CRAN Package Check Results for Package prioritylasso

Last updated on 2020-09-24 13:50:13 CEST.

Flavor Version Tinstall Tcheck Ttotal Status Flags
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang 0.2.4 9.19 390.60 399.79 OK
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc 0.2.4 7.43 292.83 300.26 OK
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang 0.2.4 514.65 NOTE
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc 0.2.4 472.92 OK
r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.2.4 18.00 475.00 493.00 OK
r-patched-linux-x86_64 0.2.4 9.90 392.65 402.55 OK
r-patched-solaris-x86 0.2.4 559.50 ERROR
r-release-linux-x86_64 0.2.4 9.12 392.35 401.47 OK
r-release-macos-x86_64 0.2.4 OK
r-release-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.2.4 21.00 464.00 485.00 OK
r-oldrel-macos-x86_64 0.2.4 OK
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.2.4 11.00 448.00 459.00 OK

Check Details

Version: 0.2.4
Check: Rd cross-references
Result: NOTE
    Undeclared packages ‘ipflasso’, ‘mvtnorm’ in Rd xrefs
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Version: 0.2.4
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘testthat.R’ [219s/248s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(testthat)
     > library(prioritylasso)
     > test_check("prioritylasso")
     ── 1. Failure: testing error messages (@test-cvmpl.R#45) ──────────────────────
     `x` threw an error with unexpected message.
     Expected match: "Each predictor should be included in exactly one block."
     Actual message: "'NA' indices are not (yet?) supported for sparse Matrices"
     1. testthat::expect_that(...)
     8. prioritylasso::cvm_prioritylasso(...)
     9. prioritylasso::prioritylasso(...)
     10. glmnet::cv.glmnet(...)
     11. glmnet:::cv.glmnet.raw(...)
     13. glmnet:::buildPredmat.default(...)
     17. glmnet::predict.glmnet(...)
     19. nbeta[, lamlist$left, drop = FALSE]
     20. Matrix:::subCsp_cols(x, j, drop = drop)
     21. Matrix:::intI(j, n = x@Dim[2], dn[[2]], give.dn = FALSE)
     ── 2. Error: testing warning messages (@test-pl.R#168) ────────────────────────
     'NA' indices are not (yet?) supported for sparse Matrices
     1. testthat::expect_that(...)
     8. prioritylasso::prioritylasso(...)
     9. glmnet::cv.glmnet(...)
     10. glmnet:::cv.glmnet.raw(...)
     12. glmnet:::buildPredmat.default(...)
     16. glmnet::predict.glmnet(...)
     18. nbeta[, lamlist$left, drop = FALSE]
     19. Matrix:::subCsp_cols(x, j, drop = drop)
     20. Matrix:::intI(j, n = x@Dim[2], dn[[2]], give.dn = FALSE)
     ── 3. Error: (unknown) (@test-predict.R#65) ───────────────────────────────────
     'NA' indices are not (yet?) supported for sparse Matrices
     1. prioritylasso::prioritylasso(...)
     2. glmnet::cv.glmnet(...)
     3. glmnet:::cv.glmnet.raw(...)
     5. glmnet:::buildPredmat.default(...)
     9. glmnet::predict.glmnet(...)
     11. nbeta[, lamlist$left, drop = FALSE]
     12. Matrix:::subCsp_cols(x, j, drop = drop)
     13. Matrix:::intI(j, n = x@Dim[2], dn[[2]], give.dn = FALSE)
     ══ testthat results ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     [ OK: 33 | SKIPPED: 0 | WARNINGS: 342 | FAILED: 3 ]
     1. Failure: testing error messages (@test-cvmpl.R#45)
     2. Error: testing warning messages (@test-pl.R#168)
     3. Error: (unknown) (@test-predict.R#65)
     Error: testthat unit tests failed
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-patched-solaris-x86