigin <- function (x) {
    + sum(x * x - 10 * cos(2 * pi * x) + 10)
    + }
    > ## We generate 200 instances (in this case, weights):
    > weights <- rnorm(200, mean = 0.9, sd = 0.02)
    > ## On this set of instances, we are interested in optimizing two
    > ## parameters of the SANN algorithm: tmax and temp. We setup the
    > ## parameter space as follows:
    > parameters.table <- '
    + tmax "" i (1, 5000)
    + temp "" r (0, 100)
    + '
    > ## We use the irace function readParameters to read this table:
    > parameters <- readParameters(text = parameters.table)
    > ## Next, we define the function that will evaluate each candidate
    > ## configuration on a single instance. For simplicity, we restrict to
    > ## three-dimensional functions and we set the maximum number of
    > ## iterations of SANN to 5000.
    > target.runner <- function(experiment, scenario)
    + {
    + instance <- experiment$instance
    + configuration <- experiment$configuration
    + D <- 3
    + par <- runif(D, min=-1, max=1)
    + fn <- function(x) {
    + weight <- instance
    + return(weight * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - weight) * f_rosenbrock(x))
    + }
    + res <- stats::optim(par,fn, method="SANN",
    + control=list(maxit=5000
    + , tmax = as.numeric(configuration[["tmax"]])
    + , temp = as.numeric(configuration[["temp"]])
    + ))
    + ## New output interface in irace 2.0. This list may also contain:
    + ## - 'time' if irace is called with 'maxTime'
    + ## - 'error' is a string used to report an error
    + ## - 'outputRaw' is a string used to report the raw output of calls to
    + ## an external program or function.
    + ## - 'call' is a string used to report how target.runner called the
    + ## external program or function.
    + return(list(cost = res$value))
    + }
    > ## We define a configuration scenario by setting targetRunner to the
    > ## function define above, instances to the first 100 random weights, and
    > ## a maximum budget of 1000 calls to targetRunner.
    > scenario <- list(targetRunner = target.runner,
    + instances = weights[1:100],
    + maxExperiments = 1000,
    + # Do not create a logFile
    + logFile = "")
    > ## We check that the scenario is valid. This will also try to execute
    > ## target.runner.
    > checkIraceScenario(scenario, parameters = parameters)
    # 2020-03-27 00:17:56 CET: Checking scenario
    ## irace scenario:
    scenarioFile = "./scenario.txt"
    parameterFile = "/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-devel-clang/Work/PKGS/irace.Rcheck/parameters.txt"
    execDir = "/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-devel-clang/Work/PKGS/irace.Rcheck"
    logFile = NULL
    recoveryFile = NULL
    instances = c(0.887470923785153, 0.903672866484442, 0.883287427751799, 0.931905616042756, 0.906590155436307, 0.88359063231764, 0.90974858104857, 0.914766494102584, 0.91151562703307, 0.893892232256873, 0.930235623369017, 0.907796864728229, 0.887575188389164, 0.85570600225645, 0.922498618362862, 0.899101327819695, 0.899676194738021, 0.918876724213706, 0.916424423901962, 0.91187802642435, 0.918379547432164, 0.915642726014621, 0.901491299667304, 0.860212966082733, 0.912396514957894, 0.89887742520942, 0.896884089865893, 0.870584952322014, 0.890436998897828, 0.908358831203994, 0.927173591030581, 0.89794424545314, 0.907753432231187, 0.898923899188342, 0.872458808863428, 0.891700108734006, 0.892114200925793, 0.898813732065776, 0.922000507439678, 0.915263514969151, 0.896709528074928, 0.89493276639727, 0.913939267508095, 0.911133263973473, 0.88622488610901, 0.885850096860758, 0.907291639242737, 0.915370658490308, 0.897753075756995, 0.917622154529084, 0.907962117607341, 0.887759472134985, 0.906822393828489, 0.877412738078384, 0.928660474034021, 0.939607997970117, 0.89265557047067, 0.879117307473669, 0.911394392548848, 0.897298907922384, 0.948032355210096, 0.899215199945337, 0.913794787249016, 0.900560043175613, 0.885134535822352, 0.903775845990287, 0.863900827422179, 0.929311097231258, 0.903065066764238, 0.943452233407243, 0.909510190577993, 0.885801071381564, 0.912214527069781, 0.881318047367115, 0.874927331995218, 0.905828924710349, 0.891134162535631, 0.900022107032633, 0.901486826483033, 0.888209581076239, 0.88862662534363, 0.897296427697523, 0.923561739931464, 0.869528663991405, 0.911878923752568, 0.90665900742427, 0.921261996745527, 0.893916321527314, 0.907400376198326, 0.905341975815445, 0.889149599380167, 0.924157356119663, 0.923208052313899, 0.9140042729903, 0.931736669090817, 0.911169728511306, 0.874468155830839, 0.888534691715262, 0.875507747702033, 0.890531987271214)
    trainInstancesDir = "./Instances"
    trainInstancesFile = ""
    configurationsFile = ""
    forbiddenExps = NULL
    forbiddenFile = ""
    targetRunner = function (experiment, scenario) { instance <- experiment$instance configuration <- experiment$configuration D <- 3 par <- runif(D, min = -1, max = 1) fn <- function(x) { weight <- instance return(weight * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - weight) * f_rosenbrock(x)) } res <- stats::optim(par, fn, method = "SANN", control = list(maxit = 5000, tmax = as.numeric(configuration[["tmax"]]), temp = as.numeric(configuration[["temp"]]))) return(list(cost = res$value))}
    targetRunnerRetries = 0
    targetRunnerData = ""
    targetRunnerParallel = NULL
    targetEvaluator = NULL
    maxExperiments = 1000
    maxTime = 0
    budgetEstimation = 0.02
    digits = 4
    debugLevel = 2
    nbIterations = 0
    nbExperimentsPerIteration = 0
    sampleInstances = TRUE
    testType = "friedman"
    firstTest = 5
    eachTest = 1
    minNbSurvival = 0
    nbConfigurations = 0
    mu = 5
    confidence = 0.95
    deterministic = FALSE
    seed = NA_character_
    parallel = 0
    loadBalancing = TRUE
    mpi = FALSE
    batchmode = "0"
    softRestart = TRUE
    softRestartThreshold = 1e-04
    testInstancesDir = ""
    testInstancesFile = ""
    testInstances = NULL
    testNbElites = 1
    testIterationElites = FALSE
    elitist = TRUE
    elitistNewInstances = 1
    elitistLimit = 2
    repairConfiguration = NULL
    capping = FALSE
    cappingType = "median"
    boundType = "candidate"
    boundMax = NULL
    boundDigits = 0
    boundPar = 1
    boundAsTimeout = TRUE
    postselection = 0
    aclib = FALSE
    ## end of irace scenario
    # Parameters provided by user.
    # Parameter file '/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-devel-clang/Work/PKGS/irace.Rcheck/parameters.txt' will be ignored
    # 2020-03-27 00:17:56 CET: Checking target execution.
    Error in .subset(x, j) : invalid subscript type 'list'
    Calls: checkIraceScenario ... checkTargetFiles -> createExperimentList -> [ -> [.data.frame
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang

Version: 3.3
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running 'testthat.R' [3s/4s]
    Running the tests in 'tests/testthat.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(testthat)
     > library(irace)
     > test_check("irace", reporter = c("summary","check"))
     GenericWrapper4AC: S
     bugs: S......
     Capping: 1-- 1. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 1000 (@test-capping.R#162) ------------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::cap.irace(maxExperiments = 1000)
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     2-- 2. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 50000 (@test-capping.R#167) -----------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::cap.irace(maxTime = 50000)
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     Test forbidden: ..
     irace: 3-- 3. Error: maxTime 500 (@test-maxTime.R#35) ---------------------------------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::time.irace(maxTime = 500)
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     mlr: S
     path.rel2abs: S........................................................................................................
     irace: S4-- 4. Error: parallel reject (@test-sann-irace.R#97) --------------------------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::sann.irace(...)
     2. irace::irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     3. irace:::race(...)
     4. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     5. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     7. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     similarConfigurations: 5-- 5. Error: similarConfigurations (@test-similar.R#28) -----------------------
     invalid argument type
     1. testthat::expect_identical(...)
     4. irace:::similarConfigurations(confs[1:10, ], parameters, threshold = 0.001)
     targetRunnerParallel: 6-- 6. Error: targetRunnerParallel (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#36) -----------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace::irace(scenario = tuner.config, parameters = parameters)
     2. irace:::race(...)
     3. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     4. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     6. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     7-- 7. Error: targetRunnerData (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#54) ---------------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. testthat::expect_output(...)
     10. irace::irace(...)
     11. irace:::race(...)
     12. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     13. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     15. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     targeteval: 8-- 8. Error: target.evaluator (@test-targeteval.R#27) -------------------------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     2. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     4. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     == Skipped =====================================================================
     1. GenericWrapper4AC (@test-GenericWrapper4AC.R#5) - Reason: On CRAN
     2. bug_large_new_instances (@test-bugs.R#4) - Reason: On CRAN
     3. cap.irace targetRunner = target.runner.reject, maxTime = 10000 (@test-capping.R#171) - Reason: On CRAN
     4. maxTime 500 (@test-maxTime.R#39) - Reason: On CRAN
     5. mlr (@test-mlr.R#4) - Reason: On CRAN
     6. test.path.rel2abs (@test-path.R#9) - Reason: Error in setwd("/x"): cannot change working directory
     7. parallel (@test-sann-irace.R#85) - Reason: On CRAN
     8. deterministic (@test-sann-irace.R#101) - Reason: On CRAN
     9. log (@test-sann-irace.R#109) - Reason: On CRAN
     == Failed ======================================================================
     -- 1. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 1000 (@test-capping.R#162) ------------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::cap.irace(maxExperiments = 1000) test-capping.R:162:2
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-capping.R:151:2
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     -- 2. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 50000 (@test-capping.R#167) -----------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::cap.irace(maxTime = 50000) test-capping.R:167:2
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-capping.R:151:2
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     -- 3. Error: maxTime 500 (@test-maxTime.R#35) ---------------------------------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::time.irace(maxTime = 500) test-maxTime.R:35:2
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-maxTime.R:26:2
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     -- 4. Error: parallel reject (@test-sann-irace.R#97) --------------------------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::sann.irace(...) test-sann-irace.R:97:2
     2. irace::irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-sann-irace.R:77:2
     3. irace:::race(...)
     4. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     5. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     7. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     -- 5. Error: similarConfigurations (@test-similar.R#28) -----------------------
     invalid argument type
     1. testthat::expect_identical(...) test-similar.R:28:2
     4. irace:::similarConfigurations(confs[1:10, ], parameters, threshold = 0.001)
     -- 6. Error: targetRunnerParallel (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#36) -----------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace::irace(scenario = tuner.config, parameters = parameters) test-targetRunnerParallel.R:36:3
     2. irace:::race(...)
     3. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     4. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     6. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     -- 7. Error: targetRunnerData (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#54) ---------------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. testthat::expect_output(...) test-targetRunnerParallel.R:54:2
     10. irace::irace(...)
     11. irace:::race(...)
     12. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     13. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     15. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     -- 8. Error: target.evaluator (@test-targeteval.R#27) -------------------------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-targeteval.R:27:3
     2. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     4. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     == DONE ========================================================================
     == testthat results ===========================================================
     [ OK: 112 | SKIPPED: 9 | WARNINGS: 0 | FAILED: 8 ]
     1. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 1000 (@test-capping.R#162)
     2. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 50000 (@test-capping.R#167)
     3. Error: maxTime 500 (@test-maxTime.R#35)
     4. Error: parallel reject (@test-sann-irace.R#97)
     5. Error: similarConfigurations (@test-similar.R#28)
     6. Error: targetRunnerParallel (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#36)
     7. Error: targetRunnerData (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#54)
     8. Error: target.evaluator (@test-targeteval.R#27)
     Error: testthat unit tests failed
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang

Version: 3.3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘irace-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: irace-package
    > ### Title: The irace package: Iterated Racing for Automatic Algorithm
    > ### Configuration
    > ### Aliases: irace-package
    > ### Keywords: automatic configuration optimize package tuning
    > ### ** Examples
    > #######################################################################
    > # This example illustrates how to tune the parameters of the simulated
    > # annealing algorithm (SANN) provided by the optim() function in the
    > # R base package. The goal in this example is to optimize instances of
    > # the following family:
    > # f(x) = lambda * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - lambda) * f_rosenbrock(x)
    > # where lambda follows a normal distribution whose mean is 0.9 and
    > # standard deviation is 0.02. f_rastrigin and f_rosenbrock are the
    > # well-known Rastrigin and Rosenbrock benchmark functions (taken from
    > # the cmaes package). In this scenario, different instances are given
    > # by different values of lambda.
    > #######################################################################
    > ## First we provide an implementation of the functions to be optimized:
    > f_rosenbrock <- function (x) {
    + d <- length(x)
    + z <- x + 1
    + hz <- z[1:(d - 1)]
    + tz <- z[2:d]
    + s <- sum(100 * (hz^2 - tz)^2 + (hz - 1)^2)
    + return(s)
    + }
    > f_rastrigin <- function (x) {
    + sum(x * x - 10 * cos(2 * pi * x) + 10)
    + }
    > ## We generate 200 instances (in this case, weights):
    > weights <- rnorm(200, mean = 0.9, sd = 0.02)
    > ## On this set of instances, we are interested in optimizing two
    > ## parameters of the SANN algorithm: tmax and temp. We setup the
    > ## parameter space as follows:
    > parameters.table <- '
    + tmax "" i (1, 5000)
    + temp "" r (0, 100)
    + '
    > ## We use the irace function readParameters to read this table:
    > parameters <- readParameters(text = parameters.table)
    > ## Next, we define the function that will evaluate each candidate
    > ## configuration on a single instance. For simplicity, we restrict to
    > ## three-dimensional functions and we set the maximum number of
    > ## iterations of SANN to 5000.
    > target.runner <- function(experiment, scenario)
    + {
    + instance <- experiment$instance
    + configuration <- experiment$configuration
    + D <- 3
    + par <- runif(D, min=-1, max=1)
    + fn <- function(x) {
    + weight <- instance
    + return(weight * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - weight) * f_rosenbrock(x))
    + }
    + res <- stats::optim(par,fn, method="SANN",
    + control=list(maxit=5000
    + , tmax = as.numeric(configuration[["tmax"]])
    + , temp = as.numeric(configuration[["temp"]])
    + ))
    + ## New output interface in irace 2.0. This list may also contain:
    + ## - 'time' if irace is called with 'maxTime'
    + ## - 'error' is a string used to report an error
    + ## - 'outputRaw' is a string used to report the raw output of calls to
    + ## an external program or function.
    + ## - 'call' is a string used to report how target.runner called the
    + ## external program or function.
    + return(list(cost = res$value))
    + }
    > ## We define a configuration scenario by setting targetRunner to the
    > ## function define above, instances to the first 100 random weights, and
    > ## a maximum budget of 1000 calls to targetRunner.
    > scenario <- list(targetRunner = target.runner,
    + instances = weights[1:100],
    + maxExperiments = 1000,
    + # Do not create a logFile
    + logFile = "")
    > ## We check that the scenario is valid. This will also try to execute
    > ## target.runner.
    > checkIraceScenario(scenario, parameters = parameters)
    # 2020-03-28 21:32:12 CET: Checking scenario
    ## irace scenario:
    scenarioFile = "./scenario.txt"
    parameterFile = "/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-devel-gcc/Work/PKGS/irace.Rcheck/parameters.txt"
    execDir = "/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-devel-gcc/Work/PKGS/irace.Rcheck"
    logFile = NULL
    recoveryFile = NULL
    instances = c(0.887470923785153, 0.903672866484442, 0.883287427751799, 0.931905616042756, 0.906590155436307, 0.88359063231764, 0.90974858104857, 0.914766494102584, 0.91151562703307, 0.893892232256873, 0.930235623369017, 0.907796864728229, 0.887575188389164, 0.85570600225645, 0.922498618362862, 0.899101327819695, 0.899676194738021, 0.918876724213706, 0.916424423901962, 0.91187802642435, 0.918379547432164, 0.915642726014621, 0.901491299667304, 0.860212966082733, 0.912396514957894, 0.89887742520942, 0.896884089865893, 0.870584952322014, 0.890436998897828, 0.908358831203994, 0.927173591030581, 0.89794424545314, 0.907753432231187, 0.898923899188342, 0.872458808863428, 0.891700108734006, 0.892114200925793, 0.898813732065776, 0.922000507439678, 0.915263514969151, 0.896709528074928, 0.89493276639727, 0.913939267508095, 0.911133263973473, 0.88622488610901, 0.885850096860758, 0.907291639242737, 0.915370658490308, 0.897753075756995, 0.917622154529084, 0.907962117607341, 0.887759472134985, 0.906822393828489, 0.877412738078384, 0.928660474034021, 0.939607997970117, 0.89265557047067, 0.879117307473669, 0.911394392548848, 0.897298907922384, 0.948032355210096, 0.899215199945337, 0.913794787249016, 0.900560043175613, 0.885134535822352, 0.903775845990287, 0.863900827422179, 0.929311097231258, 0.903065066764238, 0.943452233407243, 0.909510190577993, 0.885801071381564, 0.912214527069781, 0.881318047367115, 0.874927331995218, 0.905828924710349, 0.891134162535631, 0.900022107032633, 0.901486826483033, 0.888209581076239, 0.88862662534363, 0.897296427697523, 0.923561739931464, 0.869528663991405, 0.911878923752568, 0.90665900742427, 0.921261996745527, 0.893916321527314, 0.907400376198326, 0.905341975815445, 0.889149599380167, 0.924157356119663, 0.923208052313899, 0.9140042729903, 0.931736669090817, 0.911169728511306, 0.874468155830839, 0.888534691715262, 0.875507747702033, 0.890531987271214)
    trainInstancesDir = "./Instances"
    trainInstancesFile = ""
    configurationsFile = ""
    forbiddenExps = NULL
    forbiddenFile = ""
    targetRunner = function (experiment, scenario) { instance <- experiment$instance configuration <- experiment$configuration D <- 3 par <- runif(D, min = -1, max = 1) fn <- function(x) { weight <- instance return(weight * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - weight) * f_rosenbrock(x)) } res <- stats::optim(par, fn, method = "SANN", control = list(maxit = 5000, tmax = as.numeric(configuration[["tmax"]]), temp = as.numeric(configuration[["temp"]]))) return(list(cost = res$value))}
    targetRunnerRetries = 0
    targetRunnerData = ""
    targetRunnerParallel = NULL
    targetEvaluator = NULL
    maxExperiments = 1000
    maxTime = 0
    budgetEstimation = 0.02
    digits = 4
    debugLevel = 2
    nbIterations = 0
    nbExperimentsPerIteration = 0
    sampleInstances = TRUE
    testType = "friedman"
    firstTest = 5
    eachTest = 1
    minNbSurvival = 0
    nbConfigurations = 0
    mu = 5
    confidence = 0.95
    deterministic = FALSE
    seed = NA_character_
    parallel = 0
    loadBalancing = TRUE
    mpi = FALSE
    batchmode = "0"
    softRestart = TRUE
    softRestartThreshold = 1e-04
    testInstancesDir = ""
    testInstancesFile = ""
    testInstances = NULL
    testNbElites = 1
    testIterationElites = FALSE
    elitist = TRUE
    elitistNewInstances = 1
    elitistLimit = 2
    repairConfiguration = NULL
    capping = FALSE
    cappingType = "median"
    boundType = "candidate"
    boundMax = NULL
    boundDigits = 0
    boundPar = 1
    boundAsTimeout = TRUE
    postselection = 0
    aclib = FALSE
    ## end of irace scenario
    # Parameters provided by user.
    # Parameter file '/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-devel-gcc/Work/PKGS/irace.Rcheck/parameters.txt' will be ignored
    # 2020-03-28 21:32:12 CET: Checking target execution.
    Error in .subset(x, j) : invalid subscript type 'list'
    Calls: checkIraceScenario ... checkTargetFiles -> createExperimentList -> [ -> [.data.frame
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc

Version: 3.3
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘testthat.R’ [2s/4s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(testthat)
     > library(irace)
     > test_check("irace", reporter = c("summary","check"))
     GenericWrapper4AC: S
     bugs: S......
     Capping: 1── 1. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 1000 (@test-capping.R#162) ────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::cap.irace(maxExperiments = 1000)
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     2── 2. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 50000 (@test-capping.R#167) ───────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::cap.irace(maxTime = 50000)
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     Test forbidden: ..
     irace: 3── 3. Error: maxTime 500 (@test-maxTime.R#35) ─────────────────────────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::time.irace(maxTime = 500)
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     mlr: S
     path.rel2abs: S........................................................................................................
     irace: S4── 4. Error: parallel reject (@test-sann-irace.R#97) ──────────────────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::sann.irace(...)
     2. irace::irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     3. irace:::race(...)
     4. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     5. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     7. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     similarConfigurations: 5── 5. Error: similarConfigurations (@test-similar.R#28) ───────────────────────
     invalid argument type
     1. testthat::expect_identical(...)
     4. irace:::similarConfigurations(confs[1:10, ], parameters, threshold = 0.001)
     targetRunnerParallel: 6── 6. Error: targetRunnerParallel (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#36) ───────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace::irace(scenario = tuner.config, parameters = parameters)
     2. irace:::race(...)
     3. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     4. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     6. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     7── 7. Error: targetRunnerData (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#54) ───────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. testthat::expect_output(...)
     10. irace::irace(...)
     11. irace:::race(...)
     12. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     13. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     15. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     targeteval: 8── 8. Error: target.evaluator (@test-targeteval.R#27) ─────────────────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     2. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     4. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ══ Skipped ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     1. GenericWrapper4AC (@test-GenericWrapper4AC.R#5) - Reason: On CRAN
     2. bug_large_new_instances (@test-bugs.R#4) - Reason: On CRAN
     3. cap.irace targetRunner = target.runner.reject, maxTime = 10000 (@test-capping.R#171) - Reason: On CRAN
     4. maxTime 500 (@test-maxTime.R#39) - Reason: On CRAN
     5. mlr (@test-mlr.R#4) - Reason: On CRAN
     6. test.path.rel2abs (@test-path.R#9) - Reason: Error in setwd("/x"): cannot change working directory
     7. parallel (@test-sann-irace.R#85) - Reason: On CRAN
     8. deterministic (@test-sann-irace.R#101) - Reason: On CRAN
     9. log (@test-sann-irace.R#109) - Reason: On CRAN
     ══ Failed ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     ── 1. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 1000 (@test-capping.R#162) ────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::cap.irace(maxExperiments = 1000) test-capping.R:162:2
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-capping.R:151:2
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ── 2. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 50000 (@test-capping.R#167) ───────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::cap.irace(maxTime = 50000) test-capping.R:167:2
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-capping.R:151:2
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ── 3. Error: maxTime 500 (@test-maxTime.R#35) ─────────────────────────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::time.irace(maxTime = 500) test-maxTime.R:35:2
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-maxTime.R:26:2
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ── 4. Error: parallel reject (@test-sann-irace.R#97) ──────────────────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::sann.irace(...) test-sann-irace.R:97:2
     2. irace::irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-sann-irace.R:77:2
     3. irace:::race(...)
     4. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     5. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     7. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ── 5. Error: similarConfigurations (@test-similar.R#28) ───────────────────────
     invalid argument type
     1. testthat::expect_identical(...) test-similar.R:28:2
     4. irace:::similarConfigurations(confs[1:10, ], parameters, threshold = 0.001)
     ── 6. Error: targetRunnerParallel (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#36) ───────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace::irace(scenario = tuner.config, parameters = parameters) test-targetRunnerParallel.R:36:3
     2. irace:::race(...)
     3. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     4. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     6. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ── 7. Error: targetRunnerData (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#54) ───────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. testthat::expect_output(...) test-targetRunnerParallel.R:54:2
     10. irace::irace(...)
     11. irace:::race(...)
     12. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     13. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     15. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ── 8. Error: target.evaluator (@test-targeteval.R#27) ─────────────────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-targeteval.R:27:3
     2. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     4. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ══ DONE ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     ══ testthat results ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     [ OK: 112 | SKIPPED: 9 | WARNINGS: 0 | FAILED: 8 ]
     1. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 1000 (@test-capping.R#162)
     2. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 50000 (@test-capping.R#167)
     3. Error: maxTime 500 (@test-maxTime.R#35)
     4. Error: parallel reject (@test-sann-irace.R#97)
     5. Error: similarConfigurations (@test-similar.R#28)
     6. Error: targetRunnerParallel (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#36)
     7. Error: targetRunnerData (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#54)
     8. Error: target.evaluator (@test-targeteval.R#27)
     Error: testthat unit tests failed
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc

Version: 3.3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘irace-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: irace-package
    > ### Title: The irace package: Iterated Racing for Automatic Algorithm
    > ### Configuration
    > ### Aliases: irace-package
    > ### Keywords: automatic configuration optimize package tuning
    > ### ** Examples
    > #######################################################################
    > # This example illustrates how to tune the parameters of the simulated
    > # annealing algorithm (SANN) provided by the optim() function in the
    > # R base package. The goal in this example is to optimize instances of
    > # the following family:
    > # f(x) = lambda * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - lambda) * f_rosenbrock(x)
    > # where lambda follows a normal distribution whose mean is 0.9 and
    > # standard deviation is 0.02. f_rastrigin and f_rosenbrock are the
    > # well-known Rastrigin and Rosenbrock benchmark functions (taken from
    > # the cmaes package). In this scenario, different instances are given
    > # by different values of lambda.
    > #######################################################################
    > ## First we provide an implementation of the functions to be optimized:
    > f_rosenbrock <- function (x) {
    + d <- length(x)
    + z <- x + 1
    + hz <- z[1:(d - 1)]
    + tz <- z[2:d]
    + s <- sum(100 * (hz^2 - tz)^2 + (hz - 1)^2)
    + return(s)
    + }
    > f_rastrigin <- function (x) {
    + sum(x * x - 10 * cos(2 * pi * x) + 10)
    + }
    > ## We generate 200 instances (in this case, weights):
    > weights <- rnorm(200, mean = 0.9, sd = 0.02)
    > ## On this set of instances, we are interested in optimizing two
    > ## parameters of the SANN algorithm: tmax and temp. We setup the
    > ## parameter space as follows:
    > parameters.table <- '
    + tmax "" i (1, 5000)
    + temp "" r (0, 100)
    + '
    > ## We use the irace function readParameters to read this table:
    > parameters <- readParameters(text = parameters.table)
    > ## Next, we define the function that will evaluate each candidate
    > ## configuration on a single instance. For simplicity, we restrict to
    > ## three-dimensional functions and we set the maximum number of
    > ## iterations of SANN to 5000.
    > target.runner <- function(experiment, scenario)
    + {
    + instance <- experiment$instance
    + configuration <- experiment$configuration
    + D <- 3
    + par <- runif(D, min=-1, max=1)
    + fn <- function(x) {
    + weight <- instance
    + return(weight * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - weight) * f_rosenbrock(x))
    + }
    + res <- stats::optim(par,fn, method="SANN",
    + control=list(maxit=5000
    + , tmax = as.numeric(configuration[["tmax"]])
    + , temp = as.numeric(configuration[["temp"]])
    + ))
    + ## New output interface in irace 2.0. This list may also contain:
    + ## - 'time' if irace is called with 'maxTime'
    + ## - 'error' is a string used to report an error
    + ## - 'outputRaw' is a string used to report the raw output of calls to
    + ## an external program or function.
    + ## - 'call' is a string used to report how target.runner called the
    + ## external program or function.
    + return(list(cost = res$value))
    + }
    > ## We define a configuration scenario by setting targetRunner to the
    > ## function define above, instances to the first 100 random weights, and
    > ## a maximum budget of 1000 calls to targetRunner.
    > scenario <- list(targetRunner = target.runner,
    + instances = weights[1:100],
    + maxExperiments = 1000,
    + # Do not create a logFile
    + logFile = "")
    > ## We check that the scenario is valid. This will also try to execute
    > ## target.runner.
    > checkIraceScenario(scenario, parameters = parameters)
    # 2020-03-28 18:35:14 GMT: Checking scenario
    ## irace scenario:
    scenarioFile = "./scenario.txt"
    parameterFile = "/data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-clang/irace.Rcheck/parameters.txt"
    execDir = "/data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-clang/irace.Rcheck"
    logFile = NULL
    recoveryFile = NULL
    instances = c(0.887470923785153, 0.903672866484442, 0.883287427751799, 0.931905616042756, 0.906590155436307, 0.88359063231764, 0.90974858104857, 0.914766494102584, 0.91151562703307, 0.893892232256873, 0.930235623369017, 0.907796864728229, 0.887575188389164, 0.85570600225645, 0.922498618362862, 0.899101327819695, 0.899676194738021, 0.918876724213706, 0.916424423901962, 0.91187802642435, 0.918379547432164, 0.915642726014621, 0.901491299667304, 0.860212966082733, 0.912396514957894, 0.89887742520942, 0.896884089865893, 0.870584952322014, 0.890436998897828, 0.908358831203994, 0.927173591030581, 0.89794424545314, 0.907753432231187, 0.898923899188342, 0.872458808863428, 0.891700108734006, 0.892114200925793, 0.898813732065776, 0.922000507439678, 0.915263514969151, 0.896709528074928, 0.89493276639727, 0.913939267508095, 0.911133263973473, 0.88622488610901, 0.885850096860758, 0.907291639242737, 0.915370658490308, 0.897753075756995, 0.917622154529084, 0.907962117607341, 0.887759472134985, 0.906822393828489, 0.877412738078384, 0.928660474034021, 0.939607997970117, 0.89265557047067, 0.879117307473669, 0.911394392548848, 0.897298907922384, 0.948032355210096, 0.899215199945337, 0.913794787249016, 0.900560043175613, 0.885134535822352, 0.903775845990287, 0.863900827422179, 0.929311097231258, 0.903065066764238, 0.943452233407243, 0.909510190577993, 0.885801071381564, 0.912214527069781, 0.881318047367115, 0.874927331995218, 0.905828924710349, 0.891134162535631, 0.900022107032633, 0.901486826483033, 0.888209581076239, 0.88862662534363, 0.897296427697523, 0.923561739931464, 0.869528663991405, 0.911878923752568, 0.90665900742427, 0.921261996745527, 0.893916321527314, 0.907400376198326, 0.905341975815445, 0.889149599380167, 0.924157356119663, 0.923208052313899, 0.9140042729903, 0.931736669090817, 0.911169728511306, 0.874468155830839, 0.888534691715262, 0.875507747702033, 0.890531987271214)
    trainInstancesDir = "./Instances"
    trainInstancesFile = ""
    configurationsFile = ""
    forbiddenExps = NULL
    forbiddenFile = ""
    targetRunner = function (experiment, scenario) { instance <- experiment$instance configuration <- experiment$configuration D <- 3 par <- runif(D, min = -1, max = 1) fn <- function(x) { weight <- instance return(weight * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - weight) * f_rosenbrock(x)) } res <- stats::optim(par, fn, method = "SANN", control = list(maxit = 5000, tmax = as.numeric(configuration[["tmax"]]), temp = as.numeric(configuration[["temp"]]))) return(list(cost = res$value))}
    targetRunnerRetries = 0
    targetRunnerData = ""
    targetRunnerParallel = NULL
    targetEvaluator = NULL
    maxExperiments = 1000
    maxTime = 0
    budgetEstimation = 0.02
    digits = 4
    debugLevel = 2
    nbIterations = 0
    nbExperimentsPerIteration = 0
    sampleInstances = TRUE
    testType = "friedman"
    firstTest = 5
    eachTest = 1
    minNbSurvival = 0
    nbConfigurations = 0
    mu = 5
    confidence = 0.95
    deterministic = FALSE
    seed = NA_character_
    parallel = 0
    loadBalancing = TRUE
    mpi = FALSE
    batchmode = "0"
    softRestart = TRUE
    softRestartThreshold = 1e-04
    testInstancesDir = ""
    testInstancesFile = ""
    testInstances = NULL
    testNbElites = 1
    testIterationElites = FALSE
    elitist = TRUE
    elitistNewInstances = 1
    elitistLimit = 2
    repairConfiguration = NULL
    capping = FALSE
    cappingType = "median"
    boundType = "candidate"
    boundMax = NULL
    boundDigits = 0
    boundPar = 1
    boundAsTimeout = TRUE
    postselection = 0
    aclib = FALSE
    ## end of irace scenario
    # Parameters provided by user.
    # Parameter file '/data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-clang/irace.Rcheck/parameters.txt' will be ignored
    # 2020-03-28 18:35:14 GMT: Checking target execution.
    Error in .subset(x, j) : invalid subscript type 'list'
    Calls: checkIraceScenario ... checkTargetFiles -> createExperimentList -> [ -> [.data.frame
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Version: 3.3
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘testthat.R’
    Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(testthat)
     > library(irace)
     > test_check("irace", reporter = c("summary","check"))
     GenericWrapper4AC: S
     bugs: S......
     Capping: 1── 1. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 1000 (@test-capping.R#162) ────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::cap.irace(maxExperiments = 1000)
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     2── 2. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 50000 (@test-capping.R#167) ───────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::cap.irace(maxTime = 50000)
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     Test forbidden: ..
     irace: 3── 3. Error: maxTime 500 (@test-maxTime.R#35) ─────────────────────────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::time.irace(maxTime = 500)
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     mlr: S
     path.rel2abs: S........................................................................................................
     irace: S4── 4. Error: parallel reject (@test-sann-irace.R#97) ──────────────────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::sann.irace(...)
     2. irace::irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     3. irace:::race(...)
     4. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     5. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     7. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     similarConfigurations: 5── 5. Error: similarConfigurations (@test-similar.R#28) ───────────────────────
     invalid argument type
     1. testthat::expect_identical(...)
     4. irace:::similarConfigurations(confs[1:10, ], parameters, threshold = 0.001)
     targetRunnerParallel: 6── 6. Error: targetRunnerParallel (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#36) ───────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace::irace(scenario = tuner.config, parameters = parameters)
     2. irace:::race(...)
     3. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     4. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     6. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     7── 7. Error: targetRunnerData (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#54) ───────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. testthat::expect_output(...)
     10. irace::irace(...)
     11. irace:::race(...)
     12. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     13. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     15. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     targeteval: 8── 8. Error: target.evaluator (@test-targeteval.R#27) ─────────────────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     2. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     4. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ══ Skipped ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     1. GenericWrapper4AC (@test-GenericWrapper4AC.R#5) - Reason: On CRAN
     2. bug_large_new_instances (@test-bugs.R#4) - Reason: On CRAN
     3. cap.irace targetRunner = target.runner.reject, maxTime = 10000 (@test-capping.R#171) - Reason: On CRAN
     4. maxTime 500 (@test-maxTime.R#39) - Reason: On CRAN
     5. mlr (@test-mlr.R#4) - Reason: On CRAN
     6. test.path.rel2abs (@test-path.R#9) - Reason: Error in setwd("/x"): cannot change working directory
     7. parallel (@test-sann-irace.R#85) - Reason: On CRAN
     8. deterministic (@test-sann-irace.R#101) - Reason: On CRAN
     9. log (@test-sann-irace.R#109) - Reason: On CRAN
     ══ Failed ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     ── 1. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 1000 (@test-capping.R#162) ────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::cap.irace(maxExperiments = 1000) test-capping.R:162:2
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-capping.R:151:2
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ── 2. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 50000 (@test-capping.R#167) ───────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::cap.irace(maxTime = 50000) test-capping.R:167:2
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-capping.R:151:2
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ── 3. Error: maxTime 500 (@test-maxTime.R#35) ─────────────────────────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::time.irace(maxTime = 500) test-maxTime.R:35:2
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-maxTime.R:26:2
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ── 4. Error: parallel reject (@test-sann-irace.R#97) ──────────────────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::sann.irace(...) test-sann-irace.R:97:2
     2. irace::irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-sann-irace.R:77:2
     3. irace:::race(...)
     4. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     5. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     7. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ── 5. Error: similarConfigurations (@test-similar.R#28) ───────────────────────
     invalid argument type
     1. testthat::expect_identical(...) test-similar.R:28:2
     4. irace:::similarConfigurations(confs[1:10, ], parameters, threshold = 0.001)
     ── 6. Error: targetRunnerParallel (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#36) ───────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace::irace(scenario = tuner.config, parameters = parameters) test-targetRunnerParallel.R:36:3
     2. irace:::race(...)
     3. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     4. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     6. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ── 7. Error: targetRunnerData (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#54) ───────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. testthat::expect_output(...) test-targetRunnerParallel.R:54:2
     10. irace::irace(...)
     11. irace:::race(...)
     12. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     13. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     15. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ── 8. Error: target.evaluator (@test-targeteval.R#27) ─────────────────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-targeteval.R:27:3
     2. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     4. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ══ DONE ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     ══ testthat results ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     [ OK: 112 | SKIPPED: 9 | WARNINGS: 0 | FAILED: 8 ]
     1. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 1000 (@test-capping.R#162)
     2. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 50000 (@test-capping.R#167)
     3. Error: maxTime 500 (@test-maxTime.R#35)
     4. Error: parallel reject (@test-sann-irace.R#97)
     5. Error: similarConfigurations (@test-similar.R#28)
     6. Error: targetRunnerParallel (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#36)
     7. Error: targetRunnerData (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#54)
     8. Error: target.evaluator (@test-targeteval.R#27)
     Error: testthat unit tests failed
     Execution halted
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc, r-patched-solaris-x86

Version: 3.3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘irace-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: irace-package
    > ### Title: The irace package: Iterated Racing for Automatic Algorithm
    > ### Configuration
    > ### Aliases: irace-package
    > ### Keywords: automatic configuration optimize package tuning
    > ### ** Examples
    > #######################################################################
    > # This example illustrates how to tune the parameters of the simulated
    > # annealing algorithm (SANN) provided by the optim() function in the
    > # R base package. The goal in this example is to optimize instances of
    > # the following family:
    > # f(x) = lambda * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - lambda) * f_rosenbrock(x)
    > # where lambda follows a normal distribution whose mean is 0.9 and
    > # standard deviation is 0.02. f_rastrigin and f_rosenbrock are the
    > # well-known Rastrigin and Rosenbrock benchmark functions (taken from
    > # the cmaes package). In this scenario, different instances are given
    > # by different values of lambda.
    > #######################################################################
    > ## First we provide an implementation of the functions to be optimized:
    > f_rosenbrock <- function (x) {
    + d <- length(x)
    + z <- x + 1
    + hz <- z[1:(d - 1)]
    + tz <- z[2:d]
    + s <- sum(100 * (hz^2 - tz)^2 + (hz - 1)^2)
    + return(s)
    + }
    > f_rastrigin <- function (x) {
    + sum(x * x - 10 * cos(2 * pi * x) + 10)
    + }
    > ## We generate 200 instances (in this case, weights):
    > weights <- rnorm(200, mean = 0.9, sd = 0.02)
    > ## On this set of instances, we are interested in optimizing two
    > ## parameters of the SANN algorithm: tmax and temp. We setup the
    > ## parameter space as follows:
    > parameters.table <- '
    + tmax "" i (1, 5000)
    + temp "" r (0, 100)
    + '
    > ## We use the irace function readParameters to read this table:
    > parameters <- readParameters(text = parameters.table)
    > ## Next, we define the function that will evaluate each candidate
    > ## configuration on a single instance. For simplicity, we restrict to
    > ## three-dimensional functions and we set the maximum number of
    > ## iterations of SANN to 5000.
    > target.runner <- function(experiment, scenario)
    + {
    + instance <- experiment$instance
    + configuration <- experiment$configuration
    + D <- 3
    + par <- runif(D, min=-1, max=1)
    + fn <- function(x) {
    + weight <- instance
    + return(weight * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - weight) * f_rosenbrock(x))
    + }
    + res <- stats::optim(par,fn, method="SANN",
    + control=list(maxit=5000
    + , tmax = as.numeric(configuration[["tmax"]])
    + , temp = as.numeric(configuration[["temp"]])
    + ))
    + ## New output interface in irace 2.0. This list may also contain:
    + ## - 'time' if irace is called with 'maxTime'
    + ## - 'error' is a string used to report an error
    + ## - 'outputRaw' is a string used to report the raw output of calls to
    + ## an external program or function.
    + ## - 'call' is a string used to report how target.runner called the
    + ## external program or function.
    + return(list(cost = res$value))
    + }
    > ## We define a configuration scenario by setting targetRunner to the
    > ## function define above, instances to the first 100 random weights, and
    > ## a maximum budget of 1000 calls to targetRunner.
    > scenario <- list(targetRunner = target.runner,
    + instances = weights[1:100],
    + maxExperiments = 1000,
    + # Do not create a logFile
    + logFile = "")
    > ## We check that the scenario is valid. This will also try to execute
    > ## target.runner.
    > checkIraceScenario(scenario, parameters = parameters)
    # 2020-03-26 11:32:44 GMT: Checking scenario
    ## irace scenario:
    scenarioFile = "./scenario.txt"
    parameterFile = "/data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/irace.Rcheck/parameters.txt"
    execDir = "/data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/irace.Rcheck"
    logFile = NULL
    recoveryFile = NULL
    instances = c(0.887470923785153, 0.903672866484442, 0.883287427751799, 0.931905616042756, 0.906590155436307, 0.88359063231764, 0.90974858104857, 0.914766494102584, 0.91151562703307, 0.893892232256873, 0.930235623369017, 0.907796864728229, 0.887575188389164, 0.85570600225645, 0.922498618362862, 0.899101327819695, 0.899676194738021, 0.918876724213706, 0.916424423901962, 0.91187802642435, 0.918379547432164, 0.915642726014621, 0.901491299667304, 0.860212966082733, 0.912396514957894, 0.89887742520942, 0.896884089865893, 0.870584952322014, 0.890436998897828, 0.908358831203994, 0.927173591030581, 0.89794424545314, 0.907753432231187, 0.898923899188342, 0.872458808863428, 0.891700108734006, 0.892114200925793, 0.898813732065776, 0.922000507439678, 0.915263514969151, 0.896709528074928, 0.89493276639727, 0.913939267508095, 0.911133263973473, 0.88622488610901, 0.885850096860758, 0.907291639242737, 0.915370658490308, 0.897753075756995, 0.917622154529084, 0.907962117607341, 0.887759472134985, 0.906822393828489, 0.877412738078384, 0.928660474034021, 0.939607997970117, 0.89265557047067, 0.879117307473669, 0.911394392548848, 0.897298907922384, 0.948032355210096, 0.899215199945337, 0.913794787249016, 0.900560043175613, 0.885134535822352, 0.903775845990287, 0.863900827422179, 0.929311097231258, 0.903065066764238, 0.943452233407243, 0.909510190577993, 0.885801071381564, 0.912214527069781, 0.881318047367115, 0.874927331995218, 0.905828924710349, 0.891134162535631, 0.900022107032633, 0.901486826483033, 0.888209581076239, 0.88862662534363, 0.897296427697523, 0.923561739931464, 0.869528663991405, 0.911878923752568, 0.90665900742427, 0.921261996745527, 0.893916321527314, 0.907400376198326, 0.905341975815445, 0.889149599380167, 0.924157356119663, 0.923208052313899, 0.9140042729903, 0.931736669090817, 0.911169728511306, 0.874468155830839, 0.888534691715262, 0.875507747702033, 0.890531987271214)
    trainInstancesDir = "./Instances"
    trainInstancesFile = ""
    configurationsFile = ""
    forbiddenExps = NULL
    forbiddenFile = ""
    targetRunner = function (experiment, scenario) { instance <- experiment$instance configuration <- experiment$configuration D <- 3 par <- runif(D, min = -1, max = 1) fn <- function(x) { weight <- instance return(weight * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - weight) * f_rosenbrock(x)) } res <- stats::optim(par, fn, method = "SANN", control = list(maxit = 5000, tmax = as.numeric(configuration[["tmax"]]), temp = as.numeric(configuration[["temp"]]))) return(list(cost = res$value))}
    targetRunnerRetries = 0
    targetRunnerData = ""
    targetRunnerParallel = NULL
    targetEvaluator = NULL
    maxExperiments = 1000
    maxTime = 0
    budgetEstimation = 0.02
    digits = 4
    debugLevel = 2
    nbIterations = 0
    nbExperimentsPerIteration = 0
    sampleInstances = TRUE
    testType = "friedman"
    firstTest = 5
    eachTest = 1
    minNbSurvival = 0
    nbConfigurations = 0
    mu = 5
    confidence = 0.95
    deterministic = FALSE
    seed = NA_character_
    parallel = 0
    loadBalancing = TRUE
    mpi = FALSE
    batchmode = "0"
    softRestart = TRUE
    softRestartThreshold = 1e-04
    testInstancesDir = ""
    testInstancesFile = ""
    testInstances = NULL
    testNbElites = 1
    testIterationElites = FALSE
    elitist = TRUE
    elitistNewInstances = 1
    elitistLimit = 2
    repairConfiguration = NULL
    capping = FALSE
    cappingType = "median"
    boundType = "candidate"
    boundMax = NULL
    boundDigits = 0
    boundPar = 1
    boundAsTimeout = TRUE
    postselection = 0
    aclib = FALSE
    ## end of irace scenario
    # Parameters provided by user.
    # Parameter file '/data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/irace.Rcheck/parameters.txt' will be ignored
    # 2020-03-26 11:32:44 GMT: Checking target execution.
    Error in .subset(x, j) : invalid subscript type 'list'
    Calls: checkIraceScenario ... checkTargetFiles -> createExperimentList -> [ -> [.data.frame
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc

Version: 3.3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in 'irace-Ex.R' failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: irace-package
    > ### Title: The irace package: Iterated Racing for Automatic Algorithm
    > ### Configuration
    > ### Aliases: irace-package
    > ### Keywords: automatic configuration optimize package tuning
    > ### ** Examples
    > #######################################################################
    > # This example illustrates how to tune the parameters of the simulated
    > # annealing algorithm (SANN) provided by the optim() function in the
    > # R base package. The goal in this example is to optimize instances of
    > # the following family:
    > # f(x) = lambda * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - lambda) * f_rosenbrock(x)
    > # where lambda follows a normal distribution whose mean is 0.9 and
    > # standard deviation is 0.02. f_rastrigin and f_rosenbrock are the
    > # well-known Rastrigin and Rosenbrock benchmark functions (taken from
    > # the cmaes package). In this scenario, different instances are given
    > # by different values of lambda.
    > #######################################################################
    > ## First we provide an implementation of the functions to be optimized:
    > f_rosenbrock <- function (x) {
    + d <- length(x)
    + z <- x + 1
    + hz <- z[1:(d - 1)]
    + tz <- z[2:d]
    + s <- sum(100 * (hz^2 - tz)^2 + (hz - 1)^2)
    + return(s)
    + }
    > f_rastrigin <- function (x) {
    + sum(x * x - 10 * cos(2 * pi * x) + 10)
    + }
    > ## We generate 200 instances (in this case, weights):
    > weights <- rnorm(200, mean = 0.9, sd = 0.02)
    > ## On this set of instances, we are interested in optimizing two
    > ## parameters of the SANN algorithm: tmax and temp. We setup the
    > ## parameter space as follows:
    > parameters.table <- '
    + tmax "" i (1, 5000)
    + temp "" r (0, 100)
    + '
    > ## We use the irace function readParameters to read this table:
    > parameters <- readParameters(text = parameters.table)
    > ## Next, we define the function that will evaluate each candidate
    > ## configuration on a single instance. For simplicity, we restrict to
    > ## three-dimensional functions and we set the maximum number of
    > ## iterations of SANN to 5000.
    > target.runner <- function(experiment, scenario)
    + {
    + instance <- experiment$instance
    + configuration <- experiment$configuration
    + D <- 3
    + par <- runif(D, min=-1, max=1)
    + fn <- function(x) {
    + weight <- instance
    + return(weight * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - weight) * f_rosenbrock(x))
    + }
    + res <- stats::optim(par,fn, method="SANN",
    + control=list(maxit=5000
    + , tmax = as.numeric(configuration[["tmax"]])
    + , temp = as.numeric(configuration[["temp"]])
    + ))
    + ## New output interface in irace 2.0. This list may also contain:
    + ## - 'time' if irace is called with 'maxTime'
    + ## - 'error' is a string used to report an error
    + ## - 'outputRaw' is a string used to report the raw output of calls to
    + ## an external program or function.
    + ## - 'call' is a string used to report how target.runner called the
    + ## external program or function.
    + return(list(cost = res$value))
    + }
    > ## We define a configuration scenario by setting targetRunner to the
    > ## function define above, instances to the first 100 random weights, and
    > ## a maximum budget of 1000 calls to targetRunner.
    > scenario <- list(targetRunner = target.runner,
    + instances = weights[1:100],
    + maxExperiments = 1000,
    + # Do not create a logFile
    + logFile = "")
    > ## We check that the scenario is valid. This will also try to execute
    > ## target.runner.
    > checkIraceScenario(scenario, parameters = parameters)
    # 2020-03-19 07:54:22 CET: Checking scenario
    ## irace scenario:
    scenarioFile = "./scenario.txt"
    parameterFile = "d:/Rcompile/CRANpkg/local/4.0/irace.Rcheck/parameters.txt"
    execDir = "D:/RCompile/CRANpkg/local/4.0/irace.Rcheck"
    logFile = NULL
    recoveryFile = NULL
    instances = c(0.887470923785153, 0.903672866484442, 0.883287427751799, 0.931905616042756, 0.906590155436307, 0.88359063231764, 0.90974858104857, 0.914766494102584, 0.91151562703307, 0.893892232256873, 0.930235623369017, 0.907796864728229, 0.887575188389164, 0.85570600225645, 0.922498618362862, 0.899101327819695, 0.899676194738021, 0.918876724213706, 0.916424423901962, 0.91187802642435, 0.918379547432164, 0.915642726014621, 0.901491299667304, 0.860212966082733, 0.912396514957894, 0.89887742520942, 0.896884089865893, 0.870584952322014, 0.890436998897828, 0.908358831203994, 0.927173591030581, 0.89794424545314, 0.907753432231187, 0.898923899188342, 0.872458808863428, 0.891700108734006, 0.892114200925793, 0.898813732065776, 0.922000507439678, 0.915263514969151, 0.896709528074928, 0.89493276639727, 0.913939267508095, 0.911133263973473, 0.88622488610901, 0.885850096860758, 0.907291639242737, 0.915370658490308, 0.897753075756995, 0.917622154529084, 0.907962117607341, 0.887759472134985, 0.906822393828489, 0.877412738078384, 0.928660474034021, 0.939607997970117, 0.89265557047067, 0.879117307473669, 0.911394392548848, 0.897298907922384, 0.948032355210096, 0.899215199945337, 0.913794787249016, 0.900560043175613, 0.885134535822352, 0.903775845990287, 0.863900827422179, 0.929311097231258, 0.903065066764238, 0.943452233407243, 0.909510190577993, 0.885801071381564, 0.912214527069781, 0.881318047367115, 0.874927331995218, 0.905828924710349, 0.891134162535631, 0.900022107032633, 0.901486826483033, 0.888209581076239, 0.88862662534363, 0.897296427697523, 0.923561739931464, 0.869528663991405, 0.911878923752568, 0.90665900742427, 0.921261996745527, 0.893916321527314, 0.907400376198326, 0.905341975815445, 0.889149599380167, 0.924157356119663, 0.923208052313899, 0.9140042729903, 0.931736669090817, 0.911169728511306, 0.874468155830839, 0.888534691715262, 0.875507747702033, 0.890531987271214)
    trainInstancesDir = "./Instances"
    trainInstancesFile = ""
    configurationsFile = ""
    forbiddenExps = NULL
    forbiddenFile = ""
    targetRunner = function (experiment, scenario) { instance <- experiment$instance configuration <- experiment$configuration D <- 3 par <- runif(D, min = -1, max = 1) fn <- function(x) { weight <- instance return(weight * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - weight) * f_rosenbrock(x)) } res <- stats::optim(par, fn, method = "SANN", control = list(maxit = 5000, tmax = as.numeric(configuration[["tmax"]]), temp = as.numeric(configuration[["temp"]]))) return(list(cost = res$value))}
    targetRunnerRetries = 0
    targetRunnerData = ""
    targetRunnerParallel = NULL
    targetEvaluator = NULL
    maxExperiments = 1000
    maxTime = 0
    budgetEstimation = 0.02
    digits = 4
    debugLevel = 2
    nbIterations = 0
    nbExperimentsPerIteration = 0
    sampleInstances = TRUE
    testType = "friedman"
    firstTest = 5
    eachTest = 1
    minNbSurvival = 0
    nbConfigurations = 0
    mu = 5
    confidence = 0.95
    deterministic = FALSE
    seed = NA_character_
    parallel = 0
    loadBalancing = TRUE
    mpi = FALSE
    batchmode = "0"
    softRestart = TRUE
    softRestartThreshold = 1e-04
    testInstancesDir = ""
    testInstancesFile = ""
    testInstances = NULL
    testNbElites = 1
    testIterationElites = FALSE
    elitist = TRUE
    elitistNewInstances = 1
    elitistLimit = 2
    repairConfiguration = NULL
    capping = FALSE
    cappingType = "median"
    boundType = "candidate"
    boundMax = NULL
    boundDigits = 0
    boundPar = 1
    boundAsTimeout = TRUE
    postselection = 0
    aclib = FALSE
    ## end of irace scenario
    # Parameters provided by user.
    # Parameter file 'd:/Rcompile/CRANpkg/local/4.0/irace.Rcheck/parameters.txt' will be ignored
    # 2020-03-19 07:54:22 CET: Checking target execution.
    Error in .subset(x, j) : invalid subscript type 'list'
    Calls: checkIraceScenario ... checkTargetFiles -> createExperimentList -> [ -> [.data.frame
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64

Version: 3.3
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running 'testthat.R' [3s]
    Running the tests in 'tests/testthat.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(testthat)
     > library(irace)
     > test_check("irace", reporter = c("summary","check"))
     GenericWrapper4AC: S
     bugs: S......
     Capping: 1-- 1. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 1000 (@test-capping.R#162) ------------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::cap.irace(maxExperiments = 1000)
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     2-- 2. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 50000 (@test-capping.R#167) -----------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::cap.irace(maxTime = 50000)
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     Test forbidden: ..
     irace: 3-- 3. Error: maxTime 500 (@test-maxTime.R#35) ---------------------------------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::time.irace(maxTime = 500)
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     mlr: S
     path.rel2abs: S........................................................................................................
     irace: S4-- 4. Error: parallel reject (@test-sann-irace.R#97) --------------------------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::sann.irace(...)
     2. irace::irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     3. irace:::race(...)
     4. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     5. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     7. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     similarConfigurations: 5-- 5. Error: similarConfigurations (@test-similar.R#28) -----------------------
     invalid argument type
     1. testthat::expect_identical(...)
     4. irace:::similarConfigurations(confs[1:10, ], parameters, threshold = 0.001)
     targetRunnerParallel: 6-- 6. Error: targetRunnerParallel (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#36) -----------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace::irace(scenario = tuner.config, parameters = parameters)
     2. irace:::race(...)
     3. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     4. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     6. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     7-- 7. Error: targetRunnerData (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#54) ---------------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. testthat::expect_output(...)
     10. irace::irace(...)
     11. irace:::race(...)
     12. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     13. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     15. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     targeteval: 8-- 8. Error: target.evaluator (@test-targeteval.R#27) -------------------------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     2. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     4. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     == Skipped =====================================================================
     1. GenericWrapper4AC (@test-GenericWrapper4AC.R#5) - Reason: On CRAN
     2. bug_large_new_instances (@test-bugs.R#4) - Reason: On CRAN
     3. cap.irace targetRunner = target.runner.reject, maxTime = 10000 (@test-capping.R#171) - Reason: On CRAN
     4. maxTime 500 (@test-maxTime.R#39) - Reason: On CRAN
     5. mlr (@test-mlr.R#4) - Reason: On CRAN
     6. test.path.rel2abs (@test-path.R#9) - Reason: Error in setwd("/x"): cannot change working directory
     7. parallel (@test-sann-irace.R#85) - Reason: On CRAN
     8. deterministic (@test-sann-irace.R#101) - Reason: On CRAN
     9. log (@test-sann-irace.R#109) - Reason: On CRAN
     == Failed ======================================================================
     -- 1. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 1000 (@test-capping.R#162) ------------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::cap.irace(maxExperiments = 1000) test-capping.R:162:2
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-capping.R:151:2
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     -- 2. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 50000 (@test-capping.R#167) -----------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::cap.irace(maxTime = 50000) test-capping.R:167:2
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-capping.R:151:2
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     -- 3. Error: maxTime 500 (@test-maxTime.R#35) ---------------------------------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::time.irace(maxTime = 500) test-maxTime.R:35:2
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-maxTime.R:26:2
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     -- 4. Error: parallel reject (@test-sann-irace.R#97) --------------------------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::sann.irace(...) test-sann-irace.R:97:2
     2. irace::irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-sann-irace.R:77:2
     3. irace:::race(...)
     4. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     5. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     7. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     -- 5. Error: similarConfigurations (@test-similar.R#28) -----------------------
     invalid argument type
     1. testthat::expect_identical(...) test-similar.R:28:2
     4. irace:::similarConfigurations(confs[1:10, ], parameters, threshold = 0.001)
     -- 6. Error: targetRunnerParallel (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#36) -----------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace::irace(scenario = tuner.config, parameters = parameters) test-targetRunnerParallel.R:36:3
     2. irace:::race(...)
     3. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     4. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     6. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     -- 7. Error: targetRunnerData (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#54) ---------------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. testthat::expect_output(...) test-targetRunnerParallel.R:54:2
     10. irace::irace(...)
     11. irace:::race(...)
     12. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     13. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     15. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     -- 8. Error: target.evaluator (@test-targeteval.R#27) -------------------------
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-targeteval.R:27:3
     2. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     4. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     == DONE ========================================================================
     == testthat results ===========================================================
     [ OK: 112 | SKIPPED: 9 | WARNINGS: 0 | FAILED: 8 ]
     1. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 1000 (@test-capping.R#162)
     2. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 50000 (@test-capping.R#167)
     3. Error: maxTime 500 (@test-maxTime.R#35)
     4. Error: parallel reject (@test-sann-irace.R#97)
     5. Error: similarConfigurations (@test-similar.R#28)
     6. Error: targetRunnerParallel (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#36)
     7. Error: targetRunnerData (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#54)
     8. Error: target.evaluator (@test-targeteval.R#27)
     Error: testthat unit tests failed
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64

Version: 3.3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘irace-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: irace-package
    > ### Title: The irace package: Iterated Racing for Automatic Algorithm
    > ### Configuration
    > ### Aliases: irace-package
    > ### Keywords: automatic configuration optimize package tuning
    > ### ** Examples
    > #######################################################################
    > # This example illustrates how to tune the parameters of the simulated
    > # annealing algorithm (SANN) provided by the optim() function in the
    > # R base package. The goal in this example is to optimize instances of
    > # the following family:
    > # f(x) = lambda * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - lambda) * f_rosenbrock(x)
    > # where lambda follows a normal distribution whose mean is 0.9 and
    > # standard deviation is 0.02. f_rastrigin and f_rosenbrock are the
    > # well-known Rastrigin and Rosenbrock benchmark functions (taken from
    > # the cmaes package). In this scenario, different instances are given
    > # by different values of lambda.
    > #######################################################################
    > ## First we provide an implementation of the functions to be optimized:
    > f_rosenbrock <- function (x) {
    + d <- length(x)
    + z <- x + 1
    + hz <- z[1:(d - 1)]
    + tz <- z[2:d]
    + s <- sum(100 * (hz^2 - tz)^2 + (hz - 1)^2)
    + return(s)
    + }
    > f_rastrigin <- function (x) {
    + sum(x * x - 10 * cos(2 * pi * x) + 10)
    + }
    > ## We generate 200 instances (in this case, weights):
    > weights <- rnorm(200, mean = 0.9, sd = 0.02)
    > ## On this set of instances, we are interested in optimizing two
    > ## parameters of the SANN algorithm: tmax and temp. We setup the
    > ## parameter space as follows:
    > parameters.table <- '
    + tmax "" i (1, 5000)
    + temp "" r (0, 100)
    + '
    > ## We use the irace function readParameters to read this table:
    > parameters <- readParameters(text = parameters.table)
    > ## Next, we define the function that will evaluate each candidate
    > ## configuration on a single instance. For simplicity, we restrict to
    > ## three-dimensional functions and we set the maximum number of
    > ## iterations of SANN to 5000.
    > target.runner <- function(experiment, scenario)
    + {
    + instance <- experiment$instance
    + configuration <- experiment$configuration
    + D <- 3
    + par <- runif(D, min=-1, max=1)
    + fn <- function(x) {
    + weight <- instance
    + return(weight * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - weight) * f_rosenbrock(x))
    + }
    + res <- stats::optim(par,fn, method="SANN",
    + control=list(maxit=5000
    + , tmax = as.numeric(configuration[["tmax"]])
    + , temp = as.numeric(configuration[["temp"]])
    + ))
    + ## New output interface in irace 2.0. This list may also contain:
    + ## - 'time' if irace is called with 'maxTime'
    + ## - 'error' is a string used to report an error
    + ## - 'outputRaw' is a string used to report the raw output of calls to
    + ## an external program or function.
    + ## - 'call' is a string used to report how target.runner called the
    + ## external program or function.
    + return(list(cost = res$value))
    + }
    > ## We define a configuration scenario by setting targetRunner to the
    > ## function define above, instances to the first 100 random weights, and
    > ## a maximum budget of 1000 calls to targetRunner.
    > scenario <- list(targetRunner = target.runner,
    + instances = weights[1:100],
    + maxExperiments = 1000,
    + # Do not create a logFile
    + logFile = "")
    > ## We check that the scenario is valid. This will also try to execute
    > ## target.runner.
    > checkIraceScenario(scenario, parameters = parameters)
    # 2020-03-27 15:41:55 CET: Checking scenario
    ## irace scenario:
    scenarioFile = "./scenario.txt"
    parameterFile = "/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/PKGS/irace.Rcheck/parameters.txt"
    execDir = "/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/PKGS/irace.Rcheck"
    logFile = NULL
    recoveryFile = NULL
    instances = c(0.887470923785153, 0.903672866484442, 0.883287427751799, 0.931905616042756, 0.906590155436307, 0.88359063231764, 0.90974858104857, 0.914766494102584, 0.91151562703307, 0.893892232256873, 0.930235623369017, 0.907796864728229, 0.887575188389164, 0.85570600225645, 0.922498618362862, 0.899101327819695, 0.899676194738021, 0.918876724213706, 0.916424423901962, 0.91187802642435, 0.918379547432164, 0.915642726014621, 0.901491299667304, 0.860212966082733, 0.912396514957894, 0.89887742520942, 0.896884089865893, 0.870584952322014, 0.890436998897828, 0.908358831203994, 0.927173591030581, 0.89794424545314, 0.907753432231187, 0.898923899188342, 0.872458808863428, 0.891700108734006, 0.892114200925793, 0.898813732065776, 0.922000507439678, 0.915263514969151, 0.896709528074928, 0.89493276639727, 0.913939267508095, 0.911133263973473, 0.88622488610901, 0.885850096860758, 0.907291639242737, 0.915370658490308, 0.897753075756995, 0.917622154529084, 0.907962117607341, 0.887759472134985, 0.906822393828489, 0.877412738078384, 0.928660474034021, 0.939607997970117, 0.89265557047067, 0.879117307473669, 0.911394392548848, 0.897298907922384, 0.948032355210096, 0.899215199945337, 0.913794787249016, 0.900560043175613, 0.885134535822352, 0.903775845990287, 0.863900827422179, 0.929311097231258, 0.903065066764238, 0.943452233407243, 0.909510190577993, 0.885801071381564, 0.912214527069781, 0.881318047367115, 0.874927331995218, 0.905828924710349, 0.891134162535631, 0.900022107032633, 0.901486826483033, 0.888209581076239, 0.88862662534363, 0.897296427697523, 0.923561739931464, 0.869528663991405, 0.911878923752568, 0.90665900742427, 0.921261996745527, 0.893916321527314, 0.907400376198326, 0.905341975815445, 0.889149599380167, 0.924157356119663, 0.923208052313899, 0.9140042729903, 0.931736669090817, 0.911169728511306, 0.874468155830839, 0.888534691715262, 0.875507747702033, 0.890531987271214)
    trainInstancesDir = "./Instances"
    trainInstancesFile = ""
    configurationsFile = ""
    forbiddenExps = NULL
    forbiddenFile = ""
    targetRunner = function (experiment, scenario) { instance <- experiment$instance configuration <- experiment$configuration D <- 3 par <- runif(D, min = -1, max = 1) fn <- function(x) { weight <- instance return(weight * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - weight) * f_rosenbrock(x)) } res <- stats::optim(par, fn, method = "SANN", control = list(maxit = 5000, tmax = as.numeric(configuration[["tmax"]]), temp = as.numeric(configuration[["temp"]]))) return(list(cost = res$value))}
    targetRunnerRetries = 0
    targetRunnerData = ""
    targetRunnerParallel = NULL
    targetEvaluator = NULL
    maxExperiments = 1000
    maxTime = 0
    budgetEstimation = 0.02
    digits = 4
    debugLevel = 2
    nbIterations = 0
    nbExperimentsPerIteration = 0
    sampleInstances = TRUE
    testType = "friedman"
    firstTest = 5
    eachTest = 1
    minNbSurvival = 0
    nbConfigurations = 0
    mu = 5
    confidence = 0.95
    deterministic = FALSE
    seed = NA_character_
    parallel = 0
    loadBalancing = TRUE
    mpi = FALSE
    batchmode = "0"
    softRestart = TRUE
    softRestartThreshold = 1e-04
    testInstancesDir = ""
    testInstancesFile = ""
    testInstances = NULL
    testNbElites = 1
    testIterationElites = FALSE
    elitist = TRUE
    elitistNewInstances = 1
    elitistLimit = 2
    repairConfiguration = NULL
    capping = FALSE
    cappingType = "median"
    boundType = "candidate"
    boundMax = NULL
    boundDigits = 0
    boundPar = 1
    boundAsTimeout = TRUE
    postselection = 0
    aclib = FALSE
    ## end of irace scenario
    # Parameters provided by user.
    # Parameter file '/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/PKGS/irace.Rcheck/parameters.txt' will be ignored
    # 2020-03-27 15:41:55 CET: Checking target execution.
    Error in .subset(x, j) : invalid subscript type 'list'
    Calls: checkIraceScenario ... checkTargetFiles -> createExperimentList -> [ -> [.data.frame
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-patched-linux-x86_64

Version: 3.3
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘testthat.R’ [3s/3s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(testthat)
     > library(irace)
     > test_check("irace", reporter = c("summary","check"))
     GenericWrapper4AC: S
     bugs: S......
     Capping: 1── 1. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 1000 (@test-capping.R#162) ────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::cap.irace(maxExperiments = 1000)
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     2── 2. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 50000 (@test-capping.R#167) ───────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::cap.irace(maxTime = 50000)
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     Test forbidden: ..
     irace: 3── 3. Error: maxTime 500 (@test-maxTime.R#35) ─────────────────────────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::time.irace(maxTime = 500)
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     mlr: S
     path.rel2abs: S........................................................................................................
     irace: S4── 4. Error: parallel reject (@test-sann-irace.R#97) ──────────────────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::sann.irace(...)
     2. irace::irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     3. irace:::race(...)
     4. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     5. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     7. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     similarConfigurations: 5── 5. Error: similarConfigurations (@test-similar.R#28) ───────────────────────
     invalid argument type
     1. testthat::expect_identical(...)
     4. irace:::similarConfigurations(confs[1:10, ], parameters, threshold = 0.001)
     targetRunnerParallel: 6── 6. Error: targetRunnerParallel (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#36) ───────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace::irace(scenario = tuner.config, parameters = parameters)
     2. irace:::race(...)
     3. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     4. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     6. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     7── 7. Error: targetRunnerData (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#54) ───────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. testthat::expect_output(...)
     10. irace::irace(...)
     11. irace:::race(...)
     12. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     13. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     15. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     targeteval: 8── 8. Error: target.evaluator (@test-targeteval.R#27) ─────────────────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters)
     2. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     4. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ══ Skipped ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     1. GenericWrapper4AC (@test-GenericWrapper4AC.R#5) - Reason: On CRAN
     2. bug_large_new_instances (@test-bugs.R#4) - Reason: On CRAN
     3. cap.irace targetRunner = target.runner.reject, maxTime = 10000 (@test-capping.R#171) - Reason: On CRAN
     4. maxTime 500 (@test-maxTime.R#39) - Reason: On CRAN
     5. mlr (@test-mlr.R#4) - Reason: On CRAN
     6. test.path.rel2abs (@test-path.R#9) - Reason: Error in setwd("/x"): cannot change working directory
     7. parallel (@test-sann-irace.R#85) - Reason: On CRAN
     8. deterministic (@test-sann-irace.R#101) - Reason: On CRAN
     9. log (@test-sann-irace.R#109) - Reason: On CRAN
     ══ Failed ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     ── 1. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 1000 (@test-capping.R#162) ────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::cap.irace(maxExperiments = 1000) test-capping.R:162:2
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-capping.R:151:2
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ── 2. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 50000 (@test-capping.R#167) ───────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::cap.irace(maxTime = 50000) test-capping.R:167:2
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-capping.R:151:2
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ── 3. Error: maxTime 500 (@test-maxTime.R#35) ─────────────────────────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::time.irace(maxTime = 500) test-maxTime.R:35:2
     2. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-maxTime.R:26:2
     3. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     5. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ── 4. Error: parallel reject (@test-sann-irace.R#97) ──────────────────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::sann.irace(...) test-sann-irace.R:97:2
     2. irace::irace(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-sann-irace.R:77:2
     3. irace:::race(...)
     4. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     5. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     7. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ── 5. Error: similarConfigurations (@test-similar.R#28) ───────────────────────
     invalid argument type
     1. testthat::expect_identical(...) test-similar.R:28:2
     4. irace:::similarConfigurations(confs[1:10, ], parameters, threshold = 0.001)
     ── 6. Error: targetRunnerParallel (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#36) ───────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace::irace(scenario = tuner.config, parameters = parameters) test-targetRunnerParallel.R:36:3
     2. irace:::race(...)
     3. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     4. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     6. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ── 7. Error: targetRunnerData (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#54) ───────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. testthat::expect_output(...) test-targetRunnerParallel.R:54:2
     10. irace::irace(...)
     11. irace:::race(...)
     12. irace:::race.wrapper(...)
     13. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     15. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ── 8. Error: target.evaluator (@test-targeteval.R#27) ─────────────────────────
     invalid subscript type 'list'
     1. irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario, parameters = parameters) test-targeteval.R:27:3
     2. irace:::createExperimentList(...)
     4. base::`[.data.frame`(configurations, , pnames, drop = FALSE)
     ══ DONE ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     ══ testthat results ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     [ OK: 112 | SKIPPED: 9 | WARNINGS: 0 | FAILED: 8 ]
     1. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 1000 (@test-capping.R#162)
     2. Error: cap.irace maxExperiments = 50000 (@test-capping.R#167)
     3. Error: maxTime 500 (@test-maxTime.R#35)
     4. Error: parallel reject (@test-sann-irace.R#97)
     5. Error: similarConfigurations (@test-similar.R#28)
     6. Error: targetRunnerParallel (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#36)
     7. Error: targetRunnerData (@test-targetRunnerParallel.R#54)
     8. Error: target.evaluator (@test-targeteval.R#27)
     Error: testthat unit tests failed
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-patched-linux-x86_64

Version: 3.3
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘irace-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: irace-package
    > ### Title: The irace package: Iterated Racing for Automatic Algorithm
    > ### Configuration
    > ### Aliases: irace-package
    > ### Keywords: automatic configuration optimize package tuning
    > ### ** Examples
    > #######################################################################
    > # This example illustrates how to tune the parameters of the simulated
    > # annealing algorithm (SANN) provided by the optim() function in the
    > # R base package. The goal in this example is to optimize instances of
    > # the following family:
    > # f(x) = lambda * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - lambda) * f_rosenbrock(x)
    > # where lambda follows a normal distribution whose mean is 0.9 and
    > # standard deviation is 0.02. f_rastrigin and f_rosenbrock are the
    > # well-known Rastrigin and Rosenbrock benchmark functions (taken from
    > # the cmaes package). In this scenario, different instances are given
    > # by different values of lambda.
    > #######################################################################
    > ## First we provide an implementation of the functions to be optimized:
    > f_rosenbrock <- function (x) {
    + d <- length(x)
    + z <- x + 1
    + hz <- z[1:(d - 1)]
    + tz <- z[2:d]
    + s <- sum(100 * (hz^2 - tz)^2 + (hz - 1)^2)
    + return(s)
    + }
    > f_rastrigin <- function (x) {
    + sum(x * x - 10 * cos(2 * pi * x) + 10)
    + }
    > ## We generate 200 instances (in this case, weights):
    > weights <- rnorm(200, mean = 0.9, sd = 0.02)
    > ## On this set of instances, we are interested in optimizing two
    > ## parameters of the SANN algorithm: tmax and temp. We setup the
    > ## parameter space as follows:
    > parameters.table <- '
    + tmax "" i (1, 5000)
    + temp "" r (0, 100)
    + '
    > ## We use the irace function readParameters to read this table:
    > parameters <- readParameters(text = parameters.table)
    > ## Next, we define the function that will evaluate each candidate
    > ## configuration on a single instance. For simplicity, we restrict to
    > ## three-dimensional functions and we set the maximum number of
    > ## iterations of SANN to 5000.
    > target.runner <- function(experiment, scenario)
    + {
    + instance <- experiment$instance
    + configuration <- experiment$configuration
    + D <- 3
    + par <- runif(D, min=-1, max=1)
    + fn <- function(x) {
    + weight <- instance
    + return(weight * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - weight) * f_rosenbrock(x))
    + }
    + res <- stats::optim(par,fn, method="SANN",
    + control=list(maxit=5000
    + , tmax = as.numeric(configuration[["tmax"]])
    + , temp = as.numeric(configuration[["temp"]])
    + ))
    + ## New output interface in irace 2.0. This list may also contain:
    + ## - 'time' if irace is called with 'maxTime'
    + ## - 'error' is a string used to report an error
    + ## - 'outputRaw' is a string used to report the raw output of calls to
    + ## an external program or function.
    + ## - 'call' is a string used to report how target.runner called the
    + ## external program or function.
    + return(list(cost = res$value))
    + }
    > ## We define a configuration scenario by setting targetRunner to the
    > ## function define above, instances to the first 100 random weights, and
    > ## a maximum budget of 1000 calls to targetRunner.
    > scenario <- list(targetRunner = target.runner,
    + instances = weights[1:100],
    + maxExperiments = 1000,
    + # Do not create a logFile
    + logFile = "")
    > ## We check that the scenario is valid. This will also try to execute
    > ## target.runner.
    > checkIraceScenario(scenario, parameters = parameters)
    # 2020-03-26 16:29:48 GMT: Checking scenario
    ## irace scenario:
    scenarioFile = "./scenario.txt"
    parameterFile = "/home/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/irace.Rcheck/parameters.txt"
    execDir = "/home/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/irace.Rcheck"
    logFile = NULL
    recoveryFile = NULL
    instances = c(0.887470923785153, 0.903672866484442, 0.883287427751799, 0.931905616042756, 0.906590155436307, 0.88359063231764, 0.90974858104857, 0.914766494102584, 0.91151562703307, 0.893892232256873, 0.930235623369017, 0.907796864728229, 0.887575188389164, 0.85570600225645, 0.922498618362862, 0.899101327819695, 0.899676194738021, 0.918876724213706, 0.916424423901962, 0.91187802642435, 0.918379547432164, 0.915642726014621, 0.901491299667304, 0.860212966082733, 0.912396514957894, 0.89887742520942, 0.896884089865893, 0.870584952322014, 0.890436998897828, 0.908358831203994, 0.927173591030581, 0.89794424545314, 0.907753432231187, 0.898923899188342, 0.872458808863428, 0.891700108734006, 0.892114200925793, 0.898813732065776, 0.922000507439678, 0.915263514969151, 0.896709528074928, 0.89493276639727, 0.913939267508095, 0.911133263973473, 0.88622488610901, 0.885850096860758, 0.907291639242737, 0.915370658490308, 0.897753075756995, 0.917622154529084, 0.907962117607341, 0.887759472134985, 0.906822393828489, 0.877412738078384, 0.928660474034021, 0.939607997970117, 0.89265557047067, 0.879117307473669, 0.911394392548848, 0.897298907922384, 0.948032355210096, 0.899215199945337, 0.913794787249016, 0.900560043175613, 0.885134535822352, 0.903775845990287, 0.863900827422179, 0.929311097231258, 0.903065066764238, 0.943452233407243, 0.909510190577993, 0.885801071381564, 0.912214527069781, 0.881318047367115, 0.874927331995218, 0.905828924710349, 0.891134162535631, 0.900022107032633, 0.901486826483033, 0.888209581076239, 0.88862662534363, 0.897296427697523, 0.923561739931464, 0.869528663991405, 0.911878923752568, 0.90665900742427, 0.921261996745527, 0.893916321527314, 0.907400376198326, 0.905341975815445, 0.889149599380167, 0.924157356119663, 0.923208052313899, 0.9140042729903, 0.931736669090817, 0.911169728511306, 0.874468155830839, 0.888534691715262, 0.875507747702033, 0.890531987271214)
    trainInstancesDir = "./Instances"
    trainInstancesFile = ""
    configurationsFile = ""
    forbiddenExps = NULL
    forbiddenFile = ""
    targetRunner = function (experiment, scenario) { instance <- experiment$instance configuration <- experiment$configuration D <- 3 par <- runif(D, min = -1, max = 1) fn <- function(x) { weight <- instance return(weight * f_rastrigin(x) + (1 - weight) * f_rosenbrock(x)) } res <- stats::optim(par, fn, method = "SANN", control = list(maxit = 5000, tmax = as.numeric(configuration[["tmax"]]), temp = as.numeric(configuration[["temp"]]))) return(list(cost = res$value))}
    targetRunnerRetries = 0
    targetRunnerData = ""
    targetRunnerParallel = NULL
    targetEvaluator = NULL
    maxExperiments = 1000
    maxTime = 0
    budgetEstimation = 0.02
    digits = 4
    debugLevel = 2
    nbIterations = 0
    nbExperimentsPerIteration = 0
    sampleInstances = TRUE
    testType = "friedman"
    firstTest = 5
    eachTest = 1
    minNbSurvival = 0
    nbConfigurations = 0
    mu = 5
    confidence = 0.95
    deterministic = FALSE
    seed = NA_character_
    parallel = 0
    loadBalancing = TRUE
    mpi = FALSE
    batchmode = "0"
    softRestart = TRUE
    softRestartThreshold = 1e-04
    testInstancesDir = ""
    testInstancesFile = ""
    testInstances = NULL
    testNbElites = 1
    testIterationElites = FALSE
    elitist = TRUE
    elitistNewInstances = 1
    elitistLimit = 2
    repairConfiguration = NULL
    capping = FALSE
    cappingType = "median"
    boundType = "candidate"
    boundMax = NULL
    boundDigits = 0
    boundPar = 1
    boundAsTimeout = TRUE
    postselection = 0
    aclib = FALSE
    ## end of irace scenario
    # Parameters provided by user.
    # Parameter file '/home/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/irace.Rcheck/parameters.txt' will be ignored
    # 2020-03-26 16:29:48 GMT: Checking target execution.
    Error in .subset(x, j) : invalid subscript type 'list'
    Calls: checkIraceScenario ... checkTargetFiles -> createExperimentList -> [ -> [.data.frame
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-patched-solaris-x86

Version: 3.3
Check: package dependencies
Result: NOTE
    Package suggested but not available for checking: ‘Rmpi’
Flavors: r-release-osx-x86_64, r-oldrel-osx-x86_64