CRAN Package Check Results for Package sugarbag

Last updated on 2020-06-15 08:53:31 CEST.

Flavor Version Tinstall Tcheck Ttotal Status Flags
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang 0.1.2 6.60 106.33 112.93 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc 0.1.2 5.51 79.21 84.72 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang 0.1.2 133.94 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc 0.1.2 127.07 ERROR
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.1.2 24.00 145.00 169.00 ERROR
r-patched-linux-x86_64 0.1.2 6.47 101.76 108.23 ERROR
r-patched-solaris-x86 0.1.2 178.40 ERROR
r-release-linux-x86_64 0.1.2 6.45 102.93 109.38 ERROR
r-release-osx-x86_64 0.1.2 NOTE
r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.1.2 27.00 111.00 138.00 ERROR
r-oldrel-osx-x86_64 0.1.2 NOTE
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.1.2 21.00 103.00 124.00 ERROR

Check Details

Version: 0.1.2
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in 'sugarbag-Ex.R' failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: create_hexmap
    > ### Title: Create a tesselated hexagon map from a set of polygons
    > ### Aliases: create_hexmap
    > ### ** Examples
    > data(tas_sa2)
    > data(capital_cities)
    > hexmap <- create_hexmap(
    + shp = tas_lga,
    + sf_id = "LGA_CODE16",
    + focal_points = capital_cities, verbose = TRUE
    + )
    Warning in st_centroid.sf(., of_largest_polygon = largest) :
     st_centroid assumes attributes are constant over geometries of x
    Warning in st_centroid.sfc(st_geometry(x), of_largest_polygon = of_largest_polygon) :
     st_centroid does not give correct centroids for longitude/latitude data
    Warning: st_crs<- : replacing crs does not reproject data; use st_transform for that
    Warning: st_crs<- : replacing crs does not reproject data; use st_transform for that
    Buffer set to 1.224 degrees.
    Converted hexagon size to 0.1205 degrees.
    Filter set to 1.2047 degrees.
    Finding closest point in focal_points data set.
    Closest points found.
    New names:
    * points -> points...4
    * focal_longitude -> focal_longitude...5
    * focal_latitude -> focal_latitude...6
    * focal_distance -> focal_distance...7
    * angle -> angle...8
    * ...
    Error: arrange() failed at implicit mutate() step.
    x Could not create a temporary column for `..1`.
    i `..1` is `focal_distance`.
     1. \-sugarbag::create_hexmap(...)
     2. \-sugarbag::allocate(...)
     3. \-`%>%`(...)
     4. +-base::withVisible(eval(quote(`_fseq`(`_lhs`)), env, env))
     5. \-base::eval(quote(`_fseq`(`_lhs`)), env, env)
     6. \-base::eval(quote(`_fseq`(`_lhs`)), env, env)
     7. \-sugarbag:::`_fseq`(`_lhs`)
     8. \-magrittr::freduce(value, `_function_list`)
     9. \-function_list[[i]](value)
     10. +-dplyr::arrange(., focal_distance)
     11. \, focal_distance)
     12. \-dplyr:::arrange_rows(.data, dots)
     13. \-base::tryCatch(...)
     14. \-base:::tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
     15. \-base:::tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
    Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang

Version: 0.1.2
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘sugarbag-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
    > ### Name: create_hexmap
    > ### Title: Create a tesselated hexagon map from a set of polygons
    > ### Aliases: create_hexmap
    > ### ** Examples
    > data(tas_sa2)
    > data(capital_cities)
    > hexmap <- create_hexmap(
    + shp = tas_lga,
    + sf_id = "LGA_CODE16",
    + focal_points = capital_cities, verbose = TRUE
    + )
    Warning in st_centroid.sf(., of_largest_polygon = largest) :
     st_centroid assumes attributes are constant over geometries of x
    Warning in st_centroid.sfc(st_geometry(x), of_largest_polygon = of_largest_polygon) :
     st_centroid does not give correct centroids for longitude/latitude data
    Warning: st_crs<- : replacing crs does not reproject data; use st_transform for that
    Warning: st_crs<- : replacing crs does not reproject data; use st_transform for that
    Buffer set to 1.224 degrees.
    Converted hexagon size to 0.1205 degrees.
    Filter set to 1.2047 degrees.
    Finding closest point in focal_points data set.
    Closest points found.
    New names:
    * points -> points...4
    * focal_longitude -> focal_longitude...5
    * focal_latitude -> focal_latitude...6
    * focal_distance -> focal_distance...7
    * angle -> angle...8
    * ...
    Error: arrange() failed at implicit mutate() step.
    ✖ Could not create a temporary column for `..1`.
    ℹ `..1` is `focal_distance`.
     1. └─sugarbag::create_hexmap(...)
     2. └─sugarbag::allocate(...)
     3. └─`%>%`(...)
     4. ├─base::withVisible(eval(quote(`_fseq`(`_lhs`)), env, env))
     5. └─base::eval(quote(`_fseq`(`_lhs`)), env, env)
     6. └─base::eval(quote(`_fseq`(`_lhs`)), env, env)
     7. └─sugarbag:::`_fseq`(`_lhs`)
     8. └─magrittr::freduce(value, `_function_list`)
     9. └─function_list[[i]](value)
     10. ├─dplyr::arrange(., focal_distance)
     11. └─, focal_distance)
     12. └─dplyr:::arrange_rows(.data, dots)
     13. └─base::tryCatch(...)
     14. └─base:::tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
     15. └─base
    Execution halted
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc, r-patched-linux-x86_64, r-release-linux-x86_64

Version: 0.1.2
Check: dependencies in R code
Result: NOTE
    Namespace in Imports field not imported from: ‘lwgeom’
     All declared Imports should be used.
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc, r-patched-solaris-x86, r-release-osx-x86_64, r-oldrel-osx-x86_64

Version: 0.1.2
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘sugarbag-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: create_hexmap
    > ### Title: Create a tesselated hexagon map from a set of polygons
    > ### Aliases: create_hexmap
    > ### ** Examples
    > data(tas_sa2)
    > data(capital_cities)
    > hexmap <- create_hexmap(
    + shp = tas_lga,
    + sf_id = "LGA_CODE16",
    + focal_points = capital_cities, verbose = TRUE
    + )
    Warning in st_centroid.sf(., of_largest_polygon = largest) :
     st_centroid assumes attributes are constant over geometries of x
    Warning in st_centroid.sfc(st_geometry(x), of_largest_polygon = of_largest_polygon) :
     st_centroid does not give correct centroids for longitude/latitude data
    Warning: st_crs<- : replacing crs does not reproject data; use st_transform for that
    Warning: st_crs<- : replacing crs does not reproject data; use st_transform for that
    Buffer set to 1.224 degrees.
    Converted hexagon size to 0.1205 degrees.
    Filter set to 1.2047 degrees.
    Finding closest point in focal_points data set.
    Closest points found.
    New names:
    * points -> points...4
    * focal_longitude -> focal_longitude...5
    * focal_latitude -> focal_latitude...6
    * focal_distance -> focal_distance...7
    * angle -> angle...8
    * ...
    Error: arrange() failed at implicit mutate() step.
    ✖ Could not create a temporary column for `..1`.
    ℹ `..1` is `focal_distance`.
     1. └─sugarbag::create_hexmap(...)
     2. └─sugarbag::allocate(...)
     3. └─`%>%`(...)
     4. ├─base::withVisible(eval(quote(`_fseq`(`_lhs`)), env, env))
     5. └─base::eval(quote(`_fseq`(`_lhs`)), env, env)
     6. └─base::eval(quote(`_fseq`(`_lhs`)), env, env)
     7. └─sugarbag:::`_fseq`(`_lhs`)
     8. └─magrittr::freduce(value, `_function_list`)
     9. └─function_list[[i]](value)
     10. ├─dplyr::arrange(., focal_distance)
     11. └─, focal_distance)
     12. └─dplyr:::arrange_rows(.data, dots)
     13. └─base::tryCatch(...)
     14. └─base:::tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
     15. └─base
    Execution halted
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc, r-patched-solaris-x86

Version: 0.1.2
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in 'sugarbag-Ex.R' failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: create_hexmap
    > ### Title: Create a tesselated hexagon map from a set of polygons
    > ### Aliases: create_hexmap
    > ### ** Examples
    > data(tas_sa2)
    > data(capital_cities)
    > hexmap <- create_hexmap(
    + shp = tas_lga,
    + sf_id = "LGA_CODE16",
    + focal_points = capital_cities, verbose = TRUE
    + )
    Warning in st_centroid.sf(., of_largest_polygon = largest) :
     st_centroid assumes attributes are constant over geometries of x
    Warning in st_centroid.sfc(st_geometry(x), of_largest_polygon = of_largest_polygon) :
     st_centroid does not give correct centroids for longitude/latitude data
    Warning: st_crs<- : replacing crs does not reproject data; use st_transform for that
    Warning: st_crs<- : replacing crs does not reproject data; use st_transform for that
    Buffer set to 1.224 degrees.
    Converted hexagon size to 0.1205 degrees.
    Filter set to 1.2047 degrees.
    Finding closest point in focal_points data set.
    Closest points found.
    New names:
    * points -> points...4
    * focal_longitude -> focal_longitude...5
    * focal_latitude -> focal_latitude...6
    * focal_distance -> focal_distance...7
    * angle -> angle...8
    * ...
    Error: arrange() failed at implicit mutate() step.
    x Could not create a temporary column for `..1`.
    i `..1` is `focal_distance`.
     1. \-sugarbag::create_hexmap(...)
     2. \-sugarbag::allocate(...)
     3. \-`%>%`(...)
     4. +-base::withVisible(eval(quote(`_fseq`(`_lhs`)), env, env))
     5. \-base::eval(quote(`_fseq`(`_lhs`)), env, env)
     6. \-base::eval(quote(`_fseq`(`_lhs`)), env, env)
     7. \-sugarbag:::`_fseq`(`_lhs`)
     8. \-magrittr::freduce(value, `_function_list`)
     9. \-function_list[[i]](value)
     10. +-dplyr::arrange(., focal_distance)
     11. \, focal_distance)
     12. \-dplyr:::arrange_rows(.data, dots)
     13. \-base::tryCatch(...)
     14. \-base:::tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
     15. \-base:::tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
    Execution halted
Flavors: r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64, r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64, r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64